Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

Ascension Waves Bring Love Knocking On Our Door

by Gabriel Heartman,

It is HERE.

It is NOW.

The offer and invitation to fully embody all that we chose to embody.

There is no limitation other than the one that we have decided to subscribe to.

There are no obstacles other than the ones we put in our own way.

The ones that we have INside that are reflected on the OUTside.

It is a tough pill to swallow that we have all the power in the world to create the world

that mirrors us.

It is so easy to merge with the feeling of powerlessness as that has been the pervasive

force in this third dimensional playground.

It is us hiding from our own true power that creates this Land of Confusion.

When you choose a path of healing in earnest, you are asking the universe on a quantum level.

Not just in some �give me some peace and tranquility� sort of way.

That is what a part of you may want.

Usually the part of you that has been working damn hard to keep you from getting into too

much healing.

The kind that turns worlds upside down and inside out.

But just enough to be in a sweet spot of enjoyment and fulfillment.

And that is certainly good medicine and sacred healing��until�.something comes knocking

on your door that wants to challenge that comfort zone.

In almost every case it is Love that came to remind you that you signed up for something


�Oh, hello, Love.

Nice to see you again.

Did I mention that things are good now and I don�t think I will be needing your services



Okay, well it is hard to separate yourself from your essence, which is me, but I get

why you may need some time to let me in a bit more.

I�ll just be waiting in the car.

Don�t mind me if I come back.

Just sort of my job to remind you once in a while.�

�That feels a bit pushy.�

�I get that.

It is hard to let in that you were meant for love and that you are love, even if it shakes

things up a bit.

I have compassion for that.

That is why I love you.

But I am also persistent because you ARE me and I am YOU and we were meant to find each


It is all up to you on the timing.

But before I go back to the car, can I ask you one question?�


�Can you ask the heart you are protecting how THEY actually feel?�

�I don�t know who you are talking about.�


I think you do but I can wait.

I�ll be back later to check in with you.

I�ll just be sipping my green tea.

Good for heart you know.�

�Yeah�that is what I have heard.

I appreciate your visit but I am good thanks.�

�Sure..,see you soon.�

Love doesn�t want us to suffer or remain in a status quo.

It want us to feel our deepest desires and respond to what arises, even if it pushes

on some long standing sore spots.

The ones that rightfully created a wall to protect the wound.

They are sacred walls and served a purpose.

As Love�s frequencies are being dialed UP, its wind starts to buffet these walls and

the soldiers at the gates get at the ready.

It is a sign of the power that is HERE and NOW.

Not an enemy to be thwarted but the truest Joy and Passion that we have kept locked up

in the vault of our wounded heart.

It is through feeling the part(s) of us that have felt the need to protect us from this


This unstoppable force of our highest expression and desire as sacred human hearts and souls.

These parts of us are dear to us and have served us well and can guide us on our further

journey into the heart of Love.

The one we signed up for �so long ago� and yet have been experienced into forgetting.

If you are feeling a rumble in your life that is causing you to feel some anxiety or defense

this could very well be Love coming to knock on your door.

It tends to come at the most auspicious of times and in the most unlikely of ways.

At least to the conscious self.

Your Higher Self sits back and just keeps on doing what you have asked it to do, even

despite the protest and fear.

SoulFullHeart offers a way to go into this rumble and support you to feel it one negotiated

step at a time.

We have been through many of these rumblings and even experience them today, and use the

container of parts work and space-holding as the way to open up to our next vistas of

purpose and letting in more love.

To learn more about this process you can visit here.

Answering the door is the first step.

Letting love into your house is what you came here to experience�.after you have some

green tea of course.

For more infomation >> Ascension Waves Bring Love Knocking On Our Door - Duration: 6:11.


Resumen de la Overwatch World Cup 2016 | Parte 1 (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Resumen de la Overwatch World Cup 2016 | Parte 1 (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:49.


Youtube台灣排行榜2017年6月最熱音樂MV Top20 1080P - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Youtube台灣排行榜2017年6月最熱音樂MV Top20 1080P - Duration: 5:42.


AccessDNR July 2017 - Duration: 4:31.

[Sound of frogs]

Hello and welcome to AccessDNR, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources' monthly

video newsletter!

This month - Sandy Point goes solar, we go waist deep for water quality, wildlife researchers

get down and dirty and a whole lot more!

I'm your host, Anna Lucente-Hoffmann – and this is AccessDNR!

[AccessDNR Theme Music]

In our first story, Sandy Point State Park in Anne Arundel County finds a new way to

capitalize on sunshine – they're installing solar panels.

Over the last few weeks, workers have installed support structures and begun hanging solar

panels on the roofs of the park's maintenance buildings with other structures to follow.

When the project is completed, the complex will boast 285 panels, solar water heaters

and high efficiency lighting – all of which bring substantial energy savings to the park

and the public.

Up next, it's to the State House we go for the annual meeting of the Chesapeake Executive


During the meeting, Governor Larry Hogan was unanimously elected to serve as the new chair

– succeeding Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Under Governor Hogan's leadership, Maryland has invested an unprecedented $3 billion on

environmental and natural resources priorities, including fully-funding the Chesapeake and

Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund for the last two years.

Congratulations Governor!

Later in the month, we motor 30 miles off the coast of Ocean City in Worcester County

for a first-hand look at sustainable shark fishing.

Long time Charter Boat Captain and conservationist Mark Sampson, gave us this up-close and personal

opportunity to document the hook removal process for sharks caught on circle hooks – which

have been proven more effective than J hooks.

Want to learn more?

Check out the upcoming, summer edition of our seasonal magazine, the Maryland Natural

Resource, which features an article from Angel Willey, our Coastal Fisheries Program Manager.

Pick up a subscription and other must-have goodies at

In other news, 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of Bernie Fowlers' Patuxent River Wade-In.

Mr. Fowler is a former State Senator and a long time environmental advocate.

Each year - he leads family, old friends and new friends – hand-in-hand – into the

waters of the Patuxent River to measure water clarity using the famous "Sneaker Index."

This year's result … 41 and a half inches!

Great job, Bernie!

For our last recap, we join forces with staff from our Wildlife and Heritage Service and

a team of volunteers to wrap up the department's spring bog turtle survey.

Bog turtles are the smallest turtles in North America and one of Maryland's most compelling


To better understand this threatened species, we conduct annual population studies.

The data collected is used by conservation professionals to better inform habitat management

decisions and more.

Going Forward - we want to enthusiastically invite everyone to celebrate America's Independence

Day in style – at one of our spectacular state parks.

Stop in for any manner of adventure or make a plan to have a picnic, go camping, or stay

in one of our many beautiful cabins.

Discover the best kept secret in family fun by visiting

Well that's it for this month.

For the latest events, programs or news – please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter,

subscribe to our magazine and newsletter, and download our free mobile app.

For those of you on YouTube, please - give us a thumbs-up, subscribe to our channel,

and don't forget to share our videos with your family and friends.

I'm Anna Lucente-Hoffmann, thanks for joining us – we'll see you next month!

For more infomation >> AccessDNR July 2017 - Duration: 4:31.


YOUTUBERS EN VALENCIÀ | Miss Tagless - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> YOUTUBERS EN VALENCIÀ | Miss Tagless - Duration: 6:10.


Alpi & Yüce #Mentalite - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Alpi & Yüce #Mentalite - Duration: 3:15.


Overwatch World Cup 2016 | Teil 2 (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Overwatch World Cup 2016 | Teil 2 (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:38.


Actors Who Fell Asleep Watching Their Own Movie - Duration: 4:20.

Look, not every movie is going to have you on the edge of your seat.

After all, they can't all be Con Air.

"Put the bunny back in the box."

Still, you'd think that if anyone's going to stay awake through a whole movie, it's

the actors who star in them.

But that's not always how it plays out.

Whether out of boredom or sheer exhaustion, here are a few movie stars who've copped to

dozing off during their own movies.

Michael Shannon

There are few actors working today who are as outspoken as Michael Shannon.

Whether he's going on a political rant or trash-talking the entire movie industry, Shannon

doesn't hesitate to say exactly how he feels.

In the role of Zod, Shannon had one of the most crucial parts in Batman v. Superman:

Dawn of Justice.

And that's saying a lot, since his character was pretty much dead part of the time.

But don't ask Shannon how the rest of the film turned out, because he slept through

the thing.

Shannon told Fandango that the first time he tried to watch the film, he got punched

by the Sandman: "I watched it once and I fell asleep ... I was on an international flight

and I was tired."

Johnny Depp

In 2015, Depp earned plenty of praise for his performance as legendary Boston crime

boss Whitey Bulger in Black Mass.

The drama went on to gross a respectable $62 million at the box office, which occurred

shortly after its high-profile screening at the Venice International Film Festival.

Depp was in attendance for that — or at least his physical form was.

He later confessed on Jimmy Kimmel Live that he didn't make it all the way through the


"And fell asleep in the movie?

I fell asleep about 15 times.

I remember my wife was kinda..



It's not that he didn't like the movie.

It's just that, as he explained, he has, quote, "a problem watching films of any kind, unless

it's a documentary."

One of the highest-paid actors alive hates watching movies.


Brenton Thwaites

Jeff Bridges tried to bring Lois Lowry's young adult dystopian classic The Giver to the big

screen for more than two decades.

And when he began the process in the mid-nineties, he envisioned his father, Lloyd Bridges, in

the title role.

By the time the movie came out in 2014, though, Jeff Bridges himself was old enough to play

the Giver.

The role of Jonas, the Young Person Who Will Save the World, went to Australian actor Brenton


Despite the career-making potential of the part, Thwaites actually dozed off the first

time he watched The Giver.

He told Nova 106.9: "They set up a screening with me and Jeff [Bridges].

I was so tired that I kept falling asleep, during my own movie."

Shia LaBeouf

Performance art stunts have kind of become Shia LaBeouf's thing in recent years.

Not too long ago, he decided to live alone in a cabin in Finland for a month, just because

he's Shia LaBeouf.

"Living in the woods.

Shia Lebeouf."

"Living for sport.

Shia Lebeouf."

"Eating all the bodies."

"Actual cannibal, Shia Lebeouf."

So back in December 2015, Shia LaBeouf famously held a film festival in his own honor at the

Angelika Film Center in New York.

Titled, conveniently, #ALLMYMOVIES, the film festival involved LaBeouf sitting in a movie

theater and watching every movie he's ever starred in, in reverse chronological order.

That's about three day's worth of films, so it's understandable that LaBeouf fell asleep

at some point.

When he did finally doze off, it was to Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

And he wasn't alone.

Describing the event, he later said:

"[During] Transformers 2 they could feel when I sunk in my seat.

That's not a performative thing.

That's me going through some kind of crisis.

And I'm not the only one.

I remember right before I fell asleep I looked next to me and the guy next to me was falling


You can see it on the screenshot we're both asleep.

And the guy behind us is asleep."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Actors Who Fell Asleep Watching Their Own Movie - Duration: 4:20.


Star Wars Forces of Destiny Episode Sands of Jakku | Star Wars | Disney - Duration: 2:49.

The choices we make,

the actions we take,

moments both big and small,

shape us into forces of destiny.

[droid language]

[sigh] Until someone comes back for you, you can stay with me.

[droid language]

[droid language]

Come on. Keep up.

Wait! Don't move.

That's a nightwatcher worm.

It feeds on junk.

[droid language]

Now we run!


It probably hasn't eaten today.

We need to find something else to feed it.


BB-8, this way.




Keep moving, BB-8.

We're almost home.





No! BB-8, wait!

[droid language]








[droid language]




[droid language]


[low howl]

Here, I know you're hungry.

Take this.

[nightwatcher worm language]

[low howl]

We're safe now.

[droid language]

How did I find you?

I'm just lucky, I guess.

Unlike you, my little friend.

[droid language]


For more infomation >> Star Wars Forces of Destiny Episode Sands of Jakku | Star Wars | Disney - Duration: 2:49.


Cartoons for Children. Number Sentence with Three Pigs.Videos for Kids. Education for kids 1st grade - Duration: 4:39.

Cartoons for Children. Number Sentence with Three Pigs.Videos for Kids. Education for kids 1st grade

For more infomation >> Cartoons for Children. Number Sentence with Three Pigs.Videos for Kids. Education for kids 1st grade - Duration: 4:39.


Chicken - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Chicken - Duration: 0:31.


Osuruğa Çakmak Tutmak (yiyosa yap):))))) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Osuruğa Çakmak Tutmak (yiyosa yap):))))) - Duration: 5:09.


Почему американцы поют на русском "Боже, царя храни" 4 июля? - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> Почему американцы поют на русском "Боже, царя храни" 4 июля? - Duration: 16:06.


Chris Brown 1989 2017 | Chris Brown Changing Looks From 1 To 28 Years Old - Duration: 3:32.

Chris Brown 1989 2017 | Chris Brown Changing Looks From 1 To 28 Years Old

Chris Brown 1989 2017 | Chris Brown Changing Looks From 1 To 28 Years Old

Chris Brown 1989 2017 | Chris Brown Changing Looks From 1 To 28 Years Old

For more infomation >> Chris Brown 1989 2017 | Chris Brown Changing Looks From 1 To 28 Years Old - Duration: 3:32.


How to Properly Upload Your Videos to YouTube - Duration: 5:04.

Hello, today I'm gonna show you how to upload a video.

How to properly upload a video.

Hit the upload button.

I'm gonna keep it to private, I'll show you why.

Now choose your video.

Okay, I'll be back.

Cool, guys so I did the description and I also did the tags as well.

Now, I'm gonna add this to 3 playlists.

Oh and also now I'm gonna make my thumbnail.

I use TubeBuddy for my thumbnails.

I put a link to it in the description.

Okay so I'm gonna go with this yellow background.

Cool, now I'm gonna write some text.

Okay ... um this text is too big so I'm just gonna do font Arial, colour white and outline

in black.

Now I'm gonna change the size so I can fit it in the background.

Okay I need a picture.

I don't like this one.

I'm just gonna delete it.

okay I got this picture.

I'm gonna put it somewhere here.

Next I'm gonna do some more text.

Okay I think the colour for this one should be red just for a little bit of fun.

And I'm gonna tilt it a bit more.

Honestly I like this thumbnail so I think um this is cool.

Continue and I'm gonna do save and publish.

Okay it's publishing thumbnail.

Cool I'm done with the thumbnail.

While it's on private you should do annotations or end screens, cards and subtitles.

Let me just do it.

Cool guys so I did end screen, cards and subtitles.

Oh, by the way If you're doing end screen you can't do annotations and if you're doing

annotations you can't do end screen.

Anyways, um scroll down ... set your video to public ... and upload it.

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