Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

Good morning folks! It's now Friday the 23rd of June?

And I'm getting ready for another day at VidCon.

I have a really strange outfit on today. I started off with this dress

and then I thought I'd like to have the kimono with it

and then I thought "Hey, the dress is grey, let's have a grey headband"

and then I thought "Grey eye shadow-" You know what, YOLO. I don't need to explain anything.

So anyways I'm gonna start to get going. It's still nice and cool at the moment

so I probably should bother with suntan lotion but I'm not going to just now.

If it gets hot later I'll put some on. So let's get going!

I'm with Andrew Kan here, the most amazing guy ever. Andrew: [LAUGHS] I don't know about that.

Kate: I was saying if he done "How To" videos, he should end them "You can, because Andrew Kan."

Andrew: Honestly I'm gonna use that, that fits my whole pun naming scheme.

Kate: It would be so good! Andrew's showing me where to get all the best free stuff, we're going for Mickey ears.


It's a virtual reality owl, is it? Mark: Yes this is the owl,

It's made of Kodak PixPro cameras and it shoots 3D.

It's meant to go back to back and shoot 360, but I figured out if you put it forward, you can shoot 3D.

And do 180 VR which is better. Yesterday YouTube announced they're doing 180 VR now. It's a new thing

that I thought of and that's it in an owl form.

I was here last year with the same camera without the owl, no one cared. This year everyone l oves the owl.

Kate: Yeah the owl makes it. Does the owl have a name?

Mark: He should, I dunno. Woodsy. Kate: Woodsy!

Mark: Woodsy was a famous owl in the 70s who told you not to litter.

Kate: That's fine, Woodsy's a good name.

Mark: I built this to go to the Renaissance Fair so I wouldn't stand out with my owl.

Kate: He's absolutely amazing. I have no words, he's so cool. Mark: Thank you.

Kate: I have been so so bad at vlogging today, I do apologize.

I'm down the road again back at the Creator Lounge.

And I've just been to a little feedback session that YouTube arranged for one of their features

and now I'm just hanging out in the Creator Lounge again cause I need to sit down,

get some Wi-Fi, have a relax and then I'm gonna head back along at some point

because there's quite a few things I want to go to this afternoon

and I hear that JoJo from Dance Moms is gonna be at the Nickelodeon stage

so I think that'd be pretty cool to see, just kind of stop by.

So yeah there's that but I'm just sitting down for 10, 20 minutes and getting all cozy.

Hi Jess. Jessalyn: Hi

Kate: That's so cute they got her on FaceTime. Woman: Yeah, oh my God, look at her!

Kate: That's amazing. JoJo: Everyone has family bonds. I love it. I love it, I love it.

Kate: I'm going to head back upstairs now to the Creator area

because there's going to be a kind of travel vloggers networking thing this afternoon.

Um yeah and I'm gonna go there and meet some people.

I don't think I've spent enough time on the Creator floor this year.

I'm in the travel vloggers networking group right now and I've found Amara in Seattle!

Amara: I'm not in Seattle though! Kate: We are the two most chattiest people on the internet.

Amara: Probably so. Kate: So we just see each other everywhere.

Amara: But this is the first time in IRL world and Kate came and found me and I'm so happy she did

because we see each other in the Creator Community, we see each other on like Twitter and Instagram

not Instagram, she doesn't do that one but like all over the place and-

Kate: We're like two peas in a pod when it comes to social.

Amara: She's gonna come to Seattle, I'm gonna go to Scotland

then we're gonna travel together everywhere else. What did you say our show's gonna be called?

Kate: "Kate and Amara Take on the World". Amara: Dun dun dun!

Kate: Or "Amara and Kate Take on The World" Amara: We'll flip a coin, we'll figure it out.

Kate: Thank you for saying hi to the vlog. Amara: My pleasure.

Amara: If you haven't already subscribed to her channel you should do that.

Kate: And of course check out Amara, the link will be in the description and...

Yeah you'll probably see her in the comments as well, knowing Amara.

Amara: You will, you will. Both: Bye!

Kate: So in the travel networking room, I was introduced to Ollie... Ollie: Hello

Kate:...and then I introduced myself and then we both realized at exactly the same moment

that we'd already introduced ourselves online. Ollie: What's mad is it's such a small world

and literally you could meet anyone anywhere. I've got a friend who I met at VidCon Europe

and I met her again a few hours ago, she's cool. Kate: It's totally crazy.

Ollie: This is just what I love. Kate: In a space of 26,000 people,

you can still bump into the people that you said hello to online, it's crazy.

Kate: Oh, hello. Ollie: This is becoming like- Kate: Vlogception.

Ollie: Many vlogs. I'm gonna get in on this as well. You're gonna see this from multiple angles. This'll be so cool.

Kate: We just need somebody with a 360 camera and then we're really all set.

We are talking like- Andrew Kan was trying to get my favorite Amman Amman: Hey

Kate: "My favorite Amman"? [LAUGHTER] I only know one Amman.

Amman, I just want to give him a quick shout-out he has the most amazing YouTube channels.

"Relax My Dog", "Relax My Cat" and I don't know what you third one is.

Amman: "Relaxing Records". Kate: That's for studying and stuff isn't it? Amman: Yeah.

Kate: It's amazing background music to help you relax. If you've got a dog or a cat it helps them with fireworks.

My dog actually likes to sing along to it though. Amman: Really? That's interesting.

Kate: I've been trying to get it on camera cause it looks really cool. And Amman,

how I know Amman is- Amman is a YouTube Ambassador in the UK.

He helps to organize the Creator Days, the Creator events, the Happy Hours

and he is just a generally awesome guy so check out his details down below

and if you ever see him at an event, give him a big hug from me. Amman: Please do.

Kate: It's been so nice to see you here, I didn't know that you were gonna be here. [LAUGHTER]

I have been talking to Lawrence about five different times today

we just keep seeing each other everywhere and we've just had such an amazing chat about creating

and what it is to be on an adventure and stuff and after seeing my channel trailer,

he said I am "the female Kipper of YouTube". Lawrence: Yes.

Kate: And I take that as a compliment, I'm not going to give you the context to that

but that is the biggest compliment I've had all day so thank you very much.

What type of channel is it that you have again? Lawrence: I do animated How To's.

Kate: Oh awesome. Lawrence: I just discovered a new animation software

that takes a lot of the ungodly amount of work out of animation.

Kate: Fantastic, so you'll be posting more maybe? Lawrence: Yes, a lot more.

Kate: Brilliant! Well there we go, I'm going to put Lawrence's details down in the channel description

if you want to check him out, give him some love

and tell him how much you love his testimony that I'm the female Kipper of YouTube.

Because that is the best thing I've heard. So thank you very much Lawrence. Lawrence: You're welcome.

Kate: Philip DeFranco just popped his head into the Starbucks and then went right out again

so Andrew quickly managed to chase him down and get to speak to him.

And Lawrence was able to introduce him so that's the power of connection, people.

Lawrence: Even a brief encounter with a "Hey, I'm not fangirling over you right now"

like an actual genuine connection. Kate: Yeah.

Andrew: That was amazing. Also all of his crew are just as amazing as they are in their videos

which was so refreshing. He recognized my shirt too, which was like "Yes!"

Kate: So how does it feel meeting Philip DeFranco then Andrew?

Andrew: He was fantastic. Thank you so much Lawrence, I really can't say that enough.

Kate: I don't know if I said it earlier, but this is Lawrence. Both: Not Leonard.

This is Lawrence, I've been saying his name wrong for so long. I knew it began with an L-

Lawrence: That's cool.

Kate: And then I thought "Oh so it's definitely not Leonard from the Big Bang Theory"

and then for some reason my brain turned that into "It's Leonard from the Big Bang Theory!"

His name is Lawrence. Lawrence: Like Lawrence Olivier, Lawrence of Arabia...

Um yeah. Or my middle name.

Kate: Your middle name is Lawrence too? Lawrence: No, my middle name is Lawrence so I go by Lawrence.

Kate: Oh, okay I thought you meant your name was "Lawrence Lawrence" cause that would be a bit strange.

Lawrence: No that would be a little weird. Kate: So I do apologize. Lawrence does the animation.

Not...I was gonna call you Lionel there! Not Leonard, Lawrence. Lawrence: Lima bean! [LAUGHTER]

Hi again everyone, so it's about nine o'clock now and I had an amazing end of the day there

I really enjoyed that. I've had such a great day today meeting so many creators,

I have so many business cards, so many people that I need to check out when I go home.

I've heard so many amazing stories, I feel so inspired.

So I cannot wait to check out all these people, there's so much I need to see.

Also another thing that happened today was I hit 500 subscribers!

Which is really cool, I don't think I've mentioned that already.

As Andrew was having the dance party with the turtles I got a notification on my phone

from one of my subscribers, WildMania and he said "Congratulations"

and it was just really nice to see that. Usually I'd be watching my subscriber count a bit

and seeing what's going on but because I've been traveling, I didn't really see it so much.

So thank you WildMania for letting me know about that, that was really good of you

because I might not have noticed right away otherwise.

Thank you so so much for watching everybody, thank you so much for being involved in the community,

being amazing people whether this is your first time watching one of my videos

or whether you've been here like a thousand times before thank you.

It's awesome, it blows my mind that people want to watch me talk and do various things.

I'm going to bed now, there's various video links around the screen,

my Subscribe button's down here if you want to check out my other videos and you haven't already.

Thank you so so much for watching everybody and cheerio!

For more infomation >> Meeting the Creators of VidCon - VidCon Day 2 Highlights | Kate's VidCon Adventures - Duration: 10:53.


GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!! (Outlast #1) - Duration: 21:40.

For more infomation >> GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!! (Outlast #1) - Duration: 21:40.


MIKA 19.07.2017 - JUMP IN THE SEA - Duration: 0:42.

So.. Just finished "GIFFONI"

And this is the 1st time I Jump.. I cannot speak, I'm TIRED..

Jump in the water.. since.. well.. for this Summer..

For this summer.. 1st time.. for.. No, I can't do it again !

I missed the words, but I still didn't Jump in the Water!

GO !

Ok, bye, bye ! Ciao !

For more infomation >> MIKA 19.07.2017 - JUMP IN THE SEA - Duration: 0:42.


WOWIE - Duration: 1:41.

Ethan: ANDREW AN- Andrew!





Andrew that's a horrible shirt, what are you wearing?!?!?!

Andrew: I don't know man, it's like... A t-shirt?

Ethan: Oh, everything is wrong with your shirt!

It's horrible, it's gross! It's- Looks like it's made of bugs!

Why are you wearing something like that???

What do- What do people even say when they see you wearing a shirt like that?!

Andrew: Generally people say they like it.. It's just like-

Ethan: Well they should be saying...

W O W I E !!!!

Voiceover Ethan™: Wowie is right!

Do you want to be better at most things in life?

Do you want to be better at running?

Do you want to be able to talk to women?

Ethan: HI!

Amy (aka Woman™): That's a stupid fucking shirt.


Voiceover Ethan™: Do you want to be respected by your peers?

Parker: Oh- Ethan, wha- Ethan!

Ethan! Ethan, bad Ethan!

Ethan: It's a good shirt!

Parker: Ba- Ethan! BAD!

Ethan: (Unintelligible) Parker: EtHaN!1!! BaAaAugh

Ethan: Wha-? Parker: (Puking)

Voiceover Ethan™: If you answered yes to any of those questions

Then go in the link in the description below, right now!

That's right- Right now! Because there are only 7 days left.

To get this A-LIMITED EDITION Wowie shirt!

After those 7 days are up, this shirt is gone forever

And if you don't get one, then you're guaranteed sadness FOR LIFE.

That's right- Sadness, for life.

So make sure to go to

-And get yourself a limited edition 'Wowie' shirt today.

It'll have YOU saying-

W O W I E ! 1 ! 1

*Music ends*

For more infomation >> WOWIE - Duration: 1:41.


something bad is happening in POLAND - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> something bad is happening in POLAND - Duration: 5:16.


Killderive Introduction - Duration: 1:01.

Hello! I'm Colder and welcome to my YouTube channel KillDerive!

There are not video yet, but I try to make my stupid animation come out as often as possible.

Usually in them I will lead a story about my other characters, as well as telling stories from my life.

I don't know if there is any sense in them, but I hope that you will be pleased to listen.

Keep in mind that I'm still in school, doing music classes and doing some different things.

Because of this, I can't do animation too often.

Anyway, thanks for watching and I wish you to stay here to listen something interesting.

Bye-bye and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Killderive Introduction - Duration: 1:01.


Tatjana - Santa Maria (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:16.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Rhyme to the rhythm c'mon feel the rhythm

There's a rhythm that rhymes that rock the whole time...


Santa Maria

Santa Maria

I said: come on baby take me higher

'cause I'm dreaming of your love

I'm dreaming of your love

and I wanna be your heart's desire

Light my fire...

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

And I only wanna be with you baby

Yes you know it's gonna be heaven here with me

Remember how it used to be baby

Do you feel it?

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

For more infomation >> Tatjana - Santa Maria (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:16.


הדבר הכי מעצבן בישראל! - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> הדבר הכי מעצבן בישראל! - Duration: 1:57.


Female Lesbian Casting Couch | New Bollywood movies | Short Film 2017 - Duration: 4:10.

New Bollywood movies

New Bollywood movies

New Bollywood movies

New Bollywood movies

For more infomation >> Female Lesbian Casting Couch | New Bollywood movies | Short Film 2017 - Duration: 4:10.



You can turn on english subtitles in settings.

My own

Ceramic YouTube golden Play buttons

How did I make them?

1. Making a prototype with red clay

2. Preparing a gypsum form

Finished form

3. Filling a gypsum form with grey clay

I made 5 pieces

Buttons after drying up:

After first baking in the furnace (900 °C)

Oops... Sometimes something fails...

Glazing the tiles

After next baking (1080 °C) Golden Buttons are finished...



English for Spanish Speakers 39 - 'win money at work' or 'earn money at work'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:18.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome

back to 'One English Tip in One Minute

for Spanish Speakers' where every week I

talk about, in some detail, one common

English mistake made by those who speak

Spanish as a mother tongue...and this is

the 39th video, so video number 39.

As I've said, I don't know -- maybe 39

times before -- I totally appreciate the

fact that you are working to improve

your English. Good for you if you've

watched all these videos and...have...are up to

date with everything. In these videos

I show you a slide and on the slide

there are two sentences: One is the

correct way that someone who speaks

English as a mother tongue would say it,

the other is the wrong way that someone

who speaks Spanish as a mother tongue

might say it. Your duty is to decide

which one is correct. Please do that

now. Read the sentences, listen to me read

the sentences, pause the video, think

about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

Success? Did you get

it without any major problems, and with

confidence? If so, it simply means you

don't have to spend so much time on this.

If you got it wrong -- or you took a

wild guess and got it right -- it simply

means that you need to spend some time

on this. It doesn't take that much to get

past these mistakes. To start you off

on that process -- it's a very simple

beginning -- but I've given you three

sensitives to study from. Memorize the

sentences in their entirety, review them --

really drill them into your brain -- and

put into practice what you've learned

through speaking or writing or both...and

it's always a good idea to use the

assistance of the many, many resources

that are out there to help you get past


For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 39 - 'win money at work' or 'earn money at work'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:18.


MECH SMACKDOWN | N. Sane Trilogy | Cortex Strikes Back Pt.8 - Duration: 18:46.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean to walk about the crash bandicoot cool tech

strikes back now another keep getting the title mixed

up with wrath of cortex or whatever there's cuz it's Oh dead already okay

well I see that okay anyway Oh zero lies that's good yeah their lives if I were

starting this let's play was game over maybe I don't know we'll see we'll see I

don't know I totally just woke up and I really like I said I I just don't know I

don't know how field and we'll see we'll see

yep game over ahahaha we are excited okay perfect

it's actually very interesting but I didn't even get to finish my intro to

the video before a game over so I don't know how I feel about that

that means this level card and what's funny is is probably not even considered

one of the hardest one in the trilogy because I have been list and this is not

on it I was having issues of the syllable board in the last episode I

recorded so you have to slide those guys away boink boink all right we're good oh

I just I just woke up I can't quite make the jumps yet but working on it

I'm supplied job this one irregular jump those and okay okay oh good too bad my

my gesture all coming from Falls I'm not even gonna like no yeah boy I don't know

that was but that just look grand okay so I'm assuming I need this this mask to

get past this part probably not yep totally made it without the mask man

yay and there's this bonus round I'm going to do it because that's

technically checkpoint that give you into all the checkpoints I can get Sun

ah and you know what before I said I was just going to try to speed run the rest

of the game now it's just like yeah whatever believe in don't even care but

don't even care you don't i jus love lee lovely it's not those gonna get them all

but it it it jump it jump by plop kapow in slide jump jump slide joke joke and

knowing going once it away okay that's easy I could do that hey hey hey hey I

can't you're scared I can't I'm just gonna go take my life's go with it now

it's real I'm going to go three lives now I know the commentary it's kind of

proof ooh right now but that's because I just woke up and now I'm trihard you see

me see the trend here it's like wake up Crash Bandicoot hate

my life so that's where we're at step 3 wait for dumb monkey and wait for the

monkey all right lovely Oh

we spin the monkey away and now we wait for them to do the fire and then we jump

3z ha ha oh yeah ok with the fire stop here we go what happened dude nothing

happen I didn't touch the fire I guess got a really wait okay I'm gonna go now

I'm gonna go now I miss my jumping okay good wait wait

gonna go way good good good good at that point yeah boy

AHA dandy I'm just sit here and watch he's gone that's my favorite gone person

now that he's gone before he was gone he wasn't that much favor so what's going

on would you why is this lady and oh I don't like this head okay we're fine

we're making noises but we're good we're fine

those noise this was just a distract you from the pure awesome holy crab dude

alright so see you booga-booga and I'm not even going to hit that

let's go what Oh what oh he's dead good is that the

end I've gotta love you in the end is great he is off I love being back in the

warp room now all right good stuff now what behaving Oh no more bees uh

yeah no I don't like to be a special Jim lies beyond clever deception okay I

don't care about special deception or bees maybe it says be having not

behaving and I have bees on my team nope see you oh man do to at least two of

these levels in one oven I don't think there's some without dying though watch

go watch this son why y'all wanna do all those more bees

oh those bees look bad whoa whoa whoa I'm gonna dig y'all gonna

have all that

yeah y'all can have all that this beehive not behaved God oh geez yeah

nitro does it protect me from the nitro we get up fly job various key but I can

oh my god your visitor give me anxiety hey whoa whoa okay fine fine fine fine

fine I don't have a booga-booga anymore huh

what are you I'll live good oh oh god it's okay do I

I don't like me I don't like a lecture kids I don't like any of this

wait for it ya know he got me

ah I don't like you anymore I don't like being you know wait wait till hero how

about that which I'll hear hear they just straight up go away don't they

okay man ah backend yeah yeah

good lord these are scary these great game ah okay wait wait this go away

and it's gone okay good we can run now

okay Miniver oh oh good good good good okay now run run like the wind baby all

right good we good we good you're good

fine fine fine fine fine okay so something else we have to spin it into

me into that nitro hook this level of full threats threats everywhere there's

everywhere is love good and we don't no no no no did you spend businessman proof

what are you doing okay fine lalala oh I like it I don't

like it I don't like it I don't like it at all

I don't like it oh yeah I'm skipping the bonus level because I don't have time

for bonus what it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay and I know you

guys are like where is it so loud please so loud what is V V is so loud because

these are intense that's why oh come on I mean like I have

luck they just they came out no one I am going to take you the bonus is there's

so much nitro and a bonus oh my god you see that's one thing you miss about

first game is the lack of nitro at first I was like we're though the nitro

because I don't know any better but now I'm just like did I hate nice early way

do you not have nitro it's looking some back to get a life I'm about to get

alive maybe I don't know it depends if I make it past this nice way so you can't

okay so when they're jumping you can't jump on them got it okay that makes

whatever that doesn't make sense or whatever okay i beez

Edie yep Oh daunted awesome all of them at one

time oh boy okay it's Benson Oh

gargoyle double so why is it all weird why is it different

wait did I skip something did I I'm at the end of the level now but I don't

remember I feel like a skips and stuff um maybe because I tried to bonus in a

short in the level a little bit I don't know I don't know my hair is not doing

the flippy flippy thing that it was doing before

Oh more messages crash I have discovered that the opposition is being

masterminded by doctor nitrous Breo Venter of the Evolve Oh rain briea was

responsible for our misunderstandings in the past he forced me to assist him in

his part for world domination and he's at it again

he will attempt to stand in our way be on your guard crash deliver the

crystals to engine oh there's engine all right so we just got a hand in the

crystals and we're good that's all we got to do dodging keeps

you safe it makes you harder to aim so what okay well can't I just give them to

you face to face

I'm confused I don't know what this means what are we doing our shoot

Bruce Adam oh I'll shoot that him okay I can do that oh oh oh oh oh okay all

right well let's do this in so dodging makes it harder aim is that we're saying

oh how do you judge that okay I'm thinking throwing balls out of this edge

can I just whoa okay

we're fine we're good we're going to just keep opening your thing why can't I

just use all these fruits again extra life instead any ideas


oh that was close I'm gonna keep around first then you

keep throwing through tipsy oh you don't give me a chance to today

there we go yeah there goes one all new mechanic good Oh same mechanic okay

that's good now you're gonna open while you're way out there and you're gonna

close it real quick okay whatever I'm just going to keep I guess aiming you

gotta let me hit you dude there we go alright now what now what

you got I'm scared oh gosh okay cool it's faster now alright I could do that

so this will be a little easier okay yes fine I could dodge those instead of pay

attention to the floors okay we're doing very good so the second eye he feels

like a second to last box like that's what he feels like I feel like he he's

like the equivalent the doctor nitrous REO in the first one yeah yeah

definitely so does he have this in stand for anything with him

probably not ah let's load this yeah okay so what now you just gonna do the

same thing

I'm trying dude whoa what's that oh okay hey all right one more all right now

what huh oh no this is um

what oh I don't care we've got the kuretake thing hey Carrie thing that

looks like a careless say and I'm Karen explain let me HC way to prove like you

could probably hear it tapping square like aa is not a shooting loop do - ooh

- whoa okay we're fine we're good yeah bye hahaha ya know get some yeah

you seem going guy here buy fruit juice all right round two

bring it on bring it on you don't want on okay we're fine a hit and four times

we're good how many times you have to hit each piece of it in or something

something crazy like ten crazy number all right you got it

yeah yeah John diddle alright so I need to hang out here in the middle and shoot

him in the chest Hey


okay next what I had what why a buddy went over here next oh it comes back up

okay whoa was that it you'll have two headed by three times in the middle wow

I thought of me a way neck rest I thought it's gonna be way harder than

that but okay cool ha we done did it alright let's go up

see what's up let's see what's up that's our one yeah that one go ahead and get

our next message and stuff

what is your problem technically I will not ask you again to

bring me the crystal obtain the remaining five crystals clash and bring

them to me to me alright well I'm gonna wait that's

amazing alright point vision same spot no okay I'm just gonna let it do its

thing so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed watching crash made cute cortex strikes

back I just be in Jin and I have a pretty pretty good feeling that why you

dance - dude I'm afraid of your feelings the cortex is coming up I think he's the

last month so I got about five more levels and one more boss and not beat

good there's a nice raised task journey that we're having and I enjoy it and can

you stop being a DD crash and try and do an outro and did you just eat a purple

slushy maybe maybe he's just cold or something anyway

other guys enjoy if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap that like button

underneath the video and until next time I'll see you guys later

but this

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