Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

Good morning folks! It's now Friday the 23rd of June?

And I'm getting ready for another day at VidCon.

I have a really strange outfit on today. I started off with this dress

and then I thought I'd like to have the kimono with it

and then I thought "Hey, the dress is grey, let's have a grey headband"

and then I thought "Grey eye shadow-" You know what, YOLO. I don't need to explain anything.

So anyways I'm gonna start to get going. It's still nice and cool at the moment

so I probably should bother with suntan lotion but I'm not going to just now.

If it gets hot later I'll put some on. So let's get going!

I'm with Andrew Kan here, the most amazing guy ever. Andrew: [LAUGHS] I don't know about that.

Kate: I was saying if he done "How To" videos, he should end them "You can, because Andrew Kan."

Andrew: Honestly I'm gonna use that, that fits my whole pun naming scheme.

Kate: It would be so good! Andrew's showing me where to get all the best free stuff, we're going for Mickey ears.


It's a virtual reality owl, is it? Mark: Yes this is the owl,

It's made of Kodak PixPro cameras and it shoots 3D.

It's meant to go back to back and shoot 360, but I figured out if you put it forward, you can shoot 3D.

And do 180 VR which is better. Yesterday YouTube announced they're doing 180 VR now. It's a new thing

that I thought of and that's it in an owl form.

I was here last year with the same camera without the owl, no one cared. This year everyone l oves the owl.

Kate: Yeah the owl makes it. Does the owl have a name?

Mark: He should, I dunno. Woodsy. Kate: Woodsy!

Mark: Woodsy was a famous owl in the 70s who told you not to litter.

Kate: That's fine, Woodsy's a good name.

Mark: I built this to go to the Renaissance Fair so I wouldn't stand out with my owl.

Kate: He's absolutely amazing. I have no words, he's so cool. Mark: Thank you.

Kate: I have been so so bad at vlogging today, I do apologize.

I'm down the road again back at the Creator Lounge.

And I've just been to a little feedback session that YouTube arranged for one of their features

and now I'm just hanging out in the Creator Lounge again cause I need to sit down,

get some Wi-Fi, have a relax and then I'm gonna head back along at some point

because there's quite a few things I want to go to this afternoon

and I hear that JoJo from Dance Moms is gonna be at the Nickelodeon stage

so I think that'd be pretty cool to see, just kind of stop by.

So yeah there's that but I'm just sitting down for 10, 20 minutes and getting all cozy.

Hi Jess. Jessalyn: Hi

Kate: That's so cute they got her on FaceTime. Woman: Yeah, oh my God, look at her!

Kate: That's amazing. JoJo: Everyone has family bonds. I love it. I love it, I love it.

Kate: I'm going to head back upstairs now to the Creator area

because there's going to be a kind of travel vloggers networking thing this afternoon.

Um yeah and I'm gonna go there and meet some people.

I don't think I've spent enough time on the Creator floor this year.

I'm in the travel vloggers networking group right now and I've found Amara in Seattle!

Amara: I'm not in Seattle though! Kate: We are the two most chattiest people on the internet.

Amara: Probably so. Kate: So we just see each other everywhere.

Amara: But this is the first time in IRL world and Kate came and found me and I'm so happy she did

because we see each other in the Creator Community, we see each other on like Twitter and Instagram

not Instagram, she doesn't do that one but like all over the place and-

Kate: We're like two peas in a pod when it comes to social.

Amara: She's gonna come to Seattle, I'm gonna go to Scotland

then we're gonna travel together everywhere else. What did you say our show's gonna be called?

Kate: "Kate and Amara Take on the World". Amara: Dun dun dun!

Kate: Or "Amara and Kate Take on The World" Amara: We'll flip a coin, we'll figure it out.

Kate: Thank you for saying hi to the vlog. Amara: My pleasure.

Amara: If you haven't already subscribed to her channel you should do that.

Kate: And of course check out Amara, the link will be in the description and...

Yeah you'll probably see her in the comments as well, knowing Amara.

Amara: You will, you will. Both: Bye!

Kate: So in the travel networking room, I was introduced to Ollie... Ollie: Hello

Kate:...and then I introduced myself and then we both realized at exactly the same moment

that we'd already introduced ourselves online. Ollie: What's mad is it's such a small world

and literally you could meet anyone anywhere. I've got a friend who I met at VidCon Europe

and I met her again a few hours ago, she's cool. Kate: It's totally crazy.

Ollie: This is just what I love. Kate: In a space of 26,000 people,

you can still bump into the people that you said hello to online, it's crazy.

Kate: Oh, hello. Ollie: This is becoming like- Kate: Vlogception.

Ollie: Many vlogs. I'm gonna get in on this as well. You're gonna see this from multiple angles. This'll be so cool.

Kate: We just need somebody with a 360 camera and then we're really all set.

We are talking like- Andrew Kan was trying to get my favorite Amman Amman: Hey

Kate: "My favorite Amman"? [LAUGHTER] I only know one Amman.

Amman, I just want to give him a quick shout-out he has the most amazing YouTube channels.

"Relax My Dog", "Relax My Cat" and I don't know what you third one is.

Amman: "Relaxing Records". Kate: That's for studying and stuff isn't it? Amman: Yeah.

Kate: It's amazing background music to help you relax. If you've got a dog or a cat it helps them with fireworks.

My dog actually likes to sing along to it though. Amman: Really? That's interesting.

Kate: I've been trying to get it on camera cause it looks really cool. And Amman,

how I know Amman is- Amman is a YouTube Ambassador in the UK.

He helps to organize the Creator Days, the Creator events, the Happy Hours

and he is just a generally awesome guy so check out his details down below

and if you ever see him at an event, give him a big hug from me. Amman: Please do.

Kate: It's been so nice to see you here, I didn't know that you were gonna be here. [LAUGHTER]

I have been talking to Lawrence about five different times today

we just keep seeing each other everywhere and we've just had such an amazing chat about creating

and what it is to be on an adventure and stuff and after seeing my channel trailer,

he said I am "the female Kipper of YouTube". Lawrence: Yes.

Kate: And I take that as a compliment, I'm not going to give you the context to that

but that is the biggest compliment I've had all day so thank you very much.

What type of channel is it that you have again? Lawrence: I do animated How To's.

Kate: Oh awesome. Lawrence: I just discovered a new animation software

that takes a lot of the ungodly amount of work out of animation.

Kate: Fantastic, so you'll be posting more maybe? Lawrence: Yes, a lot more.

Kate: Brilliant! Well there we go, I'm going to put Lawrence's details down in the channel description

if you want to check him out, give him some love

and tell him how much you love his testimony that I'm the female Kipper of YouTube.

Because that is the best thing I've heard. So thank you very much Lawrence. Lawrence: You're welcome.

Kate: Philip DeFranco just popped his head into the Starbucks and then went right out again

so Andrew quickly managed to chase him down and get to speak to him.

And Lawrence was able to introduce him so that's the power of connection, people.

Lawrence: Even a brief encounter with a "Hey, I'm not fangirling over you right now"

like an actual genuine connection. Kate: Yeah.

Andrew: That was amazing. Also all of his crew are just as amazing as they are in their videos

which was so refreshing. He recognized my shirt too, which was like "Yes!"

Kate: So how does it feel meeting Philip DeFranco then Andrew?

Andrew: He was fantastic. Thank you so much Lawrence, I really can't say that enough.

Kate: I don't know if I said it earlier, but this is Lawrence. Both: Not Leonard.

This is Lawrence, I've been saying his name wrong for so long. I knew it began with an L-

Lawrence: That's cool.

Kate: And then I thought "Oh so it's definitely not Leonard from the Big Bang Theory"

and then for some reason my brain turned that into "It's Leonard from the Big Bang Theory!"

His name is Lawrence. Lawrence: Like Lawrence Olivier, Lawrence of Arabia...

Um yeah. Or my middle name.

Kate: Your middle name is Lawrence too? Lawrence: No, my middle name is Lawrence so I go by Lawrence.

Kate: Oh, okay I thought you meant your name was "Lawrence Lawrence" cause that would be a bit strange.

Lawrence: No that would be a little weird. Kate: So I do apologize. Lawrence does the animation.

Not...I was gonna call you Lionel there! Not Leonard, Lawrence. Lawrence: Lima bean! [LAUGHTER]

Hi again everyone, so it's about nine o'clock now and I had an amazing end of the day there

I really enjoyed that. I've had such a great day today meeting so many creators,

I have so many business cards, so many people that I need to check out when I go home.

I've heard so many amazing stories, I feel so inspired.

So I cannot wait to check out all these people, there's so much I need to see.

Also another thing that happened today was I hit 500 subscribers!

Which is really cool, I don't think I've mentioned that already.

As Andrew was having the dance party with the turtles I got a notification on my phone

from one of my subscribers, WildMania and he said "Congratulations"

and it was just really nice to see that. Usually I'd be watching my subscriber count a bit

and seeing what's going on but because I've been traveling, I didn't really see it so much.

So thank you WildMania for letting me know about that, that was really good of you

because I might not have noticed right away otherwise.

Thank you so so much for watching everybody, thank you so much for being involved in the community,

being amazing people whether this is your first time watching one of my videos

or whether you've been here like a thousand times before thank you.

It's awesome, it blows my mind that people want to watch me talk and do various things.

I'm going to bed now, there's various video links around the screen,

my Subscribe button's down here if you want to check out my other videos and you haven't already.

Thank you so so much for watching everybody and cheerio!

For more infomation >> Meeting the Creators of VidCon - VidCon Day 2 Highlights | Kate's VidCon Adventures - Duration: 10:53.


GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!! (Outlast #1) - Duration: 21:40.

For more infomation >> GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!! (Outlast #1) - Duration: 21:40.


MIKA 19.07.2017 - JUMP IN THE SEA - Duration: 0:42.

So.. Just finished "GIFFONI"

And this is the 1st time I Jump.. I cannot speak, I'm TIRED..

Jump in the water.. since.. well.. for this Summer..

For this summer.. 1st time.. for.. No, I can't do it again !

I missed the words, but I still didn't Jump in the Water!

GO !

Ok, bye, bye ! Ciao !

For more infomation >> MIKA 19.07.2017 - JUMP IN THE SEA - Duration: 0:42.


17. Shropshire Union Canal Turn Back & Rope Snaps Causing Drifting Narrowboat - Duration: 7:52.

So this morning I'm leaving the Shropshire Union Canal.

I've turned around and I'm now heading back down to Autherley Junction back onto the

Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal. Why am I doing this? Well I've decided I

can't really do the fit out and especially the painting of the boat on my own, so

I'm going to head back to Nottingham where I used to live, I've got a good

network of friends there, that are all willing to help me and I just need to

get on with finalising the fitting out, finalising the electrics inside because

it's quite tough living out of boxes for what, four months and tripping over

everything and not not living in a nice environment and of course I need to

paint, paint out Alice's exterior. So that's the plan and it'll take me around about

a week to get back to Nottingham. I'd only travelled about two and a half

miles up the Shroppy to just north of the M54 motorway and the beautiful

countryside meant it certainly wasn't a wasted trip. I returned to Autherley

Junction and turned left back onto the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal

where, before long I needed to concentrate. In the Collins book it says

'very narrow cutting', I would tend to agree with that! This

section was only wide enough for one boat at a time. However like on country

roads, there were periodic lay-bys where oncoming craft could wait for you to

pass. Luckily today though, I met nothing traveling south. So that was a bit

embarrassing, I moored up, I used my centre-line, which to be fair

has been fraying a bit and I have got a new one ready, but I used my centre-line to

moor up, I use a chain, which chains it against the railings on the side

of the canal and I went inside and had some lunch. Whilst busily eating my lunch

and replying to comments from all of you guys on YouTube, a boat went past, a bit of

clanging which is fine, I just thought it was the

chain against the side of the boat, another boat went past, a bit more

clanging but I carried on working and then about 10 minutes later, two people

sort of figures I could see, I couldn't see who but I could see sort of two

figures, right next to the boat stopped on their bikes and sort of looking and I

was like 'what are they looking at'. I came outside and the boat, the centre-line had

snapped and the boat was gently drifting right out into the middle of the canal,

which is a little bit embarrassing. So I threw one of my other lines over to them

and they very kindly pulled me in and I, I used a different rope and moored up

again but that just shows if you've got a fraying rope, to look after it and cut

it out and get rid of that bit, so I've got two centre-lines, one each side and

both of them have been fraying because I didn't have the anchor points on the

side of the boat on the roof, in fact I've only got one, so when the boat goes

back and forth it rubs against the side, which has made it fray a little bit so,

thank goodness it is on a lovely peaceful canal,

with no one really round, rather than on a river and a weir or something horrible,

but lesson learnt, I need to change my centre-lines. I wanted to take my time

traveling along the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal,

navigating north it quickly exits the densely populated suburbs of

Wolverhampton and winds back and forth through beautiful countryside and small

villages. In a long wide turn, it heads east and meets the Trent & Mersey Canal at

Great Haywood.

I've only got a couple of locks today, it's quite warm, so I'm taking the time.

At Tixall Lock it became positively busy! Just walking the boat down, there's no

point getting back on board, when you've only got to move 30, 40 foot. But the

first boats gone in, one has come up and now I'll moor up on a bollard here, ready

to go down. I expect there's another one waiting to come up, so it's one in, one

out today. On the last stretch of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal

is an area called The Broad Water. The canal opens into a large, almost lake

and the towpath is lined with moored boats taking advantage of the view. As I

got closer to the junction on the Trent & Mersey Canal at Great Haywood, the

wind really started to pick up, the last thing you want, when there were lots of

moored boats and watching eyes! I need to turn right after the junction.

So I got through Great Haywood okay. Turning the corner, the wind was coming off the

field so I used that to my advantage, because luckily it was pushing in, in the

right direction, so I didn't really need to do much steering. If I was turning

left out Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal, I

think it would have been a bit different but, I'm now on the Trent & Mersey and

I'm going to find somewhere to moor up and have some lunch I think. I've had a

number of requests for me to set up a Patreon account. I'm pleased to say it's

now live and I've included a number of rewards including stickers, postcards and

bonus material. I've included a link to Patreon in the description below. And

this video is dedicated to Kitty Oskin from California, who is already a

top-level patron. Thank you so much Kitty! Next time I make the final journey to

Derbyshire, travel down through Fradley Junction Locks and battle with some

pretty gusty winds. Click the Subscribe button if you want to follow what Molly

and I are up to and if you like this video, click the Thumbs Up. Until next

time, see you later.

For more infomation >> 17. Shropshire Union Canal Turn Back & Rope Snaps Causing Drifting Narrowboat - Duration: 7:52.


Powerlifting Total - 530kg 1168 lbs - eng subtitles. - Duration: 5:08.

Hello, Adam here. I'm just after PR week.

New total - 530kg 1168 lbs.

25kg 55 lbs more than half year ago

Am I satisfied? - No..

Should I be satisfied? - Absolutely yes.

Why should I be? You will know soon.

So 25kg 55 lbs is a lot ...

when you look at my current total.

Obviously if someone is living off sport

they can do more than 25kg 55 lbs in half a year.

For an amateur like me it's a good result.

Even tho my technique on high load is crappy

I didn't get any injuries.

Truth to be told I got minor pains and streches

but it's a normal thing when going up with weights.

Once more I got to know myself better.

Even after misscalculating my peaking plan

I got all of this done.

Additionally I learned about my limits, what do I react to the best, my weak points

and what I should focus on next.

My main reason to beeing disappointed

is that I can do better.

I can feel it. My PR week hit on bad days.

I also know the reason behind it.

I misscalculated my peaking plan.

Sadly my central nervous system got it's ass kicked because of that.

That lead to me beeing "dry" on PR week.

So what next?

I need to get over the results. Can't change it now.

I won't do any PRs soon.

So accepting that, nodding and moving on.

I'm going to focus on my weak points.

Improving back strength, more glute engagement

and further improvement of my technique

which got worse in the last year.

For example my knees going inward when I squat.

Thanks for watching and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Powerlifting Total - 530kg 1168 lbs - eng subtitles. - Duration: 5:08.


WOWIE - Duration: 1:41.

Ethan: ANDREW AN- Andrew!





Andrew that's a horrible shirt, what are you wearing?!?!?!

Andrew: I don't know man, it's like... A t-shirt?

Ethan: Oh, everything is wrong with your shirt!

It's horrible, it's gross! It's- Looks like it's made of bugs!

Why are you wearing something like that???

What do- What do people even say when they see you wearing a shirt like that?!

Andrew: Generally people say they like it.. It's just like-

Ethan: Well they should be saying...

W O W I E !!!!

Voiceover Ethan™: Wowie is right!

Do you want to be better at most things in life?

Do you want to be better at running?

Do you want to be able to talk to women?

Ethan: HI!

Amy (aka Woman™): That's a stupid fucking shirt.


Voiceover Ethan™: Do you want to be respected by your peers?

Parker: Oh- Ethan, wha- Ethan!

Ethan! Ethan, bad Ethan!

Ethan: It's a good shirt!

Parker: Ba- Ethan! BAD!

Ethan: (Unintelligible) Parker: EtHaN!1!! BaAaAugh

Ethan: Wha-? Parker: (Puking)

Voiceover Ethan™: If you answered yes to any of those questions

Then go in the link in the description below, right now!

That's right- Right now! Because there are only 7 days left.

To get this A-LIMITED EDITION Wowie shirt!

After those 7 days are up, this shirt is gone forever

And if you don't get one, then you're guaranteed sadness FOR LIFE.

That's right- Sadness, for life.

So make sure to go to

-And get yourself a limited edition 'Wowie' shirt today.

It'll have YOU saying-

W O W I E ! 1 ! 1

*Music ends*

For more infomation >> WOWIE - Duration: 1:41.


Inventor Unveils Functioning 'Iron Man' Flight Suit During SDCC 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

As Comic-Con 2017 draws to a close, inventor Richard Browning appears to have inadvertently

taken a page out of Iron Man protagonist Tony Stark's book by bringing a jet-powered exosuit

to San Diego.

To avoid pesky copyright infringement cases, Browning's suit is officially named "Daedalus,"

and despite the striking similarities to Iron Man, Browning says he wasn't aiming for

a Marvel knock-off.

Telling Player.One, Browning said,

"It's cool because I like the Iron Man film.

It's a cool concept, and it's nice having built something that's not too entirely


We could have painted it gold and red, and that would have made the point that we are

really trying to aspire to recreate it, but no.

It has nothing to do with comic books.

We are trying to make it our own way.

It's just accidental it ended up looking and behaving like Iron Man."

While in San Diego, Browning displayed the suit in action, flying roughly three feet

above the ground.

Aside from some protective gear, the suit is comprised of two jet-powered engines on

each arm and another jet-powered engine strapped to Browning's back to provide balance.

There's also the matter of what the inventor says is $15,000 worth of augmented reality

equipment to display the suit's data in front of him much like Stark's "heads

up display."

Browning said he's accidentally taken the suit up to 30 feet high at speeds of 40-50

miles per hour.

No word yet on if a retail model is heading into production.

That's all for now, for everything else, subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch .

For more infomation >> Inventor Unveils Functioning 'Iron Man' Flight Suit During SDCC 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


something bad is happening in POLAND - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> something bad is happening in POLAND - Duration: 5:16.


תמיר מגדל, מגדל צבעים, במשוב על סמינר 13 הסודות הניהוליים לעבודה מהבית של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> תמיר מגדל, מגדל צבעים, במשוב על סמינר 13 הסודות הניהוליים לעבודה מהבית של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 1:30.


🎨 PASSPARTOUT Part 2! Love stories in Paris 🖌 - Duration: 18:45.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. In today's video. I'm playing part 2 of Passpartout.

Let's Click continue

So last time I played I think...

We had one painting left to sell and we're still in the garage on the street.

There we go. We have our little ghost and our friend Benjamin.

So is he gonna... no, he's not gonna buy it.

So let's start painting again.

So last time I painted quite simple things like more with shapes and stuff and...

Yeah, it says it's not original... So I'm going to try this time to put a bit more effort into my paintings

So I don't really know

How does it work but I've read that the more you use the tool and the more

Strokes you make something like this

is sort of

determine if the painting is worth more or less.

This ghost painting I think I might have to scrap because nobody likes it.

My goal in this video is to get to the next stage

But I have no idea how long it's going to take so i might

Speed up the process a little bit along the way

Yes, I know. It's not original. It's bad, whatever okay


Let's do the stem of the flowers

Hopefully this one will sell for quite a bit

Okay, I'm done and we are going to call this

"Champ de fleurs"

Which is a field of flowers

So apparently you can click here totally forgot to do that last time.

Our expenses are: wine, baguettes and rent.

And what did I told you?

206, that's our best selling painting right?

Ok, so we're going to keep doing stuff like this, maybe we just gonna paint flowers this time

That's really... I'm doing something really ugly.

I don't know how it turned out so bad... i mean, obviously I made but...

I want you to start all over but...

Argh... Struggle.

This is really bad... oh my god.

Okay, let's cover this up. I really can't...

I don't like this um

I'm not very good with plants.

Let's do a moon instead.

Like the crescent moon on Sailor Moon's forehead.

Oh my God, no

Okay, whatever. I'm done with this. I'm done already with this game.

"Skillful Craft"

Okay, I'll take that. Can we sort of ask him a bit more. Yes, sell it!

It's really missing sort of an eraser

but not for the whole painting.

This is really difficult to draw without pressure in the lines. I know I said that in the last episode, but really.

it is

Very hard for me

Yes, okay. That'll be enough. We're gonna call this: Serenity

Oh no, I want to scrap this one. Because nobody likes it.


"Bad colors". No they are great colors!

Should we do something only in black and white? I'm not just what kinda... Oh! Should we draw a fly?


Let's draw a fly.

Why? I don't know. I feel like drawing a fly.

'Too dull'...

*Crying* come on you guys are so harsh. How many like legs does fly have?

So I just press ctrL-Z. It's not working here

Yes, I saw your offer Benjamin. Thank you so much. It's not that much. I'm going to try it. Yes

108 is a good price for a

dull Serenity.

Cute! maybe some

Little cute cheeks

And ok good

just have to

be bit Faster

But I'm really not good with drawing anything other than that sort of cartoony characters

Let's try sort of a landscape thing

Okay, I think I'm good. Just going to a add a little grass in here. Aaand okay.

We're going to call that Sunset

What's that?

Oh! You can take screen... l'm so stupid... you can take screenshots!

I'm so dumb.

I'm so dumb.

"Colors too crazy for me" aw...

That makes things so much easier than just me pressing pause on my recording and taking a screenshot.

Something a bit abstract... "Choice of colors a bit too radical".


It's so hard to please them really.

Sometimes they like something and when you do it again, they don't like it anymore

What am I doing...

Benjamin yes! Thank you!

153 that's good. This one is bad. I just want to get rid of it, so


Oh no! i didn't take the screenshot, can I go back and take it. Yes!

I'm so dumb. I wish I tried this from the beginning. I don't know why I did not

"Lacks effort" *Laugh* It is so true. That's so true

not even going to complain about this because this is true

I really don't know what I'm doing right now.

This castle from Disney if I can remember what it looks like.

Sort of looks like an Eiffel tower right? "Not shoddy at all", it's so ugly Cynth but ok.

Take it. Oups, forgot the screenshot.

Ugly... Ulgly!

Looks like I'm drawing bones


Benjamin my savior, my friend.

Can you feel the magic yet?

Can you feel the magic from Disney?

Noooo, I just want to move out of the street, please

let me move out of the street!

Okay, whatever

Should I try to draw Maggie?

Should I?

Okay let's try... Maggie, you like it. It's ugly, but you like it okay. I'm going to draw you Maggie

I'm gonna draw you. Because, for once

You were nice although you were pretty mean all the times before. But that's okay.

We can change.

So this is Maggie.

So Maggie, can you come back? Okay so we've got a purple


spike on your hair

No, I mean on your head

Your hair is so of spikes, and you've got green



not judging I

just hate green

Well, it's cool. You know, it's cool.

Okay, so your jacket

How do you draw a jacket?

Let's just draw it like that

Who cares

She's going to love it anyway. You know what, I thought I didn't like Maggie. Well. I think I'm

Starting to appreciate her a little bit more

Yes, so she has purple in her hair as well. Oh at the base oops

Maybe we should do it like this

Yeah, we're going to do it like this

Yes, I think I'm done

for Maggie

Are you gonna look at it? look at it! Oh my God...

oh no...

Maggie, it's your portrait. Maggie...

My heart is broken...

What's his skin's color, a little brownish... Oh George? Oh my God look at the money?

Maybe George is in love with Maggie

Yes, sell it! yahoo

It's gonna take forever to move to another place, right oh my God

I want to move out of the street. This is taking so long. This is too real

It's just like in real life it would take forever

Maggie! George is over here, Maggie! Look at him notice him... oh no he's gone


Let's do it. Oh! would it be

amazing if Maggie bought this one

Maggie needs to buy it!

Shoul I...

oh, is George gonna buy it?

He's not... he doesn't... Look at it! Come on. Look at it. Oh that's Cynth no

"Too dull"... Maggie's sister doesn't like the painting. She doesn't approve of the relationship, maybe.

Steve loves it! So does that mean that Steve is in love with George, but George is in love with Maggie?

Oh... That's exciting

I need to find something exciting with this game because although I like it. It's taking quite a

long time to progress.

Okay, so I'm back with a little characters. Cartoony characters.

And let's sell it

Maggie are you gonna like it?

"Why are you painting without passion?"

Excuse me?? I thought I liked you, but you are really rude. Every time.

Well. * cough*

There we go

It's not "Bad colors". It's just different.

Come on save it. Are you kidding me?

This one! Is gonna sell? ugh whatever

This is really hard

Why is there no more music?

This is quite disturbing. Come back music

Okay, we're going to call this the rose. It's very simple

Wait, what's going on? Aah? Oh my God? Oh?

"I See". What do you see? Do you like it?

He looks like the critic from "Ratatouille" right? The pixar movie.

"The revolution of life. 'La fille verte', by Passpartout. it was only recently that I heard of Passpartout. * continues reading*

Passpartout has a lot of potential and I can certainly recommend my readers to visit passpartout in the future. Yes!

Yes, yes, yes

So we can progress? Wait, I don't understand. Oh, that's it. Yes, new studio

Show me show me show me show me


That's cute. That looks so cool!

"You have unlocked a new tool. Nice! Okay. Let's try this right now

this is the new tool and

It looks a bit big

Wait um this is super slow. So that will be for precision I guess

And I love the music. It's really, peaceful.

Oh! We've got someone new. Who are you? What's your name?

What's your name? We're gonna paint something really quick. I want to know her name.

Should I paint her?

Yeah, I think I should.

Okay, let's paint her really quick.

So she has sort of curls and a big sort of... um...



Mystery Girl. Mystery woman.

Okay, come back... No, not you! No, I want her

My God um no, I want someone else to buy it please

Come on. Just... oh, a new guy! "Skillfully made".... I just... no...

Yes, okay!

Oh George... uh....

Okay, wha... whatever. Oh I didn't save it! I'm so dumb!


I think I'm good for this part, um I'm gonna stop here. Oh not she's back now?? Are you kidding me!

Well, I don't even know your name

Okay, so I'm... I think I'm going to end up

This episode here. I might do another one. I don't really know

I hope you enjoyed watching and if you did please leave me a like and subscribe to my channel

And I will see you next week. Bye

For more infomation >> 🎨 PASSPARTOUT Part 2! Love stories in Paris 🖌 - Duration: 18:45.


Here's My Canada: Healthy Food - Duration: 0:06.

My Canada is healthy food

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Healthy Food - Duration: 0:06.


Here's My Canada: Happiness And Home - Duration: 0:16.

For me Canada means happiness and equality

as we all stick together this symbol represents

a horse that is always happy I am happy to call Canada my home

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Happiness And Home - Duration: 0:16.


Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 46 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:35.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, desolate like the moon ♫

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Song of Phoenix

Episode 46

The night (subjects) and day (king) have now changed positions, I am really born at the wrong time. - Wading across Jiang River from Nine Chapters by Qu Yuan

Royal Son, did you let Heng'er enlist in the military?


Royal Son, Heng'er is our royal family's eldest grandchild.

In his body is our Xiong family's blood.

It is because of this, I made him join the military.

Among the kings of my Chu, who among them is not a warrior that is good at fighting?

Who among them hasn't bled on the battlefield?

Heng'er, are you willing to be like the ancestors of our Chu,

lead thousands of soldiers and go on a battle campaign?

Father, I have never fought in the military before.


The war is upon us yet you are being servile. How are you qualified to be my Chu's descendants?

My citizens are all competing to be the bravest one.

As a Prince, you aren't even trying to be a model for them. Where has your dignity gone?

Don't just think about the blood you might shed, think about all the civilians who will die too.

My Queen, I'll let it pass that Zi Heng doesn't understand this principle.

Royal Mother has lived through three kings' reigns. You surely know this principle, right?

What Royal Son said is indeed reasonable.

Royal Father, I was wrong.

I will surely summon up all my courage and try to be the best.

I will surely not bring disgrace to the mighty name of our ancestors.

Lotus Flower Palace

I heard that Qu Yuan has convinced Prince Zi Heng to join the army.

It was even His Majesty who personally enlisted his name.

This Qu Yuan indeed has some ability.

Presently, Qi and Chu are also making an alliance. Seeing these grand movements of Qu Yuan,

I fear that the Qin country this time surely won't be able to escape a disaster.

- When will the five kings reach Yingdu?- Probably in three days.

Right now, the vertical alliance of the six countries has finally formed. It's all thanks to you.

After we defeat Qin, I surely will heavily reward you.

Your Majesty, forgive me for being direct.

Right now, it is still not the time to talk about achievements and rewards.

That's right, it's not too late to talk about those after defeating Qin.

Your Majesty, what I mean is,

it might still be not the best time to talk about who will win and lose.

Now that the six countries are uniting, Qin will surely be not a competition anymore.

But what I am worried about is that even though the six countries are in vertical alliance,

in reality, each has their own motive, our moves not as organized.

From Ling Jun's opinion, who should head this alliance?

Your Majesty, the vertical alliance is only for attacking Qin.

As for who can be competent to lead the alliance,

is not really important.

It's hard to harmonize so many people's opinions. What if there will be conflict?

The six countries are doing this mainly for one purpose so how can there be conflicts?

As for the position of being the head of the alliance, it might not be as important as Your Majesty thinks it is.

What Ling Jun said is indeed right.

Everything is all about defeating the Qin. It was I who had the order reversed.

Your Majesty has spoken so seriously.

Respectfully greeting Your Majesty.

Prime Minister, you are finally here.

Why is Your Majesty this panicky?

Prime Minister, I heard that Su Qin has already convinced

the four countries, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei.

Right now, the kings of Qi, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei

are all leading their elite troops

towards Chu to meet up with them.

Right now, Qin has suddenly become the enemy of everyone.

Tell me, what should we do?

Prime Minister, how come you don't seem anxious at all?

What they have is just an empty reputation, what is there to fear?

Your Majesty couldn't really think that this Vertical Alliance of the six countries will be successful, right?

The six countries now has agreed to an alliance. How can you say then that it won't push through?

In the world now, the strong country wants to assume dominance.

The weak country will choose to protect itself.

Those that want to dominate will surely not agree to be inferior to anyone.

In forming an alliance to attack Qin, they surely will fight for the alliance head position.

Are you talking about the two kingdoms Qi and Chu?

What about the weaker kingdoms?

If Han, Zhao, and Wei join in the fight to attack Qin,

they are only afraid they'll be destroyed by us.

In other words, as long as we employ threats, pressure, and lure them with some benefits,

they surely won't be fully committed to listening to the orders of Chu and Qi.

This way, the strong countries fight for power and position,

the weak countries comply in appearance but oppose in heart.

What is then to be feared about the Vertical Alliance of the six countries?

From your point of view, what defensive tactics do we have?

To be successful, we must not play the defense, but instead, be on the offense.


How do we attack and whom?

Ba Shu.

Ba Shu?

Ba and Shu are colonies of Chu.

If we attack Ba Shu, Chu will surely send troops.

What is Prime Minister planning?

We attack Ba Shu so that the Kingdom of Chu will send their troops out.

If the military strength of Chu gets divided, this will induce suspicion in the other five countries.

Once there are suspicions, the morale of troops will surely be affected.

Your Majesty,

once the troops' morale is undermined,

how are they still going to fight this war?

What if the Kingdom of Chu doesn't send any troops?

Then it would be even better.

Our Qin will then conquer Ba Shu, Chu will now be surrounded by us.

How can Xiong Huai still have the heart to proceed with the alliance and attack us?

I can then use this chance to make negotiations with Yue country.

You must know that Yue and Chu has really deep old and new grudges between them,

It's just waiting for us to fan up the flames.


don't we still have Tian Ji?

You're right!

Excellent, I will act immediately!

I will attack Ba Shu!

Big Sister, are you still cold?

Big Sister, why are you hands so cold? Let me warm them for you.

Qing'er. Thank you.

Big Sister, please wait a moment.

- Open the door, please hurry! - What's wrong?

Her Highness Mo Chou is not feeling well. I want to take her to see a doctor!

You really think that she is still a royal concubine?

Let me tell you. Anyone who ends up in the cold palace,

her life and death now depend on the heavens.

Look for a doctor? There are so many people here in the palace.

You think that anyone can just see a doctor?

If anything bad really happens to Her Highness, can you answer for it?

You cannot blame us for that. This is already an old rule.

What's all this fuss about.

Your Highness, Lady Ying.

What's going on, open the door.


Consort Ying.

Big Sister, you're not feeling well so don't get up.

You must have caught a cold. The weather is so cold and your blanket is so thin.

I'm alright.

Otherwise, how could this be called the "Cold Palace". (T/N play on words, temperature and isolation)

Yu Niang.

Have someone bring over some blankets. Also, go to the medicine department and get some medicine.

I shall do so, Princess.

Only you would come and see me in this Palace.

We are sisters.

I've heard the Queen Dowager say she wants you to be the Grand Shaman of Chu.


Why not? Being the Grand Shaman of Chu, you'll be admired by millions of people.

It'll be better than your current situation.

Let's not talk about that.

That's right, the vertical alliance's campaign against Qin is imminent.

Big Sister, did you encounter any problems?

I'm used to it.

Could it be you're not worried about the Qin State?

So what if I am? What will be, will be.

What I'm worried most about now is you.

I'm alright. It's just that I can't leave this room, that's all.

There's nothing to worry about.

What I'm worried most is your uncaring attitude.

I'm really afraid you'll turn into a version of me.

What's so bad about being like you?

How can outsiders understand the pain and suffering one feels inside?

[Lan Tai Palace]

Your Majesty, Vice Chancellor Qu wishes to see you.

Show him in.


Greetings to Your Majesty.

What is it you want, coming to see me at this hour?

Please say whatever it is without reservations.

Your Majesty, you and Vice Chancellor Qu are discussing important matters,

I will take my leave.


Tell me.

I came about the campaign against Qin.


Your Majesty might have heard that Qin State is attacking Ba Shu?

Attacking Ba Shu?

That's right. On this occasion, I ask that Your Majesty can give out your orders

and send troops to protect Ba Shu.

Right now, the Kings of the Allied Five States are leading their troops to Yingdu.

The campaign against Qin is imminent.

I'm afraid it's not right if we send troops at this moment.

Your Majesty, Ba Shu is our neighboring state,

we have always protected it.

If we send troops to rescue Ba Shu, it'll surely affect our country's troops for self-defense.

It would not be beneficial to the campaign against Qin.

Your Majesty, once the Qin State captures Ba Shu,

that's like the Qin arriving at our country's doorstep.

When that happens, our South and West walls will be sealed off.

Our Chu Country would be cut off and end in infinite trouble.

If the States in the vertical alliance were to find out I've sent troops to aid Ba Shu,

they would definitely criticize me for not putting my full efforts into the campaign against Qin.

Where do you think I should place my face?

Your Majesty, the destruction of our home and country or one's face, which is more important?

Allow me to think over this more.

Your Majesty, the Qin army moves at incredible speed.

The later we mobilize our troops, the less the chance we have of winning.

- You can leave first. - Your Majesty!

I'll see you again tomorrow.

I'll take my leave.

Your Majesty.

You've heard everything just now?

What Qu Yuan said does make sense.

If Qin State captures Ba Shu,

that's like stabbing a knife in the waist of the Chu State.

How can I not want to save Ba Shu?

But I need to consider the future with the pros and the cons.

Your Majesty has worked really hard recently. It's rare that you are free right now.

Why don't you have a few more cups of wine.

I'll dance for your entertainment.

♫ Thinking of a beauty, distant floating clouds deliver me. ♫

♫ Yet, the passing wild geese do not understand me. ♫

♫ Returning birds ride the winds and fly far while I remain in the same place with a broken wing. ♫

♫ Watching my longings score across the sky to the horizons. ♫

♫ Ethereal orchids of peculiar fragrance, caressed by the breeze, even shadows are redolent.♫

♫ I ask thee, can you discern the traces she leaves. ♫

♫ While the years have yet to pass, pick a lotus so as to share.♫

♫ Do not let regrets dwell in your heart. ♫

Mo Chou.

Your Majesty, you're thinking about Mo Chou when you're with me.

Mo Chou and you are my women.

Not only do I want women, I'm also the ruler of the country,

I can't live without either of them.

...can't live without either of them.

- Didn't His Majesty say he'll give you an answer in the morning?- Yes, he did.

Why hasn't His Majesty awoken yet? This war will not wait for anyone.


Vice Chancellor, Minister of War, His Majesty is still sleeping. How about you both leave first.

What a load of nonsense. It's almost noon, why is His Majesty still sleeping?

His Majesty really hasn't gotten up yet. I dare not lie to you both.

Vice Chancellor Chu, Minister of War, when His Majesty wakes, he'll definitely want to meet you.

There's nothing I can do even if you both keep waiting.

Today, I will wait until His Majesty wakes up.

You're awake, Your Majesty.

What time is it now?

Your Majesty, you were drunk last night and fell asleep.

Now it's almost the hour of wei. (T/N: "hours" are actually 2-hour intervals, this is 1-3 pm.)

Why did you not wake me up?

You were sleeping so sweetly, I didn't want to disturb you.

Did Qu Yuan come to see me?

Mu Yi. Mu Yi!

Your Majesty.

Did Qu Yuan come by?

Vice Chancellor Qu and the Minister of War arrived at the break of dawn, they are still waiting outside.

Quick, ask them to come in.


- Greetings Your Majesty. - Greetings Your Majesty.

What you've said yesterday does makes sense.

Ba Shu is indeed our neighboring State. We cannot lose it.

Your Majesty is wise.

Minister of War Qu Gai, listen to my orders.

Your High Minister is here.

Take fifty-thousand troops and hurry to Ba Shu. Don't make any mistakes.

Your High Minister shall obey!

The Military Seal (T/N symbol of authority from the King to authorize the person to move troops)

Qu Manor

♫ Orange, your wonderful trees in this world, ♫

♫ were born to be suitable for the lands here. ♫

♫ In receiving the order to not move, ♫

♫ you lived forever in this southern state. ♫

♫ Deeply-rooted and hard to move, ♫

♫ that is because of your undivided will. ♫

♫ Green leaves, white flowers, ♫

♫ have always been different from others. ♫

It's been a long time since I've heard you sing and play the guqin so gracefully. (T/N unbridged zither)

Husband, you've been busy lately with political affairs, when have you had free time to listen to me play the guqin.

His Majesty has finally agreed to send troops, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that the six States are ready to send troops against Qin, Chu continues to suffer from border skirmishes.

This is also what I'm worried about.

Border skirmishes are already as is, we are unable to deal it now.

That's right, how is Miss Mo Chou's case?

She's still trapped in the Cold Palace.

Bixia, once I've left on the campaign, please look after her for me.

Husband please don't worry,

Mo Chou is the Qu family's savior, thus she is also my savior.

Mo Chou Palace

Big Sister, how are you feeling today?

Much better.

That's good. It's all thanks to Lady Ying's medicine.

In this humongous Palace, only she feels a little human.

She is the one who's suffering the most.

I think no one suffers more than you.

Come, drink some more.

Qing'er, I'm really lucky you're here.

They all say look at how strong and prosperous Chu is.

In my opinion, they're not much better than our Qi.

Look at the city wall, it's not even half as high as the one around Lin Zi. (T/N: capital of Qi)

King of Qi, the strength and prosperity of a State is not in how high their city walls are,

but in how deep their grain stores are, and how sharp their battle spears are.

According to that, are Yan's battle spears very sharp then?

King of Yan, do you still remember the matter of our Military Councilor Sun Bin, (T/N Claimed Sunzi/Sun Tzu descendant and Guiguzi disciple, wrote "Sun Bin's Art of War")

attacking the Yi River in your State?

I only remember that at the time that Han, Zhao and Wei

formed the righteous alliance of the three States tha attacked your State from the west.

Your State failed in it's attack of Yan and caused yourself to lose many troops.

Past matters cannot bear re-examination.

That's right, Sun Bin calls himself a celebrated disciple of Master Guigu, (T/N Guiguzi, School of Diplomacy)

and a descendant of the Great Sage of Military Strategies Sun Wu, (T/N Sun Tzu/Sunzi)

but now we also do not know if he's dead or alive?

Ying Du, the Chu Capital

I lead all the officials of the Chu court

in greeting and welcoming the righteous alliance of the Five States.

Greetings and welcome to the righteous alliance of the Five States.

King of Chu, you are much too courteous.

Please come in.

Your Highness, I heard that the King of Qi has arrived in Chu.

Then I should go meet him.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Courier Station Inn

What, did you see clearly?

There is no mistake.

This Tian Ji is indeed fishy.

Go prepare, I need to go to the Palace immediately.


Tian Ji greets Your Majesty.

Beauty, come please rise.

Quickly rise.

Beauty, I have not seen you for many years,

yet you are even more beautiful and moving.

Come let me see you clearly.

Beauty, you have no idea,

for the last few years in Lin Zi, there's not been a day I've not thought about you.

What is this?

Nothing, I accidentally scratched myself.

Scratched? These are lash marks!

Was it Xiong Huai?

Ridiculous! How can he do something like this!

Your Majesty,

the last few years in Ying Du, I have suffered all manner of abuse from the King of Chu.

The King of Chu doesn't even treat me like a human.

If he is even the least bit angry, he would take it out on me.

These lash marks,

are not even that bad.


My life...My life is full of suffering.

Bastard! Xiong Huai, you bastard, just you wait!

I'll settle this account with you sooner rather than later!


Your Majesty, I am but a lowly servant,

suffering some abuse and insults are nothing,

but that King of Chu, he, he even says that our Qi State...

he often says that...

What does he say?

He says that our Qi State

calls our selves a civil State,

but is in fact a bunch of presumptuous, arrogant

and conceited, measly villains.

The whole of Qi is nothing but appearances,

and it not worthy of being mentioned on equal terms as Chu.

He's breaking wind, that's what!

I've always known that Xiong Huai acts one way before people and another behind.

I shouldn't have listened to Su Qin and formed this alliance with Chu. This...!

Your Majesty, I do not wish to go against my heart and serve the King of Chu anymore.

Please my King, please take me back to Qi with you.

Beauty, rise first, rise.

Beauty, I know you've suffered many hardships,

but...unfortunately, it is not yet time.

I know.

I will wait for that day.

That's right.

Come, okay. Let's not talk about such troubling matters,

let me look after you a little.

Your Majesty,

What is wrong with this? Come, come!

Your Majesty, I'm still by the King of Chu's side,

if he finds out,

then he'll beat me again.

Greetings to Your Majesty.

Speak, where did you go?

Ting Tong, you leave first.


I left the Palace and met with the King of Qi.

How dare you!

To think I favor you so much.

As my Consort, how dare you leave the Palace on your own and meet with the King of Qi.

Please punish me with death, Your Majesty.

I'd rather die than suffer this kind of abuse anymore.

What has happened exactly?

In fact, my mother,

has long been kept by the King of Qi in his Palace.

Just then, that King of Qi,

used my mother as hostage and forced me to go out of Palace and meet him.

Your mother?

Talk slowly.

I was born in a pretty well-off family who did business in Qi.

Though we were not very wealthy nor noble,

we had no want of food or clothing.

But we never thought that

one day, the King of Qi would take a fancy to my mother.

Not only did he take my mother by force, he also banished my father to the army.

Father was not able to endure such suffering and humiliation,

he died from illness while in the army.

Tian Bijiang is worse than an animal.

It was not enough for the King of Qi have taken my mother,

he also wanted to take me before he sent me here.


But I'd rather die than submit to him.

Once he tried to force me, I immediately tried to suicide by biting my tongue.

The King of Qi could not do anything, so finally under Lord Su Qin's advice,

he sent me to Chu.

Just now, he tried to force me again,

luckily I was able to threaten him using Your Majesty's commanding influence,

and thus escape.

This Tian Bijiang, does he still attach any importance to my Chu?

I have made you suffer a humiliation, Your Majesty,

please kill me, Your Majesty!

Beloved Consort,

Beloved, I have wronged you.

But why did you not tell me these things earlier.

If I had known, I would've go to settle this account for you with Tian Bijiang.

I will not let Tian Bijiang go for treating you so badly.

Your Majesty, I am but a lowly woman,

I'm not worth you becoming enemies with the King of Qi.

If I become an obstacle in the grand plan of forming a Qi-Chu alliance,

then my sins will be too great.


To associate with such a shameless person as Tian Bijiang is a disgrace to me!

Mo Chou Palace

Never thought that His Majesty really would treat Lady Mo Chou well.

What are you doing here?

This is the Vice Chancellor's wife, Chancellor Zhao's daughter.

Talking like that, don't you two want to live anymore?

Greetings, Madam Qu.

No need for formalities. Hurry and open the door.

Madam Qu, don't make it hard for me anymore. I dare not open this door.

Madam Qu.

Preposterous! We are able to enter this huge Chu Palace, but are not allowed to enter here?

Right now this is a cold palace. May Madam Qu forgive us. (T/N Isolation and confinement punishment)

Since that's the case, no need to force it.

You have suffered.

Now that the war is upon us,

being able to hide here allowed me to have some peace and quiet.

Maybe you really shouldn't have entered the Palace in the first place.

These are all fated occurrences. Before, I didn't believe in fate;

but now, I believe in it.

My husband actually mentions you frequently.

Let's not talk about that anymore.

If not because of me, the one by his side now

should be you.

If there were no young mistress of Zhao, there would have been others.

Chen family...anyway, there will never be a Lu family.

Mo Chou...

I really am doing fine.

A fisherman's daughter being able to live in such a huge palace,

and even have palace eunuchs guarding me. Not everyone can have treatment like this.

Mo Chou, don't say it like that.

Big Sister, you haven't fully recovered yet. It's better that you rest first.

Mo Chou, you're sick?

Don't worry. She won't die.


I'm fine. Just got some cold.

Consort Ying already sent medicines.

I feel better now.

That's good then.

Since it's like that, I'll be going home then.

Big Sister, why are you being courteous with her?

She is the person who stole your position as Madam Qu.

Those things are all in the past.

Sister, so many things have happened.

Could it be that in your heart, you aren't bearing any grudge at all?

How can I?

But...who should I bear grudge to?

Subject Qu.

Respectfully greeting Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, don't know why you asked for me here.

Subject Qu, I spoke with you before about the Vertical Alliance leadership.

Do you have any idea now?

Your Majesty.

My beloved consort, you leave first. I have something to talk with subject Qu.


His Majesty and Vice Chancellor Qu have things to discuss. You may leave first.


Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ Day and night, summer and winter, nonstop changes ♫

♫ Herbs and trees, prosperity and decline, would still depend on a beautiful woman ♫

♫ Rumors brought by wind from all over; inciting ministers with different dreams ♫

♫ Asking Heaven if it can bear witness to one's loyalty ♫

♫ Muddy and clear, beautiful and ugly, overturning all living creatures ♫

♫ Angelica and magnolia, orchids and quan, have a hard time emitting their fragrance ♫

♫ Why must you proceed against the current? Why must a lonely flower admire herself? ♫

♫ No one knew that one's birthplace has become someone else's territory ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Getting drunk for a lifetime of dedicating oneself for one's country ♫

♫ Coping with the long, long road; hard to beg the heaven and the earth ♫

♫ I lamented the numerous sorrows in the life of the citizens ♫

♫ Singing one 'Li Sao', pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

For more infomation >> Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 46 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:35.


הדבר הכי מעצבן בישראל! - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> הדבר הכי מעצבן בישראל! - Duration: 1:57.


Supergirl | Comic-Con® 2017 Trailer | The CW | Sub. Español - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Supergirl | Comic-Con® 2017 Trailer | The CW | Sub. Español - Duration: 2:15.


StarDust Sound Horizon The Assorted Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 5:30.

We're perfect halves now, right? We're a match made in heaven Ah... happiness...


A woman isn't simply a mute doll made to just look pretty

-Do you understand, my dear?

We're not simply tools used to satisfy your foolish ego

-Does The Moonlit Version of You [Another] do as he pleases?

Even though my hands are placed on you, that doesn't mean they'll clasp around you

-Has The Moon [Luna] driven you insane?

It's not like it can be helped, right? Since I love you

-Why have The Stars [Stella] driven me mad?

A Red Dress, Red Heels,

Red Lipstick, A Red Rose

All the men who pass by threw me a second glance...

In my left hand was a Bouquet, in my right was a Promise,

Once it's taken off, there's no stopping My Impulse!

We're perfect halves now, right? We're a match made in heaven Ah... happiness...

Your once white Shirt has now been stained a beautiful shade of Scarlet...

We're perfect halves now, right? We're a match made in heaven Ah... happiness...

"I don't care if I'm just dust, If it means someday I'll be a star.."

"Is it shining... Hey, am I shining?"

"I want your eyes to be on me and me alone!"

"This burning jealousy is similar to a Burning Black Flame"

"Even though my hands are still grasping for The Stardust,"

"I fall into an eternal hell, even in the bitter end..."

We're perfect halves now, right? We're a match made in heaven Ah... happiness...

Your once white Shirt is now...

"Arena!" (?)


"Lower Tier!" (?)

(Why was this...?!)

"Upper Circle!" (?)

(Why did this happen?!?!)

When touched by oxygen, Scarlet eventually turns to black,

Showing that they could never become one...

Frozen silver-blue stars sparkle with the colors of destructive flames

Guide me to the Lost Paradise I've dreamed of,

"The Light of StarDust!"

"Hey, If I'm gonna shine..."

(Now's the time!)

For more infomation >> StarDust Sound Horizon The Assorted Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 5:30.


Here's My Canada: Happy And Peaceful - Duration: 0:06.

My Canada is a happy and peaceful place

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Happy And Peaceful - Duration: 0:06.


דניאל וולסקי, יועצת לייעול תהליכי עבודה, במשוב על מאסטר קלאס של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> דניאל וולסקי, יועצת לייעול תהליכי עבודה, במשוב על מאסטר קלאס של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקי - Duration: 4:31.


Here's My Canada: Foods And Montreal Canadian - Duration: 0:10.

I think Canada's more about you know

the food and the montreal canadiens here

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