Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

For most people, the idea of being a Hollywood actor is a dream gig worth chasing to the


But the reality of superstardom sometimes turns out to be a lot less fun than the fantasy.

Over the decades, there have been a number of stars who have turned their back on acting

to pursue other dreams.

Here's a look at some of the actors who quit Hollywood in a blaze of glory.

Taylor Momsen

She had the talent, the skill, and the look to become a major Hollywood actress.

But Taylor Momsen, the hard-partying wild card and former star of Gossip Girl, reportedly

quit Hollywood on her own terms and at the top of her game.

Following her exit from the CW's hit series in 2011, she peaced out of Tinseltown to pursue

a career in music as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for a rock band called The Pretty


It's a career move that seems to have worked.

Momsen told Entertainment Weekly in 2015, "I think when I quit everyone thought I was

crazy, and now it's three number ones later, so they were wrong."

Dave Chappelle

Legendary comedian Dave Chappelle's abrupt departure from the mega-influential Chappelle's

Show, and from the country, in 2005 is one of the most notorious mic drops in showbiz


Not only did Chappelle leave behind his namesake program during its third season, he also gave

up what was reported to be at least a $50 million payday to do it.

The unexpected departure sparked a storm of rumors about the nature of his disappearance,

with allegations he was doing crack, or had gone crazy, which Chappelle strongly denied.

"I don't understand this person.

So they're crazy.

That' B-------.

These people are not crazy.

They're strong people.

Maybe the environment is a little sick."

According to Chappelle, he simply decided he no longer wanted to deal with all the baggage

that comes with being a celebrity.

After a decade out of the spotlight, Chappelle returned in 2017 with two stand-up specials

for Netflix, staging his comeback the same way he staged his departure: on his own terms.

"I feel good about what I did.

It was not easy, and I do not recommend it.

But… ha..

But it worked it worked for me."

Richard Simmons

An unlikely mystery for the ages: fitness guru and actor Richard Simmons enters his

California home in the Hollywood Hills one day in 2014 and seemingly never steps outside


The question of what happened to Richard Simmons spawned a whole cottage industry, including

a wildly popular podcast.

So what's the truth?

Well, according to Simmons himself, after decades in the spotlight he simply wanted

to take some time off to focus on himself for a while.

"it was time for me to take some time.

To be by myself."

You know you're a superstar when your vacation generates even more buzz than your work!

Grace Kelly

It was arguably the most glamorous and celebrated career change in Hollywood history.

Actress Grace Kelly had risen to Hollywood's A-list with roles in classic Alfred Hitchcock

thrillers Rear Window and To Catch a Thief.

In 1956, though, she gave up acting to become a real life princess when she married Prince

Ranier the Third of Monaco.

The wedding was an international media sensation, elevating her to new levels of fame.

But while several producers attempted to lure her out of retirement over the years, she

never acted on the big screen again, content to remain in her role as Princess Grace until

her death in 1982.

Jack Gleeson

Oh, how we wanted this kid to die.

As pretty much everyone knows, Game of Thrones' most-loathsome adolescent king, Joffrey Lannister,

deserved a thousand forms of retribution by the time his reign ended.

A truly talented actor in the field of being bad, Jack Gleeson served as a magnet for millions

of viewers' hatred week after week over the course of the show's first four seasons.

When he finally did exit the series, Gleeson made a surprise announcement — not only

was he leaving the show, the actor, 21 at the time, said he was done with acting, period.

And so far, he's mostly stuck to his pledge.

While Gleeson has taken on some stage roles, he's turned down every offer to star on TV

or in the movies.

We don't blame him.

After all, he knows first hand what happens when you become too big for your britches.

"Your Grace


"it's nothing!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Actors Who Quit Hollywood In A Blaze Of Glory - Duration: 4:33.


11 Cool Websites Everyone Should Know! - Duration: 11:04.

Ah yes, websites.

There are at least a thousand of them, but which ones are the best?

Obviously I can't really answer that, but I can at least tell you about some that you

should definitely know about.

In this video I've got 11 cool websites that range from being extremely useful, to just

pure fun.

You've probably heard of some of them, but I doubt all of them, so you should at least

get something out of this.

And the links will be in the description.

Quickly before we begin I'm just gonna give a 2 second shout out to my Twitter and Instagram,

I try to post cool stuff on those if you're interested, both are just @ThioJoe.

Anyway, let's get started.

Number one, this website is definitely in the extremely useful catagory.

It's called, "VirusTotal", and you may have heard me mention it before.

It's actually owned by Google now, and what it does is let's you upload any file, and

it will be scanned with pretty much every virus scanner software out there, which is

over 60 of them.

This obviously can't replace having antivirus software on your computer because it only

scans individual files, but it's great if you come across something suspicious.

Maybe you download something and your antivirus software says it's fine, but you want to be


Or maybe your antivirus says it's a virus, but you think it could be a false alarm.

In both cases, you can use VirusTotal to compare it to all the other antiviruses to get a better


Like if every antivirus says it's fine except for a few, those are probably a false positive.

But if a pretty good chunk of them say it's a virus, better play it safe.

Also, they even have a feature to search websites as well.

So if someone sends you a link you're not too sure about, you can check it out.

Of course common sense is the best defense, so don't rely on it completely, if it's a

brand new phishing site or something I don't know if it would detect it.

Next up we have a quick one that's just for fun.

It's called "Windows 93", which emulates a theoretical version of Windows that would

have been from 1993.

It's not exactly historically accurate, in fact it's mostly just humorous, but is actually

surprisingly complex.

It has an internet themed Wolfenstein game, a drawing program like paint, even Half Life

3, which apparently never finishes loading.

You can also start a virtual machine, which runs Windows 93, inside Windows 93.

There is obviously a ton of stuff you can do to waste time on here, so I'd better not

get too far into it, you can just explore it yourself.

Alright number 3 is another important one, called "HaveIBeenPwned".

It seems like all the time now, we hear about a new website getting hacked and passwords

being leaked, but how are you supposed to know if YOUR data has been leaked.

Well that's the point of this site.

You just type in your email address, and it will tell your email address, along with your

password and potentially other info, was included in any breaches in it's database.

That way, you know to not only change your password on that site, but also never use

that same password again.

That's because hackers frequently use leaked databases to try email and password combinations

on a bunch of sites.

If you used the same password on multiple websites, they can easily get in.

Another really important feature of this site is you can sign up to receive an email notification

if your email has been found in any future breaches going forward.

And chances are you will eventually.

Just look at the one from Adobe in 2013, where over 150 MILLION accounts were leaked.

You'll obviously want to immediately know if it happens to you.

Number 4, we have a site called "10 minute mail", which generates a temporary email address

for you that expires in 10 minutes.

This is great if you come across a website that requires you to sign up for an account

to use, but you know you'll probably never use it again, and don't want to give away

your real email.

Now you can just sign up with a throwaway email address, get whatever you need from

the site, and leave.

Another use might be if you aren't sure whether a site is junk or not.

You can sign up with a temporary email, and if it turns out to be legit, you can just

make a real account or change to your real email.

If the site ends up being useless, you won't have to worry about getting on any new spam

list from it.

Onto number 5, this one is great and is so simple.

It's called "DownForEveryoneOrJustMe", or the short version is just, and all

this site does is tells you if any website you type in is currently up or down.

I'm it's happened to you a million times, you try to go to a site, and it either takes

forever to load, or won't load at all, and you're wondering if the problem is on your

end or not.

Not really much more to say about it...

If the website is up, it will tell you it's just you, and if it really is down, it will

say it's not just you.

Definitely a handy one to remember.

Ok next up, number 6, this one is pretty well known I think, which is "GetHuman".

This website is for any time you call customer service for any company, and you just can't

seem to talk to a real person.

With this, you type in a company, and it will tell you exactly what steps to take to get

connected to a human customer support agent, assuming it's possible.

For example, if we try Sony, it tells us the phone number to call, and then what numbers

to press that will put you through to someone.

In this case, you press 5, then zero, then zero.

For companys or websites that have basically no way to talk to someone, like YouTube, it

will at least have some instructions for how to fix common problems.

They also apparently have a paid service where they will literally call the company on your

behalf, but I've never tried that particular service myself.

Alright, next we have an interesting little site called "Which Book", and the point is

to help you find a book you might want to read, or several.

On the left of the page there are a bunch of criteria sliders you can use to describe

what you'd like.

So maybe you want one that's really happy, but also really disturbing, which would be

a weird combination, and we can see it actually has quite a few possible recomendations.

There is a limit of four slider criteria at once, I guess because otherwise it would just

be too specific or innacurate.

There's also a button to add more settings like a specific type of plot, setting, or


Overall it's just a cool site you might want to check out.

Number 8, PixaBay.

This is an awesome stock photo website, except every single one of the pictures are royalty


Specifically the pictures are all released under Creative Commons Zero, meaning they

are released into the public domain.

And there are a surprising number of stock photos on here, right now over a million.

That's nowhere near some of the paid stock photos sites that might have over 100 million,

but hey you really can't complain.

There are still a ton of really cool, high quality images on here that you can use for

anything from desktop wallpaper, to being put in YouTube videos.

You're also able to filter for specific types of images, like actual photos, or vector graphics,

or ones that have transparent backgrounds.

And yes, I very often get a lot of pictures from here and use them in videos.

It might be difficult to find images about really specific topics, but for the most part,

you can usually find at least something you can work with.

Moving on, number 9 is a site called "JustWatch", where you can type in any movie or TV show

you want to watch, and it will tell you what streaming services have it.

And as you can see it supports pretty much every streaming service out there, or at least

the most popular ones.

Let's do an example, like for game of thrones.

Under Watch Now, it shows you services that you can stream it on, assuming you subscribe

to it, as well as other services that let you just buy episodes outright, and how many

seasons those sites have.

In this case, it looks like they all have six seasons, but you want to double check,

because even though it says Fandango and Microsoft have 7 seasons, if you actually go to them,

they just have the option to pre-order season 7, and you can't actually watch it yet.

As I said it also works for movies, so if we type in something like "Dr Strange", right

in the results we can see that it's streamable on netflix, and most of the other services

allow you to either rent or buy the movie, since Google play is listed under both.

I should mention that the results will definitely vary by country, but at least it seems like

it also supports a lot of European based streaming services as well, so it should work no matter

where you live.

Alright almost near the end, number 10, is Product Hunt, which is a really cool website

to find out about brand new products that have just been released or announced.

These might be physical products, apps, or services on websites.

New products are posted every day, and a lot of them are from random startups you've never

heard of, but you'll also see people posting stuff released by major companies like Apple

or Google, and usually before they're widely advertised.

Of course you can filter through different catagories to see the most popular recent

stuff as well.

So I think this is a neat site worth checking out every few days or so, to see the best

stuff that you might have missed.

Ok, finally number 11, we have If This Then That, also known as IFTTT.

This website basically connects the APIs of a ton of different websites and services all

together to interact however you want.

For example, you could make it so any time you get a new Twitter follower, your smart

lightbulbs blink.

Or any time you post a photo on instagram, it automatically posts it to facebook as well.

The possibilities are pretty much endless, you could even do weird pointless stuff like,

any time you upload a video on YouTube, it turns up your thermostat or something.

Completely ridiculous, but you get the idea.

The one thing I will say though is unfortunately it's not always super reliable, so you shouldn't

use it for anything important.

Sometimes the triggers might be delayed for several minutes for no reason, or might not

trigger at all sometimes.

So just be aware of that.

Still, even if it is kinda slow, it's still pretty darn useful.

So I guess that's it a bunch of cool websites that I think you'll find pretty cool, and

maybe you knew most of them, but you can always send this to friends and let them know about

these too.

If you have any awesome sites I didn't talk about, let me know in the comments, I'll probably

do another one of these eventually.

If you want to keep watching, I'll put some other videos right here, you can just click

on those, and if you want to subscribe, I make new videos ever Tuesday Thursday Saturday.

Again feel free to follow me on Twitter or instagram, it's just @ThioJoe.

Anyway, thanks for watching, I'll see you next time, have a good one.

For more infomation >> 11 Cool Websites Everyone Should Know! - Duration: 11:04.


دورايمون || حلقة قتل الذبابة العجيبة || لم تعرض على سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 19:24.

For more infomation >> دورايمون || حلقة قتل الذبابة العجيبة || لم تعرض على سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 19:24.


Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 3.Bölüm - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 3.Bölüm - Duration: 5:29.



For more infomation >> ✦ ULTRAHARDCORE SURVIVAL✦ MINECRAFT #P2 - Duration: 1:20:12.


Bad friend scenarios 1: Equality - Duration: 6:32.

Voiceover: Bad. Friend. Scenarios.

V: Equality.

We've all had those friends, haven't we?

Friends that we actually don't really like.

Friends that...

we're not quite sure why we're even friends with.

Or maybe just friends that we do like, but who do a lot of things that bother us.

Well, then you've come to the right series.

(Stupid finger thing)

The first episode will focus on the most important part of friendship:


Are you and your friend equal?

The following scenarios should be good indicators,

Voiceover: Amusing injuries.

Or are they amusing?

Let's seeeeee!


Voiceover: This... is you. (Music continues)

V: Well, actually, no, it's just a younger version of me in a Hannah Montana cap, but... (Music continues)

V: Let's just pretend it's you, okay? (Music continues)

(Music continues)

V: And this is your friend. (Music continues)

V: Or, a younger version of MY friend who's played by me, but... (Music continues)

(Music continues)

V: Yeah. (Music continues)

V: Work with me, okay? (Music stops)


Look what I can do, Raven.

I'm watching.

(Dramatic music)

(Music continues. Young!friend starts climbing)

(Music continues. So badass.)

(Music stops. Young!friend falls and screams)

(Not so badass)

V: Oh my God, that was hilarious, can we please watch that again?


(Music – I believe I can fly)

V: Hahahahaha... ahaha...

Ahaha... ahaha... ahaha... ahaha... hahahahaha!

V: But how does your friend react? Do they also find it funny?


Ah, okay. That's an epic fail, I see.


Okay. That was... not very smart of me.

(rewind) V: Or do they get offended?


What's so funny about me getting hurt?

In that case, don't laugh, because really, it's not funny.

But now imagine if the roles... were reversed.

I bet I can do that much better than you can.

(Sassy backleaning)

I don't believe yoooooou.

Oh yeah? Now watch me do this!

(Dramatic music)

(Music continues as young!Ragnhild starts climbing)

(Such parkour)

(Music stops, Ragnhild screams and falls)

V: Replay, replay, replay! (rewind)

(I believe I can fly plays... again)

V: Oh my God!

Hahaha! Hehe!

Aw, Raven, Raven, Raven.

Did you actually think that you could do THIS?

Ha! Hahahaha...


V: Alright, Do you find it funny?

Haha... ahahahaha!

Awww, Gooood...

I'm such an idiot. Did I actually think... No, what did I think?

Oh, I'm so stupid.

(Grabs cap)

(Tries to put it on)

(Can't see for all that hair)

(Rewind) V: Or not.


I'm hurt.

It's not funny.

Come and help me.

See, both reactions are okay in both scenarios.

Laughing at other's injuries is okay, as long as they also find it funny.

But getting offended if people laugh about your injuries is also okay.

And then you should stop, of course.

So, as I said: Both reactions are okay. As long as they're the same!

If you get offended at your friend laughing at your injuries despite you always laughing at theirs,

maybe you should rethink your actions.

And if your friend always laughs at you, and it bugs you,

despite them not allowing you to do the same to them,

maybe you should confront your friend.


Voiceover: Trust.

Do you and your friend trust eact other? Let's see.

Voiceover: Imagine that you are at your friend's house.

V: You need to make an important phonecall and discover...

(Dramatic music as Ragnhild fumbles in her pockets)

... that you forgot your phone.

(Music) Dominic singing: And you left your phone.

D: Your phone. Your phoooone.

(Ragnhild cries) D: And you leeeft your phone!

D: Your phone! Your phooooone!

(Music continues) (Ragnhild keeps crying)

V: You ask your friend...

Hey, eh... Can I borrow your phone, please?

V: Now how does your friend reply? Do they say...

Sure. Here it is.

(Rewind) V: Or do they say...

Uh, no... It's mine...

It's private...

V: And you should respect that, of course, because after all, it IS their phone.

V: Now imagine the reverse.

V: Your friend is at your house, forgot THEIR phone,

V: and asks YOU to borrow them YOUR phone.

V: Would you trust them with your phone?

It's cool if you do, and it's okay if you don't. It is your phone, after all.

But the most important thing is: Are your reactions the same?

If you can borrow your friend's phone, but they can't borrow yours…

I'm not forcing you or calling you out or anything, but… Is it fair?

Likewise, if you're never allowed to borrow your friend's phone,

but they almost demand you to borrow them yours…

I don't think that sounds like an equal friendship.

But that might just be me.

Next scenario.

Voiceover: Money.

Money is the cause of many conflicts, especially between grown people.

So now let's see.

Voiceover: Imagine you're in town, eating with your friend,

and when you're about to pay...

I think I forgot my... money.

Would you mind paying my meal?

V: And how do you reply? Do you say...


It's my money, and it's your responsibility to remember your own money.

V: Which is true and completely okay.

(Rewind) V: Or do you say...

Sure. Just pay me back in a week or something, okay?

V: And fair enough.

Giving your friends free meals isn't your duty, but borrowing them money is cool.

(Rewind) V: Or do you say...

No problem.

Thank you so much! You'll get your money back as soon as possible. I swear.

Don't mention it, consider it a gift.

V: Now that's generous! Now reverse the roles.

Oh no, I forgot my wallet!

Can you pay for me, please?

V: And no matter how your friend replies, it should be okay.

See, all these reactions and replies are okay in all these scenarios.

But the important thing is...

Are they the same for the both of you?

If your friend can borrow your phone, can you borrow theirs as well?

And if your friend does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please confront them about it.

Don't hide it from them.

And likewise, if you have ever done any of the things shown in here,

or in the following episodes,

to a friend, make sure that they're okay with it.

Thanks for watching. Hope you liked that video. If you didn't…

Sorry about that, can't please anyone...

I think I could really have needed a video like this when I was younger,

so I hope I'll help others with this. If not…

nevermind then.

If you haven't clicked away yet… Respect to you.

Okay, byyyye!

(fancy outro)

For more infomation >> Bad friend scenarios 1: Equality - Duration: 6:32.


Audience Retention – 3 things I learned - Duration: 2:01.

Audience retention is the foundation of growing on YouTube because long audience

retention is proof, yes proof, that your viewers enjoy your video. And with that

also the YouTube algorithm works in your favor.

Hey youtubers Nico here. Today I

had a look at the audience retention of all my videos and guys, I'm really blown

away by how insightful this is. Let me show you the 3 major things I learned

from my audience retention analytics. Number 1: Asking to subscribe etc. I bet

you are all asking your viewers at some point to subscribe, leave a comment, or

give a like. Well, this didn't work so well for me. Here I asked to comment and

subscribe and the viewers dropped out. Doesn't it also bum you out if someone

is asking you to subscribe? In this case I asked that at the wrong time because

the part before that was already quite boring. Or look at that. I asked for

like. Big bummer. By the way, I'm looking at the relative audience retention. This

turns out to be the most insightful. Number 2: The right amount of

information. You are here to learn something from me, right? So my job is to

deliver information like here or here or here. But too much information can get

boring. Here I deliver good info. Now that is too much. Good info again. It's

starting to drag. Again useful info. I am tired.

Last but not least: Featuring creators. Part of this channel is to feature other

creators and tell their success story. Obviously, I show video snippets of them

and that brings a nice mix to my videos. It keeps the audience retention above

average. However, I have to be careful. You are here for my knowledge. Not to watch

the videos of other youtubers. One video insert too many and it becomes off-topic

and the retention goes down. Have a look at your audience retention graphs. What

can you learn from them? Let me know in the comments and if you want to learn

more about getting the retention up then have a look at this video.

Cheers guys!

For more infomation >> Audience Retention – 3 things I learned - Duration: 2:01.



For more infomation >> PABLO ESCOBAR, CHEFE DA COLÔMBIA - Duration: 16:04.


[Hun Sub] A.C.E 30 Napos Évfordulós Üzenete - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> [Hun Sub] A.C.E 30 Napos Évfordulós Üzenete - Duration: 1:27.


Ana • Invoker • 48K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 48:00.

Ana • Invoker • 48K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Ana • Invoker • 48K DMG — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 48:00.


SURRENDER THY JEWELS, KNAVE | Goodbye, My King Pt.1 - Duration: 18:21.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome to goodbye Mikey this is a game

that is I've only ever seen it described as like hello neighbor and I guess the

plot is you're a king and you're a kid this is really loud you're a king and

you were kicked out of your castle or something like that and you got to like

take over again so I'm gonna hit new game and music games can't work what

about level sit that all there's actually story cool ok cool story

there's a clock which is 120 don't know if it's the morning or the afternoon the

slaves bring in the oh wow 5 $35

okay and this juice bag comes up look at him

obviously wearing a wig my feature to yourself bro and that's the prophecy

that he stares in the crowd or something probably so it looks like happened and

then we got kicked out of kaskell Castille

and now loading screen okay so that's basically it you can kick down castle by

whatever whoever that was your uncle or something and then you get a steampunk

loading screen so but yeah I've only ever seen it described as just like

hello neighbors so you got to break into this house and you guys have seen me

play hello neighbor or hat if you have been I'm sorry

hello everyone I'm Jay speaking and this is hello neighbor

a long time ago about about nine months ago I played hello neighbor

music so calming what's the nice dark hello wow the wind blows the leg off of

the sentence or didn't crown off is it hello frog key all right so whips figure

out how to get it at this guy's house is this the well to kind of doing it nope

this is pretty this is pretty nice find a fragment of the gym in the Royal

chambers I think I will I have to get to the Royal chambers and find a Jim and

Jim fragment this is awesome I like this I can sprint can a sprint forever

I get spurt forever I think this is cool all right I really like this okay so

sneaky sneaky poo time what is that

anyone in there hello let's draw a parchment save I can't read it it's okay

it's okay Chet hello lamb shield Oh music started

that hints at the location of the Beast the location of the beast in this

wondrous but we're out down try upstairs yes let us what is this thing something

about electricity to open the door oh I can't pull oh I have to find a wire I

have to find the wire through to the electricity from the box to the door I

can do that holy macaroni why are you laughing at me

hey I knew the weight has fallen but why art thou laughing after thy former king

what is this is a floor plan for a city whatever whatever bro

what's that he looks out the window at night does he does he look out goes out

I need a I need a I need a speaker code for that cannot thank you I don't have a

secret code so okay so I need to find some numbers and I need to find some

wire you need to find other miscellaneous things okay so I need to

find a wired open a door somewhere in this house and I need to find some

numbers and you find some kind of code I could do that you can do all that oh oh

that what's that say password one series therefore set up oh I got a password

one zero zero four seven a I can I can find that oh oh dude this okay I hope

he's not in here one zero zero cause I haven't seen aust-r valve all she's out

in here Seth how does thou

can you like

why are you right aren't you gonna chase me whoa laughs though that laugh though

now run forever why are you not ready for ever run you not have sprinters once

he spots you is that what happened okay fine whatever let's go all right we're

back whoa hey hey Fran oh hey maybe he has to

find you can you crouch you can't crouch okay so you can crouch you can hide and

stuff so I am going to go back this way this seems to be dude he was maniacally

he was happy he was very hello Kay goalie left the door open for us me that

key I need that need a key go here Oh what do you say ha ha how convenient

ok how convenient for the key to just without arch now here in his er

old saga Crouch students that's good to do Hey

you don't see me friend I see you though in a zoomin no I can submit but I do see

him you could have run I feel like I can use this key elsewhere

what is this book thing nothing okay okay I just got it

just got a Roy hey I'm a hind up here I'm gonna sit right here you don't see

me doctor that is your real name it was there anything in here nope Oh is

he coming up he's not is he go why all right so I have a key keys are good oh

hey oh you gotta be jerkin gonna jump well why's the glitches don't

so oh you snapped me in the face I saw the key goes to joke's on you ha ha ha

ha I have the key art is up no dang it you can't sprint

when he's after you damn it oh that's good to know in the

future so you can't hide from him Oh having a time to time the tablet

tablet so where is he now where are you friend that's the best question right

now is where art thy enemy know thy enemy and know thy enemy's location or

thou is ow finds out guilty of high treason upon

the Lords of leg and frock I found the court so that's all that is all I need

just accord you're gonna open hey I'm gonna run gonna run this way I'm gonna

blindly run through the house and hopefully not find the former intruder

but now would you be king it's like it exert from Monty Python all right

boom-shaka-laka Open Sesame all right you know I am in

the flesh in which we believe to be the Royal chambers and I am searching for

this stone why did that explode why are you exploding Sam oh what's that

what what what oh I did grab the stuff okay what anything else I can grab is

there other stuff is there what's this can I have that can I have the pay

Payton can can have you can have this can I have that gonna have to go ahead

so anything else oh hello uh hello at you Oh goodbye jeez

I kind of want to explore more but you know what a stupid Ooba dooba dooba

dooba do we have escaped Oh drawings of the daughter without death okay so I've

seen drawings of the daughter that's good that's cool um she has to do it

without death is that what you're saying all right

is that what you are two thou say then all right

so part oh hello there hello sir so I'm not digging how the

camera does this like I there's my mouse right here and it's

moving it's moving so I don't know what that means so whoa hey enough sleepy

person clouds a helipad cloud is such a wondrous fine and a fine day not final

day all right so I need Jim fragments for some reason I don't know why I got

forever or two thou why oh hello there hello again creepy creepy son man okay

so I needed not you so you can definitely run out of sprint so that's

good again whatever nice I'm going to walk

right also it's a launch to did it is locked it is so we need to look Oh Oh

what do you know the spare key under the rock right by the front door

let's use it and get right inside well that was easy

alright where art thou my king my life should not be king but is oh so what

happens I'll been throwing darts at the himself okay me whatever floats your

boat what do you really hate recited it's like it's the book it's the book

from light are discoloured its rivers diary oh my god open whoa what's all

this then why what is all this then what a pretty horse it's a pretty horse hello

daughter hello hey are these the paintings of the

daughter the paintings of the dog will turn whoa I got a painting I just

grabbed one right off the floor I guess I'll be needing that for something some

reason you can't Open Sesame yeah anybody hair as me there's nothing

here there's nothing I think if it's a dog the daughter hey hey I see you I see

you bye I think what what's that I was just the door I don't shut the

door okay so he's moving he's moving now is he moving this way

hello hello not without moving out here are you are you coming out hither cuz if

you are then I'm out imagine putting caps lock on what I'm

gonna do so I'm carrying your pain to the cross everywhere okay so I ain't to

get to the chambers why do I have a painting does that mean I have the

paintings of the daughter so the why can't I read any of these tomes altered

our handwriting so bad that I can also thou read out reach out it now okay I'm

gonna go to sleep grab-grab mistake it has a like steak

apparently I'm just kind of clicking everything like you know I'll just grab

whatever I can and use it to my advantage to anything in here no okay

nothing's locked it's kind of scary kind of scary nothing locks

okay how about you about about you you you you you so far I have a painting it

is a steak strange it's different okay so where there is hey buddy are you

going I'm there now are they gonna go in there now buddy cooking since you're in

there I'm gonna go in here this looks promising

Oh what's that growling oh you throw the steak it see there's a reason for

everything is there anything in here nope

Walter what oh hell of a door how modern of you ha ha ha ha

all right so magnet to key oh that's just like hello neighbors

my said oh okay you had to press escape to put that picture down that's just

fine why hello that room oh you grab this one oh I can move

something oh I see okay so you can move these guys is there a certain direction

you need a it's a painting is that the painting of the Delta I'm gonna look at

it maybe that's the painting of the dope oh jeez that's the painting of the

father move all these movies all pointing in different directions why

they so happy what why are some of them happy but not all can I move you and

open you know nope you know so he's downstairs so I think it's safe to all I

need a magnet for that key can I just open it with the front door key oh maybe

not hello Georgia hello hello Dalton again hello hello ugly man hello hello

everyone oh geez the doll whoa stuck in the door Oh what's this

what is it oh ah I did not look right something something something I missed

it it's gone whoa I don't need to hide bruh

get out yeah can I look at it again okay and I look through it no I can't and

it's gone forever I should have looked at it ah fine okay so try to accommodate

apparently there's a way to bring up like a help menu or whatever

but I don't know how that Israel know how I must look at up let me look up how

to bring up the help menu but that should be it

okay okay right up and then these two look at each other Oh something like

that if you keep rotating up until where there we go okay and what it's a

painting of him looking in the mirror is that all that was a painting of him

looking in the mirror well what's it I need a magnet I don't need to look in

the mirror what's that even mean yep i I don't know I don't know what

that even means I've no I did oh my god the magnet was there the whole time

what's this there the whole time did I even have to solve that I don't even

think I had to solve that puzzle oh man and this must be the Royal chambers it

is the Royal chambers off now Royal yep that's it there it is around the bed but

both and the thing exploded I'm gonna go ahead and look at you cuz that's the

painting of the daughter maybe on is that the painting of the dull chap I

don't I did I don't know what the effing changing of the daughter is I'm just

gonna go how about that way but we didn't get the painting of the daughter

at that time I didn't die but didn't get the

paintings as the daughter but actually found a physical painting so how do I

get painting as a daughter the drawing of the daughter the first time whatever

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one goodbye my king I'll probably do more

I'll probably do a lot more because it seems like an ongoing game well he has

actually got levels of levels so and hello neighbor is not out yet so this is

a nice little substitute and it's fun it's also anyway if you guys did enjoy

make sure you slap that like button underneath the video until next time

I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> SURRENDER THY JEWELS, KNAVE | Goodbye, My King Pt.1 - Duration: 18:21.


Learn color with superheroes Motorcycles on Bus | Cartoon for kids | Kids & Baby videos - Duration: 11:09.

Learn color with superheroes Motorcycles on Bus | Cartoon for kids | Kids & Baby videos

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