Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Hello YouTube

I'm Emil and I live in Japan. 30 years old now.

Welcome to my channel, where I learn different languages by vlogging

I will learn Korean, Japanese, Chinese etc.

I have two other channels

One is about North Korea

And other about Japan

Recently I learn Korean, because I want to go to North Korea

I want to make some Chinese vlogs as well

I'm making this video because I got a link to a video from one of my viewers

He is 11 years old

But he is learning Chinese

Have a look

When I saw this I was really surprised

How can he already speak Chiense so well?

I didn't think kids in Poland learn Chinese!

I respect him

Really awesome

For a 11 year old very good

I wasn't learning that when I was 11 years old


So young, but can speak so well

I want to see his other videos

He seems smart

And I'm sure he will get better in Chinese

Recently more and more people learn Chinese in Poland

Even kids

If I have kids I will teach them Chinese

Maybe it will help them get a good job

Or they can go to China

I will also make some vlogs about life in Japan

Using chinese

I want to learn other languages

I'm learning Korean and Japanese

Check out my other Japanese channel

In October we're going to Greece with my wife

So I'm gonna learn Greek!

No idea what kind of languahe that is

Is it easy or hard?

How to write?

No idea

But I wanna learn

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> #1 Polish guy speaking Chinese - Duration: 3:39.


🔵Não se mede o valor de um homem ... - Linda mensagem de Charles Chaplin - Mensagem do Dia (#20) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 🔵Não se mede o valor de um homem ... - Linda mensagem de Charles Chaplin - Mensagem do Dia (#20) - Duration: 0:31.


AUGUST遊戲|Portal 2:我真的好蠢 (w/2NDAPRIL) - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> AUGUST遊戲|Portal 2:我真的好蠢 (w/2NDAPRIL) - Duration: 6:50.


CLASH ROYALE ACTION FIGURES! | DIY | Clash Royale Edition - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> CLASH ROYALE ACTION FIGURES! | DIY | Clash Royale Edition - Duration: 10:45.


NOSTALGIA tekken 6 ketika gue masih ingusan - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> NOSTALGIA tekken 6 ketika gue masih ingusan - Duration: 11:11.



So look, in the next few years, almost 50 superhero films are scheduled or heavily rumored

to come out.

That's kind of insane, and by kind of insane I mean really insane.

So, today, I thought it could be fun to go through all of these, those that are confirmed

and those that could happen, so I can both talk about my thoughts on them, and you can

be aware of the movies that are coming out.

I've talked about some of the futures of the franchises before, but I wanted to do

something that's all inclusive, and plus a lot has changed since I made some of those


Also, I've decided to implement this little chart for this video, where each movie will

be placed at some point in either the fantastic, good, maybe, or burning hot garbage sections.

Basically this'll show visually my prediction for how good these movies will be.

And to be perfectly honest, I don't think any of these are going to end up in the burning

hot garbage category, but you know it's good to have it here, just in case.

So, all that out of the way, let's get into it.

First up, Spider-Man Homecoming, coming July 7, 2017, which, I'll be real, I'm writing

this in late June, so this may already be out by the time this video goes up.

Regardless, does it look good?

Yeah, it does.

To be perfectly honest I've kind of been getting a little less and less excited for

this movie as it goes along because of the marketing.

I mean, each trailer has revealed more and more, not only of the story but also just

scenes and shots that I wish would be saved for the actual film.

I actually still haven't watched that last trailer because I was like, no, I can't

do any more of this.

And so many clips are online, and that poster….that poster isn't great.

I don't know what Sony's problem is with Spider-Man marketing.

That aside though, just as a film, I'm still looking forward to it.

Tom Holland is maybe the best Spider-Man to date, Michael Keaton is one of my favorite

actors so I'm of course excited to see him in the MCU, and again, this is shaping up

to be a different kind of Spider-Man film.

Cuz these 5, while they vary drastically in quality, as far as story goes they share a

lot of the same points.

I'm so happy we're finally, presumably, getting a Spider-Man villain who isn't connected

to Peter Parker in some way but is just kind of a prick.

Also we're getting Iron Man in this, which you probably haven't noticed, I mean they've

been very lowkey on that Robert Downey Jr. inclusion.

In all seriousness I am excited to see more Tony Stark, so long as he just works naturally

with the story and isn't just there to steal screen time.

So, Spider-Man: Homecoming, I'm gonna drop right in the middle of the good section.

Next there's Thor: Ragnarok, hitting cinemas November 3, 2017.

I have no reason not to be super excited for this.

If you haven't seen Hunt for the Wilderpeople, it's not like the best movie ever made,

but it's a super fun time, check it out.

I'm positive that the director of that, Taika Waititi, will handle the comedy in this

film perfectly.

I just hope he can do the same with the massive action scenes.

The premise is fantastic, the casting is brilliant, the trailer looks great, in case you can't

tell I'm a little bit pumped for this.

Taika Waititi doing this film I feel like is going to be similar to what Edgar Wright

could've done with Ant-Man, and I can't wait to see it.

I'm definitely dropping this in the fantastic section.

After that is Justice League, on November 17, 2017.

Now this has been an interesting film to say the least, especially regarding the latest


Because of Zack Snyder stepping down, the completion of this film and re-shoots will

be done by Joss Whedon, the guy behind the Avengers.

And while that may sound promising, don't expect this to be a Whedon Justice League

movie now.

It's been said that he's going to be doing it exactly the way Snyder would want the movie


And so do I think it'll be good?

Look, I've talked about this at length, and the answer is, maybe.

Which is why it's going here by the way.

The trailer has looked promising and it appears that maybe?

They've learned some of their mistakes that were made in the previous DC films.

But there are things in the trailer that do raise some red flags, like I'm hoping the

entire finale of this film isn't just bland fighting an invasion in dark grey places in

slow motion, and I'm hoping the story isn't overcrowded with setups and characters and


Point is really, I'm hopeful and I think there's a chance this could turn out great,

but I've also been tricked before so I'm more cautious now.

Next up, Black Panther, arriving on February 16, 2018.

Of course I'm excited for this, come on.

Who isn't?

The trailer that came out recently just confirmed everything I thought about this movie, that

being that it's probably gonna be amazing.

It's about one of my favorite new characters in the MCU and one of the most interesting,

and it has maybe one of the best directors working today directing it.

You can check out my video on the trailer, link down below, where I go more indepth into

this but really, what can I say?

Everything about this looks awesome, definitely going in the fantastic category.

Up next, New Mutants, on April 13, 2018.

This one actually sounds pretty interesting.

Fox seems to have found their niche in making different kinds of superhero movies.

Deadpool, raunchy self-aware r-rated comedy.

Logan, r-rated character study western movie.

And now New Mutants, which is apparently gonna be a horror film.

Now I'm not a horror movie guy at all but recently I have been breaking a little bit

through, at least for movies that are a little bit more than horror films, so I'll probably

be seeing this.

This'll be a cast of younger mutants and not the same ones we've seen in the X-Men

films, great, get a breath of fresh air in there.

It's also got a pretty good cast, Anya-Taylor Joy from Split, Maisie Williams from Game

of Thrones, and Rosario Dawson from a bunch of stuff.

It's being directed by the guy who did The Fault in Our Stars, which is a film that I

really like.

Overall, sounding pretty good.

Then on May the 4 in 2018 we finally get Avengers: Infinity War.

The culmination of the entire MCU.

I've talked before about why I think this'll be great, awesome directors, great villain,

promising build up, etc.

But I wanna quickly touch on my one concern.

Recently Scarlett Johansson said in an interview that there are 62 characters in this film

and in one scene there are 30 characters on screen together.

Now don't get me wrong, that sounds amazing to me.

I mean, think the airport fight in Civil War times two, with all the Avengers and the Guardians

there together, how incredible does that sound.

But my only concern is, what if it's too much?

With 62 characters plus a main villain who we want a bit more developed, there's definitely

not gonna be enough time for everyone to shine.

The only reason this concern isn't really that big for me is that the Russo brothers

are doing this, and they showed in Civil War that they can make a handful of characters

the main focus and still give everyone something cool to do, if not character-wise then action-wise.

The thing is this movie is going to be way bigger, and I feel like some characters who

I wanna see more, mainly the Guardians, are gonna be a bit more sidelined.

I also don't know if the Russoes know how to use the Guardians as well as Gunn does.

But again, like I said, these are all the negative thoughts I have.

Besides that, of course I'm excited to see this, the MCU is in my top 3 franchises of

all time and the Avengers is my favorite superhero movie of all time.

It lands right here on the scale.

Deadpool 2 is hitting cinemas on June 1, 2018.

This is an interesting case.

The first Deadpool I loved when I first saw, and I still really enjoy if not just a little

bit less to this day.

However, one of the main things that I think made Deadpool work as well as it did was Tim

Miller as the director, who put together those awesome fight scenes.

So with him being booted from the project, that does leave me with some repercussions.

However, the new director is the guy behind John Wick, which, action wise, that's pretty


We're gonna be getting more crazy Deadpool-ness in this, hopefully the up the anty a bit on

that end of things, we're getting Domino and Cable in this, which can hopefully like

I said make this even more insane.

I'm waiting until we get a first trailer, but making sequels to hit comedies is hard

to do.

It can be done, but it's hard.

So fingers crossed for this one, I'm gonna say it's probably gonna be good.

Then at goddamn long last, the second coming of Jesus Christ is arriving on June 15, 2018.

And by that I mean the Incredibles 2 is coming out.

This is one of my most anticipated movies of all time, and it has been since 2004, aka

when I was 2-3 years old.

As weird as it is to say, I've technically been waiting my whole life for this.

I just wanna say, I've realized that saying _insert movie here_ is my favorite movie of

all time can be slippery, because sometimes I come out of a movie on such a high and think

this is the best thing ever made, and then as months pass, it's still one of my favorites,

but I don't know if it is my absolute favorite.

Case and point, Birdman and La La Land.

So from now on, if someone says I have to pick one favorite movie of all time and I'm

not allowed to say there are a few (which there are), I'm probably gonna go with The


Again, this can switch on an almost daily basis, but when it comes down to it The Incredibles

is always just as amazing every time I watch it.

Even without the insane amount of nostalgia I have for it, just the story, the characters,

the action, the style, everything is perfect in it.

It's original, it's great for both kids and then later on for adults, and it's got

one of the most heartfelt and relatable, at least to me, stories about family and sticking

together that I've ever seen.

Plus it's just a kick-ass superhero movie.

So, in case you couldn't tell, I'm kind of excited for more.

Brad Bird is coming back to direct, the whole cast I think is returning, I just can't


I don't exactly know where they're gonna go with the story, I imagine they'll go

with it's about 15 years later in the movie's world as well, but I don't know.

I just know I can't wait to see more of these characters that I essentially grew up


I'm hoping we'll get a teaser at D23 this year, and I know that when I'm sitting in

that cinema and the Incredibles theme comes on again, I'm probably gonna tear up and

start cheering.

So, this is gonna go right here.

A month later we're getting Ant-Man and the Wasp on July 6, 2018.

This is the movie where I think I'm the most sure of what the quality is gonna be,

and that's just good.

I hope this'll surprise me and blow me away, but I imagine this is going to be exactly

the same for me as the first Ant-Man was, which is good and enjoyable but nothing super


Peyton Reed is coming back to direct, which is why I think it'll be another just fun


Paul Rudd I think is one of the most likeable actors working today, so I'm really excited

to see more of him here.

Look, if this is a now a team movie with Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, sure.

That sounds like fun.

I just doubt it'll be groundbreaking.

Always optimistic though, so here's hoping.

Then Venom is coming out on October 5, 2018.

This is a very interesting one.

Firstly, just as a movie, in terms of who's involved, this doesn't sound that bad.

Director of Zombieland, with Tom Hardy as the main character.

That's all pretty good.

But then there's so much confusion about whether or not this will be in the MCU or

connect to Spider-Man at all, which, if it isn't I don't really like.

I mean, Venom and Spider-Man are kind of intertwined.

Also, the villain in this will be Carnage, which initially I was excited for because

I think Carnage is a pretty awesome villain, but then when I heard another take on it,

specifically from the Weekly Planet, I changed my tune a bit.

They mentioned that the time for superheroes fighting a slightly bigger or more intense

version of themselves was kind of over, and the finale to this movie will probably end

up being a giant ugly CGI tendril fight, which doesn't sound too appealing.

So look, I wanna get more details on this before really judging.

As for right now, I'm gonna lump it right here.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix is hitting the big screen on November 2, 2018.

Ahhhh look, this is kind on the lower side of things for me.

I mean, I am one of the few people who is willing to go on record saying that they really

enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse.

And Days of Future Past and First Class are two of my favorite superhero movies, so I

of all people should be well on board for another one of these.

But after rewatching Apocalypse a few times, even though I still like it, the flaws have

started to stand out more, specifically how kind of formulaic it is.

And seeing another one of those kind of predictable standard X-Men movies isn't super exciting

to me.

I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but right now we're living in the time where the superhero

movies that try something new are the most interesting ones, so something more generic,

after one that was fairly generic, I don't really know.

I am excited to see the young cast again, because I love them in these roles, well most

of them, but I hope they switch it up, because we've seen a very similar struggle between

Erik and Charles now for 3 movies, if they have the same thing again, it's going to

get tedious to watch.

So, putting it here on the scale, I am looking forward to it, but I just hope they switch

things up.

Then two days after my birthday in 2018, Sony's releasing an animated Spider-Man movie.

This is actually one of the more intriguing movies to me, because apparently Sony wants

to have an entire Spider-Man animated universe going at the same time as the live action

universe, which is interesting to say the least.

My main question is, what if the animated movies start to get better than the live action


Wouldn't that be embarrassing.

As for this movie specifically, it sounds pretty cool.

It'll star Shameik Moore from Dope, a super underrated movie that you should check out,

as Miles Morales, and it also has the likes of Mahershala Ali on board.

It's also being written by the directors of the Flash, I'm sorry I mean the directors

of Han Solo, I'm sorry I mean the directors of….nothing currently, Phil Lord and Chris

Miller, who are two of my favorite directors and writers working today.

So all in all, sounds pretty great.

After this we get Aquaman on December 21, 2018.

This is one of the DCEU movies that I'm actually the most excited for.

And that's mainly because of the director, James Wan.

An really talented director in my opinion, he went from tons of really solid horror stuff

to one of the biggest action movies of all time, so I definitely think he can handle


The cast is also pretty good and Jason Momoa looks like he's going to be one of the standouts

in Justice League, so this is going pretty close to fantastic.

So then on January 18 in 2019, and I guess spoiler alert for the movie Split here, if

you don't want that twist ruined, click to this point in the video, 3 2 1 ok, we're

gonna get Glass, the sequel to both Unbreakable and Split.

Now Split was a surprisingly good thriller with an excellent performance at the helm

and Unbreakable is….presumably also good, but I haven't seen it.

So once I see Unbreakable, I'll probably be more hyped for this, and that twist ending

in Split will probably be much more mind blowing to me.

As it is, I enjoyed Split, so sure, I'd like to see a sequel.

Good it is!

Then on February 24, 2019 we're getting the much anticipated, untitled Fox/Marvel


This could be anything really, an X-Men spinoff, a new Fantastic Four movie, whatever.

I'll talk about some of those later, but for this specifically, we don't know, so

there's nothing to say here.

After that on March 8 2019 we're going to get a Captain Marvel movie, starring Brie


I'm pretty excited for this, I really like Brie Larson as an actress, and while the directors

aren't really that well known, I look back at what the Russo brothers did, with them

being relatively unknown, so these two don't really concern me.

Also I think after Wonder Woman's huge success Marvel is going to take note of what worked

with that movie and try to build off of it.

So overall, consider me pretty pumped.

Then after that, just a month later ironically enough we have another movie about Captain

Marvel, except this one is now called Shazam, for some reason on April 5, 2019.

These movies are gonna get harder and harder to lump into categories since now we don't

know a lot about these.

However, we do have some info on this.

Dwayne Johnson is of course going to be Black Adam, even though he's in everything I still

really like the Rock, so that's great.

Though I don't know if he has the chops to play a kind of conflicted villain/anti-hero

like Black Adam, but we'll see.

It's also rumored to be directed by the guy who did Lights Out, so yay for more horror

movie directors making DC movies.

Also, I just wanna say, and in the process give a little shout out to my grandpa for

being awesome, but my grandpa's favorite superhero has always been Captain Marvel and

so I kind of grew up hearing about this guy a lot, so I have some weird nostalgia for

this property.

So that makes all the more excited.

So, this is probably gonna be….good.

Then on May 3, 2019 we're getting the follow up to Avengers Infinity War, the still untitled

Avengers 4, which might be called Avengers Infinity Gauntlet or not, I guess.

Not much is known about this except, the Russoes are doing it, and it's a direct follow up

to Infinity War but it's not a part 2.

Infinity War is apparently it's own contained story with beginning and end and then this

is something new that ties into that.

So, great.

I guess I'm about as excited for this as I am for Infinity War, since they're going

to be pretty similar I'm assuming.

Justice League 2 is coming out on June 14, 2019, barring any changes that considering

DC's track record, could happen.

Zack Snyder might direct this, although we don't really know after all this has gone


Not really much to say about this until the first movie comes out, I'm guessing Darkseid

will be the villain, cool.

Just hope this whole giant evil space God thing isn't played out by the time this

rolls around.

Putting this the same place I put Justice League.

Then Spider-Man Homecoming 2, or whatever they'll title the next Spider-Man movie,

is hitting cinemas on July 5, 2019.

If Homecoming's good, then sure, bring on more.

They're apparently making these movies in a Harry Potter-ish John Hughes-ish way, where

we see Peter Parker grow up through high school and then college and whatever, which sounds

cool, but they'd better crank them out quickly then because Tom Holland is not gonna look

17 forever.

So this, I don't know, you can't really place a movie like this.



On November 1, 2019, an untitled DC movie is scheduled for release, but it's almost

definitely the Batman at this point.

And look, initially, you can see in older videos, I was super hyped for this because

Ben Affleck was directing.

Then he dropped off and I started to lose my excitement quite rapidly.

But then Matt Reeves was signed on, and having just watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,

I think that's a pretty great choice.

Both the action and the deeper emotional conflicts were fantastic in that film, so seeing him

taking on a Batman movie, sure.

Ben Affleck I still really enjoy as Batman, and like I've said in previous videos, I'd

love to see this go the route of Batman being stuck in Arkham Asylum and having to fight

his way out, going through most of his villains.

Think Die Hard, with Batman characters.

Come on, how cool does that sound?

Even if that isn't the premise, I'm still gonna put this way up the good section.

And then there's Cyborg, on April 3, 2020.

This movie has no director, no writers, the main actor hasn't been in any movies, and

I don't really know Cyborg that well as a character.

Frankly there's nothing for me to say here.

Hopefully it's good?

I don't know.

Then on May 1 2020 there's a currently untitled Marvel movie scheduled for release.

We'll probably get that reveal at this year's Comic Con I'd imagine, or D23.

Also, just so we get them out of the way, there are two other untitled MCU movies coming

out 2020, one on July 10 and one on November 6.

I'll talk about some of the possibilities for those in a second.

And finally, on June 19, 2020, DC is trying a Green Lantern movie again.

This one I imagine might be a little more successful, One, last one came out in 2011,

hopefully those special effects have moved on a bit since then.

Two, hopefully they get good writers, because with the last film, it had a really good director,

but the script was really bad.

Also this is gonna be a Green Lantern team movie, so it won't just focus on Hal Jordan,

which I really like, because my favorite Green Lantern is Jon Stewart, the one I grew up

with in the cartoon.

So, we don't really know much about this, but against my better judgement I'm gonna

tentatively put this in the good section.

Now to wrap this up, there are some movies that have been confirmed are happening and

just don't have a release date yet, or don't even have that but are just heavily rumored.

So, let's have a look at some of those.

Firstly, The Flash.

What a trainwreck this production has been.

First a director came on, then they left, then the director of Dope came on, then he

left, then it was rumored that Robert Zemeckis was doing it, then he wasn't, then Billy

Crudup apparently dropped out, then they did a re-write of the script from Phil Lord and

Chris Miller from the guy who wrote the new King Arthur movie, which by all accounts,

he's no Phil Lord or Chris Miller, now there are rumors that Lord and Miller are coming

back, my god.

Look, I like The Flash as a character a lot, I've really been enjoying the TV show, and

this new version with Ezra Miller looks promising.

But maybe this movie just isn't meant to be.

Put him in a team up movie or something if this is such a hard thing to put together.

This is now rumored to be coming out 2020, who knows, I'm putting this right there

on the scale.

Then there's Justice League Dark, which originally was being done by Guillermo del

Toro, and then wasn't, and then was being done by Doug Liman, and then wasn't, and

now, now I don't know.

It's also being called Dark Universe now, for some reason, I don't know, probably

won't happen for a few years.

Putting it right here.

And look, for the rest of these movies I'm not gonna put them in this table, because

1 it's getting very crowded, and 2 some of these we know so little about that it'd

be kind of silly to do so.

We're also gonna get a Suicide Squad 2 at some point down the road.

Initially Mel Gibson was rumored for this, that didn't pan out.

Maybe because he said this about Batman v Superman.

Or maybe cuz he said this, you know, who knows with that guy.

But apparently David Ayer will not be doing this, and also Harley Quinn might not be in

it, which doesn't seem like a very good idea since she was arguably the most popular

part of the first film.

So at the moment, we know But those two things are going to be absent

because another film, Gotham City Sirens, is also in production.

This'll be directed by David Ayer, which isn't the best sign.

But it'll be about Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy, which hey, that could be cool.

I'm also interested to see the DCEU versions of these characters and who they would cast.

Personally, I think Rebecca Ferguson could make a pretty great Catwoman, just saying.

Maybe we'll get other female DC villains like Killer Frost and Giganta, who knows.

Could be fun, don't know about the creative team though.

Then Wonder Woman 2 is happening.

Wonder Woman was great, I'm hyped for more.

I'd like to see what a Wonder Woman film will look like set in the modern day after

seeing her origin in the 1910s.

Silver and Black is a movie that's inexplicably happening, centering around the characters

of Black Cat and Silver Sable.

Now look, anything can be good, but I just don't understand why this of all things

is happening.

Probably because Sony doesn't have a ton of properties, and wants to get their own

Marvel universe off the ground.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is definitely happening, with James Gunn back to direct

and write, great.

Guardians 1 is one of my favorite superhero films, Guardians 2 wasn't as good but was

still a ton of fun, sure, sign me up.

This will focus more on the character of Adam Warlock, awesome.

Also, I imagine this'll be taking one of those 2020 release dates I mentioned earlier.

We're also getting a Nightwing film, from the director of the Lego Batman Movie, awesome.

I love that film, I love Nightwing, sign me up.

As far as who to cast, people have said Zac Efron, yeahhh that could work, personally

I think Matthew Bomer might be a good choice too.

Batgirl will also be hitting cinemas soon-ish, from director Joss Whedon again.

Joss Whedon does great work with strong female leads, and obviously pretty great work with

superhero movies, so hell yeah I'm on board for this.

Look, I've put Gambit in here, I don't really know why.

I doubt this'll ever see the light of day.

I mean, this thing has been gaining and losing directors like crazy, and it was supposed

to come out in October.

Last year.

So despite all the enthusiasm Chaning Tatum can muster, I doubt this will ever actually


There's also been talk of an X-Force movie for a while now, personally I think they'll

probably turn that into Deadpool 3 in like 2021 or something.

People have speculated about a Nova movie, could be cool.

This won't happen, but spoiler alert for the first Guardians of the Galaxy, if Peter

Serafinowicz hadn't died there, I would love to see a Peter Serafinowicz John C. Reilly

space buddy comedy Nova movie.

A new Fantastic Four movie will inevitably happen, either with Fox in like 7 years or

so when they're forced to, or if they don't do it the rights go back to Marvel.

I'm actually planning on making a whole video on how to make a good Fantastic Four

film so I'll save most of my thoughts for then, but I mean come on.

Either hire someone very talented and just give them full control, or just give it to


It's not like this is a hit franchise for you anyway Fox.

Apparently the latest rumor is that they wanna make this more kid-friendly, starring Reed

Richards and Sue Storm's two kids and The Thing and Human Torch, to make it more similar

to the Incredibles.

Considering Fox's past track record with this franchise, that all sounds like it could

end up being terrible very easily.

Now a while back, Sony wanted to do a Sinister Six movie, if you recall.

You might remember that 2 hour long trailer for it that was called the Amazing Spider-Man


If they make this now, it won't be set in that same universe, thankfully, so these villains

can have more interesting origins than, we literally all came from Oscorp.

But again, Sony doesn't have the greatest track record with Spider-Man, and this whole

separate or maybe not separate (?) who knows universe that they're making has me a bit


DC has talked about a Lobo movie for a while now, I think thanks to the success of Deadpool

this'll probably actually happen now and probably be rated r, great.


If you get the right team behind it.

The Black Widow movie has been floated for years now, and maybe thanks to Wonder Woman

this'll finally get off the ground.

I mean, a full on spy movie in the MCU, sounds great to me.

But Scarlett Johansson's box office numbers as of late haven't been...let's just say

super assuring, so this could really go either way.

Then there's this Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie that's been up in the air for

a while.

I mean, this sounds like a fun idea.

I doubt we'll see it before 2021 though.

And finally, Man of Steel 2.

Will it ever happen?


Will George Miller actually direct it?

Probably not.

Rumors recently say that Brainiac will be the villain, awesome.

I think now that Wonder Woman worked out so well, if Justice League then also works out

and the return of Superman is received well, then this movie will be fast-tracked to release.

So those were my thoughts on all the upcoming superhero movies.

Which of these are you most excited for?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> SUPERHERO MOVIE LINEUP 2017-2020 *UPDATED EDITION* - Duration: 23:51.


Truyện Tiềm ẩn K.inh Ho.àng Trong Đêm Khiến Ai Cũng Cảm nhận được || Tâm Linh 24h - Duration: 1:07:14.

For more infomation >> Truyện Tiềm ẩn K.inh Ho.àng Trong Đêm Khiến Ai Cũng Cảm nhận được || Tâm Linh 24h - Duration: 1:07:14.


貓膽汁 CAt'sB!le -_- 我有一支槍 2017 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 貓膽汁 CAt'sB!le -_- 我有一支槍 2017 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:14.


How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally | Avocado smoothie lowering cholesterol 3 species - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally | Avocado smoothie lowering cholesterol 3 species - Duration: 5:30.


Friday the 13th #1 Hướng dẫn chơi BATTLEGROUND 2017 !!! - Duration: 21:22.

For more infomation >> Friday the 13th #1 Hướng dẫn chơi BATTLEGROUND 2017 !!! - Duration: 21:22.


Here's Why Plastic Is SO MUCH Worse Than You Think! - Duration: 3:21.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

The other day I decided to be a good roommate and gathered up some trash to get rid of in

my apartment.

All those extra bits of code my animator creates can really add up!

We don't have to worry about landfills or the effects that waste has on the environment

here in the digital world, but the trash you create in your human world can add up to some

pretty bad consequences, especially with plastic.

But why is plastic so bad?

To begin our journey to find out why, let's take a trip to one of your earthly landfills.

Plastic can take up to 1000 years to break down and it also has the potential to leak

harmful pollutants into the soil.

The chemical components of plastic can be absorbed by humans and may lead to negative

health effects.

Not only that, but plastic production uses up a large amount of our fossil fuels.

A report based off of 2008 data found that the amount of chemical energy contained in

the millions of tons of plastic in US landfills was equal to about 37 million tons of coal

or 139 million barrels of oil... and that was 9 years ago!

So plastic is bad for the turf, but what about the surf?

If you take a look at the waters of the world, you'll find that plastic pollution can really

wreak havoc on the oceanic ecosystem.

Nobody knows this more then our sea turtle friends, where the majority of their population

will be injured or killed by plastics in their lifetime.

Not only that, but plastic is often found blocking their breathing passages and stomachs

along with doing the same to countless other marine species such as dolphins and whales.

Plastic can also break down in the ocean into small particles the size of plankton.

These little pieces collect toxins like DDT and PCBs at levels up to a /million/ times

the levels found in seawater!

These toxins then enter the food chain when any aquatic life accidentally ingests the


It might even make its way to you the next time you go to a seafood buffet!

Trash and plastic in the ocean goes further down the rabbit hole of doom by threatening


Plastic debri can serve as floating transportation to foreign and alien species, allowing them

to hitchhike to new and unfamiliar parts of the world.

This is common with barnacles and algae.

These new invasive species can become detrimental to the local ecosystem.

I don't know about you, but The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Ocean sounds like a pretty trashy

prequel to me.

So what can you do to help?

While it will certainly take a global effort to counter the negative effects of plastic

waste, you can still be part of the change!

You can start by picking greener options when you get the chance, like bringing your own

reusable bags to the grocery store.

Many different types of plastic are also now recyclable, so make sure to recycle when you

can and not throw them in the trash or let them litter your beautiful planet.

Your friendly neighborhood Blocko is on the job!

See, if we all work together, we can keep this wonderful world a beautiful place to

live our lives to the fullest and nourish those sweet noggins!

Let me know down in the comments below ways that you help to protect the environment!

Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> Here's Why Plastic Is SO MUCH Worse Than You Think! - Duration: 3:21.


Broken Hardys Gimmick Days Away From WWE!? HUGE TNA Title Change! | WrestleTalk News July 2017 - Duration: 3:50.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News!

I'm Oli Davis.

TNA Rebrand As GFW Many consider the initials 'TNA' to be

a poison brand, synonymous with 15 years of bad decisions, sliding ratings and Dixie Carter

clinging onto Hulk Hogan's leg.

In more colloquial terms, TNA also stands for Tits and Ass.

So it's long overdue that the promotion are changing their name from TNA.

To Impact Wrestling.

To Anthem Sports & Entertainment, I think.

To Jeff Jarrett's Mega Gold Giveaway.

To now, finally, Global Force Wrestling.

Just days after Impact Wrestling 'officially acquired' Jarrett's GFW promotion, TNA

will rebrand itself as Global Force Wrestling.

Their weekly show will still be called 'Impact', just like how WWE's weekly show is called


Jarrett spoke to The Tennessean about the name change:

"We're a global brand.

We have partnerships in Mexico, Japan, other places.

Collectively coming together, we've combined forces and basically the rebrand final touches

happen at 'Slammiversary.'"

Huge TNA/GFW Title Change Those 'final touches' included Alberto

El Patron (the former Alberto Del Rio in WWE) beating Bobby Lashley at last night's 15th

anniversary show to become the new Impact Wrestling and GFW Heavyweight Champion.

Presumably the 'Impact Wrestling' part of the title name will soon be dropped, with

all the promotion's belts just being referred to as 'GFW Championships'.

Unfortunately, Impact/GFW/whatever I should be calling them spoiled the momentous title

change just hours before it happened.

WrestleZone pointed out that the TV Guide for this Thursday's episode of Impact had

the following description ahead of Alberto's win:

"It's all about the fallout from Slammiversary.

Alberto El Patron will hold a celebration in the ring…"

You're exposing the business, TV Guide!

Jeff Jarrett's Five Year Plan Hopefully such accidents will be fixed in

Jeff Jarrett's five year plan, which he described to Sports Illustrated:

"Slammiversary is the beginning as we move toward Bound for Glory, but we are, realistically,

looking at 2018 to fully implement our five-year plan with Anthem.

We want to be on television in 2018.

And I'd love to go live...that is a major reason why we are going back on the road for

live shows in August."

Jarrett also touched on the current legal battle between Impact Wrestling and Matt & Jeff

Hardy over the ownership rights to their Broken Universe gimmick, claiming "the publisher

[so Impact Wrestling] is always the owner".

But according to Matt's Twitter account, this could all be about to change…

Broken Hardys "Days Away" From WWE?

Yesterday Matt posted a forebodingly manic Instagram picture with his brother, and the

caption "My URGES are actively becoming more difficult to contain."

He followed that up with a tweet later that day:

"A MASSIVE "Thanks" to all the Wrestling Fans that backed #HouseHardy in the latest


We are days away from winning.


Matt has frequently referred to his ongoing Intellectual Property battle with Impact Wrestling

as the 'Great War', and the tweet strongly suggests a decision over who owns the gimmick

is impending.

Given Jeff Jarrett's recent insistence that the publishers are the owners, this could

be more of a deal negotiated between the two sides.

Who is behind the Kurt Angle texting mystery on Raw?

Find out mine and Luke's fantasy booking storylines in the latest WrestleRamble.

And has Smackdown's title plans been leaked?

Click the videos to the left to find out, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> Broken Hardys Gimmick Days Away From WWE!? HUGE TNA Title Change! | WrestleTalk News July 2017 - Duration: 3:50.


¿Por qué CHINA quiere romper con COREA DEL NORTE? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué CHINA quiere romper con COREA DEL NORTE? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 12:06.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne #5 (PS4) - Duration: 54:57.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #5 (PS4) - Duration: 54:57.


Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.


EP12. Mark ask How do you handle working with a Facial Disfigurement? - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> EP12. Mark ask How do you handle working with a Facial Disfigurement? - Duration: 4:02.


KO SOTO GARI - 100 Judo Techniques - SKILBILL - Duration: 4:36.

So , Ko soto gari

We will say that vulgarly it is a small eighth leg

it is a

a small outside mowing

unlike o soto gari which is a great mowing outside

but here the idea is to make a small eighth leg on his right leg

holding the sleeve with the seizure

as usual

So even if it looks simple, that says it is

but it has allowed some to become very great champions,

for example KEIJI SUZUKI became Olympic champion in 2004

practically with this technique

So, traditional seizure

I will shift my left foot to make a small step chased

what is called how in Japanese? Come on I'll tell you Tsugi Ashi

A little bit complicated, but it's easy ... 1 .. 2 ... 3

I will then look for the heel with the flat foot.

I will try to lift the heel ...


He will have a reaction to lift his foot

and well I will continue to accompany

his move to continue to keep control and put him on the back.

Do we start again?

1 ... 2 ... 3 ....

I accentuate

And most of all , i follow the action


for the more expert

benjamins, minims

one can leave on the other side, that is to say

to have the Ko Soto gari with his right foot and on the side of the reverse

It's a bit more complicated because the partner must know how to fall in that direction

He has to hold his hand to my sleeve

to free that hand there and fall with that hand

So my right foot is advanced, the Tsugi ashi

the small particular move, on the other side, towards there.

1 ... 2 .. 3 .. and I release his hand

so that he falls

understood ? At work !

Small detail in bonus, this technique allows to prepare

other movements of greater range

like your special for example

so the idea, if I work on the reverse

and I will attack the back leg

On a right-handed person who is like that with his back leg

it's going to be to get his leg ....

To have a back link action

What is very important to remember to achieve well

this technique

already at the level of the upper body, is to fix

the point of support down, whether it is the sleeve if I go to this side

Or the reverse if I go that way there

Then concerning the movement of the legs

we gain an extra time, we go much faster if we make a Tsugi Ashi

a step chased forward

Then third thing to have the foot always open,

soles a little bit upwards

to be able to hang the heel, to rise and to move forward

with the partner until the projection

Right here

Until the end

your turn !


Fix the point of support downwards

Steps-chased forward

soles a little bit upwards

Hook the heel

For more infomation >> KO SOTO GARI - 100 Judo Techniques - SKILBILL - Duration: 4:36.


3 oda 1 araba / Garanti Kazançlı Kasko - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 3 oda 1 araba / Garanti Kazançlı Kasko - Duration: 1:29.



Be careful

My quadra my quadra!


Nice sweetie

Koma: Did I steal your penta?

Yes i did, i killed kindred

I dont know, does not matter

Koma: oh pls no

Dont do a invade! x2

oh well ok, Invade them

Wow Katarina have mastery 7 okay

Ok Galio is there

Kindred marked you in the botlane?

Koma: eh not now, in the botlane no


Ok nice!

Oh, i dont have wards, I have to be careful

And i dont have fash either

No!, she killed me


Koma: She did a trilple kill

Koma: Ok nice shut down, you have more gold for that

Yep yep its something

Koma: LoL, that ultimate

Koma: Kindred in the botlane

Galio is dead here i guess

Koma: Kindred in the dragon now, let me see

Koma: oh no, im going

You will come?

Koma: I can not leave Vayne alone, they'll kill her

Koma, oh fuck my life

Oh, shit you are alone

Kindred no have ultimate

Ok nice

Koma: Ok, my rotation not was bad

Yeah, not bad

Koma: Shit!

Koma: Noo! my ¨Gosu¨!!

Koma: No!!

it seems that he doesn't know to play Vayne

What is Vayne doing

Why did not Vayne run?

Oh Vayne is dead again, really?

Ok i will be the ADC for this game

Lux ultimate?


im going

Okay unlucky

shit, really?!

Eat me x5

eat me! Koma?

Thank you

Is vayne dead?

Yep, she is dead

LoL Rammus

Be careful

My quadra my quadra!


Nice sweetie

Koma: Did I steal your penta?

Yes i did, i killed kindred

I dont know, does not matter


Where are you? omg you are persecuted by many people

I stay here?

No? no ok no

O what? are you alive?

Koma: Damn


Oh i miss my Q LoL



Koma: im the best!

god damn

too many damage!

AHH! Fuck!

Koma: Why are you coming back?

I have my last item!

i dont know if this is a good place for my tp


Nice thanks!

Oh im dead...

Oh bad tp

Noo! o well Vayne kill everyone

Vayne is dead? our vayne?

no? ok no, she is there

She is happy, ok fire drake an finish this game

ok nice! my last item

now will make a teamfight, finish the game

i want make a pentakill

Oh you fighting now!

go go! ¨wey¨

go wey! ok nervermind


oh well i dont maked a pentakill but quadra is good

Koma: Yes not bad, I intentionally stole l the penta

Yes i know


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