Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Mulle Mix | Best Of Mulle

Mulle Mix | Best Of Mulle

For more infomation >> Mulle Mix | Best Of Mulle - Duration: 34:18.


Возвращение некроманта в Diablo III (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Возвращение некроманта в Diablo III (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:45.


Riding Whistler with Canadians - Jordan Boostmaster! - Duration: 9:12.

So far my time at Whistler has been pretty bad ass.

In the last video, I rode park for the first time.

I held my own on double black technical trails, but couldn't make the same case for the

jump lines.

On a trail called A-line, I cased the sh!t out of half the jumps.

Of course, mountain biking isn't about instantly mastering everything, it's about sucking

less than you did yesterday.

Before I try to suck less today, my chainstay cam needs replacing.

It broke the other day during a crash, so we'll need to use some brackets, gorilla

tape, and ingenuity to get it going again.

Pretty ugly.

I stepped up my safety game big time, but still managed to get banged up.

I've been wearing knee pads since the beginning of the trip, but got shinned when they rode

up a few inches.

My thumb is also bruised from that same crash.

I did step up to a full face helmet though, and I actually hate it less than I thought

I would

I'm banged up, and feel like I might be getting sick, but right now I could care less.

It's time to ride some downhill.

First a warm up on the blue trails.

One of the biggest things I discovered about Whistler is how rough the trails are.

In videos you may get the idea that they're smooth and perfectly sculpted, but early on

in the season the traffic takes its toll.

People tend to skid before the berms and create divots in the trails.

As people ride over the divots and brake more, they become evenly spaced ripples known as

brake bumps.

At high speeds they're absolute murder on your hands.

While it does help to loosen your grip on the bars, these bumps can rattle the bike

right out of your hands.

Those who ride park every day seem to get used to them.

Still, brake bumps are a small price to pay for endless downhill.

Waiting for me at the bottom, was none other than Jordan Boostmaster.

Scan the comments and you'll see plenty of people familiar with Jordan's videos.

Before everyone rode with stabilizers, he was posting watchable POV footage using nothing

but a helmet cam.

His Pinkbike resume is also quite impressive.

After a long winter with a broken wrist, Jordan was eager to hit the trails again.

He brought along his friend, Wesley.

Jordan and Wesley have been riding this park for years, long before I knew there was such

a thing as lift access downhill.

Even as the trails change, they seem to know just about every line in this place.

I'm paying close attention.

While following Jordan and Wes, I noticed something different.

I was clearing jumps.

If you've never followed someone faster than you, I highly suggest you try.

Like a wolf chasing its prey, you can ride faster when holding someone's wheel.

I see lots of people not even try, opting for the "I'll meet you at the bottom"


This is fine, I guess, but it won't help you improve.

I'm fine with getting dropped trying.

That run was my second time on A-line, and except for the last few big jumps I did okay.

When I get home, I'm going to practice more downhill, and come back to Whistler with a


We headed up the second lift, where there's lots of gnarlier rockier stuff.

Does this look small on camera?

It's not.

This is Wes landing a little hard, but look at how this guy's suspension gets decimated.

Seeing this stuff on your 4 inch phone screen can be deceiving, but take closer look at

this drop.

Or, how about take a closer look at this drop.

As the day wore on, what started off as "I might be getting sick" turned into, "I'm

definitely getting sick".

So far I've gotten sick on every trip this year since Moab, and I'm determined to break

the cycle somehow.

But that day at Whistler I was going to keep things going no matter what.

I present to you the first ever stabilized Jordan Boostmaster downhill run.

Grab a beer, a coffee, a Mountain Dew, or whatever you like to fiend on.

This is YouTube history.

That was a great day, even though it ended with me feeling like balls.

I made progress, made new friends, and got some amazing footage.

What more could anyone ask for?

I hit it off with Jordan and Wes immediately, and we vowed to ride again before the end

of the trip.

To make it happen, I'd need to feel better by Wednesday, head to Vancouver to ride the

North Shore with them, and then go directly to the airport to catch my flight home.

Find out how that went in the next video.

For now, subscribe to Jordan to see his collaboration with me when it gets posted.

Follow him and Wes on instagram to get to get some positivity in your feed, and of course,

thanks for riding with me today.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Riding Whistler with Canadians - Jordan Boostmaster! - Duration: 9:12.



For more infomation >> ЯЖЕМАТЬ ЗАНЯЛАСЬ ЭТИМ С СЫНОМ - Duration: 5:29.


Top 10 Most DANGEROUS ANIMALS In AUSTRALIA - Duration: 7:11.

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Each year thousands of people visit Australia

to enjoy its beautiful beaches and spectacular outback. However, the land down under is also

known for something more sinister – its vast array of killer creatures – and that's

what we're interested in. For this installment, we'll once again be omitting humans from our

list. As we get started, help us out by hitting that like button, and be sure to leave us

a comment because we're always looking to engage in interesting conversations with you!

Also, don't forget to click the bell so you get notified every time we put out a new video!

10. Blue-Ringed Octopus Don't be fooled by their bright and bubbly

appearance, these colorful creatures are deadly. Packed with enough venom to kill ten healthy

adults, their weapon, known as teTROdotoxin, is also around 1200 times deadlier than cyanide.

The good news, there has only been two confirmed deaths caused by this vibrant octopod, and,

because of their docile nature, most attacks occur while trying to disturb their habitat.

9. Stonefish This ultra-venomous breed of scorpionfish

is known for being almost impossible to spot thanks to their stone-like appearance. Poor,

unsuspecting beach-goers often fall prey to the camouflaged stonefish, and accidentally

stepping on one is far from a pleasant experience. The neurotoxin that they release is so painful,

victims have demanded that the afflicted limb be amputated to end their misery. Although

deaths from stonefish are rare, they've earned a place on this list for the frequency

of their attacks as their anti-venom is the second most frequently administered in Australia.

8. Irukandji jellyfish Responsible for the deaths of one or two people

on average annually, this smaller relative of the box jellyfish packs a punch that is

said to start off mild but slowly grow into a pain that courses through the victim's body.

As tiny as the size of your thumbnail, you'd think twice to mess with these little creatures

again if you survive your first encounter. Stings bring on Irukandji syndrome, marked

by symptoms including lower back pain, cramps, sweating, anxiety, and nausea.

7. Sharks Responsible for roughly four to ten attacks

annually and with a fatality rate of roughly 25%, sharks aren't quite the killers that

the movies make them out to be. All of the "Big Three" can be found along Australia's

coastline, and although great white and tiger sharks are thought to have caused more deaths,

it's actually the unpredictable bull shark that should make you nervous. These bullies

are happy to stray into freshwater and were even seen window-shopping in the streets of

Brisbane during heavy flooding in 2010. 6. Box Jellyfish

With the second most powerful venom of any creature, it's easy to see why this fearsome

sea dweller is often listed as the most dangerous creature down under. Their sixty-or-so tentacles

grow up to ten feet or three meters in length each, and every tentacle has roughly 5,000

stinging cells. The agonizing pain of their sting causes a person to go into shock, often

causing cardiac arrest within minutes, which makes getting back to shore by yourself nearly

impossible. Like the Irukandji jellyfish, Box Jellyfish will kill 1 to 2 people on average

annually. 5. Sydney Funnel Web Spider

Pure aggression and venom twice as powerful as cyanide makes this eight-legged brute an

Australian joy! With fangs as long as some snakes', they've been known to pierce

through fingernails and even leather shoes. Funnel Webs are sensitive to light, so they

do what they can to keep out of the sun. In residential areas, piles of bricks and logs

are popular hiding places, but shoes are a favorite, too. On average, 2 people died per

year before an anti-venom was introduced in the 1980's, but, since death can occur within

15 minutes, a swift response and identification of the arachnid are vital to survival.

4. Eastern Brown Snake Although the Inland Taipan has the most powerful

venom of any snake, the Eastern Brown snake is fast, aggressive, bad tempered, and nervy.

Responsible for half of all snake deaths in Australia, at least two people succumb to

their attacks each year. Many victims have confirmed that their initial bite is almost

painless - often times were even unaware they were bitten at all. If you don't get to

that all-important anti-venom quickly, you'll fall victim to paralysis and uncontrollable

bleeding, eventually leading to death - often in less than an hour.

Saltwater crocodile 'The Saltie' is the largest living reptile

on earth and is responsible for around two to three deaths per year, although that number

is on the rise. The largest authenticated croc held in captivity measured in at 6.17

meters or about 20.24 feet, and weighed an incredible 2,370-pounds or roughly 1,075-kilograms.

Saltwater crocodiles are as happy in the sea as they are in fresh water and swamps, so

you're never safe if you're near water. They're opportunistic hunters and will eat

anything that nears their murky depths. 2. Dogs

Aussies love dogs: they make movies about them, they have landmarks dedicated to them,

and one creepy town even has a pet cemetery devoted to them. But it seems that the love

isn't always mutual. Responsible for approximately three deaths a year, dog attacks prove that

literally everything in Australia has a taste for human flesh. Even more frightening, 78%

of these occurrences are committed by family pets.

1. Honey Bees With roughly ten people dying per year, the

honey bee causes more deaths in Australia than spiders, snakes and sharks combined.

Bees and wasps are responsible for 33% of all admissions to the hospital due to a bite

or sting compared to spiders and snakes, which are responsible for 30% and 15%, respectively.

If you're caught by the bee's barbed stinger, you'll probably just suffer pain and swelling,

unless you're allergic. Then you can expect your airway to close up and die from asphyxiation

if you don't seek immediate medical attention. Even if you're not allergic, disturbing

a nest can lead to deadly mass attacks. Now let's watch some bees mess up some spiders!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most DANGEROUS ANIMALS In AUSTRALIA - Duration: 7:11.


Venus Williams Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:09.

Yes, this is my 20th Wimbledon. I never thought that I'd play this many.

But I'm grateful to be here and to play. I love the game.

So today she had opportunities to take chances.

She played at such a high level. If she can maintain that level,

she can win a lot of titles.

There were times where I thought the match was over, and it wasn't.

So it was a lot of credit to, like, her playing amazing.

Yeah, I mean, it wasn't easy to convert the last points.

She played her best tennis there.

You know, it's never over until it's over.

The last point was nice to end it without,

you know, something happening.

Yeah, I think I feel definitely very comfortable here. I like the surface.

That helps me a lot. I mean, I love all the surfaces.

I've never been preferential. I only get to play on grass once a year,

so it's not like you get to practice on it. It's like you sprint or not.

For more infomation >> Venus Williams Wimbledon 2017 first round press conference - Duration: 1:09.


Learn Colors with Shovel Toys for Children Toddlers Babies Play with Shovels at Playground Activity - Duration: 2:26.

Learn Colors with Shovel Toys for Children Toddlers Babies Play with Shovels at Playground Activity

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Shovel Toys for Children Toddlers Babies Play with Shovels at Playground Activity - Duration: 2:26.


L'intégration du nécromancien dans Diablo III (VOST) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> L'intégration du nécromancien dans Diablo III (VOST) - Duration: 3:45.


Junmi KIDS - Homme de la police aider et sauver les gens| Des vidéos pour les enfants - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Junmi KIDS - Homme de la police aider et sauver les gens| Des vidéos pour les enfants - Duration: 7:42.


Trying Italian candy!! 1 year on Youtube special! Ft. Fandomnesia - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Trying Italian candy!! 1 year on Youtube special! Ft. Fandomnesia - Duration: 6:19.


MineFriends Short Film Trailer-Kid TamilGaming with ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> MineFriends Short Film Trailer-Kid TamilGaming with ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 2:54.


DCS: F-5E Tiger II Heavy Landing - #3 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 11:08.

hi and welcome again to Revientor Reborn, this is DCSw in a F-5

with a cammo of the USA agressors

and always I told to you, you can ask for a special tutorial or a cammo to see in my channel and I will do it

as you can see there is a lot of external payloads

this is a heavy plane, also the fuel is full loaded

the fuel is like on ramps, ful full

I am going to perform a heavy landing, this is not usually the landing that you will perform

tell you if you perform this kind of challenge you usually will get a flat tire

because it´s very heavy and too much speed that happens a lot

I am not going to speak about how to line up or find a runway that will be covered in other videos

as introduction to lear to land, we´ll use the vertical speed instrument, the AOA, the altitude, and as HUD reference we´ll use the camera

it´s going to be a kind of flight path marker

by manuel when you are going to land you have to stop the autobalance function,

the radar must be off

I know I have the airbase in front

as I told you the basic visual reference is the camera, "put it" under the runway

and the final meters rase the "camera"

in a long approach do that is easy is not like a pattern

the idea is land with the vertical speed with 100feet/sec

this 1 means 1000 feet be aware of that

it will be in the middle of the middle of that number 1

because the current load of this plane... I think I am going to break everything

let´s turn on the external lights

because I am already in landing gear extension I will get out the landing gear and start trimming the plane to easy handling

gear down and now trim immediately nose up because when you deploy the landing gear the nose wants to go down

I don't want to get more altitude....

the weapons it´s recommendable to turn it off

to avoid explosion in case of crash

because I like the light I will turn on everything

I am far away I will keep the altitude for a while

there is a mathematical formula

that say, when 1000 lb of fuel you have to land at 145 knots

you have to add 5 knots if you have cannon loaded

for each 3000 lbs of fuel you have to add 15 knots more

the mathematical thin is: 140+5+((fuel load-1000)/200) = speed to land

with this plane that speed is around 210 knots

I set the cared in the desired speed

I am going to star descending slowly because I have to touch down the runway really soft

plus you have to think when almost touch the ground the plane is going to get altitude due the ground effect

be careful with the speed

and you are going to trim all the time

you can deploy the air brakes as you want ...

now the tendency of the nose is go up

because my speed is increasing but then will be the opposite, less speed nose down and trim up

be carefull with the trimming because when you land may be the plane will want to takeoff due that trim

as you can see at 400 feet, I look to put the camera where I want to hit the ground, small speed movements, easy.....

now IDLE, and I look for that -100 feet/sec of vertical speed

touchdown, what to slow the speed, do not use the brakes yet

drag chute out, see external view

for the moment I am not using the wheel breaks

now that I am very slow I can use the pedals

we got it with out a flat tire LOL

I was practicing a few time and this was really cool one

I will put this one on the video xD

we just drift a little

I do not like how DCS have modeled the planes in the runway with the tires, looks like the plane use freeze tied and drift all the time

I forgot to tell you to deploy the gear lights

I don´t know if it´s a bug or what but look like I deploy the light but no light is showed

no to perform the taxi remember the last video, use the button of the stick

this one, to be able to move the nose wheel

of course you have to drop the chute

but the normal is no do that in the middle of the runway, just wait until the taxi way

the normal is not stop in the runway like I did xD

increase the speed and ones in the taxi way

on the left

one here to not drop the chute over the runway

that is not modeled in DCS but IRL could be dangerous

look the light it´s working good good

here you can drop it

with left click in the chute handle and the chute is gone

with left click again twice you can get the handle to the norm position

you can leave it out but as you wish

this was a heavy landing, this landing normally will never be performanced

the fuel was 100% of the capacity , that is impossible in any mission

as you saw the speed was 210 knots

the AOA will be explained in the next video

but you can see it here, and this mark at 15º is the one you have to get

if you are just a little below, this yellow light will come up and the green one, both

that is good, if you only get the yellow one, you are fast to land

more speed less AOA

and the same in the up part

when you are just a little slow, the green one and the red one, both, too slow, only the red one

the AOA to land will be 15 always, with that you can get the correct speed to land, you do not need to do the math

the AOA will be the same with different weight only the speed will change

remember the math formula that I told you

but normally you will land around 150 knots

it´s a good reference, may be a little slow if you have 4000 lb of fuel

just pay attention to the AOA and you always get the good speed

I hope you enjoyed the video and learned something, subscribe gme a like say to your friend about my channel and be happy

For more infomation >> DCS: F-5E Tiger II Heavy Landing - #3 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 11:08.


EG Arteezy • Clinkz • 27Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 46:17.

Arteezy • Clinkz • 27Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> EG Arteezy • Clinkz • 27Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 46:17.


BRMC - Shuffle your feet (cover) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> BRMC - Shuffle your feet (cover) - Duration: 2:22.


Pokoj dzieciecy dla chlopca - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Pokoj dzieciecy dla chlopca - Duration: 9:47.


Video Marketing in Horsham, Sussex - For Local Businesses - Duration: 3:08.

You've probably heard how great YouTube is for helping you to generate business.

But then you've also thought about the cost of producing a video...and the time the fact that you may have to be in the video itself! What a scary

thought that is. And that's probably what stops you from moving ahead with the idea, but

that's okay. I fully understand that. Keep watching this video to find out more.

Plus at the end of the video you'll be able to download my latest free guide on

The Top 10 EPIC Benefits From Using Video In Your Business. Now you might

have already checked out some of the local marketing agencies and looked at

their websites for clear guidance on how video marketing and YouTube can help

your business benefit. But the likelihood is that you're no clearer on what you

want now than before you started your search. Hi, I'm Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow

and I'm here to tell you that you don't need a digital, or a video, or any

type of marketing agency. Why? Because what you really want is more profitable

business. Is this approach sounding a bit different to what others are saying?

Well so it should because Video Cashflow is different and this approach is

different too. Think of it like this: do people really want to buy a drill

for the sake of having a drill? I know it's a boring subject but the answer is

a resounding "No!". They want a hole in the wall to fix in a picture

hook to hang up a picture frame to enjoy looking at the painting. It's the same

principle with YouTube and video marketing. Do you really want a local

video marketing company because they're local or because you think they might be

able to help? No, you want a local video marketer to get your video in the faces

of hungry traffic to generate the leads that will generate the extra business

profits. To do that your videos must be ranked on page 1 of YouTube and where

possible the video thumbnail images must be ranked on page one of Google. Here's

a tip for you that will help boost traffic: always finish off a video

with a strong call to action. For example, if you liked this video please click the

Like button underneath the video. If you'd like to get more videos on video

marketing and business tips, tactics, techniques and strategies please click

the Subscribe button underneath the video or at the bottom of the screen

here. And feel free to share the video with friends, family, business

colleagues and associates. Thank you. And to get your free guide on The Top 10

EPIC Benefits From Using Video In Your Business go to the blue clickable link

below this video and whilst that's downloading, see how Video Cashflow

could help you take advantage of the massive benefits offered by YouTube and

video. Please give me a call for an initial free chat on 07932 161946

That's Jeff at Video Cashflow on 07932 161946

or email me at

to see how we can help you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Oh, and by the way, best to do it before your competition do. Thanks ever so much for

watching. Goodbye.

For more infomation >> Video Marketing in Horsham, Sussex - For Local Businesses - Duration: 3:08.


Where Messi And Antonella Enjoying Honeymoon? | Messi And Antonella Honeymoon 2017 - Duration: 1:51.

Wedding is over.

Now, It's time for honeymoon.

Although there was no plan for honeymoon but suddenly the plan has changed.

Before join in Barcelona team Lionel Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo ready their bag to

go out for honeymoon.

But where they are going ? What is their favorite honeymoon destinations ?

Well, This time they are going to Caribbean islands.

However Lionel Messi officially married to childhood love Antonella Roccuzzo on 30th

June, 2017 but They were dating for 5 years after getting together in 2007.

In 2012 they engaged and it takes five years and six months to get to their official

married ceremony.

They have 2 children's now - Thiago (age 4) and Mateo (age 2).

Anyway, They will enjoy their honeymoon at Antigua and Barbuda island including Their

two beautiful son Thiago and Mateo.

After spending time with family lionel messi will join Barcelona team and sign new contact

till 2021.

Barca start their new season from usa where they will played against Juventas, Manchester

United and

Real Madrid.

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