Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

Hi this is Vijaya & welcome to Vijaya recipes.

Today we'll make

So let's make Onion chutney or Onion tomato chutney which is very easy to make

It is very tasty and it tastes really good with Idli, Dosa & Rice

To make Onion Chutney or Onion Tomato Chutney we have taken 3 Finely Sliced Onions

Small Onions (Optional)

10-12 Dry Red Chillies

2 Tomatoes Finely Chopped

Cooking Oil

Soaked Tamarind

Roasted Bengal Gram, Small piece Of Jaggery

10-12 Cashew Nuts

Salt as per taste

Coriander for garnishing

For tempering 1 tsp Mustard Seeds & 1 tsp Cumin Seeds

Curry Leaves, Pinch of Asafoetida

1 tsp Bengal Gram, 1 tsp Split Black Gram

5-6 Garlic Pods

Dry Red Chillies

So let's make Onion Chutney or Onion Tomato Chutney

We've turn on the flame and adding 1 tsp Cooking Oil

Cooking Oil is heat up, we'll fry dry red chillies

Red Chillies are fried,we'll take them out in a bowl

In the same pan we'll add 1 tsp Oil

Oil is heat up, adding Sliced Onion in it

Small Onions or Sambhar Onions (Optional)

Adding Salt

Onions are soft, adding Tomatoes in it

Roasted Bengal Gram

Cashew Nuts

Jaggery (Optional)

Soaked Tamarind

Mix it well

We'll cook it for 5 mins, till the time tomatoes turns soft

We'll cook it on medium flame

We've fried all the ingredients including Onions & tomatoes for 5 mins.

Turning the flame off

We'll grind the mixture

Putting Fried Red Chillies in the mixture jar

Firstly we'll grind the Red Chillies only

Now the Onions and Tomato mixture has cool down, we'll grind it

Adding tbsp Tamarind Water

We'll blend them

Our Onion Chutney is ready, we'll take it out in a bowl

For the tempering we'll add 1 tbsp Oil in this small pan

Oil is heat up adding Mustard Seeds in it

Cumin Seeds

Split Bengal Gram

Adding Split Black Gram

Crushed Garlic


Curry Leaves

Dry Red Chillies

Turning off the flame and pouring the temping in this chutney

Here we've Onion Chutney or Onion Tomato Chutney is ready

We can serve the Chutney with Idli or Dosa

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Thanks a lot for watching, see you in our next video.

For more infomation >> ONION CHUTNEY RECIPE || ONION CHUTNEY || ONION TOMATO CHUTNEY || Vijaya's Recipes - Duration: 8:57.


Ursuletul Dansator - Cantece pentru copii | - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Ursuletul Dansator - Cantece pentru copii | - Duration: 2:22.


10 Celebrities Who Are Actually Muslim - Duration: 6:14.

We have produced several videos on Islam

But have never talked a lot about the celebrities that identify as Muslim in some way or follow Islam. Fully now

I'm gonna do that in this episode. Hey guys. How's it going?

I'm Leroy and this is FTD facts and let's start off with a question, okay

And that is what celebrities are your role models?

Let me know down there

So I got 10 celebrities that I got to share with you in this episode and the first one is Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson the sister of the late Michael Jackson was a huge pop icon in her own right she sold over

160 million records and won five Grammy Awards Janet Jackson like the rest of her family

Was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, but she converted to Islam in

2015 and this was just a few years after marrying the Muslim billionaire by the name up with some al mana number two is

T-pain so the recording artist t-pain whose real name is faheen Rashid nyam

He was actually raised Muslim now

He has expressed his beliefs in religion and has said that he does not like that religion separates people

And this is what he says and I quote I try not to put a label on my beliefs

I believe in God I believe in Jesus. I was raised Muslim

I believe in everything I believe in Buddha I believe in whatever it is

I like free will now up next I have

Zayn Malik the former One Direction singer zayn malik is one of the most famous muslim stars right now


Just thinking about that really so his religious identity has caused a lot of criticism and conflict

especially because of his smoking habit his tattoos and his celebrity lifestyle and

many conservative Muslims say that these are

inconsistent with the teachings of Islam

So he's been slammed a lot by the media of course celebrity is

Angelina Jolie well she has like three religions, so let me explain some Adina Jolie visits

Pakistan often is known for dabbling in several religions including Buddhism Christianity and Islam

And she has said this I have a Buddhist son, and I'd like a Christian and a Muslim child, too

But I don't know can you be three religions or like a little bit of a religion?

I don't know. Let me know what you think also down there

How much of a religion do you have to follow in order to identify?

With that religion Shaquille, O'Neal is celebrity number five in this episode now

He has been identified as Muslim in several biographies, but he is quoted as saying. I'm Muslim

I'm Jewish I'm Buddhist

I'm everybody cuz I'm a people person

Shaq he played for six different teams over his 19 year NBA career

He was a four time NBA champion and also an all-star several times

Shaq was raised by a Christian mom and a Muslim

Stepfather now this one was kind of obvious to me, but maybe not to some people we have Iman Iman

Muhammad Abdul Majeed is the Somali American?

model entrepreneur and

Actress professionally known as simply Iman and yeah

She's Muslim her stage name quite

literally means faith in Arabic

but his next one was a huge surprise at number 7 Dave Chappelle the comedian Dave Chappelle was raised by a


Universalist minister and was originally an

Atheist and in 1998 Chappelle converted to Islam and even tried to go on the ceremonial

pilgrimage called the Hajj

but that didn't really happen because he was held up in Turkey because he was denied a visa and

Hajj if you don't know is one of the five pillars of Islam, okay?

So three more celebrities to go next up number 8 dr.. Oz dr., Mehmet, Oz is of Turkish and American

Descent and he's also a Muslim

He's the acclaimed surgeon as well as an author and the host of the popular health and wellness

TV series called while the dr. Oz Show or simply dr.

Oz and this was launched by Oprah Winfrey's penny Harpo Productions and Sony Pictures

Mike Tyson is the ninth celebrity I want to share with you

He's a former heavyweight

boxing champion Mike Tyson held all three major championship belts at boxing offers his career has had its share of

Controversial moments which I won't get into all of that right now

But yes Mike Tyson is a proud Muslim and the final celebrity

I want to share number 10 is Lupe Fiasco the American rapper Lupe Fiasco

Initially disliked the musical genre of hip hop because of its tendencies to promote drugs

Vulgarity violence and all that however he appears to avoid all of that

Temptation to produce a unique style of rap which is in line with his Muslim

faith so on one hand he gets to keep his religious beliefs and practices while not feeling like he's

Compromising it with his musical craft now before I go this episode is brought to you by time bucks com

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You are welcome and last thing before I get on out of here

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Topics you want us to make a video about next

Hey guys, and if you liked this video and want to keep watching more up to facts

Here's a playlist of videos that I highly recommend on similar topics like this that discuss the different places

People and cultures all around the world. Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you real soon

For more infomation >> 10 Celebrities Who Are Actually Muslim - Duration: 6:14.


20 AMAZING EGGS LIFE HACKS AND EGG Tricks - Duration: 5:47.


For more infomation >> 20 AMAZING EGGS LIFE HACKS AND EGG Tricks - Duration: 5:47.


প্রতিবন্ধী বিপ্লবের মুরগির খামার করে সফলতার গলপ - Duration: 6:00.


For more infomation >> প্রতিবন্ধী বিপ্লবের মুরগির খামার করে সফলতার গলপ - Duration: 6:00.


Succeed Against The Odds - After Show With Francesca Anastasi, Sue Ferreira and Jenny Mourad - Duration: 23:40.

There's only a few times in history where you get these dramatic changes and

we are in the middle of such a dramatic change. The younger generations, as well,

as it's not equal, by any means, but there's more opportunity for women to -

it's not it's not so much that you have to go to school, get married and have kids,

that's your whole completely different - use mind set!

So we're here after their recording with so we were talking about conquering the

fear of pressing The Red Button and doing video, whether it's live or record

and then putting it up there and Jenny, who was in the background - Jenny helps

me with social media - and an interesting conversation started coming out, so I

said, "We need to record this", because Jenny was getting her point of view on

the facts and doing the interview what we're talking about - the this the older

generation kinda tends to be more, about have a fear of, you know, the

demands - "Just never grew up with the web" but now we have a perspective from a younger

person, a millennial, are you - you're not even a - you're a millennial, okay, so

you know, what's the next one is the what's the next one, Generation Z? Yeah,

I can't keep up with it. Yeah I can't keep up with it. As well, there are different types of

Millennials, as well, because you're saying like the 30 year olds are also

Millennial, but they don't associate with like being 30 and being 21. Yeah - we're

all Millennial or two but we're all Millennials but 30 year-olds don't like

it's different. We all grew up differently so I think there should be a

shift there but - "and I think the difference is because of the thing I

talk about a lot, which is this rapid change, because it makes a huge

difference. Like I said, my 33 year old, my youngest, it's pretty web savvy but she's

not like you would be. Yeah. It's fascinating to see this this gradation, I

think you're right. It's so interesting cuz I don't think technically that I'm

web savvy, but I guess when I speak with like the older generation, things that

seem so natural to me are things that not everyone, but even when you and I

speak about some things, like, you'll say like, if I can, if you can do it, anyone

can do it, but I think, you're like good at social media and get all this stuff

but there's still that resistance I feel from you. Yeah, yeah but for me, it's like

oh this you know that's what you come up with it's it's natural generation

because that's all they know. So yeah, so is it easy for you then to

just push The Red Button. I think I'm not sure because I

think I can't generalize, but for me personally I've always kind of been I'm

the youngest so I've always been a bit of a performer, a bit of a attention

seeker, with my family, so it might just be my personality. Not to say that I'm

like super comfortable in front of a camera but it's not, it's not as daunting to

me, I guess, and it might once again I might just me

being but yeah I I think pushing the red button is fun. I don't know, I think you

guys were talking about how daunting it is but I didn't relate to that, so I

don't know if that's a "Me Thing" or if it that's a Millennial Thing. I think also

it's because we've become used used to FaceTime, which is pushing The Red Button.

It's all the same right, I mean I've got one kid who lives in northern

New York State, another one lives in the Netherlands and one lives in Alberta, so

when I talk to them it's not this - like when I first came to Canada and we'd

have a three minute call with my parents, and we were worried it was costing too

much, and how's the weather and the phone went down right that was basically. No I

mean I get on Zoom or FaceTime or Facebook Messenger

video, we talk for hours and that I think makes it a lot easier. If you grow up

with that - right - you can use video very easily. We were saying how important videos is

already, you know, how it's gonna become dominant, over maybe like, maybe more

traditional ways, not really traditional - blogging or something like writing

that might have to switch to. Yeah if blogging is already - it's huge and like you

said, it's personally, I would go to YouTube on how to do something. I would

never read, because what I feel like that's a waste of my time. Like I can

watch someone do it in 10 seconds, get the gist and do it. Why would I search

and then read through and - you know - a long article. I and I do the same. I mean

I always go to YouTube first. Yeah, I'll do that Yeah and my brother

but my brother, he's pretty much been model this this whole big big house and

and he's still in the remodeling phase, but I remember asking him "How did you learn to do all

this stuff?" It's like YouTube, yes you do yeah, I didn't know you knew how to tile like this! It's

amazing, cuz they're also tapping like YouTube is going, maybe not YouTube, but

video, educational videos, are gonna be huge, because now you like you said,

YouTube is free, the Internet is you know low-cost I would say and a lot of people

have access to it and on YouTube you have

YouTube videos, teaching you how to do anything and also when I was in school

like, if I didn't understand a math lesson, I would go home and I would

search on YouTube, the math lesson, so I'm teaching replacing a tutor, exactly chin

and so that that's gonna be interesting to see what happens with actual

education system, when you have so many new peoplem who don't necessarily have

the access or money to go to a traditional school, but they can now

learn online. Well my my kid who lives in the Netherlands, she and her husband,

they both teach in international schools and they are very aware of this

transition. In fact she's taught in Guyana and

Third World's, where already everything switches. You come to school to do great

to do projects, where you learn to work together, but all your learning is done

on web. It's a, it's a flip, by 180 degrees. In fact, they're coming back to

Canada, in a few months and they are looking, in fact, at transitioning to

teaching totally online now, and building online presence. Change - yes it's so

Yeah and I'm actually surprised it hasn't changed as rapidly, as I thought

it would. Yeah, I think it needs an organized government presence and nobody

or UN presence or decisions like that and nobody's got together to do it but

you are absolutely right, it's it's all changing.

people yep didn't have that opportunity for - not everyone can go to school - not everyone could have a

higher education, but if you have online maybe you're not, I don't know how they

could get certified, but just think you can all this yeah. Well MIT has put all

of its courses online, so they're all online for anyone available in the world

and so is I think Berkeley might have done too -- yeah there is the Khan Academy - really there's is no excuse.

There's - we have the devices, we have yep we just have to get over ourselves - Going

back to the plans, I feel for women it's not an excuse but I can understand

woman's hesitation. Yes so you're being judged. It's the fear of

being, not being liked, the fear of coming across not smart enough. It's the fear of

well, what are you thinking? who do you think you are? This has actually

happened to me - "who do you think you are going out there, doing this and that?" so

there is that fear. The point is, so I'm glad that the younger generation doesn't

have to deal with that, when - We do, we you know, I do the same, except maybe not

because we were not like in my generation, Sue's generation, we did not

grow up with the devices. Here's where you guys have the advantage. Even though you

said you grew up with a "dial up" I made it when I was a kid - I yeah - I remember

dial-up but I also it's been so many years that I had regular internet in the

house and you know, I remember getting a smartphone, for the first time, as well

like I went I think my generation was the last generation that really went

through every stage, from the cassette tape - yes I had me player and then you

know you went to an mp3 player and then I remember with iPods came out. I have

cassettes, my daughter Becca says. I know because that's where a bit above my time,

before my time - but I like there are some John Jay that I saw videos online that

they look at a CD player or cassette, "I don't know what this is? What is this?

Like, it's like an iPod - like what? and it's so funny, but it's like this is real

life, this is what's happening and you know it's rumoured - there's some guys

saying 2020 these will be gone and we will literally will be having something

equivalent to Google glasses or something and we'll be just in the air. It's

already here It just telling around Main Street yeah

be Holograms. It'll be teleportations. I mean they - Tony Robbins was teleported

to Melbourne, from Florida, two years ago and gave a six-hour boot camp onstage in

Melbourne from a Florida and he was there, well he looked like it wasn't true

teleportation a la - you know "Beam me up, Scotty" but it's, it's

enough. A friend of mine was in the audience and said it was incredible,

you wouldn't have known he wasn't there, so yeah yeah, so all this is coming.

Online too you know people say iPhones

so for the next. I think you're right is exciting. Yeah Yeah, to be honest, ten

years ago, you wouldn't have predicted what would come. Yeah, Yeah, I mean if you

look at it - what was it? 2006 was YouTube 2007 was Facebook and or maybe, no 2005

YouTube, 2006 Facebook, and in 2007 only 10 years ago, did the iPhones appear and

everything has changed. Those three were Like a perfect storm, everything

changed and you know and that's I know, for a lot of women, they haven't

realized yet, because it happened so fast. lt's like getting out of your

comfort zone and I think with every new development, someone figures out a way to

make money off of it. Yep. YouTube didn't start out YouTube is very different when

it started. I think it's enough of some sort of dating website thing and then it

wasn't every people have careers off you do - Yes!

YouTube it's everything. Well my son- in-law, he makes all his

money - well he's an artist, so he sells directly or on YouTube.

Right, I was just telling man just got my cousin is

and YouTuber and yeah, she's doing very well and it's a career for her.

It's amazing - really well. I was just back in England, just a month or so

ago, because of my daughter's wedding and it's hilarious. I've got a great-niece

who is four, gorgeous - you know curly blond hair. She's so cute and "What

do you want to be when you when you grow up, Bella?"

"I'm gonna be a YouTuber!" I mean at four! Her mum and her gran,

who was staying with me here last weekend, is not hugely computer

savvy and she'll ask Bella questions and Bella will say Gran "YouTube it" quickly and

she's four, so this is another step again. Yeah, it's fascinating to watch. Yeah,

because it's gonna happen regardless. Yeah, Yep gonna have to go with it. You

know what was my quote recently - I heard the quote, "you can't can't run a business

traditionally", it's like I can, you remember my uncle, like, running your

business "old school" is like riding a mule on the highway, actually want to be

run over - Yeah I mean, Yeah, well something along those lines, because that's like, oh -

you can see with my parents, like, to get them to - they eventually - it took forever

for them to decide to have a computer, so that they could skype with us

children. Neither my brother nor I live, you know, close by, so it took forever and

then it's still a struggle for them to even do email - like, they don't know - they just

know how to click, click, like. Then whenever there's an update, they freaked

out, because everything freezes in the house - get somebody to come in. That

learning curve seems so huge, the more you push it - yeah - I mean I was at a party

for a friend's birthday just a few weeks ago - same issue - the husband, who's been a

friend of mine for about 40 years, he said "I'm so worried when I die - his wife

happens to be a "Sue" as well - I don't know what Sue's going to do, because she refuses

to have anything to do with a computer. He's got all of his finances - everything

is organized and he says "she won't", but she will be in

trouble, if he goes first, but you know. I hope he doesn't, but I mean, that's the

reality for a lot of folks and that worries me hugely too, because the longer

you don't do it, the bigger the difference, because it's just going up

exponentially. It becomes increasingly difficult to catch up and that so that's

why I say "get on it now'. Yeah, you can create a YouTube channel, that makes your

human somebody that I don't how many experience but you can do something, you

know something, everybody needs something. Yes in one way, that someone else doesn't

know even though it's the same information, I think, is on YouTube.

That's what people are looking for - not only to learn something but - laughs - enjoy.

Like, I follow people on YouTube, who don't - they're simply people but

I've through watching them created this reality. No,

but like they've vlogs, like their daily vlogs. I I realize if I

think about it, that I'm watching them go to the grocery store and I understand

that that's kind of weird and why am I watching another person in the grocery

store, that's that's the way things are now, like this is I don't really watch

television, I watch YouTube - this is mine, this is what I do, is I I follow

these certain people, that I've become part of they're following and

it's so interesting to see just how different things have become. Once again,

like, when I was 7 to now and it's - You give hope to people that have no clue

what to do is it just basically, you're saying just record what you're doing in

your daily life and there you go. You can have your own channel, push that red

button that says fundamentally young. It doesn't matter - it's got to

the point, where it's not even just about living your dreams, and you do owe

it to yourself to live your dreams, but it's more than that. like it's

more the day to day, it's more - you just do finances - like things that are all

gonna be online and they are already and they're gonna continue and so to be

afraid of it as one thing, but to allow it to continue, you know, being a block

for yourself you're not doing yourself any favours. I wasn't that wise at 22 but

you're absolutely right and and it's interesting you should say - I mean I

haven't had a TV probably in ten years, for the same reason. Everything I watch

is YouTube and you know tailored to myself so now you can watch

channels yeah - and in fact Facebook has announced

this week it's getting into TV too, so it will having - we knew

everyone's trying to compete with Netflix now, because what news. Disney's

pulling their stuff from Netflix. They're gonna create their own streaming service

It's interesting - it is interesting that will get saturated, as well and it will

lead into a whole new - it's I mean that's why I do it, because it's such an

exciting time to be alive. There's only a few times in history - I'm a real history

buff - there's only a few times in history, where you get these dramatic changes and

we are in the middle of such a dramatic change. It is difficult for

so many people to to say "Yes, I'm on board, I'll go with it", there's

fear of the unknown, but you know I think I'll be honest we're not getting a

political discussion but it's what you're seeing politically. A lot folks

who feel they're getting left behind and feel threatened by it, but in the end

that train is trucking and it ain't going to stop, whether you are on it or not. Oh it's

fascinating. So good to get your perspective. Okay see I said I said you got wisdom in

your later years but that I see that too though. I see some unbelievable kids

today with wisdom beyond their years and I think it's because they can they can

access stuff. I think it's the access you know you choose what you want

to. There are still some people that choose to spend their time doing one

thing and there others that chooses to delve so deep into new information and

one of my pet peeves is when older generations don't take young

generations seriously, just because of their age but yeah it's like but I have

access to so much information, like, I'm not coming to you with, you know, just my

opinion. I'm coming to you with hours of research or whatever and I think that's

one problem is that everyone should be giving each other a chance. I think your

generation is not being given enough credits but the generation even that you

can argue is a testament to this new surge or this new surge of self

confidence on younger people's part. I guess maybe maybe it is

kind of vain to take a picture of yourself and post it, but that's all you

do all day, yes, there's everything needs balance, yeah exactly so yeah No, I really

actually think that the younger generation is not given enough credit

like you, I've met other younger men I chose age my dad is 67, it's just kind of

all we should say my age of public but I just see the wisdom. There's so

much more wisdom and then I didn't ever get right. I think it is because do you

have so much more access to information that we didn't have. I didn't have access

to information. You didn't have access - you have to go to school

to get it. Now in your past time what you do, you see you're following Facebook or

social media, there's an article or something else, so you're constantly

being fed information by you it's a recent life - exactly - I choose to be me by

default becomes - Well. I always think you know back, when my kids were young and

they'd ask a question around the dinner table, if we didn't know the answer, there

was nowhere to go. The

Encyclopedia Britannica man came round in 1984, when we just bought our first

computer and it was 16K and kept breaking, but he came to the door

to try to put the guilt trip on me that I needed to buy the Encyclopedia

Britannica or else I was a bad Mom. I remember saying to him - very nicely -

"I think in five years, you won't be in your job, because the

Encyclopedia Britannica is going to be online. He said "Ach, don't be daft -

not in a million years". Yeah, it'll be a historical piece, like then will be a

collectible - hugely expensive and out-of-date by the time you bought it! it

was just that this was Google -that was the idea. I think another important thing

to know is that with the younger generations as well, it's not equal

by any means, but there's more opportunity for women. It's not

so much that you have to go to school, get married, have kids and that's

a whole completely different mindset that is totally a mindset - and that opens

up so many doors for so many women and men, and it's just a different. It's much

different but I think that is because a lot more women like Sue have been coming

out, standing up you know yeah and kind of saying like, I wanted more for myself

so why don't I help people, who are going through it right now. Why should I

just sit here and sit unhappily. Why can't I be happy and in turn share

knowledge, which is what you're doing. It's awesome so I do - I want to be like both of you.

I was behind the camera now. just yes but if you've got your wisdom right now, just

think what you - you will be so wise, when you get yes is a already wise - already

wise. I mean - that's what's cool as well. With AI coming in - whether

it's good or bad - it's this continual change and this wonderful brain becomes

more - you know - I've spent 50 years playing with brains right because in Anesthesia

you're like - I say "three seconds you're gonna be

asleep - boom - and you are. It's kind of powerful - that is pretty powerful! I

know so I understand brains, but it

doesn't matter. The longer, the older I get the more in awe I am of what we can do

with our brains. There's so much potential yeah and we're just now discovering it

Just scratching the surface. It's fascinating. Now this has been awesome

Thank you! @hank you I just - kudos to you!

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