Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

So, his (Don Norman's) background is in design.

He focuses more on tangible products.

What's great is the fact that his principles are applicable to digital products, too

One of the things mentioned by Mr. Erwin that has caused confusion is ...

'affordance'. What is 'affordance'?

If you are interested to know more about affordance...

Please read Gibson's affordance

While the affordance introduced by Don Norman is called "Perceived Affordance"

So that it's not confusing...

I will discuss what Don Norman, himself, stated.

It is called "Affordance and Signifier".

'Affordance' was first coined by Gibson

in 1977.

He wrote the Theory of Affordance.

So the creator is not Don Norman.

If you say "Don Norman is the first to came up with it..."

That's not true...

So Gibson first has the Theory of Affordance in 1977

In 1988, Don Norman made the concept of Affordance popular

with a book called "The Design of Everyday Things"

in which, he wrote some examples and products where the principle of affordance was applicable

So for almost all of the products, he could find the examples of affordance.

20 years later, Don Norman expanded his concept because he ...

felt that the concept of "Perceived Affordance" was to limited.

The concept confused a lot of people

So he introduced the concept of "Signifier"

If you see the term 'affordance', you will have Don Norman comments on it, saying:

"Forget about affordance"

"Signify is not affordance. Forget affordance. Provide signify"

So for those of you who still uses 'affordances', try to understand the concept of 'signifier'.

To understand 'signifier' easily:

it's a form of indicator or signal that can be interpreted.

That's too general, isn't it?

So, what indication can be interpreted?

Let's say:

I go to Manggarai train station


And my train scheduled to leave at 5 pm.

The signifier whether I'm late or not is, if we see that the platform is empty by 5 pm,

it means that I'm late.

That's the signifier.

I don't have to see my watch, I don't have to see anything else.

"Oh well! I'm late..."


But, if by 5 pm I still see many people waiting. Facing towards where the train is coming,

it's possible that the train hasn't arrived yet.

That's an example of "Signifier"

Got it?

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