Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017


For more infomation >> How to make sand painting - Learn Color For Kids and Creative For Kids - Duration: 11:56.


Neverending Nightmares #05 - Prawda we śnie [18+] (POZOSTAŁE ZAKOŃCZENIA) - Duration: 47:15.

For more infomation >> Neverending Nightmares #05 - Prawda we śnie [18+] (POZOSTAŁE ZAKOŃCZENIA) - Duration: 47:15.





夏天無負擔!一起來卸妝|O~Hi! 卸妝水試用分享|Get Unready With Me - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 夏天無負擔!一起來卸妝|O~Hi! 卸妝水試用分享|Get Unready With Me - Duration: 4:21.


Roebuck stalking - Polowanie na kozła - Rehbockjagd - Chasse brocard - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Roebuck stalking - Polowanie na kozła - Rehbockjagd - Chasse brocard - Duration: 7:51.





Great White Shark Facts | Shark Week - Duration: 7:07.

Welcome to Shark Week.

The week all about- sharks.

*ukulele music* *clap clap clap snap*

*clap clap clap snap*

The shark onesie is back, but not for a Not Too Shabby.

This week we're doing something a little special.

For those of you that don't know it's actually Shark Week this week right now, and you'd

think I'd be a really big fan of Shark Week because I mean...this.

I'm actually not a huge fan of shark week.

I used to be because it used to actually be an educational week on sharks.

But recently it's become something that really caters to the fear factor in sharks, and a

lot of it's false information or misrepresentation on sharks.

I'm not a huge fan of that because I love sharks.

It focuses a lot on just kind of gory scary shark things.

It fuels the fire with things like '40 Meters Down' and 'Jaws.'

That kind of idea that sharks are something that if you go swimming on your period, they're

going to eat you.

That's not what sharks do.

So, through this whole week that is shark week, I'm going to be releasing videos about

sharks, shark related things, and shark related scientists.

It's going to be educational.

I want to bring education back into Shark Week.

This isn't going to be fear factor, this is going to be facts.

Cold hard facts.

Since, it's the beginning of shark week let's start with the most famous shark- The White

Shark, better known as the Great White Shark because it's pretty great.

We're going to do 50 facts about the great white shark y'all!

Fact number 1: did you know that sharks, Great White Sharks hunt on nearly every continent

except Antarctica.

They generally prefer to live in temperatures that are cooler, closer to 54-75 degrees.

Most of the worlds Great White Sharks live in a place called "Shark Alley" in the coast

of South Africa.

They tend to swim close to shore but have been seen at depths of 3,900 feet.

Early fossil records show that Great White Sharks have been swimming around this ocean

for a long long time.

Scientists previously thought that Great White Sharks life spans were only 25 years, but

recent studies have found that white sharks can live up to 70.

On average, when white sharks reach full maturity they weigh about a ton.

That's like 2,400 pounds.

That's fat.

Lil fat sharks.

However, the heaviest white shark recorded was 7,328 pounds.

Like most shark species female white sharks grow larger than the males.

Typicaaly, white sharks can grow up to be 21 feet long, but the average is 13-17.

21 feet, just think about that, that's like....

You could ride it into battle.

I wanna ride a shark.

Forget dolphins just riding a 21-foot shark through the waves.

I love it.

The longest white shark was 26 feet long, that's like half a basketball court.

But, the largest captured one was only like 23 feet off of Kangaroo Island in Australia.

Now, a lot of people think that when they see a shark and it's like bigger, they think

it's a white shark, but a lot of times once it's been studied of photos have been studied

it's a Basking Shark.

They're super cool as well.

In a single year, white sharks can eat up to 11 tons of food.

That's even more than I eat in one sitting of a Netflix show.

But, white sharks can go up to 3 months without eating after a full meal.

White sharks are some of the oceans fastest predators at 35 miles per hour.

Unlike humans, duh, sharks have 6 senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and electroreception.

They use electromagnetic fields to feel vibrations in the water of potential prey.

In close range, they can even sense the heartbeat of immobile prey.

Their sense of smell is so good that they can detect blood from up to 3 miles away.

They don't have eyelids.

Instead, they go like full exorcist mode and roll their eyes into the back of their head

when they're fighting or eating or chomping.

So they just roll back, that's terrifying.

Oh my gosh.

Their diet is a pretty wide range of things.

From everything from elephant seals to crocodiles.

They've also been known to be slightly cannibalistic when they're fighting over territory, but

that's not an all the time thing.

Their bite force is 4000psi.

That's 10 times the bite force of a lion.

Though they're mostly known as a hunter they have also been known to scavenge the bottom

searching for carcasses and prey if they're feeling especially lazy.

And they usually hunt in the morning, get everything out of the way that way they can

just chill through the night.

Also, visibility is low so it's easier.

Now this is one of my favorite things because I love imagining a shark doing this.

They've been known to use a tactic called spy-hopping where they peek their heads over

the water to see potential prey.

I like the idea of a giant white just being like pop up "hey what's going on."

They can jump up to 10 feet above water which is known as breaching which whales do, but

sharks do it as well.

But they have to reach a certain speed, and the average breach speed is 25 miles an hour.

And, they have been known to accidentally breach onto decks and boats.

White sharks use a type of camouflage called counter shedding which makes them hard to

see in the water.

They have 5 rows of 46 teeth each.

They also don't get cavities.

They just lose teeth and regrow them, that's why they have so many.

The largest white shark tooth ever found was 3 and a half inches.

Their teeth are also serrated so that they can tear.

And they tend to bite prey to leave them weak or paralyzed, and then go and finish the kill.

They're also known to grab and shake their prey to help paralyze them and make them weak

so they can kill them.

And they're loners, all by themselves, except mating season.

But sometimes during mating season, they can be in packs of up to 8.

We don't know a lot about sharks mating rituals, we don't see a lot of it, but female sharks

are pregnant for 11 months and then give birth to 2-12 pups.

Which is also what baby sharks are called- they're called pups.

Sadly, the strongest pup in the little litter will often cannibalize its weaker siblings,

so I don't like that that's a lil rude.

Though white sharks are an apex predator they are also the prey of killer whales.

Shamu against Jaws.

They also have a thing called tonic immobility which a lot of sharks do have.

So, when you flip a shark upside down they're immobile, and that's what killer whales use

to kill sharks.

They flip em on their backs so that they're immobile and then they.. attack them.

When a white shark smells the blood of another white shark it'll leave the area because it

knows that there's danger.

Even though white sharks are responsible for the most number of attacks on people they

have never been known it actually eat a human.

hear that?


Sharks often capsize boats or go near boats, white sharks because of the electronic field

that they generate.

and last fact: white sharks have never been able to successfully be kept in captivity.

An aquarium in Japan lived for 16 days before it died.

That's the longest record we've ever had, everyone learned their lesson and now they're

not capturing white sharks anymore.

I hope you guys enjoyed my facts about white sharks.

Get ready for a lot more going on for the rest of this shark week.

As we continue to educate and learn together about how awesome sharks are.

Don't forget to follow me on all my social media, consider donating to my Patreon or PayPal

Rejoice in the day and be glad in it.

I will see you guys later!



ok blahaladjdlds

just kidding

however the- however the- however...... however!


For more infomation >> Great White Shark Facts | Shark Week - Duration: 7:07.


Blindfolded Milkshake Challenge | Sophie - Duration: 7:18.

Ellie: Whatttt?

Sophie: Uhm… yeah?


Charlotte: She can't see you S: I can't see what you're doing

E: I'm doing this S: HAHAHA i'm doing this!

…. I can't see!

E: You've taken it off

[Intro Music]

Well hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.

Or if you are new, hello welcome to my channel.

My name is Sophie.

And i bought my good friend Ellie back for today's video

E; Hello S: we haven't done a collaboration video

in so long so we thought it was only right to you know…

mark the beginning of summer with a new collaboration.

And what better than both being blindfolded, then guessing what milkshakes are when neither

of you drink milkshake.

E: Yeah S: you drink like a couple of flavours, i

don't really drink milkshakes so….

E: i drink banana and chocolate fudge brownie.

S: and so i feel like this is gonna be … not very nice.

E: No…

S: we have 2 that are like normal flavours and then 2 that are like no so normal.

E: Yeah..

S: and we are doing 4 here, 4 on ellie's channel,

so i will leave her link in the description box below.

And i think that we should start so… let's do this

E: let's do it.


S: oo okay this smells funny.

E: is this a weird one?

Is it just banana?

S: i was gonna say is it just banana or is it…

E: ahh sick E: you know i didn't actually enjoy it until

i knew it was actually banana S: yeah it's that thing of, you know it's

banana but you also don't know it's banana.

So it has a really bad taste.

E: Yeah S: It's like.. no… no it's ok.

S: it's not really blindfolded i just realised.

In a way.

E: What?

S: we should be like blindfolded blindfolded so we can't really see the color or anything.

E: Oh yeah Maybe we should have been.

S: I mean we could for the other 3?

E: Yeah…

I dunno what to blindfold with S: I looked there and i was like a bra?

… no.

E: haha i did think that though S: Could you imagine?

E: Can you see?

S: i mean… i dunno cuz i can't actually open my eyes.

*All laugh* E: That's ok then

Charlotte: double blindfolded.


S: what the hell?

mmm.. i'm scared

E: i literally don't think this should be a milkshake flavour

S: it kind of feels worse now that i can't see it

E: What the hell?

S: blehhhh blehhhhh

E: what the hell is this?

S: I don't know but it's got a really weird texture as well.

it tastes…

E: what does it smell like? to me it smells like mango.

is that not right?

S: yeah it's defiantly something fruity i think.

E: Shall we take them off?

S: I'm not sure I want to.

yeah after 3



E: oh sorry.

*all laugh* E: Woah look at my hair.

Mango.. but it doesn't taste like mango.

it doesn't taste like anything.

it smells like….

S: It smells like cereal.

E: I have no idea.. what is it?

C: it is mango and passionfruit E: oh mango.

S: ok E: well i got the mango part.

S: I'm not sure that i liked that.

but i like mango.


E: yeah i like the fruit mango.

S: Yeah E: but not in a milkshake

S: no it doesn't…

i don't think i've ever had a milkshake like that.

like an actual like..

E: No…

E: Dude….

S: do you know how long that took me to find where your shoulder was because i couldn't

see it.



E: the shit….. do you swear on your channel?

S: Apparently so now *both laugh* Sorry

S: it doesn't taste of anything..

E: You've tasted it?

S: ah smell of anything E: yeah okay that's what i thought.

okay go…

S: Chocolate E: What?

S: or maybe it's a fudge chocolate.


but there's defiantly chocolate in that.

E: mm mm S: no?

E: Cuz i like chocolate and this is gross.

S: Oh….

well ok then my senses are off.

E: well unless it is chocolate and i'm being weird.

i dunno.

S: oo is it strawberry?

E: It kinda tastes like cake. *laughing*

is that weird?

S: ahh i can see that.

oo then maybe it's vanilla?

E: it reminds me of something but i can't think what it is.

S: I'm changing my answer to vanilla.

E: It tastes like cookies.

S: mmm i'm not sure they,

is there such a milkshake?

E: I don't think so but i didn't think there was a fucking mango milkshake

S: True E: Can i say cookies?

C: You ready?

S: okay 1…



C: cookie dough E: uchh

S: ahh man…

E: Do i get half?

C: yeah.

E: so i'm on 2 haha.

S: Take your eyes off.

E: take my eyes off?

*laughter* E: Hold up

S: just scoop it out.

E: ewww


E: oooo S: this smells like chocolate.

i think.

E: yeah.

S: but is it normal chocolate or fudge chocolate? chocolate brownie.

the fudge brownie chocolate one thing…

E: I'm gonna go with just chocolate.

S: i'm going with the brownie fudge chocolate thing.


E: Go S: okay well we know it's chocolate…

C: Chocolate!!

S: Oh mannnnnn E: Yeah it's not very nice so it didn't…

I'm so weird i don't really like chocolate milkshake but i like the fudge brownie one.

So that is all of our milkshakes and i did really really horrible i didn't get any..

Ellie got..

E: You got one!

S: Oh yeah i got the first one that's true.

I got one. and you got

E: 3 S: 3… so that's really not bad considering

it was out of 4.

I mean technically it was kinda 2 because you know..

there were a couple of half points in there but..

we're gonna go with it.

E: What?

S: Well you got some half points didn't you?

E: tryna get rid of my points now.

* Sophie laughing * S: i'm tryna make it look like i didn't

do as badly E: bad loser.

S: So if you like this video be sure to give it a massive thumbs up.

and if you're not already then what should they do?

E: Subscribe S: Definately.

and if you haven't to Ellie's channel, you need to go to Ellie's channel and subscribe

as well.

And in the comments below type which flavour is your favourite milkshake flavour.

E: and your least favourite.

S: and your least favourite E: Mango and passion fruit

S: Yeah..

E: Don't even bother trying it.

S: yeah don't don't do it.

why would you…


that's meant to be like a smoothie not a milkshake.

E: mmm… that's what i was thinking the whole time.

i was like yeah put milk with it but also put juice with it.

S: yeah make it more like smoothie - ee not like.. yeah

like smoothie -e rather than milkshakey E: Yeah.

S: but who are we to judge? we're not the millionaires making money

out of it *both laughing*

S; So i will leave a link to my last video and a nice surprise video for you guys in

the description box below.

So until next time, Keep Watching

Stay Strong And

Stay Safe Bye Guys

E: Byeee

For more infomation >> Blindfolded Milkshake Challenge | Sophie - Duration: 7:18.


Mardana TIming 20 Minute Shertia 100% Nuskha | Mardana Taqat Ka Toofan By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Mardana TIming 20 Minute Shertia 100% Nuskha | Mardana Taqat Ka Toofan By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:53.


Style proshow producer - Free Download | Best Style 3D - Duration: 2:36.

the download link in the description

For more infomation >> Style proshow producer - Free Download | Best Style 3D - Duration: 2:36.


#ComicConWarner | Riverdale: Cast - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> #ComicConWarner | Riverdale: Cast - Duration: 0:38.


Marvel's Inhumans Comic Con Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Inhumans Comic Con Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:02.


EASY MEN'S MAKEUP LOOK || joshua miles - Duration: 13:42.

Hi YouTube! It's Joshua Miles and welcome back to my f*cking channel! Today we are doing a

really simple men's makeup look! Umm.. Natasha is going to paint my face like a pro

using this Sillisponge gold edition... we are super behind the trends because...

we're trendy!

Let me talk about the SilliSponge

I know we use it for I don't know I don't know what you do for so the

sellers fund is basically a silicone sponge which is post replace your Beauty

Blender especially like not absorb any products and supposed to be really good

applying products actually way more pigmented and like like you don't waste

any product because it doesn't soak into the actual sponge Jose so it supposed to

be with a beauty guru and Sasha anyway today's video is sponsored by silly

sponge believe it or not at the moment you can get three silly sponge dot

editions for the nice price of $15 from the Josh Malcolm floor trust sponge use

primary kind of friends 15 for 15 percent off your next service you can

give them even cheaper is free international shipping and also you

don't incur customs when it comes to UK so why not buy amazing it comes within

like four or five days it comes really fast really good yeah Carly cause might

be ordered from America and it takes like years to get here and then you have

to pay like 40 pounds just to get actually because we've crossed on one

lipgloss it was like 20 quid only it's ridiculous so that's why she goes to the

Josh Mao's calm / sponge I need the promo code because you can make you can

look good too and the power goes fan 50 she got anything on the arrow since what

we're going to be using today obviously this so sponge on Jesse to

face bonus where you can see on foundation the Urban Decay primer Kat

Von D shade + light this is everything and the Rimmel stay matte oh yeah the

way using the Kat Von D shedding light has contour as an optional step at the

end if you want to go a bit more defined with your look but really it's like

ratchet Russia stuck me the first what you want to do is put on your primer or

moisturizer yeah either you know what fun but you have to

make sure your face in my circles that even if you even apply use moisturizers

because you know when you hopeless be dry when

you couldn't manage make sure your face is moisturized or the using primer or

not because you need to have stronger short for clean moisturized skin before

you put foundation on I'm just going to using this number seven moisturizing too

much as my face before to climb around because pressure time because I know

everything this thing's no drama yeah do you need

like a since the school bus isn't subscribe well that's wise things no use

the same because of my acting medication these moments can hyper very sensitive

of moisturize my face any of the other decay complexion primer potion it spokes

that changes perfect if you know anybody who has large pores when you put

foundation on it looks sinks into the pores and then you can really see in cut

pores on and you can see that you've got formational which if you want in more of

a natural thing you don't want people to notice mm-hmm and you're going to want

to minimize pores as much as you can so because I mainly like in the TV so

that's like here not yet so like that's well put myself up when you like blended

yeah okay oh nice it got quiet I've like a silicone II feel that's good because

we're going to be using again we used to a sponge which is made of silica this is

what the survey sponge looks like it's really soft it does feel like I mean if

silicone so feels like so again first step after you primer and to get your

foundation the Born This Way to face foundation in would already foundation

or any foundation but we're going to reason the wounds by one try make sure

it matches which is going to be an intersect with my skin tone changes all

the time so I'm probably going to much you've got to try and make it match your

neck so it is a lot of much of a face you want to match it to your neck

because you're going to be coming your whole face information from what I've

heard about silly sponge is you definitely don't need as much as you

would for any normal thing so I literally put the tiniest tiny bit on

just a test it's like see what I've heard if you

like do that and then you tap in and she went on is it's seems really easy like

it seems like it's a lot faster than anything else of use like one of you

simply blender it's like takes a really long time cause you're blending and from

what I've seen of other people using it it's a clinic skin swipe it on they

usually say like to either in kind of opened down motions or or um circles but

somewhat seeing circles don't really work so up-and-down seems best

keep such a really easy-to-use it's a lot faster than I heard our reviews that

it is streaky what do you think about that when you first put it on it is

streaky like I mean inevitably you're going to like swipe it on it's game is

tricky but then when you do what they send you tap it in like bounce it like a

view blender it's not shaky at all it's like it's really good and it's a lot

faster than even beauty blender or a brush it just it's like so easy to use

there is like little bridges around the outside if you can see religious they're

dropping and and when you put it on if you use kind of close to the edge it

does leave a little bit of like a mark like the foundation pipes so if you

consider like collects in it and then and then that goes on on to your face

and it does kind of avoid the edges of the spoon yeah try and use kind of like

train pants on so it's actually flat rather than up an angle and that'll make

a lot easier don't forget you can pick up three silly sponges for the nice

price of $15 with free international shipping from the Josh miles calm or a

soft sponge oh my god - so folks if you just missed out my dog just threw up all

over my bed I'm why anyway back to the video we left off while we were putting

on a little bit of foundation depending on the second like half bumper

foundation my jaw has to be brand friendly now do you an idea what happens

when you're not brand friendly I guess got 10,000 views on my blackout drunk

video only 16 of them were monetized and then as soon as it hit 10,000 lady

monetize the video go they advise that when you want to get

into the nooks and crannies and you pull in half like this it does feel a bit

weird and you need that insult learning is

okay so we've finished the foundation foundation is finished again I want to

use a concealer and make your eyes for me if you've got any blemishes like

spots or marks maybe something like that you want to cover up to my entire face

so let's reuse in the bonus way naturally reading concealer my to base

which is the matching one for foundation you need any concealers or my favorites

is the Maybelline age rewind take it product links in the description

yes can you just concealer underneath the eyes I'm always traveling to my

channel and if you want a little bit of a natural highlight down a digi nose and

you're in this middle area forehead we're basically like in power yeah looks

like an iron right give it their all so I mean to empower something want to go

but I've heard that playing concealer or lighter foundation shade on the sides of

your nails that also helps with a nose contour that helps with making your nose

look smaller from looking at this and how to blend this to this nice and now

they didn't actually say himself image from eyford that you can blend concealer

with it but you're going to anyway and here now you're going to want to use

a powder especially if you have oily skin but whatever kind of skin you have

you can I want to use a primer so yeah stay matte limo in pick us up real cheap

for most lazy if it's like all pounds I think like that super cheap you just get

some powder make sure you top of the XFC don't get

Kate face because that's you get cake face well looks like you've got so much

on really look like a 14 on and I just I usually

and so it actually gets on and sets it

and you don't want to be rubbing your so she's you've just put it just put your

foundation on your concealer you start rubbing it's going to rub off from that

foundation and you just want to hard we gotten completely with your silly

sluggish all your fingers or when are we losing and you don't need a lot because

again that's when you get a face that is this is very natural look it's basic

naturalistic look this isn't quite quick and easy didn't require much special

skill so talking about contour like we're talking the fall you do like a bit

of a blank site not a problem it's not a bad thing you do look like a blank slate

like just the only kind of face shaping if anything that you've done is with the

concealer you may want to contour if you want to add some more shape your face

contour is the best this is a Kat Von D shine light to the very used

Palance which is very dirty it is amazing and these are the highlight

shades so you've got the banana powder mill and then the different kind of

tones for different shades of skin and these are the darker colors that you're

going to want to put on the hollows at this year use this is like your shadows

basically yeah wherever these are the high points and these will be the

shadows I'm going to go in with the banana powder one and top success and

then I'm just going to put on the hybrid so underneath his eyes

this will help set the eyes as well underneath fund-me for eyes and then

bridge of the nose and all those places of them top see cheaper

so you can I want to bring out especially if you want to have a more

chiseled face look going to want to bring out the top of your cheekbones so

then the I gets contrast between the top of my bones and then you're going to

want to get probably a smaller brush and use a really light I'm just going to go

in with this this one fairs it's more long-term so I'll add some more color

back to phase two then fucking you juice and leave us

easiest way to looks you can start to see why your cheekbones actually are and

then twist stop filling up some color use as little product possible and then

build up to if you go on if you put too much they're just all gravy cause early

all the time and you can just use a silly sponge again we use the fall

blending information let's go over the top and top burning mountain I'll get

rid of any harsh lines we have and I said top something for head if you have

a five hand if you have a 5 under John if you want to define your jawline and

if in doubt blend mmm that is worth flip by the words to live by

if in deaf ears thank you very much for watching this

video with me and Natasha you can find Natasha social media in the description

box look don't forget to subscribe like and leave a hate comment down below and

tell me how a glare look with this my cookbook we'll see you next Sunday bye

tell me how'd you get so codependent girl

For more infomation >> EASY MEN'S MAKEUP LOOK || joshua miles - Duration: 13:42.


How to Paint an Easy Watercolor Galaxy & Nebula Tutorial - Duration: 5:28.

In this tutorial I'll show you how to paint a gorgeous galaxy with tons of texture, color

variation, and value changes.

So, let's start!

Make sure you're using a big enough brush, like this is a size 10 round and start picking

up colors that you like and filling the page in with them.

Notice how I let them blend together and I even drop more water in to make blooms and

help with the blending.

My movements are super loose and random, but if you have trouble with this, try thinking

of painting fluffy clouds and move your brush accordingly.

We're playing with wet in wet right now, so you can always just use water or less paint

and go back in and add a different or darker colors anywhere in the painting that's still wet.

You can also add a splatter to make more color variations.

Since it's still wet the dots won't stay, but it will make the piece more interesting.

Also, be sure to add black in some parts of the piece.

If you want a huge contrast I recommend you use black ink.

Ink is completely fine to use with watercolor and can make some gorgeous textures, but here

I'm just using black watercolors here.

I continue filling the page with the same random brush strokes and different colors

and in this corner I make it fully black for more contrast, also notice how diagonally,

from the top right corner to the bottom left, I have left that area much lighter by using

less color and more water.

This is how you play with the contrast and make cool effects that look like nebulas,

but if you're planning to do lettering in white on top, it's better to make the whole

piece darker, so you don't have to leave this light area.

While my first layer is still wet I add more black in different parts of the composition.

Since it's a little dryer the paint spreads less, which is good because I don't want the

black to overpower the colors.

I also add more colors, trying to balance the piece and more splatter.

I'm keeping an eye on the overall composition and balancing it, but I have to work quickly

and do all the changes while the first layer is still wet.

Now I use a paper towel to lighten some areas by gently dabbing it, especially the diagonal


This also creates a beautiful misty texture.

I continue adding color, water, and using the paper towel until I'm happy with it and

then I let it dry.

You can see how there are a lot of blooms forming and beautiful textures, but once it's

more dry I add even more water to make more blooms and then I use rubbing alcohol in a

dropper to add texture.

You can also add salt instead, or use cling wrap, or any other fun technique.

I cover this and other basic techniques in my anyone can watercolor class and I left

a free link below if you want to take it.

Notice how random my placements of the alcohol drops are and I vary the sizes of the drops

by placing more or less alcohol down on the page.

For the smallest dots I just touch the page with the tip of the dropper.

Once I feel like it's done I use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process and then I

use splatter to add more of a texture.

Since the previous layer is mostly dry, the dots will stay where they are this time.

I dry the dots and now we can add the second layer.

But before we do, I want you to notice all the fun textures that were made with just

one layer.

Because we used so much water, the paint dried in such a magical way.

This is the beauty of watercolors and can only be achieved if you let go and let it

do it's own thing.

Adding a second layer is really important to up the contrast, make more textures, and

more intense colors through glazing.

Also the alcohol drop are way too light on their own so if you use this technique it's

definitely necessary to do a second layer.

For the second layer I do a similar thing as the first one, but this time I don't cover

everything and I keep my edges loose and fluffy.

You can make random shapes anywhere in the piece this time, since we already have the

first layer down, it'll just make a beautiful textures.

I think the piece could have used more pink and black so those are the colors I put down

the most and I don't paint inside the diagonal nebula because I want it to stay light and

I'm just increasing it's contrast with the background.

If you overdo an area, just dab it with a paper towel.

Once I feel like it's done I use a hair dryer to dry it and now we can add stars.

So actually, my camera stopped filming because it was full at this point and I didn't even

notice until the piece was done.

Ugh I hate when that happens.

But don't worry I'll still explain the process.

So I used white ink for the initial tiny stars.

All you need to do is get an old toothbrush and dip it in white ink or you can use white

gouache or acrylic and then flick the bristles.

If you flick them slowly they make very tiny stars, and if you flick them faster it makes

more concentrated stars with more size variation.

So you can easily control the effect with varying the pressure you flick the bristles at.

You can also just splatter with a normal brush but the stars will be too big, the tiny ones

feel more real.

If you look at a reference, that's how stars look like.

Here you can see the results from this technique and it already feels like a galaxy.

You could just stop here, but I'm going to add bigger stars for more details.

There are a lot of ways to do this like splatter with a brush or just painting them in with

some white medium, but I really love using the uniball signo broad point white gel pen for this.

It's very opaque and easy to add details and make bigger and smaller dots and you can even

draw in diamond stars or just use crossing lines.

Other ideas are lettering or constellations or a silhouette of something in white ink.

You can really get creative with the galaxy effect, but that's the gist of it.

Our painting is done, and I hope this mini lesson helped you and if you make a galaxy of your own I'd love to

see it, so just tag me on instagram.

If you enjoyed this tutorial, do me a favor and leave a comment or a like, this will help

other people to find it, and if you want to get notified every time I post a new one,

just subscribe.

And I'll leave you with something to think about, there is nobody else in this entire

universe that is like you, nor will there ever be.

You are one of a kind and deserve all the best.

Think about that, you are one of a kind!

I'll see you guys in the next tutorial.

For more infomation >> How to Paint an Easy Watercolor Galaxy & Nebula Tutorial - Duration: 5:28.


ЗОЛОТОЕ ЯБЛОКО x КУЗНИЦА БРОКА x Jotun - Duration: 2:04.

Brokk's Forge

Golden Apple

There are 4 rune stones in this location which we need to find in order to activate the bridge to the apple

The First One

The Second One

The Third One

And the last one


We got the apple! Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> ЗОЛОТОЕ ЯБЛОКО x КУЗНИЦА БРОКА x Jotun - Duration: 2:04.


MEET YOUR IDOL: A Ju Myeong || Interview + singing Polish & games - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> MEET YOUR IDOL: A Ju Myeong || Interview + singing Polish & games - Duration: 10:48.


Style Proshow Producer - Style Book | Free Download - Duration: 2:19.

the download link in the description

For more infomation >> Style Proshow Producer - Style Book | Free Download - Duration: 2:19.


المونتاج | كيف اتعلم المونتاج بسهولة؟ 🤔 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> المونتاج | كيف اتعلم المونتاج بسهولة؟ 🤔 - Duration: 3:21.


Hard Aggressive Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type Bass 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Hard Aggressive Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type Bass 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.


Thanks For Yesterday! :) - Duration: 2:40.

Hey guys, my name's TecRyan and welcome to a very quick video.

So I just wanted to just overall say a massive thank you to all of the people that I've seen the last two

videos that I've posted on this channel.

The support has been absolutely crazy.

If you don't want talking about, basically I updated my YouTube logo.

I'm sure you've probably already seen it by now, but I have actually updated it.

You can click on the card obviously, at the top of the screen, to watch that.

Now when I originally came up for (with) the idea of this new logo, I was actually quite worried

because I thought, you know, are people going to like this new logo?

Are they going to like this change?

Because a lot of people don't tend to like change.

It's like when YouTube completely changed their design, or when Twitter changed their design,

a lot of people weren't happy with it.

But over time, people get used to it, so obviously I knew that people would get used to this new logo,

but I didn't realise that people would get used to it so quickly.

Now obviously, yesterday at 2 o'clock UK time was when I actually dropped those two videos.

Can't believe I just said "dropped".

So yesterday about 2 o'clock UK time, I released the two videos.

It was the channel trailer and it was the...

What was it called again?

Ah, it's called "Updating Things".

Okay, so basically you saw the logo in both of those videos yesterday,

so you've been getting use to it ever since about yesterday afternoon.

However, I've been getting used to that logo for the past two months because that is when I first created the logo.

I basically designed it about two months ago and I looked at the old one and thought,

how could I change this?

So yeah, then the new logo was born, I guess.

But I'm also really happy with the new music that I've got and also the new style of content as well.

You guys actually seem to really like it, so I honestly cannot thank you enough for that.

So from yesterday's video, there was a ton of comments and a ton of different feedback as well,

which has definitely helped me overcome at this new change and it seems that you guys seem to like it as well.

So, of course, from this change as well, you will see less Minecraft, I have explained that in a previous video,

but hopefully I get that across that Minecraft is going to be something I'm going to be dying down.

But yeah, I do have a couple of videos all ready to go and, so yeah, it's just a case now of waiting for those to be released.

But yeah, I just wanted to basically post this video just to say a massive thank you for all your comments

and all the support from yesterday's two videos and, of course, the big change to this channel.

So yeah thank you very much watching this.

Sorry it was short, sorry it was bad, but yeah, there we go.

Thanks for watching, I'll see soon.

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