Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Hi, It's Kumamiki.

Today, I went to YUKI's concert with my friend.

She is Asagi-nyo.

It is the first time for us to go out together.

We bought towels for concert goods.

Yuki is my favorite singer.

It is the 4th time that I go to her concert.

I love her voice and her songs.

She used to have a rock band called "JUDY AND MARY" a long time ago.

It was very popular and I love them too.

The concert was so good. I cried.

I had so much fun today but time passes by a blink.

That's all. It was a very fun day.

Thank you Asagi-nyo. Let's play again someday.

See you next time. bye!

For more infomation >> 【Vlog】YUKI's concert!! 2017.7.2 - Duration: 0:50.


Astral Projection The Bitter Truth - Duration: 5:24.

Astral Projection The Bitter Truth

�Astral travel for me is I close my eyes � they don�t close all the way � and

I�m peering through a slit and this happens: the instant I close my eyes I see people and

places instantly.

Maybe it�s more like remote viewing.�

Stanley Victor Paskavich Astral projection is defined as a willful

out-of-body experience.

Believed to be a form of telepathy, this concept assumes that the consciousness or soul often

referred to as an �astral body� is a separate entity from the physical body, and therefore

able to travel outside of the body through the universe.

A belief that has existed throughout history, dating back to ancient times, it is one that

has been discussed, debated and contested throughout the decades.

At this time experts believe that somewhere between 8% and 20% of people make the claim

that they have had an out-of-body experience at some stage in their lives.

This includes experienced during sleep, while under hypnosis or one that comes about from

nothing more than mere relaxation.

The difficulty in quantifying whether or not astral projection exists in the world of science

is the inability to actually measure the moments in which individuals state that their spirit

�leaves� or �enters� their body.

Without tracking this phenomenon there is no way to scientifically measure and assess

whether there truly is a separation between body and soul, or whether they are merely

experiencing a heightened dream state.

Susan Blackmore, author of �Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences�

explained that people who experience astral travel �have been found to score higher

on measures of hypnotizability and, in several surveys, on measures of absorption, [a] measure

of a person�s ability to pay complete attention to something and to become immersed in it,

even if it is not real, or imagined event.�

Claiming that those who identify as having out-of-body-experiences are more suggestible,

imaginative and fantasy-prone, experts do advise that these individuals have low levels

of drug and alcohol use, and no obvious signs of mental illness or psychopathology.

The question remains, then, if they are not experiencing an out of body experience, what

is actually happening?

It is possible that they are entering a dream state during a �microsleep.� A microsleep

refers to any time that an individual falls asleep for half a second to a minute, not

realizing that they have done so.

Often people who experience this state wake up believing that they have been asleep for

minutes, or even hours, unaware that they were only sleeping for such a short time.

During this time, it is conceivable that they may be having extremely vivid and realistic

dreams, which are then being interpreted as an out of body experience.

Despite the inability to scientifically prove or disprove the phenomenon, it continues to

take the world by storm, bringing in large incomes for those who are able to appeal to

the believers.

Mark Pritchard even offers an online course and book on how you can learn to astral travel

in eight weeks.

While this may be entirely true, or nothing more than a money grab, it is both entertaining

and harmless.

There have, however, been cases where the experience has been life-changing.

While scientists continue to speculate whether they believe this can actually occur, there

are limitations to science and aspects of the natural world that it cannot hope to understand.

For this reason, whether it can be scientifically measured doesn�t disprove its ability to


It simply leaves us with unanswered questions and the amazing first-hand accounts of those

who have experienced it, until such time that Science may some day catch up.

�[Science] is not perfect.

It can be misused.

It is only a tool.

But it is by far the best tool we have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything�

For more infomation >> Astral Projection The Bitter Truth - Duration: 5:24.


Farming Simulator 17 THE FISHERY (FISH FARMING PART #1) - Duration: 11:49.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a A new placeable mod this mod Is part of a new production line for the sale of frozen fish and by-products from fish First Building The FISHERY.

In this Mod you will find two Buildings The Fishery And The Frozen Fish Pallet Selling Point

At The Fishery you can produce Frozen Fish Pallet And Pallets with live fish By Using Corn And Water

NLD MAN TGS 18 480 And CUSTOM ROAD TRAIN Water Tanker To Fill the Fishery With Water

MAN A HELMER B.V 10X8 to Fill The Fishery With Corn

Here is the Water Trigger

Wait to Find The Corn Trigger I don't Know Why the Filling trigger does not appear to my map

Corn trigger Here

Let's <<make >> Some Fish Frozen Fish trigger

Live Fish Trigger

You can Sell the frozen fish pallet at the Selling point included in this mod And the Pallets with live fish You will use them At the next Mod I will Show In another video The Caviar Industry

The price for Each Frozen Fish Pallet about 5.000 Euro

Caviar Industry Stay Tuned

A night view Niceeee!!!!

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 THE FISHERY (FISH FARMING PART #1) - Duration: 11:49.


How To: Custom Offsets Painted Wheel Shine Kit - Duration: 2:43.

- Hey guys, my name's Colton.

I'm part of Team Stance

and today I'm here to show you

how to wash some painted wheels

on my 2006 F-150 with some 20x12 fuel turbos.

(upbeat rock music)

First step, you gotta wet your wheels down,

spray all the dirt off

so that way you don't wipe it and scratch your wheels.

Second step is you wanna squirt

some of the Dirty Lip into the bucket.

Mix it all around.

Then you're gonna go ahead and wipe down your dish with it.

Then the third step is you wanna grab your hose,

you wanna spray the wheel off, clean it off.

And then now you're gonna wait for it to dry,

that way you don't have any debris.

I wouldn't recommend wiping it dry,

just wait for it to air-dry.

And you can't forget,

go on a beer run now.

Alright, now that the wheels are dry,

your fourth step is to grab your Back to Black,

and you're gonna spray your tire down,

make it shiny.

Now that that's done,

you're gonna grab your shoe shine,

go ahead and get the lip wet,

the lip and spokes, your whole wheel.

Then you're gonna grab your microfiber towel,

and you're gonna wipe it all down.


Now you're all wet.

Done, beautiful.

Shiny wheel and tire.

For more infomation >> How To: Custom Offsets Painted Wheel Shine Kit - Duration: 2:43.


No Strings Attached / Bağlanmak Yok (2011) - Türkçe Altyazılı Red Band Fragman #1 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> No Strings Attached / Bağlanmak Yok (2011) - Türkçe Altyazılı Red Band Fragman #1 - Duration: 2:59.


GAMEPLAY - THE WOLF AMONG US - EP02 - Duration: 26:22.

For more infomation >> GAMEPLAY - THE WOLF AMONG US - EP02 - Duration: 26:22.


Jelly Fish Attack! Free Diving the Balearic Islands (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 93 - Duration: 15:00.

What happened?

I just got stung by a jellyfish. [Did ya?]

And it wrapped around my whole arm and it really hurts

I thought I shot you with the spear gun

Good morning, all

Riley and I are just hiring a car

[Say hello] to go to the airport. Hello! Hola!

And pick up our Patreons, we have two Patreons who are going to be sailing with us

So we're really excited to meet them and show them a good time

So yeah it's a fair way to the airport, we figured that a car's actually only 40 euros and the bus and...

...taxis would have cost more so we're stoked. Get to cruise around the island in a car.

I really hope it's this one, this one's wicked

Hell yeah, is it this one?

Oh this one. We got a wagon

No bad, eh? [It's pimpin]

And so why are you driving Elayna? What's the story behind this?

Because Riley is a psycho driver, and I've banned him from driving forever.

When I'm driving Elayna goes absolutely mental.

I don't go mental Riley. [You're doing it again] You're painting a very pretty picture of yourself

You are a crazy driver. He doesn't give way to give way to give way signs

I don't pay...

...attention to silly road rules, I just don't crash.

Riles I don't know if I'm going the right way.

I don't think I am, I'm going the wrong way here.

If I was driving this would be happening perfectly.

[Is this one way?]


Riley's found a chandlery. Apparently there's a lot of second-hand gear here, so even I'm excited.

What's on the list of things to buy?

Gaff, fishing rod holders...

...anchor, there's heaps more. I don't know.

Fishing line? I've been using fishing line that's way too big.

Hugo told me very politely that I was an...

[An idiot] Idiot.

I was using 200 kilo line because the fish kept snapping off.

So I was like ok I need bigger line, I need bigger line.

And he's like no, you gotta pull the sails down...

...which is not easy, and he's not a sailor, he's just like pull the sails and I said well...'s a bit more difficult than that, and he goes it doesn't matter pull the sails down and then reverse back on it...

...and you want like 14 kilo line, and that's for big fish and then reverse back on it...

...and he goes once you've got the catamaran you'll just gobble on that.

What do you guys reckon, is it about time I got some boat shoes?

They suit me.

I actually like them!


...windscreen wiper...


And some plates for our new guests that we're picking up from the airport in a minute because we had...

two plates. [Three plates]

Oh, three. [And one was small and I always had to eat out of it]

So we got a little lost coming home, but we made it to Sóller, and we have with us...

Marissa and Will. Say hello. [Hello everyone]

I got very lost. Yes, Riley. Thank you

We've all had a drink and we're just going to...

...go back to the boat and get these guys settled in and maybe go have some dinner.

So where did you guys come from?

We're from Vermont in the United States.


If I do this, we can get all of the beautiful stuff behind us.

How about that, hey? [360]

Yeah [There's Martin's sailboat]

What happened?

I just got stung by a jellyfish. [Did ya?]

And it wrapped around my whole arm and it really hurts.

I thought I shot you with the spear gun.

Let's go! [Alright]

It hurts! It hurts a lot!

I thought she'd been bitten by a shark.

[Did you kill it Riley?]

I killed it with one look.

Owww it's unbearable.

We went to the Marine Park at Shark Bay in Australia...

...and they said really hot, as hot water as you can stand, is good for most stings.


So it's not going to burn you, but it's hot.

Owww that's hot!

I hope this is the right thing to keep doing.

Nah it is. God that's hot.

Not for too long. Just let it drop.

Babe it's not even hot. [It's hot]

I have showers with you and I know what you think is hot. [It's hot!]

Alright, alright, alright.

Alright alright alright.

Oh that feels way better.

Ok now ladies! [Yeah!]

If I burn you on your hand.

Also, I read... [quick pour some more hot water on]

...I read it's good if... [Put more, babe it hurts, put more on!]

...I whip ya...

[Riley!] ...and say funny jokes.

We headed over to the dock to fill up with water before we left.

Alright, Will's got about three meters.

Work it.

Oh yeah.

The boys are cleaning the boat.

We go, I don't know the name of it, but it's seven miles north of here...

...there's a valley where to anchor in ten meters of water and...

...go for a hike up the montaine.

Well it's just started raining, but we are sailing and we are happy.

Aren't we, folks?

Always, even in the rain.

It feels good, it's good to be out of the little port there.

Happy Dance time oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Happy dance, yeah, yeah.

So we've got about 18 knots wind in the opposite direction to what was forecast so all wondering what has gone wrong...

...but there were some storms this morning, there was lots of lightning and thunder

So it's all bit funny today, but that's cool. We're going with it at the moment... eight knots with 18 knots true wind behind us so yeah.

We've had a few big waves though

...we've heard a few big bangs, had to put things away, our YouTube award went flying across the room, didn't break though thankfully. Gotta keep that one.

Alright. I'm going to attempt a little cooking lesson. I'm making...

...well, I call it spaghetti Carbonara

So it's zucchini pasta with a tahini dressing and it's really good. So what you need is a spiralizer, you need...

...I don't know how many zucchinis, a lot, enough to feed however many people you have

Bit of olive oil.

Want to caramelize some onions and mushrooms.

Well, want to caramelized onions.

Things have got really crazy outside... I'm gonna have to cut it short usually I would also cook up some eggplant that's going to take a while, so...

...I'm just going to do it the best I can here.

All right, so I didn't get to film the whole thing, but we have a salad base. This is tahini dressing

It is just tahini and water mixed together with a bit of pepper

Sometimes I add agave nectar if you want that a bit sweeter

But not today, and this is our zucchini pasta at the bottom, we've got some sauteed broccoli, zucchini

Onion and mushrooms and chickpeas, so that's a little bit cloudy, but in the scheme of things it's not bad at all. And add the sauce

Wonder if there's any treasure here.

Should ask Oakey.

We were at Sa Calobra Beach where the Torrent de Pareis has channeled a path into the ocean

We jumped in the dinghy and headed to shore

With the Mountain range looming over me like it was, it felt similar to when we first arrived in the

Marquesas having not seen land for 21 days. It just didn't look real

Can you guys even believe this place?

What are we in right now?

I can't take it all in. Like it's just too much going on. A glitch in the Matrix Elayna

This is so cool!

[Creepy you reckon?] This is the zone of quality

This is a little bit, I don't know. Makes you feel a little bit weird.

Riles and I just going for a spearfish slash free dive at the point here. There's La Vaga over there

You definitely won't be able to see with the GoPro lens


I'll show you under the surface

I'm really nervous about jellyfish, can still feel the pain.

There are no fish here so we have just been practicing free diving. We've just got an anchor

30 meters of rope, put only 20 out because

We haven't free dived in a while

I said we haven't got 30 out, we've only got 20 out

Riley got 20. I think I got about 18, so...

...I wanna go down again

For more infomation >> Jelly Fish Attack! Free Diving the Balearic Islands (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 93 - Duration: 15:00.


Clear Your Home Of Negative Energy With These 4 Tricks - Duration: 5:13.

Clear Your Home Of Negative Energy With These 4 Tricks

By consciousreminder

Negative, harmful energy can enter you homes in quiet a few ways I.

How this negative energy found its wat into your home it�s not very important; what�s

important is to get rid of it as soon as possible, and you can do it by performing a couple of

easy rituals.

By removing negative energy from your home, you will restore its balance and harmony.

There are a few situation when repeating the following 4 cleansing rituals is a must.

They need to me practiced if someone is sick, your house was frequently visited by other

people, you moved houses, you feel an increase in negative emotions, or accidents keep happening

to you.


Burn sage, frankincense, and copal

This is one of the oldest, fastest and most effective ways to clear your living space

of negative energy.

To perform a sage cleansing, you have to open your front door and all the windows in your


Light the sage and let it burn for a moment.

Then put the flame out and let it smoke for a second.

The best place to start are the back rooms of your house.

Go around the room and cover as much space as possible.

Use a feather or whatever you have to waft the sage smoke into the corners of the room

up to the ceiling.

Make sure to go into every room as you find your way to the front of your house or apartment.

When you�ve reached the front, walk out the door and sage around the door and frame.

Leave the sage outside to allow it to burn off.

Then light some frankincense resin or copal incense and perform the walk again.

Doing this will ward the negative energy off on a deeper level.


Sprinkle some salt in the corners, on the window frames and entrances of your home

Pour sea salt into the four corners of your rooms and let it sit for 48 hours.

This will absorb the negative energy of previous owners, if you are just moving in, or the

negative energy of people who are sick or arguing.

After the 48 hours, either vacuum or sweep the salt and throw it away.

For extra protection, grind up saffron and mix it in with the salt.

In Tibetan tradition, evil energies do not like the smell of saffron, so they won�t

enter a space if saffron has been used.

Then, clean the doors and windows of your home thoroughly using a mixture of the juice

of 5 lemons, a cup of salt and a 1/4 cup of white vinegar added to a bucket of water (the

mixture is strong, so use gloves).

Once the surfaces are dry, pour sea salt on the window sills and on the floor by the door

to prevent the negative energies from re-entering your home.


Use crystals for protection

Black tourmaline absorbs negative energy from people and spaces.

To use it, place a piece in each corner of a room.

Doing this builds a protective shield to prevent negative energy from entering your space.

It also absorbs electromagnetic energy, so keeping it near your Internet router, television,

computer, and other devices protects you from their harmful energy, also.

Black tourmaline eases anxiety and depression, so holding it in your hands can pull the negative

energy from your own body out.


Use sounds and melodies

When your think of a haunted house, you think of an empty, old, quiet and completely covered

in dust space.

A quiet space attracts negative energy, which is why sound is such a powerful cleansing


Walk around your home ringing a bell, chimes or using a singing bowl to prevent negativity

from residing

in your space.

For more infomation >> Clear Your Home Of Negative Energy With These 4 Tricks - Duration: 5:13.


Convicción de Pecado "Chocante" - Paulo Junior - Duration: 31:30.

For more infomation >> Convicción de Pecado "Chocante" - Paulo Junior - Duration: 31:30.


英文【笑】的各種說法 // Different Kinds of【Laugh】 - Duration: 2:27.

Hello, everybody. This is Jacky.

Today, I'm gonna be teaching you guys different kinds of laugh.

Don't know if you ever been in a situation where

where you intend to express different kinds of laugh

however, all you have in mind is

That's right, it's "Laugh."

Today, I'm gonna be adding these couple laugh into your dictionary,

so that you could laugh out loud everyday.

It's pretty much the attempt of hiding the laugher, not making it to apparent.

High tone that sort of indicates a sense of childlike or girl-like way.

It's basically giving a short and half-suppressed laughter.

Laugh in a gleeful way.

It's to Laugh out loud.

It's a laughter that is smothered or half-suppressed.

It's like what you do when you hear something funny at which you cannot give a thorough laugh.

For instance

It literally dried up my throat. Imma get some water.

Let's get right into

The skit

After these couple examples, I hope you guys did learn something from it.

Just make sure to laugh as much as you can everyday.

Hm.. I think it does bring good health from doing it huh?

If you like this video, please drop a like down below.

And if you wanna watch more videos like this, then don't forget to subscribe.

I'll see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> 英文【笑】的各種說法 // Different Kinds of【Laugh】 - Duration: 2:27.


Man facing charges connected to struggle with police officer - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Man facing charges connected to struggle with police officer - Duration: 1:42.


Family displaced after early-morning fire in Jeffersonville - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Family displaced after early-morning fire in Jeffersonville - Duration: 1:39.


Affordable Arizona Criminal Attorney With Payment Plans - Duration: 0:47.

When trying to protect yourself from prosecution and disastrous criminal convictions, you shouldn't

have to forego a lawyer due to lack of funds.

That's why Tobin Law office offers affordable legal services and some of the best pricing

on criminal defense in Arizona . With the low cost defense attorneys at Tobin Law Office,

you can rest assured that you are getting the highest quality defense at a great rate.

For more information about payment plans with our affordable criminal defense law firm,

contact Tobin Law Office today at 480-447-4837 or visit our website at

For more infomation >> Affordable Arizona Criminal Attorney With Payment Plans - Duration: 0:47.


bé học màu sắc vui nhộn | Donal kids learn colors with king kong - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> bé học màu sắc vui nhộn | Donal kids learn colors with king kong - Duration: 9:33.


New Albany celebrates Independence Day with fireworks - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> New Albany celebrates Independence Day with fireworks - Duration: 1:07.


ALERT: Pastor Robert Jeffress Drops Everything, Flies to D.C. to Reveal TRUTH About Trump - Duration: 3:06.

Everyone is currently getting ready for Independence Day, including our President.

During a speech in Washington, D.C., Pastor Robert Jeffress showed up to let everyone

present know how he feels about the current administration.

President Trump delivered a strong Independence Day address letting the veterans of this country

know how important they are to our daily lives.

First Baptist Dallas sponsored the event, so of course, according to FOX News, Pastor

Robert Jeffress showed up and let everyone know how he felt during the speech.

"We have in President Donald J. Trump one of the great patriots of our modern era and

a president who cherishes the sacrifice of those in our armed forces," Jeffress reflected.

The "Celebrate Freedom Rally" seems to be one of the most popular Independence Day

presidential events in years, and we can understand why.

We finally have a reason to be patriotic again!

President Trump is holding true on all of his promises on the campaign trail, and if

you have watched him for even a second, you cannot dispute that fact.

We were promised a while back that America would "win" again, and Trump reiterated

that pledge during his address.

There have been incredibly positive changes rippling through our country since Trump took


More jobs are coming into play, illegal immigrants are getting sent back and off our welfare

system, and people, for the first time in a while, are confident again.

Jeffress came on and introduced the president as a personal friend, per The Dallas News.

The pastor explained that we had seen a steady rebuilding of our military system and the

recovery of our economy in the short time that Trump has been in office.

The positive points don't end there.

Jeffress went on to explain that our veterans have never been so cared for or respected.

Indeed, it is truly magical transition.

Our veterans NEED to be honored, not criminalized.

One of the biggest statements of both Trump's address and Jeffress' statement involve

the way the President has brought to the forefront our right to practice our religious faith.

The crowd went to their feet when the President told them that no one would ever get in the

way of their religious freedoms.

We have witnessed past presidents marginalize Christianity in favor of other, violent religions.

Do we even have to say it?

The good news is this.

Those days are in the past.

Trump stated that "My administration will always support and defend your religious liberty.

We don't want to see God forced out of our public square."

It is so refreshing to hear a president speak from the heart instead of using generic talking


All in all, this was an excellent way to kick off the beginning of the Independence Day


We all needed a reminder about the basis for the creation of our great nation.

We have come far, and we are only going to keep moving forward.

Do YOU support President Trump's Independence Day message?

Please Share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> ALERT: Pastor Robert Jeffress Drops Everything, Flies to D.C. to Reveal TRUTH About Trump - Duration: 3:06.


Chandler Domestic Violence Attorney | Tobin Law Office - Duration: 0:49.

When you have been charged with domestic violence, you need a capable and experienced domestic

violence attorney in Chandler to help you understand the consequences and penalties.

At Tobin Law Office, we provide a variety of services to help you through your domestic

violence charges, including negotiation for dismissal, filing motions, obtain discovery,

and we can even fight charges in trial when necessary.

Rated as one of the top criminal defense attorneys on AVVO, Tim Tobin can help you navigate the

many nuances of your domestic violence charge.

For more information about domestic violence attorneys in Chandler, contact Tobin Law Office

at 480-447-9877 or visit our website at

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