Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Get ready because the Universal Basic Income is going to sweep the nation� and it�s

not good

by: Ethan Huff

The Hawaii legislature recently passed a bill to explore the concept of implementing a universal

basic income, or UBI, for its residents.

The purpose, as its name implies, is to offer people who are seeking job retraining or who

are only able to work part-time the opportunity to maintain a basic standard of living without

going into poverty.

But will it work?

And more importantly, who will pay for it?

Known as House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 89, the bill tasks Hawaii with establishing

a working group to focus on establishing basic economic security for the state�s residents.

This means addressing the growing income gap in Hawaii, as well as the ever-increasing

costs of living throughout the state that are making it more difficult for average people

to survive.

The text of the legislation establishes that its goal is to simply provide social security

� or a working social safety net � to cover the basic needs of every Hawaiian resident.

However, its backers say it accomplishes something much different, and in a way that many people

probably wouldn�t expect.

�Government is not collecting money and holding it in a trust at all,� stated Representative

Chris Lee, a Democrat, and the legislator who introduced HCR. 89.

�Everything is on the table,� he added, noting that the system could be funded in

a variety of ways, including by expanding the earned income tax credit, for instance,

or by monetizing public resources and offering new incentives for productivity.

While the generalized goals of UBI are to end poverty and homelessness, and offer hope

to people who are stuck having to settle for part-time jobs that don�t pay the bills

� and from an ever-dwindling pool of part-time jobs, it�s important to note � how UBI

is implemented can vary in different contexts.

Different experimental programs are being implemented all throughout the world, but

they all seem to have one thing in common: They don�t tend to work, and are more pipe

dreams than they are workable solutions.

Welfare parasite Elon Musk is all about pie in the sky UBI policies that will never work

Writing for The Independent (UK), Emran Mian described UBI as �utopian fiction that wastes

public money on the rich.� The concept sounds nice, he explains, but it�s little more

than idealism from Silicon Valley billionaires who don�t understand the ins and outs of


People who support UBI tend to have very simplistic views of how the world works.

They think a simple, conceptual idea like �give everyone an income!� are viable

alternatives to the complex welfare systems already in existence that, while they�re

admittedly riddled with problems, already offer options for people who are down on their


Consider that billionaire welfare leech Elon Musk � the same guy who�s been sucking

the government teat for years in order to sell more Tesla�s and build rocket ships

to Mars � is a vocal supporter of UBI.

Like many other pie in the sky dreamers, Musk thinks the idea of UBI is just swell, and

yet doesn�t have a clue as to how it can be workably implemented without bankrupting

a country and sending everyone into poverty.

�The worst thing about the basic income is that it is a tragic misdirection of a compassionate,

egalitarian and libertarian impulse: to do something about the often counter-productive

interaction of the benefits system with the world of employment,� writes John Rentoul

in another chastisement of UBI published in The Independent.

�If it�s grand, universal reform of the benefits system you want, study the everlasting

disaster of the Universal Credit system and devise a practical way to make that work,

instead of diverting your energies into campaigning for the schemes

of impractical

For more infomation >> Get ready because the Universal Basic Income is going to sweep the nation… and it's not good - Duration: 5:30.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Blu-ray CLIP | Meredith Quill's Death - Peter Quill's Loss (Scene) HD - Duration: 3:40.

Your momma wants to speak with you.

Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off.

Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby?


They killed a little frog that ain't done nothing.

Smushed it with a stick.

You're so like your daddy.

You even look like him.

And he was an angel.

- Composed out of pure light. - Mer?

You got a present there for Peter, don't you?

Of course.


I've got you covered, Pete.

You open it up when I'm gone, okay?

Your grandpa

is gonna take such good care of you.

At least until your daddy comes back to get you.

Take my hand.


Pete, come on.

Take my hand.


No! No! No! No!

Mom! No!

- Come with me. - No!


You've got to stay here. Please.





Epic :)

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Blu-ray CLIP | Meredith Quill's Death - Peter Quill's Loss (Scene) HD - Duration: 3:40.


Duct Tape Paint Job - Duration: 3:29.

You know how it goes, It's your first car you fall in love with everything

This here, is my car

My Subie

the good, Ol Landoghini

It's got dents, got rust

busted out windows

Cracked Windshield

broken bumpers and

When it's your first car

And it's an old car you kind of fall in love with the rust and the bumps and the stuff

gives it uh

gives a character


Sadly it's time for,

time for my Subie to go. sucks to leave it, but

before it goes

we're going to treat it to the royal treatment and give her a new paint job a

Duct-tape paint job. We've got three rolls of duct tape

We should have enough duct tape. We're going to duct tape this thing give it a new paint job head to toe so

Let's do it

well, thanks for watching that video guys. obviously that was kind of just the highlights and the finished product. if you want to see the

Whole process of us actually duct taping the car there will be a behind the scene vlog down there in the corner

Also, go check out Sam's and Matteo's channels. They were a big help in duct taping this and making this whole thing possible

So go check out their channels otherwise like comment and subscribe, and you will see in the next one!

For more infomation >> Duct Tape Paint Job - Duration: 3:29.


American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote diabetes - Duration: 9:48.

American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote


by Edward Morgan

Yes, the American Diabetes Association promotes the very things that cause diabetes, and they

encourage their victims to engage these junk science recipes that are listed on the ADA�s

very own website.

Is there any wonder why nearly 30 million Americans are living with diabetes right now?

That�s about ten percent of the total population.

Most diabetics think that the only health concern they have to deal with is their blood-sugar

level, and according to the confounded ADA, it�s no wonder why.

The aim of diabetes �treatment� is to keep blood sugar levels as �normal� as

possible, but what about preventing cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer�s, inflammation,

hypertension and dehydration?

Most diseases and disorders are culprits and catapults for other diseases and disorders,

and diabetes is no exception.

In fact, diabetes doubles the risk of liver, pancreas and endometrial cancer, and increases

the risk of breast, bladder and colorectal cancer by up to 50 percent.

America is the home of dangerous food toxins, including processed gluten, insecticides on

conventional fruits, nitrates in meats, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial sweeteners,

pesticide-laden GMOs, glyphosate weed-killer on wheat and soy, and artificial hormones

in nearly all conventional dairy products and meats.

The ADA focuses nearly entirely on diabetics keeping their blood sugar levels �safe�

in order to protect against complications, but what about complications from eating junk

science food all day?

On the website Diabetic Living Online, there�s an article entitled �22 Foods to Avoid with

Diabetes� that warns diabetics about consuming milk shakes, processed lunch meat, frozen

pizzas, and biscuits with sausage gravy, but wait for it� wait for it� the ADA recommends

eating lunch meats, pork sandwiches, bacon, ice cream sundaes, and grilled chicken sausage.

In other words, while �regulating� diabetics blood sugar levels with recipe recommendations,

the ADA is promoting cancer, heart disease, chronic inflammation, dehydration, hypertension,

irritable bowels and migraine headaches.

Let�s take a look at this preposterous hypocrisy and propaganda spread by the ADA on their

very own website.

Five recipes with ingredients that cause chronic disease and disorder � as recommended by

the American Diabetes Association


Grilled Banana Split Sundaes

2 tsp Splenda brown sugar blend, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 2 firm unpeeled bananas, split in

1/2 lengthwise, (leave peels on) 2 cups reduced-fat-and-calories strawberry ice cream, 6 Tbsp crushed no-sugar-added

pineapple, drained 6 Tbsp sugar-free chocolate sauce, 6 Tbsp fat-free whipped topping, 6

Tbsp chopped pecans.

So ADA is recommending Splenda (synthetic ingredients made in a laboratory that cause

IBS), fruit that naturally contains loads of sugar (about 14g on average), grilling

that fruit (charcoals often contain toxins that carry into the food), eating conventional

ice cream that contains high fructose corn syrup (reduced fat and calories doesn�t

change that fact), plus some �no-sugar-added� pineapple (that still contains lots of sugar).


Bacon-wrapped shrimp

7 slices bacon, 20 raw shrimp, peeled and deveined, 4 leaves romaine lettuce (we�ll

cover the bacon problem later).


Cuban Pork Sandwich

1 pound pork tenderloin, � teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon paprika, � teaspoon

dried oregano, 1 15-ounce whole grain baguette, cut into 5 3-oz pieces, 2 � tablespoons

yellow mustard, 2 � ounces Boar�s Head 42% lower sodium deli ham (like that matters),

2 � Sargento Reduced Fat Swiss, thinly sliced 5 dill pickle chips.

Hey, just 590 mg of sodium!


Budget-Friendly Egg, Ham and Spinach Sandwich

Cooking spray, 4 slices deli-style smoked ham (2 ounces total), 1 tablespoon olive oil,

4 cups baby spinach, � teaspoon garlic powder, � teaspoon fresh ground black pepper, 4

eggs, 4 teaspoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese, 4, 1� -ounce whole wheat sandwich

thins, toasted.

Plus, the picture shows two slices of bacon on the side, because added nitrates, hormones

and antibiotics are a must with that budget-friendly, health decapitating �whole wheat� gluten


And just 430 mg. of sodium!


Grilled Chicken Sausage with Zucchini and Peppers

Cooking spray (they don�t even say not to use processed, hydrogenated, genetically modified

oils here), 2 large zucchini, sliced into circles, 1 red bell pepper, sliced in 1-inch-wide

strips, 4 sun-dried tomato, chicken sausage links (already cooked; shop for precooked

sausages with the lowest fat and sodium content that you can find, such as Al Fresco).

Instructions: Preheat a grill to medium high.

Spray a grill rack with cooking spray.

Add the zucchini and peppers to the grill or veggie basket and grill for 8 to 10 minutes,

until tender.

Place the chicken sausage on the grill and heat through for 4 to 5 minutes, turning frequently.

Just 480 mg of sodium!

It gets worse folks.

Do you think you�re better off if you stave off death from diabetes while creating cancer

in your body?

There are three major cancerous health problems often created by grilling your meat.

The smoke created when fat drips from the meat onto the heat source becomes a potent

carcinogen called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Cooking meat at high temperatures also creates heterocyclic amines (HCAs) due to creatine

in the meat and increases advanced glycolytic enzymes (AGEs) that cause inflammation and

oxidative damage to your body tissues.

Guess what degenerative disease inflammation and oxidative damage are the leading cause


Yep � diabetes (and cancer, arthritis and heart disease).

Processed meats and most dairy products cause a whole host of diseases and disorders

Even the World Cancer Research Fund warns people about the dangers of consuming processed


Over 7,000 clinical studies cover links between diet and cancer, and processed meats that

are loaded with nitrates and nitrites should be avoided at all costs, including sausage,

bacon and sandwich meat, all of which are recommended in recipes provided by the American

Diabetes Association.

Are they trying to kill people slowly?

Watch out for bad advice on the internet regarding choices for diabetics.

Some diabetes foundations are even sponsored by companies that create food toxins, like

the dairy industry.

They�ll promote eating ice cream at fundraising events, as if it�s good for you.

Nearly all dairy products cause excess mucus and inflammation, so it�s complete hypocrisy

and an oxymoron to promote such products while claiming to help diabetics address their health


This is similar to the Komen �For the Cure� Foundation having sponsors such as Kentucky

Fried Chicken and Mike�s Hard Lemonade (alcoholic beverage).

Interested in reversing diabetes in 30 days?

Check out this Health Ranger interview with Kirt Tyson, a former type-I diabetic, who

changed everything by eating raw, organic food.

Then watch this informative video posted below by Dr. John Bergman.

There�s so much

to learn from the people who really understand nutrition!

For more infomation >> American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote diabetes - Duration: 9:48.


Halach y Gus Santana "Paisajes" (Vídeo oficial HD 2017) - Duration: 2:37.


For more infomation >> Halach y Gus Santana "Paisajes" (Vídeo oficial HD 2017) - Duration: 2:37.


BMW iDrive CCC force reboot reset (E60 E90 E63 E87 X5 X6) - Duration: 1:38.

Hello! Today we are in BMW E60 with the CCC iDrive navigation and I'm going to

show you the reboot combination if you need to reboot your navigation system

for whatever reason you have. Maybe your navigation is stuck, maybe your LCD

screen is frozen. Whatever reason you have to reboot it there's a way to do it

and all you need to do is press at the same time the eject button for the DVD

drive, the eject button for the CD drive, and the volume knob. And of course if you

have discs in the drives just notice that they can come out for a few seconds

so just don't be scared of that. OK, let's do it!

As you can see discs are

out, screen is off. Let's give a few more seconds and the system will reboot in

just a moment. As you can see discs are back inside, LCD

screen is on, we see the BMW logo on the LCD display and right now system is

starting up. Fresh start that will be hopefully problem-free.

OK, navigation is up and running and everything should work

smooth. Check if your problem is gone. Also you can check my other tutorials for

BMW and other cars and give me a thumbs up if you liked this tutorial. Thank you for

watching and see you soon!

For more infomation >> BMW iDrive CCC force reboot reset (E60 E90 E63 E87 X5 X6) - Duration: 1:38.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | Ronan The Accuser Challenges Thanos 'Infinity Stone' | 4K - Duration: 2:25.

The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe

as fast as we can and maybe,

just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there.

I am Groot.

Save them? How?

I am Groot.

I know they're the only friends that we ever had,

but there's an army of Ravagers around them.

And there's only two of us!


You're making me

beat... up


The Orb is in my possession,

as I promised.

Bring it to me.

Yes, that was our agreement.

Bring you the Orb,

and you will destroy Xandar for me.

However, now that I know it contains an Infinity Stone,

I wonder what use I have for you.


I would reconsider your current course.

Master! You cannot!

Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe.

Not anymore.

You call me "boy!"

I will unfurl 1,000 years of Kree justice on Xandar,

and burn it to its core!

Then, Thanos,

I am coming for you.

After Xandar, you are going to kill my father?

You dare to oppose me?

You see what he has turned me into.

If you kill him, I will help you destroy a thousand planets.

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | Ronan The Accuser Challenges Thanos 'Infinity Stone' | 4K - Duration: 2:25.


Interview GuardiaN - Natus Vincere (PGL Major Krakow) - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Interview GuardiaN - Natus Vincere (PGL Major Krakow) - Duration: 5:27.


How To 8 Ball Pool Account Banned Open - 100% Work To Get Back 8 Ball pool coins and cash 2017 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> How To 8 Ball Pool Account Banned Open - 100% Work To Get Back 8 Ball pool coins and cash 2017 - Duration: 5:25.


BREAKING: Trump Just Gave America INCREDIBLE News. Your Response? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:07.

When Trump went into office, he said we would make us think about "America First".

Six months into his presidency, he's held true to the promises he made.

Fox News reports that since Donald Trump entered the White House, he has made the United States

over $4 TRILLION dollars richer.

People with 401ks, IRA, college savings, and retirement savings will benefit.

Essentially, if you have money in the market, you're going to see an increase in your


People are more confident than ever.

They can invest with confidence for the first time in years.

No longer do we have to pinch every penny because the economy is in absolute shambles.

Trump is showing the people of this country that they have a REASON to be confident again.

He is working closely with businesses both big and small.

Confidence is finally soaring again.

Trump is also showing that America is his number one priority.

The president supports our veterans and active military personnel who need it the most.

A law was recently passed that helps support veteran caregivers.

We've long needed a president who would take us, and our concerns as patriots, seriously.

President Obama never paid any attention to our military men and woman, and the country

suffered under his un-American rule.

On top of this good news, the creation of Kate's Law has had a huge impact on the

community, and it's great to see such a monumental bill go through.

Trump is making a lot of changes, and this is making the "America First" campaign

a reality instead of just a mindset.

We knew he was telling the truth since day one!

We support everything the president has done so far.

We're particularly fond of the way he shows love and respect to our nation's most vital

service men and women.

Do YOU think Trump has made tremendous progress in our country in just six months?

please Share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Just Gave America INCREDIBLE News. Your Response? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:07.


Morticia, La madrina de la muerte 👩💀| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> Morticia, La madrina de la muerte 👩💀| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:05.


IS DIAMOND 2 HIGH ELO? 4VS5 TRYHARMODE! AFK KAYN OP | QUINN ADC SEASON7 | League of Legends - Duration: 10:37.

Pls don't kill me

Noo i dont want die...


Chat: What do you think about lethality changes?

Chat: Is Quinn buff now?

Yes its a buff, not bad


I really dont like Lethality Quinn in Top

Against tanks or duelist

Quinn have a problems with a build...

Squishi build and one shot, its not worth

in high elo

In low elo useful because de players dont now how stop you if you are feed and squishi

But in high elo...

If you pick a Quinn full damage

they counterpick you with a Malphite and Elise jungle

And they can dive you in lv 4

And that's not a good idea in high elo

Oh very nice

Ok unlucky

Nice Rakan he blocked my Q, that was good

Oh well we killed Rakan

God damn dude

So close for the lantern, i dont use flash for Thresh, could not

Sound bad but...

Its not worth waste a flash for the support...

I need my flash for kiting, its a Rakan

I cant waste my flash for Caitlyn's ultimate

Caitlyn have a one kill and assist, i have a one kill

In farm we have the same


Okay, Caitlyn no flash, i dont have either

flash for flash, was worth

Darius its so feed, i cant go there

We need a first blod of tower but Caitlyn comes

Ok be careful buddy

oh fucking minion

Syndra is here

i'm dead

or not? nop, yeah i'm dead

oh wellJust Caitlyn have a kill and they dont have assists, i'm feeded, not bad

I will freeze de lane

Thresh is roaming, Rakan was in mid but he is not there now

So... he can comes if i fight against Caitlyn in 1vs1, and thas will be very bad for me

i dont know where is Rakan, i cant trade with Caitlyn yet

I need back, Rakan have too many initiation

They can dive very easy with Cailtyn, the traps and other things

i cant do nothing

Oh Oriana its here too, go back was not bad

They do the drake, we can fight, Jarvan its not here i guess

Jarvan comes, if Thresh hooks Cailtyn everything will be okay

god damn, i need use my E against Jarvan's ultimate

god damn dude...

oh Caitlyn's traps ok unlucky

mmm am i dead? idk

okay nice

im not sure about that

Darius is so feed now and Jarvan too, i need be careful

I cant play risky, i have too many kills so if they kill me It will be very bad

Jarvan in top

idk if i can make all in angainst Caitlyn


go for the dragon, Kayn its not here

But we can do this

okay hi!

Noo please


so close

LOL! Darius no flash okay

oh no (x8)

oh fuck

Darius is so feed, i cant do anything

Can she kill him?


Go for the drake again

Oh well not bad we have an afk

4 vs 5 but ist not drastic

our composition is not bad and they are behind

nice Q

oh wait what?

he dont have ultimate

if they kill the Baron,

because we can do it in any moment

that will be a serius disadvantage

But i dont know if they can do it beacuse need win a teamfight

oh god no... this is not a good idea god damn dude


noo dont do that

okay so close

god damn they made an engage and i was not here for that

we can trade Drake for Baron

if they do the Draken we can kill the Baron

okay nice


okay nice

good job

oh f*ck yourself, i did very bad

Should have waited the explosion and use my E after


Good job buddy

be carful against engage, Rakan have flash i have mine and the heal too

we are 4 vs 5 calm down team

Caitlyn's traps are important


Eh... Caitlyn blinded

okay nice

nice teamfight man

i blinded Caitlyn perfect for the teamfight

good job

omg good job buddy

nice game nice Thresh

For more infomation >> IS DIAMOND 2 HIGH ELO? 4VS5 TRYHARMODE! AFK KAYN OP | QUINN ADC SEASON7 | League of Legends - Duration: 10:37.


Correctiv - wer steckt dahinter? | 12. Februar 2017 | - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Correctiv - wer steckt dahinter? | 12. Februar 2017 | - Duration: 5:38.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | We're The Guardians Of The Galaxy (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.

Your salvation is at hand.

Listen to these words.

Now bring it down hard!

What are you doing?

Dance-off, bro. Me and you.


Subtle. Take it back.

What are you doing?

I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom.


Peter! Take my hand!

Take my hand, Peter.


Take my hand!

You're mortal!


You said it yourself, bitch.

We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.(Cliptonite-CC4K)

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | We're The Guardians Of The Galaxy (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.


Múa đặc sắc tiết mục dòng máu Lạc Hồng - Thi văn nghệ thiếu nhi hè 2016 ĐBK - Tháp Mười - Đồng Tháp - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Múa đặc sắc tiết mục dòng máu Lạc Hồng - Thi văn nghệ thiếu nhi hè 2016 ĐBK - Tháp Mười - Đồng Tháp - Duration: 5:58.


Types of AC Motor - Different Types of Motors - Duration: 3:02.

An AC motor is an electric motor driven by an alternating current.

The AC motor commonly consists of two basic parts, an outside stationary stator having

coils supplied with alternating current to produce a rotating magnetic field, and an

inside rotor attached to the output shaft producing a second rotating magnetic field.

The rotor magnetic field may be produced by permanent magnets, reluctance saliency, or

DC or AC electrical windings.

In this video we will go to learn Different types of AC motors and their Uses.

If you like our video, so please subscribe our channel Learning Engineering.

Electric motors are basically two types.

One DC motor, and another AC motor.

DC motor classification we described in our another video, this video link in Description


AC motor is two types, Synchronous motor, and asynchronous motor.

Asynchronous or induction motor is also two types, Single phase motor, and three phase


Now we will see detail of AC motor Categories and their applications.

Synchronous Motors.

These motors have the rotor rotating at the same speed as the speed of rotation of the

stator current.

In other words, we can say these motors don't have slip with respect to the stator current.

They are sometimes used no to drive the load but instead act as "synchronous condenser",

to improve the power factor of the local grid to which it is connected to.

These kind of motors are used even in high precision positioning devices like modern


They can also act as stepper motors.

Asynchronous Motors.

The most common form of motor which is used in everyday life from pumping water up the

overhead tank to power plant boiler feed pumps, these kind of motors rule.

These motors are very flexible to use and matches the load demand almost for everything.

The most widely used Induction Motors are very important for many industries due to

their load bearing capacity and flexibility.

These motors, unlike synchronous motors, slip when compared to the stator current field.

They are generally used for various types of pumps, compressors and acts as prime movers

for many machineries.

Single & Three Phase Motors.

AC Motors can find their usage in 2 forms based on their power supply.

The single phase motors are generally found their use in low power requirements or domestic

appliances like ceiling fans, mixer grinders, portable power tools etc.

The three phase motors are generally found for high power requirements like power drives

for compressors, hydraulic pumps, air conditioning compressors, irrigation pumps and many more.

Thanks for watching our video.

Do you have any question about motor write the comment Box.

Don't forget like and share.

You will get more update, so please subscribe our channel Learning Engineering.

For more infomation >> Types of AC Motor - Different Types of Motors - Duration: 3:02.


Here's My Canada: Peace and Freedom - Duration: 0:19.

What Canada means to us is that we can have peace and freedom, and no one could

judge you by your gender, colour, race or religion. Also, anyone is welcome to our


For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Peace and Freedom - Duration: 0:19.


Collaborative Character Design: The Satyr - Part 2 - Duration: 7:46.

This is part 2 of the Satyr video if you haven't watched part 1 on Jess's channel yet

then go and follow the link so that you don't jump the gun. If you came over from Jess's video. Hello

I'm Alyx and I'll be colouring be Satyr that you watched her draw in the last video.

So, here's the Line art that I got from Jess and my God, she went to town on this man.

Look at how detailed he is!


I Don't know how I'm gonna approach this.

okay, so what I've got here is a few pa- well, not a few. A "selection" of palettes

quite a lot of them are

kind of muted colors or

complementary colors

the kind of Palette I like to work with erm

I haven't decided

What I'm doing with him yet, so I'm just going to kind of try them on him and see how they look!

Now as you probably noticed I like two of these pallets and thats these two down here

I can't decide which one of them

I like the best, so I might actually try and combine them and see how they look together in one pallete

So we'll see what we come up with

For more infomation >> Collaborative Character Design: The Satyr - Part 2 - Duration: 7:46.


GAME: with bad boyz & Dirty Game trailer - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> GAME: with bad boyz & Dirty Game trailer - Duration: 2:33.



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