Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

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For more infomation >> 🔥🔥[FREE]4:44 x Future x Migos x Young Thug Type Beat 2017 -👺 "HNDRXX" 👺(Prod.By @VELANZPRO )🔥🔥 - Duration: 4:01.


Desert Island Book Challenge (ORIGINAL) [CC] | YouFoundMarina - Duration: 3:53.

Hello, I'm Marina from YouFoundMarina, welcome back to my channel, today I'm

here with special guest




and we're going to do the Desert Island Book Challenge.

Basically we are going to be choosing books to bring with us if we

were to be deserted on a desert island. That was repetitive but that's the gist.

There are rules to this challenge: We will choose three books each that

can't be a book that doesn't exist and it can't be a book-- a real book-- that will

help us to get off the island in any like, specific, like, this is how you get

off a desert island fact-book kind of way. Like nonfiction, kind of thing. What about

a fiction book where they escape the island in a realistic way though?


Would you like to go first?

My first book would be "Lord of the Flies."

Because they're in a similar situation than me and I feel like their situation is very extreme and it would make me feel a lot better.

I also enjoy the book.

I guess one of my favorite

books from last two years has been "The Name of the Wind." I re-read it twice already. I read it a total of

three times I'm reading it again this summer in French so I guess that's a book I would bring.

my second book would be "Watership Down" because I've

started that book, like, five times but never finished it so it'd be a great

opportunity to finish the book because I'm stuck on an island.

I think I'm going to go with another favorite of mine. I've mentioned may times on my channel

it's a book called "La Quete d'Ewilan." It doesn't exist in English but I guess if

I'm on a desert island I might as well just you know get a tree you know get a

piece of wood then start translating the whole book. And

re-read it. I've read it like five times. Its one of my favourite books from

childhood. One of the books that didn't just get me really into reading fantasy

but also writing fantasy. So, yeah, its a book that I would want to have with me.

Its a lot of pressure. What's the last book I would bring? Ummm... This book keeps

popping into my head and it is one of my favorites but, I mean, it wouldn't

really do me any good on a desert island but it's "Birdsong" by Sebastian Faulks.

I talk about this book all the time but I guess I'd bring that

because, like, it just keeps entering my mind so maybe, yeah, I'd bring that one.

So enthusiastic!

I'm trying to think what book I would bring because so far I've picked two books have already read

so I should pick something I haven't read that's really long

so that even if I reread it, it would take me months, maybe, to read it.

The first thing that comes to mind is "Les Miserables"but I'm just like "Do I

really want to read that over and over?"

It would make you really depressed.

Exactly I mean the title says it.

What kind of book would I want to bring?

A book of poetry because then you could like analyze it

reread it and then depending on the mood or the weather or whatever you can imagine

a different way of looking at it.

It would keep you occupied.

I can only think of two books of poetry and one of them I've read part of and the other I haven't read at all

So I guess that would work. "Les Fleurs du Mal"by Baudelaire. That would work.

So now we're fully equipped for our unexpected trip to a desert island. What books would you

bring let us know in the comments below and don't forget to check Stephen's

channel. It is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see

you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Desert Island Book Challenge (ORIGINAL) [CC] | YouFoundMarina - Duration: 3:53.


Gospel of the day Tuesday, July 4, 2017 - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> Gospel of the day Tuesday, July 4, 2017 - Duration: 13:13.



For more infomation >> REPLAY: FREE 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT | SUBSCRIBE FOR PASSWORD | LEVEL 1 LADDER | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:46:21.


Victoria Azarenka Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:50.

Yeah, it was really a kind of nervous start for me.

I was, you know, not finding my range, not really moving the way

I like to move and the way I have been practicing, actually.

But she started well. You know, she started to hit a few

deep shots, and I felt like I didn't have enough on and didn't play my game.

I'm glad that in the second set, kind of just relaxed and tried

to play the way I want to play, not think about too much

what the score, anything like that, because it was kind of a long day

when we didn't know where we're gonna play, when we're gonna play.

So it was, yeah, not easy. But I'm very happy that the

last two sets I was able to do what I have been doing in practice. 12 00:00:48,250 -—> 00:00:51,750 It is unusual. You know, I had to be here the whole day

which is, for a new mom, is a little tough. Hopefully I won't play like this again.

You know, it is what it is. I just tried to,

you know, stay focused pretty much all day, but it's okay.

It was wonderful. The atmosphere was really nice, and,

you know, to see how much people welcome me is really actually

emotional to me. I'm very happy. But I'm glad I was able to play on the big court,

you know, feel that, you know, the atmosphere again with a lot

of people and bigger court. It feels really different from

practice court and only got a chance to hit for half an hour in Championships court.

The bounce is a little different, but it was really fun.

For more infomation >> Victoria Azarenka Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:50.


Dijital Pazarlama Eğitimi - YouTube Telif İhlal İddiasını Geri Çekmek - YouTube Ders Videoları - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Dijital Pazarlama Eğitimi - YouTube Telif İhlal İddiasını Geri Çekmek - YouTube Ders Videoları - Duration: 1:37.


Channel Update! YouTube Challenge! - Duration: 3:46.

Oh y'all like that new setup, huh? Youtube, my name is Juwan Gaines coming back at y'all with another video.

I know I haven't posted like 4 months, I apologize for that.

I'm sorry, I know you guys probably want to slap me, kick me, blow my house down, but

look, don't even do all that stuff, don't even do all that stuff because look I'll make

it up to you.

about to do the 7-Day week-long YouTube challenge.

Okay so that means it's for 7 straight days, I'm going to be posting back to back-to-back

videos, all right.

Lot of them I better be relationship advice videos, but get i'm going to get back to that


but if you haven't noticed already we actually changed the name of this channel instead of

it being Juwan Gaines, I changed it to TeamRoyalty.

If you haven't already, go follow our Instagram account it's underscore underscore team

royalty okay.

underscore underscore team royalty.

Alrighty we have about like 6500 followers and it's it's it's pretty lit over there,

okay? so I highly advise you to go over there and give us a follow.

But yeah we post like everyday, but the last the past week we just been taking a break.

But we about to get back on schedule, on routine, you know what I'm saying, so go over there

and give us to follow.

And almost forgot, Oh my gosh! before I left for those four months, like I only had like

a hundred subscribers now we got like 350!

And its all thanks to you guys and I just thank you guys for real for everything.

Just thank you for tuning in and watching all my videos and stuff like that, you guys

the best and I just love you, I love all of you.

Also a twitter account might be coming soon, so I just want you guys to say posted on that

as well.

Alright so let me tell you what this channel is going to be around, for the new subscribers

for the new viewers and stuff.

this is basically going to be more of a relationship type channel.

So me and my girlfriend been a relationship for over a year now it, could be over two

years, but we actually took our time and spent a year getting to know each other and stuff

like that.

Do you guys have been hitting us up on Instagram asking for relationship advice, I know some

of my subscribers may have the same questions, so I'm basically i'm going to just go be telling

you guys my views on different situations and stuff.

Some of y'all requested for prank videos and reaction videos and stuff like that.

Just going to be a whole bunch of fun stuff alright just just fun stuff just just hit

the subscribe button okay just hit the button.

Y'all don't have to make me go through this, alright just hit the subscribe button, just

hit it.

Hit that button, stop playing with me, hit the button man!

For more infomation >> Channel Update! YouTube Challenge! - Duration: 3:46.


Poison poison poison Yyogarlbek - Duration: 1:11.

Poison poison poison Smack in your Face 2x

poison POISON poison Smack in your Face 2x

poison poison POISON smack in your Face 2x

poison poison poison SMACK in your Face 2x

poison poison poison Smack In Your Face 2x

poison poison poison Smack in your FACE 2x

Poison poison poison Smack in your Face 1x

Poison No Poison

Poison no POISON

what go Away 2x

what GO Away 2x

what go AWAY 1x

what go Away 1x

Poison poison poison Do not Eat it 2x

Poison POISON poison Do not Eat it 2x

poison poison POISON Do not Eat it 2x

poison poison poison DO not Eat it 2x

poison poison poison Do NOT Eat it 2x

poison poison poison Do not EAT it 2x

poison poison poison Do not Eat IT 2x

Poison poison poison Do not Eat it 1x

poison no poison

poison NO poison

poison no POISON

what go away 2x

what GO AWAY 2x

what go away 1x

Poison poison poison watch out 2x

poison POISON poison watch out 2x

poison poison POISON watch out 2x

poison poison poison WATCH out 2x

poison poison poison watch OUT 2x

Poison poison poison Watch out 1x

You so Dangerous to Dangerous

You SO Dangerous to Dangerous

You so DANGEROUS to Dangerous

You so Dangerous TO Dangerous

You so Dangerous to DANGEROUS

Poison No Poison

poison NO poison


what go away 2x

what GO away 2x

what go AWAY 2x

What go Away 1x

For more infomation >> Poison poison poison Yyogarlbek - Duration: 1:11.


Horizon House 6 - Duration: 1:54.

So this is the center of the town of El Fortin

Its not a big town , this is the center square or the plaza, as we like to call it

Right now there's not a lot of people out because the sun is still out a little bit

but in just a few hours from now, you would be able to see what we see almost every night

This is the center of entertainment for kids and teens in the town, and even adults

and unfortunately there's not a lot of entertainment...or healthy entertainment to be had here.

Its really a place where kids have the opportunity to smoke, to drink, to find drugs

and even opportunities for prostitution

and unfortunately because there are not a lot of healthy avenues for the kids and the youth to take

unfortunately the cycle does not break

and they just...this is where they come to have their fun, to do their small-town thing

and it just continues on through the generations

Several years ago when we were still working here actively at the church

We really felt like God laid on our hearts to find a way to minister

specifically to the children and to the youth in these communities and try to find a way to break these cycles

to break the cycles of girls

Trying to escape their homes and their bad family life at 13, 14

and running off with the boyfriend and starting another family way too young and not in a correct healthy way to really

Raise a healthy family... so we're looking for ways to help break that cycle

and we feel like God has laid on our hearts the opportunity of this house

as a way to start breaking that cycle

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