Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

In 1822, the average American consumed about 45 grams of sugar every five days, which is

the amount that's found in just one modern-day soft drink.Today that number has climbed all

the way to 765 grams every five days.

We're now consuming the amount of sugar in seven hours that our forefathers consumed

in a span of five days.

We've turned this formerly sweet splurge into a dietary staple.

But what if we were to take about 20 teaspoon-sized steps back?

We asked the experts what would happen to our bodies and our minds if we cut back on

the spoonsful of sugar.

Glow like Beyonce

Glycation is the effect of sugar molecules on your body's cells.

And the same cells that make you look younger, plumper, and glowy are the ones that are most


According to Elle,

"...when those proteins hook up with renegade sugars, they become discolored, weak, and

less supple; this shows up on the skin's surface as wrinkles, sagginess, and a loss of radiance."

Dr. Harold Lancer, dermatologist to Kim Kardashian and Beyonce, says if we cut out the ice cream,

sugary cereal and even large amounts of fruit, people can see changes within as little as

72 to 96 hours.

He told The Cut:

"They'll feel better, their color will look better, their skin won't be so oily and they

won't be so dry."

Bye bye blackheads

Beyonce's dermatologist also said sugar may be the culprit behind ugly breakouts, since

it has the ability to weaken the immune system.

A weak immune system can't fight off bacteria, and bacteria clogs pores.

Clogged pores cause pimples.

Sugar can also increase your testosterone levels.

In addition to flabby bellies and decreased sex drive, high testosterone translates into

bigger, oilier pores.

Get your mojo back

A 2007 study from the Child & Family Research Institute found that excessive amounts of

sugar can turn off the gene that controls the levels of estrogen and testosterone in

your body.

This gene is aptly named the Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG for short.

Remember those testosterone problems?

Too little SHBG and your body releases extra testosterone and estrogen, which can lead

to infertility, polycystic ovaries, and uterine cancers.

If there's too much of it, it still disrupts the balance, which could lead to cardiovascular

disease in women.

Losing the love handles

Not only does a lack of donuts and cupcakes get rid of empty calories, but cutting out

the sugary snacks helps with insulin release.

Insulin is used to communicate with our fat cells.

When insulin levels are sky-high, it will tell our cells to store fat and avoid burning


From here, the body can't access the stored fat.

Which it interprets to mean, "I'm hungry!"

The effects are cyclical, and the more processed sugar you eat, the more processed sugar you


All the while, your body is storing fat, not burning it, and wondering, "When am I going

to get my next meal?"

Cut down the sugar, and you might just see your waistline go down too.

Brain power

Fructose hits the brain with a temporary high like a drug.

But animal research is now suggesting that repeated sugar hits leads to a need for more

sugar to keep that fantastic high going.

"There's some secret ingredient in these Nutreum bars that makes me feel so good!"


It's a block of sugar."

Researchers at UCLA also found that a diet high in sugar can affect your ability to learn

new things and remember old ones.

They saw that rats who ate too much sugar had impaired communication between brain cells.

Last but not least, elevated blood sugar levels can cause inflammation in the body, which

can also lead to brain degeneration, and ultimately, diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Addictive tendencies, learning impairment, and memory loss?

Not sure those cookies are as sweet as they look.

Take the edge off

Sugar is often seen as a solution for high stress situations.

But the classic, rebellious pint of ice cream may actually hurt more than it helps.

According to Psychology Today, sugar is a catalyst for making anxiety worse.

It can cause symptoms that mirror an anxiety attack such as blurry vision, fuzzy head,

fatigue, and shaking.

The symptoms cause more worry and fear, creating a vicious cycle.

In 2008, a study in Physiology & Behavior found that rats given an excess of sugar,

and then deprived of food, showed a dopamine imbalance which resulted in increased anxiety.

The following year, another study in the same publication found that consuming sugar in

the long term reduces the ability to fight anxiety.

That delicious ice cream cone may soothe the soul, but too much of it may actually send

you over the edge.

A world with no sugar?

Before we go cleaning our cabinets of all things sweet, or ban birthday cakes from our

kids, let's keep a little perspective.

The sugar we've talked about is largely from processed foods like sport drinks, breakfast

cereals, and snacks that are marketed to be healthy, like low-fat yogurts and protein


That still leaves plenty of room for more natural forms of sugar, like berries, sweet

potatoes, dark chocolate, and even homemade baked goods sweetened with things like honey.

We need sugar in our diet.

It gives us energy.

The problem is our approach to eating it.

Just like anything else, too much of anything is a bad thing.

765 grams?

Come on, America!

Scale it back to more reasonable sugar levels, circa 1822, and you might find the picture

perfect sweet spot that your body loves.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Happens To Your Body When You Cut Out Sugar - Duration: 5:36.


7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone - Duration: 5:57.

7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone


7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With SomeoneWe have long acknowledged that

there is an overarching, complex web of connections between everything in our universe, working

together to help guide us towards our destiny.

This includes not only the events that occur in our lives but also the people that enter

into our lives.

These people play an important role in teaching us lessons and guiding us along our individual


To better understand this concept, we must first acknowledge the distinct difference

between the material plane and the spiritual realm.

While we exist in the spiritual realm our souls are determining what our next life will

entail � where we will end up, what end goal we will accomplish and other important

�big picture� plans.

This is where our soul resides between lives on the material plane.

On the material plane we are not as aware and in tune to the big picture that we are

such an important part of.

Our spirits are aware of how we fit into the complex, universal puzzle, however, this knowledge

isn�t readily available to us during our material lives.

We focus instead on the world around us and where we are at today.

This is where cosmic connections become important.

These people are brought into our life specifically to guide us and lead us along the path as

set out by that universal puzzle.

They may be positive people that inspire and motivate us or even those that are difficult

to deal with, teaching us valuable lessons from our interactions.

These connections were specifically chosen by our spirits while in the spiritual realm,

each with its own distinct purpose in our lives.

How, then, do you know if someone is a chance meeting, or a cosmic connection entering your



They Motivate and Inspire Us

Often a connection is brought to us that is currently living some aspect of life in a

way that we should be aspiring to or working towards.

Seeing that they can live this dream life is often the reminder that we too can obtain

that lifestyle if we only focus and work towards it.

They help us remember that anything is possible.


They Help Us Slow Down

The material plane has become a fast-paced whirlwind of information, often grabbing us

and sweeping us up in the flow.

If we aren�t careful we can be swept far off our spiritual course with the blink of

an eye!

These connections will help us to stop, slow down, and make conscious decisions in our



They Teach Us Through Pain

Not all lessons from our cosmic connections will come to us in the form of happy experiences

and positive inspiration.

There are some connections that enter our lives to force us out of our comfort zones

and challenge us to truly examine ourselves, and that�s not always an easy process!

When kind words and motivation won�t work, sometimes we need the proverbial kick in the



They Disrupt Our Routines

When a cosmic connection enters our life, they aren�t focused on the mundane routines

we have created during this period on the material plane, but rather the overall journey.

They shake up our life as we know it, forcing us to re-examine and reconsider the way that

we are currently living.


They Help Us to Open Our Hearts

When you find yourself overwhelmed by the material world, it can be easy to fall into

the trap of closing ourselves off to protect our hearts.

In order for us to continue on our spiritual journey and find our ultimate place in the

universe, we must have our hearts open to the higher purpose behind every experience.


They Remind us of Our Purpose

Each of us was placed on this earth with a spiritual purpose, however, that purpose can

easily be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of life.

When we listen to the influences of those around us we can get off course, and it takes

a close, instant cosmic connection suddenly in our lives to remind us of who we really

are at the spiritual level.


They are Healers

There is no greater obstacle for our spiritual journey than the pain from our past.

Some cosmic connections are brought into our lives with the purpose of healing our souls,

allowing us to face and overcome these past experiences, and in doing so move forward


For more infomation >> 7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone - Duration: 5:57.


How to Get Verified on Instagram,Facebook,Twitter at Once | Get Verified Badge or blue tick✔2017-18 - Duration: 2:26.

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For more infomation >> How to Get Verified on Instagram,Facebook,Twitter at Once | Get Verified Badge or blue tick✔2017-18 - Duration: 2:26.


Jimmy Kimmel & Jacob Batalon Surprise FaceTime with Tom Holland - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel & Jacob Batalon Surprise FaceTime with Tom Holland - Duration: 5:21.


Jimmy Kimmel's Three-Year-Old Daughter Has a Crush on Kit Harington - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel's Three-Year-Old Daughter Has a Crush on Kit Harington - Duration: 2:04.



- ♪ But I never slept ♪

- Oh! Grandma!

- Oh, I hope there's no heart attacks coming!

- (FBE) What do you want for your hundredth birthday?

♪ (ragtime music) ♪

- "For my Grandma Helen's 100th birthday."

- "I flew to California to surprise her."

- (Helen) Oh my god! - Aw.

- (Helen) Oh my god! - That's nice of him.

- (Helen) Man, get in here.

What are you doing here, honey?

You made me cry.

- (Macklemore) We're gonna do whatever you want to do.

- (Helen) Oh, honey. - Aww.

- (Helen) And you know what? Anything?

- (Macklemore) Anything you want to do. - (Helen) Oh God.

I want to do it all.

- That's gonna be me.

- (Helen) Oh God, I want to do it all.

- Nah, that was beautiful.

♪ (happy ballad music) ♪

- That lady's good for 100 years old.

- ♪ You know, I'm back like I never left ♪

- Okay, I'm gonna like this one.

- ♪ Another sprint, another step ♪ - Oh my god.

Now, is she gonna do naughty things?

- Is she gonna throw eggs at people?

- ♪ But I never slept ♪ - Oh. (chuckles)

- ♪ But I never slept ♪

- Oh, Grandma!

- That's what I want to do on my hundredth-- (laughs)

- ♪ Legend, it's exodus ♪ - Aw.

- ♪ Searching for euphoria ♪ - Karaoke.

- ♪ ...through the mud to find the present ♪

♪ No ignoring us ♪ - What a fine young man.

- Oh, she's done this before.

- Oh, fun.

- ♪ ...bow your head, woo! ♪

- ♪ I feel ♪

♪ Glorious, glorious ♪ - I like this.

- Kinda tugs at the heartstrings here.

- ♪ I was born for this ♪ - I like this kid! Good for him!

- Nice. Real good. This lady's having fun.

- ♪ ...darkest part of the night ♪

- Ha ha!

- ♪ ...I see the sunrise ♪ - Okay. Yes, I do like it.

- ♪ ...glorious, glorious ♪

- I hope someone does that for me someday.

- I hope someone does that to me when I become 100.

- This says a lot to me. There's a lot of connection here.

- ♪ En garde, things are just things ♪

- Oh, she's getting a tattoo. Wow.

Oh, no, he's getting a tattoo, her name.

- She should've gotten a tattoo.

That would have been really stunning.

- ♪ We posted on the porch ♪

- It's nice to hear a rap without a whole bunch of cussing.

- ♪ My grandma smiling down on me ♪

♪ Like, woo ♪ - (snickering)

- That's what I need: a hairpiece.

- ♪, I said amen and hallelujah ♪

♪ Let me testify too ♪

♪ Another morning ♪

- Oh, get down, Grandma!

- I like the hat.

Oops, the hat and the shirt, wonderful together.

- ♪ I was born for this ♪

♪ Born for this ♪

♪ It's who I am ♪

♪ How could I forget? ♪ - Aww.

- ♪ I made it through the... ♪ - Wow. A hundred candles.

- ♪ And now I see sunrise ♪ - I like it.

- ♪ We gon' be all right, put that on my life ♪

♪ When I open my eyes ♪ - (chuckles)

- ♪ ...see you shine ♪

- (chuckling) What?

- They're gonna have a stri-- (laughs)

- (laughs heartily)

Oh, I hope there's no heart attacks coming.

- ♪ I feel glorious ♪

♪ Glorious ♪

♪ Got a chance to start ♪ - Very nice.

- ♪ Again ♪

♪ I was born for this ♪ - What a sweet--

What a sweetheart of a guy.

- ♪ I feel glorious, glorious ♪ - Aw.

- ♪ Glorious ♪ - Aw.

- Oh. ♪ (music goes lighter) ♪

The feeling of that as a grandparent...

Can you put in words? It's glorious?

- That was nice. That was sweet. I liked that one.

- Oh man. That's gonna be me someday.

That's wonderful and very emotional.

- It's moving, as a grandmother myself.

Glorious was how she must have felt during that experience.

- Makes me feel good to know that, uh...

a young person is concerned about his grandmother

and goes out of his way to provide her with a wonderful day.

It makes the world a happier place to be in.

- (FBE) So that was the newest music video

from one of the most popular artists, Macklemore.

- Mackle-what? - (FBE) Macklemore.

- Macklemore?

- Never heard of him.

- Oh, it WAS Macklemore, okay.

He's been around for a long time.

We did that "Thrift Shop" thing years ago. That was very funny.

- (FBE) So what do you think about how he decided to make

a whole music video with his grandma on her birthday like this?

- I think it's extremely touching and lovely.

- My goodness, he was raised well.

- That's really fantastic.

Most young people don't even...

don't even realize what their grandmother or grandfather

maybe has meant to them.

- Most people gravitate toward people their own age,

and it's nice to see that generational thing there,

that he's there for his grandmother

and he cares for his grandmother.

- It's pretty... fabulous that he would take the time

to do something so caring and loving.

Old people tend to get dismissed.

It's wonderful to take a moment

and spend some quality time with them.

And then to do it as a music video, that's pretty impressive.

- You have an old person doing things.

Shutting down that stereotype that says,

"Oh, as you get older, you can't do things."

And obviously, she could.

And the other thing is seeing a young person

being loving and generous and making her day special for her

as opposed to-- you know, so many old people

just kind of get dismissed.

- You could see in the video how excited she was

to see her grandson and surprised to be told

that he was there to take her out.

Can you talk about what it means to you as you get older

when grandchildren or family members

take the time for something like this? - It means everything.

It means everything. There's not words really

to describe what it could mean to you.

It's just very special to treat your grandparent well.

- I didn't personally have children. I have stepchildren.

But I also have, um, my brother,

who was married and had a young man.

He would be the kid who would come pick me up

and take me out on a day like that.

- It's absolutely fantastic 'cause most of the time

they're so busy with their own lives.

That would be just delightful to have one actually

be willing to spend the whole day with you

doing whatever you want to.

- It makes you feel really good,

because you feel like they really do love you.

You don't always see that, but...

When my daughter takes me out to dinner or something like that,

it makes me feel really great.

- It's not that often that we get, as a senior, to go out.

So it's always nice to get an invitation to join a younger person

and have fun and go out.

And I know, 'cause I live in a senior building,

that I'm fortunate.

I may be one of the 10% of the people in the building

that still has a lot of friends outside the building

and still get invited to functions or affairs

outside the building,

where most of the people in my building are there 24/7.

- You do have time alone as an adult, as a senior.

And you have to be able to handle it.

And I feel so, so sorry for some of those seniors, elders

who somehow have lost their families.

Mine is the cornerstone of my life right now, is my family.

It's greater than any medication, anything you could take.

- (FBE) So finally, you will be a hundred years old one day.

- (chuckling) Off a bit.

- That is correct.

- Yes, I hope to be.

My grandmother lived to be 105.

So that's the kinda longevity I feel like I might be looking at.

- (FBE) So here's your chance to tell your loved ones,

who do you want for your hundredth birthday?

- I don't know. I haven't really thought that far in advance.

I would probably enjoy being surrounded by family and friends.

- I'd fly to Paris, my favorite city.

And I would go to the museums

and just wander around and enjoy myself.

- Go on some kind of adventure outside. I love the outdoors.

Hopefully without my walker.

- If you can still laugh with your friends

and know what they're talking about...

That's actually the best part, you know, just doing things.

Activities are the nice memories, but...

Ehh... if you're doing them alone, what's the point?

- I would just like to spend a day

with my daughter and son-in-law, my two grandsons.

They're the most important thing in the world to me.

- I just want my family there and my friends,

anybody who cares or wants to be there.

Family especially. I cherish it.

- What I really want for my hundredth birthday

is to be able to get up and get around.

To have freedom of movement, have your senses, your mind intact

and your physicality intact,

THAT would be the biggest blessing of all.

- I want to be able to reflect on the past and go,

"You know what? This has been-- this was good.

This has been a good trip."

So is there anything else left to do? And I'll know at the time.

I don't know now. It's too far away.

Come on. Tssh. That's years away.

- Thanks for watching this episode of Elders React.

- We have new episodes almost every day, so subscribe.

- Thanks for watching, and stay glorious.

- Hey, guys. Kyle here, a producer at FBE.

- Thank you so much for watching this episode of Elders React.

Go see what your grandparents are doing today,

and go hang out with them. It'll make both of you guys feel good.

See you guys later.



Kit Harington's Vacation Planning Fail - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Kit Harington's Vacation Planning Fail - Duration: 3:29.


Guillermo Back-to-Back with Stars at Disney's D23 Expo - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Guillermo Back-to-Back with Stars at Disney's D23 Expo - Duration: 6:40.


Kit Harington May Save Us from North Korea - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Kit Harington May Save Us from North Korea - Duration: 1:32.


Inside Game of Thrones: The Buzz on the Red Carpet (HBO) - Duration: 1:01.



NIKOLAJ COSTER-WALDAU: The endgame is afoot.

We've been waiting for the battle of the thrones for so long.

We're all starting to get everything that we've craved,

but perhaps not in a way that we imagined.

We have characters who have never met

and we're writing their first scene.

So, there's gonna be plenty of trouble this year,

but there's trouble every year, isn't there?

We disobey even the rules that we created ourselves.

There's a greater threat this season.

People are coming together, and forming alliances...

and more bloodshed!

I think I feel luckier than anyone that I've got this far.

'Cause I have actually died, technically, and come back.

Season seven is really part one of the conclusion to the show

that you didn't think could ever have a conclusion.



For more infomation >> Inside Game of Thrones: The Buzz on the Red Carpet (HBO) - Duration: 1:01.


Tiffany Haddish Took Will & Jada Pinkett Smith on a Groupon Swamp Tour - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Tiffany Haddish Took Will & Jada Pinkett Smith on a Groupon Swamp Tour - Duration: 7:20.


Jimmy Kimmel Grills Kit Harington for Game of Thrones Spoilers - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Grills Kit Harington for Game of Thrones Spoilers - Duration: 3:21.


The Pewdiepie Song(s) - Duration: 13:54.




Okay, last week I asked you to I had a shitty file of music I basically

Recorded for five minutes, and I asked you guys to to mix it to something hella


BEHIZY ON YOUTUBE omen everybody respect the women everybody. Oh respect the women everybody

respect the women everybody everybody

break it break it break down down down down down down down down- women

[lit music basically]

I'm out break break it right now girl. No down down down

S'pretty good pretty good Adita Shrestha. My name is Nick Crompton and my collar stay poppin

Yes, I can rap and no i'm not from Crompton. England is my city and you know I'm retarded



I didn't expect different genres, and shit usually it's all like fucking dance and shit

Fucking heavy heavy rock or whatever. It's called. I don't know okay great


God damn I'm so disappointed am I guilty of the same crimes

Got a very anime feel to it I've got my computer maya's like our budget dog because she only had one eye


Had a rhyme perfectly, what the haha

still got paid anyway

Fucking good and ego also respects women so much that he looks like one that's impressive



respect h-wa

respect wamen


Maybe I should have spent a little bit more time on the vocal

'What the fuck are you doing?' respecting women welcome to the shittube it's your boy Pewdiepie

Can't kill me, No my chum. Will never die. Yes, no more ideas

No, original content, but when I fuck your mom you know it's with consent, so welcome to the family

I'm your daddy now bitch

I'll make you laugh you lose till I'm filthy fucking rich. They call me nasty specimen ding my fucking fur oh


Wait a minute

I'm Pewdiepie greatest mother flippin' guy, I ball drops dippin and drop

the flow is So off

Okay, see if you guys didn't see this lushsux


Painted a tweet with my picture on it

He asked me for a selfie, so I sent the one from uhhh last week submission, and he actually put it on it

in museum in Vienna. It's pretty good if you're in Vienna. You should check it out. Thanks again

Lushsux that fills my ego to have my head that big it really helps a lot. Thank you, Pewdiepie


Hey don't show that

Pewdiepie is a child rapist

Everybody knows

Welcome to the shit

You can't kill me cuz my channel never die

yes I can rap and no I'm not from crompton

England is my city and you know I am retarded.

That was good, that was good shit man

Anyway, wow today's another day to find you go?

Away, that's I'll be coming for your level

Take on me


*start bleeding from ears*

Okay, all right. That was really good. I'm really proud of you guys

My name is Nick Compton and my collar stay poppin'

Yes I can rap and

No, I'm not from Compton.

England is my city and you know I'm retarded

Is math related to science


it's everyday, bro


Pretty pretty tight man pretty pretty lit, I would say very well done well done

break it down now girl


is math related to science

respect huwamen

respect respect


Respect "P: Is that Eminem?"

Respect the huwamen

It's your boy pewdiepie

you can't kill me so my channel never die

Hey, no more idea. No original content, but when I fuck your mom you know it's with consent

So welcome to the family I'm your daddy now

I'll make you laugh you lose til I'm filthy fucking rich hey

so I just dropped some new merch and it's selling like a god church. Yeah

That's pretty fucking good. I really like that one well done

pewdiepie the greatest mother flippin guy

My balls will drop dippin in your eye

Disrespecting women no thanks bye

Pewdiepie the greatest mother flippin guy

My balls will drop dippin in your eye

disrespecting women no thanks bye

but I just dropped some new merch and it's selling like a god church

Break it down now, girl now

this is getting really fucking good

Are you paying attention?

today's theme is

respect wamen

respect respect respect women respect waman respect wamen

respect women respect respect respect respect respect

Respect respect respect women respect women you know the lyrics

Always good shit from Day by Day

They're clearly taking my name

Shoving it into the ground just to 'Fuck the mainstream media' get some more clicks on their shitty fucking website

To the shittube it's your boy pewdiepie

Can't kill me no my channel never dies

I'm your daddy now, bitch. Oh make you like you look till a fuckin Fuckin rich. They call me

will make you laugh you lose till I'm filthy fucking rich

they called me Nazisism


nice try Wall Street Journal

try again mother fuckers

hella tight, hella tight, we only have three left Bros


Welcome to the shit tube it's your boy pewdiepie

you can't kill me no my channel never dies

No ideas, no original contents

but when I fuck your mom you know it's with consent

So welcome to the family I'm your daddy now bitch

I'll make you laugh you lose till I'm filthy fucking rich

they call me Nazi since the day I fucking birth

This is smooth as fuck

Take me

I legit like this this is fucking dope

jeff jeff jeff jeff jeff

It's everyday never compton and my collar stay poppin

Yes, I can rap and no, I'm not from Compton

England is my city and you know I'm retarded

Everybody knows that Nick Crompton is the greatest

pewdiepie the greatest mother flippin guy

dippin and your eyes

Disrespecting women no thanks bye

pewdiepie the greatest flippin guy




respect huwamen

respect respect respect

respect the huwamen everybody

my nama jeff

Grande appreciate it man good shit. I heard this song before it's fucking good

It's really fucking good like I listened to this unironically

think it's made by a french YouTuber



Is every day bro

Your boy times you can't kill me no my channel never die

no ideas no original content

but when I fuck your mon you know it's with consent

the greatest mother

is math related to science

it's fucking good

related to science


I get emotional every time I think about it

my nama jeff

so good it's so fucking good

jeff jeff jeff

I love it. So fuckin good

Seriously everyone who's submitted, if you bros didn't make it, I'm sorry. I can't show them all but legit so much fun

I love doing these. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope you hwamen enjoy it as well

For next week I want you to post a title and a picture with clickbait, okay?

the most clickbait thing you can come up with Pewdiepie related. Good, good luck

You're basically doing all my work from now on , that that's what's happening. The most meme-tastic once will be

previewed in the next episode of

Fridays with pewdiepie (finally)

But that's it for now. Thank you bros so much. I mean. Thank you sisters so much. Love you guys buy all my merch

For more infomation >> The Pewdiepie Song(s) - Duration: 13:54.


Game of Thrones: Season 1-6 Recap - Duration: 5:25.

NED STARK: I don't want to frighten you.

We've come to a dangerous place.



You're a Stark of Winterfell.

You know our words.

"Winter is coming."

NED: You were born in the Long Summer.

You've never known anything else.

But now Winter is truly coming.


NED: And in the Winter, we must protect ourselves.

Look after one another.

This one will be long, and dark things

will come with it.


There's a war coming, Ned.


ROBERT BARATHEON: I don't know when. I don't know who we'll be fighting.

But it's coming.

LORD VARYS: Power is a curious thing.

It resides where men believe it resides.

It's a trick, a shadow on the wall.

And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

TYRION LANNISTER: What you see is a dwarf.

If I'd been born a peasant, they might have left me

out in the woods to die.

Alas, I was born a Lannister of Casterly Rock.

-You enjoy the game. -I do.

VARYS: And you play it well.

CERSEI LANNISTER: A good king knows when to save his strength,

and when to destroy his enemies.

Everyone who isn't us... is an enemy.

I've got seven kingdoms to rule!

Do you think honor keeps them in line?

It's fear! Fear and blood.



MISSANDEI: You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn

of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals

and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,

Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.


JORAH MORMONT: You have a good claim. A title. A birthright.

But you have something more than that.

You have a gentle heart.

You would not only be respected and feared. You would be loved.


DAENERYS TARGARYEN: When my dragons are grown,

we will take back what was stolen from me.

We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!



This War of Five Kings means nothing.

The true war lies to the north.

NED: The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years.

And you are a Stark.

You might not have my name, but you have my blood.

JON SNOW: My name's Jon Snow.

I'm Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

We're not friends. This isn't about friendship.

This is about survival.

The Long Night is coming, and the dead come with it.

The Free Folk can't stop them,

the Night's Watch can't stop them,

and all the southern kings can't stop them.

Only together. All of us.

And even then, it may not be enough.

You bring wildlings here, to our gates?

We got our own to worry about. Let them die.

If we abandon them, you know what they become.

We can learn to live with the wildlings,

or we can add them to the army of the dead.


Come with me, Brandon Stark.

I've been waiting for you.

Before you leave, you must learn.

Learn what?



Burn them all!


-Who are you? -Arya.

JAQEN H'GHAR: And where did you come from?

ARYA STARK: Westeros. I'm the youngest daughter of a great lord.

JAQEN: Does the girl truly want to be no one?



The girl is not ready to become no one.

But she's ready to become someone else.


DAENERYS: Lannister. Baratheon. Stark. Tyrell.

They're all just spokes on a wheel.


DAENERYS: This one's on top, then that one's on top,

and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.


DAENERYS: I'm not going to stop the wheel.

I'm going to break the wheel.

VARYS: We have grown so used to horror.

We assume there's no other way.

The Seven Kingdoms needs a ruler loved by millions

with a powerful army and the right family name.

-Good luck finding him. -Who said anything about "him"?

CERSEI: When you play the game of thrones,

you win, or you die.


CERSEI: There is no middle ground.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones: Season 1-6 Recap - Duration: 5:25.


Jon Favreau on Avengers & Cooking - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Jon Favreau on Avengers & Cooking - Duration: 3:15.


Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson on Taking His Grandpa to Strip Clubs - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson on Taking His Grandpa to Strip Clubs - Duration: 2:50.


New Revealing Footage of Hugh Mungus VS Zarna Debate - Duration: 12:19.

[Hila Kleiner 4 Life] WHAT UP PIIMPS?!

[Ethan] Alright, so now with the hat, but more intensely. So it's like:


[Hila] Ok.


What up, big pimps?! (both giggle)

[Ethan] Good job!

How's it feel to be a PIMP!?

[Hila] it's tough

[Ethan] This isn't actually really an H3 report.

I just wanted to see how Hila handles being a living meme.

Today however, we do have something fascinating.

Captivating to talk about.

Some of you guys may have seen us talking about this already on our podcast.

But, I thought that this was juicy enough to dig in deeper on.

Many of you still remember our beloved father:

Hugh Mungus. (Holy angelic sounds commence)

The greatest man alive, who stood up to being attacked publicly and said "No, I will not be silenced.

My name is Hugh Mungus."


[Rudy] Noo I did not. [Zarna] Ya you did!

[Ethan] A lot of questions remained about what actually happened in that city council meeting, that led to that confrontation.

And, to be Frank, I had my doubts too about what happened there.

Did Hugh Mungus do something rude to provoke her to act so aggressively?

And I have to tell you:

all is finally clear.

The footage from that city council meeting, right before Zarna accused Hugh Mungus of sexually harassing her.


[Ethan] We have the footage, we know exactly what happened, and it is fascinating!

It illuminates all, and in my mind it completely shows who's at fault here.

[Hila] It's like when you wish that you could go back in time, but you never have that option.

[Ethan] Yeah.

[Hila] Now we do.

[Ethan] That's right!

It's like, man, I wish I was in Hitler's bunker on his final moments to see him say:

[Impersonating Hitler choking] "Logan Paul for life!"

[Ethan] Right before he blew his brains out.

I wish I could go back, and see that.

And like you said so accurately, we have--

[Hila] I wasn't talking about Hitler.

[Ethan] We have that capability.

This is such a rare beautiful moment, and I can't wait to share it with you guys.

So with that being said--

[Hila] Logal Paul for life.

[Rudy] My name is Rudy J- Pantoja, Jr.

I live in the North End; grew up in the North End.

We moved here...


Grew up on 109th in Aurora.

I am totally for a safe learning, healthy environment in the North End.

I have a pearl precinct.

[Ethan] So for those of you guys that don't know what they're talking about:

They proposed to build a new police station in the north part of Seattle, it was going to cost a ton of money.

Rudy here, came to the city council.

He took time out of his day to be a great citizen that participates in our democracy.

Who among us can say we do that?

[Hila] Nobody!

[Ethan] None!

Nobody but Rudy.

He came down to the city council, and he says "I support this new police station."

Which is a completely defensible position to have, either if you disagree with him or not, the guy came down,

he's participating in his local governance,

he's doing a thing that he's passionate about, and he's taking his time to come out here.

Nothing worth criticizing about.

[Rudy] I believe it's a positive move in our public safety north of the ship canal.

I have plenty of people that's supportive of all different backgrounds of the north end.

[Woman in crowd] Where are they?

[Rudy] I'm here. I'm here.

[Moderator] No- no interrupting the other speakers, please.

[Ethan] So here begins the harassment by Zarna, and her crew of cult outragers.

[Hila] She came with a whole group.

That's crazy.

[Ethan] I mean, Rudy came here by himself to voice his opinion.

And Zarna, and her cronies came and, from the beginning, are harassing him.

He says "I have a lot of support."

"Where are they?"

It's like wait--

[Hila] They have a life.

[Ethan] Yeah, it's a Monday dude,

I'm the only one who actually put aside my work, and came down here on my free time.

From the beginning, you can see how they approach it, and Rudy approach it.

They're rude, they're disruptive, it's unproductive.

You're gonna see what happens more.

[Rudy] I want to say this: I want to thank the north precinct for getting my heroin addicted daughter off the street, and...

[Rudy clears his throat]

availing her an opportunity to get well.

[Man in the crowd] Is she white?

[Ethan] Let's break this down you guys.

So, Rudy had a daughter who was addicted to heroin,

and the North Precinct of Seattle helped get her off the street, and get her the help she needed.

Rudy appreciates them, and he's there to show support for them.

Again, you might disagree...

but it's a defensible position.

[Hila] Yeah, of course.

[Ethan] But here's their response to his heartwarming story and support.

[Rudy] --availing her an opportunity to get well--

[Man in crowd] Is she white?

[Ethan] I just find that so gross.

Like, what, like I just don't understand.

Like it doesn't count when the police help white people?

[Hila] It's just like a really gross conversation to even have.

[Ethan] I guess their position, which again, is defensible,

is that minorities don't get the same attention as white people, in their minds,

or white people get treated better by the police.

But the way that they approach this, is so rude and counterproductive.

They asked him yeah, the police helped you, but is she white?

But here, this is the best part:

[Rudy] She's Latino.

[A small arguments breaks out]

[Moderator] Hey-- no!

[Rudy] Hey, hey, hey, hey.

[Moderator] Or-- hey.

[Rudy] She is a hispanic.

Latino Chicano, were proud of our heritage.

[Ethan] She's Latino!

She's not even white you fucking loser!

Like, what the fuck he just got completely disarmed.

"Is she white?"

Like, expecting him to be like "Yeah, she's white. You got me let's close the whole thing off."

She's Latino you fucking losers.

Is that going to stop them from interrupting him and being aggressive?


[Moderator] Your time is up, sir.

[Rudy] I-- I want to say this right now: I respect you when you speak.

[Someone in crowd] REEEEE, REEEEEE!

[Moderator] Hey, excuse me--

[Someone in crowd] REEEE!

[Moderator] There has been several interruptions.

I'm going to allow him a couple more seconds to wrap up his comments.

I need you to wrap up your comments, though because I'm trying to stay on time.

[Ethan] So you know there's a meme going around. of like this right like this "REEEEE!"

Like this thing.

I'm here-- I'm here to tell you guys all that it's real.

There was an actual outrage squeal.

What do you call that? "The squeal of outrage?" [Autistic Screeching]

This is-- and look at Rudy's-- the shock on his face.

[Rudy] --respect you when you speak.

[Someone in crowd] REEEEEE, REEEEEE!

[Moderator] Hey, excuse me.

[Someone in crowd] REEEEEE!

[Moderator] There has been several interruptions. [Rudy] (-you when you speak.)

[Someone in crowd] REEEEEE, REEEEEE!

[Hila] What is that?!

[Ethan] Look at his face! (Followed by long incoherent giggling)

He doesn't know if he should laugh, or fucking run.

[Ethan imitating crowd member] REEEEEE!

What kind of-- who does that?

If I can't argue with you--

Here's the logic: if I can't argue with you,

if I can't disrupt you,

if the point that I make, that is outrageous to begin with "Is she white?"

is immediately disputed, then this is my ultimate counter point.




[Ethan Klein Cough©x2

[Rudy] --speak--

[Someone in crowd] REEEE, REEEEEE!

[Moderator] Hey, excuse me.

[Someone in crowd] REEEE!

[Both laugh]

[Ethan] "Here's what I want--

Here's what I'm going to do:

I need people to take us seriously and listen to our argument.

Here, this is what I'm gonna do:



Sounds like she's dying.

Oh my God you guys.

[Hila] They basically copied you.

They're coughing to express...

[Ethan Klein Higher Pitched Cough©]

I invented that!

Yo, I need to file some copyright disputes.

I need to DMCA this video.

There has been several-

interruptions, I'm going to allow him a couple more seconds to wrap up his comments

I need you to wrap up your comments, though because I'm trying to see on time

My- My- what I have to say doesn't matter. [Triggered Bystander] "It's true!

Because I would just like bullying him the whole time

he's trying to speak and is talking about his daughter that was on the street because of

Heroin yeah like he's not talking about

I don't know he's not in there with an American flag and a Budweiser like I love the police

He's like my daughter was addicted to drugs and they helped her it was a great such a great opportunity to interrupt and insult someone

Because I live it really seriously, what matters it is-

is what everybody else has to say we support this precinct we think it's important investment for

public safety in the North End.

Thank you. Thank you.

[Ethan] What happened off screen is

I can only imagine, I can only imagine what what horrors Rudy has befallen right now.

[Hila] It's just like group of bullies.

[Ethan] They are. They're really horrible vicious bullies that pretend like they're doing some great service for the good,

but I honestly think they're just being...

They're just being assholes under the guise of being a good person.

Because they love the power they love the outrage I don't think they care about social justice and change.

They just like being outraged.

I truly believe that anyone who actually cares about being productive and changing Society will have a

Fruitful debate because that's how you change the hearts and minds of people not by

violently vomiting

That's what he's trying to do. He's actually trying to make some change that he thinks is for the best. Yeah

Next up you may recognize her you may know her you may love her

This is the girl my friends who started it all and she's triggered even before

Humongous said my name is humongous.

My name is Zana Joshi.

I am here to support black lives matter.

["Whoo"s by people off screen]

I'm here to speak to block the bunker

The fact that there is even a proposal

To give, what is, a corrupt murderous

institutionalized gang

160 million Dollars is outrageous!

Her position is 160 million dollars is a lot of money

Let's give it to people who need it more again is a very great defensible position

you know would help convey that..?

Not being a outraged Puke vomiting interrupting

psychopathic bully.

It is not that they are just a few bad apples

Because all of the other apples around them speak for them and protect them!

You don't need to yell when there's a mic and fun.

There's a mic... There's a mic the point of the mic is to amplify your voice

That means they are all bad apples!

["yay"s from people off screen]

These cops are the front line of defense for fossil fuel companies,

for banks, for corporations, and for the developers that evict people and make them homeless..!

This money needs to go for people who need housing, the people who need food, to people who need-

Rest my case


[dying goat sounds]

[coughs and gags]

Please vote to my resolution. Thank you




You're hurting my ears...

What am I do-? Well..? I'm that's how I make my point. I'm sorry if me being a provocative


persuasive argumenter hurts your ears


You can't hang..? You can't debate?


You can't debate me, Hila..? You know what's wrong

All right, so I think what the full context of what happened that day...

Hugh Mungus is completely vindicated.

He was shouted at, he was rudely dismissed, and

bullied essentially from the very beginning. Look, there's a lot to learn from this, okay?

But of all the lessons, I think the most important one is that when you're trying to be persuasive...

What what are you worried about..?


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