Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

hey everyone Avelina De Moray here , welcome back to my Channel. today I am filming

part two of my question and answer video. I cannot believe that we needed to do

this in two parts that is insane. so yeah I thought I'd just pick right up from

where we left off and continue with your questions. angel asked other any other

styles or subcultures that would interest you oh you guys put me on this

spot my heart will always lie with Goths dark Cobb um whereas younger I really

enjoyed Punk know kind of like goth came from Punk didn't it but um

can't really sail into that anymore I do really appreciate I don't think I've

ever personally try to incorporate that element into my look but I do really

like visual kei there are some really full-on looks and I think that takes a

lot of dedication to get done up like that as this I mean you know we don't

wake up like this big bad she-wolf says how cute is still running around with

that bubble machine yet I know it breaks my holiday is so cute

Bella asks do I have an unpopular goth opinion hmm probably just on the cure I

don't like them I know it's like proper golf etiquette that you're supposed to

like them but I really don't enjoy the music it's really happy and apart from

you know this thing or wearing a little bit of black and like eyeliner on Gaia's

hair black I don't get it but you know if you do that's fine that's my opinion

not yours okay the next question is as you design bag she could do our what's

in my everyday bag video I like that idea I've wanted to do that tag for a

really long time I also want to do that my husband does my makeup tag so I think

that would just be a lot of fun so I just need more time

to be able to do all these things camera doesn't seem to be straight it's

annoying ah okay the next question is from Leila

have you ever had a paranormal experience or a scary stalker experience

hmm had either really um I've had a scary as hell experience is kind of

funny I think I may have spoken about this in part one so in case

I did I'm only going to recap on it very very quickly but I was home alone and

I'm sure I heard someone knocking and I ran down my parents hallway and it was a

sliding door at the end of it and I just it was dark at internal light so I just

ran into the door the door came off the hinges and frame hit the floor and

that's a big crash like that scare the hell out of me

yeah I thought let's ghost or something like that so not really paranormal at

all just kind of reminds me of that stalkerish known really rachel asks who

would your dream collab be I personally would love to see you collab with ash

Costello oh yes I love ash I love news day I think that is a match made in

heaven and I already have a design for her in my head so once I get the bowl I

let my profile grow a little more I am actually thinking of them contacting her

but it's about how to go about it yet so yeah put some suggestions down below if

you have any ideas as to how I should go about that but to answer your question

oh he's got to go so maybe obviously we could do like a wall little site and

he's off I did but Peter Steele if he was still alive

I I don't know if that would be like a handbag collab or a dream musical collab

like even if I did like a cameo circle or something on one of their songs oh I

would die and if I did like a wallet obviously cuz why would Peter still have

a habit but yet black and plura green oh my god I'm just dying for someone that I

work with to choose these colors blue and yet next question is from a solitary

dancer hey Evelyn I love your purple covers and the band sounds great thank

you you have inspired you most as a vocalist

and all musician I think you can feel from the previous go bed who that's

going to be but before I actually found Type O Negative I was a massive fan I

know pretty still was probably going to roll over in his grave if I say this but

I'm a huge him fan I loved Billy the Loews vocals and I know that piece

still was a huge influence for Billy as well so yeah when I discovered like

razorblade romance you know we're using like this similar throw kind of jacket

looking all feminine or androgynous sexy or he had me before you

music I was like say who is that guy and then when I would listen to the

chance I obviously felt even more in love with their music so vocally I loved

that kind of overdone breathy thing he did you know huh well this is my job and

the yodel the deepen with breath I love that and I actually wish that I was like

more expressive so bond and I are currently working on new tunes as we

speak he's actually in the recording studio so we've got three songs now that

we're working on this new one is so exciting I can't wait to get it out I

don't want to I don't want to give anything away but it's a really catchy

song and yeah I hope to be more expressive in on my new vocals because I

felt I went too much into the classical training and just just too worried about

it being perfect so in when we record for these new songs I just wanna I'll

just say what a warm-up and stuff but I just want it to be a bit more raw a bit

more real in the moment more expressive see it locally obviously billybull oh

and I'm Peter Steele some female bands it's tricky to to pinpoint it down

because a lot of this thing is that I'm into I sound nothing like and I have a I

think I have a limited range so whenever I try to sing you know Evanescence who

I'm really into or epoca or nightmarish I'm like hoping that it doesn't mean I

can't appreciate it and take it in it does somehow kind of like come out

whether it just be in the way like I lay on my home and you saw something so yeah

there are a few events that I'm into and have heavily influenced our music wicked

villainous asks have you ever thought about expanding on your jewelry I know

you already have the artwork pendants just wondering if you thought to add

more beyond the artworks probably not they are so expensive to make like my

pendants cost me probably five grand to get made and that they still okay if

you're watching this video hit to my website and check out my pendants I'll

probably do an upcoming video on them because I just kind of realized

that like a lot of people as I said in the first video don't actually realize

that I have like over 100 products that's my fault I got to work on my

marketing I had children's time is so fucking precious oh my god you have no

idea and there's so many cool brands doing it like better than I probably

would like look at this lovely planet this was made by Halloween so a change

is a girl in Australia who sent me some lovely star valleys cute little bat

earrings there we go jacket jacket check check my bling um and like 'roger wolf

and worship 13 this I can't compete with that and frankly I don't want it my

heart is an in jewelry so I love wearing jewelry I love collecting jewelry but I

don't I don't know if I come out with a whole jewelry line and obviously I'll

just to leave this video yeah I have no idea how to pronounce his name bad this

lovely lady asks I'm wondering if angels bleed have ever considered to rank

Canada so yeah the whole black band thing was put on hiatus for quite a more

to three years while I was busy being pregnant but like I'm saying that any

other way probably not we're working on new music

as I've been saying throughout this video but but I want to repeat myself

too much so yeah watch heart one if you want to hear me chat a little more about

the band we're working on new tunes but I can't see tours I can see video clips

I can see low like performances being filmed in the comfort of my own house

okay so Jenny asks I'm kind of late so I don't know if you have started filming I

have it's okay yeah I love your channel thank you and your design then I was

wondering if you are considering planning to make well it's long question

to make any other items example youtuber themed clothing or shoes I don't know at

the moment my heart is with these beautiful bags have you seen this one

this is really Phillips bag let's just talk about that for a second


very pretty god yes I'm enjoying what I'm doing there's possibilities there

but I feel like I need or I would need someone else to get involved like

there's a lot of behind the scenes in having something manufactured from

actually like sourcing a company and then getting like multiple samples mates

actually check their quality and like this process can take months and months

and months for a tu product sir I need to establish my brand a little more

that's what you guys come in by supporting me never say never I don't

know what's going to be next like I'm heavily into clothing I'm heavily in

shoes especially high shoes black shiny high shoes look at Kat Von D for example

she started out specifically as a tattoo artist and then branched out and out and

out and out and now she's got like this makeup empire it's incredible so I'm

sure if you had a pastor if that was her direction like 10 years prior to

happening you know she wouldn't have seen that coming so I don't know what

the future holds I just I just hope it's fun and creative okay next question is

from Nick how long did it take you to get your makeup perfected how long did

it take you to get used to doing golf makeup perfected I don't know I don't

know if this is perfected you guys tell me I like seriously I miss so many

elements of this up I nearly gave up and didn't film tonight I'm like I can't

hands all bears and I'm talking about winged eyeliner ending up on the top of

my lid and then like I use the black duo glue and it ended up on the bottom of my

lashes and just like blech smudges everywhere and I wasn't sure about these

lashes and then I put this new diamond crushes by Lime Crime and I'm like I

don't know if I like it I'm such a perfectionist when I fuck it up I get

really upset I'm gonna die I've been doing makeup since I was like 15 so like

you know it's good 15 years that I've been doing it so if you're just starting

just be patient with it makeup that I used to do is just black eyeliner you

know so it involved very naturally over over time and I can remember watching

YouTube videos like when YouTube was just starting that was the main thing I

did like hooked up people that this home YouTube

but like didn't even exist but I was watching like a few people and just like

following what they did with makeup and like you know learning how to put black

in the crease and shading shhh a people again next question is from Dana I'm

saying that correctly big fan of as angels bleed will we be releasing

another album or will there be any acoustic tracks released just two at a

time we won't be able to release an album in one hit that those days ago on

people so what we will be doing is just releasing single single single you know

probably a few months between each song we might compile them together and then

eventually you know rename it as an album kind of thing that we won't have

like this big unveil because some there's just so many things that I'm

doing and other projects that one is working on looking after the kids

there's not enough hours in the day to do that unfortunately a Christic tracks

absolutely whether they be covers or just like acoustic covers of angels

bleed songs I've actually got some footage that I need to put on YouTube

they're just it's just audio files but and we did this really

cool kusik shows I might put them on my channel comment down below if you'd like

to hear them keep strange asks I love asking this a two-part question

what do you splurge on the nose and what do you refuse to spend money on makeup

makeup makeup makeup and makeup oh my god I just found a store at my local

shopping center in Tamworth I'm like what even my best friend lisl's like say

sell Lime Crime I can't even get that in Sydney and they say I'm like yes bitch

see countryside script so yep makeup might go out and everyday design you

Skaro eyeshadow oh my god you can never have enough right i'll secret okay

things are refused to spend money on these days seem to be eyelashes like I

will go to Aliexpress and get like five per dollar and I'll go into a proper

shop and they'll be like 1295 my is looking to you learn that no that that

is too much alright the next question is from Macy s amazing

you're enjoying your book how did you form as angels bleed you know it's been

so long I can't even remember if I asked forum this he'd probably know because

his memories are a lot better than mine it was very very organic and the name

came about after we had several other names chosen one was Star Chamber I

can't recall the others but we were working on a previous project which was

called daisy chain and we kind of that was more punky so we knew we wanted to

kind of slowly move away from that and we felt like we're evolving as our image

was growing darker and darker and darker it just made sense that our music would

eventually go there as well so in the process of kind of finding the sound for

us angels lead even though we didn't have the band name yet the music was

getting darker and darker and darker it took a few years definitely to find

ourselves and in that time we kind of didn't release anything we're just we

were writing a lot cuz blonde and I are prolific songwriters well producing a

lot but we both had to kind of learn how to produce how to write kind of like

nu-metal coffee music you know cuz fun having a very 80s kind of influence

devonee's 80s influence and me having like early 90s posters let's say 80s

influences as well it it was natural for us to write kind of popular music if

that makes sense so we kind of had to learn how to make music dark and you

know learn like obviously we're both music teachers so we didn't have that I

think we had to learn theory we knew that but we had to learn how to write

music that felt dark that felt solemn that filmic our band you know there's

there's a little more to it than you know just using a minor key yes so we

really experimented with that using a lot of composite scale the north on uses

for his own guitar solos and just really experimented with including a lot of

dissidents in our music and some of our previous projects were always missing

that so an example would be lets say within cetacean the graphic that they're

not sad or not all the time sometimes they are set so let's say they don't

write with dissidents there's something I find in crow

romantic about pairing symphonic orchestrations with dissidents it just

lots of evil speaks to the data of darkness within my soul so we we really

had to learn how to capture that sonically how do we sound like Demi

Borger when they do it so we we really tore apart a lot of our favorite albums

a lot of our favorite songs and analyzed what they did so in that sense as angels

bleeds sound or that's a mouthful to say developed organically but at the same

time it was like predetermined organic method that makes sense like we knew

where we wanted to end up we didn't know how to get there so it was quite a

journey quite a musical journey what who inspires your look oh god

there's so many people that I follow on Instagram death candy she's just total

freaking babe I love her witchy style I definitely just let the whole new goth

look so anyone that I find it has like a witchy dark occult II kind of vibe I'm

like woo fuller xavier asks where did I get my piano

from I actually have no idea bum got that I have to ask him

sorry silver bat 65 says what made you decide to make a youtube channel hmm

well I've had one for pretty much forever it seems it's but I think the

first video would have put on had something to do with a competition that

I would have run be it the one that I did with him or Cradle of Filth I was

assigning for both of those bands that I was involved with a few years ago so

they were probably the first videos that I uploaded not necessarily the reason

why I started a channel but I wasn't being as prolific with my videos back

then as I am now I don't know why I wasn't like I it's so much tiring back

then I could have made a video every day she also asks would I consider making a

coffin bag oh yeah I've actually got like a kind of mock-up for that already

so I'm just waiting for someone that I work with to kind of request that as the

shape again I'm not at the point where I and have my own designs made because

they are so expensive and I really need the help with the people that I'm

collecting with to get the products out there what perfume do I wear my favorite

perfume at the moment is black opium um quite expensive but it's like one of

those real proper French proteins where you spray it on it stays on you all day

lovely and it's a really I don't like sweet perfume so it's a really kind of

dark sensual smell okay pull the ask do you have a favorite traditional painter

also in general which artists inspire you the most for colour schemes for my

artwork I've always been really inspired by Euronymous Bosch and I could burn

orange as the just a birth palette in general is something very evil about his

color schemes um so I've always been drawn to his work more modern

illustrators that I really admire a Victoria Francis I remember when I

started to do my art I was like blown away by her stuff and I just kept seeing

it everywhere to get a really good agent and publisher and the other one is Louis

I don't know if I'm saying his last name correct ologies if I'm not that Luis

Royo right we're here yet he's phenomenal check him out if you don't

know his work okay sure ask hell if you do you have a

couple of questions the first is about your amazing singing voice thank you did

you have vocal training to refine your skills um yes and no not in the

beginning a lot of what I do photoshopping singing makeup is all

self-taught I seem to be one of those creatures where I really enjoy learning

how to do things myself you know when help is needed obviously I ask for

people to step in and help fuck do I do that with singing I got my vocals to a

point but yeah then when I really started to struggle I did have someone

help me and I got some classical training I think I went a bit too far

with it and as I mentioned you know a few questions earlier I got more range I

got like a smoothness in my voice but then I kind of lost a bit of personality

so I'm trying to bring that back in the near recordings that we're working on

the next part of our question is have I been to university no I have not

again the idea of leaving school back into another kind of schooling

system was not for me the idea of that was tortured so no I left school I was

been working since I was 14 so I've always had part-time jobs when I left

school went into full-time jobs at music shops or started teaching guitar and

then eventually working at foreign school as a private guitar teacher and

singing teacher today I've been lucky to be self-employed pretty much apart from

like the very early years like 14 to 18 I'm pretty much from 18 onwards I've

been self-employed and I'm now my own boss again Megan asks heavily answered

what are some of your favorite novels and oh my god Dre I know yes that

collaboration with Dre retain has just been announced I have finished designing

her backpack already so we are in the process of having her sample made and

yeah hopefully it won't be too much of a wait for that to be released it's really

exciting here shit I'm not really a reader like yeah bones got like a lot of

books over on our bookshelf yeah when I was younger I used to read but rememory

so bad I can't even remember what the book says that I used to enjoy as like

at early kind of adolescent I really do enjoy the meter read it the first one

anyway in school was I'm tomorrow when the war began so that's an Australian

I'm also it's more yes I guess teenager kind of book but I did reread them I

think there's like five or six books I really enjoyed them and they made it

into a movie rather recently which I lost as well Gee's asks love everything

about you well thank you my question is do your

kids ask questions about how you dress and look I kind of touched on this on

the goth mum tag video that I created so again watch that video um go over and

get that a little what I think steel is too young London it's definitely too

young like he's only on so he's not really even talking yet steel really

likes makeup at the moment and you'll come over and ask for like black eyes

like mummy um all purple oops that that's Lucy's all the time you know

daddy's always wearing black mummys always wearing black to him it's just

normal and he's just such a sweetheart you can tell that he's just going to be

real creative soul is very over minded please

answer your questions not really Brian asks love you and your music thank you

when will new music becoming much love from America I've already addressed that

very soon we're working on three songs which were very excited about I get an

expression from noni and here's one what was your first gothic lean client thing

that you're purchased with your own money

oh okay I'm going to say these damn hot topic mary-jane patent shoes that I kept

buying and I kept buying the wrong size because you know I hadn't really

purchased anything online before I was obsessed with hot topic hot topic and

lip service seriously I was like a silent partner for them in the early

2000 I put so much money into those companies the yeah with hot topic about

these little heat and Mary Jane shoes and they're almost those kind of like

Goffe shoes they had like a hot pink lining on the inside really cool anyway

it was too small I went up two sizes they were still too small I'm like

whatever so I gave up because it was like $30 per speech each time so the

first thing I can remember buying saddling they've got to wear them time

she also asks what's my favorite type of candy this is a really embarrassing and

it's so like knockoff I love kinder surprises if you want to send me

chocolate send me then I love the milk and there's the dark chocolate and it's

not too sweet it's just right so yeah and then I give the toy to my son okay

may this have a random question here you're stuck in an island with a cloning

device and make several clones of yourself what do you do and why a make a

human chain and swim around to find help we cannibalized them see start a small

civilization on the island hmm well it's a small island we're probably going to

run out of food and flour so I'm going to go with B and say cannibalize them

sounds like fun do not take me seriously people okay the next question is what

inspired you to start creating music you said you were punky er when you were

younger what other phases had you gone through before becoming of that what

made you go full-on goth goddess I like this title oh thank you there's

like 50 questions in there what inspired you to start creating music I never like

you know I started playing guitar obviously select that kick-started

everything but I never just went oh I want to be like a rock star a songwriter

or anything like that it just happened very naturally like when I learned how

to play guitar I picked that up very quickly and I just so therefore wanted

it I thought everyone could song right you know and then when I had my first

lesson with fun I pretty much played him all these songs that I'd made up he's

like how long have you been playing guitar and I'm like not that three

months he's like how many songs have you written about 15 and so he was impressed

and apparently that was already so I think I'm the only student to date and

he's been teaching for a long time that's coming to the school that's been

like such and naturally prolific songwriters so that that's really nice

and he is the same so he completes me yet we're both naturally gifted

songwriters and when we come together it works really well see I hope that

answers video question I was Punk here I had like shaved head or injure we'll try

to find a footer and I'll put it up somewhere so you can have a look other

phases I don't know I kind of went from like alternative punky and then just

very gradually over the Gulf just with more and more and more and more and more

plaque now my wardrobe is all black but it was very organic I don't even think

when it was happening it's not how I want to be goth you know I didn't pitch

in whole myself or you know deliberately say I want to because it just you know

it just happens and then when you look back at here I go of course I just one

of those things you know you like what you like and I like what crystal my

friend crystal asks were your goals and aspirations as a teenager slash young

adult different to what you were doing now

um yeah definitely when I was younger it was all about the band there was nothing

else but writing songs well this time I was playing guitar so I didn't really

see myself as a singer I didn't have the confidence I didn't think I was any good

some days I still don't think I'm any good so that's why I get a little bit

uncomfortable when people like oh you're such a good singer like

okay and I need to stop doing that because like you know I am a singer I

worked really hard to get where I am and then it's just it's myself that is

putting me down like you guys you guys like you really go home like thank you I

want to fuck I'm talking about it took a few years for me to transition

from just a guitarist to a singer because I guess because I didn't have

that confidence I didn't see myself being the front woman of a band I

thought myself hiding behind a sudden stirring mahogany guitar

so that's so good if you use to kind of develop and you know obviously having

kids has changed it's like the most life-changing thing you can do in kind

of the direction that my business is going in now allows me to you know film

videos for you guys late at night when the kids are in bed and design things

when the kids are asleep or during the day what I'm doing now is much more

suited to my life with children um I can't imagine doing for long periods of

time and leaving them behind and missing out and all that you know they grow up

quickly Oh shall we be asked how come unlike you with two kids make time for

all the great things you do yeah I know someone said that there must be more

than 24 hours in my day and yeah maybe there is I just have a really great

husband that supports what I do and when I say hey I need to go do something he

looks after the kids like right now I think he's making me a cup of tea that's

also casinos have been talking nonstop serendipity asks what is your favorite

piece of furniture or artwork or thing in your house right now it's this raised

by that couch that I'm sitting on like it has fricking bats on it and that's

cool free bets yes probably my favorite piece of furniture furniture oh I think

I mean furniture from haunt Hornady I like that it is actually horny look at

that dream gig or venue or obviously Madison Square Garden Center Robert asks

hi love hi I love you all its life where are you

headed spiritually what are your beliefs if it's not too personal no it's not too

personal I'm an atheist but all I have to say on that

okay rainy days asks how did you meet your husband so I think

I went into this in video ones make sure you're watching that as well I'm so

here's my guitar teacher that's how we met

have your kids noticed you're a Supreme godliness again such on this a few

questions before what we are is normal to them so if anything they probably

notice it runs supreme normalness she also asks can you be too old for golf I

don't think that I think like goth is a state of mind not an age so you know he

can be five on one away black eyeliner and you can be eighty and I probably

well I don't know if I'll be doing youtube videos when I'm at that age but

um didn't anyone tell you you're too young or old to look how you want to

look don't ask top five favorite bands Oh

at the moment I'm really enjoying clan of Zion mocks Type O Negative does not

leave my CD player I really enjoy cradle asil huge Marilyn Manson fan and let's

throw in a female band there or let's go with in this moment loved in your album

Philip I'm pronouncing that correctly so do I prefer silver or gold silver all

the way baby Ali Ali sorry from pronouncing that wrong I need to notice

a collab with Aurelio is going to happen huh or how did you get started in the

goth scene what were your baby fat days like never

say never regarding the collab is it happening I don't know I'll have to

contact you and let you know how that goes how did I get into the goth scene

again I kind of like touched on out throughout the whole video but it's very

aligned with the music that I'm into so and that have been listening to you over

the last 10 years being very captivated by what really below and him were doing

you know when you watch the videos and they're so dark and you know in that joy

and saw a video where he's got this dark eyes I'm like oh my god how do I look

like that so I would say for me the transition into this lifestyle came from

music McKenzie asks I was wondering how you made it through pregnancy as a goth

mama I'm pregnant with my second maybe congratulations and trying to

maintain my style is so hard I'm so tired of wearing the same plain black

t-shirt yeah girl just with Heights on a black t-shirt with steel I kind of

abandoned my style you've heard me talk about you know dealing with depression

and then postnatal depression and losing myself throughout the pregnancy with

steel and after his birth and then kind of refining myself after the birth of my

second child London I lost my style during the first

pregnancy but it ain't caring with a second one

I'm yells all over types that's type types you're just going to try to find

cool black maternity wear yeah it's hard it's hard and you know when you're

pregnant you feel bad you feel like a stuck whale you don't feel like getting

dressed up and I don't know how I would go doing like makeup and youtubing like

now if I was like nine months pregnant I wouldn't be sitting on this chair

filming videos at 11:40 at night you know we do want oh one or two more kids

so that's going to be tricky Hannibal Ghostbuster asks hello I want to know if

you have any salad bars for us baby back please

I love your channel and you're absolutely wonderful Tom thank you

Oh Scarlett but just go with what you like you know find something and make it

work for you and you know slight inspiration but don't copy people so

much that you just look like a little clone of them you know do something do

it in your own unique way you know that's my advice find yourself

through being inspired by other people who don't copy them let me ask congrats

on the Dracula thank you there are so many types of bad by myths law out there

examples on burning sunlight some thread some transform into animals etc so

what's your favorite type of vampire hmm definitely not the ones that sparkle

like in Twilight although I am a fan I just had that on Breaking Dawn earlier

so there should have been marketed as a romance more than a vampire movie so

yeah don't like the ones that sparkle definitely like the ones that actually

bite other people because vampires are supposed to drink human blood

animal blood I like the ones that have a strong underlying sexuality to them

because I think a big part of vampirism is tied in with sexuality and that's why

Twilight didn't work for me because they completely removed all of the sexuality

I mean like you know they try to put it back in in a PG way but it doesn't

really work you know give me True Blood give me like proper adult vampires that

have sex and unlike vampires that don't have like

genitals you know like interview with a vampire you know how that that's like I

love I love love love that movie but it is missing that kind of like roar

animalistic like sexuality that I like my vampires to have I do really like the

transforming into any animals especially how they did it in I'm Dracula

I'm told I love how he just changed into a book of that that was really really

cool I would kind of like to take some elements out of my favorite you know

vampire TV series or my novel movies and then make like one ultimate vampire

shellene asks what are your favorite gothic clothing brands I love the way

you dress in your channel thank you I've worked too much clothing recently and I

buy a lot of stuff that isn't like name brands as well like this jacket

standards by wasn't expensive but when I have bought from brands recently as I

mentioned in the first video kilter is one of my favorite like how can you not

like your style is just pentagrams on everything that is cool in my book

really interested in punk rave as well again I think I said this in the first

video haven't bought anything from them yet but I've been eyeing a whole bunch

of stuff and even though it's a bit more kind of like rockabilly I do like hell

Bunny I think it's the name they've got some really cool jackets that look like

they would be for cozy for winter fun just join me if you hear random laughing

at him Rebecca asks I'm YouTube channel and I love your style thank you my

question is do you have a lot of goth friends in your area and if not how do

you cope with not having people around you who also live your lifestyle well

that's where you guys come in an Instagram comes

um I don't have any girlfriends like as you know we just moved to a new town and

we've really made any friends beside our neighbors and they're not alternative in

any way they're just normal natural normals completely fine so yeah there is

a huge disconnect for me as I don't have any friends in the goth subculture that

I have a lot of friends online and a lot of the people that I collab with

obviously make me feel connected and some of those sometimes I don't know

what the fuck I'm saying hey most of the times I want that fucker you say yes

you'll have to help me with this question

Julieta ask storytime of how you listen to type of negative for the first time

and who showed you the band that was you wasn't it me has it's conversation I

can't remember the first time because my memory shit I can't remember yesterday

hey ya ask me how I listen to it some ten years ago for the first time no

you're crazy can you remember your sister talking on the plane talking to

you yeah hmm yeah the real punku stones see I

probably wouldn't have liked it because that I'm like the Halloween in heaven

and I'm like there's a period of hybrid like I love Type O but if there are a

few songs that I don't like too much angry yeah I'm Korean what are they

thinking Emily asks what lipstick are you wearing so she's talking about the

video where I asked you guys for questions that would be immortal by

Black Moon cosmetics it's one of their metallic lipsticks

from the metal Trinity that they released to put in money - he's so

inappropriate you do not want to know what he just said dances on I think he

likes my makeup what are some of your favorite makeup and clothing brands for

30sec clothing makeup I'm in love with the two pellets I have from Kat Von D

really keen to try out to look at some nations I use Rimmel for

yep on shake me says like yep can't wait for that

Maybelline a lot of the brands Lea's are just like normal supermarket brands you

know next okay the next question is how long have you been designing handbags

and hints on what the next future project is I didn't even know I like to

keep it so fresh I don't even know what the fuck I'm going to do next

keeps me on my toes see out 90 you say what spot one I would have already

answered this you guys can already feel my personality changing I'm not on

megamix that's serious any more kool-aid you're

in here yeah humbugs yeah I already answered how long I've been designing in

part one so head on over and watch that one do a husband tag with the wedding

photos I know I've been saying I'm going to do that for ages we need to do that

sure we really need to do it I want to see if I fit in my wedding dress

although I fit in the morning I wouldn't be like wow if you see my wedding dress

you've lost weight just miss Jamie asks I'd love a house tour on a dip in that

amazing pool you have yeah so we bought a heater for it I know I can't come a

babysitter's opponent I can guards from their pools um but it just wasn't

cutting it it's so cold here that it still wasn't warm enough and I don't

know if it's something psychological but it's like I didn't want to like strip

off and be naked and then go for swim in went on I want a hot spa one candles I

want yeah hot chocolate or brandy or something like that I do not want to go

for swim even in the heated pool so we haven't been using it too much but yeah

a house tour is coming up as well we just saw that like we have to finish my

walk-in wardrobe where there's a bit more painting to do and stuff like that

so I probably just need to do it in like several parts I'm filament for you guys

Maria asks what's the first thing you think of when Halloween is just around

the corner well this year I am thinking of pumpkins and just carving a

jack-o'-lantern because huh yeah pumpkins are for Papa - because I think

sales of an age where he could have fun with that so yeah I might film it

for YouTube video and Halloween is just around the corner it's fucking kind of

years it's July and that's in October took three months away yeah he doesn't

know what it's talking about angel nightmare hey your channel is cool

your makeups scary congratulations on 4k thank you I recently discovered you on

Instagram and I love your channel thank you all right next question since type

a-negative is a big thing for you and me can you remember where you are when you

first heard one of the songs and what made you want to find out more about

them my memory is absolutely shifts as I previously said bond was the one that

introduced me to Type O Negative I can remember watching the black and white

video clip for black number one and you know they all had long hair and just I

love he's really exaggerated jawline and the lighting really accentuated that in

that video clip yeah but I remember like watching that and going on it's very

bampi very very what okay I remember thinking I was very copy it was this bad

Blackburn negative Danielle asks ok I have a question first at what age did

you start sending it oh my god sorry because it all asking me the same

question how did your parents take the change any good baby back stories again

the 10th baby that wasn't around when I was like when we were becoming go up and

it wasn't like overnight it felt like oh wow I got you know it's not like I feel

like a lot of these with young kids at years like they can watch a video on

YouTube and like that and then the next day put some eyeliner on and get all got

like there's a lot more to it than just see a steady cover you know that's

that's why I find with some people it's so real and I think that's what you guys

like about myself and maybe back on as well it's an obsession no it it's more

than a lifestyle it's it's like it's everyday it's not steak so when you see

the real hardcore golf it's in the music that they listen to let's try that again

it oh my god I cannot a basically if you don't have a coffin in your bedroom you

and uncle bullshit that will call shit I'm more

open you I'm Alaska I have a common ancestor

I'm Oh got any and no one can tell me that I'm not more girls because it's it

I got so much more like I like sometimes girls take ourselves too seriously I

like to have some fun and I think I can do that because I have a coffin in my

bedroom okay Logan asked I'm sorry if you've answered this before but all of

your collaborations limited or are they permanent I've been wondering because

I'm afraid I'll miss out on something none of my collaborations are going to

be limited but ultimately it depends on how well they sell so if it takes like a

really long time for us to move the first 200 bags and yes it is likely that

we may not have that bag manufactured again my next question is from Cheryl

Hagar and Cheryl she was wondering if I would consider designing a bag for us

older ladies maybe something in velvet Victorian goth loving your designs but

so far they're a bit too young for me so many kisses

boom Never Say Never it depends on who a collab with and so of course my brand is

what you've known me for and been supporting me for quite some time but

with all the new handbags stuff that I'm doing that's all fairly music I think to

the world I'm kind of like suddenly hearing I'm hearing so as you've heard

me say before I can't just release designs without having someone to help

me promote that bag hence the collaboration so if you can suggest some

more mature people to collab with that would be really helpful I don't know if

that really answered your question but noticing that I hope you like one of my

upcoming clips and the last question is can we get a sneak peek of a house tour

yeah I think I just need to bite the bullet and show you what I've got going

on so far because I'm not finished but it's never good or finished because my

taste is really expensive so yeah I might do that and just like give you and

kind of what's happening at the moment it's not entirely finished but here it

is kind of tour oh it was a lot of questions but thank you so much for

asking them I actually really if you haven't watched the first one I

will link it somewhere so you can watch it comment down below if you enjoyed

this video press that like button let me know what other types of videos I know

you guys dying to see the house tour in the bedroom tour it's just not perfect

yet so yeah I'll get that eventually anyway but I working on you toons I need

to get some sleep to you I hope you're having a wonderful day thank you for

watching hello to all my new subscribers we Emil on 5000 alright I'll see you

guys soon



For more infomation >> Q & A - Part 2: Vampires, Being & Mum & My Music | Avelina De Moray - Duration: 44:20.


Щенячий патруль против Герои в масках Доктор лечит щенков мультики для детей про Игрушки Paw Patrol - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль против Герои в масках Доктор лечит щенков мультики для детей про Игрушки Paw Patrol - Duration: 3:34.


Sie hat den Klimawandel am eigenen Leib erfahren - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Sie hat den Klimawandel am eigenen Leib erfahren - Duration: 2:32.


ME AJUDE, POR FAVOR 01 #DesafioFilmeCellbit - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ME AJUDE, POR FAVOR 01 #DesafioFilmeCellbit - Duration: 2:09.


Talesrunner EP.34 ไปเล่นกันเถอะ - Duration: 1:38:22.

For more infomation >> Talesrunner EP.34 ไปเล่นกันเถอะ - Duration: 1:38:22.


Bohemian Rhapsody on Otamatone (test) - Duration: 1:52.

*Otamatone lovingly sings Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" *

For more infomation >> Bohemian Rhapsody on Otamatone (test) - Duration: 1:52.


Bo giong sieu thit, angus, charolais, brahman, nuoi tai ba tri ben tre, LH: 093 476 4948 - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Bo giong sieu thit, angus, charolais, brahman, nuoi tai ba tri ben tre, LH: 093 476 4948 - Duration: 0:27.


Develop Super Fast Punches - Duration: 4:38.

Do you want quicker strikes?

Do you want to strike fear into the heart of mere mortals?

Then today's drill is for you.

Bruce Lee said your punch should be felt before it is seen.

that means it should be landing and the opponent sees it on the way out

My favorite drill to develop super quick strikes is the clapping game.

For this drill you need a partner

You're goal is to punch through your partner's hands before they clap

Here is the set up: Have your partner put his hand shoulder width


Any wider and it is too easy any narrower and it is too hard.

They also should extend their arms out so there is plenty of space for you to punch

through their hands without accidentally hitting their face.

Find your range.

You should be able to get your hand all the way through their hands.

Your wrist should pass their wrists.

Now do your strikes.

Jabs, crosses, and uppercuts work best.

Hooks won't work well for this drill because you need to use center gait strikes.

First get good at this standing still. Next take a half step back where you must lean to get

through their hands. Finally the most challenging is take a full step back where you must do a lunge

strike each time

If you want to be a quick fighter who can enter at will you need to master this from

a full step back.

Tips: It is ok if you get clapped on the way back,

that means your strike would have been parried or blocked after it already landed.

On that note, don't get in the habit of dropping your striking hand on the way out

to avoid it being slapped.

That is a bad habit to have in a real fight.

you want your strikes to go straight forward and straight back

If you are constantly being slapped on the way in have your partner tell you what they


Common things to look out for: Pulling back before striking

Leading with the shoulder or elbow Dipping down to "get set" before moving

Turning your hips or shoulders first Facial expressions

dipping down to get set before you strike will telegraph your punch as well

especially in a lunging range where you have to step to reach

Bonus tip for more advanced fighters: Create an unpredictable rhythm.

Your partner will beging anticipating your strikes if you keep it like this

But in a real fight you want to be more unpredictable if your strike comes at random intervals and


Add drill this to your regular training and you will become a feared fighter

If there are any qualities that you would like me to make a future video on just leave

it in the comments.

If you liked today's video please hit that thumbs up icon and subscribe for more content

just like this.

Until next time go get your speed on!

For more infomation >> Develop Super Fast Punches - Duration: 4:38.


【儒ㄦ(´౪`)】喝了變橘子汽水!?祝我10000訂閱快樂🎉內有彩蛋 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 【儒ㄦ(´౪`)】喝了變橘子汽水!?祝我10000訂閱快樂🎉內有彩蛋 - Duration: 1:44.


La gallinita ciega | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> La gallinita ciega | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:59.


ஜியோ மொபைலை இலவசமா புக் செய்யனுமா? அப்போ இத பண்ணுங்க…! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> ஜியோ மொபைலை இலவசமா புக் செய்யனுமா? அப்போ இத பண்ணுங்க…! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:03.


Colors Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for children Spiderman and Superheroes - Duration: 12:49.

Colors Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for children Spiderman and Superheroes

For more infomation >> Colors Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for children Spiderman and Superheroes - Duration: 12:49.


BEST WINNIPEG SEO - (204) 451- 6460 - VIDEO SEO, WINNIPEG,MB - Duration: 1:43.

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Thanks for tuning.

For more infomation >> BEST WINNIPEG SEO - (204) 451- 6460 - VIDEO SEO, WINNIPEG,MB - Duration: 1:43.


100個燈泡問題(答案)- Mo 仔 Math - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 100個燈泡問題(答案)- Mo 仔 Math - Duration: 3:39.


Volkswagen Electric Concept I.D. CROZZ #concept - Duration: 10:16.

Jung-Mi v.o.s is the ID cross we're showing the future of the Volkswagen brand we have completely new

Possibilities a whole new package and a lot of latitude for our designers we can push the envelope and test things out

And that's what we did. We gave this car a very smooth

Sophisticated face with an illuminated vw. Logo and a light signature that will turn a lot of heads

Thats exactly what it's about

Prominence strength of character design elements that make these electric cars look different on the road and lift them above the rest

Because buyers who made a decision in favor of electromobility?

for sustainability also want to present this decision to the world and that's why we are using this novel clear and

Independent product language

For what you want, I'm passionate about creating proportions that make the car exude a lot of emotions, and it's only

my personal highlight is the sculptural quality of this design as

You can see the car is very well modulated with a muscular appeal and a very Elegant roofline

the real Revolution with respect to electric vehicles

Takes place on the inside everything is much more airy and spacious

We are performing a quantum leap to a different class and a new future

The controls look completely different. There's a new interface design that we're testing here, and we want to make it a reality as well

in reality our

Mission is to start a new age the age of Electro mobility

The motto we make the future wheel is not an empty Slogan. We take it very very seriously

Welcome to Flex pay ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to our exclusive

Preview as you know the Volkswagen brand is paving the way for the electric future


2020 onwards we will be launching a new generation of fully electric fully connected cars

They will become the brand's second strong pillar

the Ide debuted in Europe last autumn

The ID bus had its world premiere in America earlier this year

Now we will show you our latest Ide model. Here is the Ide cross

Ladies and gentlemen the ID cross gives you a clear indication of our brands future it offers everything

they discreet about


Safety space and

emotional design at the same time the ID cross heralds the future of

Mobility it is a true zero emission vehicle with an all-electric range of up to 500 kilometers

That makes it a car for everyday use

the ID cross is great fun to drive the 4-wheel drive produces more than 300 horsepower and

It's a smart phone on wheels it Connects automatically with the driver

Loading preferred settings such as seating position music and temperature it is always online

uP-to-Date and ready for a wide range of digital services

Using the car has never been easier

Everything is controlled by touch displays information is protected on the street, Via

Augmented reality and of course it is ready for automated driving

In a nutshell the ID cross is an exciting

electric car and

It is not only a vision

Essentially, this is the car

We will build and sell in about three years

It's the second car based on our all-electric architecture, and it's the first car here in China

We will tell you more about this exciting suv tomorrow at our press conference at the Auto, Shanghai

2017 see you there, and thank you very much




For more infomation >> Volkswagen Electric Concept I.D. CROZZ #concept - Duration: 10:16.


கணவர் ஊரில் இல்லாத போது தொகுப்பாளினிக்கு நேர்ந்த கொடுமையை பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> கணவர் ஊரில் இல்லாத போது தொகுப்பாளினிக்கு நேர்ந்த கொடுமையை பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 0:56.


[CC] Preview Clip: Alex Wyse Performs "Jessie's Song" - Duration: 3:24.

[Contains in-video captions]

For more infomation >> [CC] Preview Clip: Alex Wyse Performs "Jessie's Song" - Duration: 3:24.


மார்பகங்களை பெரிதாக்க நடிகைகள் செய்யும் வேலையை பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> மார்பகங்களை பெரிதாக்க நடிகைகள் செய்யும் வேலையை பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:44.


All the best India for Women's Cricket World Cup 2017 final || India ki duaayein leti jaa - Duration: 0:29.

India ki duaayein leti jaa

Jaa tujhko final mein jeet mile

Champions Trophy toh na jeet paaye

Women's ka World Cup toh haath lage

India ki duaayein leti jaa

Jaa tujhko final mein jeet mile

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