Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 4 2017

How to Youtube!

Create an account.

Go to settings.

Use fuck ton of your time there.

Understand that you don't understand anything about settings...

Make your personal avatar.

Remake your personal avatar.

It does not matter how many time you will change your avatar picture, it will still


And no one cares about your avatar picture...

Download epic video creator studio.

For free.

You filthy pirate!

Install it.

Get a virus.

It is an AIDS.

Congratulations, you don't know how to use this program!

You don't use any of your time to learn how to use the software.

You lazy arse...

Use camera on your phone.

Make a vlog.

Upload it to Youtube.

Get one view from yourself.

And one like...

Try to post your vlog on Reddit for views.

Get banned.

Create a new Reddit account.

Post again.

Get 10 dislikes.

And a hate comment.

And get banned again...

Understand that you have no creativity.

Use other creator's videos.

Upload them.

Get copyright claim.

Dispute claim.

Get a copyright strike.

Lose most of your privileges.

Create a new channel...

Try to be smarter this time, even if you are dumb as rock.

Make your own content with stolen ideas.

Get more dislikes.

Get hate comments.

Even from your grandmother...


Cry again.

It is your daily routine, so don't be ashamed.

Make a video response to your zero subscribers about your feelings.

Get one view from yourself.

And one comment… from yourself...

Understand that you have no talent.

Forget about youtube.

Live your life.

Get a job at McDonald's.

Work there for one year.

Suddenly, one of your videos got 3 thousand views by mistake of Youtube algorithm.

Quit your job and return to Youtube...

Now with 3 thousand views you can monetize your videos.

Start to make money from youtube.

But you still have no creativity.

Make a reaction video to funny videos.

Make one cent of revenue.

Get copyright claim.

Lose your one cent...

Try to make money by clicking your own ads.

Get over 100 bucks.

Wait a week.

Lose all your money.

Youtube does not allow clicking your own ads.

Lose privilege to monetize your videos.

Get mad at your dog.


Now PETA is coming for you!

For more infomation >> GOOGLE TRANSLATOR VOICE TELLS HOW TO YOUTUBE [ENABLE CC] - Duration: 3:17.


Lẻ Loi | Triệu Vĩnh Hoàng | Nhạc Việt top Hit | Nhạc Trẻ | Pop - Dance Hay - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Lẻ Loi | Triệu Vĩnh Hoàng | Nhạc Việt top Hit | Nhạc Trẻ | Pop - Dance Hay - Duration: 4:17.


WTFaiq? Dato' David Arumugam's Path Less Traveled | S2E09 - Duration: 9:18.

My name is Faiq

and this is my quest to find the 'Berlian Sungai'.

I have been waiting here for a long time.

But the 'Berlian Sungai' has yet to show itself.

I wonder, how long must I wait.

Who are you?

David Arumugam from the...

Dato' David Arumugam!

Dato' David Arumugam from legendary Malaysian band, the Alleycats?

THE Alleycats!


What are you doing here in this jungle, Dato'?

I come here sometimes to relive the past.

The world we live in right now is very troubled.

I come here to escape.

Back to a time when life was simpler.

But nothing has changed!

The problems we had before are still the same problems we have today!

You shouldn't run away from your problems Dato', you should face them head on!

Well, son, you don't know anything about the world.

You're still young and hot headed.

I was once like you, a young... alleycat.

But I'm on a mission to find the 'Berlian Sungai'!

What mission?!

Your intentions may be noble, but your ways are not.

You have much to learn.

As soon as David's slap hit me...

No no no, I'll take over from here.

As soon as my slap hit his face,

Faiq knew that a bitch slap like that could only come from a man of great wisdom and experience.

Wait, what the... Wait a second.

What're you doing? How are you doing this?

I am Dato' David Arumugam. I can do anything.

Faiq humbly asks David to interview him.


So umm.. you wanna chit chat, story tell a little bit?


Yes, very nice quiet serene place.

I call it my safe space.

Ah I see.

It looks safe and nice.

Do you have your safe space to go to?

I like a place like this.

Provided, I have what I want. My music and my... you know.

My music, my woman...

All you need is music, a lady by your side and a river.

That's all you need.

Yeah. It's all you need.

What were your experiences when you were younger?

I used to hike up Penang Hill...

I use to walk up, say in the morning. Takes us about 6 hours to go up.

When you first started the Alleycats, did you forsee or did you expect that you'd receive...

I was inclined with music because of my mother.

She was an Indian carnatic and classical singer.

Those days, it was very hard to get babysitters.

So when she was onstage performing, me and my brother used to sit down and watch her perform.

So before I formed the Alleycats, I was singing in school concerts and things like that...

A friend of mine, he had a band.

He said, "why don't you come in..." you know, play the drums.

So I said "okay..."

So I started off as a drummer, then found another drummer that was better than me.

Then I said, "never mind, you take over the drumming. I'll take over the singing."

Then... another guy got interested and he wanted to form a band.

So that is where I came in, to help him form the Alleycats.

Our heritage house had lanes, full of cats.

He named it Alleycats. Never dreamt of becoming so big.

Just form and band and perform.

Eventually as we were performing, we were entertaining all these American G.I's from Vietnam.

So they...

This was in Georgetown?

In Georgetown. They come from Vietnam.

They come for RnR in Georgetown.

Beach party. Pool party and then night club party.

So I was thinking, "how the hell am I going to do this beach party and pool party".

You know... while I'm in school.

So I... played truant.

I never go to classes cause I love music that much.

So these American fellows were teaching us what is Soul Music, what is this music cause we didn't know...

We were playing all this bubblegum music...

So one thing led to another then I mean... for us...

and we were making some good money through music.

And I was earning more than my father was earning.

So when he saw, I said "listen, I'm earning more than you.

The school is not helping me with what I want, so I think I want to stop my studying".

He said "up to you".

So that was when I knew, I took music seriously.

It's kinda surreal to sit next to you Dato' because I remember when I was younger,

my father would play me your songs in the car.

They grow up with... our kind of music and so...

when they drive their car, of course they will put the CD's and then you are...

You got no choice but forced to listen.


So maybe they want to educate you with that kind of song.

I think they did. My dad was primarily the DJ.


At that early stage, it helped influence the type of music that I listen to.

Music diverts you into a beautiful thing.

You know... music...

I think so, yes.

Through your journey of a man and a musician.

What was...

What were your toughest moments?

We never knew we were so big cause we were in Hong Kong recording and things like that...

Then one promoter came and asked if we'd like to tour in Malaysia...

And we see the crowd. Wow.

We've never seen that kind of...

So all these things, we have never experienced...

So that was a scary moment.

So during the curtain rise, we saw the people and you know...

We were scared and that's where this word, this "thank you!" came out.

Out of fright.

Out of fear.

We've never seen that many people, the press and things like that.

That fear turned into a trademark.

So everywhere we go, we said "Thank you!"

Can I do the "thank you" and you tell me if I'm doing it right or not?


"Thank you!"

Alright. You're a champion. I say...

So... Dato' Arumugam, do you have any parting advice for me for my journey?

You have to be sincere, honest, humble and cut down on your ego, a bit.

That way, you will succeed on your journey. Okay?

"Thank you!"

Sometimes life can feel uncertain, and out of your control.

But after my conversation with Dato' David Arumugam...

I learned that it's okay to let go.

It's okay to not know because I eventually will.

I think.

Actually, I'm pretty sure.


For more infomation >> WTFaiq? Dato' David Arumugam's Path Less Traveled | S2E09 - Duration: 9:18.


AMX 13 90 - МАСТЕР подсоса... Медаль Орлика на AMX 13 90... 🔝 World of Tanks - #wot - мир танков.. - Duration: 10:19.

20fps WoT-TV

AMX 13 90

MASTER choke ...

Medal Orlik on AMX 13 90 ...

World of Tanks


world of Tanks...

For more infomation >> AMX 13 90 - МАСТЕР подсоса... Медаль Орлика на AMX 13 90... 🔝 World of Tanks - #wot - мир танков.. - Duration: 10:19.


MIS PAPÁS REACCIONAN A MI MOTO (**ahora si se enojaron**) | JUCA - Duration: 7:53.

This is a video reaction / advice .... really youtuber JUCA tips. He has decided to join him and his friends love for motorcycles. I hope this video helps you in some way. Juca Video: My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCA Hastags: #moteronuevo #nuevamoto #familiabiker My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCA KEYWORDS: juca, youtube, comedy, jucaviapri, funny, throwing riot, riot, let's take desmadre, party, cars, cars, party, fun, moto, honda 125cc, prank, joke dads, reaction dads, dads Juca, dad Juca, the morsis, morsis, Rosita, Rosita, joke, cafe racer, honda cafe racer, 125cc, 125cc cafe racer, prankjuca parents, youtube, comedy, jucaviapri, funny, throwing riot, riot, let's throw My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCAdesmadre, party, cars, cars, party, fun, moto, honda 125cc, prank, joke dads, reaction dads, dads Juca, dad Juca, the morsis, morsis, Rosita, Rosita, joke, coffee racer, cafe racer Honda, 125cc, 125cc cafe racer, prank parents

which spent my people and youtube were as both really good this museum

for juca that were well in June famous approximately 1.4 million

traveling to Quito I feel healthy and good really dedicated servers for you

because you just get a bike Oaxaca is a video that really has me

surprised to have such views yy really good first of all

Welcome to the world of motorcycles I'm really good bike and fragile

actually today I have a few tips so you can follow simple life and

good not started

no one

every Sunday at 4 pm

first get used to the motorcycle as I mean by this is the

acceleration and braking never curb curve only opens with the bike

when in one second straight be sure to handle your bike with

mentality that everyone on the street are for if it is true or not but I'm

saying to exaggerate is best avoided a serious problem

better would be the third ever before bike at a speed that you do not feel

and now I will not say it does what with all the bike because some

time will do but never come At that point if you do not feel comfortable with

people bike the bike is very fast for you the best way slowly

For I never took for granted that because you are in your lane

people are going to by blind spots or they just not worth not worth anything to them

and will not throw gets a situation very dangerous

else other than the police and this is seriously the police and much in

or social street bikes and Motorcyclists tell you from experience

otherwise some people hate motorcycles If it is true if you feel someone

It is acting in a way

feels something like that she's a person hated people and motorbikes is

or discriminating against me is not something do the best you can do is otis

offerings appears on one side of the road because that person go

better to avoid future problems contracts who has family

I see you have two loving parents and you It supports all what you do though

you already bought the bike believe me that the important thing for them is

this test I recommend now meets all

Additional protections that your budget allows for it

allow what is good in case your moto will not necessarily be

leather-wrapped but it's good to have a good helmet

maybe a good before you know pechera There is something very good about Brooklyn or

as in this case but in pants gringolandia senicén what plugins

Mexico also come with hiding inside for protection

no skin fight if fall

ok avoids carry passengers and more on the bike it's not because your bike is

bad but his bike is not a scooter very powerful and also the additional weight

much changes the center of gravity this bike and is not the same handle

CONAIE will even just feel the totally unlike fast

on the other channels instrúyete youtube clips and Franco as ryder

Obviously I want love possibly share this passion

is a bad example but gets all the stupid things I do and not

replica Please there are many more things such

Once they can get involved as you leave acquire some knowledge about

mechanics and good is very important


and also very important when you go to possibly handle something as a friend

As you really have to handle bikes just sometimes you put a

situation that if something happens to you do not have nothing and who call only if

so that's important now is all brother

Welcome to the world of motorcycles hope that video at least has

seen as it is a title very Big possibly not have or go to

you interested or not and in life Internal and really was a good number

Extremely largest compared to us who

We dedicated to making engine noise but Similarly any experience

I can help or any questions that we here have to order and

We hope to stay safe

we want to keep know very well that say stay well informed and that

that's it students lean

little while


next to


For more infomation >> MIS PAPÁS REACCIONAN A MI MOTO (**ahora si se enojaron**) | JUCA - Duration: 7:53.


Những Lời Phật dạy CON LÀ NỢ, VỢ LÀ OAN GIA, CỬA NHÀ LÀ NGHIỆP CHƯỚNG, Thuyết pháp hay - Duration: 59:17.

For more infomation >> Những Lời Phật dạy CON LÀ NỢ, VỢ LÀ OAN GIA, CỬA NHÀ LÀ NGHIỆP CHƯỚNG, Thuyết pháp hay - Duration: 59:17.


SUBSCRIBE THE CHILD Dolls Puppies #BebiBon #BabyEliv Cartoon - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> SUBSCRIBE THE CHILD Dolls Puppies #BebiBon #BabyEliv Cartoon - Duration: 6:01.


Top 10 bàn thắng KHÔNG THỂ TIN NỔI - Thủ môn Phất bóng ghi bàn đẳng cấp - Hài bóng đá - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> Top 10 bàn thắng KHÔNG THỂ TIN NỔI - Thủ môn Phất bóng ghi bàn đẳng cấp - Hài bóng đá - Duration: 11:38.


Medieval Engineers Live (Not anymore) - Duration: 2:14:28.

For more infomation >> Medieval Engineers Live (Not anymore) - Duration: 2:14:28.


Island Dreams Full Movie 2014 (Official YouTube Release) - Duration: 1:27:49.

My tour guide says this place is called True Love's Peak.

You have to be here to actually feel the vibe of this place.

There's something here...

I hope it's real.

What's happening?

A bad dream.

It was just a bad dream.

Thank God. You almost gave me a heart attack!

Mom, Oh-em! A heart attack? Really?

Can't we just say Good Morning first?

Good Morning, Mom!



Good morning Romeo! Good Morning Juliet!

I prepared some mangoes for you!


What did you dream about a while ago?

I lost my voice, Mom.

And then, one man approached me.

He said my voice will return only after I've kissed him.

He almost kissed me. gross,,. annoying.

What's wrong with a kiss?

Mom, can you hear yourself talking?

What's wrong with a kiss?!

I'm blind, not deaf.

There's nothing wrong with a kiss from the one you love.

Who was the one who was supposed to kiss you? Tonton?

No, mom. Why would I even dream about that man?

Besides, I don't care about him anymore.

And I hope, wherever he may be, that he trips.

You know what, Child?

Not all men are like Tonton.

Mom, don't tell me that you're defending that man.

He's a traitor.

Out of all the liars in this world, he's the most untrustworthy!

Child, I'm not defending Tonton. I'm defending all the decent men out there.

Like Dad?

You know the longest journey you will take?

From the head to the heart.

That's the longest journey you will take.

Oh-ah , Mom.

Mom, you're being ridiculous.

For me I want to go to the capital.

And then I will audition for Extra Talented.

That's a journey I would like to go on.

Good morning, Sir Mario!

Way to get a jump on me.

Sir, Mario uhm...

Please, Sir Mario. Take me as a tourist guide.

I really need the money.

What's the reason this time?

Who else died in your family?

My dad

My condolences

Condolence again!

If my memory serves me right, your father died 3 times this year

Do you really loathe your father?

Eh, Sir Mario, he's dead for me.

My dad.

Well, the truth is, Sir Mario.

There's an audition.

At the capital. It's called "Extreme Talented"

It's a singing contest that's also a reality show.

So, I want to earn money to go there...

So that...

I can make my...

Dreams come true...


My future...


That sounds great.

You have dreams?

For your future?


You're not accredited by the Department of Tourism!

So you don't have the skills to become a tourist guide.

Sir Mario, please.

So, stop bothering me, Julie.

Leave me alone

I'm busy

Oh, hello there handsome.

Have fun with me?

Hi sir, If you need a tourist guide, I can be your tourist guide. Yes please. Thank you. Yes

There's my name and my number

Sir, tonight OK? Tonight seven O' clock

I'll be waiting. See you tonight.

Don't be late.


Why are you troubling yourself with being a tourist guide?

You know, you're not as beautiful as me. But you're beautiful enough.

Young and Fresh.

If you want to earn money, stick with me.

Karen, I'm not a prostitute.

You speak as if you're a rich person.

Karen, you told me before that you earn a lot of money with what you do.

But why are you still poor?

Excuse me, bitch.

This is not about money.

I'm happy with what I do.

That is my mission in life.

To make all the sad foreigners who comes here happy.

That's the true essence of tourism and Filipino hospitality

Oh Karen

You really had to put flirtation, tourism, and filipino hospitality in the same category

You're trying to much to be a virgin.

Excuse us.

Excuse me, ladies.

Hello, handsome!

You want to have fun with me? I doubt it.

You know, I can make you happy. I doubt it.

I'm sorry darling, but we're happily engaged.

We're gay.

Go away. Go away bitches.

There's my name and my number. I don't need you.


Virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin!

You're a virgin! Virgin wanna be!

Oh, hello there handsome.

You like to have fun with me?

You know I can make you really happy.

You know, I can even take you to heaven.

Hi, sir!

Crazy bitch!

Hi, sir. If you want a tourist guide, here's my flyer and...

Actually I'm looking for Rodora's Hut. Is it far?

Ah, Rodora's Hut!

It's actually near here. I know that place.

You see that tree? It's just behind that tree, Rodora's Hut.

I see dozens of trees here.

Uhm, the one with many branches. Just behind.

You're kidding me right?

No I'm not kidding you

I can actually take you there now if you want

Come on! let's go! I'll take you there.

Don't worry, she's good.

Welcome to the Philippines!

Please follow me sir.

Oh, there's your cottage.


And here's my flyer.

There's my name and my number, my email address.

If you want my services, yes, just text me.

But from 6-7pm only because I don't have load.

So. if you need my services, just call me, ok?


Thank you. I'll go ahead.

I hope you will enjoy your stay.

Thank you. Bye.


Come back later. Maybe 7?


Is there a problem?

No, there's no problem. Okay, I'll be here by 7pm. Exactly 7pm.


My tour guide says this place is called True Love's Peak.

You have to be here to actually feel the vibe of this place.

There's something here...

I hope it's real.

How much will you earn from that tourist?

Mom, that's why we're going to talk.

So I would know his itinerary, what he wants to do, where he wants to go.

So that I can charge him accordingly.


I know that you want to go to those auditions.

I just don't want you to make a wrong decision.

What kind of wrong decision will I make?

Money might blind you.

You know.

you might get forced to...

you know, right?

Wait a second, Mom.

Are you saying that...

I might sell my body just to earn money?

Child, sex is for love, not for money.

Oh Mom...

Don't be so nasty about my work.

I'm not going to do that.

I don't want to taint my womanhood.

But of course!

Because is hard to stay pure once a man or a woman had sex without love.

Imagine that. They're going to touch you, hug you, kiss you.

Mom, if you go on talking about that, I will really scream.

Child, it's okay to have sex as long as you love the person.

Hi! Hello there!

You're late.


It's only 10 before 7 in my time.

It's 10 past on mine.

Well, one of us is wrong then.


I guess one of us is.

Well, my. my time is from the resort over there and mine is digital.

They got the exact time from Hong Kong, Dubai, New York, Paris

So, I know that's the right time and the...

yours is quite old. Was it even working?

Why are you here again?

Oh, I remember.

Because you need a job...

from me

which means I will be paying you for your services.

I'm sorry I'm late. It will never happen again.

Are we okay?

Just join me for dinner.


You know what, this is nice.

Wait, you should eat with your bare hands like this.

Come on, try it.

Try eat with your bare hands.

You know, they say "when you're in Rome, you should do what the Romans do".

Well the Romans weren't exactly protecting individual rights.

I just want you to try.

Come one just try it.

Ahhh.. Just try it.

I'm completely fine with my knife and fork. Thank you very much.

Can we discuss my rate?

Your rate?

Yes, my rate.

Because my rate is 5 dollars per hour but

it depends where you want to go and what you want to do there.

but I have my 50 dollars rate

So, if you want to get a discount from my other rate.

You can take the 50 dollars.



Okay, so...

How long have you been here in the Philippines?

Can we have dinner quietly?



You're the boss.


How long have you been here in the Philippines?

No, I meant no talking.

Okay, you're the boss.

Hi, Sir Mario.

You again?

No, no no...

You're not allowed here, Julie.

What are you going to do this time?

You're going to have another fund raising?


you are going to use the band for singing?

Then what?

You're going to beat up the tourist when they pick on you?

No, no, no No!

Mario, give me a break. I have a guest with me.

Oh, by the way.

Sir Mario this is Zach.

Zach, this is my Sir Mario.

Sire Mario is the manager, bartender, bouncer and sometime janitor of this place.

Mario or Sir Mario is the kindness person I've ever met!

Are you with her?


is there a problem?

No problem

How about a drink?

Let's go

Sure don't want a drink?

No, I just listen to the good music.

Hey, you are drinking too much.

Do you have any problem? Are you sad?

Do you have ah love life problem, family problem...

What's your problem?

...and is your business because?

Well, because I make it my business.

You know you hired me to be your tourist guide.

So, I might as well pretend to care.

Oh, pretend to care.

I'm so, what's the word, touched by your caring attitude.

Okay, I admit it.

I was just being ah tsismosa.

Okay, I'm gonna regret asking this but

what's a tsismosa?


Well, tsismosa is like being nosy.

Like my neighbor Aleng Tasing.

She is very tsismosa

You know what?

she tells everyone about her niece having an affair.

Yeah, I regret it...

And then the neice of Aleng Tasing

her husband

knows the secret so

what he did

he chase Aleng Tasing with his bolo (long blade)

and stab Aleng Tasing with 21 times

stab 21 times

Interesting thought

You know what?

Aleng Tasing is still alive.

Of course she is.

Alright, thanks you ah...

I like to invite my friend Juile up on stage.

Oh wait, that's my name.

Wait, I'll just sing. That's my favorite song.

I leave for a moment.


So this song is for my new found friend.

He's over there. Hi, Zach, just for you.

So, what are you planning to do while you're here, sir?

I've been through a lot

You know I just...

just wanta have fun

Get some actions

be wild

you know... whores

What, with Julie?

Why? Is she sick?

No no...

Is just that she's a little crazy. You know...



What do you know? The hooker can sing, too.

You know this will cost you more peso.

This is not part of my job.

Come on, this should be the funnest part of your job.

What are you doing?

You know I'm very impress with you Julie.

I think you are like...

for a hooker...

we can do... lot...


I thought you were nice.

Hey, Julie. How was your guest last night?

He's a pervert.

It's your fault. You're trying too hard to be innocent.

All the men who comes here are perverts.


Don't you hey me.

Hi sir... No no no...

I'm really sorry about last night.

Good you remember.


I think I don't pay you enough for...

for your companies...

No, I don't need your money.

Because that's a hooker money.


I just want to make it up to you.

I don't want your money because if I will take your money.

That will make me a prosititute right? Because that's a hooker money.


I'm just trying to make it up to you okay?


I'll hire you as...

as my tourist guide

No hanky panky

Just for the day

You know what?

I could have just broken your bones last night

and you will go back to America with your wheelchair.


That's what you get.

So this is the town church and

obviously we are here at the cross, the big cross and...

this is very historical and

is very beautiful

Take a picture

Is for free. Don't worry.

You want to go inside?

Is free let's go inside.

Come on let's go.

So we are here at the monument.

Look at the big horse.

Big horse with the big balls.

So we're here. The lighthouse.

You want me to take a picture of you?

Nah, there's no need.


You need to have your own souvenior like a picture with the lighthouse.

Yeah, I alright have the photos.

But, what's your proof that you are really here.

You could just dowload it the pictures from the internet right?

Come on, I'll take a picture of you.

Hey, leave my camera alone. Okay?

Oh, what a stuck-up guy.

It would be a pleasure to pinch you and push you off a cliff!


I said the clouds are beautiful.

The sky is beautiful.

Come on, let's go inside the lighthouse.

Come on...

to see a better view


You know this lighthouse is 100 years old already.

And the townspeople build this through bayanihan.

You know what bayanihan is?

Never heard of that?

Oh bayanihan is just like that.

They are relocating one house to another location...

by just carrying the house.

The townspeople did the same thing with this tower.

yes through byanihan

No they did not.

How did you know.

Cause it says right there

Yes, through byanihan...

that's byanihan

That tower is very stong because the townspeople they pour chicken blood all over it.

What's the chicken blood for?

Well, to get rid of the bad luck, bad spirit...

You know Kapre?

Kapre, is a giant man that lives there


in the tree

and the thigh Tikbalang

is a giant man with a head of a horse.


will you actually believe me if I tell you that...

this tower

is very strong

because it has a very good structual foundations.

How do you know?

Are you an engineer?

Are you a mason, carpenter...

carpenter, are you a carpenter?

Architecture student

Wow, I'm impress.

So are you still in school?

Well, just the internship I know but

hopefull by next year I can take the architect board exam

Architect Zach Carrigan

That sounds good.

Why, thank you.

Well, what about you?

What about me?

Did you ever finish college or something?

You sound pretty intelligent.

Well, I'm smart.

Okay, what's the difference.

Well, you're intelligent when you actually know things.

While when you are smart

you don't exactly know things but you manage to sound intelligent


That's pretty smart.

So did you ever finish college?

No, just one year of BS Education

I wanted to teach little children how to speak English

and eventually I stop becuase of my mom. She got sick.

I don't want to talk about my sad life story.

Where else do you want to go?

Have you heard of True Love's Peak?

Just last night you were a maniac.

You want to find your true love?

Isn't that a bad combination?

Please don't judge me.

Have you heard the saying don't judge the book by its cover?

You're not a book. So I won't judge you.

Stop being a smart ass, will you?

Why you want to go there?

I promise a friend of mine

that I'll go so can you get me there?

You will hire me again tomorrow if you want to go to True Loves Peak.

Then, I will arrange to rent a Habal-Habal.

What's a Habal-habal?

You will know tomorrow. After I arrange it, okay?

Alright, alright...

Where are you taking him?

Just over at Matabungkay

Is that Zach cute?

No. He's fat, he's stinks, and he's cross-eyed.

Julieta. If you're going to lie to me, say it to my face.

Okay, fine, Mom.

He's handsome, nice eyes. So what?

Oh, dear.

What is it now, Mom?

You haven't moved on with Tonton.

You might get too fascinated with that tourist and immediately give in.

Mom, Oh...

I'm not sure if you're just naturally cruel or just too imaginative.

Either way, I'm not going to fall in love with that fool.

It's not like you can fall in love that easily.

Oh come on!

You started shouting "I'm in love!" the day after Tonton brought you to that dance at the festival.

Mom, it's not the same!

Tonton was my best friend, right?

I don't even know this guy. And he's only staying here for a few days.

That's what I'm worried about.

You know, our hearts are traitors...

Even if you shut the door,

It will still open and let someone in without notice.

Mom, I'm doing this to earn money...

...for my dream. I'm not doing this for my heart.


Is that the truth?

Yes, Mom.

Good morning. Here is your Habal-Habal.

So, that your Habal-Habal.

You could have just said it's a damn motorcycle.

Yes, is a damn motorcycle.

So let's get our ass off here so we can go to True Love's Peak.

Because you know, your true love is not going to wait for you.


Come on... Let's go...

Let's go...

Come on...

I do it on purpose.

Yeah, yeah...

Very nice place

Yeah, nice actually.

Take a picture.

Nice shot

Yeah, thank for the pose.

Oh, you want me to tell a story?

It is about this haunted cliff.

You know what?

There is this girl...

who comitted suicide here...

and then her body was found days after.

And of course she's dead already.

And you know what?

The people here say that

they can see her ghost even in the morning

they can hear her scream every night

Is that the kind of crap you tell all your clients?

And Seriously, do you have to be in all my pictures?

Alright, these are good.

Well, I need to be ready...

always and I shouldn't be camera shy, right?

Cause I know someday I'll be a big superstar.


Well you...

camera shy...

come on... please

Did you just pinch me?

Yes, I just pinch you.

Say that again. You will get more.

Well, do that again...



Do that again and what?

What will you do?

Stop it!

You okay?



here's the way...

follow me...

come on

Hey look...

Did you hear something?


So, what was those move you did on me...

when I was drunk... somekind of local martial arts?

Is call Arnis...

Filipino martial arts and

it is the national sports of the Philippines.

I hear lot of voices in my head.

They've been chatting to me...


I mean somebody is really here...

Arnis is the...

Filipino stick fighting

and Arnis is like the wind...

you can't see it but you can feel it.

Oh, just like love.

Oh, horny...

So what? You are trying to impress me with that story?

Well, I'm trying to warn you.

Because, for the record.

I took you down by just 3 moves.

Yeah, when I was what, drunk?

Are you telling me that I can not take you down again?

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say.

Well, are you actually challenging me?

I can watch you try.

Oh, sexy...

smell good...

Is kind of cute here. Don't you see it?

Well, I want to.

Kind of fast there

Miss that one...


Let's see what you got.

Got you!

We can dance...


That's cute

Well, well, well!

Love birds?

On your honeymoon in the woods?

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

This is private territory!

Ah, sir well we're just passing through here. We're on our way home.

Right? We're going home.

You can't leave until you pay your dues!

What is that?

Who are these people?

Please, sir. We're just passing through.

We're on our way home

Can't you understand?

You can't leave without paying!

You have to pay taxes.

Okay, I think this is the perfect timing to showcase what we've got...

if you know what I mean.

on three...


I think they are gone.

I didn't know it could be that dangerous getting here.

I never hear anything...

from Stacy about this long hike.


Who is Stacy?

Just a friend.

or girlfriend?

You're such a tsismosa.

You remember

Well, I'm not that tsismosa. Just a little...

So why did she ask you to find True Love's Peak?

She believe in it.

Hey, what are you doing?

Why are you getting naked?

I'm not getting naked. I'm changing my shirt.

Okay change now, change.

Yeah yeah...

I'm conservative. I don't like to see things like that.

Really? Conservative?

So wait, you've never seen a man with his top off...

with his bare chest?

You are not funny.

What? I'm just flexing some muscles.

I mean, you can look away.


What? I'm taking a piss...

don't look at me

You know what?

I have this friend who pee on the rock...

and the...

he didn't actually...

ask permission to the enchanted things living there...

and the next day

his balls got so big

You remember the big horse with the big balls?

Yeah like that

That's suppose to scare me because?

Well, because is the same rock you are peeing on.

Yeah, you think that would scare me?

I think that one!

You're such a child.

You know you told me a lot of stories about...

enchanted rocks...

huanted trees and...



but you never told me anything about True Love's Peak

Oh, what about it...

What do you want to know?

Exactly what you know.

Well, is about this man in the late 1980s and

He curved this trail up here to get his wife on top of the hill...

because is her wish to see the place before she goes blind

and to see the beauty of the place one last time

before she looses her site of everything that is beautiful

That sounded lovely...

but it doesn't seem that you belive in it?

Because is a myth

but you are a woman

suppose to love all this kind of romantic stuff

and you are a man, you are not suppose to believe in this crap

That bitter about love huh.

You know I'm just practical. I don't believe in true love anymore.

I belive in my dreams I belive in myself

and I believe that I will be this big some day.

That's what I believe in.

Welcome to True Love's Peak.



Are you sure this is the right place?


There is the Pacific Ocean and there is the sun about to set.

No, no no no...

this isn't the place...

I don't see that tree in the video

Maybe because the tree is not there.

There is a rock.

I don't see the rock in the video.


your video is wrong

I'm your tourist guide. I know the ins and outs of this place.

I don't know what's you game is right now, okay...

but this isn't the place

why did you bring me here?

Zach, I'm sorry

You don't know where the place is do you?

You just another con?

Trying to bleed me of my money?


Zach, let me explain...


Zach, I'm sorry.



Hey wait!


Zach I'm sorry

My tour guide says this place is called True Love's Peak.

You have to be here to actually feel the vibe of this place.

There is something here.

I hope is real.

What did you do, Julieta? Why did you deceive him?

Mom, I don't want him to believe in the story of True Love's Peak.

Because it's not real.

Is that how hard your heart has become?

Mom, that's not really true.

I know what is true or not true.

I know the truth.

Don't judge your father. He carved that path for me because he loved me!

And then what?

He left us because you became a liability for him

Yes, he left us.

But I know that he loved me when he made that path for me.

That might be true.

He might have loved you.

But do you think it was true love?


Two people need to fight for true love.

I could've fought for your father but I didn't because I want him to be free.


We are all looking for true love.

Don't deny it just because you got hurt.

People who don't believe in true love.

Won't ever be happy.


I just want to say, sorry.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I forgive you when you try to rap me.


but I didn't just say I'm sorry

I try to make it up to you

hire you as my tourist guide

what's your trade?

I know where it is

I know where True Love's Peak is.

Is just near here


I want to give back your money.

Is for free.

You're so arrogant!

I'm the one trying to be humble here.

Apologizing to you.

And you're doing that?

I forgave you when you were rude to me!

You're so arrogant!

I was just getting up because you say we gonna go there right now, alright?

You know where it is right?


so much angry words

So we are here

This is it

True Love's Peak

You can kiss the ground if you want

She came here 3 years ago

When she went back to L.A. we met.

She said she found true love

We fell madly in love with each other

She was a...

remarkable girl you know, she...

always laughing everything I said

She truely believe that...

She found true love because of this place

that this is the promise

for those who truely believe in it

Where is she?

Did you two break up?

She's gone

liver cancer

5 months ago

You'll be fine

No, I won't

Do you remember the time that you bought this for me at the flee market?

I don't have amnesia or Alzheimer

of course I remember

You're trying to be a smart ass while I'm wasting here?

There was a thunderstorm

I had to buy it because this old lady just look so miserable

and you want to put a smile on her face

You want it to cheer her up

and when you game this to me

you said this is for all the time that I made you happy

and now I'm giving it back to you

Make me a promise Zach.

Visit the Philippines

Find True Love's Peak

I want to

I want you to find true love went I'm gone.

I know it doesn't really matter right now but

why did you take me to the wrong place yesterday?

I told you. I don't believe in true love.

That's it?

Well, I'm just thinking of you know doing you a favor.

of not bring you to the right place

but who am I to judge what you believe in

You know if is true?

What is?

You know the story about that man did what he did for his wife?

Is true.

I know is true.



I'm leaving tomorrow.

There is a few places I need to visit while I'm still in the country.


You seem sad.

Are you going to miss me?


You gonna miss me.

Am not, no feeling

Okay, you know what? Let's not be sad tonight.

Let's celebrate

My treat


Come on

I'm sorry

No... don't be sorry

You want to come to my cottage?

I mean...

just spend time with you

no hanky panky

just want to talk

I want to...

but I don't want

You will be leaving tomorrow

You are not going to be friends with me because I'm leaving tomorrow?

Isn't that kind of cruel?

Zach we just kissed.

Yes, we can... we can go inside.

We can talk.

We can laugh.

We can get to know more each other.

And then what?

I understand.

You'll be out of my life tomorrow.

You will message me in Facebook.

You get to go home from wherever place you are...


For months...


It will just be a memory of each other, right?

I don't want to...

don't want to take this...

as far from what we are...

right now

Actually, I don't want saying goodbye.

I don't like not to say goodbye.



Where are you taking your guest today?

Nowhere, mom.


He's leaving today.

What's with the face?


You're blind. How can you see my face?

I'm blind but I'm not insensitive.

I don't' want to tell you that I told you so.

But I'm going to say it anyway.

I told you so.

How far have you journeyed?

Did it reach the heart?

Mom? It is possible, isn't it?

You can develop feelings for someone who you've only just met.

Are you not going to at least say goodbye?

Hey buddy.

Can I get your bags, Sir?


Thanks for everything. I have to go now.

You welcome...

Can you give this to her?

Okay, I will.

Maybe you are right to say we can not beging something

just as we're about to end

but I want to tell you

that if I'm given the chance again to be with you

I will take it

and I want to take what I'm feeling right now

to a place where I know we will both be happy

Maybe someday

who knows

All I hope

is that we don't become just mere memory of each other

thanks for the time you spend with me


I want to tell you

I'm in a much happier place right now.

Hello to the viewers of Extra Talented!

My name is Julie.

This is where I practice Arnis sometimes.

I want to be on TV too!

Hi I'm Karen everyone. I'm the best friend of Julie.

Actually, Julie is a kind person because I'm her role model.

This is my fiancé, Bob.

He's a foreigner. Now, we're rich and I have a best friend who's an artist.

Oh my God. Lord must love me Lord!

That's Karen and her fiancé.

I'm always here, working.

I'm a tourist guide oh can you edit that out?

I'm not accredited, like Mario said.

My mom and I are caretakers of this farm.

I take care of cows and goats and I have a favourite couple!

Romeo and Juliet, they're my greatest fans! This is their baby, Britney!

Child, give your guests some mangoes.

Hello! Hello to all of you!

Hello! I'm Julie's mother. She's kind kid! Very kind!

We're here now at a place that is special to me.

What is this place call?

Is called Lover's Peak!

For more infomation >> Island Dreams Full Movie 2014 (Official YouTube Release) - Duration: 1:27:49.


Got Copyright/Community Guidelines Strike On YouTube | How to Remove/Appeal? My Lots of Experience! - Duration: 8:36.


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