Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

song "Five Bad baby jumping on the bed"

For more infomation >> Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Nursery Rhymes for Children Simple Songs for Children and Babies - Duration: 2:23.


Urbex 02 - Sathorn Unique : The Ghost Tower Bangkok - Duration: 6:23.

Today, I will tell you about my biggest fantasy

in Urban exploration.

Since I started the Urbex, I have only one hurry :

Reaching the top of Sathorn Unique in Bangkok.

Nicknamed the Ghost Tower,

49 floors tower is one of the best spot in the world for urban adventurers.

I will tell you the Sathorn story:

Everything had started well,

in 1990 the economic growth of Thailand explodes.

Bangkok is turning into a huge construction site.

The Sathorn Unique Company

financed primarily by Thai Mex Finance

and Securities Company,

beginning work on the most luxurious condo in the kingdom.

With 600 units spread over 47 floors,

private balconies, and breathtaking views,

the Sathorn Tower was designed to be

one of the most luxurious residential complexes.

I will explore Sathorn unique with Bee

We search how to enter on the building

We can listen the music of the guard tower...

There is a guard

for protect the entrance

He is just behind the main door.

We must be careful

But three years after construction began,

Rangsan Torsuwan, the chief architect of the construction site,

was arrested for plotting the assassination

of the president of the Supreme Court.

Even though the murder never took place,

the progress of the construction site was considerably slowed down.

I find a place for enter

At the back of a kitchen

We will try !

In 1997,

the traders of the trading rooms of the European banks

realized in front of their screens

that the Thai Baht keeps falling against the American dollar.

After only a few hours, the rumor is confirmed,

the Thai bath collapses bringing with it the fall of the other Asian currencies.

1997 is one of the most terrible economic crises of the 20th century.

12 skyscrapers and 300 projects stop their constructions,

representing more than 900,000m2 of offices and housing.

Investors find themselves in debt with banks,

insolvent credits totaling several hundreds of millions of dollars which ruins the economy of the countries of Asians of the South East

ruins the economy of the countries of Asians of the South East

Now we try to find an other way

To enter the back of the building

Do you think this way is better ?

Yes, I think it's better. We can try

We do not want to jump over the barbed wire

The protective wall is 3 meters

Sathorn Unique, was 80% completed,

the tower was built, and some apartment was finalized.

Unfortunately, none of the buyers came.

The most majestic tower in Bangkok was abandoned.

Very quickly, nature reclaimed its rights,

urban explorers, and taggers appropriated the tower,

which became the son of events - the ghost tower.

Finally we are inside Sathorn Unique !


The guard he's close, so we can't move a lot

We are on the lift

We must up

We are so close to up

But the security stairs are lock

The last event dates back to 2014,

when the body of a Swedish

is found hung on the 43rd floor,

since that day Urbex videos in the tower have not stopped multiplying on the social networks.

Right next to the BTS Saphan Taksin,

with its shredded concrete pillars, tags by thousands,

and the most beautiful 360 ° view on Bangkok.

Between 2014 and 2015

Sathorn becomes one of the most popular tours

visited, clandestinely.

From floor to floor, you can find luxury apartments

that are completely empty, equipped with bathtubs and toilets.

You can even find site tools.

At a certain level of level the vegetation is dense, and one can even find a tree there.

Too damaged to be completed

and too expensive to be destroyed.

Sathorn Unique remained there, abandoned.

It was always forbidden to the public,

because the place is a private property and especially a very dangerous building.

At the end of 2015, Pansit Torsuwa

the son of the architect Chief,

becomes a member of the board of directors of Sathorn Unique company.

He strengthens the security of the building.

Today it is no longer possible to enter it without climbing equipment

and at your own risk.

In addition, Mr Torsuwan has already attacked more than 15 videatects

for criminal intrusion into a private area

For Thais, there is no question of getting into this tower.

Several superstitions have given the name of Gosht Tower.

First, the tower is built on a cement mill.

And it provides shade on the nearby sacred temple,

Wat Yan Nawa.

So what is the future of the unique sathorn tower?

Who will be the first videographer to climb up this protected tower.

For more infomation >> Urbex 02 - Sathorn Unique : The Ghost Tower Bangkok - Duration: 6:23.


【한글자막】海鮮クリームちゃんぽん食べたよ( ˘ω˘)♡ - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 【한글자막】海鮮クリームちゃんぽん食べたよ( ˘ω˘)♡ - Duration: 7:01.


Kommen wir ins Fernsehen? 🤓 [Ach Stefy - 23] - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Kommen wir ins Fernsehen? 🤓 [Ach Stefy - 23] - Duration: 5:22.


Дом 2 новости 23 июля 2017 (23.07.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 23 июля 2017 (23.07.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:54.


Comment choisir tes dégaines (5 critères) + Test du mousqueton DYON de CAMP - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Comment choisir tes dégaines (5 critères) + Test du mousqueton DYON de CAMP - Duration: 8:58.


Guild Wars 2 - Condi Engineer Simplified Rotation - 32k Realistic DPS / 1080p 50fps - Duration: 5:01.

Playing condi engineer in raids is hard.

Not only we are still not that wanted, but pulling out decent DPS to compete with other

classes, require skills of above average pianist.

The current condi meta rotation claims around 35k of realistic DPS.

But it's so complicated that outside of vacuum situation on training golem, where you have

to also focus on some other mechanics, it's almost impossible to pull it of properly.

Hell, I have to use my whole brain capacity to do it just on Golem and yet still I wasn't

able to cross over 33k DPS.

And I play exclusively engi since release for over 12k hours.

I'm pretty sure I'm not only one out there who have the same problem.

Therefore I've decided to make my own, simplier and more flexible rotation.

It's not the top DPS.

So far I was able to reach 32k realistic but I'm sure someone with quicker fingers will

be able to push it even further.

Build and gear are exactly the same as the Meta one so just check qT build guide, a link

is down below.

Rotation may look very similar and also complicated but it's much easier to understand and use

trust me.

So let's do a quick breakdown.

To make it easier to understand we can split this rotation into 2 pairs and then Grenades

as filler.

The first pair are Pistol skills 4,3,2, then swap to Mortar and skill 2.

Always enter combat on pistols.

This way you will make sure that trait Streamlined Kits will proc Gunk while swapping to Mortar

for extra damage.

Also, don't wait till the end of a Pistol 2 channel, just let it shoot once and swap

to Mortar.

- The Second pair are Bomb Kit skill 2 and Flamethrower skill 2.

Remember that Flamethrower 2 has 2 parts where you need to release it and manually detonate

by second use.

Then swap to Grenade Kit and again use skill 2 and few auto attacks as a filler till you

can repeat.

So as you see the most basic rotation is actually very easy.

Just Pistol 4,3,2, swap Bomb 2, swap Flamethrower 2, swap Grenade 2 and repeat.

Grenade Kit serves not only as filler but also as cooldown measure.

Engineers have a big disadvantage - they don't see cooldowns on other kits and if you have

inconsistent alacrity and quickness uptime.

Well, let's say you can lose a lot of DPS by swapping to kits what aren't ready yet

or was ready long before.

But not with this rotation.

So after 2 pairs swap to Grenade Kit, throw Skill 2 and continue with skill 1 until Skill

2 isn't recharged.

Throw it again and in this moment are all other cooldowns ready so you can swap to Pistols

and repeat rotation.

This Shrapnel measuring, how I call it will always work no matter how much Quickness or

Alacrity you have.

Unfortunately, it's an engineer, and nothing with engineers can be that easy, so we have

to add a few more skills to it.

First is Napalm AKA Flamethrower skill 4.

It has a longer cooldown so we can use it only every 2nd rotation.

Grenade Kit has also skill 4 and 5 with longer cooldowns, what we will use instead of auto

attacks, between 2 Measuring Shrapnels.

Same as Napalm, those can be used only every 2nd rotation as well.

So 1st, 3rd, 5th and so on rotation will be Pistol 4,3,2 swap Mortar 2, swap Bomb 2, swap

Flamethrower 4,2, swap Grenade 2,4,5.

And last we have here Toolbelt skills 2,3 and 4.

You should use them at the beginning of the fight before Pistols.

Then just everytime they are on cooldown.

If you rotating properly, Toolbelt 2 and 3 will be ready every 2nd and 4 every 4th rotation

usually during Grenade filler part.

For more infomation >> Guild Wars 2 - Condi Engineer Simplified Rotation - 32k Realistic DPS / 1080p 50fps - Duration: 5:01.



Hello, you are on the channel Come on Let's go!

How many of you remember, in the last issue Krabs

We went on with Anyuta the sea with the help of unusual

towels. after bathing sea ​​Krabs offered

Anyuta build a huge sand castle. And here's the video

already scored 2000 likes, so let's get back

our travelers and see how they are doing.

Hey! Hi guys! Oh, hello Annie! How are you?

Where Krabs? and sea? Here I am! Hi Buffy,

Hello guys. Today as promised, we will

build a huge castle from sand!

But first, we settled in one of the hotels, and it

our pool which Krabs He loves to swim.

It's true. Then there's the sea Horse drawn! No swimming pool, but a dream

Ha ha ha. In general, we have now

about 5 am Yeah, and we're going to

towards the sea. Okay, we understand you. let's

already go. Yes! Come on!

And you know the way? no .. um ...

Maybe we should tell this Mr.? Annie, and who is it?

This gull. And what is she doing?

Well ... it's, like, eat looking.

Wow, interesting way of getting food.

Girls, enough chatter, I generally ask the way

I wanted. Hello kettle. What? You called someone a kettle?

Oh, sorry, Mr. cheburek, I was not on purpose.

What, what? What are you, crazy whether?

Yes, you wait, I'll just I wanted to ask.

Neither of which I do not have, nor what I'm not giving it!

Mr Gull, sorry him.

Yeah, come here all sorts, They want from me something.

We only road to the sea We wanted to know.

A! To the sea, so would immediately and said! Right over there

stomp all. Let's take for me, I'll show you.

Well, you now right and stomp through. And I went.

Thank you. Annie, it is strange to some.

Hey, crab, be polite Thank seagull! Till.

URAAAA! We made it. ahhh .... castle castle castle ... now!

We will build. It's true? True. Look:

here we have rules of conduct on the beach, sun beds, umbrellas,

people (still or already do not sleep) and the sun!

Yes, it will rise soon. Because soon 5-40 am.

The sun rises, and I'll see the guys the best comments.

Friends, your comments just super. By the way! In

our group in the VC has already 7 super active subscribers

June. And today we want to to say thank you to Galya, Dasha,

Sashulya, Alenka, Ulyanochke and Bozhenov for maximum

43 Laika. My dear, I do very much! Thank you!

And I want to direct zabuskat Ulyanochku Smirnov, it is not only

I put so much likes, she just did exactly

as much as many repost. Uliana, we transmit to you

a great big hello. And now let's see what's

Anyuta with Krabs. Annie, it's time to start.

Yeah. The castle will be here. Ok, I see. Feel will be fun

Ha ha ha

Buffy see that daaam

This is our main tower. I had to wear a lot of water,

because the sand quickly dries.

While that is more looks like ... well ... I do not know on

a huge donut. But we will continue. So, we began to build

branch and decorations tower.

On small towers we sand balls. by the way

cool, they can play snowballs.

Or rather in gryazevechki. Exactly.

And here is something missing. Here I must stand.

Hee hee, it seems that it should not. Well, I take the cup

ice-cream ... And there lozhish Krabs.

I do not box. I dialed the sand And lozhish Krabs.

No. Well, you understood, do sand

kulichiki. Krabs, there continue according to plan?

Makes 4 branches and connect their bridges in a circle. Not

We forget to decorate the mud pies. Making the main entrance and staircase.

Wow, what a castle! There you can settle 1000 Krabs.

Yeah, I also think that Get real castle

big. He takes up so much space,

that there may lie 5 people. Wow! I wonder what

height can be built sand castle.

Hmm, interesting question. let's so if it is a video dial

8000 likes, then we will come our lake and it will build

tall castle with my height. Guys can you draw

his sketches sand castle and send us to the group

in the VC because I so love your risunochki.

All right, here's my lodge, I will settle this castle.

Good! I iskupnus. Annie, let's see

whatever our Krabs? Come on! Crab, how are you?

Hey, Krabs? Hmm ... you're not one of us Krabs, who are you?

Hey my friend, who are you? you do alive?

Hey, girl, what are you here my friend's to worry about?

I then decided to make a hotel For everyone. And this one

boyfriend came first. Only he grusny some.

It is necessary to stroke that he would not be sad.

Yeah, bring him some water. All right, everybody, stop.

Wow, that was unexpected. Guys, look, it's true

sea ​​crab. Hi guys.

Crab, and can show what would our subscribers

Like? Hmm, it's like?

Well finger to the top. OK, very well. Here, guys,

Like place. Well, let's set

tub for our crab, and that it is already very hot.

Well, let's Climb in waters.

Oh, thank you thank you! By the way, what's your name?

Hmm, I do not know. I did like. This will not work. Guys, let's

together we come up with a name for the our guest. your options

write in comments. And here is the second guest

He appeared. Oh, oh, and who is it? This cancer

hermit. And Che is he a recluse?

His so-called because, it is an empty shell,

He is hiding in it and live there apart from all.

And no Th do not separate me just comfortable to live.

And no one I do not eat can. I have such protective

strategy. It's you people, call me a recluse,

I actually Rob. What? Rob, is that you? It's real

you? Well ka get out, I'll In the sea looking for, you have me

girlfriend stole, a reptile. Well stop it was 1000

years ago, I do not remember her. And let bygones,

Tamu claw out. Rob is very funny joke.

I already have one claw No, but you have by nature

Only one large. Well, sorry, do not pout.

Hmm. Guys, do not quarrel, better

Look, we have a new guest.

What? What is that? Rob, you said that you had forgotten

her. Are you still dating with my girl!

This is not what you thought, Olivia, get out, tell

him. I do not know, then I'm afraid Th

vylazit, Crab, forgive us simply could not be together.

We have different kinds and thou crab, and I cancer.

Yes? Okay. Guys let's be friends,

as a family Come on Let's go. Oh, and let's let go of our

friends already in the sea, and then they can boil in such

heat. Let the guys, so far! Can

We meet again. Olivia, Rob, live happily ever after. Crab,

we will come up with thy name.

Well, it's time to finish. Let's shall find 8000 likes ...

And we'll stand lock, growth Anyuta.

You know, Annie with Krabs We built this castle 4:00

and very tired. Potderzhite Please Like and their

subscription. Well, so far, all for now and see you soon!

For more infomation >> ОГРОМНЫЙ ЗАМОК ИЗ ПЕСКА и Кролик БАФФИ ! ЖЕЛЕЙНЫЙ МЕДВЕДЬ ВАЛЕРА И АНТИСТРЕСС не тут Отдых на море - Duration: 8:50.


JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer 3 - 1 (2017) 4K Ultra HD | Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller - Duration: 9:18.

Excuse me!

Lie on the ground!

What did you do this weekend Diana?


Nothing very interesting.

The world remains in mourning after the death of the Superman.

What we seeing is a crime wave around the world...

And where is the Gotham bat?

The masked vigilante had been a no show.

They said the age of heroes would never come again.

Is has to!

We don't have any more time.

Something is coming.

No protectors here.

No Lanterns...

No Kryptonian.

This world will fall...

Like all the others.

This is the days where among biggest concerns were exploding wind up Penguins.

This is crazy.

Honestly I think we're all gonna die.

Each of us in some way had held back.

Don't engage alone.

We do this together.

It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but I've never done battle.

I've just pushed some people and run away.

Relax Alfred, I'll take it from here.

Oh, D...Do I know you?

Superman was a beacon to the world.

He didn't just save people.

He made them see the best parts of themselves.

All right!

I don't recognize this world.

You don't have to recognize it.

We just havo to save it.

How many of you are there?

Not enough.

You really think that...

Oh wow, they just...

They really just vanished, huh?

That's rude.

He said you'd come.

Now let's hope you're not too late.

We have to be ready.

You, me. The others.

There's an attack coming from far away.

Not coming, Bruce.

It's already here.

The others.

Where are they?

Arthur Curry.

The Aquaman.

It's on him.

Organic and bio-mechatronic body parts.

He's a cyborg.

You should probably move.

Barry Allen.

Whoever you're looking for it's not me.

You're the Batman?

They said the age of heroes would never come again.

It has to.

What are your superpowers, again?

I'm rich.

My turn.

Shall we?

It's good to see you're playing well with others again.

Dressed like a bat?

I dig it.

Maybe temporary.

There is a stranger

who comes to this village from the sea.

He comes in the winter, when people are hungry

brings fish

comes on the King tide.

That was last night.


I believe that an enemy is coming

from far away.

I'm looking for warriors,

a stranger,

others like him.

I'm building an alliance to defend us .

It's very important that I see this man.

Barry Allen,

Bruce Wayne.

You said that, like it explains

why there is a total stranger sitting in the dark,

in my second favorite chair.

He said he'll fight with us?

More or less.

More more or more less?

Probably more less.

He said no?

He said no.

Look man,

I don't know who you are

but, whoever you are looking for

So, you're fast?

That feels like an over simplification.

I'm putting together a team,

people with special abilities.

You see, I believe enemies are coming.

Stop right there.

I'm in!

You are?

Just like that?



I need



Can I keep this?

I heard about you.

Didn't think you were real.

I'm real when it's useful.

Arthur Curry,

I hear you can talk to fish.

For more infomation >> JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer 3 - 1 (2017) 4K Ultra HD | Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller - Duration: 9:18.


Поросёнок Степка ТРЕЙЛЕР БумбакаТВ ! ОГРОМНЫЙ ЗАМОК ИЗ ПЕСКА и Кролик БАФФИ Отдых на море ЛЕТО 2017 - Duration: 1:18.

This channel trailer, trailer channel.

Pig on YouTube - it not advertising.

Put huskies Styopka. it rap live.

Dancing and candy, make circles wide.

My name is Stephen, I'm a little mischief.

In a family where love DIV I like limpet stuck

I love all the sweet, singing and dance,

jump and spin on table like this again.

Thanks to all the friends who I do not forget to subscribe,

you are my candy, you are my rear.

When we gather with you 30,000 on the channel.

I'm with my family Sony Play Station run wild.

Write in the comments Artist Do you like my style,

you guys are my all and I give you verse.

Let all the words of the kindest in the world

Will give you a warm smile and healthy children.

Who shouts that Stepan anything that Stepan plagiarism

I have not seen one toy, that reads rap this way

And if I love candy, then it may not mean anything

Each home also because lamp is now burning.

For more infomation >> Поросёнок Степка ТРЕЙЛЕР БумбакаТВ ! ОГРОМНЫЙ ЗАМОК ИЗ ПЕСКА и Кролик БАФФИ Отдых на море ЛЕТО 2017 - Duration: 1:18.


Bad Baby VS Giant Dinosaur Поджёг машину Видео для детей вредные детки Ride on Power wheels car - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby VS Giant Dinosaur Поджёг машину Видео для детей вредные детки Ride on Power wheels car - Duration: 4:13.


Jennifer Lawrence - Hottest Tribute Ever - React Rajib Ferdoush - Duration: 6:15.

Jennifer Lawrence - Hottest Tribute Ever - React Rajib Ferdoush

Jennifer Lawrence - Hottest Tribute Ever - React Rajib Ferdoush

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lawrence - Hottest Tribute Ever - React Rajib Ferdoush - Duration: 6:15.


Explosive Projectiles - 800 Ped crafting - Duration: 39:14.

For more infomation >> Explosive Projectiles - 800 Ped crafting - Duration: 39:14.


10 Countries With The Hottest Women - Duration: 4:38.

Get your passport ready my Whizzas, Cuz these are the countries you need to get your asses

over to and find the woman of your dreams...

With beautiful skin, eyes, and perfect figures these countries must have something special

in the water (or in their Jizz..)..

With that being said, Welcome to our list of 10 Countries With The Hottest Woman.

Number 10: India The authentic food and culturally intricate

costumes must have something to do with how beautiful Indian women seem to be.

With large brown and Hazel eyes, sexy thick dark hair, and perfect vagina lips..

Any man traveling to India for the first time, would love to suck the curry fart out of these

gorgeous women's butts.

Number 9: Brazil Even when the Brazil national team lose, they

actually still win.

Brazilian women play a huge role in society and tradition in this South American country,

where Festivals like Carnival have become known worldwide...

Partly because of the hot women who participate... in their see-through panties..

Muito Bonito Number 8: Russia

First, Russian women will drink your bitch ass under the table..Second, they will make

you fall in love with one look.

Here's America's Attorney General and here's Russia's.


Russian women have the classic beauty look, with gorgeous eye, high cheek bones, and banging


Lucky Alaskans can see Russia from their house.. right Sarah?

Wink Wink.

Number 7: Turkey If you

haven't seen Turkish soap operas, then you may not realize how fucking hot Turkish women

really are.

With perfect figures and Princess features, many women in Turkey are absolutely amazing..

Now let's just hope Vladimir Putin doesn't try to fry this Turkey

Number 6: Italy The most beautiful artwork in the history

of our planet comes from Italy..And the same may go for their amazing women.

With perfect smiles, deep beautiful eyes, and

sexy accents, Italian people are the shit at producing beautifully amazing things.

Lamborghinis, Sisteen Chapel, and oh Sexy women…Here in the city of Naples, which

sits on the Bay of Nipples, I mean Naples.

You can be sure to spot some of the most beautiful women in Europe.

Number 5: Venezuela This northern South American country has dominated

international beauty contests with ease.

As Venezuela is tropical and close to the equator, the weather and location may have

a lot to do with how Hot the women are out there..

Add in the fact, most women from Venezuela have Italian, Portuguese and Spanish blood

in them..

You can see why, this place has MUY CALIENTE chicas.

Number 4: Argentina Argentina's history has been a melting pot

for invasion..

Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese ran through the Native Americans there like a wild horse

busting jizz everywhere..

But with sad news comes great news..

With all the mixing and matching...Argentina has created the most exotic women on the planet,

with some women having light skin and some with a sexy natural tan..

Argentina makes me want to put my soccer balls in their gooooaaaaaaalll!

Number 3: Sweden Swedish women are one of a kind..

Tall, platinum blonde with colored eyes..

They look like futuristic aliens from the Planet Sexy..

And the best part of Swedish women?

Swedes love to party and let loose their blonde hair and pubes...

And when Summer comes rolling around, the Swedes get their itty bitty poka dot bikinis

ready and tan their fannies...

Number 2: Ukraine Now I know why, Putin wants to take over Ukraine..

But don't Cry Me A River just yet guys.. get it?


Eastern European women have been known as the hottest exotic women on Planet Earth.

With beautiful eyes and a classic look to them, these fucking hot women have made Kiev

and Odessa a fan favorite Tourist destination.

Just don't go out there looking for an easy bride off dating sites.

Because you'll probably come home with no wife and no money.

Number 1: Colombia As a country that doesn't use cars as their

number 1 way of transportation, many women walk to burn off those calories..

And since, dancing and shaking that booty is a huge part of night-life entertainment,

women in Colombia have found the winning bonerific combination to get it right, get it tight.

Now get your lazy ass to Medellin Colombia and tell them Modern Whiz sent you!

And get them panties squirting!

Squirt Alert!

And there you have it, our list of the 10 Countries with the hottest women.

Did we miss any other Sexy countries?

If so, mention them in the comment section below, and as always/don't forget to like,

share, and subscribe.

For more infomation >> 10 Countries With The Hottest Women - Duration: 4:38.


1 củ nghệ - 3 công thức vĩnh biệt nám tàn nhang hiệu quả tại nhà 100 người thì 99 người không biết - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> 1 củ nghệ - 3 công thức vĩnh biệt nám tàn nhang hiệu quả tại nhà 100 người thì 99 người không biết - Duration: 12:36.


WHATSAPP VIDEO FUNNY - WHATSAPP FUNNY VIDEO 2017 - Whatsapp Video Download(HINDI) - Duration: 5:59.

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