Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

turn on subtitles for instruction

5 eggs

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 tsp sugar

220 ml chicken soup

Pour onto a plate

cover with cling wrap

Steam for 15~20 mins

add some cooking oil

100 g minced pork meat

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp rice wine

1.5 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp dark soy sauce

cornstarch with some water

turn off the stove and add spring onions

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Steamed Eggs with Minced Pork (香炒猪肉碎与蒸蛋) - Duration: 3:39.


20 Swedish words Finns made up - Duration: 7:50.

Hello! Today I thought you guys would get to continue your education in Finno-Swedishness

by learning a few 'finlandssvenska' words

So I've put to together a list of 20 words that we use in our family

and that we Swedish speaking Finns use in general

So this is words that you would not hear in Sweden and that aren't necessarily in any Swedish dictionaries.

but instead it's words that we Swedish speaking Finns have, with time, I guess made up really.

or somehow changed it from one word to another

Let's get started and see what words we've got!

The first word is a real classic, which I could probably say about each word

The first word on the list is 'håsa'

If you 'håsa' it means that you're hurrying

You can use it for instance if you say "you don't need to håsa" meaning you don't need to hurry

or if you do something sloppy in a bit of a rush you might be 'håsa'-ing.

because you're like hurrying, doing it too quickly

A fantastic 'finlandssvensk' word! To 'håsa'

Then we have the word 'krabbis', and that's what you get when you've had too much to drink the night before

It means to be hungover

If you 'duuna' something it means that you're doing something.

And this is the only word on the list that I know Finnish speakers also use

but either way a very 'finlandssvensk' word;

If you've got work you can say you've got 'duun' - it's a pretty Västnyländskt (Southwest Finland) thing to say

Then at the weekends or any weekday evening as well you might stumble upon a 'poligubbe '

and a 'poligubbe' is often a gross old man that sits with his beer belly out

and drinks beer on for instance a park bench and is generally gross

That's a 'poligubbe'

Yet another good word to know!

Then if you spot this 'poligubbe' you really don't want to go 'påta' on him

To 'påta' on someone means to pick at or continuously touch something

Like, if you've got a zit on your face you shouldn't 'påta' on it

The next word, instead of 'påta' on someone you can rather 'paja' them

and 'paja' means to stroke or pet something

I hate the word 'smeka' (eng: stroke/pet), I think it sounds so gross.

but we say 'paja' instead so you can 'paja' a dog or you can 'paja' someone like this. That's to 'paja'.

Then if you're making a mess or making something untidy then you're 'rådda'-ing

You can also have 'råddor' at home which means a pile of things you haven't sorted through

or if it's in general 'råddigt' it means it's messy, you haven't tidied.

It's 'råddigt'.

Then when you're tidying your 'råddor', you might need to 'tråtta' stuff somewhere.

If you 'tråtta' something somewhere it means you shove something in, 'tråtta' it in

... 'tråtta' it in, that doesn't help...

press something in, squeeze something in somewhere

That's to 'tråtta'. It's a great word. 'Tråtta' - why is it not in the Swedish dictionary?

Then if you start to 'kina' with someone it means that you start to argue or bicker with someone

For example, siblings often 'kina'. It's that small kind of - not a proper fight but you just bicker.

What do you say in Swedish instead of 'kina'?

It's such a great word. Bicker. No, that's all I've got.

Next up we have the only word I've been caught using in my Swedish videos

and that word is 'hoppeligen'

'hoppeligen' means, as I've mentioned before, hopefully

I assume it's from the word hope. "We hope it will happen" so it 'hoppeligen' happens.

It think it's a fantastic word! Again, I don't see anything wrong with any of these words!

They're so handy to have!

Then if we meet a fellow Swedish speaking Finn on the street we might say 'morjens'!

That means hello, or hi there

And that's quite a 'finlandssvensk' thing to say, like 'Morjens, morjens!'

The other day we were talking about, this isn't actually one of the words,

but we also use the word 'sidu' as in like 'ser du' (eng: 'you see')

So if you spot someone one the street you can say 'sidu morjens!'

..."You see hello"...

It's kind of like "looky, looky" - sidu morjens! Look what we have here.

Something like that. Ok, it's all starting to sound a bit weird...

Then we have a little bit of a random word that I definitely don't use every day but I think it's a bit funny

And that is the word 'påsavante'. It is a glove that separates the thumb from the rest of the hand

Like a mit, I think it's called in English.

A mitten, it might be called. Mit/mitten.

And that is a 'tumvante' in proper Swedish, I had to Google to find the proper word

That's a 'påsavante'. I think it's a pretty funny word.

Then when we go to sleep we go 'tuti'.

and you can also feel a little 'tuti'.

'Tuti'... Where does it come from? You can also say 'tutta'.

Tutta... Tuti... I don't really know what it really means but we use that word a lot in our family

You can say you go 'tuti', or if you feel 'tuti' you feel a bit tired, a bit sleepy.

Tuti. You feel tuti, and then you're gonna go tuti. And then we say 'nati nati' when you go 'tuti'.

The next word is also, surprise surprise, totally genius and that is the word 'kila'.

If you 'kila' someone it means that you jump the queue and I can't think of a word for it in Swedish

Now I'm getting unsure whether they perhaps use the word 'kila' in Sweden but pronounce it differently

I don't know, you Swedes can let me know if this word exists! It just means to jump the queue

like, without permission. Annoyingly, like little kids do.

Then if we say that we're going 'på tuppen' (eng: on/to the rooster) it doesn't mean that

we're going to walk on a male chicken... is that what a rooster is?

To go to 'tuppen' means to go to the toilet.

I don't really know where that comes from either and I don't really use it that much

Dave was mighty confused the other day when I asked if he's going to the rooster

But yeah so it means to go to the loo. Rooster = toilet. Makes total sense, right??

Then one of my favourite 'finlandssvenska' words is 'ludig'. Spellt 'ludig'.

If you were a clean-cut finlandssvensk you would probably pronounce it "loodig" but I say "luddy"

And 'ludig' means furry or fluffy

It think it's such a good word, it sounds so cute! 'Ludigt'!

Something can be 'ludigt', like you have 'ludiga' legs meaning you have furry legs

And one thing that actually can be 'ludigt' is your 'verrare'.

And 'verrare' means sweatpants. Why I do not know but we also say verkkare, but that's a Finnish word.

'Verrare' I guess is just a more Swedish version of the Finnish word.

Then we have the word 'guta' which means yummy. You can ask "is it guta?" meaning "is it yummy?"

Or man, I feel like something 'guta', when you fancy something yummy.

I think some people use the same word for candy but at our house it's just anything yummy.

Then we have a really strange word which is 'ids' or to 'idas'.

It means to kind want to or be bothered to do something.

Like, "I 'ids' not go there" means that I probably won't go there or...

"Ids not do that" (makes no sense in English haha) means... Stop. Doing that.

Like... Urgh, it's so hard to explain! And that's why it's crazy that this word isn't used in normal Swedish.

Then we've got the last word which is to 'stritta' which means to splash.

But you can use it for that or you can use it to say if you're leaving somewhere, like we're gonna 'stritta'

Like, we're gonna get outta here quick, we're gonna 'stritta', like we're gonna dash, like make a splash when you leave.

Double meaning.

So that was the 20 'finlandssvenska' words I wanted to teach you today

Perhaps the most random list of words ever put together.

But there you go, that's 'finlandsvenska' for you!

So now you've once again learned a bit more about Swedish speaking Finns

and what it means to be a Swedish speaking Finn and how we speak.

Wow! You can learn anything on YouTube!

Thanks ever so much for watching this video, I really hope that you enjoyed it!

If you did, feel free to give it a thumbs up or leave a comment, it makes me so very happy!

Take care in the meantime, enjoy the summer now that it's arrived and I'll see you soon!


For more infomation >> 20 Swedish words Finns made up - Duration: 7:50.


Mini Artistes - DESSINER DES BRANCHES - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mini Artistes - DESSINER DES BRANCHES - Duration: 1:34.


How to make Gyoza/ Jiaozi/ Mandu dough/ Teig für Gyoza, Jiaozi oder auch Mandu - Duration: 5:06.

Hello, it's nice that you tuned into thuskochtour again.

Today I want to show you these delicious pasties.

In Japan they are called gyoza, in China they are known as jiaozi and in Korea as mandu.

Today I would like to show you how to prepare them.

Therefore we need the following ingredients:

For the dough: 500g flour

300ml hot water

1/2tsp salt

First put the salt and water little by little tot he flour and stir.

Then put the dough onto your work surface with some starch and knead the dough with your hands

Knead it for approx. 10min until smooth and soft.

Then divide the dough into four equally sized pieces and roll it into 2cm thick strings.

Cover the strings with a wet towel and let it rest for 30min.

Cut the dough into 2cm thick pieces after 30minutes and form it into a ball.

Sprinkle your work surface with some starch again, press down the ball and roll it out thinly.

Take out a round cutter with a diameter of 8,5cm and cut it out.

Sprinkle the dough with some starch and put it onto a plate.

And now you have a very quick and easy dough for gyoza, mandu or jiaozi. I hope you liked this video!

Have fun trying out this video and until next time!


For more infomation >> How to make Gyoza/ Jiaozi/ Mandu dough/ Teig für Gyoza, Jiaozi oder auch Mandu - Duration: 5:06.


【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.2 阿你不是生存系? - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> 【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.2 阿你不是生存系? - Duration: 14:44.


VLOG #4 推薦一款好用的K歌APP Recommend A Nice Singing APP - Duration: 4:21.

hello everybody

welcome to meow tv

I am sin yee

I will not show face in this video


I am sick

looks very haggard


I'm going to introduce to you a nice APP

the name of the APP is


in English is WeSing

as we can see

this APP

have a very good evaluation

and 4.1 stars rate

ok, not much to say

now we direct open this APP

we can login this APP with wechat id or QQ id

but as a Malaysian

most are using wechat login

wait for a while

ok, enter in and we will see

some people upload the song that they sing to here

actually, these people are

connect with your wechat id

which means if your wechat friends have play this APP

it will automatically appear on your wall

ok, if you saw your friend's song

you can click in

you can listen it

can also give them comment

give comment

and sending gifts to them

is a kind of APP that can rate your friends

so i think it is pretty good

and of course

not only rating your friends

you can also record

the song that you like

like today, I want to record GANG HAO YU JIAN NI

you can search for the song that you like

and press this K song

not much to say, I will record a song for you guys to listen

done! this is the song that I recorded just now


I think this APP is very good because

it can adjust the volume of your voice

the volume of the accompaniment

reduce noise from surrounding

and different kind of editing on sound

so let's listen to the song that I sing just now

not nice so I speeded it HAHAHAHAHA

ok, if you think your song is nice to listen

you can upload it to your moments

so that other people will see it

or you can save it

listen for your own

so, we click upload

then it will save your song automatically

and upload to your moments

and then we can write some captions here

after that

directly upload

then we can saw it on the moments

or you can go to your profile

and there it is!

click in

done, that's it

I personally think this APP is nice to use

because it help us to get rid of stress


we don't have much time to go KTV

we don't necessary have to go to KTV for singing a song

we can stay at home

use this APP to sing a song

and share it on your moments to your friends

let your friends to rate your song

and send gift to you

if you like to sing

I recommend you to download this APP

so this is the end of the video

see you in my next video

bye bye

For more infomation >> VLOG #4 推薦一款好用的K歌APP Recommend A Nice Singing APP - Duration: 4:21.


最近のユーチューブ(抗争) Fake YouTube Wars - Duration: 5:20.


As always there's nothing to watch on Youtube


Die Big Bird?

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

Wow this dude still makes videos!?

There's this youtuber who's just being a massive douchebag



his videos are complete crap


That youtuber is

Big Bird

Big Bird?

Where have I heard that name before?

Found him

It's me Big Bird

Oh...this guy

recently dumbass Jagaricoman has been dissing me

but dude you're the one who's videos are complete crap

I also know your secret



Your mum

has an outie belly button

How old are you?

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

Big Bird

How fucking dare you!!!

This has got to be fake

this isn't fake

I really hate Big Bird

I understand talking smack about me

but talking smack about my mother!?!?!?

You are a piece of shit


you're a piece of shit

If you want a war

you've got one

a war that is

A war?

It's Big Bird

Today I'm going to phone shithead Jagarikoman


It's Big Bird

I can't believe...


No, you die

No no you die

No no no you die

No no no no you die

They're both just doing this for views

Hey my Jagarikids it's me Jagarikoman

this is not about the views

I really really hate Big Bird

to prove that to you

Jagarikoman has made a Big Bird diss track for all of my Jagarikids

A diss track?

Jagarikids in da house

Big Bird die

I'm Jagarikoman oooh

You are garbage ooh

You have no popularity


101 subs ooh

You are garbage ooh

stop acting like hot stuff with 101 ooh

I have 136 subs ooh

Big Bird die ooh



It's me Big Bird

I've figured out where shithead Jagarikoman lives

so today I'm gonna go to his house

Of course

I'm right outside of Jagarikoman's house

I'm going in

Oi Jagarikoman!!!

Big Bird!? What are you doing here?


You're so hot

You too

Let's get a drink some time



What the fuck man!

People keep making up these fake feuds because there's an audience

Yeah, I guess

As long as dumb people like you continue to watch the videos, they will continue to make them

Yeah, you're right

You do realize you are part of the problem right?


Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe

What do you guys think of these fake feuds on youtube

Do you think that it's cool as long as it's entertaining?

or do you think that it's not cool that they're faking this stuff?

Let me know what you think ^^

Update on the package: Still haven't got it

I called amazon's customer service

but as Mimei ordered it, they need her amazon details and I can't contact her at the moment

so I've kind of given up

it doesn't seem like they're going to deliver it

I've called for redelivery many times

how many times

If they don't come today that will be the 4th time I've phoned for a redelivery and they haven't shown up


Momotarobin go fuck yourself



For more infomation >> 最近のユーチューブ(抗争) Fake YouTube Wars - Duration: 5:20.


5 website ảo diệu nhất p1 - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 5 website ảo diệu nhất p1 - Duration: 5:41.


simple and easy rangoli designs for beginners || 5x3 flower kolam designs || muggulu using dots - Duration: 2:43.

easy rangoli

For more infomation >> simple and easy rangoli designs for beginners || 5x3 flower kolam designs || muggulu using dots - Duration: 2:43.


How to make Delicate CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> How to make Delicate CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 1:57.


Beautiful Naats | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da - Duration: 7:51.

Beautiful Naats 2017 | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da

For more infomation >> Beautiful Naats | Oday Warga Zamane Te & Sohna Ae Darbar Madine Wale Da - Duration: 7:51.


Cum se schimba arc de suspensie din față, amortizoare din față pe MAZDA 626 TUTORIAL - Duration: 12:10.

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №17

Use a socket №14

Using a special tool take out the spring

Use a socket №21

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Cum se schimba arc de suspensie din față, amortizoare din față pe MAZDA 626 TUTORIAL - Duration: 12:10.


Wie MAZDA 626 GF Handbremsseil wechseln TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 10:55.

Use a phillips screwdriver

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №10

For more infomation >> Wie MAZDA 626 GF Handbremsseil wechseln TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 10:55.


Top 5 Windows & Keyboard Shortcuts You'll Need Right Now ✔ Full HD-2017 - Duration: 3:29.

Hello guys. What's up?

Welcome to computer repair.

I come back with another tech video.

In this I am going to show you

top five windows and keyboard shortcuts,

you will need it right now

So let's take a look

number one

we have all found ourselves in a stadium

where we are looking at something on our computer

and it need to go immediately

Because maybe someone coming down the hallway

or your boss is working toward your cubicle

Doesn't better it need to go.

There's a simple shortcuts to make That's happen

Just click on Windows + D. That's Back you desktop where you can

Number two

sometimes you go a web browser the tab bender

and you open many tab with a bounce of different things

But you close one of them tab after you realize that

this tab you needed

press control+shift+T

and it will open your all previously closed tab one by one

Number three

sometimes you may writing something

on Notepad by seeing other text

you might open text and close then write it

No way

I will tell you a easy shortcut which put two windows

side by side

just click on desired tab

and press windows and arrow key at the same time

and it put your windows side-by-side

number four

taking a screen shot in windows used a big issue

either you have to lead Snap tool or hit print screen

and open your paint software then pasted into them and

Edit your page and export it out and image

if you want to do quickly just press

Alt + print screen at the same time it will take a screen

shot at your screen

And it Automatically make a file for you

and the file is preview here

and you can simply save this file as your own interest

and Finally number five

you are doing something really research or writing

you don't want anyone to see it

But you gotta go

you are late for meeting or your friends are going to launch

you go to go out the door right now

Well just hit windows key and press. L.

It will lock your screen

You can get up, you can move on

that's it

Hope this five windows and keyboard shortcuts

will be helpful to you all

that's it

Thank you for watching this video

My name is SALIM KHAN.

you are watching computer repair

if you like this video,

please put a thumbs up and appreciate it

Just So the YouTube algorithm knows that

you actually like this video

and if you have any questions

Please post them in comment section below.

Thank you....

For more infomation >> Top 5 Windows & Keyboard Shortcuts You'll Need Right Now ✔ Full HD-2017 - Duration: 3:29.


Comment programmer votre télécommande DEA GT2M ? - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Comment programmer votre télécommande DEA GT2M ? - Duration: 4:12.


Wie MAZDA 626 GF Handbremsseil wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 10:55.

Use a phillips screwdriver

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №10

For more infomation >> Wie MAZDA 626 GF Handbremsseil wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 10:55.


Sådan skifter du håndbremsekabel på MAZDA 626 GF GUIDE AUTODOC - Duration: 10:55.

Use a phillips screwdriver

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №10

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