Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister
welcome to the one bitcoin show today is January the 1st 2018 strong hand long
term thinking all right thank you to the person who sent me some aetherium
classic very nice of you great way to start off 2018 with a tip check out the
notes section below that's where all my cryptocurrency addresses are listed you
can get t-shirts cryptography tea trays or ledger nano crypto h2 you all calm
news is coming in here fast and furious I haven't changed a title a little bit
at least one steam it I did you can check me out at steam it my link is
below checking out a Twitter at Tech vault-tec HB alt at steam it i'm bitcoin
meister alright so real quick here we are here on this channel we are very
much ahead of the curve that's that's the lesson you guys should get so many
people they don't know what a crypt of dividend is they don't know if you're if
you hold bitcoin you can get a fork and they don't know the first thing so they
have no idea about this z classic thing i've been talking about in to be private
they have no idea about be rhodium you guys are getting this news first you can
plan ahead and some people will never even find out about these things some
people are going to totally miss out on the be rhodium thing that deadline is
January 10th we'll get into that in a second and I know it can be confusing I
understand that and I'm going to give you links below in the notes section or
you can contact people that can help yeah the be rhodium people can help you
they're very responsive and they pride themselves on customer service I guess
of reaching out communication alright but Andy Hoffman has a tweet out that's
he's got a tweet storm out and it says at least do your due diligence trust me
nineteen fifty five percent of the world has not done it yet
but shortly will have have a happy new year from crypto gold central.com and
best wishes okay I iced I read that because of his a point that people doing
their due-diligence most people out there have no clue about
this stuff just like I said so you guys are ahead when you listen to Andy when
you listen to me and some other people out there so just take your time make
sure you're doing the right thing when it comes to these crypt of dividends and
and and buying your Bitcoin too because again most people in the world are
buying Bitcoin right now you are you're Ernie you're getting it for free won't
steam it you're getting it for free by turning your cryptid ands into Bitcoin
and you're getting it for free by pounding that like button down that like
button no you don't get cryptocurrency for free by pounding a like button will
you do on steam it though you do it if you upload my videos you do get a little
teeny bit of steam sometimes look into that stuff alright join steam steam it
is good do never buy steam though and we're going to talk about that in a
second so this be rhodium crypto dividend a Bitcoin which is an airdrop
you have to register your Bitcoin address is your public Bitcoin addresses
and sign of the trance sign them on your tresor or your leisure or whatever
you've got and that's not easy I know a first one you can't do it if you have it
on the exchange you could do it at blockchain got info actually but it's
different in every place you know how you sign these things and many people
haven't signed before and verified and all that good stuff so I implore you I
encourage you to check out the links below to the B rhodium twitter account
to their community section on their webpage and contact them if you have
questions they are responsive it was again I have not of all the crypt of
dividends I have talked about but which isn't I mean I've talked about quite a
few most of them have not happened only the B gold in the B cash one it seems
like this one is the one that I get the most questions about and it's partially
because I think people are frustrated with all the other ones that you have to
wait for the treasurer to split them or your ledger but with this you don't you
don't have to worry about splitting but you do have to worry about signing and
typing in your your public address into their website registering at their
website so as far as I can tell I because I did this already before I left
I'm in San Diego now as a few you know but before I left Baltimore I registered
by my Bitcoin dresses that have balances so I can get 10 B rhodium for every
Bitcoin that I have and yeah as far as I know there's this is not risky at all
you know there might be an issue of they'll know your Bitcoin address will
be associated with a B rhodium address now I mean if you care about that kind
of thing there's a privacy issue but in terms of losing your Bitcoin no there's
there's no risk in this by signing and so again I have done it already it's
very similar to what I did with bit core this is very similar to the big core the
first part of their airdrop they had a few months ago but again I know a lot of
people are new to this and you wouldn't understand you want to get freak with
the dividends and turn them in the Bitcoin that is awesome and yeah I hope
hopefully it gets hyped up and
as Anthony hoppin state says they're going for the exclusivity play because
there's only going to be two point 1 million B rhodium ever produced let me
tell you something if this ends up being point 1 percent of a Bitcoin I think I
think that's all that's a lot to ask to tell you the truth what's a Bitcoin at
is let's say a Bitcoin is 13,000 now so 1% is 130 13 dollars would be 0.1% of a
Bitcoin that would be amazing that would be a mate because a big core
is over $13 right now now I don't remember what be rhodium is exactly
supposed to do here again the guys are great the guys are nice they can explain
you know they're what they're proposing why they think their coin is so awesome
I mean again Andy likes it because it's exclude there's only two point 1 million
because my exclusivity playing I forgot the words he says now whatever all right
so that's enough B rhodium talk contact them their links are below and yeah I I
wish them the best because I'm gonna get a lot of freebie rhodium I mean 10 B
rhodium for every Bitcoin oh yeah please be valued at 13 dollars that would be
totally awesome if it's valued at $1 30 I'd be happy it's bad it's free free is
free is what we say here don't complain about free free is free okay what else
do I have right here okay Happy New Year yes Happy New Year oh
yeah for you those of you in the channel can ask your questions if you do the
super chat if you ask us to because otherwise I can't see it I see Russell's
in there though I see his picture I think that's Russell that's in there hey
man what's up good job on this weekend Bitcoin again this week at Bitcoin is
linked to below there's a wild time it was and we've got another one coming up
on Friday I'm I don't know any of the guests yet because I am just way behind
on a mailing everyone back so yeah be patient everyone I want to get back to
everyone eventually I'm getting your emails and your tweets and all that good
stuff okay bebe rhodium we talked about that
okay as someone brought this up let's say you have a thousand Bitcoin when
Bitcoin goes down by a thousand dollars in a day which it is done lately that
person loses on paper a million dollars worth of value now of course this person
if they have a thousand Bitcoin they already value their wealth in Bitcoin I
can almost guarantee you but now I do I do not have a deficit but I hope to one
day that would be great that would be great to have a thousand
Bitcoin I hope to really seriously but so if a person if it goes down by by a
thousand dollars in it in a day you have a thousand of them that's a million
dollars in valuable paper whoo but they have the strongest hand these people do
you think they sell any of their Bitcoin when that happens
heck no they don't that's how they became rich in the first place
the rich get richer because they have the strongest of hands they don't panic
they're like so what I wants a million dollars a little paper today I don't
value my wealth in dollars anyway I valued in Bitcoin I still have the same
amount of Bitcoin let it go down another thousand dollars my hand is strong I'm
thinking twenty twenty-two think about those people because a lot of you a lot
of people out there 80 percenters in particular they like to blame the rich
think the bridge got lucky day who's got that's not luck when you have a strong
hand and you don't panic when it goes down by a thousand and you keep your big
point and in fact the not only do they keep their big point they get you know
they're waiting around they're playing around they're gonna get 10,000 free of
beer eat rhodium after January the 10th so I mean they're just getting richer by
having strong hands so that there is a lesson in strong handedness the rich get
richer they have the strongest of hands because they have the strongest of hands
and just hey man you work on the strength of your hand you're gonna get
richer and you're gonna know how to pound that like button even harder it's
so steamed that the price of steam just doubled like today I don't know why it
probably I hope it's because they're Smart Media tokens are coming out soon
that Ned is promoting and so I linked to their smart media token link below for
me I don't care why it's pumping what I
care is that my power down because I power down
I'm getting my 34 steam in a couple in a few days and I hope it's still worth $6
then so I'll turn it into Bitcoin into Oh $200 worth of Bitcoin real quick or
something like that will someone just do super set because again steaming is cool
I'd like the steam it's site I could care less about steam back dollars and
Steam never pay for them earn them earn them and turn them into Bitcoin still to
this very day you can go on the esteemeth site and people are like no
man use your steam back dollars to buy steam and probably now they're like oh
and to do that now would be absolutely ridiculous
again just it's about acquiring more Bitcoin the strong hand Bitcoin thousand
airs whatever you want to call them they're not buying steam and steam back
dollars I will tell you that and Patrick Ulrich who has a very nice last name by
the way I've got a friend with that last name if he's watching Congrats on your
steam it post from this episode currently sitting at 267 dollars or 1.9
percent of a big point thanks well yes Thank You Patrick for notifying everyone
that in mind yeah that again you can watch this video right now live on steam
it and it has been uploaded by a great guy over there
I mean he's like my steamin patron the Joe hint files is that his name anyway
you can look if you go to the post he voted then a bunch of other people
all voted so keep on uploading in people you'll earn too and comment on it it's
very popular right now I've got a really popular post because
of this video on Steam it right now that's the cool thing about steam it
hey I can't guarantee you're gonna get two hundred sixty-seven dollars from one
post but how many and they're like I have like nineteen hundred almost
nineteen hundred followers on there now so I'm it's growing you you can but you
guys too can do this also you've all of you have great content maybe you have
yoga content I don't know I mean yeah I know someone who's got Yoga content he
hidden his wife should post their Yoga content on there right now especially if
you're hey if you're a woman you should be posting on steam it these are so few
women on there and just because you're a women all the woman the white nights and
stuff will will upload you to try to get your attention and stuff hey man that's
just luck so take advantage of the situation someone just gave me two bucks
being Kings Loco daeun Happy New Year bro yeah bro happy 2018 yeah I walked
around the Gaslamp District last night here in San Diego yeah I'm not the
biggest New Year's Eve fan in the world I don't drink anymore so it was it was
cool there were drunks falling down people really could not it's Amateur
Night it is Amateur Night but they're little
to come lay back here with New Year's not too crazy you know Baltimore it's a
little crazier I guess it's because the cold and everything you know
California's laid-back their laid-back here so I love the weather you're
touring today I went on a run today fabulous as they say fabulous
alright so ok finally there is a lot of altcoin crypto noise going around I mean
it's like the majority of people in the space were not around in jalaja
literally a half a year ago I heard the same exact things that oh
why is the Bitcoin dominance falling oh this the altcoins you're about to take
over it's so important to get into these altcoins with their advanced technology
it is deja vu all over again or anything anyone watching the show been around for
more than six months or only twenty only twenty percent of you
I've been eighty percent of people now haven't been around from one six it
seems like that sometimes at least it is just ignore the trip there noise people
it is just like July again and it's it's it's ridiculous that the cycle is that
short that we just hear the same nonsense that we were hearing six months
ago and so it's a little different this time but it's the it to the base when
you go down to the base of it all it's just nonsense it's just noise and it's
just the same old same old from July and
Bitcoin is at $13,000 people okay and I'm sure I supposed to be worried about
your fifth tier altcoin I mean look use some logic here be a holder again go
back to my story that the a thousandaire the Bitcoin a thousandaire he doesn't
give a darn about about this he's strong handing it all the way to the bag pound
that like button and just like me I'm strong handing it all the way to that
2020 or 2024 Bank I'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the
disrupt meister long-term thinking remember to subscribe this channel like
this video share this video do check out the new section below and i'll talk to
you guys in the chat right now bye
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