Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 1 2018

Hello Miew Miew.


It is time for me to go to my friend Sharon's house, and we are going to

prepare dinner for the mayor of Hoorn, and... Yeah... Eat dinner and dessert.

It'll be good. Good afternoon! Good afternoon! How are you doing? then this happened: my

bangs got ruined. My shirt is wet, and my jeans got wet. Not as wet as... what's

it called? Jogging pants and jacket, however. And Sharon is busy cooking. It

seriously smells delicious. I wish they'd invent the scent camera soon,

because it smell so good, but I feel like I say that every single time when something smells good. - Yes, I know.

Anywho... Sharon, what's going on? - Well, I'm making preparations for sushi, so all

I've done - everything... I guess. Except for the real sushi.

What I did is: I cooked everything. I made some side dishes. I want to make some side dishes later, but

they have to be a little bit hot. so... - Okay. - I can make them later. I baked some tofu

for inside the sushi. That's this one, and I just marinated with some 'stroop'.

Like the Dutch... well... syrup... and soy sauce, and I just did

something, and well, mix it together, and marinated in that an bake it, and it

is so good. Like, really it smells and it tastes so good. - Yeah I got to

try it too. It really tastes good. - Indeed. This will go into the sushi, and then I have

some bigger pieces over here. And they will just be plain so you can just eat

them. - Okay. - Like this. What I did... I made some spinach.

I will season that afterwards. I made some rice.

I cooked everything. Later I will bake the...

...squash. Squash: is that the word? - Squash. Squash. - Squash? Yes, squash, and some

- Mushrooms. - Mushrooms. Yeah, and then I think everything done.

So I'm gonna wash my hands. I'm gonna help out, because you can probably use

some help. So I was in charge to cutting, or in charge of cutting avocado, and

right now Sharon is making sushi, so we have the tofu with a little bit of

spinach, garlic, and green onions, and rice... - Sesame oil. - Sesame oil.

Yes. Alright. So I'll show you how you make a sushi roll. First you put it

like this, and then you flip it over. And everything should be in there. And well...

When it's like this you press it, so that it's really round, and then you put some

water on this side, so it will stick to each other.

The leafs are pretty. - Yes, and then you just roll it as much as you can like this.

Like roll it this round. Alright. - Looks good! - And then later we can cut it.

Alright. - Good job. - Thank you. - Hey Shoralie.

Hey. - What cat is this? - Minion. - Is it Minion? OK. Minion. Hello! Hello! How sweet.

First you cut it into the middle, and... I have to do it again.

Does it have to be that wet? - Yeah... And don't press too much because then you will

ruin it. - Yeah. - So yeah. And then you make it wet again. You can leave the... How do you call this? - The tap. - The tap. You can

leave it on. - OK. - So after the middle, you cut the... - So how thick do you

want it? - That's right because this is quite... Maybe like three here - six. - Yeah,

Okay. - Six pieces. - Okay. Okay. - A little bit again. So you have to feel it that it feels like it's smooth. And it just presses around... You don't push. Push. Push.

So let the knife do the work? - Yes indeed. And then you go around. - Okay. - Yes, but you have to... Oh my God. Look at this. - What?

Kind of ruined, because I pressed it too much. - Oh no!

Yeah, this is not a very sharp knife as you probably already noticed. Yes. Alright. And you do it like that

and I do this first, so you can actually, like, shape them a little bit. - Okay. - I think it looks alright.

- Sounds good. - Yeah. -I should be able to do that. - Yes. - Okay, cool. Thank you. - Yes.

You can do that afterwards, and you can... Oh... can do all off them, and you can put them on here, and

afterwards... Yeah sounds. - OK. Sounds good. Thank you very much. OK... I wash my hands, and then I got this.

So this is the mayor of Hoorn. How are you doing? - Very good. Thank you.

Good. Yeah, I really like your suit actually. It looks really good on you - Oh, thank you. Very nice. - And you even have the Hoorn pin. Like really good. - The Hoorn pin, yes.

So how did you like dinner that Sharon prepared? - It was very good. Yeah, sushi. - Yes. - It was sushi. It was very nice. - Vegetarian sushi.

Very good. - Yeah, she's a great cook. - Great cook - great cook. - If you want to know how she prepared it, I

filmed a little bit, so maybe I can give you my YouTube channel, and then you can watch

this again. - Okay. Very good. Thank you. Good bye. Good Bye.

And now it's time for dessert. Hmm..

Hey! Thank you very, very much for dinner tonight.

Oh you're welcome. - I really appreciate it. It was really good . - Yeah, it was, right?

Good evening. Good

evening. How are you lovely people doing? So dinner was a great success. We had

dessert, and we hung out with the mayor of Hoorn. He's a really cool guy. He really

is. Um. Right now, I'm walking a lot these stairs. Uh, to be exact,

all the way to the top floor, bacause I'm gonna go say hi to my mom, and hang out

with her for a little while. On my way home I was like: "You know what? Why not just stop at

her apartment and chat with her for a little bit. Catch up." I've no idea if she's

actually up or not, but I guess I'm about to find out

Jeez, this is a workout.

For more infomation >> Eating Sushi with the Mayor of Hoorn | Greetings from the Netherlands - Duration: 8:10.


Channel Update 01 and Behind the Scenes - Duration: 8:37.

Hi this is My Keys to Music and I'm Marc Larochelle. This is your monthly update

for my youtube channel. Month one November 2017. Quick truth. This

video is actually being recorded in December but I'm catching up so that I'd

like to do these monthly behind the scenes videos. Without further ado, let's

go right into it. First stats and facts. This is where I'm going to show you

behind the scenes of my actual YouTube channel stats on the analytics page. Here

I've set the analytics to show you that I started the channel on the 23rd and

I've got it ranged between the 23rd in the 23rd both October or November so

I've got basically one month. You can see here I've got nine thousand one hundred

ninety minutes of watch time. That's about six days nine hours two minutes

and 38 seconds is the average view or the average duration per view. I've got

three thousand four hundred eighty-four views, 52 likes, 4 dislikes, 12

comments, 8 shares, 16 videos and playlists, and 27 subscribers

which was a big surprise. In fact, the whole channels has been a big surprise

because I thought it was a pretty niche market. Yeah music itself is not niche

but when you talk about Nord in specific music and training and things like that -

the things that I'm doing and music appreciation, you never know how popular

these are gonna be. So, I it's a pretty good start actually I'm feeling pretty

good. Here are the videos I've done and you can see from high to low the most

popular to the least popular. If you see an identified video, it means that I put

a video up and decided to take it down and delete it for whatever reason. Maybe

it had a mistake in it or something some other reason that I took it down. Okay, so

that's the stats and the facts. Let's talk about the work I did in those first

30 days. Well, I set up the studio and that means setting up the lighting and

the recording equipment, Getting all my ducks in a row.

Getting the keyboard situated so I knew what angles we were going to shoot at -

things like that. So the studio was set up. Released 11 videos in those 30 days

which was pretty good. It took a 111 hours of actual effort to put

those videos out and that's a combination of learning, recording,

editing, creating SEO optimization, learning all about

the YouTube channel, and so forth. In that time I also created a website. And that's Right now the website is just a

placeholder for some future ideas that I have. Stay tuned for that. I also created

a Twitter account: My Keys To Music but to be truthful, I haven't really worked

on it that hard to get more followers but I will be. And of course, I did all

this learning through YouTube itself as well as Udemy. Took a couple of courses

on Udemy on different things. Okay, what did I

learn specifically. Okay, so within that time frame I wanted to break down all

the different things that I learned because there was a point where I felt

like throwing in the towel. After week one I felt like throwing in the towel

and again I felt like it after week two. And my friends and family encouraged me

to just stay the course and you know don't throw in the towel on a bad day. So,

I had to reflect on that and the biggest reason I'm still here today is because I

realized wow, I'm learning so much and I just love to learn and I love to help

people and I am making an impact be it a small one but it's it's an

impact nonetheless. So, this is what I learned. All about the YouTube channel

art, tagging videos, YouTube maintaining a channel - everything that goes into

creating being a YouTube creator in channel. Connected Google Analytics to

YouTube. So, Google has an analytics engine but you can actually make a

direct connection into YouTube for that. That was kind of an oddball thing that I

learned how to do. But a lot of people don't end up doing that but I thought it

was interesting. I learned what it's like to be a content creator. Speaking on

camera, that's been really tough and it's hard to get used to still getting used

to it now. But it has gotten easier since I started. So all the things that go into

that. Started a Twitter account - learned how how to do that purchased a Twitter

training video, I kind of mentioned that earlier. Created a website using Wix.

Nowadays, you can almost never hide from the Wix advertising on YouTube, so you

know what that's like. So they got me and actually it is a really awesome engine

and it worked well. I created a Thinkific site which is a site that allows me to

do future training videos. So I also tried out Fiverr which is a site

that you can buy different services related to YouTube creation or any kind

of creation. And so they did a logo for me. I didn't end up keeping the logo but

I did try out the service to learn more about that. I mastered the green

screen on the chair here - the thing that allows is my head to float around and

you can see behind me. I learned how to use the iPod. Excuse me, the

iPhone with a tripod. And that's really necessary for these type of videos

because you need the camera to be right over the keyboard for some of those

close-up shots and it's the only way - you can't really do that with a traditional

tripod. You actually have to do it with a microphone stand. Which I'm a musician so

I have a bunch of microphone stands hanging around in the garage. Just take a

boom mic, put your camera on that and now you've got a nice, you know, way to have a

nice close-up shot where you can have a camera hanging over the keyboard like

that. I learned all about the lighting and how to get you know, better lighting

for training videos. Learned a lot about the Nord keyboards. You know when you

spend over a hundred hours you know really going deep on making training

videos or tutorials or reviews, you learn a lot about those keyboards - So a lot

more than I did and I'm still learning now. Posted my first Amazon review video.

I was happen to be on Amazon buying something and I saw there was an

opportunity to do a review in a video review. I already had my camera set up so

I said, go ahead let's let's put a Amazon review video up there. It had nothing to

do with music - it was some other thing - it was just fun. 27 subscribers! Big

surprise there. Just didn't expect to have really any subscribers. You never

know what to expect with this. I mean if you've never done it before, you really

don't know what to expect. Some of the most common questions on the Internet is:

"Am i doing well or not." I mean you hear these people say you know, "If I've

got X amount of subscribers in X amount of time, am I doing well." So that's always a

the big mystery. I learned the secret of the song Baba O'Riley from the Who. I

knew nothing about that song before really going deep on that, so I can take

that to the grave with me, all the stuff that I learned about the first minute of

that song and how it's created and everything about it. So, check out that

video if you haven't. Learned more about ScreenFlow. That's the editing software

that I use. I'm definitely more comfortable in front

of the camera. Although, I still have a ways to go on that. I found out what it's

like helping people and training. That's been real rewarding to get the comments

and things from people - to know that I'm making an impact is is exciting for me. I

think I'm more full of life than I was before I did my youtube channel. It's

given me something fun to look forward to, it's giving me a creative outlet, it's...

I always think well what would make a good video or thinking of strategies and

things. So between what I've learned and what I'd be able to provide, it really

has added to my life. It's been a nice exciting thing to do. And I learned to

stay the course. As I had mentioned, I decided I was almost going to throw in

the towel there are week one and week two. But you know persisting through it

- pushing through it, I just I think I've come out on the other side now where I'm

going to stick with it for a while at least if not indefinitely because

because of all the benefits. So those are the things I learned in the first 30

days of having this YouTube channel. And lastly I guess. I want to say thanks to

all the subscribers. At the point that I had that, it was 27. I have more now of

course but those first few subscribers are always the ones you you want to

salute with the strongest of salutes because they're the ones that are really

taking a bet on whether you're gonna create content or not or whether it's

gonna be worth a darn. So thanks to them. And for the non

subscribers, all the views that I got, anyone who's bothered watching any of

the videos or giving me a thumbs up, thank you for that! And the comments. The

ratio of comments relative to views is pretty strong. I mean people are really

not afraid to comment on my videos and I think that's great. You might have

noticed that I do answer every comment thus far that has ever come in - or at

least given a thumbs up for it so thank you for that! And that's it. That

concludes month one update for the YouTube channel. That is November 2017


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