Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Hi I'm George :) Today we will talk about kiwi

Which I planted from the seeds in 2016

But in the previous video I said to write in comments. Which is my favorite plant

And you guess, it's bananas, Who wrote first and I added comment in the video

Look, your comment in video

And thank you very much for following me and

You know I like bananas

We come back to kiwi, my Kiwi revived

I think some of you know that

This kiwi I have from the seeds and

Has grows until October, after October there was no grows

And this is kiwi, today I replanted it (4 april filmed)

And I will keep it outside

So I hope to come back

And just in June I noticed new growth

And I am very happy

And I thought this kiwi was dry and not good

And I replanted it in April 2017

Has new, very beautiful new growths

But I thought this kiwi would not survive and

I planted kiwi seeds again, kiwi 2017

But it looks like it came back, that of 2016

And it's very gorgeous, look what the leaves has, beautiful all

And looks younger with the new leaves, and is gorgeous

And we'll see how much will grow until October, until then we'll wait

And again will enter hibernation but

actually was supposed to come out of hibernation somewhere in April

But I do not know why it came out of hibernation in June

And has new growths

And so, thank you for watching

leave a like and distribute this video

And we'll see you next time

Bye :)

For more infomation >> Finally Kiwi revived - Duration: 2:13.


Skoda Octavia Facelift To Launch In July; Bookings Open - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Skoda Octavia Facelift To Launch In July; Bookings Open - Duration: 2:29.


А за тобою вьется миллион Твоих теней, подобий, отражений Обабков Николай читает стихи Шекспира - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> А за тобою вьется миллион Твоих теней, подобий, отражений Обабков Николай читает стихи Шекспира - Duration: 1:34.


VLOG 53: Париж - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> VLOG 53: Париж - Duration: 6:06.


ALWAYS be fair in uhc ~ Screenie with Mydoeza - Duration: 3:21.

What does it say?

Your mistake (scream)

I hate this game! I hate it, I hate it! We're done, we're done!

Let's play solo!

And, we need to make an anvil

Hello. Oh hello.

This is a nice guy!

Shout out to Paxer... PaxerNoob for...

This man's... This is how...

This is respect, right here.

Good.. good looking out man

I leave you be, goodbye!

I don't want to kill you, or... I don't want you to kill me


I'm just gonna go this way

Don't mind me

I be laggy still

I don't want to fight him

It would bad

He like saved my life


continue on

Oh, oh my god! Hello?!

Oky.. well..


i thought it be ok

The mainly part, I feel like that wasn't too bad since...

noone can really touch me

Shout out to...

Ehm, PaxerNoob or whatever... He wasn't PaxerNoob? I'm pretty sure he was.

Thanks for not killing me

For more infomation >> ALWAYS be fair in uhc ~ Screenie with Mydoeza - Duration: 3:21.


The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way - Duration: 8:08.

The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way

By Michael Snyder,

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on StumbleUponEmail this to someone The borrower is the servant of the lender,

and through the mechanism of government debt virtually the entire planet has become the

servants of the global money changers.

Politicians love to borrow money, but over time government debt slowly but surely impoverishes

a nation.

As the elite get governments around the globe in increasing amounts of debt, those governments

must raise taxes in order to keep servicing those debts.

In the end, it is all about taking money from us and transferring it into government pockets,

and then taking money from government pockets and transferring it into the hands of the


It is a game that has been going on for generations, and it is time for humanity to say that enough

is enough.

According to the Institute of International Finance, global debt has now reached a new

all-time record high of 217 trillion dollars�

Global debt levels have surged to a record $217 trillion in the first quarter of the


This is 327 percent of the world�s annual economic output (GDP), reports the Institute

of International Finance (IIF).

The surging debt was driven by emerging economies, which have increased borrowing by $3 trillion

to $56 trillion.

This amounts to 218 percent of their combined economic output, five percentage points greater

year on year.

Never before in human history has our world been so saturated with debt.

And what all of this debt does is that it funnels wealth to the very top of the global

wealth pyramid.

In other words, it makes global wealth inequality far worse because this system is designed

to make the rich even richer and the poor even poorer.

Every year the gap between the wealthy and the poor grows, and it has gotten to the point

that eight men have as much wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion people on this planet


Eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity,

according to a new report published by Oxfam today to mark the annual meeting of political

and business leaders in Davos.

This didn�t happen by accident.

Sadly, most people don�t even understand that this is literally what our system was

designed to do.

Today, more than 99 percent of the population of the planet lives in a country that has

a central bank.

And debt-based central banking is designed to get national governments trapped in endless

debt spirals from which they can never possibly escape.

For example, just consider the Federal Reserve.

During the four decades before the Federal Reserve was created, our country enjoyed the

best period of economic growth in U.S. history.

But since the Fed was established in 1913, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by

approximately 98 percent and the size of our national debt has gotten more than 5000 times


It isn�t an accident that we are 20 trillion dollars in debt.

The truth is that the debt-based Federal Reserve is doing exactly what it was originally designed

to do.

And no matter what politicians will tell you, we will never have a permanent solution to

our debt problem until we get rid of the Federal Reserve.

In 2017, interest on the national debt will be nearly half a trillion dollars.

That means that close to 500 billion of our tax dollars will go out the door before our

government spends a single penny on the military, on roads, on health care or on anything else.

And we continue to pile up debt at a rate of more than 100 million dollars an hour.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal government will add more than

a trillion dollars to the national debt once again in 2018�

Unless current laws are changed, federal individual income tax collections will increase by 9.5

percent in fiscal 2018, which begins on Oct. 1, according to data released today by the

Congressional Budget Office.

At the same time, however, the federal debt will increase by more than $1 trillion.

We shouldn�t be doing this, but we just can�t seem to stop.

Let me try to put this into perspective.

If you could somehow borrow a million dollars today and obligate your children to pay it

off for you, would you do it?

Maybe if you really hate your children you would, but most loving parents would never

do such a thing.

But that is precisely what we are doing on a national level.

Thomas Jefferson was strongly against government debt because he believed that it was a way

for one generation to steal from another generation.

And he actually wished that he could have added another amendment to the U.S. Constitution

which would have banned government borrowing�

�I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution.

I would be willing to depend on that alone for the reduction of the administration of

our government to the genuine principles of its Constitution; I mean an additional article,

taking from the federal government the power of borrowing.�

And the really big secret that none of us are supposed to know is that governments don�t

actually have to borrow money.

But if we start saying that too loudly the people that are making trillions of dollars

from the current system are going to get very, very upset with us.

Today, we are living in the terminal phase of the biggest debt bubble in the history

of the planet.

Every debt bubble eventually ends tragically, and this one will too.

Bill Gross recently noted that �our highly levered financial system is like a truckload

of nitro glycerin on a bumpy road�.

One wrong move and the whole thing could blow sky high.

When everything comes crashing down and a great crisis happens, we are going to have

a choice.

We could try to rebuild the fundamentally flawed old system, or we could scrap it and

start over with something much better.

My hope is that we will finally learn our lesson and discard the debt-based central

banking model for good.

The reason why I am writing about this so much ahead of time is so that people will

actually understand why the coming crisis is happening as it unfolds.

If we can get everyone to understand how we are being systematically robbed and cheated,

perhaps people will finally get mad enough

to do something about it.

For more infomation >> The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way - Duration: 8:08.


TOP 5 STREETWEAR PICKUPS OF 2017 (SO FAR) - Duration: 8:50.

what's up guys it's your boy Ben here back with another video and we are a

little bit over halfway through 2017 and I've picked up quite a bit of item so I

figured for this video I would go over my top 5 favorite items that I picked up

in the first half of 2017 they vary from shoes to clothes to

accessories and they are all really good items so I wanted to share them with you

guys so without further ado let's get into my fifth favorite item this list is

going to be in order from least to greatest so 5 is the item I don't like

the most and then number 1 is obviously my favorite item that I picked up so far

so starting with number 5 we have the boom converse CDG play I don't know what

these are called the 70 or something what are these called

I don't know these are called I think they're like the 70s converse or

something like that I got the black colorway I actually did a video about

these I did not in boxing a little story about how the dude on girls was being

super weird with me when I was trying to get these I got these for 40 bucks so I

bought them used and they weren't used very much when I first picked them up

but I did get a lot of wear out of these so far and I'm really happy I picked

these up as you can see it's just like a basic converse 70 I believe it's a

little bit nicer than just a normal

conversation and back here which separates that I guess it has the CDG

heart of course I like the big hard pair but isn't a little hard pair just looks

a lot better to me and it's like a cream outsole like I said it has a lot of

stains and stuff now because I did wear it a lot more than they were worn but

that's not a big deal because I can just clean them up but this is such a great

shoe I'm usually a ran the guy if you guys don't know but I wanted to get a

pair of Converse and these were such a good deal that I couldn't pass up and

that's why it made number 5 on the list so now we're going to be moving to

number 4 on the list and number 4 is this little shoulder like waist bag I

got from inland shout out to present inland he's always been showing me a lot

of love with my videos and stuff so I figured I'd show him some love and just

tell you guys about this product that I just really

like I said it's a little waste bagger I think he calls it the ammo bag or

something like that a lot of you guys have actually been asking me about this

bag I believe he has it sold out right now I have his website link down below

if you guys want to check it out but I do think the black ones are already sold

out but I do think he's going to come out with an olive one or at least that's

what he told me I'm not really sure so this bag it's so sick I actually took it

to Disneyland when I went which is why I was gone for a little bit got this cool

like Mickey pin there and I use this and it was so convenient and I'm so glad

that I picked this up and I'm so glad that Preston made this because this is

such a sick bag it has like two pouches that you can fit quite a bit of stuff in

so like has two major pouches in the front it has this little I'm going to

put like your phone in there or something and then there's like a pen

thing too and another small compartment that you could put more stuff in you

could just carry so much stuff and it's so light and it doesn't really bother

you that much I don't really like having bags a lot with me but this really

doesn't bother me so I'm so glad I picked this up which is why it's number

four on my list the shoulder bag slash ammo bag whatever he calls it from

inland is number four so coming in at number three we actually have a supreme

item on top quite a bit of supreme this year and this is one of my favorite

items and it is boom the track pants I forget what the full name of these are

called I just am blanking it right now but as you can see it's a black pair of

track pants it has like that windbreaker nylon material and on the side of one of

the legs says supreme and huge embroidered white lettering this was

just such a crazy pick up earlier in the year I picked up a purple pair that's on

my Instagram follow me on that by the way my little Instagram handle will be

down here to Bend underscore hey bear but yeah I'm so happy I picked up this

black bear because I can wear with a lot more than that purple pair the inside of

the even flex is mesh too so they're super lightweight but they're also warm

at the same time it's kind of like a confusing thing because they keep you

warm but they don't like overheat you so I

can actually wear these in the summer which is crazy the back of the pocket

and it's a zipper pocket by the way these little tabs that they have on the

zipper they fall out really easily which is kind of the downfall to these and it

has Prine tag on it they are a black pair of

track pants this is one of the items that I want to be most from this year's

drops and I picked it up for retail and I'm so happy that I did because it just

looks super sick with a lot of athletic shoes which is why it is number three on

my list so moving on from number three to number two we actually have another

pair of bottoms from supreme and they are super tight they are these leopard

print water shorts a lot of people hated on me for saying water shorts in my

video but that was the title of these on the supreme website so I'm going to keep

saying water source as you can see it's it's all over like tan and black leopard

print these are just super tight to me they just stand out against everything I

wore these to Disneyland they were super comfortable super

lightweight as you can see it has a red box logo which really pops against the

leopard print and I just think these are so tight it has a back pocket like those

other pants that I showed you and this tab is red instead of black and it says

supreme on it so it's like another small box logo on it and it is also a zipper

pocket so you won't lose whatever you put in these this is my favorite supreme

item that I've picked up from the spring/summer drop just because they're

so loud and they're so cool and you can wear them with like plain stuff and your

fate will still be super tight with these so I'm glad I picked these up

which is why I have them at number two so now that we're done talking about my

second favorite pick up of the year so far it's time to start talking about my

number one favorite pick up of 2017 so far and to be honest it's not even close

like this is the top item that I picked up and it's this pair of Jordan Ford it

is the money green Ford as you can see is an all white pair of Jordan Ford and

there's little green hits on these little plastic things on the jump man on

the tongue and on the bottom as well I picked these up for $100 at sneaker con

Phoenix I actually filmed my experience at sneaker con so check that video out

if you want to see that and yeah like I said I picked them up for 100 bucks I

was actually leaving sneaker con and I saw him out of the corner of my

so I had to see if there were my size and they were and they're a great deal

these souls are in great condition usually with older Jordans the soles are

crumbling but these are in good condition

they are chipping a little bit in the paint area but that's not a big deal

because it doesn't really bother me the netting is yellowing as well but I think

that adds a lot of character to shoe and just make them look a whole lot cooler

but yeah this is the muddy green for words my size of so hyped I got them in

great condition to actually warm a lot so I do need to clean them like I needed

to clean the converse it comes with the og box - which I was so hyped about the

safe box with my size lippy color and all the information it's just like a

dream come true because I've been looking for these for so long and I

haven't been able to find a pair in my size in this condition for a decent

price and I found them for 100 bucks which is like amazing so yeah the money

reinforced is my number one favorite pickup and it's not even close because

this shoe is just so sick to me I hope they never retro these green is my

favorite color too like this color green so it's just another like bonus as to

why this is one of my favorite shoes and my favorite pickup from this year that

was my top 5 list I really hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did enjoy it

please leave a like down below because it really helps me out a lot if you're

new and haven't subscribed it please be sure to do that because if you like this

video you might like a lot of my other videos let me know in the comments

section what your favorite item from this list was or let me know if you

picked anything up this year that you really like because I do like having

conversations with you guys down there so definitely let me know follow all my

social medias all my links will be down below my Instagram handle is right here

Ben underscore Tabor on Instagram if you want to follow me my snapchat is up

there so you could take a picture of it if you want to follow me on there and

yeah I just want to thank you guys for all the love and support and I will see

you guys with the next video oh hey hey hey give me that a stick is

too damn late I don't want to play your tapes

I feel pressure oh yes sir - I guess so okay I so pressure oh because that guy's

okay oh they want to leave me alone that's I can't make it home kids how

they have

For more infomation >> TOP 5 STREETWEAR PICKUPS OF 2017 (SO FAR) - Duration: 8:50.



For more infomation >> HOW TO STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS - Duration: 3:40.


Cat of balloons - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Cat of balloons - Duration: 12:42.


AccessDNR July 2017 - Duration: 4:31.

[Sound of frogs]

Hello and welcome to AccessDNR, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources' monthly

video newsletter!

This month - Sandy Point goes solar, we go waist deep for water quality, wildlife researchers

get down and dirty and a whole lot more!

I'm your host, Anna Lucente-Hoffmann – and this is AccessDNR!

[AccessDNR Theme Music]

In our first story, Sandy Point State Park in Anne Arundel County finds a new way to

capitalize on sunshine – they're installing solar panels.

Over the last few weeks, workers have installed support structures and begun hanging solar

panels on the roofs of the park's maintenance buildings with other structures to follow.

When the project is completed, the complex will boast 285 panels, solar water heaters

and high efficiency lighting – all of which bring substantial energy savings to the park

and the public.

Up next, it's to the State House we go for the annual meeting of the Chesapeake Executive


During the meeting, Governor Larry Hogan was unanimously elected to serve as the new chair

– succeeding Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Under Governor Hogan's leadership, Maryland has invested an unprecedented $3 billion on

environmental and natural resources priorities, including fully-funding the Chesapeake and

Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund for the last two years.

Congratulations Governor!

Later in the month, we motor 30 miles off the coast of Ocean City in Worcester County

for a first-hand look at sustainable shark fishing.

Long time Charter Boat Captain and conservationist Mark Sampson, gave us this up-close and personal

opportunity to document the hook removal process for sharks caught on circle hooks – which

have been proven more effective than J hooks.

Want to learn more?

Check out the upcoming, summer edition of our seasonal magazine, the Maryland Natural

Resource, which features an article from Angel Willey, our Coastal Fisheries Program Manager.

Pick up a subscription and other must-have goodies at

In other news, 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of Bernie Fowlers' Patuxent River Wade-In.

Mr. Fowler is a former State Senator and a long time environmental advocate.

Each year - he leads family, old friends and new friends – hand-in-hand – into the

waters of the Patuxent River to measure water clarity using the famous "Sneaker Index."

This year's result … 41 and a half inches!

Great job, Bernie!

For our last recap, we join forces with staff from our Wildlife and Heritage Service and

a team of volunteers to wrap up the department's spring bog turtle survey.

Bog turtles are the smallest turtles in North America and one of Maryland's most compelling


To better understand this threatened species, we conduct annual population studies.

The data collected is used by conservation professionals to better inform habitat management

decisions and more.

Going Forward - we want to enthusiastically invite everyone to celebrate America's Independence

Day in style – at one of our spectacular state parks.

Stop in for any manner of adventure or make a plan to have a picnic, go camping, or stay

in one of our many beautiful cabins.

Discover the best kept secret in family fun by visiting

Well that's it for this month.

For the latest events, programs or news – please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter,

subscribe to our magazine and newsletter, and download our free mobile app.

For those of you on YouTube, please - give us a thumbs-up, subscribe to our channel,

and don't forget to share our videos with your family and friends.

I'm Anna Lucente-Hoffmann, thanks for joining us – we'll see you next month!

For more infomation >> AccessDNR July 2017 - Duration: 4:31.


Reddit UHC World Cup - Episode 2: Taalpuristen [DUTCH W/ ENG SUBTITLES] - Duration: 21:24.

Welcome back! This is Episode 2

of uhm... Wow, I really need to switch over... Sheesh.

Welcome back! Episode 2 of UHC World Cup.

This is Frostbreath reporting and I'm alive!

We've been seriously lucky in um... the previous episode. Check this out: 4 books!

With Power III, Sharpness III.

How often does that happen? I know it's a glitch...

That one book spawns 4 times in a chest...

But... You know...

Glitches happen. There's also less fun glitches...

For example getting stuck in a wall.

And then most people say

"Yeah, tough luck." And now it's like

Yeah, I've been lucky! Cuz I found 4 Power III,

Sharpness III books!" And that's really great!

I'm also very curious how many others started speaking in their native language

I must admit...

It's not as bad as I thought!

It actually feels great, so maybe I'll do another episode in Dutch.


If you're [Jullie Nederlanders] suddenly thinking: "Hey, that voice is strangely familiar

haven't I heard that before?" Quite possible!

If you've been listening to my channel for quite some time

then it's obvious, but if it's not and you're thinking: "Hey, that's quite the funny snowman, let's subscribe!"

But I know that voice...

I'll leave it up to you to figure out where you know it from.

And if not: Hai, I'm Frostbreath.

26 years old.

I studied on the teacher's academy until the final year

and then I quit.

That was mostly because the job at hand wasn't what I thought it would be after all.

Teaching is great, working with kids is awesome

but everything that comes with it is

crap... To put it that way.

So that's why I stopped.

It's actually quite a shame. But on the other hand: I now have a job

at a school care.

Not in my own town

If you're wondering where I live: not gonna tell you!

But I can tell you

I live near Utrecht.

In a smaller town somewhere close to it.

Not Nieuwegein, but that ain't a small city.

But you're getting close, enough said.

Right. As you can see, I'm in a Stronghold.

And for you English viewers: Yes, that's something that we Dutchies

say as "Stronghold" in Dutch.

I could also say "Underground Castle" [Great translation, me]

But that sounds so... dopey. Which is typical

for Dutch, that everything is translated

so incredibly precisely. It's what the Dutch love to do.

Oh, hi there! Just what I need.

Translating so precisely

it just doesn't sound nice at all.

That is why I prefer saying things in English terms, especially in Mineraft.

I almost broke that one. Wasn't needed, because I can just go down here.

That was a Silverfish Block.

See? I won't translate "Silverfish" either

because it just doesn't sound right...

At least not for me. Maybe for the language purists

which might be thinking: "Yesh, Frost Breath. Thou shallt

speaketh classic Dutch."

But I won't. Sorry.

Hey, is this the same library as before or is it another one?

It IS another one!

Apparently there's 2 libraries in this Stronghold.

Sounds kinda weird... I say "libraries" [in Dutch] followed by Stronghold [in English]...

It's better to say

"library in a stronghold." Oh well...

That's the Dutch. We're slowly but surely

mixing the Dutch language with


And what can you do about it? Not much

That's why we live in a mixed society. Live with it.

I wonder how it's going to develop further. Maybe

Dutch will "English-ify" even more, because

you especially hear it with academy studies:

"Hey, I follow the study "Economy and Business Management."

It sound so... Epic!

I must admit, it sounds better than "Economy and Business...

Management..." Maintenance. No, not maintenance.

Flair for languages...

Management, come on...

Management... Leadership!

I mean, that sounds pretty fancy, but people think saying it in English

make it sound even more fancy. I don't know.

And that goes for more and more terms.

Not just university studies

but also for, you know, games.

I mean, we actually say the word "games", which is as English as it can be.

Not to mention all English and French words we use every day.

Oh, this is a bit sad...

Had I known that, I would've never made pants. Oh well, nothing you can do.

So yeah... I work on a school care and next to that

at least for now, tutoring on school subjecs. But by the time this

video is released, I'll have quit that job.

I'll be quitting after June 21st with my job as tutor

Really enjoyed it, awesome job.

I've been able to teach kids a lot and working 1-on-1

is something I'm really good at.

Ohhh man, it's really my lucky day right now. Wait wait wait.

Back off.

Let's get full armor first, before we jinx stuff.

And if you've been watching me for a long time and speak Dutch, then you know how it goes

with me. Suddenly, a creeper will pop up from behind and it's game over...

People were joking around when I said I wanted to do episode 2

in Dutch: "What if you die in episode 1?"


Had no comment on that...

Then I would've, I dunno, made fun of them in Dutch or something.

Ey, WintherWaffle?

[Dutch saying with terrible pun with Winther's name...]


Right, what we need is...

Helmet, boots, bucket...

Let's get a bucket of water!

Nice, classic Dutch song. Fancy.

With a bit of luck that is a 5-vein.

Not 4...

As we've come across more often...

4 diamonds...

Just 1 short. I'd rather find 1

and then 4 more.

Wait, did I hear a zombie?

I must be careful not to

flip out and become paranoid.

Helmet, check. Done!

By the way, what do you think of my gorgeous

orange scarf and tattoos of the Dutch flag?

As well as my classic intro having the Dutch

anthem instead of "Frosty the Snowman" [I actually forgot to change that...]

Decided to do it differently

as this is a thematic recorded round.

Just like Nuzlocke and Out of Orbit I always do

a little extra, as thematic RRs

are a lot of fun.

Because they're different from others.

You wouldn't call To The End a thematic round.

I'd like to view it as such, because every 5 seasons

we go to the End and attempt to slay the Enderdragon.

It has been done once in Season 5. In Season 10

it didn't go as planned. The Dragon won...

Funny thing is: in Season 5, a Dutch guy won.

Who actually won TTE 4 times already, but... Oh man, so lucky today...

5 diamonds!

Not normal... But I know this will somehow

come back at me. Not sure how, but it will happen.

You'll see that at this very moment, someone is digging to me...

Those fun things...

So I need to think of something quick

which is

smelting gold...


Pickaxe. See? Here I go again with all English names.

You just automatically do that when playing Minecraft

I've actually never

played it in Dutch, because when I saw that

Mooshroom was translated to...

[Strange Dutch translations...]

[Disgusting translation]. And then I was like... Yeah

Never mind...

Not in Dutch. It sounds horrible...

What does it even mean?!

How do you even get to that?

I admit, it's creative

and better than translating Redstone [thankfully they didn't]

I believe Redstone isn't translated in Dutch as it is the official name of the resource.

Other from that, I don't know...

Dutch just doesn't fit in games.

That's why I prefer playing games in English

because sometimes...

I personally think it just doesn't do the job. Everyone to his own, but

Dutch in games... Nahh.

Games for kids, okay... If you're 6 or 7 years old

and can't speak English

Fair enough. Games with things such as

Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck

and maybe LEGO games in Dutch. Sure thing.

Makes perfect sense.

As a 6-7 year old kid you can't speak English decently.

It's improving, as you're now being taught English from age 4 these days.

Are most schools doing this? Yes, yes...

Are they really all doing this? Yes, good boys.

So it's improving, but still...

It's good to have games in Dutch for the younger folks.

But when you grow up, it's better to watch things in English, because

people you play online with all speak English.

If you find them.

Not all, yeah. For example: Russian people

are an exception, as they rarely speak English

in games, I believe.

I could be wrong, though.

They speak mostly Russian. Then there's some French, who

refure to speak English even when they can.

Other than that, it's pretty good. Some Germans maybe, but it's improving a lot.

You still see those English-spoken movies

where everything speaks German. They call King Kong

"König Kong". And I'm like "Just stop it" as we Dutch don't do that either.

We just say King Kong.

Come on.

English is, after all

the "big language".

Yes, Spanish is the most common language in the world,

but to communicate almost everyone can speak English.

And it's getting better.

If I'm honest, I only got taught English when I was 10,

but I really started to learn it when I started watching English movies and documentaries,

from the moment I started to play games actively

and started communicating with others in English. Only then you'll actively

learn English. But just learning words at school

is the most stupid thing there is. That's me saying it as

almost-teacher, that just learning words is ridiculous.

Seriously, you won't learn English with just that. Simple as that.

You only learn how to replicate things from the top of your head

not how to use the language.

And that is actually the point: learning to use the language.

At this moment, many primary schools... It's a good thing that they...

offer English classes from the age of 4, but with higher years, they still

expect students to

simply study words.

And then a teacher asks a student to say something in English

and it turns out they can't really do that.

Why? Because they only learn words inside out

and things you learn from the top of your head

for just one test, let's put it like that,

to just translate those words

like you do with topography, you'll forget quite soon after.

In other words: it's not very effective...

It doesn't work.

Just learning words, doesn't teach you to speak English.

So, learn to actively use it!

Speak English with others, meet other people online.

I mean, the internet is so free and open these days, it's not hard

to meet foreign people and talk to them. I do it as well.

All recorded rounds I'm in have people from all over the world.

Not all places, okay...

And it's a lot of fun. You'll also learn things

about how things work and culture of other countries.

If that interests you, that is...

Status update: 12 gold,

just 1 heal, not much. Do I have Lapis? Nope, didn't grab any...

So I'll do that now. And I just remembered: I've been mining four

obsidian, but I still lack an Enchant Table, because I'm so distracted...

by myself...

Typical, typical, typical...

We won't enchant sword and bow yet. We need to

mine iron like crazy, because I need that anvil.

For the super overpowered

books I have. It's quite bizarre.

I can, let's see, if I do this smart

I can come quite far already...

But do I want Sharp 3 Power 3, or do I... Actually, you know what, I do want

Sharp 3 and Power 3 and then Power 4 is a possibility.

6... 14 iron. Okay, first of all, let's

enchant all armor. Oh man, it's a big mess...

I've got enough books so I can

get rid of these.

Got loads of string, still haven't made a bow...

Got flint.

What do I still need? Not this, for sure.

Raw meat. Nah. Lot's better, isn't it?

Inventory management...

Still not my thing...

Projectile... Will cost me 3 levels, so screw that.

Oh sh*t. That was 2, crap...

Whatever, so be it...

And protection...

I saw it for a very short moment and then I already clicked on Protection I...

Oh well, it happens.

Everyone makes mistakes...

We all make mistakes.

Look how much iron I missed, can you believe it?

I may get glasses. By the way,

I'm 26 and I still have lenses nor glasses.

I'm starting to think about it... Oh!

Would you look at that!



Oh boy, Israel killed Italy!


Israel: 1 kill.

Italy: out of the running.

How is FrozenBenny doing?

51. Still has got decent

damage leftover from it.

Oh, we haven't fully explored that Stronghold, by the way.

I don't think there's much more to it, though.

I know there's 1 more room with a chest, but...

Check this out, one big broken mess over here.

Looks terrible.

Of course, it's... Oh wait, thought this was going in a circle.

All dead ends.



This is going up. Something here? I don't know

the layout of Strongholds well enough

to know where this last chest should be.

I know it's in some sort of wooden room.

But I just rarely find Strongholds.

That's how rare they are.

Super rare, indeed.

Hey! You're the first mob!

Lil' baby.

Don't try to... outsmart me, friend.

This one is behaving very odd.

Probably deeply impressed my my Dutch skills.

He's like: "The heck are you talking about, I don't understand..."

No worries! In about 2 minutes, we'll revert back to

English. It'll take some getting used to it, but

it was great fun, to actually talk Dutch like this,

in a recorded round episode.

Maybe we'll do it again in episode 4? I'll think about it.

I'll have 20 minutes to do so.

I need loads of levels, by the way, so I'll be mining all redstone.

And pay close attention to any creep

deciding to kill me. You never know!

With creep I do not only mean Creepers, but also players thinking:


I'll be moving over to you."


If there's a mineshaft as well, I'm the luckiest man ever.

I'm also still in the running for Iron Man.

What the... Oh!

Bat, right... Giving a show.

Comes from all the way over there...

I do like to get that Lapis. Let's check this out first.


Woah! I'm really happy I moved to this place now!

Even more diamonds!

We might switch to diamond gear soon, boys.

Or a Sharp 3 diamond sword, as I have 2.

Maybe it's not a bad idea... Sharpness 3 diamond sword.

Why not, am I right? If we end up having to melee,

which everyone is a huge fan of these days...

Right, so Golden Heads heal 3 hearts.

If you've never seen UHC before, Golden Heads

drop when a player is killed in a UHC game.

As some sort of reward.

Man, this is quite dangerous. All right, that's gone.


In a few minutes, it'll no longer be a threat.

Last 20 seconds in Dutch, then we'll go back

to English!

It was a lot of fun!

I hope you as Dutch viewer

enjoyed it as well,

to hear things differently.

Let me know.

And I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Reddit UHC World Cup - Episode 2: Taalpuristen [DUTCH W/ ENG SUBTITLES] - Duration: 21:24.


What is an Earl? - Duration: 3:20.

In England during the middle ages there was a noble position known as an earl.

And an earl was essentially, what was referred to as a count in the rest of Europe at the


The word earl comes from the name of a Germanic god/warrior Ríg-Jarl who was said to be the

ancestor of warrior nobles.

A feminine form of earl never developed; instead, countess is used.

An earl was essentially someone who looked after land in the name of the king and did

not have to be related to the royal family.

The earl looked after a county, or at times a couple of counties, and depending on the

time period had various amounts of power in creating laws and judging the people under

his rule.

In Anglo-Saxon England, earls had authority over their own regions and had the right of

judgment in local courts, as far as permitted by the king.

They collected fines and taxes and in return received one-third of all the money they collected.

And during times of war they mustered and led the king's armies.

During this period, it was common for counties, known as shires, to be grouped together into

larger units known as earldoms, headed by an ealdorman or earl.

After the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror tried to rule England using the traditional

system but eventually modified it to suit his own needs.

Shires or counties became the largest subdivision in England and earldoms disappeared.

earls power and regional jurisdiction was limited to that of the Norman counts and Earls

no longer aided in tax collection or made decisions in country courts.

By the 13th century, earls had a social rank just below the king and princes, but they

were not necessarily more powerful or wealthier than other noblemen.

The only way to become an earl was to inherit the title or marry into one—and the king

reserved a right to prevent the transfer of the title.

By the 14th century, creating an earl included a special public ceremony where the king personally

tied a sword belt around the waist of the new earl, emphasizing the fact that the earl's

rights came from him.

Earls still exist in the UK and Ireland but don't hold as much power as they once did

although many of them are members of the house of lords.

For more infomation >> What is an Earl? - Duration: 3:20.


DIY Wireless Firework Launcher! - Duration: 5:23.

just in time for July 4th we thought it'd be fun to make a DIY Wireless

firework trigger so you can launch fireworks from a distance besides

shooting this by hand was a little dangerous!

alright let's build it! the circuit itself is quite simple we're utilizing

two arduino nanos 2 RF modules a relay board a limit switch and obviously a

breadboard to prototype it. To see the complete circuit diagram and build

instructions visit our page on there are links in description below

alright now that we have the circuit made let's make the switch I mean I'm all lit

up in 3d CAD now it speed up the process I found many electronic components we

need to use for this project on grab CAD which is a free site where engineers and

share the 3d models now that have some fun with project I decided to make it

look like a mini TNT detonator as always we've included links in the

description below to download the three files in case one 3d print your own

let's start printing

once we finish printing we got boxing to jam all electronic parts inside the

products boxes and a bit of permanent marker later we're ready to test alright

so how does it work basically we have two arduino nanos

which are tethered with an RF module when you press limit switch it

wirelessly triggers a relay inside this box which is connected to the high

discharged lithium polymer battery it's been a short thin wire which we've

wrapped around the igniter

fuck that's bringing range

all right let's have some bigger things first a little silver rain

all right next up we have something Fernando made called Sparky mark three

and we're going to light this off in his honor

next step we have this terribly unsafe bundle of are these black cats

alright that was a big one

there are little boombox worked quite well thank you washing does alright so

it turns out we have one more experiment for you guys

Ian's preparing something in the fire pit right now let's see if this is an

effective fire starter

how's it coming there you throw this home

why'd we make a tutorial

we go

whoo ha ha ha

that is presentation

shrim okay alright guys hope you enjoyed that as mentioned before there are links

in the description below to both the circuit diagram and the 3d files we use

if you want to make your own and free to print it too plus make sure you

subscribe because we still haven't launched this thing off and you're not

going to want miss it!

For more infomation >> DIY Wireless Firework Launcher! - Duration: 5:23.


Get Rid of the LGBT Acronym - Duration: 3:19.

I've been very proud to be in the LGBT community or is it the BGLT community the

BG it's even as queer and questioning it queer is questionable on its own because

I couldn't find a definite answer for queer there wasn't one answer for it and

questioning well questioning doesn't even make sense that happen in it and

then they're adding this other crafting and now some people are trying to push

race into it it's like oh my god it's watering down the main focus right now

we go by this acronym LGBT QQ I don't know that's a big acronym anymore it's

gotten ridiculous it isn't marketable let me tell you that it's a horrible

thing market I don't see that this is an organization it's just a community

however but you're combining apples and oranges together and what I mean by this

is you're combining sexual orientation with gender identity which are totally

different concepts and I had to explain to my sister a few summers ago

that I am NOT a transgender I am just attracted to the same sex that's it so

it just goes to show that how this is not doing very well resonating with a

greater with educating the world so you have a lot of ignorant people as a

result because it does not do well when you mix transgenders with gay and people

really have to sit down and study it but they need to make it one more easier for

people understand there's a difference so yeah and then I also heard of the

acronym someone so they're going to add race or some organization they want to

put race involved in it that's already completely ruining it that will

completely destroy the whole community if that happens I know someone had

proposed or in Philadelphia they had done a flag which represents race which

i think is great to talk about race but it's defeating the whole purpose of the

community it's putting apples and oranges together you need to focus

purely on one concept not combining two unrelated issues so racism is in every

community which is the bigger number 501 five five

one I propose that we should get rid of the acronym and just have s o sexual

orientation and geo gender orientation or gender identity or whatever you know

and I know many people mix and have stuff in mixing in the middle there's no

- you have sex with is totally unrelated to how you identify with your gender

so don't mix them and confuse people more and plus this would help out the

transgender community a lot more and spread more awareness of it yeah that's

my complete thoughts on that acronym if you had if you like the challenge to

stop sweet I encourage you to participate in D sorry this is a sloppy

video I don't even have anything written down I'm just looking down the sink so

yeah what do you think on that what do you think on the acronym it was my

opinion on the whole thing I'm so feel free to drop a line below and tell me

what you think about it alright thanks guys

alright bye

For more infomation >> Get Rid of the LGBT Acronym - Duration: 3:19.


5 Crazy NBA Offseason Moves That Need To Happen - Duration: 4:36.

Hey everyone, for Complex News, I'm Justin Block.

Let's get real about the NBA for a second: It's only the beginning of the offseason,

and the league has already lost its damn mind.

LeBron and Draymond are trading ruthless insults on IG, LaVar Ball is officially the most notorious

NBA dad alive, and there's always a chance Phil Jackson puts the final nail in the Knicks'

coffin and trades Kristaps Porzingis.

That being said, it's never been more fun to be an NBA fan.

They're rightfully seizing their place as the most entertaining year-round league.

Simply put, the NBA's the best reality show we've got.

But there's always room for improvement.

And depending on what side you're on, the idea of the Cavs and Warriors dominating the

league and trading championships for the next half decade is downright sickening.

LeBron and the Cavs have the East in their pocket, and Steph, Durant, and the rest of

the Warriors have the West in a headlock.

Sure, the basketball excellence and talent we've seen on display during the last three

NBA Finals is exhilarating.

There's no debating that.

But, to try and restore some competitive balance and unpredictability to the NBA, we think

these extreme, but very necessary offseason moves need to happen.

And if you think they're really crazy, just remember:

This might be the point of no return for Carmelo Anthony's disappointing Knicks career.

He's spent six-and-a-half years at the Garden, and in return, only has one playoff series

win and a whole lot of blame on his shoulders.

We've endured years of non-stop losing for Melo's Knicks, and with him hitting age

33, we're sick of it all.

It's also no secret that Phil Jackson would love to trade Melo—if only Melo would waive

his no-trade-clause.

Well, Melo would definitely waive his clause and personally drive himself to Cleveland

if it meant joining LeBron and the Cavs.

A re-invigorated Melo could be the weapon the Cavs need to match the Warriors' firepower.

Also, LeBron's been one of his best friends since they each broke into the NBA in 2003.

LeBron would welcome Melo with open arms and a glass of his finest red wine.

So here's how we're making this go down.

Melo heads to The Land, Ricky Rubio becomes the pass-first point guard the Knicks have

needed for years, and the upstart Minnesota Timberwolves receive badly needed perimeter

defense, shooting, and mentoring help in Shumpert and Frye, and Jefferson.

Who says no?

Well, Melo still could, of course.

But if LeBron's adding a new threat in Melo, the Celtics will have to respond.

Ever since blowing up their championship core, the Celtics have been slowly rebuilding.

Now, thanks to a combination of stars in Isaiah Thomas and Al Horford, plus good role players

and a whole lot of draft picks, the Celtics feel like they're one or two pieces away

from keeping LeBron up at night.

Now, in walks five-time All-Star Blake Griffin.

His inside-outside talents and freakish athleticism would fit perfectly downlow with Horford.

His rebounding would also help the Celtics shore up their presence on the glass, where

they ranked 27th in the league last season.

Griffin loves living and playing in Los Angeles, but his Clippers team might not have a championship

window to look through anymore.

The Celtics' is just opening, and Griffin can jump aboard and help Isaiah captain the

ship with endless alley-oops.

Speaking of breaking up Lob City, we know that Chris Paul has over 200 million reasons

to stay with the Clippers.

At age 32, locking up one more max contract is probably enticing for Paul, but let's

remember: He's ringless and has never made a Conference Finals with the Clippers.

Paul should rip up that $200 million extension with the Clippers and head to the Spurs for

a year.

With CP3, Kawhi Leonard, LaMarcus Aldridge and Coach Popovich's magic, the Spurs could

reasonably challenge the Warriors' rule of the Western Conference throne.

And here's the key twist: After a year, he could become a free agent again with his

banana boat buddy LeBron, whose contract is up in 2018.

Another superteam in Los Angeles could be brewing.

Now looking eastward, let's consider the Chicago Bulls.

The Rajon Rondo experiment in Chicago has failed spectacularly, so it's time to bring

in a responsible point guard.

Kyle Lowry, who's been one of the best point guards in the East for a few years, would

be a great pickup for the Bulls.

A threesome of Jimmy Butler, D-Wade, and Lowry wouldn't exactly strike fear into LeBron's

lion-sized heart, but it could make the franchise respectable again after a chaotic few years.

Speaking of chaos, let's bring this scenario into reality: Kevin Durant re-signing with

the Oklahoma City Thunder.

The guy got his ring, and we all respect his resume now, right?

Nobody's going to poke holes in his Hall of Fame plaque like they do with Barkley,

Malone, and Ewing because he didn't win a title.

KD doesn't have to be insecure about his legacy anymore—he's an NBA Finals MVP,

a transcendent offensive talent, and if he returned to small-town OKC, he'd be a hero


The Thunder would need make a few trades to clear cap space for KD's own homecoming

of sorts, but this would be the ultimate move.

Balance would return to the Western Conference, as Russell Westbrook and KD can go back to

finishing the job they started together last decade: Winning a title in OKC.

So there's our five-part, slightly insane plan to fix the NBA this offseason.

We need these moves to happen, people.

That's all for now, but for more NBA coverage this summer, be sure to subscribe to Complex

on YouTube today.

For Complex News, I'm Justin Block.

For more infomation >> 5 Crazy NBA Offseason Moves That Need To Happen - Duration: 4:36.


How to Draw Girls Accessories Set. DIY Coloring Pages.Art for Kids.Step by Step Drawing for Children - Duration: 2:28.

How to Draw Girls Accessories Set. DIY Coloring Pages.Art for Kids.Step by Step Drawing for Children

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