Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017


For more infomation >> How to make sand painting - Learn Color For Kids and Creative For Kids - Duration: 11:56.








Blindfolded Milkshake Challenge | Sophie - Duration: 7:18.

Ellie: Whatttt?

Sophie: Uhm… yeah?


Charlotte: She can't see you S: I can't see what you're doing

E: I'm doing this S: HAHAHA i'm doing this!

…. I can't see!

E: You've taken it off

[Intro Music]

Well hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.

Or if you are new, hello welcome to my channel.

My name is Sophie.

And i bought my good friend Ellie back for today's video

E; Hello S: we haven't done a collaboration video

in so long so we thought it was only right to you know…

mark the beginning of summer with a new collaboration.

And what better than both being blindfolded, then guessing what milkshakes are when neither

of you drink milkshake.

E: Yeah S: you drink like a couple of flavours, i

don't really drink milkshakes so….

E: i drink banana and chocolate fudge brownie.

S: and so i feel like this is gonna be … not very nice.

E: No…

S: we have 2 that are like normal flavours and then 2 that are like no so normal.

E: Yeah..

S: and we are doing 4 here, 4 on ellie's channel,

so i will leave her link in the description box below.

And i think that we should start so… let's do this

E: let's do it.


S: oo okay this smells funny.

E: is this a weird one?

Is it just banana?

S: i was gonna say is it just banana or is it…

E: ahh sick E: you know i didn't actually enjoy it until

i knew it was actually banana S: yeah it's that thing of, you know it's

banana but you also don't know it's banana.

So it has a really bad taste.

E: Yeah S: It's like.. no… no it's ok.

S: it's not really blindfolded i just realised.

In a way.

E: What?

S: we should be like blindfolded blindfolded so we can't really see the color or anything.

E: Oh yeah Maybe we should have been.

S: I mean we could for the other 3?

E: Yeah…

I dunno what to blindfold with S: I looked there and i was like a bra?

… no.

E: haha i did think that though S: Could you imagine?

E: Can you see?

S: i mean… i dunno cuz i can't actually open my eyes.

*All laugh* E: That's ok then

Charlotte: double blindfolded.


S: what the hell?

mmm.. i'm scared

E: i literally don't think this should be a milkshake flavour

S: it kind of feels worse now that i can't see it

E: What the hell?

S: blehhhh blehhhhh

E: what the hell is this?

S: I don't know but it's got a really weird texture as well.

it tastes…

E: what does it smell like? to me it smells like mango.

is that not right?

S: yeah it's defiantly something fruity i think.

E: Shall we take them off?

S: I'm not sure I want to.

yeah after 3



E: oh sorry.

*all laugh* E: Woah look at my hair.

Mango.. but it doesn't taste like mango.

it doesn't taste like anything.

it smells like….

S: It smells like cereal.

E: I have no idea.. what is it?

C: it is mango and passionfruit E: oh mango.

S: ok E: well i got the mango part.

S: I'm not sure that i liked that.

but i like mango.


E: yeah i like the fruit mango.

S: Yeah E: but not in a milkshake

S: no it doesn't…

i don't think i've ever had a milkshake like that.

like an actual like..

E: No…

E: Dude….

S: do you know how long that took me to find where your shoulder was because i couldn't

see it.



E: the shit….. do you swear on your channel?

S: Apparently so now *both laugh* Sorry

S: it doesn't taste of anything..

E: You've tasted it?

S: ah smell of anything E: yeah okay that's what i thought.

okay go…

S: Chocolate E: What?

S: or maybe it's a fudge chocolate.


but there's defiantly chocolate in that.

E: mm mm S: no?

E: Cuz i like chocolate and this is gross.

S: Oh….

well ok then my senses are off.

E: well unless it is chocolate and i'm being weird.

i dunno.

S: oo is it strawberry?

E: It kinda tastes like cake. *laughing*

is that weird?

S: ahh i can see that.

oo then maybe it's vanilla?

E: it reminds me of something but i can't think what it is.

S: I'm changing my answer to vanilla.

E: It tastes like cookies.

S: mmm i'm not sure they,

is there such a milkshake?

E: I don't think so but i didn't think there was a fucking mango milkshake

S: True E: Can i say cookies?

C: You ready?

S: okay 1…



C: cookie dough E: uchh

S: ahh man…

E: Do i get half?

C: yeah.

E: so i'm on 2 haha.

S: Take your eyes off.

E: take my eyes off?

*laughter* E: Hold up

S: just scoop it out.

E: ewww


E: oooo S: this smells like chocolate.

i think.

E: yeah.

S: but is it normal chocolate or fudge chocolate? chocolate brownie.

the fudge brownie chocolate one thing…

E: I'm gonna go with just chocolate.

S: i'm going with the brownie fudge chocolate thing.


E: Go S: okay well we know it's chocolate…

C: Chocolate!!

S: Oh mannnnnn E: Yeah it's not very nice so it didn't…

I'm so weird i don't really like chocolate milkshake but i like the fudge brownie one.

So that is all of our milkshakes and i did really really horrible i didn't get any..

Ellie got..

E: You got one!

S: Oh yeah i got the first one that's true.

I got one. and you got

E: 3 S: 3… so that's really not bad considering

it was out of 4.

I mean technically it was kinda 2 because you know..

there were a couple of half points in there but..

we're gonna go with it.

E: What?

S: Well you got some half points didn't you?

E: tryna get rid of my points now.

* Sophie laughing * S: i'm tryna make it look like i didn't

do as badly E: bad loser.

S: So if you like this video be sure to give it a massive thumbs up.

and if you're not already then what should they do?

E: Subscribe S: Definately.

and if you haven't to Ellie's channel, you need to go to Ellie's channel and subscribe

as well.

And in the comments below type which flavour is your favourite milkshake flavour.

E: and your least favourite.

S: and your least favourite E: Mango and passion fruit

S: Yeah..

E: Don't even bother trying it.

S: yeah don't don't do it.

why would you…


that's meant to be like a smoothie not a milkshake.

E: mmm… that's what i was thinking the whole time.

i was like yeah put milk with it but also put juice with it.

S: yeah make it more like smoothie - ee not like.. yeah

like smoothie -e rather than milkshakey E: Yeah.

S: but who are we to judge? we're not the millionaires making money

out of it *both laughing*

S; So i will leave a link to my last video and a nice surprise video for you guys in

the description box below.

So until next time, Keep Watching

Stay Strong And

Stay Safe Bye Guys

E: Byeee

For more infomation >> Blindfolded Milkshake Challenge | Sophie - Duration: 7:18.


ЗОЛОТОЕ ЯБЛОКО x КУЗНИЦА БРОКА x Jotun - Duration: 2:04.

Brokk's Forge

Golden Apple

There are 4 rune stones in this location which we need to find in order to activate the bridge to the apple

The First One

The Second One

The Third One

And the last one


We got the apple! Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> ЗОЛОТОЕ ЯБЛОКО x КУЗНИЦА БРОКА x Jotun - Duration: 2:04.


المونتاج | كيف اتعلم المونتاج بسهولة؟ 🤔 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> المونتاج | كيف اتعلم المونتاج بسهولة؟ 🤔 - Duration: 3:21.


Hard Aggressive Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type Bass 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Hard Aggressive Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type Bass 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.


Darren Burch - I Know I Can't Have You -Top Of The Pops - Duration: 4:15.

Darren Burch - I can't have you -Top Of The Pops- YouTube

For more infomation >> Darren Burch - I Know I Can't Have You -Top Of The Pops - Duration: 4:15.


Avengers: Infinity War | Tribute 2008-2018 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Avengers: Infinity War | Tribute 2008-2018 - Duration: 3:13.


How to Build a Gaming PC (2017) - Duration: 15:57.

- Hey guys, this is Austin,

and today I'm here with my 2017 Gaming PC build tutorial.

If you guys have never built a computer before,

it is really straight forward, but I'm gonna walk you

through step by step.

Also, I sound like some infomercial guy.

Call now for your three quick tips

on how to build yourself a Gaming PC.

For tools, it's pretty straight forward.

All you need is a Phillips screwdriver.

Now, beyond that you need to have a decent sized

workspace, so I'm going to be using this table.

As long as you have an area that's big enough

to set out your parts, you're fine.

Beyond that, you should if possible,

do this in an area without carpet,

as static electricity is not a good thing with PC parts.

The first step is to grab your case and

pull it out of the box.

Now this is by far our biggest component,

and this is, as the case name implies,

where all of our parts end up going.

So this is the case.

Now the first step here is just gonna be

opening it up.

So around back, there are gonna be four screws,

and all it's gonna allow us to do

is take off the side panels.

Inside here, all we need to do is get all of our

cables out, so this is what's going to go

into the motherboard later.

We also have a little bit of hardware as well as

some cable ties for our cable management.

The first thing to install is gonna be our power supply.

This is the literal heart of our build,

and one of the most important things when

picking a power supply is to get a high quality unit.

There are lots of very cheap units

that say they have a lot of power,

but really you should be looking for something

with an 80 plus rating, whether it's 80 plus,

bronze, gold, silver, whatever.

That means that you're going to at least

get something with decent quality.

Inside the power supply box,

not only do we actually have the supply itself,

but we also have the cable as well as we have

a few extra little accessories.

The most important thing here,

is we have four little screws that we were going to use

to actually mount the supply in.

Something else to keep in mind

when picking up a power supply

is modular versus non-modular.

This guy is non-modular, and these are typically cheaper.

And the only thing that that really means

is whether the cables are attached or not.

For this system we have plenty of room

for cable management inside.

So it really doesn't matter that we have

a bunch of extra cables that we aren't going to use,

especially if you're doing a smaller system

where every little bit of space matters,

you may want to spend just a little bit extra

to pick up a modular supply.

Installing the power supply is pretty straight forward.

One thing you do need to watch out for

is where the fan is.

This always needs access to cool air.

So cases will actually handle this

a little bit differently sometimes.

Some cases will actually put it on the top,

which means that you should have the fan facing upward.

But for this guy, since we are going to be

putting it on the bottom,

it's simple as putting the fan face down,

lining it up and it should just slide right into place.

To get this guy in place, all we need to do

is use the four screws that it comes with,

and there are going to be corresponding holes on the case.

All I need to do is just get this in,

you don't have to do it super tight or anything.

But, once we get these guys in place,

the power supply is not going to be going anywhere.

One little tip when it comes to pretty much

screwing anything in, is you want to use a cross pattern.

I'm gonna do this one, then this one,

then this one.

This just helps that, pretty much any time

you're mounting hardware, to make sure that you're

applying even pressure instead of just doing one side

and it's maybe slightly out of place.

That is all we have to do with the power supply for now.

The next step is to move our case out of the way

and grab our motherboard.

This might not look like much,

but it is essentially what everything in the

computer connects to.

This is the motherboard.

There are different sizes of motherboards,

and that is something that you definitely

want to pay attention to before you actually

pick out all the parts for your build.

This is the sort of medium sized,

it's known as Micro ATX.

Now thankfully, with this case,

it actually supports full sized ATX,

so pretty much any sized motherboard will fit.

This is definitely something you want to look out for

before you actually buy all the parts for your build.

Before we get this installed,

let me quickly run you through

all the different sort of slots and ports

and things that we're going to be using for the build.

To start with, we have the CPU socket.

Pretty self explanatory,

this is where our CPU is going to go.

Beside that, we have our memory slots.

This board has two, but some do have four.

Essentially this is where our RAM goes.

We also do have our PCI slot down here.

Different motherboards will have different amounts

of PCI slots, but this is generally speaking

where you're going to put a graphics card,

and sometimes you're going to put other add-in cards,

so just something like a network card or Wi-Fi card.

Beside the memory, we have four SATA ports.

These are going to be used for things such as

installing our SSD, maybe a hard drive

or even an optical drive.

And over beside that, we have our M2 slot.

This is a newer motherboard,

not all motherboards are going to have this.

But this is going to be if you want to install

a newer, faster SSD.

We're not taking advantage of it for this build,

but the motherboard does support it.

Now, if you actually want to flip the motherboard around,

you're going to see that over here we have

all of our ports.

These are going to be what's going to stick out

the back of the case.

Say you want to plug in something like USB or

ethernet or whatever,

that's where all of these are going to go.

We're also going to have to get power to our motherboard.

So first of all we have our 20+4 pin,

so this is going to provide most of the power

for pretty much everything on the board.

And we also have either a four or an eight pin

CPU power connector.

This board has an eight pin,

but it works the exact same way.

Next it's time to install the processor.

This is going to be a little different

depending on whether you're using Intel or AMD,

but I'll walk you through it on both sides,

it's basically the same process.

Inside, we're going to have some paperwork

which we don't need at all,

as well as our CPU cooler and processor.

You want to be a little bit careful with the cooler.

Not so much the top, but on the bottom there's going to be

a little bit of pre-applied thermal paste.

Do not touch that.

And inside this little plastic piece here,

we have the processor itself.

You actually do want to be careful with this guy.

When you're handling a processor, you always

want to grab it from the sides.

Do not touch any of these little pads.

It's especially important with AMD processors,

'cause instead of having pads, they have pins

and if any of those get bent, you are in serious trouble.

One thing to look for on the bottom of the processor

is this tiny little gold arrow.

That's going to match up with a corresponding arrow

on the processor socket, making sure that you're

not going to put this in sideways or upside down.

It's pretty straight forward to install.

You just need to pull the arm back and open up the socket,

line our CPU up, being very careful

not to drop it too hard.

And then, once it's in place,

we just need to push this arm back into place

and our CPU is installed.

Pretty easy.

The next step is putting on the heat sink.

Again, this is going to be pretty straight forward.

There are going to be four pins which will line up

to the corresponding notches on the motherboard.

All we need to do is line it up,

making sure that we don't actually let that

thermal paste touch yet.

And then, once it's in place, all we need to do

is just press it in until it clicks.

Then we just have to plug in the fan.

We just need to unwind the fan header from around

our CPU cooler.

For this motherboard, we're going to be plugging it in

right here, however because the cable's

just a little bit long, what I like to do is

actually just tie a little bit of a knot

to get rid of some of the slack.

Now, the actual fan header itself will only go in

one way because of these two little notches.

So, if we line it up and press it in,

tuck our cable out of the way,

and we're pretty much good to go.

The next step is installing our memory.

This is going to be pretty straight forward.

There are different types of RAM

that you need to look out for.

Most newer systems, this one included

are going to be using DDR4 memory.

But if you're doing a slightly older system

that will be using DDR3,

it's basically the same thing as far as installing.

It might sound obvious, but if you have a DDR4 motherboard

you have to use DDR4 RAM and vice versa with DDR3.

Now, it can be a little tricky because

these do look very similar, but DDR4

does have a different pin layout.

What is pretty much the same between the two,

is there's going to be a little notch about

two thirds of the way down the memory.

That's going to correspond to a matching notch

on the motherboard,

so this is only going to go in one way.

All I need to do is line it up,

and just press down firmly (clicking)

until you get the click, and your memory is installed.

Before we're ready to actually

install our motherboard though,

we want to get the IO shield ready.

This is what's going to essentially go over the ports

right here, but instead of putting on the motherboard,

we're actually going to put it on the case.

You do want to make sure that the shield is facing

the correct orientation.

Once you get it, all you do is just line it up

with the back of your case,

and once you do, just pop it right in.


that sounded a lot more violent than it actually was.

Next, go into the bag of hardware that comes with your case.

Inside we're going to find these standoffs.

These are going to be what we actually use

to mount the motherboard.

On one side we're going to screw them into the case

and on the other we're going to mount the motherboard.

As I shall now demonstrate with my wonderful

assistant Wes, all you need to do

is first take the motherboard and just kind of

test fit it in here.

Don't let it all the way down.

What you can do is you can see

that we have six holes on the motherboard,

and that's going to line up

with the six holes that are going to be in the case.

Now because this is a bigger case

meant for ATX motherboards,

you'll see we have a bunch of extra holes.

All we need to do is put the standoffs

in the correct locations.

So with the standoffs, all you need to do

is just get them in finger tight,

they don't have to be super super hard in there.

But, again, just make sure that you get

all the standoffs in the right locations.

The next step is removing our PCI covers.

This case actually does it a little differently than most.

Essentially right back here is where our

graphics card is going to go.

And typically you would just unscrew it and take it out,

however with this case, we actually have to just

push them out of place.

(clicking) There we go.


That was way harder than it should be.

So, once you get the first one out, it's not so bad, but

if you get a case that actually just will allow you

to unscrew it, that makes things a lot simpler,

otherwise you just have to wiggle it back and forth

until it pops out.

All we have to do now is just take our motherboard,

line it up with our standoffs,

and pay careful attention to the IO shield,

you want to make sure that all the ports

are going to be fully visible through the back,

which they are.

Once you have it lined up, then you just have to

screw it in place.

So, we have a little bag of screws here.

Most of the time, cases will actually have

lots of different very similar looking screws,

so it might take a little bit of trial and error.

But just get a few of these screws out,

and we should get this guy into place.

This is definitely a time when you want to use

cross-threading on your screws.

Say if you want to do one side and then the other,

what can happen is the board will actually slightly shift.

So just do one corner, then go to the opposite corner,

opposite corner, opposite corner,

until you make sure that the board is all the way in place.

For this build we are using an SSD instead of a hard drive,

but the process of installing and especially cabling it

is basically the exact same thing.

The biggest difference is an SSD

is just going to be a physically smaller drive,

which means they use slightly different mounting points.

With this case we're going to be using the full

three and a half inch drive bay,

which is typically used for bigger hard drives,

however we do have the mounting points for an SSD.

The only thing you have to watch out for here

is to make sure that the connectors for the SSD

are going to be facing backward toward the back of the case

otherwise your cable management is going to be challenged.


Once you've lined the SSD up,

it's as simple as just using a few screws

to hold it into place,

and this guy isn't going anywhere.

Then we just slide our SSD into the case,

and that's pretty much it.

We are almost done with putting hardware in the case.

The next step is to start with our wiring.

This can look a little intimidating,

but it's really not that bad.

To start with, we can find the

little three pin connector from our fan,

and all we need to do is just plug that into

the system fan header on the top left of the board.

There's a lot of extra slack here, so we're going to

just tuck that around, 'cause you know,

totally no one's gonna notice that, right?

Now we have to find the 20+4 pin connector

from our power supply.

That's going to be probably the biggest one

out of all your power supply cables.

So just note that there's going to be

a little clip on the side.

All you need to do is just line it up with the

larger connector on the motherboard,

and just press it until it clicks into place.

Working our way down the right side of the motherboard,

we now need to go and pull all these cables

that are connected to the case.

For here, in this build, we have a USB3 header.

So there's one USB 3.0 port on the front of the case.

Now this is a little bit of a tricky connector,

mostly because if you get it kinda stuck,

I've actually seen that the whole front of this

will actually pull off,

so you definitely want to make sure that

you kind of line it up correctly.

But just like the other one, there's going to be

a little notch, so it's only going to go in one way.

So, if we just plug it into our USB 3.0 header right here,

again, just press it into place and we should be good.

While we're here, let's plug in the front panel connectors.

These are the tiny little connectors

that are going to be running from the front of the case.

Essentially this is going to allow things

like the power button to work, any LED's,

that kind of stuff.

Now, these are all going to be labeled,

so there's going to be a positive and negative.

That's going to correspond to whatever it says,

either on the actual connectors on the bottom right

of the board, or if you just check the owner's manual,

that will also give you the exact diagram.

For here, we actually only have four of these.

So if we line it up, it should just go right into place.

This case also has a couple of USB 2.0 ports,

which is what this cable is for.

This is a pretty straight forward connector,

so it actually has one pin knocked out,

so you can only put it in one way.

And for this case, we're just going to plug it in

to the white header here.

So we just line it up, and press it all the way in,

simple as that.

Last but not least, we have the audio connector.

So, as the name implies, it is going to allow

the headphone and microphone jack on the front of the case

to work.

And just like the USB port, there's going to be

one little pin that's knocked out,

so you can't put it in the wrong way.

So, just line it up, press it in,

and we're done with the little fiddly stuff.

We're almost ready to install the graphics card,

but before we do that, we just need to plug in

the CPU power connector.

So it's basically two four pins that can go together

as an eight pin.

With this board, we need to use both,

but a lot of motherboards, you only have to plug one in.

Now is the fun part, this is our graphics card.

So, with a Gaming PC, when it comes to picking

parts that really impact gaming performance,

the graphics card really is pretty much

the most important part.

Now, a graphics card isn't especially fragile,

so you don't have to be super careful with it,

but generally speaking, you should touch it by the

plastic bit or the metal as opposed

to the board on the back.

This is about as small as a graphics card gets,

but it works the exact same way even if

you have a much larger, more expensive card.

What you do is flip it around

so that you have the board on the top,

and once you have your PCI slot

and your cover's open, just line it up,

and all you need to do is press it

until it clicks into place.

All we have to do is just make sure

the graphics card is lined up with the holes

on the side of the case, and just screw it into place.

So we're gonna use two screws to do this,

and that's pretty much it.

Because this is a little bit of a lower powered

graphics card, we actually don't need to do anything else.

But for most graphics cards, you're also going to

want to run a six pin connector from your power supply,

it's gonna look a little something like this,

and plug it in.

But again, with this card,

we plug it in and it's good to go.

We are almost there.

Next step is to pull out the SATA cables

that came with the motherboard,

and all you need to do is grab one end

and plug it into the board right here.

These are notched, so they're definitely

not going to go in the wrong way.

And then, if we wrap the cable around back

so it doesn't get in our way.

Then we just plug the data cable

into the back of the SSD.

It's going to be the smaller port

and this guy's going to click in place,

and that's pretty much it.

Now we just have to run power.

So going back to the power supply,

we have these SATA leads.

So, it looks very similar to the data,

so it's a long, flat cable with a little notch.

And just like before, all we need to do is

line that up with the back of the SSD,

plug it in, and our SSD is 100% ready to go.

While we're back here, we need to plug in the front fan.

We actually have two options of doing that.

Typically we're going to want to use the little

three pin header to plug it straight into the motherboard,

however this board actually doesn't have another slot,

so we can actually just use the Molex.

This is another cable that you're gonna get

off the power supply.

While it looks a little crooked and weird,

all we need to do here is just plug it into place,

'til it clicks,

and our fan is gonna be good to go.

Now, the system's basically done.

This is always the most exciting part.

Does the computer work?

So, once you get a mouse, keyboard, monitor,

and plug everything in, hopefully everything works.



It's the best feeling ever

when it actually boots on the first try.

The next thing we have to do is

give it about 30 seconds or so,

and we should get video up on the monitor.

Or less than 30 seconds, that actually is really quick.

If you've gotten to this point, congratulations,

you have a fully working computer.

Now is the point you turn the PC off,

unplug it and start doing some cable management.

This, maybe not the cleanest thing in the world.

But once you get all that ready,

you're good to install Windows

and have a fully working gaming computer.

If you want more information on the actual

parts I used for the system,

you can check out the Photon 3.0 build guide,

and if you enjoyed this video,

definitely be sure to subscribe to the channel

to see more Gaming PC and lots of other

cool tech videos like this.

Anyway guys, thank you so much for watching

and I will catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> How to Build a Gaming PC (2017) - Duration: 15:57.


Celeb Assistant Confessions You Need To Hear To Believe - Duration: 3:54.

You're not alone in wondering what celebrities put their staff and assistants through on

a daily basis, and fortunately for us, they're dishing their employers' juiciest stories.

Here are some celeb assistant confessions you need to hear to believe.

R-rated laundry

Apparently even celebrities need to spice up their love lives every now and then, and

this "Dirty" singer liked to do that with some pretty naughty outfits, according to

some of Christina Aguilera's employees.

A member of the celeb's staff revealed to Star that they'd constantly be picking up

lingerie that was left all over the house, such as, "maid's dresses, nurse's uniforms,

and other risqué clothing..."

The anonymous staff member who leaked the info worked for the pop star while she was

married to music exec Jordan Bratman.

While the two later divorced, it apparently wasn't for lack of trying new things in the


Dance mom

It seems that Queen B brings her work home with her — literally.

A former employee who nannied for Beyoncé and Jay Z was told to learn the entire choreography

from the singer's "Single Ladies" music video.

She revealed to Star that she had to learn the routine and perform it on demand, as requested

by the couple's then-toddler, Blue Ivy.

The former employee revealed, "Seeing her mom sing and dance to the song was the only

thing that settled her down."

Here's hoping that nanny never had to put on a show at the playground.

Reality madam

Kourtney might come off as the most level-headed Kardashian sister, but when it comes to how

she treats those on her payroll, apparently she's not much different than her baby daddy,

aka, "Lord Disick."

A nanny who previously worked for the reality mogul told Star that she wasn't allowed to

call Kourtney by her first name, claiming "She asked me to call her madam at all times."

Unfortunately for this mistreated babysitter, she made a mistake and had to deal with the


She confessed, "I once slipped up and called her Kourtney, and she threw a hissy fit.

I never made that mistake again!"

Ice cold

Ben Stiller typically plays the nice guy on screen, but apparently he's quite different

in person — At least, according to his personal assistant during post-production on Zoolander,

who revealed to Minyanville a rather bizarre conversation he had with the star.

On his first day of the job, this PA was told the do's and don'ts in regard to handling

Stiller's needs, which included specific instructions on how he likes his iced tea.

The PA claimed, "It had to be unsweetened, and I was to sweeten it with 1.5 packets of

Splenda inside 16 ounces of unsweetened [Nestea] iced tea."

That's not all, though.

When the PA brought Stiller the tea in a paper cup, Stiller demanded a glass, instructed

the assistant on how much ice to add, and then made the PA pour the tea from the cup

into the glass for him.

After taking a sip, the actor asked him, "What the hell is this?"

Stiller was referring to the condensation, which would have been avoided if he'd used

the paper cup he was given initially.

Instead he had his assistant wipe off the condensation for him.

The PA revealed, "I was worried I'd have to wipe it off between sips because it kept coming

back, since it was condensation."

Apparently Stiller doesn't like his hands to be wet, because if he needs to shake someone's

hand he's afraid they'll think his palms are sweating.

That PA lasted two and a half weeks, pouring iced tea for Stiller.

Eyes off me

Award-winning actress Charlize Theron is best known for her roles in films like Monster

and Snow White and the Huntsman, but among her staff, she's known for something quite


A former staff member, who's role was to take care of the actress's two young children,

revealed just how strange the Oscar winner is behind closed doors, telling Star that

she wasn't allowed to speak or look at her employer.

As the star's assistant and nanny she was forbidden to speak to Theron even about her


If she had any general issues or questions, she was required to write them in a diary.

The woman told the mag, "It was odd."

It seems that even though the actress had no time to make small talk with her nanny,

she had plenty of time to read her employee's journal.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celeb Assistant Confessions You Need To Hear To Believe - Duration: 3:54.


The Meaning Behind Young Blossom || Q&A - Duration: 6:52.

Welcome back to youngblossom, my name is Jonah.

It's been a little bit, but we're gonna answer some questions.

I recently had Q&A week on Halcyon Hooligans which is the collab channel I'm a part of,

and I got a lot of questions and some of them were more personal things that I thought that

I wanted to get to, but I didn't really wanna answer on Halcyon Hooligans.

And so I figured it might be better to just take some of the questions that were asked

of me and answer them in a more personal space and just answer some of your guys' questions

because you got things you wanna know and I got things I wanna update you on and just

give you more insight into Jonah Oliver.

So let's answer some questions.

How long have you and the moon been seeing each other?

So it's been this running thing that the moon is my girlfriend.

I think it started in like November maybe.

I think that's when I first said it, maybe sooner than that, but I'm not really sure.

The moon is my girlfriend.

She's beautiful.

I love her dearly.

Are you more comfortable talking about your transition to curious strangers since you

are further along now?

Short answer, no.

When I was earlier on in my transition, it was difficult for me to talk about my experiences

without being super defensive because it felt like any time anybody asked me questions,

they were like personally attacking my identity, and I felt like I constantly had to defend

my identity which was exhausting, so I hated talking about my transition to like curious

strangers before um and I don't think that it's gotten a lot better, but I think that

now that I'm in like a less um defensive space where I can talk about my experiences without

feeling like my identity is being attacked then it's easier for me to talk about my transition.

But I still am not always down to talk about my transition with like people who are just

curious and have never met a trans person so they have like a bunch of really invasive


Where are you planning to move?

I am planning to move to Madison, Wisconsin uh that is the like short term plan anyways,

but more long term I would like to someday end up out in the Pacific Northwest somewhere.

Uh but for the time being, I am planning my move to go to Madison, Wisconsin.

How excited are you to move?

This is a question from my future roommate, so that's cool.

Hey, Mika, what's up?

I'm so excited to move.

I think it's gonna be an awesome experience.

I'm really excited to move.

I am nervous, but I am mostly excited.

How did you come up with the name Young Blossom? (it's very cute)

Thank you, first of all.

And the story behind young blossom is kind of interesting just because um I've always

had like a fascination with blossoms, but I thought of this concept and wanted to apply

it to my photography brand and to just like my rebranding because I used to have an old

Youtube channel, and when I wanted to step away from that, I really wanted to step into

something that was more representative of who I am.

I view it as being in the early stages of something that is so beautiful already, but

something that is going to evolve into something even more beautiful.

Life is so incredibly short, but it is so beautiful, so you have to really value it

at all stages and just like remind yourself to never let anything hinder your growth.

And I don't know I think that's just the basic summary of what I view young blossom to mean,

and I thought of that concept and have applied it to so many things in my life, and I am

young blossom.

Who is your favorite Disney princess?

Oh man I was so excited when I saw this question because I fucking love Disney movies.

When I'm feeling sad or I'm feeling like I need a little bit of a pick me up I listen

to Disney playlists on Spotify.

My favorite Disney princess is probably either Ariel from the Little Mermaid or Belle from

Beauty and the Beast.

I love both of those movies so much.

What is, what is/was your name change process like?

I also live in Wisco and was just starting the process.

My name change process was pretty smooth.

I just filled out like three different forms, and I had to like take them to the courthouse

and file them and then pay the filing fees and then I had to have a court date and like

I went to my court hearing.

And then the judge basically asked me like why do you want to change your name, and like

asked me if I was really serious about changing my name.

And then he granted my name change, and then I just had to get a bunch of stuff changed

like my social security card and my driver's licence and my birth certificate all of those

things had to be changed.

It was a pretty smooth process um it took a little while.

I also forgot that you have to have your name change like notice published in a newspaper

for three listings or three weeks or something like that.

It was like forcing me to out myself in a newspaper, and I don't know it was just really


I didn't like it at all.

But for the most part though my name change process was pretty smooth.

It did take some time, which is the only thing that I think is um annoying is just how much

time it takes.

I made a video talking all about my court experience.

I will leave a link to that video down below.

You can go watch that.

That talks more in depth about like my name change process itself.

For the most part, my name change process was pretty smooth.

How did you get your skin to clear up?

I made a whole video talking about how I cleared my testosterone acne, there will be a video

link in the description as well.

As far as clearing my acne scarring, I've been using vitamin E oil, and that's been

helping a lot.

I recommend watching the full length video talking about my acne though.

That will help you a lot i'm still doing the same thing that I said I was doing in that

video, with the exception of now being off of the minocycline.

And the other related question is are there any regrets you have with going on T?

I don't have regrets.

The only thing that I wish I would've changed was how I dealt with my acne because I started

getting acne, and I told myself that I didn't need to get my doctor's help even though she

was super willing to help me through my acne.

And then uh by the time that I actually reached out for help, my acne was so bad.

So that's my only regret with testosterone is just how I handled like um acne as a side


I just I didn't handle it as well as I could've.

And for the last question in this video, uh what's your favorite picture you've ever taken?

That's a really difficult question for me to answer, but quite frankly I think that

my favorite photos I've taken are my space photos.

I'm not going to narrow it down to one or another, but my astrophotos are something

I'm really proud of and something I wish I could do more of, and I really enjoy looking

at them.

And they make me feel really proud whenever I look at them.

So I think that probably one of my astrophotos is probably one of the favorite photos I've


That is all the questions I will be answering today.

I am going to try to link everything that I talked about in this video in the description,

so if I forgot anything, just make sure to just leave me a kind comment letting me know

I forgot something.

If you have any questions uh that I didn't get to or you have any recommendations or

anything that you just wanna say um just leave it in a comment below.

I will be checking the comments as much as I can and responding to as many as I can.

I appreciate you all so much.

I will see you in my next video peace and love.

For more infomation >> The Meaning Behind Young Blossom || Q&A - Duration: 6:52.


When will we have a female President? with ItsRadishTime | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 9:40.

- [Riley, off-screen] You wanna talk about sexism in politics?

- I sure do.

This will be a fun one.

Alright. - Alright.


- Hi, everybody.

Today I'm here with--

- Taylor.


- And we are gonna talk about sexism in politics.

So, really not controversial stuff.

- Super chill.

- But you have experience working

on Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?

- I do. That's correct.

- What did you do?

- So, I was the digital director of the state of Nevada.

So, all of the email, all of the text messages,

and the social media that was happening

in that beautiful battleground state

was me and my team. - Awesome.

I kind of wanna get to your opinion on

the things that have happened after the election.

With people kind of trying to justify

why Hillary didn't win.

I think there's an argument to be made

that sexism was the a in why she didn't win.

But I've seen a lot of people saying

that like it had nothing to do with gender.

Like, how do you quantify that?

Like, how are we able to say

that it was or wasn't her gender

that affected her in the race?

- Yeah, I mean, I don't think

that there's necessarily direct,

you know, lines that you can draw

to be like it was you know 20% gender, 30% this,

you know, 40% Russians, whatever.


But I do think that you know it was a factor.

I remember calling people during the campaign.

It was amazing to me that Hillary,

I firmly believe the most qualified

presidential candidate in history,

was running against somebody with absolutely no experience.

Who, you know, as we've seen,

is just incredibly inflammatory

and quick tempered and short sided

and really has no idea what he's doing.

And that was the choice and it was as close as it was.

I don't believe that that had nothing to do with gender. And I don't believe --

You know, I managed social media properties for Hillary.

So, I saw what people would write on Hillary's Facebook.

And people would send dick pics to Hillary Clinton's DM.

Like, that's not something that happens to every candidate.

And like, I wonder what the difference is.

- Hmm, I don't know.

One of the criticisms I've seen,

often doesn't come from like Trump supporters,

but it comes from like Bernie supporters.

Who are like, "He would've been a better candidate."

Or, "Hillary's very flawed in these ways."

They feel like they can't be sexist, right?

Because they're progressive or they're liberal or whatever.

How do you respond to those people

who don't see themselves as discriminating

against women in any way?

And like want women to succeed?

And just think they don't like Hillary specifically?

- There is a lot of that that I experienced.

And nobody wants to stop talking about the primary,

a year now after it ended.

It's fine, I am fine.

But you know, there are a lot of people

who like to talk about like,

"You know, I would love for a female president,

just not this one."

And I want them to think about if that's really true.

And be really critical.

Because we've seen, with Hillary specifically,

and with so many female candidates,

that when they're doing the job,

their approval ratings are high

and people trust their work.

They admire them.

And as soon as they run,

as soon as they have the audacity

to ask for more responsibility

or drive for something higher,

people are like, "Wow, that bitch is really out of place."

You know, this is a pattern that we see.

And so, when people say, like,

"Well, I don't like Hillary

"but you know, I would've loved Elizabeth Warren."

I'm like, "But would you?

Or would you say the same thing?"

That like, "Oh, she's too ambitious."

She doesn't know her place."

And you know, that's a question that we can't answer

because that's not what happened.

But I don't think that being progressive

insulates you from being discriminatory

or having unconscious or conscious biases

against marginalized groups.

We even had this going on within the campaign.

People who worked for Hillary Clinton

believed in women and wanted them to succeed

and wanted to elect the first female president,

would sometimes like interrupt women a lot in meetings

and we'd have to have conversations

about like you can work for Hillary Clinton

and still be sexist.

You know, you can still be racist.

You know what?

I am a woman and I still have to like

examine how I think about women

and how I treat women.

How I think about people of color.

Like, there's internalized shit too.

You have to just not let your guard down

because it's really, really easy to slip into, like,

I'm progressive and therefore,

everything I do is correct.

And not make sure that you continue to look at that.

Things continue to change.

There are people who are like--

I see a lot with like comedians

and like people who write movies and TV

that will write really progressive things

like 10 years ago and then,

now they're still making the same kind of content

and the same kinds of jokes.

And they're like, "Well, why do people say

that this is a problem now?"

Like, "Are people getting too PC?"

It's like, no, we're just understanding things differently.

And you gotta keep up.


You've gotta check yourself all the time.

You can't just give yourself a pass

because you want people to not die

of not having healthcare.

- One of the criticisms of Hillary that I wonder about

is that she's not like far enough to the left.

Like, I remember.

I made a video about this, like a long time ago,

before the primaries, I was supporting Bernie.

'Cause I thought that he was further

to the left than Hillary

and I supported his policies more.

And then after that,

I made a video about why I voted for Hillary.

But I still see a lot of that going on.

That like people are just disappointed

in like how centrist she was.

- Uh-huh. - And I'm wondering

what your thoughts are on that.

Like, do you think she was good as a centrist candidate?

Would you like her to go further left?

Like, what are your thoughts?

- One thing I will say is that a lot of people

who worked for Hillary were further left of Hillary.

To her credit, like, I think she's an incredible listener.

Her policies moved left as the primary ended.

And she really wanted to kind of consolidate party

and address everybody's needs.

And like, her team would advise her on things.

She really listened and was able to evolve.

And people have all sorts of criticisms of that.

But I think it's a positive thing.

- Yep.

- But I also, having worked on the inside of this

and seeing how this works,

I think there is an ideal and dream and a wishlist

that we all have for what we want our country

and our state and our local community to look like.

How we want our world to run.

Then, there's how it actually gets done.

And a thing that I don't think people think about enough

is how limited the power of the federal government is.

Like, what I think is most important now

is state legislatures.

Working in Nevada, we flipped the state legislature.

And they've enacted just so many incredible laws

in this past legislative session.

They're one of the first states

that is gonna offer Medicare,

as a public option that people can opt into.

There was a bill about free birth control.

They passed all this incredible legislation.

You know, that's not stuff that can always happen

at the federal level.

And so, I think that people think

like the president comes in

and they can just like make college free.

Like, that's not how it works.

And like, so, Hillary is a pragmatist.

And she understand that it has to be incremental

and you have to fight these changes in little bit little.

And that's not the way that I would like it to happen.

That's not the way that anybody would like it to happen.

But that's the way it happens.

And that's why I don't mind you know, like,

full speed, like, idealist candidate.

Because I know that like no matter what,

there has to be some level of compromise.

And then, you also just have to fight like hell

in your state legislature.

Like, progressives and liberals

do not pay enough attention to their states

and their local government.

And that's why there's all these TRAP laws

and anti-abortion bills being passed at the state level.

Like, that's state level stuff.

So, you need to get those kind of candidates,

who are really idealists and it's easier to elect them

for smaller offices at the state level.

- I just have one kind of last, final question for you.

Do you think like having a female president

is possible any time soon?

Do you think we can see one in 2020?

Is it just not in the cards for us?

- Here's one thing that I don't like

about a lot of ways that we view positions of power.

Is that white men are seen as the default in our country.

And so, they're not representative

of their entire gender or their entire race.

It's different for women.

It's different for people of color.

There's so many people that said,

after Obama was elected,

"We're not gonna get another black president

or a president of color for a long time."

Because how much people reacted poorly to that.

And it's the same thing.

We run one female candidate and didn't win.

And now there's gonna be a lot of people

who are really wary of running another female candidate.

So, I want so badly

to see a woman run in 2020.

And I want so badly to see that happen for us soon.

It's like about damn time.

But I just know that there's this way

that we do things where it's like,

it's gonna take longer than it should

because people will take this one woman who ran,

as representative of all women everywhere.

And think that they can't win.

Should I talk about something positive?

- Oh, do you have positive things?

Is there good in the world?

- There is good in the world.

One thing that's really cool --

- Okay, tell me positive things.

-- about the results of this election

that were really disheartening in a lot of ways

but that so many more women have been stepping up to run

because I think women have a tendency

often to doubt themselves and to feel under qualified

and do wonder if they really could do this.

But look who's in office now.


If Donald Trump can be president,

you can run for your local school board.

- You don't need any experience.

- Right, right?

And there are networks that exist to help you.

There's great places like Emily's List,

there's She Should Run.

One of my former colleagues started

something called Run for Something.

And it's a group that helps people

who are under 35, run for office at local levels.

So, state legislature, school board,

city counsel, things like that.

That are small, winnable races.

And women are standing up

and they're starting to put themselves out there

and run for these things.

So, we're building a deeper bench

of women who are ready to run.

And I think that's gonna pay off in years to come.

- Awesome, that's so good.

- Yeah. - Yay, positivity.

- There's some hope.

There's some hope for the future.

- Oh, yeah, I think that's all I had.

So, thank you so much for being on my channel.

- Yeah.

- We also did a video over on Taylor's channel

about protests and activism and all of that.

Go check that out,

it's over on ItsRadishTime.

Thank you so much for watching

and I'll see you next time. - Bye.

For more infomation >> When will we have a female President? with ItsRadishTime | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 9:40.


[FREE] Lil Uzi x Future x Lil Yachty Type Beat | Star ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Uzi x Future x Lil Yachty Type Beat | Star ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:56.


Christmas cards using Paint, Tux Paint and QR codes - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Christmas cards using Paint, Tux Paint and QR codes - Duration: 1:21.


[한글] 백일몽 - 청산가리와 행복 (Daydreaming - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> [한글] 백일몽 - 청산가리와 행복 (Daydreaming - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 1:03.


Veg cheese bread sandwich recipe - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Veg cheese bread sandwich recipe - Duration: 2:49.


anuncio nuva pistola-por el precio que veis en la miniatura - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> anuncio nuva pistola-por el precio que veis en la miniatura - Duration: 1:17.


Farming Simulator 17 ZETOR 5340/5341 & LELY Welger RP445 Round Baler - Duration: 11:06.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some Low Power Zetor tractors and The LELY Welger RP445 Round Baler.

ZETOR 5340 Tractor Pack 2 Tractor Included 3 Front Attacher Setup 3 Front Loader Setup 3 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup 30Km/h Top Speed


Those tractors have same options but difference appearance Old And New Version Maybe

ZETOR 5341 2 Front Attacher Setup 2 Front Loader Setup 3 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup| 63Hp 35Km/h Top Speed


See the difference Between The three tractors

LELY Welger RP445 Round Baler

NEW HOLLAND T5 TIER 4A And Lely Hibiscus 1515 Plus This Windrower have an extra attacher for baler at he's back

First you can use follow me mod to make round bales automatically

Second way you can use the Lely Hibiscus 1515 Plus with attacher the round bales at his back set the speed to 5 and let the worker to make the round bales for you You may leave a small amount of grass at the field back you can collect at the next cut

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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