Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

don't touch me

For more infomation >> touch - Duration: 0:07.


Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | Power Rangers Cliff Jumping & Underwater Scene | HD - Duration: 7:10.

Guys, look. Look, it's that guy again.

Find anything interesting?

If I do, I'm keeping it!

- We know why you're here. - Oh, yeah?

You guys wake up surprised to be alive and jump over a house?

Yeah. Kinda. Well... no.

Look, we're different, all right? Everything's different.

Uh, you're Zack, right?


You still go to Angel Grove?

Ha! Sometimes!

You know, the other girl was here too, about an hour ago.

Hey, you mean that girl right there?

Hey! Come on down!

We should figure this out together!

- Whoa. - Oh, screw this.

- Okay, let me handle this. - She got up there pretty fast.

No, no, no!

Yo, keep up.


Just... just talk to me.

You have a coin. We have a coin.

We should just talk about this. I mean, we don't know what this...

- Whoa! Whoa! - What is wrong with you?


Oh, you're crazy! But so am I.

- Whoa, Zack. - No, I got this.

- Wait, wait. - No, I got this.

- What are you doing? - Whoa, whoa, whoa!


- I got her! - Get off of me.

Just jump over.

Let's go. Jump with me. Yeah.

No, no, no! Don't-don't jump. - Okay.

- Don't jump. Don't jump. - I'm gonna jump across with her,

and then you jump, okay?

- Piece o' cake. - No, no, no!

Don't, don't! Jason! Hey!

That's not a piece o' cake!

- You all right? - Yeah, no problem.

You got this, Billy!

No, I don't!

- It's fun. - It's such a far jump.

- Come on, let's go, dude. - Billy, come on.

- We all did it. - Yeah,

you'll be fine, I promise. Just jump.

Come on, do it, dude. Let's go.

The drop is probably more than 100 feet,

which means death is imminent.

Okay, so if you die, Billy, what's gonna happen?

Okay, your mom'll be alone.

But it's okay 'cause she could find somebody else.

But she couldn't, 'cause you love your mom

- and you won't really... - He's scared.

He'll come across, he's fine.

Okay. Okay.

Visualize jumping across!

- And then do it! - Come on, you got this!


Billy, you got this!

Whoa! Oh, shit!


- Are you okay? - I got it.

- Come on, climb up. Climb up. - I did it.

- Billy, you got it. - I did it!

See, what'd we tell you, Billy? You got it!

Told you. See?

- Whoo! - Yes!

Billy, right! Yeah!

- Whoa! - Billy!

- Oh, my God! - Billy!



- No, no, no, no, no. - Billy!

- We just kill that dude? - What do we do?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Hey, guys, you gotta come down here!

It's water! You gotta see this!

Yo, all right! I'll see you guys down there.

Uh... bring that crazy girl.

Come on, you guys, let's go! Whoo!


Uh, hey... could I get a sip of your water?

I'm dying.

Okay. Just don't finish it.

Thanks. And I'm really sorry.

Sorry for what?



Welcome to the club!

'Sup, crazy girl?

We gotta do that again.

Oh, thank goodness.

- Hey, guys. Guys! - What?

- Check out how we glow. - Cool.

- Oh, yeah! - I like this.

I'm blue!

That's not my favorite color, but it's cool.

I'm black!

- What? - I am.

No, you're not.

Hey, guys. There's something down there. Follow me.

- Where are we? - I don't know.

Jason, I'm sliding!

- Hi. - Again?.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | Power Rangers Cliff Jumping & Underwater Scene | HD - Duration: 7:10.



In this video, we'll cover the Single Fire System augmentation for Mass Effect Andromeda,

You may not like my coverage on this one...

<title: Single Fire System>

So, the single fire system is an augment added to Mass Effect Andromeda in Patch 1.08,

as with the Burst and Automatic, it wasn't really added, but made available as it should

have launched with the game but due to bugs was not attainable,

This augmentation turns the fire type of the weapon it inhabits to semi-automatic, meaning

single shot.

Now, I may as well just lay it out,

This is an awful augment that doesn't improve any weapon to a usable standard, with most

weapons it's compatible with, it actually makes them worse.

OK I just double checked everything, and there is a single weapon were the DPS is improved

with this augment, and that is the incisor,

The single target augmentation takes the incisor from 1031 with the bio-converter at rank 8

with these parameters to 1301,

It's certainly a noticeable increase, but!

If you use the automatic fire system instead, the DPS is 2243,

So yeah, Single Target Augment is crappy for DPS,

But if you want a supercharged single shot, then the Dhan while being single shot by default,

can take this augment raising it's damage by 30% for a monster shot yet at an awful

DPS, roughly a 3rd of its default, but some may like this for shooting from cover if they

aren't already one shotting with it.

I'd like to say there's more but there really isn't, you should probably just ignore this


aaaand case closed


Thanks for watching folks, sorry this wasn't good news of some cool new weapon buff, but

I guess it isn't always sunshine and miniguns.

Like if you liked, dislike if you didn't, subscribe if you haven't already, and stick

around, big things happening, I'll keep you updated as things become concrete.

Have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> SINGLE FIRE SYSTEM AUGMENT WITH DPS CHARTS PATCH 1.08 - Duration: 1:55.


Svitac (Ateşböceği) - 1 Epizoda Druga Najava - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Svitac (Ateşböceği) - 1 Epizoda Druga Najava - Duration: 0:54.


Are you ready to start Breathing wealth? - Duration: 3:43.

are you ready and willing to you expand your life into wealth are you already

experiencing abundance or do you feel you want to get into wealth abundance in

that kind of energies and do yourself love yourself so much that you want to

give yourself all that love through wealth back to you all that love that you

radiate in this video program I'm going to Dubai I'm going to record every

corner of wealth I'm going to dive really deep into wealth and I'm going to set a

safe space for you and for myself so we can allow ourselves into wealth and we can

breathe ourselves into wealth you know from your own experiences that when you

are somewhere you adopt the energies of your surroundings when you hang around

with certain people your energies will melt into the group energy and now you

know you know that when you are participating in this video program you

can melt your energies with wealth through the videos I'm going to share

I'm going to capture the energies of wealth I'm going to share them for you

and for myself in a safe space so we can open tune into it and adapt it in to our

lives and do you trust yourself so much because that's that's important

when we do something like this and you know you don't trust yourself to expend

the energies of wealth of abundance into wealth things are going to happen things

are going to change because you choose to get into this video program and you

know when things are going to change

you'll never know in which way and in which direction so if you come with me

into this program you have to trust yourself and you are be able to jump

into it whatever happens and you know what happens because you choose for it

you're going to experience wealth and you are going to expand your abundance

flow so if this sounds like you want to join me, read a little bit further in the

description what we are going to do and don't forget to get into this video

program because we will start on the 1st of August and I hope you will be with

there with me I will see you in Dubai

For more infomation >> Are you ready to start Breathing wealth? - Duration: 3:43.


MY FIRST GAME EVER | N. Sane Trilogy | Crash Bandicoot Pt.1 - Duration: 18:08.

Activision presents a smashing blast from the past

developed by Mike Elias visions its Crash Bandicoot hello everyone it's me

Jayskibean and welcome to crash bandicoot the insane trilogy now this game this is the

first game I ever ever played ever in my entire life period this is the first

video game ever played was the very first Crash Bandicoot game and here we

are lovers I love that grave as it sounds oof it sure and right there Oh

God everything about this game is gonna bring back so many memories

oh so also just like everybody else to say and probably this is but this really

has such a big impact on my life like very first video game ever played got me

into the gaming and if I remember it here's a picture of me as a kid playing

Crash Bandicoot but probably I don't know if it's that's exactly where it is

but it looks like it so I'm just gonna jump right into it like I always do I

don't want to monologue too much but I actually even have a tattoo from Crash

Bandicoot right here it's aku aku it's the it's that guy a guy in the screen

right now and I'm so excited to play this I've been excited up and looking

forward to it for forever dr. korchek we haven't determined the cause of past

areas deceive me more on this Bandicoot will be my general will lead my cortex

commando to world domination this I shall claim triumphant so good we are

closer than ever before quickly into the vortex the cortex the vortex is not

ready we have no idea what it could do

he's dead

failure again capture him yes oh yeah prepare the female - cool

so good I am and we're gonna wash it up on the insanity Beach collector acha

acha mask to become invincible yeah I knew that but all man's get get ready do

you like just I'm just gonna have so many stories like my memory is pretty

bad but this game is gonna bring back intense stories of my pastor oh yes

why would I skip oh I'll just look so good

look how good it looks is awesome can i sprint no there's a sprint

I don't know if they like Adam other controls of spin just inventory oh yeah

inventory Boeing oh so oh yes go boo boo god I love it

the noise is already exactly the same though I mean it kind of are but Casto

belly flop and how do i billy club sit on our belly flop how does a good belly

flop maybe you have to learn how to develop ah I see a lot of the noises are

the same like the peru is the same and fill the two of them and everything's

basically the same - just like the ahh i don't said that a million times

there we go checkpoint first checkpoint in the game what was that yeah you're

not seeing a lot of memes too recently about how it's about the whole um it's

basically Dark Souls because it's so hard things like but I go but I'm gonna

get so good brings back so many memories and all the jewels and stuff the gyms

that you can collect for getting all of the yeah let me go back because I feel

like I'm missing something it says 38 out of 49 so I'm just an

eleven of them BPG yep hey guys their spin get them all they didn't get all of

boom we just got to go back and grab them see that's the thing I didn't want

to start this game alright here goes

no ah crap I've seven lines I can go back and do it

nope okay oh jagged I got a checkpoint we can do

it again go here I can't wait for that level I'm so ready hey I got roofie oh

my god I haven't been on the PlayStation in a long time so trophies are like I'm

just interfering long time so good though I hope I don't know I got a life

back okay I hope it didn't mess it up from me blowing away that fruit what are

the fruits called again I can't remember what the fruits are called I'm going to

go back and make sure I get the data get it I got to be able to nail all of those

boxes with this jump on it even lets me use the uh so what's it called the d-pad

to me I'm not going to but oh okay all right now this is a lot harder than

I remember

no oh my god is this one gonna be okay we got this

we gotta do this now create pack yeah we could now I'm probably not going to do

this for every level I'm probably just gonna do it for the first level me

honestly because it's going to take a lot of time and i reaiiy don't want to

rush the gameplay but there are three games in this and i am doing a full

playthrough most def of all of them in italy this is the video game to me

they've got me see I told you already you've heard you've heard it you've

heard my speech oh man look how good the graphics has gotten in hell oh yes it's

my last try this is last time I'm trying this by the way I'm not going to try

again after this you're just going going going this poignant swing all right I

think I got it yeah I got him IATI Oh don't die and I

gotta jam yeah yeah yes perfect where do you fuck got my first Jim son

three percent complete the wumpa islands so does it not take me to the to the map

or does it take please take me to the mat take you to the world map show me

the world map let me see the map just taking a long time to load yes the rad

also good so again I'm so cool and you can save anywhere on the world map

that's so awesome oh yeah it's gonna be awesome all right

jungle rollers now this one I'm probably not going to try to do 100% like usually

I do 100% played three games like this but I'm probably going to do it on my

own time I'm probably not going to do it for the channel if there's anything

bonus you get from doing it 100% which I don't I don't remember it's been so long

I will show you but all the TNT boxes I think this is actually the first level

that has a bonus level in it too if I remember correctly oh I'm so cool

I'm kind of bummed that I can't belly-flopped oh boy oh hey yep this

will definitely has the bonus but we're on hit this wasn't too bad this is all

hard yet because anyway like I said I've been seen a lot of memes on how hard

this game is like a lot of a lot of joke joking me

on how hard this game is but then again it's been that meme going around about

Dark Souls like Oh Crash Bandicoot is hard so it must be like a Dark Soul game

you know like everybody was saying about um what's a gold breath of the wild how

they were like oh it's just like Dark Souls because it's hard no yeah that's

still right there y'all see dick yes I'm a vent I'm a bit Tran

I got tattoo kukuku or aku aku Lucas the evil one he said I think he's been

warped I think Oh cuca isn't working boom let's go to this all yeah we go to

the alternate universe I remember this hey Murphy area what do

those do so cool so cool getting trophies again ah so good I just have

this video comes out like okay like um the quality and stuff

hey girl how you doing lady Hey oh yeah bye bang hey sweet

that's not bad not bad at all okay point OOP oh yeah oh yeah ha ha boom camel add

Bank hey yeah you can't you can't trick me 40 out of 4

I'm missing three boxes oh no I'm only missing three though okay

you know fine we're just going we'll go back we'll go back and get them later

this mystery boxes it's fine we're fine we're fine

plus I think something good happens if you do great for you miss sleep yeah

yeah the boxes fall in and said if you miss them that's okay we'll go back well

I will go back and I will get on hundred percent on this game on my own time I'm

not gonna I'm not going to put you guys through me just hunting through levels

you guys have a lot already on my channel of me just huntin for stuff or

running from stuff that's hunting me this is just nice easy go on easy peasy

stuff the great gate all I remember this one this is the one that gets hair cuz I

ha ha oh it's so good spinning a lord platform lets you jump on it oh yeah

this another part that goes hugged under than me up I'm so ready

I'm sorry oh this is good my body is ready so good hold X to bounce higher

okay oh are you guys do that y'all not here today Boeing are you sure I can't

belly flop I am a hundred percent sure that i belly-flopped before do the belly

flop salsa mechanic I promise and what happened to it 3 it's pretty

cool that they use it it's pretty cool they didn't get rid of the music zone

like the music is somewhat the same I'm waiting for it so kill it

hold on bums on Dendy yup oh come on do it

Hey there was no is oh so good ah no I needed him oh well it's okay

can I crouch I can't crouch or anything can I I can't crouch sure I used to be

able to crouch and do like a high jump - that was the thing all these guys are

just as I keep distilled oh mercy hahahahaha you oh oh this guy I forgot

about him yeah yeah no no I don't did it you don't watch me doing it again Crash

Bandicoot time Hey Oh death to the monkey yeah you don't want to dear you

know what is hey yes whoa hold up hold up yeah I got me a life and I got me

astronaut go ahead do you thing to do Oh another bonus level sky Oh got me

another bonus and I was really little when I played this so I didn't exactly

get all the bonuses or anything I didn't really comprehend what beating the game

100% was yet so I was very young I was like 5 like dead serious

well morally almost I'd not have been bad

and it's again because we still done did it was catastrophic about this is you

can actually blow away your extra line 14 lines boy boy I'm gonna get it I'm

gonna get whoa cool wait that was it I feel like there's

bonus right there like I feel like if you had all if you've got all the boxes

at that point you can jump on that crystal and it'll spin you'll take you

around and you can go past that thingy alright next let's bring it bring it

bring it bring it wampa Islands so is that what the fruits called - it's got

one put fruit maybe I don't remember who knows we'll see or not I don't know you

know what my favorite boss was in this game and I actually almost got a tattoo

of him as opposed to a cuckoo I almost got um I was boulders all boys

Indiana Jones level but I almost got a tattoo of Ripper Roo which is it's the

blue rabbit crazy you'll see him if you've never played this game before

you'll you'll see them you'll definitely see him he I think it's a second mob oh

this is so good this is good right here watch this boo-boo where's a rocking

lodging yeah it's okay crash dude we got this I am your man with a plan see now

an element in these levels are really short there are a lot of shorter than I

remember them for school which is fine that makes four makes for a good time

it okay just back Crumpler no problem foot fufufufu pairs - yep whatever you

can you have those the fruit oh that's gonna make me hesitate I'm not I'm not

all about jumping on them now the original version pipe I know you guys

probably Santa's come in maybe a nostalgic and stuff it was way harder

than that it at least I remember I was a little up like I said I was little but I

think I've played it recently and it was actually pretty hard like these blocks

I'm jumping on now oh I got all the Wow okay but they're a lot smaller than I

got another perfect level boy I kind of the perfect level but I don't remember

him ever doing that but to be honest with you all right what's next

give me another wine soy that good resist I decide to do it come on one

more we're doing one more level one more level I think I said that last time but

it's for real I'm just so excited upstream

this one's a little harder if I remember correctly this one's a little rougher

we'll try it we'll try it and if I can't if I can't get through it and good time

then I'll just finish the episode off but pretty sure I'm gonna be able to do

this actually you know what guys I'm gonna go ahead and save it I'm gonna go

ahead and save the game oh look at that Wow okay um

quit what does it do it quit just taste you the menu right don't want Pilon okay

cool I say takes you straight to the wop island so yeah I'm gonna head shape

stone off here I hope you guys enjoyed I know I definitely did and I'm gonna be

playing this baby in my spare time to get that extra 100 percent for all of

you and it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be sweet I'm so excited I'm so excited

I'm just I'm just crazy excited if you load a safe fun oh oh it's just loaded

okay so that's already saved I'm already autosave dinner so yeah i'ma

finish the episode off here hope you guys enjoyed the soup this is awesome

it's easily my favorite game because it's my first game it brings back all

this anyway if you guys did enjoy it make sure you slap that like button

underneath the video and until next time I'll see you guys later


For more infomation >> MY FIRST GAME EVER | N. Sane Trilogy | Crash Bandicoot Pt.1 - Duration: 18:08.


How To Make a Highlight Video - Duration: 8:02.

Today we are learning how to make a highlight video.Whats going on?

Little dap!

Its Anthony DeNicola, former college player, coach and consultant with SACC.

Today Im a guest coach with Online Soccer Academy and happy to help you improve!

SACC stands for student athlete coaching and consulting.

We teach players how to get recruited.

Learn more and book a consulting session at

Today we are learning how to make a highlight video.

If you cant play a coach doesnt care if you can write a perfect email or you have perfect

grades or you are an eagle scout and can light a fire with two twigs in the middle of a snowstorm

in the Rockies.

Dont get me wrong those things are nice and I wish I had Eagle Scout skills but things

only matter to a college coach if you can play.

A picture may say a thousand words, but a video says if you are legit.

Learn how to make a great highlight video so a coach can see you are legit.

Key Points!

Key Point One.

Dont Hire, Make.Hiring a highlight video company can cost a small fortune.

This is how it typically goes.

A company will charge you money to film a weekend of games.

A weekend…

Thats not a lot of time to get the clips you need.

Yes, there are some good highlight video companies out there, but instead invest that money into

making your own video.

Buy a nice camera and tripod.

If you cant afford it I understand.

Try getting a job to help cover the expenses.

Or film on a phone, but get at least get a tripod for it so its not shaky.

Whatever you do dont film on your Grandmas 10 year old flip phone!


Its not 1999!

And seriously you dont have to turn your phone off when you arent using it!

Key Point Two.

Film Lots of Footage.

Film all your games.

Like all of them.

I know this is time consuming, but you want to choose from as much footage as possible

when creating a highlight video.

What you dont want to do is just use okay clips because thats all you got from filming

only a few games.

Politely ask a family member to film for you.

Key Point Three.

Choose an Editing Software.

Use a computer to edit your highlight video.

The easiest editing softwares to use are probably iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.

A more advanced software is something like Final Cut Pro.

Dont use some random app from the google play store thats going to have watermarks on it

and is poor quality.

Key Point Four - The Format, Short and Sweet.

A good format for a great highlight video is to open with your best action clip, then

continue with two to four minutes of individual 10-15 second action clips and end with a contact

information screen.

Key Point Five.

Your Best Action Clip.

Think about it.

When you watch a youtube video if you are bored in the first 10 seconds you probably

stop watching.

Same applies for a coach.

DO NOT be boring.

Put your best action clip first.

If you are an attacking player thats a great goal.

If you are a defender thats a beast mode slide tackle.

Set the hook, then let them enjoy the show!

Key Point Six.

Edit Action Clips.

Continue your video with two to four minutes of ten to fifteen second individual action


Your better clips should be towards the early part of your video.

DO NOT, put bad clips in.

Just you kicking the ball with no purpose is a bad clip.

Dont even use it as filler.

Each clip should be about 10 to 15 seconds.

Start the clip with moving action, then pause it.

Have an arrow or a shadow appear to alert the coach where you are on the field.

You know where you are, but they dont.

Add something to show them.

Making it easy for them to watch you makes it easier for them to recruit you.

Then un pause the clip, show the main point of the clip and then cut a few seconds after.

For example if you steal the ball on a slide tackle and immediately get up and make a simple

pass out of the back that is a great action clip.

Dont bore the coach by continuing the clip for 10 more seconds of you just jogging and

adjusting your shorts.

To be clear you should have a few seconds of action leading up to main point of your

clip and a few seconds of action after the main point of your clip.

A coach wants to see a little build up and they want to see what you do after you make

a play.

Key Point Seven.

Contact Information.

End your video with specific information on screen for you.

Like your full name, height, weight, date of birth, position, team, number, and contact


This information should also be included in the video description.

The point of your highlight video is to get coaches interested in you.

Make sure they have all your information so they can easily contact you!

Key Point Eight.

Keep It Simple.

Coaches spend countless hours looking through highlight videos for potential prospects.

Keep it short, simple, and effective.

Dont spend time trying to make your video flashy with distracting music or fancy cutaways

and spinning in and out transitions.

Key Point Nine.


Choose your music wisely.

Dont have bad language in your song of choice.

Key Point Ten.


Buy an external hard drive and backup your footage.

You dont want to loose all your footage and finalized highlight videos.

Be safe and back it up.

Key Point Eleven.


The easiest place to host your video is on youtube.

Create a channel that is something like not

Once your video is on youtube it can be embedded in other places like your college recruiting


Exercise to Practice An exercise to practice on your own is editing

simple highlight clips.

Take a few game clips or just clips of you at the field training and practicing editing.

Get comfortable with your editing software.

Pro Tip!

Take the time to learn how to edit on your editing software.

Watch tutorials, read through user tips and study game highlights from the pros.

Notice how long each clip is and how quick it cuts to a new clip before a viewer gets


Second Pro Tip!

Read this book.

Not all of it applies to highlight videos, but it will help you a lot.

All of the Online Soccer Academy editors have to read it as part of their training for OSA.

Whats Wrong!

If your video isnt good be honest with yourself and decide if its your game, the filming style

or the editing style.

If its the editing style start over.

If its the game footage, dont use it.

Film more.

A highlight video is you marketing yourself.

In the business world just because you are marketing doesnt mean you are creating sales.

Same applies for highlight videos.

Just because you have a highlight video doesnt mean you will be recruited.

Make sure you have a good one!

Dont settle for less!

Bonus Tip!

Film yourself training!

In your highlight video include action shots of you in training.

Or you in shooting practice or a clip or two of you hitting a goal kick to half field.

Second Bonus Tip!

You can have more than one highlight video.

So keep gathering footage and keep releasing more videos.

Instead of one 6 minute video, have two three minute videos.

Hope you enjoyed this Online Soccer Academy video!

It was fun being a guest OSA Coach!

Say little dap in the comments and let me know what you thought!

At SACC we teach players how to get recruited.

Learn more and book a consulting session at

My name is Anthony DeNicola and remember if you Believe in it and back that up with hard

work, anything in life is possible.

Believe in it!

For more infomation >> How To Make a Highlight Video - Duration: 8:02.


#Фотогалерея3 Сад цветов Екатерины Ляшенко - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> #Фотогалерея3 Сад цветов Екатерины Ляшенко - Duration: 3:02.


Can You Use Electricity to Supercharge Your Brain? | tDCS - Duration: 5:36.

People around the world are strapping batteries to their heads to supercharge their brains.


This is a thing.

It's called transcranial direct-current stimulation, or tDCS, and it involves using

electric currents to stimulate your brain.

The companies that want to sell you tDCS devices claim that it has all kinds of benefits:

They might say that it'll boost your memory and focus.

Some even claim that it can do everything from treat depression to help you sleep better.

If that sounds too good to be true — it is.

Ah, the truth is a lot more complicated.

Studies have found that tDCS might help with some things.

But there's also plenty of controversy about it among scientists, and the jury's still

out on how exactly tDCS affects the brain.

Even though it involves electric currents, tDCS is a lot less intense than the kind of

supercharged electric shocks used in electroconvulsive therapy

That's the more famous electricity-related therapy that's sometimes used to treat things

like really severe depression.

A tDCS headset contains two electrodes, called the anode and cathode.

The idea is that the anode will boost the area of the brain beneath it, whereas the

cathode will inhibit the area beneath it.

The choice of those areas, of course, depends on the particular functions you're looking

to play with.

Once everything's in place, a small electrical current of around 0.5 to 2.0 milliamps is

sent through the electrodes, right into your head.

Since the current is so small, it's not painful — as long as you set it up properly.

The most people tend to feel from this kind of current is a mild tingling sensation on

their scalp.

A tDCS session typically lasts around 20 to 30 minutes, and people usually do a number

of sessions over the course of a few weeks.

The thing is, most people doing this at home might be making their scalps tingle for nothing,

because we still aren't sure if tDCS actually does a lot of the things companies selling

these devices are claiming.

Entering the world of tDCS experimentation has a pretty low bar, since headsets are fairly


Unfortunately, that's made the literature a little ... messy.

One problem is that we still aren't totally clear on what tDCS does to the brain on a

physiological level.

We do know that current can affect the way neurons fire, and researchers think that the

mild current from the electrodes changes the membrane potentials of neurons, allowing them

to fire more easily.

The idea is that, with enough stimulation and repeated exposure, the neurons that are

getting the stimulation will start firing more.

Over time, that might nudge damaged or underperforming brain areas toward functioning in a healthier

way all by themselves.

But this is all still the subject of some debate.

One study, published in 2016, used a cadaver to measure how much current from tDCS managed

to travel through the skull to the brain.

Electrodes placed on the inside of the skull showed that around 90% of the electricity

applied through tDCS didn't get through at all.

That study raised a few eyebrows, but according to a lot of tDCS experts, the findings actually

make sense, since live tissue is better at conducting electricity.

Plus, there's a lot of evidence that tDCS affects brain function, so there must be some

amount of current – however small – making it through.

Which brings us to the other main problem when it comes to tDCS: we still don't know

exactly what effects it has.

A lot of tDCS studies are small, pilot studies that need to be replicated before we can draw

any conclusions from their results.

And some aren't so tight in the methodology department.

In meta-analyses that look at results across multiple tDCS studies, researchers have pointed

out that the methods used in different studies are so inconsistent that it can be hard to

compare them.

There is some well-designed tDCS research out there, though, and based on those studies,

researchers have found that it might be an effective treatment for mood disorders, psychosis,

and dementia.

It might even help people recover from strokes.

A 2016 meta-analysis of 17 studies found that stroke patients who did tDCS treatments regained

more motor function than patients in the control groups, who did fake tDCS treatments.

Scientists are also looking into tDCS as an alternative treatment for depression.

A meta-analysis of data from six randomised control trials, with 289 patients in all,

showed that tDCS relieved symptoms of depression, even in people who'd felt no benefits from


But that's the thing — researchers are still looking into all this.

tDCS seems like it could be really promising, but there's a lot we still don't know.

Sure, some studies have found that tDCS helps stroke patients recover their motor function,

but that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll give healthy people better motor function

in general.

Plus, these studies are done in a clinical setting, which is totally different from buying

a device and giving yourself a tDCS treatment at home.

If you put the electrodes just a couple of centimeters off from the right spot, or the

current is slightly lower or higher than it should be, you might end up stimulating your

brain in a way that's completely different from what you wanted.

So, there is some solid evidence that seems to point to tDCS being a useful therapeutic

tool in the future.

Just … maybe don't run electric currents through your brain on your own until we know

a little more.

  Or do, I'm not your dad.

But I will tell you that for the cost of your average tDCS device you could become a significant

SciShow Patreon patron, and we would really appreciate that so that we could make more

great stuff for the whole world to have for free.

And you can do that at, and if you just wanna help us up by subscribing,

you can go to for more brain stuff, every twice a week.

For more infomation >> Can You Use Electricity to Supercharge Your Brain? | tDCS - Duration: 5:36.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne #5 (PS4) - Duration: 5:04:44.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #5 (PS4) - Duration: 5:04:44.


Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Guarniciones para la Parrillada del 4 de Julio - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Guarniciones para la Parrillada del 4 de Julio - Duration: 5:37.


Taxi hits crowd of people in East Boston - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Taxi hits crowd of people in East Boston - Duration: 3:30.


DECLASSIFIED: Project Icarus - Exhibit 5 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> DECLASSIFIED: Project Icarus - Exhibit 5 - Duration: 5:05.



whats up everybody it's your

boy ethio king productions and we back with another video

For more infomation >> D.I.Y HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 2:31.


Meet Your Publix Baker - Duration: 0:34.

- Hey there!

(chimes ring) Emily's the name.

And in the Publix Bakery (tone chimes)

service (paper crinkling)

is my game.

I'm ready to go way above and beyond for you.

Need a custom design (clicking)

for your cake?

I'm your gal. (chimes ring)

Look at that piping! (chimes ring)

I'm kind of an expert

(whistle whirring) at cake decorating.

(balloon popping)

And our bread bakers (liquid bubbling)

have a lot of experience.

We make a pretty good team! (hands slapping)

(chimes ring)

Because helping you

is what we love to do. (liquid bubbling)

Publix, where shopping is a pleasure.

For more infomation >> Meet Your Publix Baker - Duration: 0:34.


✿ Funny Montage Learn Colors with My Talking Tom 2017 - Duration: 5:38.

✿ Funny Montage Learn Colors with My Talking Tom 2017

For more infomation >> ✿ Funny Montage Learn Colors with My Talking Tom 2017 - Duration: 5:38.


Relationships & Disability ft.KatieScarlettSpeaks (Pt.2) | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 7:44.

Andrea:But because of this self-ableism, like the next

question is great because it's like

"How do you learn to believe that they love you?"

Katie: For me, like the question can just be

interpreted as they care about you even.

A: Yeah

K: Like they just want you to exist and be in your life.

Because that, that still applies.

One of the biggest things for me was

in those moments when I'm being self deprecating

and I'm in that head space that's

really negative and I'm thinking about stuff

that is just like getting me deeper and deeper

into that internalized ableist like mentality.

I get into this attitude where, I get really pissy.

And short tempered and everything is antagonizing.

And upsets me.

He'll ask me a question and I'll be really short

and snap at him and everything is like that all day long.

He'll call me out on it and ask me what's bothering me

and for the longest time I'm like

"Nothing's bothering me, I'm fine. It's okay.

It's nothing."

Then when I finally say what's bothering me

and I come clean at the fact that like

it's my body not working properly.

Which usually is what it always comes down to.

Is that I can't do the things that I wanna do.

And therefore I'm upset.

Like, the most recent thing that was really upsetting, um

when we were together was we went on a trip to Walt Disney World

and I was...we were talking through the park

and half way through the day, it was lunch time

we had been there for a couple of hours

and it was already lunch time and I already

felt like I couldn't do anything anymore.

And I just like was crying and it was a mess.

But then what happens in those situations is

I don't feel terrible for me,

I feel bad that I'm ruining his day and having him

have a terrible day and not have fun time.

So then I have like these thoughts like

"He would have more fun without you.

He would be in a better spot if he had a better

girlfriend who could walk and have a better time."

What finally hit me over the head was I

I need to stop doing that because it

wasn't about me, I was being selfish towards him.

I wasn't respecting him in those moments.

I was actually really invalidating him.

I was making him out to be a really bad person

when he wasn't.

I wasn't respecting the man that I fell in love with

and the person that has given me all of these things

the entire time we've been together, who've supported me the entire time.

That we have been in this relationship together

all of the times that he has supported me, all

the times that he has helped me when I'm in pain.

And all of the times he has constantly shown me

affection in those moments and like

proven himself to be a worthy

like not ableist douche bag of a fiancé like

he has proven himself time and time again

so when I get in those

headspaces, all I'm doing

is proving that I don't have trust in him.

And that doesn't do anything but prove

that I don't have faith in him and what does that say

about me? That just shows that I don't have

faith in his integrity.

A: For me I go a little bit in and out sometimes.

Because while I trust him and everything,

there is I think it's ableism for me when I get

worried because I'm's kinda that thought

like "Oh this person would be better because they're not sick."

That's a thing that I'm still learning to differentiate.

But I think what shows me that he likes me

and he care about me, um,

there's little things and there's little things

that he does.

The little things were he buys

my motrin a lot of the time.

And then sometimes when he buys me motrin he

will buy me like a Snapple.

And I didn't ask for that, I just needed medicine to not be in pain.

But he...just that little Snapple

or knowing what's my favorite flavor

or I got sick once and he brought me orange juice.

And I hate California oranges.

They taste absolutely disgusting, and I'm very partial to Florida oranges.

Because that's what I grew up with and they're far superior.

K: Just in case you needed to know.

A: Yeah!

I can tell, if you gave me orange juice I can taste the difference.

He specifically brought me soup and crackers

because that's what I've asked him for.

And he brought me orange juice and he made sure to

buy Florida's Best.

And I had no idea.

And it was the cutest thing in the entire world.

But it's little things like that, then the bigger things are

he will go with me to doctor's appointments

when I know he's exhausted because we have to wake up early.

That's just how I know.

I wanna ask, how do you (fumbles words)

Like we're always getting accommodations

and always getting validated how do you try to

project that same thing back to show

uh your partner you love him.

K: That was kind of a struggle a long time because um

I, I wasn't doing that at all.

It was very one sided and there was a lot of

back and fourth and you know

we were a regular couple talking back and fourth.

At being a normal couple doing normal flirty and couple things.

And telling each other "I love you". I wasn't going above and beyond.

It was early on when we were dating, but he, when he

was doing things like that and saying

like "Well how can I support you right now? Like what do you need?"

And that really like got my attention.

And I was like, I need to do that more for you.

A: Yeah

K: I need to be asking that more for you.

We're also in a different dynamic because

we have like ultra level communication

skills because we're in a long distance relationship.

We only have an hour time difference, so God bless, like

at least we only have that much.

Because of our work schedules

we don't have a lot of time to talk during the day.

We text constantly during the day.

But our timeframe to talk is bed time pretty much.

And the morning sometimes when he wakes up.

In the day I would write little notes here and there

to encourage him and like make him feel good throughout the day.

And also I try and send him things I know he likes

or I know that are funny to him

Memes and stuff like I just know that stuff makes him laugh.

And then when we are in person,

I try to talk all the time like

we try to have a lot of communication.

I mentioned earlier he is on the Autism spectrum,

and he has needs that I need to meet.

Um, that are totally different from me like

I have physical disabilities

he has neurological issues that we need to address.

A: So I noticed a lot of times when him and I text

it's more centered around me.

So I try to make an effort to ask him how he's doing.

And he's not the most expressive on his feelings.

Which is fine, but I try to leave that open.

He has a very hectic schedule.

He's in three bands.

He works almost every day, he has two days off.

I only really see him weekends.

But we're always texting or we have phone calls.

He has a lot of phone calls he needs to do throughout the day.

He has a lot of emails he needs to send.

And he always feels very guilty.

He feels like it takes away time from us.

And I don't feel like it takes time from us because

I'll just sit in his room while he's doing an email.

And that's fine with me.

I hope he sees that as my affection.

Because my schedule is not as hectic.

I can work around him, if I have to sit 30 minutes

while he finishes his work

that's me showing affection.

Because I could easily be like

"Why aren't you paying attention to me?

Why aren't you doing this?

Like don't you care?"

There's things that are important to him

and I want him to get his stuff done.

And me being willing to work with him is

is how I show affection.

So that's all we have.

For you for today on #SpinaBifida.

I hope you learned something.

Maybe about our relationships or what you might

want out of a relationship.

If you wanna follow Katie,

All of her links to her YouTube channel, Instagram, Twitter, all that stuff.

It'll be in the description below.

Thank you for being on my channel.

K: You're welcome.

A: And until next time, bye!

K: See ya!

For more infomation >> Relationships & Disability ft.KatieScarlettSpeaks (Pt.2) | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 7:44.


Photo Manipulation Course - Duration: 1:40.

Photo Manipulation, The art of compiling multiple images to make an amazing final layout.

It can be a book cover movie, cover, T-Shirt design, or even an ad

My name is Yousef Zidan I'm a Graphic Designer and Photographer and I will be

your instructor throughout this course. Why you should take this course?

Well, the art that made me love to enter graphic design world was Photo Manipulation.

However, I was struggling to find a professional curriculum about it.

But I found nothing! So I started teaching myself by reading and watching

scientific articles and videos about the behaving of colors, lights shadows ,

Reflection, Refraction, Motion and more. Then I combined that with my photography

skills to make a very simple curriculum just for you. I made 10 easy principles

that will help you to make a perfect realistic Photo Manipulation.

After understanding of those principles I will make a full Photo Manipulation image

using them to have a full understanding. After completing this course you will be

able to make any kind of photo manipulation.

Besides that you will master the most important photo editing techniques.

The good thing about it is you have nothing to lose at all!

You will have 30 day money-back guarantee if you don't like this course

So? what are you waiting for Enroll know now and meet me on your first lesson.

For more infomation >> Photo Manipulation Course - Duration: 1:40.


Top 10 Celebrities Who Went From Fat To Fit - Duration: 2:19.

Top 10 Celebrities Who Went From Fat To Fit

Top 10 Celebrities Who Went From Fat To Fit

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