Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

Is it important what Jews outside think of Israel?

Of course

Their views are important?

Of course

Let's say they are against Netenyahu

or against...

Adiel Tel Aviv

How can I explain it to you?

They have their views, what they decide

we are a democratic country

But do you take in what they think?

What do you mean? Everyone has their own views

This is a democratic country

Let's say that the majority of American Jews think holding the West Bank is a mistake

Holding the West Bank is a mistake?

No, holding the West Bank is not a mistake

Let's say that they think that

They can think that from today until tomorrow

We have a prime minister and he decides

So you care what they think

but you don't take it seriously

It depends where they take it

Everyone can have their own opinion

If it's something that goes against your opinion

Everyone can have their own opinion that is what I am saying

Anaya Jerusalem

Guy Tel Aviv

Do you care about the opinions of Jews outside Israel?

Yes very much

Very much?

Luna Ramat Gan

Even if they are the opposite your own views?

Yes, they are not aware of what happens here

They can't give an answer on when they don't know what is happening

and how things are

They are far away and they can't give judgement on anything

So why...

Why do you care?

Because they view us in not nice ways

that we are not okay

If you are far away

you can't know if we are nice to someone or not nice to someone

Come, live here a bit

Try to build a life here

Then see, ask the questions and build your views

You can't come with rumours from the tv

and have an opinion

You have to come, live here see for yourself

It is a fact that many who move here

change their ideas and stay and live here

and then go back with a different idea

They have to come and see

Just like I have no opinion about them

they can't have an opinion about me

Do you care what Jews outside think of Israel?

Ofer Jerusalem

Of course, for our image

You really care? - Yes

Let's say they think you are facists

and Netenyahu is a facist

and we need to get rid of him

Jews outside think that

So you think that is legitimate?

Everyone can have their own opinion

Really? You accept that?

We are a free country a democratic country

But they aren't citizens

Anyone can think what they want

Anyone can have thier own opinion

It doesn't bother you?

No, it doesn't bother me

I am not responsible for the entire world and the entire world isn't responsible for me

so I have no problem anyone can think what they want

Do you care about the views of Jews outside?

Roi and Tom Tel Aviv

Views about what?

Political views

About our country?


I care but I wouldn't take it very seriously

Why do you care?

Bottom line, I only care what the Jews think

Bottom line

only if they are Jews

Because they are Jews? - Yes

ok, so why?

Let's focus on that part

What does it matter if they are Jews?

Good question

Your turn

I think their opinion can impact how people in the world think of us

I don't really care what they think

but sometimes it is important how Jews represent us in the world

It won't really impact...

But they represent your people not your country

There's a difference

Yes but people...

it is both

These are two different things but people connect the two today

People really mix the two together, the Jewish people and Israel

They see it as the same thing

So from their view, it is the same if the country of Israel

is the representative of Judaism

Yes true

So they would claim, why doesn't Israel act like Jews?

With the occupation and Bibi


Believe me, I don't agree with that behaviour either

and I am now...

Can you guys move over?

What do you think of the views of Jews outside Israel?

Sharon Natanya

Let's say many are against what Israel is doing in the West Bank

or against Netanyahu

Do you care?

I very much care

I think it is very difficult for Jews who live outside Israel

to really understand what is happening in Israel

What they are shown on the news and in the media

is completely different from the reality

and because I travel a lot around the world

I can understand why they think that way

But if they really cared

about Israel and it's existence

whether we are speaking about a democratic or a Jewish state

they would need to come here and live here for a while

to understand what is happening here

I assume that outside Jews are not on the same politics

middle to right (on the spectrum)

they are simply completely cut off from the reality

If they would come for a few week, or a month

they would be able to feel in their body what it is to be Israeli

I am sure their worldview would change completely

It is just easier for them to live where they live

As you know, it always looks different from over there

Do you have an example?

If anyone ever said anything to you

and you replied that things are different than you think

People don't really speak to me about politics when we are traveling

and if they do, I really try to make an impression of

that we have a very democratic country

that you can give your opinion here

and it doesn't matter which community you come from

and that the politics in Israel is comprised of

a majority of people who

understand the complex reality here

It's important to understand that what we do here is not what they see on tv

when you have organizations

like Btselem and Breaking the Silence

that take that one exact case of a soldier...

took something with force from his hand...

They don't show the entire story what happened just before that

that someone tried to murder or stab someone

It is edited in a very prejudicial

and it is constructed to create a negative image of Israel in the world

I can understand if they were Muslim

or people who don't know Israel

but Jews or former Israelis that do things like that

is a badge of shame for them

not for us

We do the best so we have an amazing country to live in

All of us together

Who is all of us? You mean Jews and Arabs?

Arabs, Jews, Religious, Secular

The problem is that each group here tries to pull more in different directions

If it can be more unified and cohecive

that is a real problem

But it is not such a huge problem

Israel is a great country

and it is the most beautiful best country to live in, ever

You can always go anywhere to visit

but there is no where better to live than Israel

Is it important what Jews outside Israel think about Israel?

Bar Modiin

their views

Of the Jews?

The Jews outside, not here

Yes it is important to me

I think they are our face in the world

They are there as a defence from all the hate that exists against us in the world

So yes, it is important to me what they think

I want them to understand what is happening here

Let's say they just don't agree with Netanyahu or the right

No problem

I also don't agree with Netanyahu

Yes but they say "Israel is an embarrassment for us"

Is it important for you that they say these things?

So Israel can change?

I don't think Israel has to change

because of their opinions

I think they need to understand better what is happening here

and not to be fed by the media

They don't really understand what is happening here

They don't understand the field and how things work here

They see something and stick to it

The media

So yes, I want them to understand deeply what the problems are here

I think that the biggest issue with Israel's image

is exactly that people don't understand they have no idea

They see children that are wounded or killed

and that's it

and they don't check, don't understand what is happening exactly

and how these things happen

So yes I think the opinions of Jews outside is important

It's more important for me

It's less important that they will defend us than that they will understand it themselves

because they are important to me I don't care what the world thinks

The world...

it doesn't matter what we do someone will always hate us

and someone will always want to annihilate us

or people who won't like us There is nothing we can do about that

That's the way it is always was, always will be

That is something that is difficult to change

I think that is the problem that the world doesn't understand

We don't have a partner to speak about change

Partner you mean Palestinians or Arabs - Yes

There is no partner because

This is a war of religions meaning it is ingrained for Arabs

that hate

that extremism

towards Jews is something that is ingrained in them

and has been forever

and it doesn't matter how

their goal might be to kill the Jews or expel the Jews

that we shouldn't be here

It doesn't matter if they will have a country

If we gave everything to them, they would still keep trying (to kill Jews)

If we give them a country and they are independant

then they will continue fight us as a country

They won't relax It isn't something that will bring peace

People think if we give them a country we will have peace. We won't

We have them many opportunities

we wanted to create a country for them

Land, Barak wanted to give them everything

and they didn't agree

because that is not really what they want

They have one goal and that is to kill the Jews

It is written in the Quran

"you need to burn the Jews with the pigs and apes" (a mix of two different verses)

Very difficult things

are written about the Jews in the Quran

It is a war of religion people don't understand that

It is Islam against Judaism

and it's for years

It sounds primitive

but that's what it is

For more infomation >> Israelis: Do you care about the opinions of Diaspora Jews? - Duration: 13:57.


Bài Kinh Tiêu Trừ Nghiệp Chướng | Bài kinh sám hối rất hay Hành giả tu học cần biết - Duration: 1:32:39.

For more infomation >> Bài Kinh Tiêu Trừ Nghiệp Chướng | Bài kinh sám hối rất hay Hành giả tu học cần biết - Duration: 1:32:39.


Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Annabelle vs Victoria Freak World Monster High Doll IRL Hidden Egg - Duration: 2:19.

Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Annabelle vs Victoria Freak World Monster High Doll IRL Hidden Egg

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Learn Colors JOHNY JOHNY Annabelle vs Victoria Freak World Monster High Doll IRL Hidden Egg - Duration: 2:19.


Kman夾娃娃 有看過擺這麼滿的公仔台嘛!?一次給他夾四盒,滿載而歸~大眼萌萌女帝 航海王 OnePiece 蛇姬漢考克#53 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 有看過擺這麼滿的公仔台嘛!?一次給他夾四盒,滿載而歸~大眼萌萌女帝 航海王 OnePiece 蛇姬漢考克#53 - Duration: 5:01.


The American Pie From Perch And Nest | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> The American Pie From Perch And Nest | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:28.


Deposit Cheques | How to Submit a Deposit Cheque - Duration: 2:24.

Hey everybody, it's Joshua Campbell your Knowledge Broker. I'm going to talk to

you right now about deposit cheques. What are they? Where do they go? What do

they do?

Deposit cheques are a sign of good faith that you are going to buy the property.

Back in the day, you used to be able to do this by a handshake. And, I mean way

back in the day. You'd go up to Bob the homeowner and shake his hand and tell

him that you were going to buy his house. And, on the day of closing you'd meet

with your two lawyers. The banks would be involved. You'd get the keys, he'd get his

cheque and you'd move forward. Nowadays, we can't just work on handshakes. So deposit

cheques are submitted with the offer. And, it's a sign of good faith that you are

going to proceed with the purchase of that house. This deposit cheque sits in

the listing broker's account until the day of closing. And, on the day of closing

the lawyers will see that amount and take it off the total purchase price of

the house. And, ultimately that money is accounted for. If you buy a house and it

has a condition of financing or home inspection you need to understand that

that money still sits in the listing broker's account. And, if something goes

wrong with the home inspection or the financing you then request it back which

can sometimes take a week or two. Which will limit you when it comes to looking

at or purchasing other homes. So at the end of the day, deposit cheques are very

important. And, you need to work with a real estate agent that's going to explain this

thing thoroughly because it's not just a simple little transaction. It's not a

small amount of money. Especially nowadays. So make sure you pick a real

estate agent that does explain this in the fashion that it deserves. If you liked

this video and you find anybody else that would appreciate this information

please send them this video. if you have any questions comment below. And, thank

you very much for watching! I've got more so don't forget to subscribe! And, I look

forward to the next one! Take care.

For more infomation >> Deposit Cheques | How to Submit a Deposit Cheque - Duration: 2:24.


அடங்காமல் திரியும் நடிகை ஸ்ருதி! கமலுக்கு வந்து வாச்சிருக்கு! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> அடங்காமல் திரியும் நடிகை ஸ்ருதி! கமலுக்கு வந்து வாச்சிருக்கு! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 0:53.


Fire Sensor MQTT OpenHAB ESP8266 : Software (Using MAC) 2017 - Duration: 8:20.

Hey guys Matt here from and in this video I am going to show you how to

setup the software for the Fire Sensor using a MAC.


So in the last video we left off with the Fire Sensor Device being fully built so all

it needs is firmware and to be connected to the home automation server.

So let's start off with the firmware.

I recommend having my website open up so that way you have all the steps and commands ready,

and so you do not have to type in everything you can just copy and paste.

I know this is the software video but, there are some hardware things that we need besides

a computer.

We are going to need an arduino of some kind preferably a UNO or a MEGA equivalent with

its usb cable of course and male to male dupont jumper cables.

Links to these items will be in the description or on the website.

The first thing we are going to do is grab the arduino and put a jumper cable from RES

to GND.

Then grab the Fire Sensor and connect all the pins to their corresponding spots so,

TX to TX, RX to RX, GND to GND, and 5V to 5V.

Before we continue, check to make sure the 2 pin jumper is above PGM.

Please note that in this video I will not go over how to setup the arduino IDE and will

assume that it is set up and you know how to connect an arduino to it.

If you do not know how to set it up or it is not setup then go check out my Door sensor

software video where I go in detail of the entire process.

Next we are going to head over to my site, the link is in the description to the exact

page and press the download Fire Sensor Firmware.

On the new page press download.Then go to your finder and downloads folder and double

click on MK-FireSensor.ino.

A pop up will come up asking if you want to put it in a folder, click OK.

It should bring up the code for the Fire Sensor, and there are only a few things we have to


The first thing is the wifi settings which are the ssid and password so change those

according to your network.

Please keep in mind that the esp8266 only works on 2.4ghz so type in your 2.4ghz wifi

ssid and password not your 5ghz.

Also when adding the information only change what is inside the quotation marks.

Next set of parameters are the Web Updater settings.

The devices I designed are great because I implemented a web user interface for each

individual device so that way if you ever have to flash new firmware you just go to

its web address.

The web address information is found at that top of the code in the giant comment block.

The first parameter is the hostname of the device, usually I only change the last digit

but since this is the first Fire Sensor I will keep it as it is.

Next is the update path and personally I don't change that.

After that is the web user interface username and password, these are the credentials you

use to access the webpage because each device is protected.

The next set of parameters are for mqtt.

The first one is the outTopic and this is the topic for which the device sends commands

or messages to on the server.

The next one is the MQTT Server Ip address and this is simply the IP address of your

home automation or openhab server.

The last one is the Unique device ID and this simply differentiates each device on the MQTT

side, I usually just change the last digit for every single device.

That is it the code is ready to be flashed.

So go to tools and make sure the Board: is Generic ESP8266 Module and the port is /dev/cu.wchusbserialXXXX.

Once those are good press the upload button, it is the one with an arrow pointing to the


When it is uploading you should see dots moving at the bottom and some percents.

After it is done uploading you should see it say 100% and Done uploading.

Let's Test it!

First unplug the dupont wires in between the arduino and the device.

Then take the 2 pin jumper and move it over so it is above RUN.

Finally plug the device into the wall.

To confirm that it flashed correctly and is working you can fire up MQTT.fx, connect to

the server and in the subscribe section type in # and press subscribe.

If you do not have MQTT.fx then check out my Home Automation Server Setup Guide.

Now grab a 9 volt battery and some wires, we are now going to trick the device into

thinking the fire detector went off, so connect the 9volt plus to the red side of the terminal

and the minus to the white side of the terminal.

In MQTT.fx it should say fire detected and if you disconnect the wires it should say

no fire detected.

If it does then we are all set!

Now the device is complete and just needs to be added to OpenHAB.

So ssh into your pi or whatever your server may be.

The first thing we are going to do is create the Fire Sensor item.

So type in sudo nano /etc/openhab2/items/home.items and press enter, you may need to type in admin


Then type in the comment //Fire Sensors then underneath that we are going to create the

fire sensor item.

So type in String MKFireSensor1 "House [%s]" <fire> { mqtt="<[broker:MK-SmartHouse/utilities/MK-FireSensor1:state:default]"

} And press enter.

Now let me go over the item we created.

It will show us the status of the fire sensor.

But let me go a little bit more in detail, the first part is String and since this device

is a Fire Sensor we just need to see the status in text form.

The next part is the item name and I just used its hostname without the dash.

After that is the label text and it is what shows up in the interface and how it is formatted

with the name.

Next to that is the icon name which is what picture shows up in the interface.

Then lastly, we have the mqtt path to the device in there is the outTopic that we coded

into the device.

Thats it for the items file.

Now press control x then y and enter.

Next up is the sitemap file so we can see the status of the device.

Type in sudo nano /etc/openhab2/sitemaps/home.sitemap and press enter.

It will bring up the sitemap.

If you are following along with my series then we have many different frames in our


I am going to create a new frame called fire detectors and put the fire sensor in that


So go to the bottom underneath the "OutSide" closing bracket and type in

Frame label="Fire Detectors" {

Text item=MKFireSensor1 }

and press enter, what we did is import the item into the sitemap so we can see the status

from the user interface.

Now press control x then y and enter.

Before we go any further let's confirm that everything works so go to your web user interface

and then Basic UI.

You should see the Fire Sensor item.

If you connect that 9 volt battery again to the fire sensor you should see the status



Now that we know the fire sensor works let's make it send a notification to the mobile

devices when it detects a fire.

In terminal type in sudo nano /etc/openhab2/rules/home.rules and press enter.

At the bottom of the file type in //Fire Detected In The House

rule "Fire Sensor" when

Item MKFireSensor1 received update then

if(MKFireSensor1.state == "FIRE DETECTED!") {


} end

Let me explain what this does, when the Fire Sensor changes state this rule gets activated

then it checks for if the state is "FIRE DETECTED!" and if it is then it will send

a notification to all the mobile devices that are connected to myopenhab cloud connector.

If you don't have myopenhab cloud connector then I have a video about it on my channel.

That is it for the rules, all we did was add a rule for the Fire Sensor that if it goes

off then it will send a notification.

In my opinion this is a really good feature because you will now always know when your

fire detectors go off instead of the fire department telling you when your house is

half burnt to the ground.

Now press control x then y and enter.

Go back to the basic UI and connect the 9 volt battery again.

If everything works right you should have gotten a notification and it should have change

state in the UI.

That is it!

The software is complete, now all we have to do is install the device in its final place

which will be completed in the next final installation video.

Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments

section below or head over to

Good Bye!

For more infomation >> Fire Sensor MQTT OpenHAB ESP8266 : Software (Using MAC) 2017 - Duration: 8:20.


LCK Mùa Hè 2017 😀 Tổng hợp những tình huống hài hước chưa từng được lên sóng #Phần 2 - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> LCK Mùa Hè 2017 😀 Tổng hợp những tình huống hài hước chưa từng được lên sóng #Phần 2 - Duration: 14:44.


Una Entrevista con Andrew Scott "Moriarty" de SHERLOCK- Fandor (Sub. Español) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Una Entrevista con Andrew Scott "Moriarty" de SHERLOCK- Fandor (Sub. Español) - Duration: 4:49.


Dapper Doggo: The Baby Army - Duration: 8:47.

After I escaped the Illuminati at the city;

I hid out here.

Although I think the Illuminati knows where I am, it's nice to stay here for a while

Hello MTV

This is mah crib.

As ya can see here,

I've gotta...

I got this couch off the streets...

'ts very nice

'n this table right here, I, ah, crafted it myself.


Now that I think about it

I don't really need it anymore.

& This matress

I ripped it out of the hands of, uh, homeless man 'n' I hit 'em in the face with it

This fridge

It's ???

That's all that matters.

This friccin'

Ah don't even know why I have it

Ya see I wear the same thing everyday

& I never wash it

Uh, thisink

I use it to wash my hands


my penis


Ah gotta stove

t' cook my food on

Oh yea


After the Illuminati invaded the city

I went to Jake Paul's house

I captured him

I cut off his left arm

And I crusified him

to the gods of Osiris

Not nice gods they are, I tell ya that much.

J E S U S C H R I S T I T ' S T H E I L L U M I N A T I

I need somethin' from the glove compartment!


If the Illuminati knows i'm here,

I may as well go back for Logan Paul

This is what I listen to in my spare time.








Was nout my fault master

We are being attacked by an enemy team


Who is this...enemy...of yours...?

The Illuminatri


I can help ya take care, of those Illumi-faggots.

You're the highest chief of command now.

The armoury is downstairs, go get a few weapons.

Aaah, my


love <3~




I have recruit.

Let's go, little one.



It's John.

I call shotgun!

I'd like to make a request


You were good son

Real good

Maybe even the best.

In your honor, I will destroy the enire Illuminati

To the Illuminati base

It is over Dapper Doggo.

I have the high ground.

You underestimate my POWER.

Do not try it.

Who can say where the road goes where the day goes

Sleep tight, sweet prince.



You could've made the world a better place...


...and bring balance to the world...




You were my sister (???)

and I loved you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Go ahead...&...drop it...

For more infomation >> Dapper Doggo: The Baby Army - Duration: 8:47.


Werkzaamheden Schiedam 21 juli 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Werkzaamheden Schiedam 21 juli 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 10:16.


A Great Big World (Ft Christina Aguilera) - Say Something Sub Esp-Eng - Duration: 3:52.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

I'll be the one, if you want me to.

Anywhere, I would've followed you.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

And I am feeling so small.

It was over my head

I know nothing at all.

And I will stumble and fall.

I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

Anywhere, I would've followed you.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

And I will swallow my pride.

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

And anywhere, I would have followed you.

Oh-oh-oh-oh say something, I'm giving up on you.

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

Say something...

For more infomation >> A Great Big World (Ft Christina Aguilera) - Say Something Sub Esp-Eng - Duration: 3:52.


English for Chinese Speakers 39 - 'good for health' or 'good for healthy'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.

Hi again everyone, and welcome back to

'One English Tip in One Minute for

Speakers of Chinese (and its many

language varieties)'. In these videos I

talk about, in detail, one common English

mistake made by Chinese speakers...and

this is video number 39.

If you've watched my other videos you

know what I'm going to say next. It's a

very smart, cool and of course it's a

very practical thing to do to master and

improve your English. If you haven't

watched my other videos then I recommend

that you go back and watch them. In these

videos I show you a slide, and on that

slide I have two sentences: One is the

correct way a native English speaker

would say something, the other is the

wrong way that many Chinese speaker say

it. Your job is to decide which one

is correct. Why don't you do that now.

Read the sentences, listen to me read the

sentences, pause the video, think about

your answer and I will discuss the

answer in more detail in the slide that

follows this slide.

If you, like thousands or even

millions of people out there, got this

wrong -- or you just happened to take a wild

guess and get it right -- it simply means

that you need to study this structure.

To start you off on that process I've

given you three sentences to study from.

Once again, memorize the sentences in

their entirety, review them -- really get

them into your head -- and put into

practice what you've learned through

speaking or writing or both. As

always, or as I often say, it's a very

good idea to go outside these videos and

learn from the vast amount of resources

that are out there.

For more infomation >> English for Chinese Speakers 39 - 'good for health' or 'good for healthy'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.


Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 4 - Duration: 29:57.

For more infomation >> Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 4 - Duration: 29:57.


Golgappe Ka Pani - Pani Puri Water-Jaljeera Drink Concentrate Recipe-गोलगप्पे का पानी बनाने की विधि - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Golgappe Ka Pani - Pani Puri Water-Jaljeera Drink Concentrate Recipe-गोलगप्पे का पानी बनाने की विधि - Duration: 3:01.


diy: eggshell dragonfly using ice cream sticks - Duration: 4:00.

apply a layer of glue and cleaned crushed egg shells

once dry, break off or use a file to remove any egg shell hanging over the edge

applying a base coat of black paint and allow to dry

paint the egg shells and allow to dry

cover with thin black paint, and carefully dab and wipe off

adding some white glue and pearly powder for some shine

assemble with white glue

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