Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 4 2017

Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Learning with Giant Ice Cream & Donut Bad baby

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Learning with Giant Ice Cream & Donut Bad baby - Duration: 4:29.


2 Simple formula from vitamin E capsule you will have straight white skin smooth like girl 18 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 2 Simple formula from vitamin E capsule you will have straight white skin smooth like girl 18 - Duration: 3:09.


SCP-1247 LaBeouf Viewer | Object Class: Safe | Humanoid scp / Sapient scp - Duration: 28:28.

SCP-1247 "LaBeouf Viewer" Object Class: Safe

Item #: SCP-1247

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: In the event of a containment breach, SCP-1247 is to be

treated as a physically normal, untrained human hostile.

Personnel are warned that SCP-1247 is psychologically unstable and cannot distinguish between organisms.

Use of lethal force to detain SCP-1247 is not authorised.

SCP-1247 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell.

Standard humanoid SCP containment procedures apply.

The cell must be proofed against penetration by vermin and insects.

No personnel may make physical contact with SCP-1247 unless they fit the following physical


Anatomically male Height within 5 cm of 176 cm

Weight within 10 kg of 74 kg Anatomically standard number and positioning

of limbs, digits, and appendages (ears, nose, etc.)

Full specifications must be verified before physical contact with SCP-1247 can be authorised.

Specifications may be waived during relevant testing.

SCP-1247 is currently undergoing a process of psychological rehabilitation.

To assist in this process, all personnel entering its quarters must wear face-obscuring masks,

and must not wear any clothing items or accessories made of or incorporating leather.

SCP-1247 is required to attend bi-weekly therapy sessions with Dr. Zhang from 3:00 pm on Tuesdays

and Fridays.

Session length should not exceed one hour, but reasonable exceptions may be made at the

discretion of Dr. Zhang.

Dr. Zhang is required to wear a mask, and must maintain a distance of one meter from

SCP-1247 for the duration of all sessions.

Dr. Zhang has emphasized that the comfort and safety of SCP-1247 is paramount.

An armed security agent must be present in the room for the duration of all sessions.

To ensure psychological stability of SCP-1247, meals provided must not contain meat.

SCP-1247 has requested that no mirrors be brought into its cell.

Description: SCP-1247 is a 37-year-old human male, formerly ███ ███████ of

█████ ███, ██, United States of America.

SCP-1247 is biologically normal on almost all accounts.

However, testing has revealed some atypical brain activity.

Significantly, radiology has revealed the absence of substantial areas of the cerebrum,

which appear to have been displaced by the presence of foreign biological matter from

an unidentified living organism.

This organism has been tentatively classified as a variety of fungus and bears superficial

resemblance to mushrooms of the genus Morchella, but has yet to be conclusively matched to

any recognised terrestrial species.

There are currently no plans to remove this organism from SCP-1247.

SCP-1247 exhibits three anomalous effects.

The primary anomalous effect exhibited by SCP-1247 is psychological, and is observable

only to SCP-1247 itself.

When SCP-1247 is able to observe a live animal, dead animal, or part of an animal, it perceives

that animal as American film and television actor Shia LaBeouf.

This perceptual effect extends to all of SCP-1247's senses.

Regardless of the actual size or shape of the animal, SCP-1247 perceives a life-sized

instance of Shia LaBeouf.

Testing has determined that the body position and movements of Shia LaBeouf instances mirror

the actual position and movements of the animal as closely as possible without requiring a

restructuring of Shia LaBeouf's actual anatomy.

For example, an ant perceived by SCP-1247 would take the apparent form of Shia LaBeouf

scuttling in an ant-like way, but would be limited in its accuracy by Shia LaBeouf's

lack of a thorax, third pair of legs, and other anatomical features possessed by a true


Despite this imperfect mimicry, SCP-1247 claims that Shia LaBeouf instances can perform the

same physical feats as the animals they replace, even when this would be physically impossible

for the actual Shia LaBeouf.

For example, a horse perceived by SCP-1247 took the apparent form of Shia LaBeouf galloping

on all fours at the speed of the actual horse, while a bird perceived by SCP-1247 took the

apparent form of Shia LaBeouf flying through the air by flapping his arms.

If SCP-1247 observes an animal that would typically lack the anatomical features of

Shia LaBeouf, it perceives a normal Shia LaBeouf instance regardless.

For example, a worm perceived by SCP-1247 took the apparent form of Shia LaBeouf lying

on the ground with his arms and legs present, but seemingly paralysed.

Similarly, if SCP-1247 observes a live or dead animal that is missing an anatomical

feature, or observes part of an animal, it perceives a full, anatomically complete Shia

LaBeouf instance.

For example, a cooked chicken wing perceived by SCP-1247 took the apparent form of Shia

LaBeouf, with one arm bent into a shape approximating that of the cooked chicken wing.

The instance of Shia LaBeouf perceived by SCP-1247 in this test was dead, like the chicken

wing, but was whole and uncooked.

Testing has determined that instances of Shia LaBeouf perceived by SCP-1247 reliably match

the current physical condition and appearance of the actual Shia LaBeouf.

However, when SCP-1247 views parts of animals, or dead animals, the perceived instances lack

the presence of life, despite the continued life of the actual Shia LaBeouf.

The secondary anomalous effect exhibited by SCP-1247 is physical, and may be observed

by others.

When SCP-1247 interacts physically with a live animal, dead animal, or part of an animal,

it interacts with that animal as if it were Shia LaBeouf.

This anomalous effect impacts on size, weight, and anatomy of the animal as it is interacted

with by SCP-1247.

For example, in one test SCP-1247 was asked to drag a Shia LaBeouf instance by its arm.

Unbeknownst to SCP-1247, the Shia LaBeouf instance was actually a worm.

Although the worm possessed no arms, SCP-1247 was seemingly able to grab hold of an invisible

arm, and accomplished the task with some difficulty.

The test was repeated, with the worm test subject replaced first by a human, then a

cow, and then a chicken fillet.

All tests had the same result.

SCP-1247 reported that the weight of all four test subjects was identical.

Weighing later showed that this was not the case; all four test subjects had weight appropriate

to their true forms, even whilst held by SCP-1247.

In a later test, SCP-1247 was asked to sever an arm from an instance of Shia LaBeouf.

This Shia LaBeouf instance was also a worm, and had no arm or arm equivalent.

Regardless, SCP-1247 reported the successfully severing of an arm.

SCP-1247 was asked to describe the perceived arm, but reported neither arm nor one-armed

Shia LaBeouf, but rather two whole, dead Shia LaBeoufs, one of which then disappeared.

The exception to both of these anomalous effects involves a live animal, dead animal, or part

of an animal that is located inside of SCP-1247.

When this occurs, the animal is perceived as it would be by a normal human, and physically

interacted with as such.

Neither SCP-1247's primary nor secondary anomalous effects extend to photographs, recordings,

live video, or other non-physical, non-biological forms or depictions of animals.

However, SCP-1247's primary anomalous effect does extend to any animals observed in a reflection

or through a lens.

Neither SCP-1247's primary nor secondary effects extend to animal byproducts, or to organisms

that are not part of the kingdom Animalia.

SCP-1247's anomalous effects have not yet been tested on a cellular level.

The tertiary effect exhibited by SCP-1247 is psychological, and is observable only to

SCP-1247 itself.

SCP-1247 is incapable of viewing specimens of any species of morel mushroom, genus Morchella.

This effect extends to live, partial, and dead specimens of morel mushroom, as well

as all non-physical, non-biological representations of morel mushroom where it can be reasonably

identified as such.

This effect does not extend to textual descriptions of morel mushrooms.

This effect does not extend to any of SCP-1247's other senses.

There is no corresponding physical effect.

Note: For a more in-depth study of SCP-1247's three anomalous effects, personnel may refer

to Experiment Log SCP-1247.

The manner in which SCP-1247 is able to exhibit these anomalous effects is unknown.

According to SCP-1247, none of these effects were manifest before the year 20██.

In April of that year, SCP-1247 purchased and viewed a video tape recording of the film

'Holes', starring Shia LaBeouf.

Approximately 30 minutes into viewing the movie, SCP-1247 was struck by a violent pain

in the front of his head, and blacked out for a period of time it estimates to be less

than ten seconds.

Upon awakening, SCP-1247 resumed watching the film, and then went to sleep.

At this stage, no anomalous effects had been observed.

The next day, SCP-1247 exited its home and observed what it perceived to be Shia LaBeouf,

naked and digging through its garbage.

Based on its reported behaviour, researchers have determined that the supposed Shia LaBeouf

was most likely a raccoon.

This incident marks the first exhibition of SCP-1247's primary anomalous effect.

Following this incident, SCP-1247 alerted police to what it believed to be the actual

Shia LaBeouf behaving under the influence of narcotics.

SCP-1247 then took shelter within its home.

When the police arrived, SCP-1247 exited the house, only to discover that both of the officers

present were Shia LaBeouf.

SCP-1247's recount of the following events is confused due to the trauma endured by SCP-1247,

and SCP-1247's obvious perceptual disability.

Researchers have determined that the most likely sequence of events is that SCP-1247

fled the officers, encountered a flock of pigeons on the way to its car, and attempted

to drive away.

The presence of an insect (believed to be a blowfly) in SCP-1247's vehicle led to a

panic attack and subsequent crash.

SCP-1247 attempted to physically assault the blowfly.

This incident marks the first exhibition of SCP-1247's secondary anomalous effect.

Following the altercation, SCP-1247 fled the car, and later the town of █████ ███ itself.

SCP-1247 took up residence in an abandoned cabin in the forest north of █████ ███. At

this stage, SCP-1247 believed that the instances of Shia LaBeouf were some sort of demonic


SCP-1247 remained in the cabin for █ years, subsisting from water gathered through a rainwater

tank, and by eating grasses, berries, occasional scavenged food, and the flesh of Shia LaBeouf

instances it hunted in the forest.

Attempts by SCP-1247 to cut, cook, or otherwise prepare its meat resulted in the same perceived

outcome: whole, uncooked instances of Shia LaBeouf.

For this reason, SCP-1247 took to biting chunks out of the Shia LaBeouf instances.

The true nature of SCP-1247's meals was revealed to it only once the bite had been taken.

It is believed that this uncertainty, combined with the psychological trauma of having to

frequently devour what appeared to be human bodies (as well as the constant trauma of

being surrounded by supposedly-demonic Shia LaBeoufs), led to an eventual psychological


SCP-1247 was recovered from its cabin outside of █████ ███ following a police

investigation of a recent homicide and cannibalism case, thought to be related to the spate of

animal slayings and mutilations around the area.

After being taken into police custody, SCP-1247 attempted to explain its primary anomalous


Although police dismissed this effect as simple hallucination, it caught the attention of

embedded Foundation personnel.

Foundation Agent ███ was dispatched to investigate further, and took SCP-1247

into Foundation custody after witnessing a display of its secondary anomalous effect.

SCP-1247's copy of 'Holes' has been recovered.

Testing has determined no anomalous effects.

SCP-1247 has expressed disinterest in a second viewing.

Experiment Log SCP-1247

Primary Effect Testing


Purpose: To establish a basic understanding of SCP-1247's primary effect.

Researcher: Dr Huang

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-A-01 Stimulus: Anatomically standard human male.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.


EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-A-02 Stimulus: Anatomically standard human male.

Test subject performs a series of movements.

Perceived Result: Shia LaBeouf performs same movements.


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's primary effect in relation to non-human test subjects.

Researcher: Dr Huang

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-B-02 Stimulus: Anatomically standard horse.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf, standing on all fours, mimicking

stance of horse.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-B-03 Stimulus: Anatomically standard worm.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf lying on ground.

Shia LaBeouf mimics actual position and movement of worm.

All limbs appear paralyzed.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-B-04 Stimulus: Anatomically standard ant.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

Shia LaBeouf mimics actual position and movement of ant.

Front legs of ant correspond to arms of Shia LaBeouf.

Back legs of ant correspond to legs of Shia LaBeouf.

Middle legs of ant do not correspond to any part of Shia LaBeouf.


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's primary effect in relation to subjects with atypical anatomy.

Researcher: Dr Huang.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-01 Stimulus: Anatomically standard human cadaver.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-02 Stimulus: Human cadaver.

Missing left arm.

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-03 Stimulus: Beef steak (uncooked).

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf (uncooked).

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-04 Stimulus: Beef steak (medium rare).

Perceived Result: Anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf (uncooked).

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-05 Stimulus: Beef steak (medium rare).

Researchers divide steak into two halves through use of scalpel.

Perceived Result: Scalpel passes through Shia LaBeouf with no apparent effect.

Upon complete division of steak, Shia LaBeouf instantaneously replaced by two (2) anatomically

standard Shia LaBeoufs.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-06 Stimulus: Steak divided into twenty (20) small


Pieces arranged in disorganized pile.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

Researchers theorise that this Shia LaBeouf is SCP-1247's perception of the piece of steak

most clearly in its line of sight, and that this perceived Shia LaBeouf blocks SCP-1247's

view of the other pieces, preventing perception of additional Shia LaBeoufs.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-07 Stimulus: Mince created from beef steak and

mixture of meats from nine (9) unique sources.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-08 Stimulus: Slurry created from mince.

Presented in petri dish.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

Sitting in petri dish.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-09 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust at ratio

of 10:1.

Presented in petri dish.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf.

Sitting in petri dish.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-10 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust at ratio

of 1:10.

Presented in petri dish.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf, partially coated in sawdust.

Sitting in petri dish.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-11 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust and red

ink at ratio of 1:10:20.

Presented in petri dish.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf, partially coated in mixture

of sawdust and red ink.

Sitting in petri dish.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-12 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust and red

ink at ratio of 1:10:20.

Presented in test-tube.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf, partially coated in mixture

of sawdust and red ink.

One finger extended into test tube; Shia LaBeouf's body extends straight into the air.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-13 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust and red

ink at ratio of 1:10:20.

Presented in test-tube.

Stirring rod placed in test tube.

Perceived Result: Single anatomically standard Shia LaBeouf, partially coated in mixture

of sawdust and red ink.

One finger extended into test tube; Shia LaBeouf's body extends straight into the air.

Shia LaBeouf has a stirring rod stuck into its left nostril.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-C-14 Stimulus: Slurry mixed with sawdust and red

ink at ratio of 1:10:20.

Presented in puddle, mostly obscured by overturned table.

Puddle extends from beneath table at two (2) points.

Perceived Result: Two (2) anatomically standard Shia LaBeoufs, partially coated in mixture

of sawdust and red ink.

Dr Huang reassigned to administrative duties.


Purpose: To determine whether SCP-1247's primary effect is psychological or truly affects senses.

Researcher: Dr Chen.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-D-01 Stimulus: Horse stands with front legs on

one mark, back legs on a second mark.

Perceived Result: Shia LaBeouf standing equidistant from each mark.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-D-02 Stimulus: Message placed on wall behind horse,

such that the horse's rear obscures the message from SCP-1247's line of sight.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 is able to read the message, as the anatomy of the perceived

Shia LaBeouf is insufficient to obscure it.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-D-03 Stimulus: Low-intensity laser aimed at eye

of SCP-1247.

Path of laser then blocked by horse's rear.

Laser activated.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 reacts to laser.

Researchers observe that laser is successfully blocked by horse.


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's primary effect in relation to animals passing from direct

line of sight, and to investigate the hypothesis outlined in Experiment SCP-1247-E1-C-06.

Researcher: Dr Chen.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-E-01 Stimulus: Anatomically standard ant.

Ant exits SCP-1247's line of sight.

Perceived Result: Shia LaBeouf instantaneously disappears.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-E-02 Stimulus: Ant placed within transparent container.

Volume of container is 4 cm3.

Perceived Result: Shia LaBeouf pressed against exterior of container.

Shia LaBeouf mimics the movement of the ant within the container, but remains affixed

to the container.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-E-03 Stimulus: Swarm of twenty (20) anatomically

standard blowflies.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 exhibits signs of heightened distress.

Test temporarily suspended and SCP-1247 removed from testing area.

SCP-1247 later reports having seen an inconsistent number of Shia LaBeoufs flying through the

air, appearing and disappearing instantaneously and at random.

SCP-1247 stresses the "leering eyes" and "slurping mouths" of each Shia LaBeouf.


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's primary effect in relation to photographs of animals.

Researcher: Dr Chen.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E1-F-01 Stimulus: Photograph of human test subject


Perceived Result: SCP-1247 accurately perceives photograph.

SCP-1247 exhibits strong positive emotional reaction.

Secondary Effect Testing


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's secondary effect in relation to anatomy,

Researcher: Dr Chen.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-A-01 Subject: Anatomically standard worm.

Test: SCP-1247 instructed to drag Shia LaBeouf across the room by his arm.

Result: SCP-1247 appears to take hold of an invisible arm located nearby the worm.

The worm instantaneously moves, 'snapping' into position in SCP-1247's hand.

SCP-1247 appears to mime dragging a body across the room.

The task is accomplished with moderate difficulty.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-A-(02, 03, 04) Experiment SCP-1247-E2-A-01 is repeated, with

the test subject replaced first by a human, then a cow, and then a chicken fillet.

All tests had the same result.

SCP-1247 reported that the weight of all four test subjects was identical.


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's secondary effect in relation to weight.

Researcher: Dr Chen

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-B-(01, 03, 05, 07) Subjects: Common earthworm, human, cow, chicken


Test: SCP-1247 instructed to hold each test subject in a fireman's carry.

Result: Even where the anatomy of the test subject would make this difficult or impossible,

SCP-1247 accomplished the task with the same level of moderate difficulty.

SCP-1247 reported that the weight of all four test subjects was identical.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-B-(02, 04, 06, 08) Subjects: Common earthworm, human, cow, chicken


Test: SCP-1247 instructed to hold test subject, then step onto scales.


Weight of SCP-1247: 82.409 kg

Weight of worm: 0.001 kg Total weight: 82.410 kg

Weight of human: 72.020 kg Total weight: 154.429 kg

Weight of cow: 640.500 kg Total weight: 722.909 kg

Weight of chicken fillet: 0.350 kg Total weight: 82.759 kg


Purpose: To examine SCP-1247's secondary effect when applied indirectly.

Researcher: Dr Chen

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-C-01 Subject: Chicken fillet.

Task: SCP-1247 asked to place a mask over Shia LaBeouf's face without making direct


Result: SCP-1247 was able to accomplish this task.

After SCP-1247 released the mask, it remained in place, midair above the chicken fillet.

When SCP-1247 ended observation, its second anomalous effect ceased to affect the chicken

fillet and the mask fell to the floor.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-C-02 Stimulus: A soft projectile was launched toward

SCP-1247 such that it would be blocked by a horse's rear, but not by a perceived Shia


Result: The projectile was blocked by the rear.

SCP-1247 reports seeing Shia LaBeouf "snap" into position to block the projectile at the

point of impact.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-C-03 Stimulus: Two soft projectiles were launched

simultaneously, such that one would be blocked by a horse's rear, and the other by the same

horse's neck, but neither would be blocked by a perceived Shia LaBeouf.

Result: Similar result to previous experiment.

Shia LaBeouf reportedly moved nigh-instantaneously to block each projectile.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E2-C-04 Stimulus: A wide spray of water was fired

from a hose, such that it would be mostly blocked by the body of a horse, but would

not be blocked by a perceived Shia LaBeouf.

Result: Shia LaBeouf remained in place, while the spray of water was blocked by an invisible

barrier in the shape of a horse.

Tertiary Effect Testing


Purpose: To establish a basic understanding of SCP-1247's tertiary effect.

Researcher: Dr Zhang / Dr Chen

DISCOVERY OF TERTIARY EFFECT SCP-1247's tertiary effect was discovered

during a routine therapy session.

SCP-1247 was shown a series of flashcards, printed with images of various animals and

non-animal organisms.

When shown an image of a morel mushroom, SCP-1247 perceived a blank card.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E3-A-01 Stimulus: Live morel mushroom.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 is unable to perceive the stimulus.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E3-A-02 Stimulus: Live morel mushroom.

Researchers divide the mushroom in half with a scalpel.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 is unable to perceive the stimulus.

SCP-1247 appears uncomfortable, and reports a minor headache.

EXPERIMENT SCP-1247-E3-A-03 Stimulus: Divided morel mushroom.

Researchers attempt to ignite the mushroom.

Perceived Result: SCP-1247 exhibits great distress (screams).

The mushroom is propelled away from the researchers by an unseen force.

SCP-1247 loses consciousness and falls to the ground, hitting its head against a wall.

SCP-1247 removed from testing room and scheduled for an MRI/CT scan.

RESULTS OF MRI / CT SCAN SCP-1247 is uninjured.

However, results of spectrometry reveal that the foreign fungal entity appears to have

extended further into SCP-1247's brain.

The fungal entity now occupies over ██% of SCP-1247's brain.

Testing of SCP-1247's tertiary effect has been indefinitely suspended.

SCP-1247 is now required to wear a padded crash helmet at all times.

For more infomation >> SCP-1247 LaBeouf Viewer | Object Class: Safe | Humanoid scp / Sapient scp - Duration: 28:28.


Cómo Crear Un Effecto de Brillo Solar En Photoshop - Tutorial en Español - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Cómo Crear Un Effecto de Brillo Solar En Photoshop - Tutorial en Español - Duration: 9:06.


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For more infomation >> Svitac (Ateşböceği) - 2 Epizoda Prva Najava - Duration: 0:59.


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For more infomation >> Artak Mesropyan / Violinist / - Dance of fire - Duration: 4:14.


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For more infomation >> Effective home-based whitening after 1 week with 2 cheap ingredients such as duckweed - Duration: 2:41.


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Gorgeous Saba Butt having

Permanent Hair Extensions & Colouring at Kashee's

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Saba Butt having Permanent Hair Extensions & Colouring at Kashee's - Duration: 5:42.


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For more infomation >> How to draw Cyborg from Teen Titans Go - STEP BY STEP GUIDE - DRAWING TUTORIAL GUIDE - Duration: 6:21.


Positive Minute with Sakis - How people can change - Part 2 - Duration: 0:59.

Hi everyone

and greetings from baseball ground "Arrows".

Welcome to part 2 of how people can change.

Let me start by saying:

that your internal condition of change

is more important than the external conditions.

So, for instance

if you're looking to drop a few pounds,

or want to stop eating a whole bar of chocolate in one go -

Do it now!

There is no point in waiting until next week to start,

or waiting for some discountin gym membership.

We are all creatures of habit,

so by changing our current behaviour

for a new healthier one,

we develop new pathways in our brain.

However, for any long lasting change

you will first have to overcome your logical thinking

with your emotional thinking.

And as you well know by now

that your feelings and emotions can be

pretty strong motivators too.

I suggest that you focus on the desired result

your new change will give you.

and if you still have a problem looking at

that tub of ice-cream and it seems very irresistible,

keep saying to yourself:

Fat lasts longer than taste,

fat lasts longer than taste.

Thank you for watching.

Mr. Positive signing out :)

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