Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 4 2017

The One Thing You Need to Know About Death, According to Buddhism

Death is something no one wants to deal with, be it firsthand or going through the loss

of a loved one.

We do not handle death well.

That being said Buddhism teaches us that when it comes to death we should not treat it how

most of the world does.

We should not see it as a tragedy.

It is merely the coming of something new, not the end.

Death is something we all face at some point in this world and we should be prepared for


We cannot hide from it and must face it head on.

While this is not something we consider to be easy to talk about it is an important conversation

to have.

Below you will find some of my most favorite quotes by Buddhist masters that were designed

to help us think differently about death in itself.

These quotes will leave you feeling things in ways you would not have ever considered

before if you take them to heart as I have.


�Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch; Nothing ever works out as

you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions.

If you have got to think about something� Make it the uncertainty of the hour of your

death . .�

Sogyal Rinpoche, (The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying)

�What is born will die, What has been gathered will be dispersed, What has been accumulated

will be exhausted, What has been built up will collapse, And what has been high will

be brought low.�

Sogyal Rinpoche, (The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying)

�Aging destroys youth, sickness destroys health, degeneration of life destroys all

excellent qualities and death destroys life.

Even if you are a great runner, you cannot run away from death.

you cannot stop death with your wealth, through your magic performances or recitation of mantras

or even medicines.

Therefore, it is wise to prepare for your death.�

14th Dalai Lama

�There is one appointed supreme executioner.

Truly, trying to take the place of the supreme executioner is like trying to carve wood like

a master carpenter.

Of those who try to carve wood like a master carpenter, there are few who do not injure

their hands.�

Lao Tzu

When it comes to death it is nothing but a starting point for something wonderful.

Death is just rebirth and should be seen as something to celebrate not something to be

upset over.

While we do not wish to lose any of our loved ones we should be proud of them and where

they are headed on their journey.

Regardless of religion, I believe death is not something that we should be so afraid


After all, there is something good coming from it in all aspects.

What is your opinion on death?

Is it really as tragic as most people believe?

For more infomation >> The One Thing You Need to Know About Death, According to Buddhism - Duration: 4:15.



Hi, my Followers !

My followers, you are little curious...

I saw that many of you are interested in my story, wanting to know the rest!

So I will not make you wait longer

Then, where did we stop last time...?

Yes, ... we went to the cinema with "TAKUMI"...

You can see the previous episode to understand everything...

So, ...We will leave my hostel and at that moment "TAKUMI" asks me if I am hungry?

I do not hide you I had spent the whole evening eating

I could not eat anything more but I thought that if he asked me this question it's perhaps because he was hungry or that he didn't eat before joining me...

So I said: YES, why not!

So he takes me to a nice restaurant in Shilin Night Market

And there ... , he orders an omelette of oysters !!!

disgusting !

I don't know who invented it but, my followers, AN OMELETTE OF OYSTERS ???!!!

It traumatized me so much that I don't know what I had eaten ! LOL

So after eating we will buy our cinema tickets, Yangming Theater (戲院 戲院)

Arrive at the front desk...

"TAKUMI" buys his place of cinema, makes me sign that it is my turn

I come to the front desk and try to explain "- One ticket, Power Rangers"

But he don't understand me very well, so I ask "TAKUMI" to help me to translate and I buy my ticket of cinema


At this time I was ... Not disappointed, not shocked ... but ... a little surprised!

Let's say that, with my way of thinking, French and European I thought...:

For a first appointment, a date ... Generally we try to be kind, polite, ... To be a gentleman!

And so, I was surprised that he only bought his ticket and not directly two tickets

I means: I have my own money I could have refunded him ... So, he could have bought our two tickets and I would give him the money just after

He bought only his ticket and let me manage by myself, but he knows that I don't speak Chinese... I had to ask him to help me to translate...I didn't find that ELEGANT !!!

But it's my French way of thinking, maybe it's different for him

Yes the things are different...

a date between TWO MEN and between A MAN and WOMAN

I think that between a MAN and a WOMAN gallantry is that the MAN invites the WOMAN...Do you agree with me?!!

but when it's TWO MEN, How is that? LOL

so, how I will explain it to you!?

Generally, in France / Europe (way of thinking) the TOP invites the BOTTOM

TOP... BOTTOM ? No, You do not know that? OK...

TOP: it's the one who makes the other "bites the pillow", and BOTTOM: the one who "bites the pillow" * French expression

No? not yet? You don't understand anything about it?

How I will explain it to you!?

The TOP is the one who is active, on top!

The BOTTOM is the one who is passive, below

You get it ? No?...

무엇 ! ( = What? *Korean)

So, it surprised me! didn't shock me, just surprised me that he is not gallant !

Once in the cinema room Woow, really surprised! Because YANGMING Theater (戲院 戲院) it's an old cinema but very well maintained

The places are not numbered, so we sit quietly ... And then... I didn't follow the first 30 minutes of the MOVIE !

Of course ! How can you follow a movie when you have questions full of head?

At that moment I thought, I want to take his hand, can I?... What will he think about it?

Can I put my head on his shoulder? Is that going to upset him?

Wait Osée! You don't even know if he likes you...

Finally I decided...

Just to stick my leg against his leg ^^

Yes, I know!...

than, ...

He removes his leg !


I felt so ashamed !!!!

From that moment, I remained quiet. I thought: LOOK AT YOUR FILM!

Once the film finished, he takes me back to my hostel...

I feel him much closer to me, he speaks to me by being very close to me (*50cm to me, not 5mm)

And it was really funny because I looked at his eyes, who looked the surroundings and then looked at me, looked at the surroundings... And I thought: He will try something..., Embrace me...,or kiss me..., or I don't know...!?

And at that moment I take out my cigarette pack and smoke a cigartette!

I am an idiot !

So, he moved away!

I'm really stupid sometimes !

I thought: Extinguish this cigarette now! But I would have looked really foolish to light a cigarette to put it out

So I finished my cigarette!


So I finish my cigarette, he gets closer to me...


and... Was cool!

It was really good, it was ...

it was...

OK my FOLLOWERS, see you than for the next CHAPTER!

OH no!

For more infomation >> STORY TIME Chapter 2. MY TAIWANESE BOYFRIEND FIRST KISS [ FRENCH ] [ ENG SUB ] - Duration: 7:58.


Osaka Shinsekai - Kansai - 新世界 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:25.

Simply meaning "New World" Shinsekai was a district developed before the second world war

which unfortunately was left neglected for decades afterward and only became popular years later.

Built in 1912 just after the Eiffel Tower, the Tsutenkaku now features an open-air deck on top of the main observatory since 2015.

Despite its fame, Shinsekai is a very small district and does not offer many attractions

besides The Tsutenkaku Tower and its many restaurants offering one of Osaka's best-known specialties:

Kushikatsu, s deep fried, skewers of whatever food you can think of!

For more infomation >> Osaka Shinsekai - Kansai - 新世界 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:25.




They are spraying the skies to prepare for the light show.

If there alien God comes with a message telling all of us to unite in peace and love, most

will listen.

how will they continue their wars once they've United the world? keep your faith strong.

we were told that the "great uniter, the bringer of peace" is actually satan in disguise.

Jesus loves us and somehow I am not afraid, I know in my soul that Jesus wins. he let's

this deception continue and then he steps in and stops it.

he loves us all so much, even the liars. he wants everyone to find and hear him.

fear isn't ours, were not alone, we know the truth.

The last card of deception is about to be played upon us: Project Bluebeam:




8 Scary Videos Caught in Cemeteries - Duration: 14:24.

When we talk about cemeteries or graveyards.. the first thing that mostly comes to mind

is death.

It is s place with a lot of paranormal activity going on, which of course doesn't come as

a surprise.

And people have caught some really creepy footage there..

In this episode, we want to take a look at Scary Videos Caught in a Cemetery

The first video is showing a griefing person, kneeling down at a recently deceased family

members grave.. is this the spirit?

This video was recorded in the early mornings in a Cemetery in the united states.What is

this unexplainable figure ? A CCTV camera that captured an eerie shape

expanding out of a grave This video captured a misty shape ,exiting

a crypt of a family, who all were victims to a great fire.

These boys captured something weird on the right side of the street, when driving through

a cemetery A

young man captured his footage of a ghostly child figure, which jumped up into a tree,

then falling down and disappearing

The infamous clip of the ghost girl, which was spotted sitting on a headstone in the

early 2000's.

A paranormal crew captured this creepy shape at a local graveyard in the United States.

Thank you guys for watching - please leave a like and subscribe to Frostmare.

If you are in to creepy videos - please check out my 24 hour creepy live stream, for never

ending creepyness.

Another big thank you goes out to my chat moderators, who take care that everything

is being taken care of while I am not there.

You are amazing!

Also I want to give another upcoming horror Youtuber a shout out with the name of Creepy

Tales Corner.

He narrates creepy stories and if you are interested - check out his channel in the


Stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 8 Scary Videos Caught in Cemeteries - Duration: 14:24.


Dispersion Effect! How to make your photos LOOK SICK! Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 12:50.

yo! hows it going everybody, my name is ADAM and welcome back to more Photoshop CC 2017

tutorial and today I'm gonna show you guys how to do dispersion and

disparaging one is disparaging your asking you probably see it in the

thumbnail of this video the dispersion is basically when the photo looks sort

of broken away or like paint splatters look at this person of the guitar it

hold the guitar until these paint splatters around them and stop it looks

freaking cool I've seen it on loads of times before in all different ways but

today and I'm teaching you guys how to do it I've taken this photo here the

foot of my brother Sam and I'm going to be turnin Enda a photo that looks like

this looks great and cool right you want to know why it's done well this is the

right video for you we're gonna get straight into this dispersion okay so in

Photoshop here right now I haven't split with Sam and it's basically Sam it's you

know making a weird funny face nor I'm thinking is they want this photo to

explode for maybe this part off the side I'm calling it explode but it's not

really unexploded more of a dispersion you know I want to make it look like his

head is sort of dissolving away feel the cool effect to the first thing order to

is a control J on the layer that you have and that will just duplicate that

layer for you next thing you want to do is hide layer one the one you've created

here and we're going to go to the background layer why am I going on the

background layers because on a good solid background a background that

doesn't really distract me from anything so when I row bikes on I'll explain that

later it's not going to interfere so you're actually going to see dispersion

so what I'm going to do is move this polygonal lasso tool here polygon

polygonal I don't know how to say it let me know in the comments I'm just going

to click around Sam right here okay and what this is going to do is you're just

going to select the row in your subject or whatever it is I do bear in mind the

more interest in your background is the more difficult this can get but it

shouldn't be any big deal just go ahead and follow these steps but should be

pretty easy so select the neuron complete the selection here just click

right back up there and there we've got it we've selected around our subject and

just a little thing called our owners called marching ants we want that make

sure you see the marching ants and then whenever you've got fast on right click

in the center of your selection and then click so okay this is going to bring up

your soul tool or your soul box whatever it is and you want to make sure that

this content thing is on content-aware anything else won't work maybe cuz

that's on okay no one's going to do is it's going

to do a thing called frame sampling frame sampling is basically it takes all

the frames around what you select it and it's going to sell them all the yellow

hopefully this works okay sometimes you need to clean it up a little bit after

but it's hopefully going to make them completely disappeared I know magic lot

of people thinks aspersion is difficult it's not really but here we go we've got

a done control D then we'll take away your selection of marching ants and you

should stuff this really flat white background it's perfect if it's not

perfect of the shadows stuff flying around you want effects maybe you can go

to your Spot Healing Brush tool or your patch tool just clean up a little bit

with that but I don't need to here since I've used the white background so we're

going to nose we're going to unhide our lair once this time just pops into place

boom boom you can just make a different period up here all day if you want but

what we're going to do now is we're going to actually make a selection of

our subject that we wanted this parish is really really easy what you want to

do is go to this little tulip it's called the quick selection tool you can

also just press W as well shortcuts you know at all you want to do is just make

sure that your select or your quick selection tool is on plus it's on

maintenance it will start subtracting things it will just get really annoying

and you know work properly so make sure this is on plus and then just start

masking out your subject or just select on your subject I'm just going to go

ahead mastering Sam here I think you know I'm happy with this we're going to

make sure it's off in second right like if you were to you know accidentally

click over here in the whoops I didn't mean to do that instead of doing ctrl D

and then doing it all over again can go up to this - till here this basically

subtracts your selection and you can just subtract and go back to the plus

one change the size of your quick selection tool the smaller it is we want

to find a smaller your quick selection tool is the more it will let me set the

more it will take in less of what you selected so I'm just going to go ahead

and make sure about you know you're happy with what you selected your

subject all masks here and the hair can be really tricky but we can refine that

after so once you've got your subject selected go down into this little tool

here on the layer which is your mask button or your add layer mask click on

that and I'll just select your subject there's one okay item it's a little

rough around the edges here what's very that green you don't want to look like a

sticker so what we can do is we can actually double click on our mask

that will bring off your masks selection sentence you smooth Noda little okay

blender then add a little butter fellow the feller likes you bring and a little

bit so then you can add a little bit edge don't go too crazy on the chef

stage because I can just you know freak out a little bit so we're just going to

up the gamble of it you want to shift the edge to maybe adjust the chef's to

edge it just sort of its like compressing it and decompressing it you

know so just keep started doing that play around with it until you're happy

I'm going to decrease the faller just a little bit here so whenever you're happy

with we're finding your mask I'm going to leave this shadow here because I'm

going to just special a lot away anyway and it just sort of makes the hair you

know not look like a psycho sword you've got this down hat okay

I'll bring you back normal Photoshop and then what you want to do is right click

on the mask I want you want to click is apply layer

mask make sure you have that that will just apply what you've masked on the

layer so it's not a mask anymore it's like it's kinda like cropping but really

specific crop and once you've got back on controls J and that will duplicate

your layer you have layer 1 copy and layer 1 we're going to rename leave

right now as we're here so I'm going to double click on this one called liquify

we're going to rename this one to normal we've got our liquify layer and a normal

layer two completely identical layers now what we're going to do is we're

gonna click on the liquify one you've guessed it guys we're going to go to

filter liquify now what this is going to do it's going to give us all these

really cool options to just smudge Sam all the show so what I'm going to do is

I'm just going to smudge Esaias faith over you're probably going okay Adam

this is a little bit you know a little bit bonkers but that this is a part of

the process guys who want to smudge this wherever you want the disparaging to

occur so I'm just going to maybe add a little bit blue in there as well you

want have to make sort of want to sort of make sense so I'm going to just

smudge on all these colors here so merge them all over the place you can actually

smudge it this way if you want to disperse it the other way you can

actually smudge it this way too it doesn't really matter I'm going to leave

some over here Kay so we want to add that afterwards so I'm going to add ok

and then we'll bring you back to your photo and you're like hmm what the hell

have I done what if I don't know if so it just looks freakin weird don't worry

this is the part of the process next thing you want to do put your finger on

an alt holding alt make sure you hold on also this one wipes your arm liquify

layer click your add layer mask again and this

will just add a black mask to everything on that one layer then go to your normal

layer and don't hold out this to make sure you don't hold alt and then click

on your layer mask again so it will be white basically I always got is we've

got a layer that is normal and a layer that is liquefied one of them is hidden

because we put a black mask over and color it in all black you can't see it

it's still there but it's invisible scanner and this one you can see so what

if we were to take our brush 9 wipes lichen on the mask and layer normal and

we put it to black we went our brush tool we just sort of you know you can

rub it out so in theory if you go to your black mask and put it on white you

can unhide this whole procedure so you're basically removing parts of one

and you're adding parts $10 that's how easy disparagement but what really makes

this pair is what makes the spares and cool is the brushes you can get all

these cool different brushes for Photoshop you can install and in

Photoshop I'm actually going to leave a like in the description

I'm not getting paid a sells Russia or anything it says website I find if

there's all these cool brushes that's what I'm actually using for this video

so I'm going to undo I've done here to leave both things and I'm actually going

to go to my cool brushes I've actually got these smoked brushes makes things

look like smoke so if I was in theory to dine click on this smoke brush right

here you see this brush it's all weird and now if I go to the normal layer put

that to black and then click on sign a few times boom it erases emit then if

you go into liquify put it to white and this is how you rotate your brush if you

want to and you can just add a little bit you see how it looks like now at one

part it looks like dispersion away what I'm going to do now and I'm just going

to work really really hard on this spend some time on this dispersion because the

more detail the more accurate the more variation you add to your dispersion the

cooler it will look so I'm just going to go ahead so I and loads the time on this

speed off the whole process of me doing this and then I get back to you guys

after work

okay everybody back I think I'm happy with it was that really long on this

longer than I actually thought I would but here we are this is our finished

product this can be a finished product if you want but I'm going to show you

guys how to add a little bit more tweaking on us just to make that a

little bit cooler if you want you can add color to your dispersion you want to

Adam plate how do you do this we have colored your Spurgeon it just makes your

dispersion sort of stand a little bit more from everyone else's if they know

how to do dispersion so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually click

instead of clicking on my mask and going to collect on the actual image itself

I'm going to go to my brushes I'm going to go to the brush that is you know a

solid brush actually maybe I'm going to go to the fade brush because I'm going

to need a little bit of a less hardness on the brush here so it looks cool but

the skin tones on this this looks a little bit weird I'm liking this kind of

blue thing is going on with its top so I want to change the color of only you

know maybe these parts so when I put my brush to black what you want to do is

just paint on your liquefied part and this will only paint on the parts that

you've got oh my god they're looking better already you sort of paint over

these I'm actually thinking blue black it looks pretty cool but I'm thinking

maybe what if I was to add a little bit of white in here maybe a little bit of

white up here mmm Cana works Newton definitely not on

there I'm going to add a little bit more black in here I think blue and black is

the colors and boom frame just going to change this brush to blue here and a

little bit of blue your own here maybe black there I think the whole

black thing going on up here is really really nice let's just put it all black

you know going for the whole black thing all of its going black I think yeah that

looks even cooler wasn't old black so I'm so I'm going to end this but before

and it's just to make it even cooler you know you can never really stop when

you're doing these kind of photos what I'm going to do is I'm going to create

new layer I'm going to go ctrl alt shift E and that's going to stamp everything

I've gotten top onto this one layer so now if I hide all these layers behind

you show you this one it's just stump what we've been seeing

on to that layer ctrl alt shift e remember that it's the most handy thing

in Photoshop I'm going to do this layer is I'm going to go to filter

Camera Raw filter and then you can even tweak

a little bit more on camera off so if I add a little bit more contrast here it

punches out the colors a little bit more a little bit of clarity maybe oh that's

looking even cooler there but the clarity really decreases your saturation

so if you do add a clarity make sure you bump up the vibrance a little bit more

I'm going to go up here to the FX a little bit of behaves may be okay if

skins looked a little bit red so if you want you can just pull down the Reds on

that a little bit you know what I'm looking to purple either I'm going to

leave that the way it was forget about the D haze you got oh this is one

anything just layer writing with but I'm gonna pull the highlights down

completely so that's you know pulls out more the color and I put the shadows up

a little bit just yep right there and then more

contrast maybe the vibrance down a little bit and there we go I'm happy

with that I think you know and lips are looking to see here looking a little bit

purple I think is to do with the white balance here so if I go to put the white

balance to Auto expection it okay that was really handy I didn't think it would

do that bullying there's your dispersion let me know in

the comments that you guys sort of despairs and if you do try out this

dispersion thing yourself help me up on twitter and hashtag eisenhower

dispersion and I will definitely be sure I'll be sure to check it out because I

want to see you guys come up with new dispersions remember the more time you

spend on it the more size than with the brush you do the rotation with the brush

you do the cooler will look because if you just do this one sort of thing it

will just look weird let me know if you guys discover any cool it's just some

brushes as well because I only have this smoke brush here with a smoke brush pack

and it came with all these different kind of brushes they're all free as well

so you know that's good like this video if you enjoy if it helps you to learn

any other tutorials hang up so in the comments and subscribe your hand alright

it's a world red bottom down below but it's not red if green means you guys

water subscribe you're freaking awesome thank you guys so much for watching

Amanda this right here I'll see you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> Dispersion Effect! How to make your photos LOOK SICK! Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 12:50.


ONE KETTLEBELL EXERCISE THAT WORKS YOUR TOTAL BODY | Kettlebell Clean And Press Exercise Tutorial - Duration: 3:57.

one move to workout your total body head to toe what's up guys it's Max Barry and I've got one

of our awesome trainers Amanda here and we're going to show you guys this one

move that's going to work your entire body head to toe it's the kettlebell clean and press

love it let's go ahead and just give us a couple good reps or better

awesome and we do these here all the time at Max's Best Bootcamp notice Amanda's

working all the way up and give us one more right from the ground all the way

up right back down same way good now what a couple of tips you can give us a

man those four with the kettlebell wider stance

okay capsule are underneath you drop straight down over them keep them close

to the body clean it you're going to do little dip and drive rack it back to

your shoulders right back down to the ground good and if some of you are

thinking I don't have access to kettlebells

you totally can do this with the pair of dumbbells want to grab their butt

kettlebells are awesome guys and so working investment if you don't have

access to kettlebells consider where you're actually working out because

kettlebells are the truth we love them at the boot camp and so but if you only

have dumbbells the figure at home and you're trying to work this movement and

also if you're on the live broadcast say hello and if you're watching this after

go ahead put any of your questions or comments down below we'd love to

interact with you guys and answer your questions

so go ahead say hello we're going to keep rolling here with the dumbbells

same principles and you notice with this you don't need

to go as wide of a stance because we don't have the big kettlebells here

itself and it's keeping it pretty tight they've been driving from the ground up

and maybe give us a side profile and we're going to go right back to the

kettlebells I think that's our tool of choice after this read off now if you

have shoulder issues a modification that you can still work the total body if you

swap it out again we love the kettlebell cam and what do

you guys think of this shirt by the way sorta Deshawn Carlo thumbs up thumbs

down thumbs up yeah hello son okay so if you have shoulder issues so if your

shoulders are bothering you do not press overhead instead try this so we're going

to clean it and then we'll squat it out so in a little extra glute work not add

that right okay everybody another thing that we do sometimes the signal so on so

if you just have access if you don't have two kettlebells so you just have

one try it like this same principles apply working from the ground up

and then on this one if you can freeze at the top floor that was good

now the whole side is working so we'll get those side abs going good get the

shoulders and come back down and the movement always starts with the legs and

notice the good stance needs tracking the toes and the tail belt right

underneath the shoulder that will work in that side last one awesome so I just

wanna take Amanda for shell being here showing at the move absolutely killed it

thank you guys for tuning in if you have any questions post those down below

thank you for tuning in if you want to come train with us at the boot camp

check out our website at I hope you guys found this

video helpful, have an awesome day!

For more infomation >> ONE KETTLEBELL EXERCISE THAT WORKS YOUR TOTAL BODY | Kettlebell Clean And Press Exercise Tutorial - Duration: 3:57.


Crescent Hill Fourth of July Festival - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Crescent Hill Fourth of July Festival - Duration: 2:15.


New Nail Art 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | July 2017 (Part 4) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | July 2017 (Part 4) - Duration: 3:44.


Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation | July 2017 | Part 2 (Best Makeup Ideas for Girls) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation | July 2017 | Part 2 (Best Makeup Ideas for Girls) - Duration: 3:34.


Pickle Pack! - Duration: 2:31:28.

For more infomation >> Pickle Pack! - Duration: 2:31:28.


Animals kids color | kids learns to color the animals |How to children paint colorful animal giraffe - Duration: 9:27.

Animals kids color | kids learns to color the animals |How to children paint colorful animal giraffe

For more infomation >> Animals kids color | kids learns to color the animals |How to children paint colorful animal giraffe - Duration: 9:27.


Witnesses describe moments after cab drove through crowd - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Witnesses describe moments after cab drove through crowd - Duration: 1:29.



Have a great time. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> VIRAL MAKEUP VIDEOS ON INSTAGRAM 2017 July # 1 BEST MAKEUP TUTORIA - Duration: 3:21.


Neil Peart - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Neil Peart - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 10:54.


Shooting Web All Over the Place - Spider-Man VR (ENG subs) - Duration: 8:15.

What's up

Nice suit

Hello everyone, I'm Thrai Today we're playing Sipder Homecoming

It's a Spider-man virtual reality game

If I'm correct this is just a demo, not a full game

But, it should still be pretty interesting

So let's get started


Okay, I'm on a roof not knowing why

There's bird and plane

Bathing the sun on the roof

Actually doesn't seem to have much sun

Open box, let's see



First put on the mask


Shoot shoot shoot and I shoot

Who grew these flowers, there's no water

Destroying public properties

The aiming's not bad, you can see where it aims

Fist with size of a sandball

Looks like a rice ball, makes me want to eat it


I shoot

Then it'll explode right?

Explodes on its own

But have to wait 5-6 seconds

Not so useful needing to wait so long

Yuo, yuo

Who's home do you think this is

We're shooting webs all over their home

Got C? Ah come on


Pull it over?

Why are we pulling people's..... oh



Can I hit the car?


No no no

Get it back, get it back

Can't get it back


Open sesame


Looked at me? Looked at me? Looked at me?

Don't run please


I'm doing fine


Something exploded, do I go save them?


Meaning I can bounce up?

He he he he...


Scary scary scary

I have a fan turned on behind me blowing at me It feels so real right now

Don't scare me

Can't stand still, feet is a little shaky


I didn't do sh*t

Can't hit him


When did this fall down

Pull it back up

So strong

what now


Let me come up

July 7th 2017

Officially in theaters experience it in Imax 3D

Is this a commercial for the movie?

Anyway, exit

We've just played Spider-man Homecoming VR game

A little short, but graphic's not bad, pretty interesting

Well suited for people who never played VR because it's simple

Thank you for watching, thank you for subbing, See you next time

Bye bye~~

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