Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 4 2017

maggam work blouse designs tutorial

For more infomation >> simple maggam work blouse designs | basic hand embroidery stitches | aari work blouse designs - Duration: 2:13.


La energía disponible de JULIO 2017 / Nut ft Luis V / Numerología y astrología - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> La energía disponible de JULIO 2017 / Nut ft Luis V / Numerología y astrología - Duration: 7:12.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Kids Karaoke With Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes from Jolly Baby Club - Duration: 2:51.

Wow! Look! The star's still twinkling.

Yeah, it looks so beautiful.

Hey friends! Do you also see that twinkling star in the sky?


It's beautiful.

Aaaah, but I'm sleepy.

Noah is sleepy.

Let's go home, along with the twinkling star.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone

When he nothing shines upon

Then you show your little light

Twinkle, twinkle all the night

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Hey friends, hope you liked the song.

It's time to sleep.

Good night friends!

See us tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Kids Karaoke With Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes from Jolly Baby Club - Duration: 2:51.


TC Transport Order®: Create an order - Duration: 2:17.

TC Transport Order® - Assign transport orders to your business partners digitally

In this video we would like to show you how to create a transport order.

There are two ways:

one way is directly within TC Truck Cargo® in the 'Enter freight offers' section.

If you have already created an offer in the exchange and made an agreement with a business partner

simply click on the 'Order' to create a transport order

here you can choose between

'Create a transport order an delete offer' or

'Create order and keep offer in the freight exchange'.

In this example we will create an order and delete the offer.

Consequently we find ourselves in the transport order form in which you can search for your business partner via the TimoCom ID.

All the information on this company will be taken directly from TC profile®.

In addition you can also add your contact person.

All the information you have already entered in the freight offer will be automatically transferred to the transport order.

You can add further information or modify the information and then send the order.

Another way to create a transport order is directly in TC transport order®

in the 'Assigned orders' tab.

To create a new transport order just click on the button 'Create' or choose an option from the drop-down menu.

Here you can enter all relevant and important information for this transport.

Also make sure that you have uploaded important documents necessary for this transport.

The receiver of the order will additionally receive a binding contract in a PDF format.

When everything is correct you can send the order.

For more infomation >> TC Transport Order®: Create an order - Duration: 2:17.


Learn colors with JOHNY JOHNY Yes Papa Color Nose & FACE Nursery Rhymes for kids Colours - Duration: 2:06.

Learn colors with JOHNY JOHNY Yes Papa Color Nose & FACE Nursery Rhymes for kids Colours

For more infomation >> Learn colors with JOHNY JOHNY Yes Papa Color Nose & FACE Nursery Rhymes for kids Colours - Duration: 2:06.


Łańcut, The Polish Versailles... - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Łańcut, The Polish Versailles... - Duration: 5:46.


TC Transport Order®: Received orders - Duration: 5:06.

TC Transport Order® - React to transport orders and manage them centrally

In this video we would like to show you the 'Received orders' tab in TC Transport Order®.

In this case you have the role of the transport seller.

The layout is almost identical to 'Assigned orders',

so it should be easy for you to navigate.

On the left side you will see the already familiar search filter.

If you go to 'All',

you will see all the orders you have received regardless of their status.

If you go to 'New',

you will see all the orders you have received but haven't yet given a feedback.

If you go to 'Accepted',

you will see all the orders you have received and accepted.

If you go to'Declined',

you will see all the orders you have received and declined.

And at 'Cancelled', you will see all the orders that you have received, accepted

and then either you or your business partner has cancelled.

Below you also find the tab 'Archive'.

You can simply and conveniently archive your transport orders.

When you receive a new transport order,

you also receive various notifications:

on the one hand via the bell,

on the other via the quick filter, where also a small 1 appears.

If the browser notification feature is also active,

then you will receive a notification on a new transport order,

even when TimoCom is not the active window.

to view the order simply click on it.

read the details through carefully.

Now you have various possibilities:

you can accept the order

decline it,

create a PDF file or close it.

In this case we choose to accept the order.

Once accepted we receive a message informing us,

that by clicking on 'Yes' a legally binding contract will be established.

To decline an order just click on the button 'Decline'.

A new window appears where you can enter the reason why you declined it.

Here the more detailed you are with your explanation the better the information flow is with the person buying your transport service.

Once you have finished writing your comment, click on "Decline".

Let's assume you have accepted the order.

You can then do the following with the order in TC Transport Order®:

In the overview section you can directly create a PDF,

or use the already enabled archive feature.

In the order itself, you have further possibilities.

When you click on 'Order',

you can directly create a Truck&Cargo® offer.

You can transfer this order into a new oder,

if you want to forward it to a third party.

Create a PDF,

archive the order,

or rescind the order,

in the case you can no longer carry it out.

We will now have a look at the first option and create an offer in TC Truck&Cargo®.

With one click you end up directly at the enter freight offers section in TC Truck&Cargo®.

As you can see the information on the order appears there automatically.

You can now complete the information on the order in the newly created freight offer or modify it,

before you save it and offer it to all TimoCom users via the freight exchange TC Truck&Cargo®.

If at a later stage you would like to rescind an order you have already accepted,

simply click on 'Order' and then on 'Rescind'.

A window will appear in which you can enter the reason why you are rescinding the order.

In addition to the selection box, you also have a free text area.

Here the more detailed you are with your explanation the better the information flow is with your business partner.

Once you're finished click on the button 'Rescind'

and your business partner will receive the information that you have rescinded your order.

For more infomation >> TC Transport Order®: Received orders - Duration: 5:06.


Зеркальная защита от негатива: техника «Примерочной кабины» от негативной энергии. Наталия Правдина - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Зеркальная защита от негатива: техника «Примерочной кабины» от негативной энергии. Наталия Правдина - Duration: 3:14.


【ピアノ伴奏】合唱曲「あの素晴しい愛をもう一度」歌詞付き 島村楽器ミュージックサロン東大島 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノ伴奏】合唱曲「あの素晴しい愛をもう一度」歌詞付き 島村楽器ミュージックサロン東大島 - Duration: 2:55.


TC Transport Order®: Received quote requests - Duration: 3:07.

TC Transport Order® - Recevied quote requests React to quote requests and send a quote

In this video tutorial we are going to have a look at what we can do in the fourth tab in TC Transport Order®:

'Received quote requests".

You will be informed on newly received quote requests via notifications on the bell

and the browser notification, if this feature has been activated.

In addition you will see in the quick filter 'New request' a 1 which indicates a new quote request is pending.

To view this new quote request click either on the bell and directly on the quote request,

or via the quick filter in the area 'New requests'.

As soon as the new quote request opens you can look it through and decide what you would like to do:

submit a quote,

delete it, meaning ignore it,

copy the request to forward exactly the same

or simply close the quote request because you have not yet decided.

In this case we want to submit a quote.

A new window then opens in which you can enter your quote.

You can also enter text.

Once you are done click on 'Send quote'.

Your quotes has now been sent to the transport buyer.

The transport buyer will be informed via notifications or via browser notifications within TC Transport Order®.

As soon as you have sent your price, you will automatically be directed back to the fourth tab 'Received quote requests'.

Your business partner will be informed at notifications that you have submitted a price.

If your business partner accepts your quote you will receive a notification stating that your quote has been chosen.

If the business partner does not accept any of the bids the quote request concludes and automatically goes to the quick filter 'Closed'.

If you have submitted a price but it has not been taken into consideration,

the quote request goes to the quick filter 'Declined'.

If your submitted quote is accepted the quote request goes automatically to 'Accepted'.

If your business partner has accepted your price and decides to carry out the order in TC Transport Order®,

you will automatically receive the corresponding transport order in 'Received orders'.

For further information, please have look at the video on 'Received orders' in TC Transport Order®.

For more infomation >> TC Transport Order®: Received quote requests - Duration: 3:07.


i should have died yesterday (ComedyShortsGamer-中文字幕-我昨天應該會死.....) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> i should have died yesterday (ComedyShortsGamer-中文字幕-我昨天應該會死.....) - Duration: 3:21.


SEO Driven #081 — OMLIVE Recap: Risikominimierung im E-Mail Marketing - Duration: 11:25.

For more infomation >> SEO Driven #081 — OMLIVE Recap: Risikominimierung im E-Mail Marketing - Duration: 11:25.


TC Transport Order®: Quote requests - Duration: 7:06.

TC Transport Order® - Quote requests Request quotes from potential service providers simultaneously

In this video tutorial we will talk about the section 'Quotes requests'.

With 'Quote requests' you can simultaneously ask various partners of your choice

to send a quote for a transport directly within TC Transport Order®.

If you have already watched either the video on 'Assigned orders' or 'Received orders',

you will realise that the general structure and overview are similar.

In the quick filter 'All' you will see all quote requests regardless of their status.

In 'In progress' you have all the quote requests you have created but not yet sent.

In 'Active' you will see all requests for which your partners can send the quote.

In the filter 'Assigned' you will see all the quote requests that you have assigned to the selected partners.

In 'Closed' you have all the quote requests that have ended without a result.

Underneath you find the template section.

To create a new quote request click on 'Create' or the drop-down menu button .

Here you have the following options:

you can create a new quote,

a quote request using a template

or create a new template which you can use later on.

In this case we are going to create a new quote request.

The first step is to select the members of the group who should receive the request.

You can use the same search you may already know from TC Profile®.

Either search by a specific TimoCom ID,

by company or country,

postcode or city.

In our case we are going to search for the term 'transport'.

I will then select the companies interesting for us,

click on 'Apply selection'

and in addition we're going to select a contact person for each company.

This contact person will then receive a notification within TimoCom via the Bell symbol or a browser notification,

informing that a new quote request has been sent to him.

The next step is to describe the freight.

Here are a few compulsory fields that must be completed before you can click on send.

These include:

quote name and quoting deadlines,

for the loading place you have to enter a loading date,

location and postcode.

The same information must be entered for the unloading place and you also have to enter the weight.

Once you have entered all the information needed the quote request can be sent.

You then get an overview in which you can check whether everything is correct:

whether the request name is suitable,

the route and the reference price has been given,

until when a quote can be given and the number of selected recipients.

If everything is correct you just click on 'Send' to send your quote request.

Now the quote request has been sent and the selected partners receive a notification,

informing they can give their price for the corresponding order.

You can close the quoting period whenever you find it convenient by simply clicking on 'End'.

You can also copy the quote request or just close the window to continue working with TimoCom.

As soon as you have sent your quote request to the selected partners the request will appear in the quick filter 'Active'.

You can view the quote request here at any moment

and you will of course receive a notification as soon as you receive a new quote.

The new offer will appear next to the company that has submitted it.

If a partner has written a comment in his quote you will see it in the small bubble.

Once you have chosen the best provider for your job mark the company and select 'Select service provider'.

A window will appear and here you have two possibilities:

you can either create an order on the TimoCom platform

or choose not to do so at this moment

and simply forward the necessary transport order for this quote request to your business partner externally from TimoCom.

In this case we are going to select 'Create an order on TimoCom's platform now'.

I select the service provider

and we end up in a new transport order

in which all the information from the quote requests has been automatically added.

Once you have completed all the compulsory fields, you can send the order.

A new window appears with the reminder that by clicking on 'Send'

you will offer your business partner a legally binding contract.

Your order has now been sent

and your business partner receives a notification stating that he has a new transport order

which he can now accept.

You now have the following options for your order:

you can choose to save it as a template,

create a TC Truck&Cargo® offer,

copy the order or create a PDF,

check the history or rescind the order, if the transport is no longer required.

you can also archive the order or simply close the order.

If you close it you will directly come to 'Assigned orders'.

The transport orders you have sent are now in the quick filter 'All' or 'Sent'.

At this point you can still view the order at any time.

As soon as your business partner accepts the order,

it goes automatically to the quick filter 'Accepted'.

For more infomation >> TC Transport Order®: Quote requests - Duration: 7:06.


Intro Sony Vegas Pro of My channel I Monster Studio - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Intro Sony Vegas Pro of My channel I Monster Studio - Duration: 0:11.


Самые колоритные покеристы на WSOP 2017 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Самые колоритные покеристы на WSOP 2017 - Duration: 2:50.


President Moon calls emergency NSC meeting in response to missile launch - Duration: 0:41.

And President Moon Jae-in immediately called an emergency meeting of the National Security

Council, which ended just about an hour ago.

During the meeting, which Moon presided over himself, he strongly condemned Pyongyang's

continuous provocations, calling them irresponsible,... and saying he will not tolerate such nuclear

and missile threats, as they are a matter of survival to South Korea and its allies.

According to a senior Blue House official, President Moon had received reports on unusual

movements from the North Korean military prior to the missile launch this morning,... and

the first incident report was made one minute after the launch.

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