Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

I feel...uninspired, maybe conflicted is a better word.I'm stuck between

a rock and a digital space.

Everyday I'm seeing all this great content flash before my screen.

Leaving VidCon, I felt like I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my channel and how

to achieve success with it.

But, there's the issue right there, the keyword highlighted, success.

And a short time later, I've realized what a big mistake that was. I decided to split

my channel's videos into 4 distinct categories: films, vlogs, geek, and lifestyle.

Films and vlogs were the first two categories I decided on.

They were no brainers.

I loved vlogging the places I went and making films is my passion.

Geek and lifestyle came to me when I returned home, when I looked at my analytics...

when I looked at the numbers.

Those two genres of videos received the most views on my channel.

I looked at my channel audience and became somewhat obsessed with capturing the attention of certain age ranges.

I started asking my Twitter followers what videos they wanted to see instead of asking

myself what videos I wanted to make.

So here I am, deciding what to do next.

I obviously can't keeping doing this,

obessing over the numbers. Yeah, this change was short-lived but I wasn't really happy.

So, over the past few days I've done a lot of thinking, and talking, and researching.

I've written down all the issues and feelings I have.

I've talked to Internet friends and finally reached a conclusion, a happy ending, though

it does come with anxiety.

I want my channel to focus on short films, filmmaking, basically anything and everything that has to do with film.

I want to make content I absolutely adore.

But trying new things, especially online, is terrifying.

I keep asking myself the same questions: "What if I run out of content to make?"

"What if my content is too niche?"

"What if I get myself stuck in a hole?"

But, if there's a will there's a way and I got a lot of ideas.

So, I hope you come along with me on this journey, trust me, it'll be fun.

I'll see you next Friday.

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