Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Hello, I'm Marina from YouFoundMarina, welcome back to my channel, today I'm

here with special guest




and we're going to do the Desert Island Book Challenge.

Basically we are going to be choosing books to bring with us if we

were to be deserted on a desert island. That was repetitive but that's the gist.

There are rules to this challenge: We will choose three books each that

can't be a book that doesn't exist and it can't be a book-- a real book-- that will

help us to get off the island in any like, specific, like, this is how you get

off a desert island fact-book kind of way. Like nonfiction, kind of thing. What about

a fiction book where they escape the island in a realistic way though?


Would you like to go first?

My first book would be "Lord of the Flies."

Because they're in a similar situation than me and I feel like their situation is very extreme and it would make me feel a lot better.

I also enjoy the book.

I guess one of my favorite

books from last two years has been "The Name of the Wind." I re-read it twice already. I read it a total of

three times I'm reading it again this summer in French so I guess that's a book I would bring.

my second book would be "Watership Down" because I've

started that book, like, five times but never finished it so it'd be a great

opportunity to finish the book because I'm stuck on an island.

I think I'm going to go with another favorite of mine. I've mentioned may times on my channel

it's a book called "La Quete d'Ewilan." It doesn't exist in English but I guess if

I'm on a desert island I might as well just you know get a tree you know get a

piece of wood then start translating the whole book. And

re-read it. I've read it like five times. Its one of my favourite books from

childhood. One of the books that didn't just get me really into reading fantasy

but also writing fantasy. So, yeah, its a book that I would want to have with me.

Its a lot of pressure. What's the last book I would bring? Ummm... This book keeps

popping into my head and it is one of my favorites but, I mean, it wouldn't

really do me any good on a desert island but it's "Birdsong" by Sebastian Faulks.

I talk about this book all the time but I guess I'd bring that

because, like, it just keeps entering my mind so maybe, yeah, I'd bring that one.

So enthusiastic!

I'm trying to think what book I would bring because so far I've picked two books have already read

so I should pick something I haven't read that's really long

so that even if I reread it, it would take me months, maybe, to read it.

The first thing that comes to mind is "Les Miserables"but I'm just like "Do I

really want to read that over and over?"

It would make you really depressed.

Exactly I mean the title says it.

What kind of book would I want to bring?

A book of poetry because then you could like analyze it

reread it and then depending on the mood or the weather or whatever you can imagine

a different way of looking at it.

It would keep you occupied.

I can only think of two books of poetry and one of them I've read part of and the other I haven't read at all

So I guess that would work. "Les Fleurs du Mal"by Baudelaire. That would work.

So now we're fully equipped for our unexpected trip to a desert island. What books would you

bring let us know in the comments below and don't forget to check Stephen's

channel. It is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see

you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Desert Island Book Challenge (ORIGINAL) [CC] | YouFoundMarina - Duration: 3:53.


Parenting 101 **** I went too far... ***** - Duration: 7:34.

what are you going to do?

you have to yell.

you have to use your elbows


elbows, elbows..



again elbows ... good job

it is so hard to get it out and in

im a bad guy.. you have to defend yourself. what are you going to do

Go, there you go, another one

there you

Screw this!!!!

your strong right mami?

stand on your hands

go you got this

go, good job!

lol, yes like that... YESS, good job


good job!

im a bad guy, what are you going to do?


then you are going to hit with your arms

yell, yell

bite me, yes bite


what happened? you bit yourself?

what are you going to do?...Help eyes

yell, yell mami!



dad is a bad guy

he is a bad guy, what are you going to do?

your arms, bring them up

Help me!

up...Good job!

the man is going to kidnap you, what are you going to do?....HELP ME!

Hit him with your elbow, kick him, bite him

run run run!

good job!

two more... I can do pull ups like this

one more

come on...


*sad music*


I am a bad guy that wants to touch your vagina!

i am going to kidnap you!

where are you going?

yell mami, Help me, your elbow!

go run, run...

I don't think it is for that

lol, oh shoot I thought that was a roach.


close, lol


run go hit it.


what's up guys we are back home

anyways, as you guys saw a couple clips...

I have been practicing with Sofia lately, of like how to defend herself

I started like a couple weeks ago

I would just pretend to be a guy that like wanted to touch her private parts

and have her practice screaming

and like what would she do and stuff like that

earlier today we were here at the house and it is a rainy day outside

she just had so much energy

and I said lets look up some videos on how to defend yourself

and I started practicing with her and then i said why don't we just go to the gym, they have a matted area there

and i think it would be a cool place to practice

so that is what we did today. I am super surprised of how good she is with it. at the gym she got distracted with the ball and everything

and she ended up doing like an obstacle course

But i think it is something that is really important to teach your kids

and i think as a parent, for me personally

I am paranoid about things like that, and i want to be able to teach her how to defend herself

and i know she thinks that we are playing right now

but i know this will be helpful in the future

and i am actually thinking about getting her into karate

i think that would be a really cool idea

but anyways i am going to go ahead and end the video here

I hope you guys enjoyed the clips

I had so much fun practicing with her, i wanted to share it with you guys because i thought it was hilarious

but yeah i am going to end today's video because Sofia is hungry

and i am pretty much going into mom mode

i have to cook lunch and get everything ready

all the fun stuff about being an adult/parent

anyways i just want to thank you guys for watching and I will see you in my next video... BYE :)

For more infomation >> Parenting 101 **** I went too far... ***** - Duration: 7:34.


Receita De Pudim Light / Fit - Aprenda A Fazer Essa Receita De Pudim De Leite Se Leite Condensado - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Receita De Pudim Light / Fit - Aprenda A Fazer Essa Receita De Pudim De Leite Se Leite Condensado - Duration: 1:57.


Stay | Episode 36 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 5:30.

[Episode 36 - Stay]

Are you sure you want the camera here for this?

- Yeah. You know, since you left it here, I've actually become kind of fond of it.

Plus I think everyone out there should know that

We're okay.

- We are? Really? - Yeah.

Yeah. I forgive you for the whole y'know cooking disaster.

You were just trying to do something nice for me.

Being a good friend.

All the chaos that ensued, that's just

y'know, part of the Fred Vincy package.

And- and I'm sorry for not telling you about the whole Featherstone thing.

I've actually been taking classes at the community college for a little while now

and you know since the internship is technically open to anyone,

my professor thought I should apply.

And then by the time you told me you were applying I already had, so.

I know I should have told you. I just- I didn't think I was ever gonna get it, so-

- I'm so proud of you!

This is incredible. You deserve this so much.

And you're 50 times the scientist already that I'll ever be. - Thank you.

Thank you, Fred.

But I'm not- I'm not sure I'm gonna take it.

- What? That's crazy!

That's not on my account... - No! No no. No, no, of course not. I just-

With you and Rosy and everyone in college, it just-

it feels weird to still be working at my dad's restaurant and living at home.

So last week I started sending my resume out to restaurants around town and

this morning I heard back that I got a job at a restaurant in Tipton.

And I think I'm gonna take it.

- What about your passion for science?

- I'll still be able to take classes at a community college down there.

Plus it pays really well, so I'll be able to be independent,

not have to rely on my dad overpaying me and pretending like I actually earned it.

- Would it be every day?

- Yeah.

- Isn't that like an hour-and-a-half commute each way?

- No.

- Ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise,

allow me to present Max Garth and his miraculous teleportation machine.

- I'm not- I'm not teleporting there, Fred.

I'm moving.

- Oh.


- The end February, I think.

Look, I- I'm trying to be practical and-

and that comes with some...

some hard choices.

So what do you think?

Do you think I should do it?

- I think you should do

whatever you think is the right thing to do.

And if this is a good opportunity for you,

it might be the right thing to do.

- Alright.

Uhh, I gotta go check on the pasta.

- I lied.

I don't want you to leave.

I want you to stay forever and ever and ever

because Max I- - Fred,

You okay in there?

- Yeah.

- What were you talking to the camera about?

- Nothing.

For more infomation >> Stay | Episode 36 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 5:30.


MANU feat. SIMONE - NÃO TEM ESSA QUE NÃO CHORA - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> MANU feat. SIMONE - NÃO TEM ESSA QUE NÃO CHORA - Duration: 2:47.


White Sand Beaches: You're Sunbathing on Fish Poop - Duration: 2:44.

Let's say you wanted to make yourself a white, sandy beach.

Y'know, like the ones in Hawai'i or islands in the South Pacific where people take luxurious

vacations and lots of Instagram photos.

It turns out, the recipe for that picturesque white sand is pretty simple.

There are a couple steps involved, but just one main ingredient: poop.

The first thing you'll need is a coral reef—it's location-specific and unfortunately there's

no store-bought alternative.

Coral reefs are made up of thousands of tiny polyps, which are squishy sacs with tentacles

that can sting and catch prey.

Kind of like sea anemones.

These polyps are anchored to a sturdy skeleton that they make by laying down a crystallized

form of calcium carbonate called aragonite, which is a bright white color.

Reefs are found in parts of the ocean that are considered to be oligotrophic—which means

that there aren't that many tasty nutrients floating around, like phosphate or nitrate.

And coral polyps aren't exactly mobile, so if they were left to their own devices,

they might starve.

But coral polyps aren't alone.

They get help from an algae called zooxanthellae that live symbiotically in their tissues.

These algae can photosynthesize, changing sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into food

energy, and share a large chunk of that energy with the coral.

As coral polyps get more energy, they build out their skeletons and grow the reef.

And these algae are also what give coral its bright colors.

When you have a thriving coral reef, other undersea plants and animals move in and begin

to form a whole ecosystem.

And to get your white sandy beach, you need some parrotfish.

Or more specifically... their poop.

Parrotfish get their name for their bright colours and their weird, bird-like beaks.

These beaks are actually made of fused teeth called dental plates, which help them graze

for their main food source: algae.

Parrotfish spend their days scraping away at coral reefs, eating polyps for the zooxanthellae

inside, and any other algae they can find.

They're not super careful or picky, so they end up swallowing mouthfuls of calcium carbonate,

too… which they can't digest for nutrients or energy.

But the parrotfish have a secret weapon—their throats are hiding another set of teeth called

pharyngeal jaws that can grind up the coral skeletons.

Like, the xenomorph from Alien… but in real life.

This makes it easier for the chunks to travel through their digestive system.

And they get rid of this calcium carbonate in streams of the purest, whitest tropical


In fact, according to some studies, one parrotfish can poop out around 300 kilograms of sand

or more in a single year!

After some ocean currents stir everything around, you have yourself a pristine white

sand beach.

Perfect for strolling, sunbathing, and building sandcastles… as long as you don't mind

fish poop.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help support this show, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> White Sand Beaches: You're Sunbathing on Fish Poop - Duration: 2:44.


Gospel of the day Tuesday, July 4, 2017 - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> Gospel of the day Tuesday, July 4, 2017 - Duration: 13:13.


BREAKING: Obama Issues Horrifying Independence Day Message. He HATES America. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:34.

As we get ready to celebrate our Independence Day, it's important to remember that our

freedoms will always need defending from immoral demagogues who detest our country.

Barack Obama is like a bad rash that just won't go away.

Now that he's no longer President, he's making his contempt for America clearer than


According to The Guardian, instead of celebrating our Independence Day, Obama is telling Americans

to be LESS patriotic.

Can you believe this guy?

Like a typical Leftist, Obama trashes the very country that made his comfortable lifestyle


Instead, he praises foreign countries where he would never enjoy the fabulous vacations

he loves so much!

Just this weekend, Obama made a pit-stop in Indonesia during what may as well be called

his "I Hate America" tour.

He used the opportunity to criticize what he refers to as "an aggressive kind of nationalism."

Apparently, he's referring to the "America First" movement championed by President


Obama doesn't get what this movement is all about.

Since he has no loyalty to the United States, he can't comprehend that Americans love

this nation and want to protect it.

Obama's nothing more than a deadbeat globalist!

Just look at the way he completely misrepresents what we're all about:

"What we will see is more and more people arguing against democracy, we will see more

and more people who are looking to restrict freedom of the press, and we'll see more

intolerance, more tribal divisions, more ethnic divisions, and religious divisions and more


There's so much wrong with that knee-jerk picture?

Where do you even begin?

First of all, how are Trump and his supporters arguing against Democracy?

Conservatives are the biggest defenders of democracy in the United States!

Progressives like Obama are the ones who want to give away our country's sovereignty to

unelected international bodies like the United Nations.

They're the ones who empower unelected bureaucrats, making them more powerful than our elected


Obama's remarks about restricting freedom of the press are just laughable.

That's nothing more than the standard liberal talking point since Trump's election.

For the Left, freedom of the press means Left-wing outlets get to say whatever they want without


If you call them out on their fake news, they say you're attacking the free press.

Of course, Leftists have no problem whatsoever with targeting Right-wing publications.

They're all for classifying them as "hate speech" and then shutting them down.

Democrats are the Party of hypocrisy.

They only care about "free speech" as long as they're the ones speaking.

Censorship is alright when used against their enemies.

Also, Obama has the nerve to talk about increased violence.

Liberals are the ones committing all the violence!

Just ask Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).

Whenever there's a riot, shooting, or a terrorist attack, the perpetrator is sure

to be a Left-wing sympathizer.

Obama's delusional.

He still can't accept he's no longer president.

He's flying around the world taking pot-shots at Trump trying to remain in the limelight.

Go away, Obama.

Your "warnings" fall on deaf ears.

We're too busy Making America Great Again!

Should Obama retire underneath a rock and disappear forever?

Please Share this news and tell us what you think!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama Issues Horrifying Independence Day Message. He HATES America. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:34.



For more infomation >> REPLAY: FREE 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT | SUBSCRIBE FOR PASSWORD | LEVEL 1 LADDER | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:46:21.


Victoria Azarenka Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:50.

Yeah, it was really a kind of nervous start for me.

I was, you know, not finding my range, not really moving the way

I like to move and the way I have been practicing, actually.

But she started well. You know, she started to hit a few

deep shots, and I felt like I didn't have enough on and didn't play my game.

I'm glad that in the second set, kind of just relaxed and tried

to play the way I want to play, not think about too much

what the score, anything like that, because it was kind of a long day

when we didn't know where we're gonna play, when we're gonna play.

So it was, yeah, not easy. But I'm very happy that the

last two sets I was able to do what I have been doing in practice. 12 00:00:48,250 -—> 00:00:51,750 It is unusual. You know, I had to be here the whole day

which is, for a new mom, is a little tough. Hopefully I won't play like this again.

You know, it is what it is. I just tried to,

you know, stay focused pretty much all day, but it's okay.

It was wonderful. The atmosphere was really nice, and,

you know, to see how much people welcome me is really actually

emotional to me. I'm very happy. But I'm glad I was able to play on the big court,

you know, feel that, you know, the atmosphere again with a lot

of people and bigger court. It feels really different from

practice court and only got a chance to hit for half an hour in Championships court.

The bounce is a little different, but it was really fun.

For more infomation >> Victoria Azarenka Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:50.


SFM Undertale - Big and Strong [Animation] - Duration: 0:09.

For more infomation >> SFM Undertale - Big and Strong [Animation] - Duration: 0:09.


document your life // maio 2017 - Duration: 3:57.

"My mom is lovely" My mom is lovely

ai, tia...

"Vai, because she is cool and funny" Because she is cool and funny

Because she is... is fool


"É cool, ação, vai!"

Because she is cool!

For more infomation >> document your life // maio 2017 - Duration: 3:57.


GRWM / DOING MY MAKEUP - Duration: 1:58.

my hair was wet because i had gotten out of the shower so just ignore it :))

For more infomation >> GRWM / DOING MY MAKEUP - Duration: 1:58.


🔥🔥[FREE]4:44 x Future x Migos x Young Thug Type Beat 2017 -👺 "HNDRXX" 👺(Prod.By @VELANZPRO )🔥🔥 - Duration: 4:01.

Please Remember


Like Comment And Subscribe

For more infomation >> 🔥🔥[FREE]4:44 x Future x Migos x Young Thug Type Beat 2017 -👺 "HNDRXX" 👺(Prod.By @VELANZPRO )🔥🔥 - Duration: 4:01.


Lil AK 100 Freestyle - 2017 XXL Freshman - Duration: 0:33.

I'm capable of spitting rhymes so unpredictable/

Independent, Ain't got no record label/

I know I'm able to get labelled as an Outlaw Immortal/

I'm feeling like I'm Hussein Fatal/

I can make your body move without any instrumental/

I'm natural like A-F-R-O/

Ready to battle/

But I'm unable to mumble/

Real rap mode enabled/

Making my rivals feel disabled/

Struggled to get on the top/

Now you wanna be at my level/

I'm an angel/

I'm a devil/

I'm a lil rebel/

Sometimes I'm gentle/

Sometimes I'm mental/

When I'm writing I need some more pencils/

My flow is so special/

Have a nice day,

I'm OUT!

Where's my medal?

For more infomation >> Lil AK 100 Freestyle - 2017 XXL Freshman - Duration: 0:33.


Generic Drug Prices are Going Up. In Some Cases, Way Up. - Duration: 2:44.

Want a great investment vehicle?

How about this – if you used $10,000 to buy 3000 Mesalamine enemas in 2008, you could

sell them today for $380,000.

Sure – your garage would look a bit strange, but you can't blink at that return.

Prescription drug prices are a frustrating little chunk of the economy that cause no

end of strife to patients and doctors, and even the occasional politician.

But generic drugs – they aren't a problem, right?

As Obi-Wan Kenobi so aptly put it, speaking, I think, of generic drugs:

"You were the chosen one".

But a new study, appearing in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows us that some generic

drug prices have been increasing.

And, more interestingly, it begins to suggest why.

Researchers from Harvard and the University of Florida pulled data from over 1 billion

prescriptions to figure out what patients and insurers were paying for generic drugs

from 2008 to 2013.

That billion prescriptions represented just over 1000 medications, whose prices were individually


But what gives this study its real kick is that they determined how much competition

was in the market – in other words – how many generic manufacturers were making the


Want to take bets on how this worked out?

The average drug increased in price by 30% over the study period.

But be careful, this is complicated.

Some of those 1000 drugs have almost no market.

The average cost of a prescription went down by 14% over that period.

This is not necessarily good news.

Even if the average generic prescription cost went down, the spread was huge.

Some drug prices increased a lot.

What drove that increase?

In short, lack of competition.

The fewer manufacturers of a generic there were, the faster the price of that generic


This was true regardless of the starting price of the drug, though drugs that started off

cheaper tended to grow faster.

What you see in this graph is pretty clear.

Generic prices go up more when there are fewer producers of the generic.

Econ 101 stuff.

By the way, just under half of the drugs were in a duopoly or less competitive situation.

There are some fixes here.

The Office of Generic Drugs now grants expedited review to generics entering a market where

there is currently a monopoly present.

But they do not expedite review of drugs trying to break into a duopoly or other less-than-competitive


Reducing regulations is a nice conservative principle that would probably increase competition

and bring costs down.

On the liberal side, we could also allow importation of generics from places like Canada to keep

prices competitive.

Isn't it nice when both sides can agree on an issue?

Given the data laid out here, I'm sure we'll have a bipartisan drug-price-reducing bill

on the president's desk any day now.

For more infomation >> Generic Drug Prices are Going Up. In Some Cases, Way Up. - Duration: 2:44.


6 Ways to Remove Lice Eggs and Lice Nits - Home Remedies to Remove Lice Eggs from Hair Permanently - Duration: 5:37.

Head lice are tiny parasites that live on the scalp and hair shafts where they

feed on blood it is a common problem among children you can get lice by

coming in contact with an infected person through play, school,

sport, sleepovers and other gatherings; wearing the clothing of someone who has

the parasites, sharing personal care items like brushes and combs that are

contaminated and laying on bedding that an infected person was previously laying

on. Two of the most common signs of life infestation are itching on the head and red

bumps on the scalp. As they reproduce quickly it is very difficult to eliminate

lice parasite within a few days. Combing them out to get rid of them but it is a long

and tiring process. There are several home remedies that will more

effectively solve this problem.

Almond Oil: Almond oil is an effective home remedy for lice as it works to

smother or suffocate lice, slowing them down to make them easier to remove with

a comb. Coat the hair with almond oil after separating the hair into several

small sections, keeping them separate with clips. Work under good lighting so

you can see clearly and be sure to frequently rinse the comb with hot

running water. After combing through the hair, shampoo and rinse twice then

thoroughly clean the towel and comb. Use this remedy every day for one week.

Garlic: The strong fragrance of garlic can suffocate lice ultimately killing them.

Grind eight to ten garlic cloves into a paste and mix in 2 to 3 teaspoons of

lime juice. Apply the mixture thoroughly on to the scalp leave it on for a half

an hour and then rinse the hair thoroughly with hot water. Alternatively

you can make a thick paste by combining fresh garlic juice with some cooking oil,

lemon extract, green tea and some shampoo and conditioner. Coat the hair thoroughly

with the paste and cover your scalp with a towel or shower cap for about a half

an hour. Then wash your hair with your regular shampoo. Repeat this remedy on a

weekly basis for one to two months 2 months

Olive Oil: Olive oil will effectively smother and kill head lice.

Apply any type of olive oil to your hair generously before going to bed. Put a

shower cap or towel on your head to keep the oil on your hair overnight. In the

morning, comb out the tiny parasites and then wash your hair with some herbal

shampoo containing tea tree oil. Another option is to mix 1/2 cup of olive oil

with 1/2 cup of conditioner and add some liquid soap to it. Apply this solution

onto your hair and leave it on for an hour then rinse out your hair and apply

conditioner. Comb your hair thoroughly to remove the dead lice. Repeat this remedy

again after a week to get best results

Salt: Salt can also be used to eradicate head lice through desiccation. Mix 1/4

cup of salt and 1/4 cup of vinegar thoroughly. Gently spray the solution

onto your hair so that it becomes slightly wet. Put on a shower cap and

leave it for about 2 hours. Then wash and condition your hair. Repeat this every 3

days to get positive results

Petroleum Jelly: Petroleum jelly can have a stifling effect on roaming lice. Apply a

thick layer of petroleum jelly to the scalp before going to bed.

Cover your head tightly with a shower cap or towel, leave it on overnight.

In the morning use baby oil to remove the petroleum jelly. Comb your hair

thoroughly to remove the lice. Repeat that several nights in a row in a row

Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree essential oil is a natural insecticide making it an

effective treatment for head lice. Mix together one teaspoon of tea tree oil,

one ounce of natural shampoo and three tablespoons of coconut or olive oil.

Apply the solution gently throughout your hair and cover

your head with a shower cap or towel. Leave your head covered for a half an hour

and then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Finally comb through your hair while

it is still wet to remove the dead lice. NOTE: Do not apply tea tree oil directly to the scalp

If you liked the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with friends.

Fore more recipes and tips subscribe to the channel.

For more infomation >> 6 Ways to Remove Lice Eggs and Lice Nits - Home Remedies to Remove Lice Eggs from Hair Permanently - Duration: 5:37.


ASI NEJSEM HOROROVÝ TYP!! - Horror Hospital II - #1 | Banny YT - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> ASI NEJSEM HOROROVÝ TYP!! - Horror Hospital II - #1 | Banny YT - Duration: 9:47.


Virginia Feu Rosa & Hallisson Nogueira - Enamore-se de Si - English Subtitles CC - Duration: 5:40.

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

It's easier to hide in shallow feelings

Blind yourself to the deep labyrinth inside

Pretend you don't feel the unhappiness

For never having the courage

To really learn to love yourself

Or to be worthy of your own love

Looking inside of ourselves

is always more challenging

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

It's easier to hide in shallow feelings

Blind yourself to the deep labyrinth inside

Pretend you don't feel the unhappiness

For never having the courage

To really learn to love yourself

Or to be worthy of your own love

Looking inside of ourselves

is always more challenging

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

Fall in love with yourself

and be worthy this passion

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