Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Waiting for my death while I count to 10 Shawty laying on my chest in the back of the Benz

I can see you fakin', why you playing pretend? I don't even know you, why should you act like we're friends?

She ain't gonna meet another one like me Puts you to the ground while you keel walking

Yeah it say Gucci on my plain white tee That's a grown man flexed up, play with me

Baby I was blazing in my plain white tee You can steal my pictures of me and your broken dreams

I waited for your touch, you never waited for me See me in the dark waiting patiently for you, and I

I'm beggin' for your touch, I'm beggin' for your touch tonight I'm beggin' for your touch, I'm beggin' for your touch

For more infomation >> LiL PEEP – Lil Yung - Duration: 2:01.


Como analizar paquetes TCP | How to analyze TCP packets | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 4:52.

Hello My youtube friends

Digiboy16 again :D

in their ethical hacking channel and cyber-security

every weekend

If you are not subscribed

I invite to you that join to this big family

Cyber Security Environment


The day of today we have a super special chapter

Today we are going to analyze and capture

The process about the transport protocol TCP

To have the experience about the process

Three Way Handshake

That have three packets types



and finally. ACK

And Let's Get started

The first step is that I have a previously captured capture

with the TCP packets

Let's go to open the file

Here we can see a previously captured capture

with all the TCP packets

Come on to Analyze a little filter

to an IP address that is Facebook IP address

that will be our test IP address

Ok here we have a preview

Ip.addr == (fb IP address) and Ip.addr == (Local IP)

we press ENTER to make the filter

and we can see the filter

As we can see here the TCP protocol has three packets types

the packets allow us have a secured and reliable connection

The first one is a SYN packet as we can see here

The second one is a SYN, ACK as we can see here

and finally the Last one is the ACK packet. That indicate everything is Ok

Let's go to the SYN inside packet

Let's go to the TCP section

Here show different kind of information as for example

The source Port

In this case is the Local machine port

The destination port

the value is 443

because is an HTTPS broadcasting

is to fb

and us show the flag that is a SYN

Let's go to the second one packet that is SYN, ACK

Let's go to the TCP section too

and we can see that our destination that is facebook

respond with the source port 443

to the destination port

and you can see the flag is SYN ACK

And finally the Last one to finish

that is the ACK packet

that is to confirm everything is Ok

this packet the source port is the local host

to the destination port that in this case is facebook

toward the 443 port

and you see the flag

that is an ACK

We can make different filters like for example


and you have to indicate the flag type

for example the SYN and you press ENTER

and show the filter with all the SYN packets

also you can make it with the ACK

and do it with the same filter

and also shows the filter

and also with the other one flag type about tcp

that is FIN

that shows when a TCP section is finished

and the RST

that is for reset a TCP connection

Also we can watch a streaming about one host to another one

using TCP

for example

Let's go to Make the Last one filter

Ip.addr == (Fb ip address) and ip.addr == (local ip)

to watch a streaming

about TCP

Simply, We have to select a TCP packet

between our two destinations that are our local IP address and the Facebook Public IP address

Right Click

and click to follow

and Later we select Tcp stream

and We can watch the TCP streaming

and we can watch the entire conversation about the two destinations

we can't understand nothing because everything is encrypted with the Facebook certified

some information we can read like the Facebook host name

the certified information that is Digicert

and other kind of information that cannot be encrypted cause is public information

but the other one is totally encrypted

And that's everything for today!!


Bye bye! Don't forget suscribe is Free!

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For more infomation >> Como analizar paquetes TCP | How to analyze TCP packets | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 4:52.


Garth - Anthology 2 and 3 and 4??? - Duration: 4:21.

HEY TRIPPSTERS okay Garth Brooks anthology we know it's going to cover

the first five albums what we don't know is how many anthologies is he going to

release we know there's one for short he's already mentioned and the only

details he gave is yes it's coming up this year and yes it will cover the

first five albums now we know Garth and he's not going to just leave it right

there so we know there's going to be at least one more okay the reason I say how

many is because the Beatles released three anthologies

okay well the Beatles had I think twelve albums now if I'm wrong about that

number somebody please let me know but to have twelve albums and do three

anthologies well Garth has had ten albums ten studio albums that doesn't

count Greatest Hits box sets Christmas albums things like that this is just

studio albums so with ten albums Garth could do at least two anthologies

because the first one's going to cover the first five CDs which means the

second one and we're pretty sure there's going to be a second one would cover the

last five but since the Beatles released three anthologies I figure garthe's

weren't going to want to do at least as many as the Beatles did so I'm figuring

he'll do a third one but if he does I don't know what would be in it because

if the first one covers the first five albums we know that's going to happen

and the second one covers the next five albums that takes care of all of his

albums as far as studio albums so if he does a third one what is going to be in

it okay would it be you know all the other CDs that his release that don't

count as studio albums because in case you don't know Christmas albums and

greatest hits and things like that don't count as official studio albums so if he

does three like the Eagles did what would be in it

okay the question for the video was how many do you think he's going to do two

or three or do you think there will be more but at the same time if he does

three or more what do you think is going to be in them I know the Beatles had

like a documentary in theirs so I figure you know we're going to get demos and

behind the scenes stuff so I think there's going to be a DVD that will

cover behind the scenes maybe people telling stories and some of the demo

stuff will also have stories but I mean we could cover the first five albums and

I figure possibly a DVD well what else is there going to be and what is going

to be in the other box sets or anthologies that Garth is going to

release because you know he's going to do more than one he's not just going to

do the first five albums and leave it at that he's going to do more than one so

how many do you think he's going to do because I'm thinking at least three

possibly four if he wants to surpass the Beatles in the number of anthologies

because numbers are important to guards for some reason why are figuring at

least three possibly four but if he does what do you think would be in the third

and beyond those what do you think would be in those because the first one covers

the first five the next one which will probably be out next year will cover the

last five I'm guessing so what does that leave for the third box set and beyond

exactly here we're going to get at least three but if we do what is going to be

in up guys let me know your thoughts what do you think is going to be in the

other anthologies that dark is going to release because yeah he's going to

release more than one but that's just my train of thought for right now and I

thought I would share it with you guys and see what you guys thought how many

do you think there's going to be and what do you think is going to be in

them that is going to do it for now this is ICEPETS Queen and I am tripping


For more infomation >> Garth - Anthology 2 and 3 and 4??? - Duration: 4:21.


Sorteio de julho - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Sorteio de julho - Duration: 1:42.


Game of Thrones Season 7 Comic Con Preview Explained - Duration: 4:21.

A new Game of Thrones preview is out, and it reveals some big stuff about Season 7 – so

let's have a look.

We see more of this sea battle when Euron Greyjoy attacks Dany's fleet.

Theon and Yara are there, and Tyene, and Ellaria.

And it looks things go badly for them.

Cause later, Euron rolls into King's Landing and gives Cersei his gift.

And the gift appears to be – Ellaria and Tyene and what looks like Yara.

It's hard to be sure with this shot, but Cersei does at least appear to have some of

the Sand Snakes – which is probably going to get ugly.

Cause remember, Ellaria used poison to murder Cersei's daughter Myrcella.

This is Cersei's chance to get revenge.

We also see Cersei make an alliance with Randyll Tarly and the recast Dickon Tarly – Sam's


The Tarlys are bannermen of the Tyrells, who are supporting Daenerys – but it looks like

Randyll changes sides to support Cersei.

Which could be a big deal – House Tarly has a powerful military, and will make the

Lannisters even stronger.

We see Jaime leading Lannisters at this castle, which judging from all the greenery might

be Highgarden, seat of the Tyrells.

If the Lannisters take out Highgarden and capture Sand Snakes in the next couple episodes,

that'd be a strong start for Queen Cersei this season.

But things might not go so well for her in this battle, at what might be Casterly Rock.

Dany's Unsullied might just take the Lannister home base.

Up north, Littlefinger gets all metaphysical, saying that all possible universes exist simultaneously

or something.

This guy's getting more incoherent by the episode.

His plan now seems to be to divide and undermine the north.

But is that even in his interests?

He does know the white walkers are real, right?

How's his "chaos is a ladder" gonna help him when a zombie giant's running him


The plotters and the schemers take a back seat this season – the show's now more

about the simple fight to survive.

While Petyr speaks in abstractions, the Starks get pragmatic, and prepare Winterfell for

the war to come.

They're training children to fight, and generally speaking, when someone conscripts

child soldiers to fight zombies – they're usually considered a bad guy.

But our hero Jon Snow's the Joe Kony of this show.

Game of Thrones isn't about good versus evil – it's more a lesser evil versus

a greater evil versus a super duper ultra evil versus whatever Littlefinger's trying

to be.

Anyway Jon Snow considers an alliance with Daenerys – cause her dragons might be their

best hope of beating the army of the dead.

Also Dragonstone has the obsidian that they need to kill white walkers.

Daenerys gets a visit from Melisandre.

Which could be important, cause Dany came to Dragonstone with the goal of taking the


Melisandre can tell her of the more important war – the war for the dawn against the white


Mel says Dany has "a role to play … as does another".

It sounds like Mel is talking about Azor Ahai, a hero prophesied to save the world.

In the books, there are complex hints and connections which suggest one character or

another might be this saviour.

Mel seems to be hinting at what a lot of fans believe – that Jon Snow and Daenerys are

both Azor Ahai.

Ice and fire, combined – to save the world from the long night.

Thanks for watching.

Quick heads up – there's a channel called Alt Schwift X posting Game of Thrones videos

in like the style of Alt Shift X – except they're wildly inaccurate, and frankly unprofessional

– so make sure you avoid that channel and do not watch this video under any circumstances.

Thanks to the Patrons for making Alt Shift X possible.

We're holding livestreams after each Thrones episode, so to join in, sign up as a Patron


Thanks to Daniel Nissenbaum, Lilifane, Praneeth Kurisetty, Sandili Chauncey, Omri Cohen, and

Chance Carpenter.


For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 7 Comic Con Preview Explained - Duration: 4:21.


Your Body Is Designed to Attack a New Organ, Now We Know Why - Duration: 3:34.

Imagine waiting for a new lung or kidney transplant … you finally get one, go through intense

surgery, and then after a few years, your body's like NOPE I DON'T LIKE THIS THING,

GET IT OUT and rejects that vital organ.

... heartbreaking, right?

Transplant rejection happens, and more often than you'd think.

About 50% of all transplanted organs are rejected within 10-12 years.

That's a staggering number.

Organ rejection happens at the molecular level, something just isn't compatible, and finally,

scientists think they've uncovered the basis of this response.

This is a-metaphorically-huge-but-literally microscopic-thing!

So we have to understand how the body deals with a foreign lung or liver or whatever.

And that relationship starts with the immune system.

So, let's say you're getting a new kidney … It's a whole ecosystem of living things.

And it's ALIEN.

The immune system knows this because the cells on the donor organ are different . But once

it knows, it's definitely not going to ignore it.

As far as the immune system is concerned it could be a giant virus or poison!

So, it tries to get rid of it!

Your immune system is designed to attack anything it doesn't recognize.

And there are two main parts within the human immune system that are responsible for this

1-2 punch: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.

The adaptive immune system response is what you think of, when you think "immune system."

This is defcon 1.

White blood cells, are ready to attack the invader.


But, white bloods don't just attack anything.

They need a snitch.

They need to be told what to attack.

That's what's been elusive for scientists, the triggers for the innate immune system


How do the t-cells get fired up enough to attack your shiney new organ?

Bear with me, we're about to get real molecular.

In a paper published in Science Immunology, they found that t-cells won't launch an offensive

unless another immune cell, called a Dendritic cell, yells, "intruder alert!"

Dendritic cells are on the lookout for a molecule called SIRP-alpha.

If your kidney is put in my body, the SIRP-alpha don't match.

When they aren't a match, a receptor on a monocyte called CD47 binds to that SIRP-alpha


The monocytes are another type of immune cells.

Once that binding happens, the dendritic cell rings the alarm and the big guns roll in...

and that's what causes organ rejection.

Basically a protein interaction sets off a chain reaction that eventually leads to bye,

bye, kidney.

The exciting part of this nitty-gritty molecular discovery is that researchers think they can

block that interaction between the SIRP-alpha and CD47.

Basically, the monocytes never get bound up, so the immune system stays cool.

This could prevent organ rejection and lead to acceptance!

But more research is needed.

Plus, now that we know to look for it, we can match the SIRP-alpha from donors and recipients,

possibly causing lower organ rejection rates overall!

Being on a list for an organ for years, only to have it rejected is devastating for the

recipient, but think about it -- maybe that kidney could have worked in someone else!

The more we know about this process, the better we'll be able to get organs to their forever

homes, and keep them safe inside the crazy neighborhood that is the human body.

Special thanks to our sponsor, Domain dot com.

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It's hard enough to transplant a singular organ, but some scientists are actually trying

to transplant a human head..

Or I guess a whole human body?

Check out our video about it, here.

Do you guys have any burning science questions you want us to answer?

Let us know down in the comments, be sure to like this video, and subscribe so you never

miss an episode of Seeker.

For more infomation >> Your Body Is Designed to Attack a New Organ, Now We Know Why - Duration: 3:34.


Thiago & Rafinha - Jian Ze Challenge 🇨🇳 | Audi Summer Tour 2017 - Duration: 4:01.

Thiago and Rafinha are two of the most technical players in the team,

so this Chinese game should suit them well.

It's called Jian Ze and is particularly popular amongst Chinese children. Let's see how

the two of them get on.

Thiago, Rafa, this should definitely be a new exercise for your training sessions, for Carlo Ancelotti?

Ahh no, this is a little complicated.

I prefer the football, we'd need a lot of training for this.

But you could at least integrate that into the warm-up.

It'd also be good for goalkeeper training.

Exactly, for a goalkeeping game.

The two of you can keep playing for a little bit.

We also have an expert here,

Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen, Thiago, Rafinha.


Mr. Chen is a professional Jian Ze player.

Liu, can you maybe introduce him?

What does he do?

How often does he play?

He is a player at Shanghai Jian Ze, he is the Jian Ze master if you like.

A champion of his sport.

And he can show you a few tricks.

Mr. Chen, can you have a go with Thiago and Rafinha?

This looks a little bit like badminton.

Very good!

And now we have another challenge for you.

Rafinha vs. Mr. Chen,

Thiago is our referee. He is nursing a slight knock after some tiring training.

So: Rafinha vs. Mr. Chen and Thiago is the ref.


Thiago, you count.



2-1 for China.

You, you.

No, you.



Brazilian assistants.

4-2 Rafa.

We're playing up to 5, so two match points for Rafinha.



It was on the line, right?

Ohhhh, 5-3.

Rafa wins.

Game for Rafa.

Rafa wins, very good.

Thanks very much, Mr Chen.

That was our small challenge with Rafinha, Thiago and Mr. Chen.

But we are not done yet.

There is still one more to go and in fact we are now going down to the lobby

to surprise a few kids.

For more infomation >> Thiago & Rafinha - Jian Ze Challenge 🇨🇳 | Audi Summer Tour 2017 - Duration: 4:01.


Actors Who Quit Hollywood In A Blaze Of Glory - Duration: 4:33.

For most people, the idea of being a Hollywood actor is a dream gig worth chasing to the


But the reality of superstardom sometimes turns out to be a lot less fun than the fantasy.

Over the decades, there have been a number of stars who have turned their back on acting

to pursue other dreams.

Here's a look at some of the actors who quit Hollywood in a blaze of glory.

Taylor Momsen

She had the talent, the skill, and the look to become a major Hollywood actress.

But Taylor Momsen, the hard-partying wild card and former star of Gossip Girl, reportedly

quit Hollywood on her own terms and at the top of her game.

Following her exit from the CW's hit series in 2011, she peaced out of Tinseltown to pursue

a career in music as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for a rock band called The Pretty


It's a career move that seems to have worked.

Momsen told Entertainment Weekly in 2015, "I think when I quit everyone thought I was

crazy, and now it's three number ones later, so they were wrong."

Dave Chappelle

Legendary comedian Dave Chappelle's abrupt departure from the mega-influential Chappelle's

Show, and from the country, in 2005 is one of the most notorious mic drops in showbiz


Not only did Chappelle leave behind his namesake program during its third season, he also gave

up what was reported to be at least a $50 million payday to do it.

The unexpected departure sparked a storm of rumors about the nature of his disappearance,

with allegations he was doing crack, or had gone crazy, which Chappelle strongly denied.

"I don't understand this person.

So they're crazy.

That' B-------.

These people are not crazy.

They're strong people.

Maybe the environment is a little sick."

According to Chappelle, he simply decided he no longer wanted to deal with all the baggage

that comes with being a celebrity.

After a decade out of the spotlight, Chappelle returned in 2017 with two stand-up specials

for Netflix, staging his comeback the same way he staged his departure: on his own terms.

"I feel good about what I did.

It was not easy, and I do not recommend it.

But… ha..

But it worked it worked for me."

Richard Simmons

An unlikely mystery for the ages: fitness guru and actor Richard Simmons enters his

California home in the Hollywood Hills one day in 2014 and seemingly never steps outside


The question of what happened to Richard Simmons spawned a whole cottage industry, including

a wildly popular podcast.

So what's the truth?

Well, according to Simmons himself, after decades in the spotlight he simply wanted

to take some time off to focus on himself for a while.

"it was time for me to take some time.

To be by myself."

You know you're a superstar when your vacation generates even more buzz than your work!

Grace Kelly

It was arguably the most glamorous and celebrated career change in Hollywood history.

Actress Grace Kelly had risen to Hollywood's A-list with roles in classic Alfred Hitchcock

thrillers Rear Window and To Catch a Thief.

In 1956, though, she gave up acting to become a real life princess when she married Prince

Ranier the Third of Monaco.

The wedding was an international media sensation, elevating her to new levels of fame.

But while several producers attempted to lure her out of retirement over the years, she

never acted on the big screen again, content to remain in her role as Princess Grace until

her death in 1982.

Jack Gleeson

Oh, how we wanted this kid to die.

As pretty much everyone knows, Game of Thrones' most-loathsome adolescent king, Joffrey Lannister,

deserved a thousand forms of retribution by the time his reign ended.

A truly talented actor in the field of being bad, Jack Gleeson served as a magnet for millions

of viewers' hatred week after week over the course of the show's first four seasons.

When he finally did exit the series, Gleeson made a surprise announcement — not only

was he leaving the show, the actor, 21 at the time, said he was done with acting, period.

And so far, he's mostly stuck to his pledge.

While Gleeson has taken on some stage roles, he's turned down every offer to star on TV

or in the movies.

We don't blame him.

After all, he knows first hand what happens when you become too big for your britches.

"Your Grace


"it's nothing!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Actors Who Quit Hollywood In A Blaze Of Glory - Duration: 4:33.


11 Cool Websites Everyone Should Know! - Duration: 11:04.

Ah yes, websites.

There are at least a thousand of them, but which ones are the best?

Obviously I can't really answer that, but I can at least tell you about some that you

should definitely know about.

In this video I've got 11 cool websites that range from being extremely useful, to just

pure fun.

You've probably heard of some of them, but I doubt all of them, so you should at least

get something out of this.

And the links will be in the description.

Quickly before we begin I'm just gonna give a 2 second shout out to my Twitter and Instagram,

I try to post cool stuff on those if you're interested, both are just @ThioJoe.

Anyway, let's get started.

Number one, this website is definitely in the extremely useful catagory.

It's called, "VirusTotal", and you may have heard me mention it before.

It's actually owned by Google now, and what it does is let's you upload any file, and

it will be scanned with pretty much every virus scanner software out there, which is

over 60 of them.

This obviously can't replace having antivirus software on your computer because it only

scans individual files, but it's great if you come across something suspicious.

Maybe you download something and your antivirus software says it's fine, but you want to be


Or maybe your antivirus says it's a virus, but you think it could be a false alarm.

In both cases, you can use VirusTotal to compare it to all the other antiviruses to get a better


Like if every antivirus says it's fine except for a few, those are probably a false positive.

But if a pretty good chunk of them say it's a virus, better play it safe.

Also, they even have a feature to search websites as well.

So if someone sends you a link you're not too sure about, you can check it out.

Of course common sense is the best defense, so don't rely on it completely, if it's a

brand new phishing site or something I don't know if it would detect it.

Next up we have a quick one that's just for fun.

It's called "Windows 93", which emulates a theoretical version of Windows that would

have been from 1993.

It's not exactly historically accurate, in fact it's mostly just humorous, but is actually

surprisingly complex.

It has an internet themed Wolfenstein game, a drawing program like paint, even Half Life

3, which apparently never finishes loading.

You can also start a virtual machine, which runs Windows 93, inside Windows 93.

There is obviously a ton of stuff you can do to waste time on here, so I'd better not

get too far into it, you can just explore it yourself.

Alright number 3 is another important one, called "HaveIBeenPwned".

It seems like all the time now, we hear about a new website getting hacked and passwords

being leaked, but how are you supposed to know if YOUR data has been leaked.

Well that's the point of this site.

You just type in your email address, and it will tell your email address, along with your

password and potentially other info, was included in any breaches in it's database.

That way, you know to not only change your password on that site, but also never use

that same password again.

That's because hackers frequently use leaked databases to try email and password combinations

on a bunch of sites.

If you used the same password on multiple websites, they can easily get in.

Another really important feature of this site is you can sign up to receive an email notification

if your email has been found in any future breaches going forward.

And chances are you will eventually.

Just look at the one from Adobe in 2013, where over 150 MILLION accounts were leaked.

You'll obviously want to immediately know if it happens to you.

Number 4, we have a site called "10 minute mail", which generates a temporary email address

for you that expires in 10 minutes.

This is great if you come across a website that requires you to sign up for an account

to use, but you know you'll probably never use it again, and don't want to give away

your real email.

Now you can just sign up with a throwaway email address, get whatever you need from

the site, and leave.

Another use might be if you aren't sure whether a site is junk or not.

You can sign up with a temporary email, and if it turns out to be legit, you can just

make a real account or change to your real email.

If the site ends up being useless, you won't have to worry about getting on any new spam

list from it.

Onto number 5, this one is great and is so simple.

It's called "DownForEveryoneOrJustMe", or the short version is just, and all

this site does is tells you if any website you type in is currently up or down.

I'm it's happened to you a million times, you try to go to a site, and it either takes

forever to load, or won't load at all, and you're wondering if the problem is on your

end or not.

Not really much more to say about it...

If the website is up, it will tell you it's just you, and if it really is down, it will

say it's not just you.

Definitely a handy one to remember.

Ok next up, number 6, this one is pretty well known I think, which is "GetHuman".

This website is for any time you call customer service for any company, and you just can't

seem to talk to a real person.

With this, you type in a company, and it will tell you exactly what steps to take to get

connected to a human customer support agent, assuming it's possible.

For example, if we try Sony, it tells us the phone number to call, and then what numbers

to press that will put you through to someone.

In this case, you press 5, then zero, then zero.

For companys or websites that have basically no way to talk to someone, like YouTube, it

will at least have some instructions for how to fix common problems.

They also apparently have a paid service where they will literally call the company on your

behalf, but I've never tried that particular service myself.

Alright, next we have an interesting little site called "Which Book", and the point is

to help you find a book you might want to read, or several.

On the left of the page there are a bunch of criteria sliders you can use to describe

what you'd like.

So maybe you want one that's really happy, but also really disturbing, which would be

a weird combination, and we can see it actually has quite a few possible recomendations.

There is a limit of four slider criteria at once, I guess because otherwise it would just

be too specific or innacurate.

There's also a button to add more settings like a specific type of plot, setting, or


Overall it's just a cool site you might want to check out.

Number 8, PixaBay.

This is an awesome stock photo website, except every single one of the pictures are royalty


Specifically the pictures are all released under Creative Commons Zero, meaning they

are released into the public domain.

And there are a surprising number of stock photos on here, right now over a million.

That's nowhere near some of the paid stock photos sites that might have over 100 million,

but hey you really can't complain.

There are still a ton of really cool, high quality images on here that you can use for

anything from desktop wallpaper, to being put in YouTube videos.

You're also able to filter for specific types of images, like actual photos, or vector graphics,

or ones that have transparent backgrounds.

And yes, I very often get a lot of pictures from here and use them in videos.

It might be difficult to find images about really specific topics, but for the most part,

you can usually find at least something you can work with.

Moving on, number 9 is a site called "JustWatch", where you can type in any movie or TV show

you want to watch, and it will tell you what streaming services have it.

And as you can see it supports pretty much every streaming service out there, or at least

the most popular ones.

Let's do an example, like for game of thrones.

Under Watch Now, it shows you services that you can stream it on, assuming you subscribe

to it, as well as other services that let you just buy episodes outright, and how many

seasons those sites have.

In this case, it looks like they all have six seasons, but you want to double check,

because even though it says Fandango and Microsoft have 7 seasons, if you actually go to them,

they just have the option to pre-order season 7, and you can't actually watch it yet.

As I said it also works for movies, so if we type in something like "Dr Strange", right

in the results we can see that it's streamable on netflix, and most of the other services

allow you to either rent or buy the movie, since Google play is listed under both.

I should mention that the results will definitely vary by country, but at least it seems like

it also supports a lot of European based streaming services as well, so it should work no matter

where you live.

Alright almost near the end, number 10, is Product Hunt, which is a really cool website

to find out about brand new products that have just been released or announced.

These might be physical products, apps, or services on websites.

New products are posted every day, and a lot of them are from random startups you've never

heard of, but you'll also see people posting stuff released by major companies like Apple

or Google, and usually before they're widely advertised.

Of course you can filter through different catagories to see the most popular recent

stuff as well.

So I think this is a neat site worth checking out every few days or so, to see the best

stuff that you might have missed.

Ok, finally number 11, we have If This Then That, also known as IFTTT.

This website basically connects the APIs of a ton of different websites and services all

together to interact however you want.

For example, you could make it so any time you get a new Twitter follower, your smart

lightbulbs blink.

Or any time you post a photo on instagram, it automatically posts it to facebook as well.

The possibilities are pretty much endless, you could even do weird pointless stuff like,

any time you upload a video on YouTube, it turns up your thermostat or something.

Completely ridiculous, but you get the idea.

The one thing I will say though is unfortunately it's not always super reliable, so you shouldn't

use it for anything important.

Sometimes the triggers might be delayed for several minutes for no reason, or might not

trigger at all sometimes.

So just be aware of that.

Still, even if it is kinda slow, it's still pretty darn useful.

So I guess that's it a bunch of cool websites that I think you'll find pretty cool, and

maybe you knew most of them, but you can always send this to friends and let them know about

these too.

If you have any awesome sites I didn't talk about, let me know in the comments, I'll probably

do another one of these eventually.

If you want to keep watching, I'll put some other videos right here, you can just click

on those, and if you want to subscribe, I make new videos ever Tuesday Thursday Saturday.

Again feel free to follow me on Twitter or instagram, it's just @ThioJoe.

Anyway, thanks for watching, I'll see you next time, have a good one.

For more infomation >> 11 Cool Websites Everyone Should Know! - Duration: 11:04.


Leben im Atombunker: Pekings unterirdische Siedlung | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 15:12.

For more infomation >> Leben im Atombunker: Pekings unterirdische Siedlung | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 15:12.


دورايمون || حلقة قتل الذبابة العجيبة || لم تعرض على سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 19:24.

For more infomation >> دورايمون || حلقة قتل الذبابة العجيبة || لم تعرض على سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 19:24.


Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 3.Bölüm - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 3.Bölüm - Duration: 5:29.


Sirf 3 Gram Safoof Laian Aur Phir Kamal Daikhin | Mardana Taqat Paida Karay By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Sirf 3 Gram Safoof Laian Aur Phir Kamal Daikhin | Mardana Taqat Paida Karay By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:40.


Olmo Blanco - Yo soy la Locura [ Henry du Bailly - La Folie - 1610 ] - Duration: 2:59.

I am the madness

that instills


pleasure and gentleness

and contentment in the world.

pleasure, pleasure and gentleness

and contentment in the world.

All men wait on my name

much or little;

but none of them

considers himself a madman.

But none of them

considers himself a madman.

I hope you like it;

Follow me on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Thanks to all those who are supporting me.

Special thanks to George Hardman,

who asked me to record this video.

If you want to support me, this is the link:

Lots of kisses and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Olmo Blanco - Yo soy la Locura [ Henry du Bailly - La Folie - 1610 ] - Duration: 2:59.


五個來自募資平台的新奇商品#2|五大獨立商品系列|那個誰SOMEone/Top5 invention on crowdfunding platform in TAIWAN #2 - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> 五個來自募資平台的新奇商品#2|五大獨立商品系列|那個誰SOMEone/Top5 invention on crowdfunding platform in TAIWAN #2 - Duration: 6:52.


BLOKÉS #2 - VO ou VF ? - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> BLOKÉS #2 - VO ou VF ? - Duration: 2:29.


BKenntnis: In Berlin hat sie Dinge erfahren, die sie in München niemals gesehen hätte - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> BKenntnis: In Berlin hat sie Dinge erfahren, die sie in München niemals gesehen hätte - Duration: 0:50.


Bad friend scenarios 1: Equality - Duration: 6:32.

Voiceover: Bad. Friend. Scenarios.

V: Equality.

We've all had those friends, haven't we?

Friends that we actually don't really like.

Friends that...

we're not quite sure why we're even friends with.

Or maybe just friends that we do like, but who do a lot of things that bother us.

Well, then you've come to the right series.

(Stupid finger thing)

The first episode will focus on the most important part of friendship:


Are you and your friend equal?

The following scenarios should be good indicators,

Voiceover: Amusing injuries.

Or are they amusing?

Let's seeeeee!


Voiceover: This... is you. (Music continues)

V: Well, actually, no, it's just a younger version of me in a Hannah Montana cap, but... (Music continues)

V: Let's just pretend it's you, okay? (Music continues)

(Music continues)

V: And this is your friend. (Music continues)

V: Or, a younger version of MY friend who's played by me, but... (Music continues)

(Music continues)

V: Yeah. (Music continues)

V: Work with me, okay? (Music stops)


Look what I can do, Raven.

I'm watching.

(Dramatic music)

(Music continues. Young!friend starts climbing)

(Music continues. So badass.)

(Music stops. Young!friend falls and screams)

(Not so badass)

V: Oh my God, that was hilarious, can we please watch that again?


(Music – I believe I can fly)

V: Hahahahaha... ahaha...

Ahaha... ahaha... ahaha... ahaha... hahahahaha!

V: But how does your friend react? Do they also find it funny?


Ah, okay. That's an epic fail, I see.


Okay. That was... not very smart of me.

(rewind) V: Or do they get offended?


What's so funny about me getting hurt?

In that case, don't laugh, because really, it's not funny.

But now imagine if the roles... were reversed.

I bet I can do that much better than you can.

(Sassy backleaning)

I don't believe yoooooou.

Oh yeah? Now watch me do this!

(Dramatic music)

(Music continues as young!Ragnhild starts climbing)

(Such parkour)

(Music stops, Ragnhild screams and falls)

V: Replay, replay, replay! (rewind)

(I believe I can fly plays... again)

V: Oh my God!

Hahaha! Hehe!

Aw, Raven, Raven, Raven.

Did you actually think that you could do THIS?

Ha! Hahahaha...


V: Alright, Do you find it funny?

Haha... ahahahaha!

Awww, Gooood...

I'm such an idiot. Did I actually think... No, what did I think?

Oh, I'm so stupid.

(Grabs cap)

(Tries to put it on)

(Can't see for all that hair)

(Rewind) V: Or not.


I'm hurt.

It's not funny.

Come and help me.

See, both reactions are okay in both scenarios.

Laughing at other's injuries is okay, as long as they also find it funny.

But getting offended if people laugh about your injuries is also okay.

And then you should stop, of course.

So, as I said: Both reactions are okay. As long as they're the same!

If you get offended at your friend laughing at your injuries despite you always laughing at theirs,

maybe you should rethink your actions.

And if your friend always laughs at you, and it bugs you,

despite them not allowing you to do the same to them,

maybe you should confront your friend.


Voiceover: Trust.

Do you and your friend trust eact other? Let's see.

Voiceover: Imagine that you are at your friend's house.

V: You need to make an important phonecall and discover...

(Dramatic music as Ragnhild fumbles in her pockets)

... that you forgot your phone.

(Music) Dominic singing: And you left your phone.

D: Your phone. Your phoooone.

(Ragnhild cries) D: And you leeeft your phone!

D: Your phone! Your phooooone!

(Music continues) (Ragnhild keeps crying)

V: You ask your friend...

Hey, eh... Can I borrow your phone, please?

V: Now how does your friend reply? Do they say...

Sure. Here it is.

(Rewind) V: Or do they say...

Uh, no... It's mine...

It's private...

V: And you should respect that, of course, because after all, it IS their phone.

V: Now imagine the reverse.

V: Your friend is at your house, forgot THEIR phone,

V: and asks YOU to borrow them YOUR phone.

V: Would you trust them with your phone?

It's cool if you do, and it's okay if you don't. It is your phone, after all.

But the most important thing is: Are your reactions the same?

If you can borrow your friend's phone, but they can't borrow yours…

I'm not forcing you or calling you out or anything, but… Is it fair?

Likewise, if you're never allowed to borrow your friend's phone,

but they almost demand you to borrow them yours…

I don't think that sounds like an equal friendship.

But that might just be me.

Next scenario.

Voiceover: Money.

Money is the cause of many conflicts, especially between grown people.

So now let's see.

Voiceover: Imagine you're in town, eating with your friend,

and when you're about to pay...

I think I forgot my... money.

Would you mind paying my meal?

V: And how do you reply? Do you say...


It's my money, and it's your responsibility to remember your own money.

V: Which is true and completely okay.

(Rewind) V: Or do you say...

Sure. Just pay me back in a week or something, okay?

V: And fair enough.

Giving your friends free meals isn't your duty, but borrowing them money is cool.

(Rewind) V: Or do you say...

No problem.

Thank you so much! You'll get your money back as soon as possible. I swear.

Don't mention it, consider it a gift.

V: Now that's generous! Now reverse the roles.

Oh no, I forgot my wallet!

Can you pay for me, please?

V: And no matter how your friend replies, it should be okay.

See, all these reactions and replies are okay in all these scenarios.

But the important thing is...

Are they the same for the both of you?

If your friend can borrow your phone, can you borrow theirs as well?

And if your friend does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please confront them about it.

Don't hide it from them.

And likewise, if you have ever done any of the things shown in here,

or in the following episodes,

to a friend, make sure that they're okay with it.

Thanks for watching. Hope you liked that video. If you didn't…

Sorry about that, can't please anyone...

I think I could really have needed a video like this when I was younger,

so I hope I'll help others with this. If not…

nevermind then.

If you haven't clicked away yet… Respect to you.

Okay, byyyye!

(fancy outro)

For more infomation >> Bad friend scenarios 1: Equality - Duration: 6:32.


5 Classic Games from Shushkin's Childhood. Featuring SHUSHKIN! - Duration: 5:17.

Geeky Gaming

Hey Geeks, it's Andrea and I am here with a very special guest to take over the video


One of my favorite people on this planet and a face I hope you will be seeing more of around


This is his way of officially introducing himself, so without further ado, here is Shushkin

for you.

Alright Geeks, here you go.

Hello, this is Shushkin.

You may know me from Gaming With Shushkin or that Podcast where I was barely on, mostly

falling asleep.

Anyway, I wanted to share some of my favorite childhood games with you.

That I used to love and play all the time.

Some of them I didn't even beat back in the day.

Most of them.

Pretty much all of them.

Well, yeah, all of them.

But I had fun.

Replaying them now I had a lot of fun.

So let's go.


Dino Crisis 2 A lot of fun for a lot of months.

Mostly running around the same areas and doing the same shit over and over again.

I didn't know much English back in the day, so the objectives and the story was kind of

lost on me, but I loved shooting dinosaurs, so let's go with that.

After discovering the secrets of time travel, we go through time to rescue a bunch of scientists.

To this day, I am still not sure why are the scientists even there.

All I know is that you need to rescue them and kill a lot of dinosaurs in the process.

Works for me.

You play as our MVP, Dylan Morton, a bad ass with a shotgun, who can easily be confused

for a member from one direction.

The game is in the style of the original resident evil.

Tank like movement and instead of zombies trying to take a bite out of your brain, you

have dinosaurs that just want to eat you.

As you kill them, you get points which serve as in-game currency, for med packs, ammo and

other weapons.

The camera is always fixed as you go to different sections, which can be a little bit disorienting,

but it is way more bearable than that universal theme park game.

I had a lot of fun playing it back then and I had a lot of fun playing it now.

I would totally recommend this game to anyone who doesn't shy away from older games.


Boogerman Flick snot, hawk loogies and jump like a (...). This

game will entertain you until your brain wakes up and asks you what you are doing with your


Your objective is to reach the end of the level without dying and along the way you

collect plungers for a greater cause.

Unlike Mario, Boogerman is pretty hardcore with his willingness to flush himself down

the toilet.


The Lion King This game made me realize how much I suck

at old school platformers.

There is only one objective in this game, get from point A to point B. The how is something

that you need to figure out on your own.

This game becomes more and more challenging the farther you get.

The first 2 levels are pretty easy, but anything after level 3 is a nightmare.

Though, I definitely recommend playing this game if you are a masochist.


Need for Speed: Underground What is there to say about this game?

Everybody already knows what's good and what isn't.

In Underground you get to choose a variety of races, such as time trials, drag races,

drifting and sprint.

So, everything you get from the newer games I bet.

This one was my ultimate driving game for a really long time.

This game is pretty easy, but gets harder as you go.

Especially near the end, the AI will interfere wherever it can, causing you to crash most

times and lose the race.

Sometimes a pedestrian car will either rush in front of you or slowly take it's time

to drive in front of you, depending on how you are trying to pass it.

Overall, the game has good music, good physics, back then and now and the races are just simple

and fun.

What else do you need?


Tenchu 2 Probably my most favorite game on this list.

Tenchu 2 is a cool ninja game, where you can go balls deep and attack your enemies like

a barbarian, but that makes the game significantly harder.

I recommend playing the game sneaky beaky like for the ultimate stealth assassin experience.

Play as either Rikimaru, a dude with a mask and a sword or as Ayame, a chick with 2 shorter

swords and even a shorter skirt.

The objective is straightforward no matter who you choose to play as.

Kill off the goons and move on to the boss.

Each has their own finishing moves that are fun to watch when you sneak up on one of the


Use a variety of tools to either eliminate the enemy or get through obstacles Choosing

different characters will bring you to the same maps, only different areas with different

bosses at the end.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with Shush today.

And a big thank you to Shushkin for being here and sharing a bit of his childhood with


It has been a lot of fun for me have another person here for a video again, so I really

hope we hear more from him.

The T-Shirt of this week is again this Chew My Balls shirt.

It had to be for Shushkin's first video because he has and wears this t-shirt.

Hell, I designed it with him in mind.

Before you go, do me a favor and leave him a comment and a like.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Classic Games from Shushkin's Childhood. Featuring SHUSHKIN! - Duration: 5:17.


Probable Elimination Order of Universe 7- Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 5:57.

Guys, this picture or theory is currently trending on Social Medias.

Basically, the idea here is the elimination order of U7 was foreshadowed in the latest

ending theme song of Dragon Ball Super.

You know last episode, Krillin performed amazingly, but was caught off guard by Frost, which led

to his elimination, and that is in line with the theory.

Based on the sequences of how these characters appeared, from left to right we have Krillin

who is the first to get eliminated, and the order is to be followed.

Next is Tien.

Then Vegeta, Android 18, 17, Piccolo, Master Roshi, Frieza, Goku, Gohan.

Now, the possibility of this theory, amounting to something is really low.

Most likely the ending was shown in a random manner, but I thought it was interesting enough

to discuss anyway, and since so many fans were talking about it.

I just wanted to know what you guys think about it, do comment below and let me know.

I am eager to know your take.

Realistically, if you go by this theory, Tien is next nothing surprising.

In fact by the way he was portrayed before the tournament we thought he would be the

first to take it.

Essentially the main problem with this theory is Vegeta.

According to this, Vegeta is on the line to get eliminated after Krillin and Tien, but

it's hard to digest that he could get eliminated this early.

Not that we shouldn't expect surprises.

I mean yeah, most of you didn't make theories about Krillin winning the tournament like

I did, but no one can deny that DBS spent a lot of time developing Krillin in this arc,

and at least he shouldn't have been the very first to go, but unpredictability is

what DBS is trying to establish here.

Even though this will probably not happen, if this turns out to be true, then what could

be the reason of doing this with Vegeta?

One of the preview materials of this arc had mentioned Gohan is going to return with his

full might, like how he was in Cell saga.

If you notice Goku has been pushing, and mentioning him over and over again just like he did in

Cell Saga.

According to this theory, Goku and Gohan will be the last ones in the ring, and that would

be a scenario similar to Cell Saga.

Usually the 2 leads are Goku and Vegeta, to create space for Gohan; Vegeta had to go.

So maybe they decided to take Vegeta out of the equation early, in an unfortunate way

instead of dragging him till the end.

There's a lot of way to go out looking like a badass, for example someone might be totally

dominating and end up killing a fighter by accident.

The Vegeta problem is both positive and negative for the theory, if we take the way these characters

appeared in the ending as just how they are supposed to team up, it doesn't match up;

Because Vegeta is working alone, and didn't team up with Tien and Krillin.

So you can't say that it's showing the sub teams either.

Besides, throughout the entire ending theme only Gohan is seen besides Goku, usually we

would see Vegeta.

So, clearly they were hinting at something you know.

Another thing is, if we go by this, Master Roshi would be one of the top 4 survivors.

While that would be surprising, I am ok with it.

I mean he is a master strategist, he has been training all these years, and this is kind

of like the best format for him, and surviving longer doesn't necessarily imply dominant


Apart from this, if we want to look for hints from other materials, we can take this cut

scene, and here it's implied that the last 3 survivors will be Goku, Frieza and Jiren.

So, they are making it pretty clear that Jiren is a league above Goku currently, and even

if Goku manages to defeat him, he won't be able to do it alone.

It will be like a thing that Goku will keep training with the motivation of overcoming

before their second encounter where Goku gets a clear win.

Any ways, DBH has been showing scenes that came pretty close to what actually happened

in previous arcs.

In that case if it does come down to Goku and Frieza, how would you feel?

I think this idea is also exciting, the fate of the Universe is on the hand of Goku and

one of his biggest enemies ever.

To be honest, after seeing all these levels of destruction, Frieza doesn't seem all

that evil for destroying a planet now anymore.

However, if we combine the ending and DBH; The way I am interpreting it is, it's going

to be 2 vs 1 at the end.

DBH showed Frieza in place of Gohan to keep things less obvious, they didn't want to

totally spoil it.

Still the ending theme was most likely random, and I have a feeling that 48 minutes might

not be able to decide a winner.

It might end in a Tie or they might have to find another extended way to declare a winner.

We will talk more about that on Krillin winning the Tournament of Power Theory- Part 2.

Well, that's about all for now.

I would like to thank Shylo Burnett.

He is kind of a big deal, remember the name because he is going to be a marked man in

the history.

There are certain things people will never forget.

The First Man to step on Moon.

The First Saiyan To Turn Super On Screen!

The First Soldier of The Fan Guy Army on Patreon, Shylo Burnett.

There will be millions joining him pretty soon, but he will be remembered for starting

it all.

You can also support the channel on patreon for 2$/ month in exchange of some Perks or

for 1$/month only to support the channel.

I would also like to give a shout out to, Vasili Yanupolo, guys pardon me if I pronounced

your names wrong.

He is giving me a free Engrish course on my FB page, and I really appreciate how he is

selflessly helping me.

He points out 99 words I pronounce wrong every video.

You guys feel free to contact with me on Facebook too!

Comment and let me know what my next video should be about.

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