Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

welcome to Feminine success secrets the place women come to become powerfully

feminine I'm Candice Oneida. in today's video I'm going to tell you

three feminine qualities that men adore

I'm going to call these the 3 S's of Attraction the first "S" is sensuality and

what this means is feeling everything deeply in our bodies being comfortable

in our body think curvy circular movements and slowing down sensuality is

not about seduction here it's about feeling sensual in your own body loving

being in your own body now when we feel the essential joy of just being in our

body as a woman this is enough to drive any man pretty crazy if there's one

thing I've noticed about men they are not so much about the breasts or big

boobs or whatever it is but in fact what a man really loves is when you love

yourself and you love your body and when you love your own body it is such an

energetic experience that they just can't help but be drawn into that when

you are loving just being there being in your body naturally moving it sensually

I'm talking about for example in a dating scenario that is extremely

attractive to a man... and the second "S" is softness what I'm talking about here is

compassion kindness depth of feeling heart deeply filling your emotions a

woman's heart is what a man wants to win in you but in order to win it you need

to reveal it to him now what I mean by this is if you enter a dating scenario

and I keep talking about dating because that's what I'm doing right now if you

turn up to a dating scenario neural armored up and caged off and he can't

feel your heart you can't see your your softness our underlying softness is the

courage to be vulnerable now the word vulnerable where I mean it

is a strength and it is a powerful thing to be courageous enough to be open and

vulnerable your vulnerability your beauty that shines through your

vulnerability creates an intellect of will pull towards whether it's another

man or anybody else in fact this opening creates enough

space for something else or someone else to come toward you

another thing about softness is learning to love the soft curvy parts of our body

as women we are curvy whether you've got big breasts or small breasts or a big

butt or a small but it's the curve that we need to learn to love first in

ourselves before they can be loved by anybody else so think of the curvy fluid

soft around the roundedness the circles men love this in us real men love the

curves of a woman's body if you want to ask something really fun of a man on a

date ask him this question "what part of womans body do you love the most?"

now you might be thinking why would I say that he's going to say her boobs or

her but he might what will actually happen is you'll go a bit misty eyed and

say something like "oh I just love that curve just above the hip at the back of her body"

and that's in any woman like think of the softness of your body reflecting the

softness and receptivity of your heart and the third "S" surrender surrender has

such a depth of meaning in feminine power the first part of surrender is

just damn well letting go of control for a minute or many minutes or an hour or a

bit longer learning to let go and surrender is such a beautiful and

powerful thing for us to learn how do now when we let go of control or

leading we invite the masculine to enter us and we invite the masculine to do the

leading for us I'm going to quote here a dear friend of mine and fantastic

relationship coach Tracy Stanton where she says in relationship the masculine

lead direction and the feminine leads depth

isn't that beautiful and so in order for us to take them to the depth we need to

surrender to them I am NOT talking about surrendering of discernment here let's

just drop that crap I'm not talking about that I'm talking about an

orientation of a letting go and opening the divine masculine is the Shiva Lingam

the divine masculine penetrates and move forward the enters it comes forward the

feminine the divine feminine is receptive and accept his beautiful

masculine forward moving energy and in doing this we honor his gorgeous

masculine force his desire for our feminine this doesn't mean dropping all

of your discernment of course boundaries comes first I have a whole video on that

I'll put a link to it up here here I'm assuming that you're wanting this man

and you are wanting more in order to lead him into dip you need to surrender

and open more if you liked the video give me a thumbs up if you haven't

subscribed subscribe over here I publish every single Sunday and remember when

you have the courage to go out there and shine you give others permission to do

the same so let's go out there and shine this week bye bye for now

For more infomation >> 3 Feminine Qualities Men Adore - Duration: 6:55.


Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Picnic Food with Lawn Mower Freak Family Annabelle Victoria Toy Freaks - Duration: 1:36.

Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Picnic Food with Lawn Mower Freak Family Annabelle Victoria Toy Freaks

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Picnic Food with Lawn Mower Freak Family Annabelle Victoria Toy Freaks - Duration: 1:36.


Japanese wood joints: Double dovetails - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Japanese wood joints: Double dovetails - Duration: 11:11.


Annonce pour la Journée Mondiale des Sourds 2017 // Lucas Wild - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Annonce pour la Journée Mondiale des Sourds 2017 // Lucas Wild - Duration: 4:03.


Rick, Morty, Erdogan & der Weihnachtsmann - Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Rick, Morty, Erdogan & der Weihnachtsmann - Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:09.


СОН | МЕЧТА 3 серия в HD | с русской озвучкой | на русском языке с переводом | дата выхода 3 серии - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> СОН | МЕЧТА 3 серия в HD | с русской озвучкой | на русском языке с переводом | дата выхода 3 серии - Duration: 2:06.


СОН / МЕЧТА 2 серия с Русской озвучкой от Ирины Котовой на русском языке с переводом - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> СОН / МЕЧТА 2 серия с Русской озвучкой от Ирины Котовой на русском языке с переводом - Duration: 2:03.


🔥「十億觀看俱樂部」YouTube觀看次數超十億的音樂MV,See You again拿下榜首!2017.07.21更 |YouTube The Billion Views Club - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> 🔥「十億觀看俱樂部」YouTube觀看次數超十億的音樂MV,See You again拿下榜首!2017.07.21更 |YouTube The Billion Views Club - Duration: 16:53.


Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Bath Tub Party Victoria Annabelle Toy Freaks#2 Sisters Fun Picnic - Duration: 10:11.

Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Bath Tub Party Victoria Annabelle Toy Freaks#2 Sisters Fun Picnic

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Bath Tub Party Victoria Annabelle Toy Freaks#2 Sisters Fun Picnic - Duration: 10:11.


Enseña a Tu Perro el Comando DE PIE (LEVANTARSE) - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Enseña a Tu Perro el Comando DE PIE (LEVANTARSE) - Duration: 7:42.


MINI LASAGNE - Duration: 10:28.

- Hey, everyone, it's Barry here,

welcome to My Virgin Kitchen.

I hope you are well.

Today we are doing another Sunday fun day,

it's a mini-food video, but, actually, Sunday fun day

may not be the fun day anymore.

Any day, I hope any day is fun day anyway,

but any day could be a fun day video very, very soon,

so more on that.

We are doing the heavily requested mini-lasagna.

I'm not sure if this is gonna work.

So, we are going to do our best, shoutout

to the person, I can't remember what they're

called now, but they left this comment about

Michael Jackson being in the background of

the cheesecake pops video, the king of pop

watching the pops being made for us, quite good.

Anyhow, mini-food.

You guys know the rules, the mini-food must

fit onto the mini ripoff Winnie-the-Pooh plate by the end.

This is a mould that I've made, okay, it's

not a perfect square shape, it's a silicon

sort of diagonal mould that I've wrapped

in foil and then put a little bit of baking

parchment on the bottom.

So, the first thing we're gonna do, we're

actually gonna put the pasta sheets at the bottom

to try and give it some stability so I can

actually get the thing out, hopefully.

So, that right there is a sheet of fresh pasta.

Way too big, what I'm actually gonna use is

my baking parchment that I'm gonna put at

the bottom as a bit of a template and then

cut it out.


There we go, a square sheet of pasta.

So, I'll use this as a template, and I'm

probably gonna do, I don't need four I don't think,

we're gonna go for three, I think, at the most.

And, we'll just cut them out so we've got them to hand.

Alright, that'll do.

There's my pasta sheets, and they might be

a little bit too big, hey, we'll go with that.

Alright, baking parchment down, meatball, donk.

That's massive!

I'm just gonna rip it in half.

That's still way too much, in fact, let's just

take that smaller bit right there, okay.

Just trying to break it down a bit

with this sticky thing.

But, we can break it down more in the pan.

It's just basically not a meatball anymore.

Kind of like a cowpat.

Little frying pan, go on, sit, good boy.

Amy just literally looked up.

Amy, you can just about see her.

Winnie-the-Pooh mug thing with oil in it.

Now, normally, you would warm it straight away,

but I want to actually get this in the oil

quite quickly.

Go on, fall out.


Lowest flame I can.

This will not take long 'cause the oil will warm up.

I've got this sticky proddy thing, you guys

know that I've got this dedicated mini-food

manicure kit, so I just want to break this

up as it cooks.

There we go, probably like brush it against

the side of the pan, it does eventually

start to want to break down.

It would've been easier to get a pack of mince,

but that would've been a heck of a lot,

and we are having meatballs for tea.

So, breaking this down, cooking it up,

it's actually getting insanely hot, I need

to be careful with my fingers here.

I need to get some mini-food safety gloves,

they must be marigold as well.

I've actually bumped the brightness of the

camera up a little bit 'cause it's a bit

dark in here today, but that is really...

That is hot, baby.

Nice, so I'm actually gonna turn the heat off

now immediately 'cause it will potentially overcook.

Let the residual heat just still fry it

for a teeny-weeny bit, and I've got a little

bit too much oil in there, damn you mini-mug,

so I'm just gonna drain that off.

You stay there.

Alright, that's better.

So, just to one side is a tin of tomatoes

with herbs already in it, and we are making

our own bechamel sauce, so I thought

I'd take this step quite easy.

Got an eighth of a teaspoon, and we're just

gonna add in...

If I do eight of these, I should've just got

a teaspoon, but that defeats the point

of the mini-food.

Oh, look at that chunk of tomato in there.

Let's go for, I don't know, I've lost count now.

That'll do.

Just give it a mix around, I love this little thing.

That's awesome.

Get it all nice and coated.

The meatballs, actually, were already seasoned

in salt and pepper, so the cool thing is

I don't need to season them either.

There we go.

That will be our sauce for the lasagna.

This is a pan I was very kindly sent,

and thank you so much for the ongoing mini-food

merchandise you guys are sending.

I believe I have a knife on the way, I've

got like six of these, really, really cool,

I need that for the cheese in a little bit.

I've got this whisk as well, we're gonna

attempt to try and make a bechamel sauce

in here, nothing fancy, we ain't gonna infuse

the milk, just like we didn't put wine in

with the mince and all that stuff, just in

mini stuff, hey, babes, hey, babes, what does

that even mean?

Alright, let's move on, babes.

So, for the bechamel, I've got half a tablespoon

of butter there, we're not gonna go too small

just to make sure we've got enough.

And, we're gonna melt this up.

I want it to melt quite slowly, wow, it's going quick.

I don't want to rush this.

Hehe, this is cool, I love doing mini-foods, guys.

Some of you guys actually asked me what is your

favourite food videos to do, and, I don't know,

I just get, I find this really therapeutic.

Alright, that is pretty much there,

look at that, so, what we do, I'm gonna do

this off the heat to give me optimum time,

is the same amount of flour, so about half

a tablespoon, in that goes, and that will

actually cook flour.

Do you know what, years ago, I never knew

you had to cook flour, but you do, my friends.

There we go, ah, yeah, it's working.

So, normally on a large size bechamel sauce

you do this for about two minutes just to

cook the flour through, maybe a teeny bit

more flour, why not.

Just do not want this to burn, oh my God,

there we go, thicken her up, me beauties,

thicken her up.

So I just take off the heat for a minute,

turn the flame off, there we go, back on there,

I'm gonna slowly add some milk in.

A little bit at a time, and we're gonna

whisk it through.

That should, over time, thicken up.

Oh, there you go, you can see that.

Yeah, baby.

A bit too thick now, so we keep adding milk.

I haven't made just a real decent lasagna

video on the channel yet, I need to do that.

There we go, you can see how that, by

adding the milk, it's getting absorbed

and drying out a little bit, but I don't

want to add too much, otherwise it will

be too runny, you want to get that right consistency.

So, keep whisking it.

I love how I'm talking as if like you guys

are all gonna do this.

You need to do a proper one, but this is fun for me.

Still a little thick, see?

(humming a tune)

There we go.

I am happy with that.

Let's bring it together.

Winnie-the-Pooh, out of the way for a minute, mate,

and in comes our mould, so the baking parchment

is sat in there, and, as I said, I'm gonna

stick a sheet of, oh yeah, that's quite good,

I want it to push out, of the pasta down

the bottom, okay.

I think, normally, I do anyway, you put beef mince

at the bottom.

Gonna stick some of the bechamel in there.

Come on, now, yes, don't be shy.

Some of our beef mince.

Go on, yes.

That should weigh it down a little bit.

We need some Parmesan.

This the mini grater.

Come on, now, yes.

Little sprinkle on top.

Another pasta sheet in there to hold it in place.

This time I'm gonna go beef mince on top

then the bechamel, haha, it's all merging together,

beautiful, well it will in the oven anyway, won't it?

And, it's not like we're gonna put this on the

internet or anything, is it?

A bit more Parmesan.

And, one last layer of pasta, try and hold it together.

Bechamel on top of that.

Bet yo mama!

And, then Parmesan over there.

Now, we're gonna put this in the oven, this

could be the first mini-food fail, but I am

gonna upload this video no matter what happens, alright.

It's like a little basket, isn't it.

Oh, and just a reference, I do have some herbs here,

this is some chopped basil, but I think I'll sit

it on top once it's baked, it might make it

look, I don't know Michelin Star?

Alright, so it's gonna go on this baking tray.

I don't have a a mini-baking tray as of yet,

but this will do.

I have no idea how long it's gonna take.

Let's just go with it.

Alright, so just while that is in the oven,

if you want more Virgin Kitchen, don't forget

there's a free podcast to download every week

that I do with my friends and family, it's

on Stitcher, Soundcloud, iTunes, you can

pre-order my new book, which is available

worldwide on Amazon right now, I'm also

on all social media @MyVirginKitchen,

so let all your requests come in there,

and, of course, subscribe for regular

recipes and food fun.

Let's see if this has worked.

Alright, folks, let's cut to the chase.

Little plate of herbs here, let's take

that out of the shot, it's all about

Winnie-the-Pooh right now.

I've taken our lasagna out of the packaging,

and does it fit?

Yes, it does!

The kind of bottom pasta layer is hiding

miles away there.

What I think we'll do is just a little bit

more Parmesan on top, that nice golden-brown finish.

And, just a few herbs, like that.

Yes, yes, that looks good, I love it, I love it.

So, let's get something for scale.

Well, it's the classic, but a tangerine.

Folks, mini-lasagna.

Thought this was gonna be tricky.

To be fair, it was.

All done.

Alright, here we go, bottoms up, ladies and gents.

It worked!


Out of all the mini-foods to date, and, boy,

I know you're gonna request some down below,

but check the playlist, I've done a lot,

that's probably the most filling out of

all of it, it took me quite a while

to get it down in one bite, and that was

surprisingly like I feel like I don't

need to eat anymore.

It's good for weight loss and, you know, diets.

Maybe the mini-food diet is a new thing.

That's it, folks, really hope you enjoyed

the video, do check out the mini-food playlist

and let me know down below any requests you've got.

Follow me on social media for the behind the

scenes bits and bobs, and I'll see you again next time.


For more infomation >> MINI LASAGNE - Duration: 10:28.



For more infomation >> ERZURUMLU DADAŞ ÇİTOS EFE KİMDİR ?(10 MADDE'DE ÇİTOS EFE) - Duration: 1:13.


10 Countries With The Hottest Women - Duration: 4:38.

Get your passport ready my Whizzas, Cuz these are the countries you need to get your asses

over to and find the woman of your dreams...

With beautiful skin, eyes, and perfect figures these countries must have something special

in the water (or in their Jizz..)..

With that being said, Welcome to our list of 10 Countries With The Hottest Woman.

Number 10: India The authentic food and culturally intricate

costumes must have something to do with how beautiful Indian women seem to be.

With large brown and Hazel eyes, sexy thick dark hair, and perfect vagina lips..

Any man traveling to India for the first time, would love to suck the curry fart out of these

gorgeous women's butts.

Number 9: Brazil Even when the Brazil national team lose, they

actually still win.

Brazilian women play a huge role in society and tradition in this South American country,

where Festivals like Carnival have become known worldwide...

Partly because of the hot women who participate... in their see-through panties..

Muito Bonito Number 8: Russia

First, Russian women will drink your bitch ass under the table..Second, they will make

you fall in love with one look.

Here's America's Attorney General and here's Russia's.


Russian women have the classic beauty look, with gorgeous eye, high cheek bones, and banging


Lucky Alaskans can see Russia from their house.. right Sarah?

Wink Wink.

Number 7: Turkey If you

haven't seen Turkish soap operas, then you may not realize how fucking hot Turkish women

really are.

With perfect figures and Princess features, many women in Turkey are absolutely amazing..

Now let's just hope Vladimir Putin doesn't try to fry this Turkey

Number 6: Italy The most beautiful artwork in the history

of our planet comes from Italy..And the same may go for their amazing women.

With perfect smiles, deep beautiful eyes, and

sexy accents, Italian people are the shit at producing beautifully amazing things.

Lamborghinis, Sisteen Chapel, and oh Sexy women…Here in the city of Naples, which

sits on the Bay of Nipples, I mean Naples.

You can be sure to spot some of the most beautiful women in Europe.

Number 5: Venezuela This northern South American country has dominated

international beauty contests with ease.

As Venezuela is tropical and close to the equator, the weather and location may have

a lot to do with how Hot the women are out there..

Add in the fact, most women from Venezuela have Italian, Portuguese and Spanish blood

in them..

You can see why, this place has MUY CALIENTE chicas.

Number 4: Argentina Argentina's history has been a melting pot

for invasion..

Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese ran through the Native Americans there like a wild horse

busting jizz everywhere..

But with sad news comes great news..

With all the mixing and matching...Argentina has created the most exotic women on the planet,

with some women having light skin and some with a sexy natural tan..

Argentina makes me want to put my soccer balls in their gooooaaaaaaalll!

Number 3: Sweden Swedish women are one of a kind..

Tall, platinum blonde with colored eyes..

They look like futuristic aliens from the Planet Sexy..

And the best part of Swedish women?

Swedes love to party and let loose their blonde hair and pubes...

And when Summer comes rolling around, the Swedes get their itty bitty poka dot bikinis

ready and tan their fannies...

Number 2: Ukraine Now I know why, Putin wants to take over Ukraine..

But don't Cry Me A River just yet guys.. get it?


Eastern European women have been known as the hottest exotic women on Planet Earth.

With beautiful eyes and a classic look to them, these fucking hot women have made Kiev

and Odessa a fan favorite Tourist destination.

Just don't go out there looking for an easy bride off dating sites.

Because you'll probably come home with no wife and no money.

Number 1: Colombia As a country that doesn't use cars as their

number 1 way of transportation, many women walk to burn off those calories..

And since, dancing and shaking that booty is a huge part of night-life entertainment,

women in Colombia have found the winning bonerific combination to get it right, get it tight.

Now get your lazy ass to Medellin Colombia and tell them Modern Whiz sent you!

And get them panties squirting!

Squirt Alert!

And there you have it, our list of the 10 Countries with the hottest women.

Did we miss any other Sexy countries?

If so, mention them in the comment section below, and as always/don't forget to like,

share, and subscribe.

For more infomation >> 10 Countries With The Hottest Women - Duration: 4:38.


How to Use Instagram and IG Stories for Business 2017 | Chris Spurvey - Duration: 4:09.

So there's the aspects of Instagram – you have the main feed where you post pictures

and videos, but then you have your stories.

Any insight into what works there and what people – maybe we can start with what an

entrepreneur who's just getting started on Instagram, what should they do?

My approach when I'm speaking with clients is always identify the top 10 players that

you'd either – again, kind of aspire to.

I'm going against myself here, but top 10 players that they don't even have to be

direct competitors with you but just notice what it is that you like or what's compelling

about them that draws you to them.

Is it their personality?

Is it their aesthetic?

Is it their captions?

Notice that and pick that stuff out.

From there, you can start to develop your own strategy of making – you know what elements

you'd like to incorporate, but how do you make that "you".

Then there's more of the technical stuff.

Once you do that, you need to make sure that you're setting up the right sequences and

pathways to draw people into a sale or a conversion to a website.

That's where things like – you put this amazing caption talking about the experience

of working in hockey, or the experience of coming down to a hockey game, and then at

the bottom you say, "If you want to buy tickets, link in bio".

You want to make sure that you're putting in those call to actions, but 90% of the content

that you're putting out there needs to – or if people do the 80/20 rule, a majority of

your content needs to be compelling, emotion-evoking content, and then put the ask out every now

and again.

But it's subtle; it's never the main thing.

Insta stories has a unique proposition where you can put the ask out multiple times a day,

but it disappears.

It's not as intrusive and it's not as spammy as people think, because if they don't

want to see the message, they'll just quickly tap on by.

I think Insta stories, especially now with the swipe up functionality, if you are in

a business account, you'll have the swipe up functionality now.

That just allows quite a lot of quite quick conversions.

The one thing that's amazing about Insta stories is you know that those people who

actually viewed story, it was a consumed view.

This is what was amazing about Snapchat.

It had an ephemeral nature that drove people to actually watch the content on a 24-hr rotation,

because if not they are going to miss out on something.

Insta stories has the same thing, and that's great and that's really compelling.

You know that the people are coming to watch; you have return customers that are coming

to watch if they're intrigued by your content.

If you train them to think that you're providing some exclusive content through Insta stories

– and again, that's just through the fact that you need to do that; you need to almost

tell them that you're doing it – then they'll continue to return so that even

if you put the sales messages in between, they're still going to come back and keep

watching it every single day because you're providing them with value otherwise.

And so I think there needs to be a level of exclusivity of what you are talking about

on Instagram that they don't see otherwise in your feed.

For example, we always have behind-the-scenes features of our team and what was happening

and the players before they came out on to the ice.

Things like that are in our Insta stories, but if you landed on our Instagram, you might

see one still shot, but you wouldn't see how they're stretching; you wouldn't see

how they're moving, what music they could be listening to and things like that.

And then in between all that we will say, "They're practicing, they're getting


Come down, we have tickets available tonight."

For more infomation >> How to Use Instagram and IG Stories for Business 2017 | Chris Spurvey - Duration: 4:09.


Emmanuel Ioannids Damigos - Diversity in Athens - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Ioannids Damigos - Diversity in Athens - Duration: 7:38.


What the Top 0.1% Lee Sin Mains Can Do - League of Legends - Duration: 10:32.

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

Challenger Lee Sin Plays

For more infomation >> What the Top 0.1% Lee Sin Mains Can Do - League of Legends - Duration: 10:32.


「客に向かってなんて態度だ!」禁煙場所でタバコを吸う客を注意すると逆ギレ!その後、この客は大後悔することに【考えさせられる話】 - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> 「客に向かってなんて態度だ!」禁煙場所でタバコを吸う客を注意すると逆ギレ!その後、この客は大後悔することに【考えさせられる話】 - Duration: 7:02.


Westworld Season 2 COMIC CON TRAILER (2018) REVIEW - Duration: 4:56.

Hello everyone.


just woke up to find out that HBO has posted the season 2 Comic Con Trailer of Westworld

a few hours ago.

This season looks even better than the last one.

Westworld Season 2 will air sometime in 2018.

At least, we will have Westwold to watch in 2018, if the Game of Thrones season 8 will

air in 2019.

Anyways, the trailer starts with the piano playing music while "I gotta be me" by

Sammy Davis Jr. plays in the background.

Then we see the blood on the sheet, indicating that we will see a lot of killing in this

season too.

We also see dead bodies of some guests who were playing poker in that saloon.

Then we see Bernard looking at the dead body of a Tiger.

At first I thought that all the animals in Westworld will die or rather stop working

but we see that Dolores is riding a horse, so that's not the case here.

Someone must have killed that Tiger.

There is a slash on its face like someone used a knife on it.

Bernard looked really upset by this.

After all, he had helped create all this.

I think he is not happy with the turn of events.

I don't think this is what Arnold had in mind too.

He only wanted the hosts to be free.

He wouldn't have wanted innocents to be killed in all this.

We later see Stubbs and his colleagues taking Bernard out of the park.

I am glad that at least some people have survived.

Maybe they don't know that Bernard is one of the hosts too.

But whether they know or not, it doesn't matter.

I have feeling that Bernard will work with them to stop the killing and to make sure

the hosts don't leave the park.

The trailer moves on to a man is hanging upside down while a gun is placed just a little out

of his reach, and he is trying really hard to grab the gun.

It looks like Lawerence to me, but it could have been one of the guests too.

Who do you think it is?

Then the Trailer cuts to a shot of the dead bodies of all the workers inside.

We also see Maeve and a completely shocked Lee Sizemore looking at all the dead bodies

of the workers.

At least Maeve didn't kill him on the spot which means she wants something from him.

And she is holding a gun too.

Maybe she will force him to reunite her with her daughter?

What do you think?

It seems like Dolores and Teddy are hunting down the rest of the guests remaining in the


The look on Dolores's face says it all.

She is really enjoying this.

It would be really scary if all these hosts left the park.

It's funny how we felt sorry for the hosts in the last season but now, we feel sorry

for the guests.

In the end, we see the man in black smile.

He finally accomplished what he has set out to do.

There is blood on his face too.

I wouldn't be surprised if he helped the hosts in hunting down the rest of the guests.

Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.

Todays comment shoutout goes to Pradeep who said, "Your videos are awesome, as always.

I really enjoy watching it.

Lots of love and good wishes from India."

Thanks a lot Pradeep.

Not many people watch these shows where I am from.

I am glad to see fellow Indians who love these shows as much as I do.

So, what do you think of this trailer, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 COMIC CON TRAILER (2018) REVIEW - Duration: 4:56.


Bhai Gurpreet Singh Shimla - Chim Chimay Chim Chim Varsay - Beautiful Kirtan - Duration: 14:53.

ਆਸਾਮਹਲਾ੪॥ ਝਿਮਿਝਿਮੇਝਿਮਿਝਿਮਿਵਰਸੈਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਧਾਰਾਰਾਮ॥ ਗੁਰਮੁਖੇਗੁਰਮੁਖਿਨਦਰੀਰਾਮੁਪਿਆਰਾਰਾਮ॥ ਰਾਮਨਾਮੁਪਿਆਰਾਜਗਤਨਿਸਤਾਰਾਰਾਮਨਾਮਿਵਡਿਆਈ॥ ਕਲਿਜੁਗਿਰਾਮਨਾਮੁਬੋਹਿਥਾਗੁਰਮੁਖਿਪਾਰਿਲਘਾਈ॥ ਹਲਤਿਪਲਤਿਰਾਮਨਾਮਿਸੁਹੇਲੇਗੁਰਮੁਖਿਕਰਣੀਸਾਰੀ॥ ਨਾਨਕਦਾਤਿਦਇਆਕਰਿਦੇਵੈਰਾਮਨਾਮਿਨਿਸਤਾਰੀ॥੧॥

For more infomation >> Bhai Gurpreet Singh Shimla - Chim Chimay Chim Chim Varsay - Beautiful Kirtan - Duration: 14:53.


Learn English - Common Mistake 39 - 'Thanks God' or 'Thank God'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 1:37.

Hello everybody, and welcome back to 'One

English Mistake in One Minute' where each

week I discuss, in detail, one common

English mistake made by English language

learners worldwide. This is video number 39.

Okay, so that respect and admiration

is ongoing. It's good that you're trying

to improve your English. It's a smart

thing to do, it's a cool thing to do and

you'll fit better into a global world.

In this video I'm going to show you a

slide, and on the slide there will be two

sentences: One is the correct way that

someone with English as a mother tongue

would say it, the other is the wrong way

an English language learner might say it.

You have to decide which one is

correct. Pause the video -- do that now --

and then in the slide that follows I

will give the answer and more detail

about it.

Okay, so if you got the

answer wrong, or you weren't sure why you

got it right -- you just guessed -- then you

need to study this a little bit more.

I've started you off on that studying

path by giving you three sentences that

you can study from. As always, you should

study the structures -- study the full

sentences -- review them, drill them into

your brain and put them into practice

through speaking or writing. Here are

the sentences now.

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