Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

hello fellow sniffers and parent lovers if you don't know what a sniffer is man

you aren't missing out my name is Marlene McCohen and this is my African

Grey Cody and today we are here to tell you a story time Sunday

now you guys probably know what it means since Cody's on my shoulder yes the

story is going to be about an African Grey he's probably thinking to himself

why all the African Grey stories and it's never about me why is that we got

to tell a Cody story today is it going to be a Jorge story you guys know about

Jorge my African Grey he was my most special beloved bird in

the world I loved telling George stories cuz then

George lives on and it makes me really happy to know that you guys still got a

chance to know him but also his stories are just so great I just love Jorge

stories today Jorge story is going to involve my mother now I'm saying it that

way because my first youtube video ever I know I've told you guys this story

before but my first youtube video ever I talked for about two minutes into it and

then suddenly I say you know what I want to talk about my mother

and then I forgot I did that and my mother aka CNN found the video that is a

story in itself I will find it and put the link down below in case you want to

watch the first video ever ever ever ever ever I made on YouTube I'll put

that link for you too and you could just imagine you're my mother snooping around

looking for gossip about me and then finding that two minutes into the video

with that got sup in history let me tell you this story my African Grey George

was used to eating fruits that Stables and of course his pellets and

his seeds and then one day my mother came to visit if you guys know anything

about my mom well you probably don't know anything about my mom so let me set

this up my mom does not cook okay when we were kids we always ate but I don't

remember her cooking like ever I remember the result is dinner but I

don't remember her cooking and I honestly can't blame her because I'm

exactly the same way you do not want me in the kitchen if I do something in the

kitchen it's really exciting I'm gonna tell you guys kind of a little bit of a

secret if I do set my mind to cooking something I make it really really good

and it's always some exotic dish Jenna will be like oh my god I think you're

actually the best cook at the family and then I'm like no and done because like I

don't want him to expect it from me you know so then I go back to really me cook

in the kitchen I don't think so well my mother is kind of the same way I

inherited from her the cleaning gene but not the cooking gene so imagine my

surprise when my mother came to visit and decided to make a breakfast here's

an example my dad has always been known as kind of like the cook in the family

and just like the efficient person at getting everybody fed like he's really

bothered by anyone being hungry whether there's a hundred people in the house or

two or just me dad really really worries about that and

that's like his priority my mother has a famous saying that goes like this what

do you think I am your mother we go to visit my mom at her house she'll

literally say okay the first breakfast I make but after that you're all on your

own cuz she's really excited that we're

visiting so she like makes a breakfast but if dad's avail and doing it then

dad's doing it now with that being said she's Irish so she's excellent at making

tea and I'm not talking about like the American Irish like born and raised in

so it's tea time when you wake up it's tea time when it's afternoon it's tea

time before you do something and after you have accomplished something if you

go to the mall then on the way home she's thinking about the tea I'd love to

have any cup of tea then of course before bed and after dinner it is tea

time that's how my mom lives I got that from

her tube so at my house it's also all this tea time

I could totally Jol out the tea but not the dinner

on this particular day my mom decides to make breakfast and I also think she

makes things really well but she pretends that she doesn't cuz she

doesn't like to do it because this was kind of an elaborate breakfast just a

whole bunch of stuff and then she made something then as far as I knew when we

were kids we never had anything like this we're also very foreign in a way so

I also have never had a pancake or a waffle or a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich those were not like the normal things

that were in our house and nobody made them I've still never had one because I

never actually liked anything like that mom made some sort of home fries like

potatoes that were fried man potatoes are my favorite food probably because I

am half Irish I just am a sucker for potatoes I love

them I love them so much so imagine my surprise when my mother makes this

potato breakfast potatoes and tomatoes and all sorts of like just a beautiful

well-rounded breakfast well then guess what mom does she gives one of her

potatoes to the bird and tells him french fry George is eating this potato

and loving it and you know there's nothing really wrong with potatoes but

you really want to try to not give the birds fried foods

I was really all about keeping him healthy and making sure that he's

eating his fruits and vegetables but now he has had a potato like a french fry

like a yummy dreamy french fried potato so he eats it Annie loves it and it's

cute and I say oh you like the French fry how cute yeah french fries and then

my mom's like you see he loves my breakfast she's all happy that he loves

her breakfast but later if I'm like hey MA

you know that wonderful breakfast I don't make breakfast I don't know what

you're talking about I don't recall making any breakfast ever

mom how come we never had home fries when I was a kid you did you had it all

the time I'm like really cuz I kind of remember living off the macaroni and

cheese that my brother made after school the next day I'm eating breakfast and I

give my bird something like a carrot or a cucumber and what does he do he throws

it literally flings with bang across the room and says French fry I'm like oh no

I'm like come on George do you really like cucumbers isn't that fun eat the

cucumber no I bring it back to him throws it across the room

french fry no George we don't have french fries then he goes up to my

mother and says time for french fry Oh No we've created like a toddler monster

that's demanding his favorite food and not caring about his health obviously

what does he care he just wants french fries

George was able to implement words into sentences so I always taught him time

for but didn't matter that I never said time for french fry he could say time

for anything he wanted so any new thing that he learned about he would just say

time for that I don't think we made any french fries that day but all day he

talked about french fries the next day mom mix her fries again oh no mom look I

don't want him to see them I don't want him to get used to them and he sees them

and he's like french fried french fry time for a french fry so of course like

she gives him one all day he's talking about french fries especially if my mom

puts a pan to the oven he thinks a french fry is about to happen to him

that kind of dies down I mean there were many more days where he asked me for

french fries then he knew exactly what french fries

look like he would ask for them all the time one day I am out at lunch with my

friend and my friend is like on a very serious diet she's like doing that

saying where she only eats salads and you know we get this big salad she was

really good at keeping to her diet so I'm thinking to myself I'll try to stick

to it too we'll both be healthy and then my friend orders french fries I'm

shocked why are you ordering french fries you're totally against carbs yeah

we're like those la girls you don't want carbs you've never seen a car me on the

other hand I'm like the skinny fat vegan you know that all I want is potatoes if

I can get them why is she ordering french fries it's

the biggest temptation for me so I say to her why are you ordering french fries

she's like oh for your bird he asked me for them before I left oh I know I take

birds very seriously I know you guys take birds very seriously she was a

really good friend but we're like she basically was at my apartment thinking

oh we're gonna leave we're gonna go have lunch and it's almost like the bird said

to her bye bring me back some french fries thanks I'll pay you later it's

just like she took it so logically oh okay the bird asked me for fries so I

should bring the bird back fries part of me just thinking oh my god she's such a

good friend like she gets it she's taking the bird seriously and then part

of me is like what is my bird planning without me

because he knows I'm trying not to give him french fries he went behind my back

and asked her for french fries he probably knew I was gonna go out and eat

them myself and he was like yo when you're out bring me back some of those

and then her thought process to just be like oh yeah okay cool I'll get you

those no problem it's like so many things are happening there one they have

their own relationship to she took the bird seriously three the bird is serious

there's so much going on and it's just so funny and then four you realize that

birds are so human especially african greys and Amazons and I mean they're all

human don't get me wrong though when they can talk like a human the other

person like feels compelled to answer them like they're a human that's why

we're all bird crazy because we know this huge secret in the universe that

the Cinderella stories that we watched and we're like oh no I wish birds could

really do that they really do like they do I'm here to tell you it's like they

do it's amazing it was mind-blowing for me it made me happy because I was like

what a good friend what a good bird what a genius and oh my god that naughty

little bird there were so many elements to it that excited me of course why I

remember it till this day that I had to tell you this story it's kind of similar

to my other story time that I told you guys about George where he asked for the

juice I think I told you guys that story I don't even remember anymore but that

is basically that's my story time Sunday I hope from this you understand how

smart they are if you don't have a bird I mean it's just mind-blowing and I hope

you enjoyed this story it's probably more mind-blowing if you don't have a

bird if you do have a bird you know that you know that this is them that is it

that's my story time Sunday thank you guys so so much for watching I love you

all I really enjoy telling you these stories and I

that Cody had a good time sitting in please subscribe we love new subscribers

and if you want me to see your bird and join our parrot community

come on my facebook page that is parrot station and just come on introduce

yourself and your bird and share bird videos try not to attack other people

because I made my page on purpose where I wanted to be different I wanted to not

have those judgy parrot pages the community on parrot station is

absolutely amazing it's like bird addiction it's like just

scrolling through parent station on Facebook is just like it's like a whole

bunch of other people that understands you and understand how exciting it is to

look at birds all day and then what's great about it is you stop seeing your

friends on Facebook you just start seeing all the birds and Facebook

becomes so much more entertaining I hope you guys enjoy that if you want to know

more about my life and my life with the birdies or watch the birdies all day

long follow me on instagram at marlene McCowen i love when you guys come over

there and I really appreciate it I use it like snapchat so I storytime them all

day long I think you guys would really enjoy it so you're welcome to come over

there and say hi to me that is it so thank you guys so so much I love you all


For more infomation >> My African Grey George Plotted Against Me Because of My Mother | STORY TIME SUNDAY - Duration: 14:20.


Steamed Eggs with Minced Pork (香炒猪肉碎与蒸蛋) - Duration: 3:39.

turn on subtitles for instruction

5 eggs

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 tsp sugar

220 ml chicken soup

Pour onto a plate

cover with cling wrap

Steam for 15~20 mins

add some cooking oil

100 g minced pork meat

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp rice wine

1.5 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp dark soy sauce

cornstarch with some water

turn off the stove and add spring onions

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Steamed Eggs with Minced Pork (香炒猪肉碎与蒸蛋) - Duration: 3:39.


20 Swedish words Finns made up - Duration: 7:50.

Hello! Today I thought you guys would get to continue your education in Finno-Swedishness

by learning a few 'finlandssvenska' words

So I've put to together a list of 20 words that we use in our family

and that we Swedish speaking Finns use in general

So this is words that you would not hear in Sweden and that aren't necessarily in any Swedish dictionaries.

but instead it's words that we Swedish speaking Finns have, with time, I guess made up really.

or somehow changed it from one word to another

Let's get started and see what words we've got!

The first word is a real classic, which I could probably say about each word

The first word on the list is 'håsa'

If you 'håsa' it means that you're hurrying

You can use it for instance if you say "you don't need to håsa" meaning you don't need to hurry

or if you do something sloppy in a bit of a rush you might be 'håsa'-ing.

because you're like hurrying, doing it too quickly

A fantastic 'finlandssvensk' word! To 'håsa'

Then we have the word 'krabbis', and that's what you get when you've had too much to drink the night before

It means to be hungover

If you 'duuna' something it means that you're doing something.

And this is the only word on the list that I know Finnish speakers also use

but either way a very 'finlandssvensk' word;

If you've got work you can say you've got 'duun' - it's a pretty Västnyländskt (Southwest Finland) thing to say

Then at the weekends or any weekday evening as well you might stumble upon a 'poligubbe '

and a 'poligubbe' is often a gross old man that sits with his beer belly out

and drinks beer on for instance a park bench and is generally gross

That's a 'poligubbe'

Yet another good word to know!

Then if you spot this 'poligubbe' you really don't want to go 'påta' on him

To 'påta' on someone means to pick at or continuously touch something

Like, if you've got a zit on your face you shouldn't 'påta' on it

The next word, instead of 'påta' on someone you can rather 'paja' them

and 'paja' means to stroke or pet something

I hate the word 'smeka' (eng: stroke/pet), I think it sounds so gross.

but we say 'paja' instead so you can 'paja' a dog or you can 'paja' someone like this. That's to 'paja'.

Then if you're making a mess or making something untidy then you're 'rådda'-ing

You can also have 'råddor' at home which means a pile of things you haven't sorted through

or if it's in general 'råddigt' it means it's messy, you haven't tidied.

It's 'råddigt'.

Then when you're tidying your 'råddor', you might need to 'tråtta' stuff somewhere.

If you 'tråtta' something somewhere it means you shove something in, 'tråtta' it in

... 'tråtta' it in, that doesn't help...

press something in, squeeze something in somewhere

That's to 'tråtta'. It's a great word. 'Tråtta' - why is it not in the Swedish dictionary?

Then if you start to 'kina' with someone it means that you start to argue or bicker with someone

For example, siblings often 'kina'. It's that small kind of - not a proper fight but you just bicker.

What do you say in Swedish instead of 'kina'?

It's such a great word. Bicker. No, that's all I've got.

Next up we have the only word I've been caught using in my Swedish videos

and that word is 'hoppeligen'

'hoppeligen' means, as I've mentioned before, hopefully

I assume it's from the word hope. "We hope it will happen" so it 'hoppeligen' happens.

It think it's a fantastic word! Again, I don't see anything wrong with any of these words!

They're so handy to have!

Then if we meet a fellow Swedish speaking Finn on the street we might say 'morjens'!

That means hello, or hi there

And that's quite a 'finlandssvensk' thing to say, like 'Morjens, morjens!'

The other day we were talking about, this isn't actually one of the words,

but we also use the word 'sidu' as in like 'ser du' (eng: 'you see')

So if you spot someone one the street you can say 'sidu morjens!'

..."You see hello"...

It's kind of like "looky, looky" - sidu morjens! Look what we have here.

Something like that. Ok, it's all starting to sound a bit weird...

Then we have a little bit of a random word that I definitely don't use every day but I think it's a bit funny

And that is the word 'påsavante'. It is a glove that separates the thumb from the rest of the hand

Like a mit, I think it's called in English.

A mitten, it might be called. Mit/mitten.

And that is a 'tumvante' in proper Swedish, I had to Google to find the proper word

That's a 'påsavante'. I think it's a pretty funny word.

Then when we go to sleep we go 'tuti'.

and you can also feel a little 'tuti'.

'Tuti'... Where does it come from? You can also say 'tutta'.

Tutta... Tuti... I don't really know what it really means but we use that word a lot in our family

You can say you go 'tuti', or if you feel 'tuti' you feel a bit tired, a bit sleepy.

Tuti. You feel tuti, and then you're gonna go tuti. And then we say 'nati nati' when you go 'tuti'.

The next word is also, surprise surprise, totally genius and that is the word 'kila'.

If you 'kila' someone it means that you jump the queue and I can't think of a word for it in Swedish

Now I'm getting unsure whether they perhaps use the word 'kila' in Sweden but pronounce it differently

I don't know, you Swedes can let me know if this word exists! It just means to jump the queue

like, without permission. Annoyingly, like little kids do.

Then if we say that we're going 'på tuppen' (eng: on/to the rooster) it doesn't mean that

we're going to walk on a male chicken... is that what a rooster is?

To go to 'tuppen' means to go to the toilet.

I don't really know where that comes from either and I don't really use it that much

Dave was mighty confused the other day when I asked if he's going to the rooster

But yeah so it means to go to the loo. Rooster = toilet. Makes total sense, right??

Then one of my favourite 'finlandssvenska' words is 'ludig'. Spellt 'ludig'.

If you were a clean-cut finlandssvensk you would probably pronounce it "loodig" but I say "luddy"

And 'ludig' means furry or fluffy

It think it's such a good word, it sounds so cute! 'Ludigt'!

Something can be 'ludigt', like you have 'ludiga' legs meaning you have furry legs

And one thing that actually can be 'ludigt' is your 'verrare'.

And 'verrare' means sweatpants. Why I do not know but we also say verkkare, but that's a Finnish word.

'Verrare' I guess is just a more Swedish version of the Finnish word.

Then we have the word 'guta' which means yummy. You can ask "is it guta?" meaning "is it yummy?"

Or man, I feel like something 'guta', when you fancy something yummy.

I think some people use the same word for candy but at our house it's just anything yummy.

Then we have a really strange word which is 'ids' or to 'idas'.

It means to kind want to or be bothered to do something.

Like, "I 'ids' not go there" means that I probably won't go there or...

"Ids not do that" (makes no sense in English haha) means... Stop. Doing that.

Like... Urgh, it's so hard to explain! And that's why it's crazy that this word isn't used in normal Swedish.

Then we've got the last word which is to 'stritta' which means to splash.

But you can use it for that or you can use it to say if you're leaving somewhere, like we're gonna 'stritta'

Like, we're gonna get outta here quick, we're gonna 'stritta', like we're gonna dash, like make a splash when you leave.

Double meaning.

So that was the 20 'finlandssvenska' words I wanted to teach you today

Perhaps the most random list of words ever put together.

But there you go, that's 'finlandsvenska' for you!

So now you've once again learned a bit more about Swedish speaking Finns

and what it means to be a Swedish speaking Finn and how we speak.

Wow! You can learn anything on YouTube!

Thanks ever so much for watching this video, I really hope that you enjoyed it!

If you did, feel free to give it a thumbs up or leave a comment, it makes me so very happy!

Take care in the meantime, enjoy the summer now that it's arrived and I'll see you soon!


For more infomation >> 20 Swedish words Finns made up - Duration: 7:50.


Mini Artistes - DESSINER DES BRANCHES - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mini Artistes - DESSINER DES BRANCHES - Duration: 1:34.


Best of 80s Rock ⚡ 80's Rock Music Hits ☠ Greatest 80s Rock songs - Duration: 3:04:05.

For more infomation >> Best of 80s Rock ⚡ 80's Rock Music Hits ☠ Greatest 80s Rock songs - Duration: 3:04:05.



For more infomation >> AVANTAGES et INCONVÉNIENTS de l'ESTONIE - Duration: 32:01.


Thú cưng kỳ lạ - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Thú cưng kỳ lạ - Duration: 0:57.


VLOG #4 推薦一款好用的K歌APP Recommend A Nice Singing APP - Duration: 4:21.

hello everybody

welcome to meow tv

I am sin yee

I will not show face in this video


I am sick

looks very haggard


I'm going to introduce to you a nice APP

the name of the APP is


in English is WeSing

as we can see

this APP

have a very good evaluation

and 4.1 stars rate

ok, not much to say

now we direct open this APP

we can login this APP with wechat id or QQ id

but as a Malaysian

most are using wechat login

wait for a while

ok, enter in and we will see

some people upload the song that they sing to here

actually, these people are

connect with your wechat id

which means if your wechat friends have play this APP

it will automatically appear on your wall

ok, if you saw your friend's song

you can click in

you can listen it

can also give them comment

give comment

and sending gifts to them

is a kind of APP that can rate your friends

so i think it is pretty good

and of course

not only rating your friends

you can also record

the song that you like

like today, I want to record GANG HAO YU JIAN NI

you can search for the song that you like

and press this K song

not much to say, I will record a song for you guys to listen

done! this is the song that I recorded just now


I think this APP is very good because

it can adjust the volume of your voice

the volume of the accompaniment

reduce noise from surrounding

and different kind of editing on sound

so let's listen to the song that I sing just now

not nice so I speeded it HAHAHAHAHA

ok, if you think your song is nice to listen

you can upload it to your moments

so that other people will see it

or you can save it

listen for your own

so, we click upload

then it will save your song automatically

and upload to your moments

and then we can write some captions here

after that

directly upload

then we can saw it on the moments

or you can go to your profile

and there it is!

click in

done, that's it

I personally think this APP is nice to use

because it help us to get rid of stress


we don't have much time to go KTV

we don't necessary have to go to KTV for singing a song

we can stay at home

use this APP to sing a song

and share it on your moments to your friends

let your friends to rate your song

and send gift to you

if you like to sing

I recommend you to download this APP

so this is the end of the video

see you in my next video

bye bye

For more infomation >> VLOG #4 推薦一款好用的K歌APP Recommend A Nice Singing APP - Duration: 4:21.


最近のユーチューブ(抗争) Fake YouTube Wars - Duration: 5:20.


As always there's nothing to watch on Youtube


Die Big Bird?

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

Wow this dude still makes videos!?

There's this youtuber who's just being a massive douchebag



his videos are complete crap


That youtuber is

Big Bird

Big Bird?

Where have I heard that name before?

Found him

It's me Big Bird

Oh...this guy

recently dumbass Jagaricoman has been dissing me

but dude you're the one who's videos are complete crap

I also know your secret



Your mum

has an outie belly button

How old are you?

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

Big Bird

How fucking dare you!!!

This has got to be fake

this isn't fake

I really hate Big Bird

I understand talking smack about me

but talking smack about my mother!?!?!?

You are a piece of shit


you're a piece of shit

If you want a war

you've got one

a war that is

A war?

It's Big Bird

Today I'm going to phone shithead Jagarikoman


It's Big Bird

I can't believe...


No, you die

No no you die

No no no you die

No no no no you die

They're both just doing this for views

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

this is not about the views

I really really hate Big Bird

to prove that to you

Jagarikoman has made a Big Bird diss track for all of my Jagarikids

A diss track?

Jagarikids in da house

Big Bird die

I'm Jagarikoman oooh

You are garbage ooh

You have no popularity


101 subs ooh

You are garbage ooh

stop acting like hot stuff with 101 ooh

I have 136 subs ooh

Big Bird die ooh



It's me Big Bird

I've figured out where shithead Jagarikoman lives

so today I'm gonna go to his house

Of course

I'm right outside of Jagarikoman's house

I'm going in

Oi Jagarikoman!!!

Big Bird!? What are you doing here?


You're so hot

You too

Let's get a drink some time



What the fuck man!

People keep making up these fake feuds because there's an audience

Yeah, I guess

As long as dumb people like you continue to watch the videos, they will continue to make them

Yeah, you're right

You do realize you are part of the problem right?


Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe

What do you guys think of these fake feuds on youtube

Do you think that it's cool as long as it's entertaining?

or do you think that it's not cool that they're faking this stuff?

Let me know what you think ^^

Update on the package: Still haven't got it

I called amazon's customer service

but as Mimei ordered it, they need her amazon details and I can't contact her at the moment

so I've kind of given up

it doesn't seem like they're going to deliver it

I've called for redelivery many times

how many times

If they don't come today that will be the 4th time I've phoned for a redelivery and they haven't shown up


Momotarobin go fuck yourself



For more infomation >> 最近のユーチューブ(抗争) Fake YouTube Wars - Duration: 5:20.


simple and easy rangoli designs for beginners || 5x3 flower kolam designs || muggulu using dots - Duration: 2:43.

easy rangoli

For more infomation >> simple and easy rangoli designs for beginners || 5x3 flower kolam designs || muggulu using dots - Duration: 2:43.


How to make Delicate CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> How to make Delicate CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 1:57.


Beautiful Naats | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da - Duration: 7:51.

Beautiful Naats 2017 | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da

For more infomation >> Beautiful Naats | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da - Duration: 7:51.


Is My Utility Lighter Still Working - Duration: 2:15.

hi it's AlaskaGranny I'm out at Granny Camp which is my off-grid Alaska cabin

and I rely on having things to light with a lighter utility lighter I don't have electricity so I use the

clickers utility long handle lighters to light my stove to light candles to light all kinds of things

camping lanterns campfires camp stoves and sometimes I wonder is my utility lighter still any good will it still work if you rely

on using these clickers utility lighters sometimes you need to remember they have a safety

feature which is the button that you have to push so this utility lighter is clicking and

you're thinking okay it doesn't light it doesn 't work

but what you need to remember is you have to

push on the child safety feature on the handle of the utility lighter to light it and it's still working you

might think I'm clicking it and it doesn't work doesn't light isn't any good any more when it is so this utility lighter by Coleman you

can click it and it doesn't light and you might forget to push on the child

safety feature and it still works I have these better utility lighters that are called King I think I

think they're by Ozark Trails I think I picked up a bunch of these lighters at Walmart it

doesn't click unless you push on the child safety feature

so you have to push to get the utility lighter to light so don't be fooled by thinking oh it's

clicking but it doesn't work because you still have to remember clicking or not

you have to hold on the child safety feature button to get your clicker utility lighter to light

remember that trick you want to get all of the use out of your clicker utility lighter that you can

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> Is My Utility Lighter Still Working - Duration: 2:15.


Top 5 Windows & Keyboard Shortcuts You'll Need Right Now ✔ Full HD-2017 - Duration: 3:29.

Hello guys. What's up?

Welcome to computer repair.

I come back with another tech video.

In this I am going to show you

top five windows and keyboard shortcuts,

you will need it right now

So let's take a look

number one

we have all found ourselves in a stadium

where we are looking at something on our computer

and it need to go immediately

Because maybe someone coming down the hallway

or your boss is working toward your cubicle

Doesn't better it need to go.

There's a simple shortcuts to make That's happen

Just click on Windows + D. That's Back you desktop where you can

Number two

sometimes you go a web browser the tab bender

and you open many tab with a bounce of different things

But you close one of them tab after you realize that

this tab you needed

press control+shift+T

and it will open your all previously closed tab one by one

Number three

sometimes you may writing something

on Notepad by seeing other text

you might open text and close then write it

No way

I will tell you a easy shortcut which put two windows

side by side

just click on desired tab

and press windows and arrow key at the same time

and it put your windows side-by-side

number four

taking a screen shot in windows used a big issue

either you have to lead Snap tool or hit print screen

and open your paint software then pasted into them and

Edit your page and export it out and image

if you want to do quickly just press

Alt + print screen at the same time it will take a screen

shot at your screen

And it Automatically make a file for you

and the file is preview here

and you can simply save this file as your own interest

and Finally number five

you are doing something really research or writing

you don't want anyone to see it

But you gotta go

you are late for meeting or your friends are going to launch

you go to go out the door right now

Well just hit windows key and press. L.

It will lock your screen

You can get up, you can move on

that's it

Hope this five windows and keyboard shortcuts

will be helpful to you all

that's it

Thank you for watching this video

My name is SALIM KHAN.

you are watching computer repair

if you like this video,

please put a thumbs up and appreciate it

Just So the YouTube algorithm knows that

you actually like this video

and if you have any questions

Please post them in comment section below.

Thank you....

For more infomation >> Top 5 Windows & Keyboard Shortcuts You'll Need Right Now ✔ Full HD-2017 - Duration: 3:29.


СВЕТЛЯЧОК | ATES BOCEGI | 5 серия | озвучка на русском | с русским переводом | АНОНС и дата выхода - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> СВЕТЛЯЧОК | ATES BOCEGI | 5 серия | озвучка на русском | с русским переводом | АНОНС и дата выхода - Duration: 2:26.


Dank Skits (Not Really) - Duration: 1:19.

Dank Skits

For All Dem Cool Kids

You May Ask Me One Question

Any Question

And I'll Answer It Correctly

For I Have All Knowledge


Wait, What Was It Again?

It Was How To Get Infinite Knowledge (Question Wasted)

Oh Yeah, How Do I Get Infinite Knowledge (How Do You Forget That?)

Sorry, But I Can Only Answer One Question (You Already Said That)

When Did You Answer My Question (Really?)

(Flashback) What Was It Again?

(Flashback) It Was How To Get Infinite Knowledge



Ice Cream Flavored Ice Cream

With Extra (Diabetes)

Out Now For $2.00




(Sad Face)

What Do You Do

Before You Go To Bed? (0.0)

Watch Videos

What Type Of Videos?


Before You Go To Bed? (Again 0.0)

Play Sports!

What Type Of Sport? (Probably Chess)


Before You Go To Bed? (This Time Don't Become Messed Up!)

Pray! (Oh, Not That Bad)

What Do You Pray About? (Why'd You Ask That?)

For God To Kill Everyone!

Wait A Minute!

M1NE B1RD5, Are You Using The Same Clips From Last Time?

That Guy Just Said He Wants To Kill Everyone

And You're Worried About My Animation!

For Goodness Sake

(Beeping Mario Theme Song)

Hello Guys!

This Video's Sponsored By (Wait What)

Edible Slime! (Oh, It's A Skit)

(Dies But Tries To Continue Eating It)

For more infomation >> Dank Skits (Not Really) - Duration: 1:19.


animaux le route sauvage de afrique - Duration: 46:16.

For more infomation >> animaux le route sauvage de afrique - Duration: 46:16.


BAZOOKA!!! 196話 地上波では放送できない過激番組 #3 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> BAZOOKA!!! 196話 地上波では放送できない過激番組 #3 - Duration: 10:16.


चायपत्ती के पानी से बाल कैसे बढ़ाये? मेरा अनुभव - HOW TO GROW HAIR FASTER 2 to 5 INCHES - Duration: 1:38.

How to grow your hair faster, longer and thicker using tea

tea is a best home remedy for FASTER HAIR GROWTH and Makes hair longer and thicker

Thanks for watching this how to grow hair faster using chai patti(chaipatti) - chaipatti se baal kaise badhaye

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