Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

(instrumental music)

The Letter "L"

L is for L-L-Lion L-L-Lion, L-L-Lion

L is for L-L-Leaf, L-L-Leaf

L is for L-L-Lizard L-L-Lizard, L-L-Lizard

L is for L-L-Ladybug, L-L-Ladybug

L is for L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop

L is for L-L-Lamb, L-L-Lamb

L is for L-L-Ladder L-L-Ladder, L-L-Ladder

L is for L-L-L L-L-L

Good job!

(instrumental music)

Now you know it

Let's repeat it and sing it again

L is for L-L-Lion L-L-Lion, L-L-Lion

L is for L-L-Leaf, L-L-Leaf

L is for L-L-Lizard L-L-Lizard, L-L-Lizard

L is for L-L-Ladybug, L-L-Ladybug

L is for L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop

L is for L-L-Lamb, L-L-Lamb

L is for L-L-Ladder L-L-Ladder, L-L-Ladder

L is for L-L-L L-L-L

Good job!

Now you practice and do it on your own

(instrumental reggae music continues)

For more infomation >> Phonics | The Letter L | Signing for Babies ASL | Letter Sounds I | Patty Shukla - Duration: 4:01.


- Dainashi - I look at the camera 【ダイナ四】こっちみんな!セレクション!【激しく叩いてみた!】 - Duration: 11:43.

Dainashi - I look at camera

For more infomation >> - Dainashi - I look at the camera 【ダイナ四】こっちみんな!セレクション!【激しく叩いてみた!】 - Duration: 11:43.


Personal Goals and Business Goals - Duration: 6:05.

I've talked quite a bit about business goals but what about your personal goals

your personal goals really should go hand in hand with your business goals so

when you're thinking about your business goals you need to also consider your

personal goals that's what I'm going to be talking about in this video making

sure that your business goals and your personal goals come together and don't

diverge and go in different directions

Hi, I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with I'm a

social media manager and consultant specializing in pet businesses and video

and I want to talk today about goals and not just your business goals but your

personal goals how you need to use your business goals and incorporate your

personal goals together with them. What exactly do I mean by that. Let's say for

instance you have a plan to move. You want to make sure that the goals in your

business leads you to that and not to a point where you have to stay tied to

your current city. That's just one example I'm sure there are tons more

that you all can come up with so let me know in the comments below. For those of

you all that haven't heard I'm just a tad bit obsessed with the tiny house

movement. Some people might say it's a fad but I look at it as a way to a

downsize and really a get organized so that you can do more things instead of

have more things. It's something that I really over this past year have

downsized substantially and I still want to downsize even more. What I learned

from my first downsizing was that I seem to be a lot more organized. Yes Riedi,

organized and because I'm more organized I get a lot more done this helps me with

my business and my personal goals.

So for my tiny house

I also really really really don't like cold weather. I know

I live in Atlanta and it's not freezing cold very much but I still really want

warm temperature year-round because I love going out in the warm weather with

my MuttButs all year round that's something that I enjoy and I want to do.

I want to be able to go out with them in warm weather year-round. So my next goal

would be looking at moving to Florida and I want to incorporate that for my

personal goals make sure that all my business goals match up with that moving

so in the goal of doing that within the next four years. Just to make sure

that this goal is something that I really want and not just something that

I've dreamed up and maybe think I kind of want. I have done several things to

make sure that these goals are on track. I have gone to in the last year two

different tiny house festivals had so much fun meeting great people also

learning how to organize things better they had lots of different seminars that

I learned a lot about organizing and that's not just something you use just

for tiny house living. I got to tour a lots and lots of tiny houses and had a

blast. I learned from that that I really do believe that tiny house living

is something I want to do. My next step is to just make sure I have been

researching online different places you can actually it go and vacation in a

tiny house. This year I am going to be working towards my goal of going to

Florida with my MuttButs they have to come because they have to experience it

as well and going to Florida and staying on vacation in a tiny house just to

see exactly what it's like and make sure it's exactly what I want. That's

something that I'm gonna do this year and it coincides with my business plan

and I also am going to make sure when I'm doing my

business goals for the year that I go ahead and schedule in my vacation time

so that I can get down there and experience the tiny house up close and

personal with my two MuttButs. Since I've decided that I want to move in the next

four years maybe I can cut that a little shorter

too maybe I can reach that goal even sooner I am definitely going to be

looking at my business goals over the next few years making sure they all line

up for that move. Let me know in the comments what your personal goals are

and how you have them lined up with your business goals to reach both of those

because if you've got your business goals and in the end they don't match up

with your personal goals it doesn't do well to have a really good and thriving

business but have your personal goals fall flat and not reach them. You need to

be happy and have a balance and reach of both your personal and your business

goals. I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with Thanks for

watching, I hope you enjoyed this video, please click the like button, share it

with your friends and subscribe. I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Personal Goals and Business Goals - Duration: 6:05.


Нужны деньги срочно 100 дней безпроцентного кредита - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Нужны деньги срочно 100 дней безпроцентного кредита - Duration: 0:21.


GALATASARAY | Spor Ajansı | 2 Ocak 2018 | Taner Karaman & Ersen Martin | Youtube - Duration: 21:00.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Spor Ajansı | 2 Ocak 2018 | Taner Karaman & Ersen Martin | Youtube - Duration: 21:00.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Keep Your Inspiration and Excitement High for Life - Duration: 5:50.

whenever we hear great personalities we get inspired

but that inspiration goes off very fast how to keep that inspiration permanently

now if you're just getting influenced by somebody's talk it's not good enough you

have to take some concrete steps so I'm not here to just inspire you I think

everything that I am saying is little depreciate you've of many things that

shit doing not very inspiring isn't it I am telling you if you are interested in

your life if you are interested are you is your life the most precious life in

your life it is they you have to pay a little more attention to this life is

not accessories when I when most people say life they are talking about their

work their career their wife their husband their children their home their

car now these are accessories of life in all these accessories you missed out

what is life what is life is what's happening here within this isn't it yes

or no paying attention to life life per se not the things around you what kind

of arrangements you make is your choice somebody wants you to live in a small

hut on the mountain somebody wants to live in a palace it's their choice I am

NOT I don't want to interfere with the arrangements of your life you make

whatever kind of arrangements seem sensible to you don't try to make

arrangements that somebody else is making make the kind of arrangements

which make sense to you it's fine but this life needs more attention how this

works what is the basis of this where did this

come from where does this go what is the nature of my existence

only if you grasp this you can conduct your life consciously otherwise only by

accident isn't it when you conduct your life by accident then once in a way when

somebody speaks you will go up and when they leave they will go down this is

exactly what I am talking this is exactly what I am saying

many times even bullshit gets you to the top but it doesn't let you stay there

alright whatever anybody speaks doesn't matter what they speak whatever anybody

speaks till it becomes a living reality for you it's just a lot of bull isn't it

so I am talking about not a philosophy not an ideology not even a teaching I am

talking about simple methods simple technologies that you can employ you try

and see if it works let's do it if it doesn't work throw it away we'll try

some other two simple methods to fix this the way you want it so don't get

inspired by me do not get inspired by me inspiration is what not

the intention of this what the intention of this is to tell you that as there is

a science and technology for external well-being there is a whole science and

technology for inner well-being it is just that anything beyond survival will

not enter your life unless you strive for it see for example you know when you

were 3 4 years of weight that damn a what a complicated mess it was and there

were two versions you had to right hundred times to get it yes or no today

you can close your eyes and write it see but those who did not strive for it even

today they cannot write isn't it so something as simple as that has taken a

lot of striving isn't it so similarly anything which is beyond your survival

what is survival will come to you naturally what is beyond survival some

striving is needed it's not happened because there is no striving striving

has not happened because there is not enough infrastructure both human and

otherwise see for example you know in in India also the attempt is happening a

big way I was just looking at this aspect in in eighteen hundred and

seventy 93 percent of the American population was illiterate

93 today 100% not literacy education everybody can read and write how does

this happen schoolrooms enough infrastructure has

been built enough teachers have been produced and that's why it's happening

there was a time in this land there is enough infrastructure for inner

well-being of the human being tell me where is it now we are building

cinema theaters we're building hospitals we're building schools have we built

anything for the inner well-being of the human being have you done anything about

this have there are the parents doing anything about it

teachers doing anything about it no only now small because well you know like

economic success is bringing pain to people now they're looking at it when I

say now they're looking at it do you do not do it doesn't matter in your life if

you do not do what you cannot do that's not an issue but if you do not do what

you can do you're a tragic life


For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Keep Your Inspiration and Excitement High for Life - Duration: 5:50.


Prairie Dog Cori, Moving To A New House! (ENG CC) - Duration: 6:58.

Hi guys

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

Today, I'm going to move Cori's house to a new one!

Actually, I ordered the house one month ago, and finally it arrived

Cori has continued to grow and is an adult now

So the cage he lived ago was getting too small

So, I bought him a bigger house

Shall we take a look together?

Ta da~ this is Cori's new house

As you can see, there's a window for giving snacks

It's not arranged yet, but I'll put Cori in first

(keeps searching since the environment is not familiar) Looking around

Finally, the first step!

-It's blocked?? (He's confused since it's his first time meeting a transparent wall LOL)


Touching this and that

Drinks water first

I think he's getting used to it, he's eating

Searching New House

Playing well with the toys that are hung

Fell in love with the toys

Violent Cori has arrived again

Finally, he get's on the treadmill!

Cory runs the treadmill for his first time in his life!

Oh~ did you speak? LOL

Run more~ play~

He might understand words LOL


He also has a hammock now!

What is he doing?

Why is he using the hammock in a different direction?

It's getting flat LOL

So funny LOL

A bad example on using a hammock.JPG

Cori likes the hammock

He's spacing out LOL

Now Cory realizes the use of the hammock

Or…he didn't

It's not for eating TT

I returned from outside and Cori's house was a mess

He's even sleeping like this LOL

His butt is poking out

Can i see the face from here?

LOL, you can see the face LOL

Now he get's the treadmill to here

Then puts his face there and sleeps

Sleeps like this also

And also like this LOL

I think it's comfortable

Oh, he's awake LOL

The treadmill has become Cori's bed


What are you doing? TT

Cori has done the remodeling himself

The treadmill was at the wall in the first place, but it's at the front now

He has expanded his room for sleep

So I

Am not going to arrange the stuff

I'm only going to clean it for him

The bedding is now pink guys~

And if you see, I made the round shelter as Cori has made ago

I don't know how long this will go

If you see here, there are toys

The treadmill was moved here by Cori, so I kept it there

It's not the end, folks

what happens if I cover it?


I hung the hammock that's torn by Cori

Shall we see the other corner?

There are other toys hung here

Cori's love house~

Finished remodeling~

Cori seems curious about the remodeled house LOL

Shall we go in Cori?

Do you want to go in the new house?

He's still not used to the new environment

Doesn't Cori look good with pink?

-For sure!


Even biting the treadmill LOL

It's not for eating

Cori? It's for spinning


And eats

He spins the treadmill, he seems home

And tears the hammock again

Now he's searching his bed

Cute brown butt TT

(Cori has finished getting used to his new home!) Guys, Cori is sleeping at the bed I made for hime

I think he likes it

well guys

You've seen Cori's new house and cute Cory, how was it like?

Did you enjoy it?

This is the end for this clip

If it was fun or useful

♥likes and subscribes please♥

See ya In the next clip


For more infomation >> Prairie Dog Cori, Moving To A New House! (ENG CC) - Duration: 6:58.


5 качеств девушки, к которой тянет мужчин. Какая женщина привлекает мужчин. - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> 5 качеств девушки, к которой тянет мужчин. Какая женщина привлекает мужчин. - Duration: 13:17.


15 Beautiful Hairstyles Compilation - Amazing Instagram Hair Hacks, Haircut and Color Transformation - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> 15 Beautiful Hairstyles Compilation - Amazing Instagram Hair Hacks, Haircut and Color Transformation - Duration: 10:03.


Skylike - Dawn [Free music, no copy right] - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Skylike - Dawn [Free music, no copy right] - Duration: 3:10.


RS _ как исправить Transform Gizmo отсутствует 3ds max - Duration: 1:20.

Hi, I'm Sami, from, Fawzi academy, In this, video, I will, talk about,

How to fix Transform Gizmo, does not, Display. A missing axis tripod icon or transform gizmo can manifest in two ways.

If you see the axis tripod icon but not the transform gizmo when an object is selected with one of the Transform tools,

Simply press the X key. You should see the transform gizmo again. If you don't see either the transform gizmo or the

axis tripod icon, The Show Transform Gizmo setting in the Views menu is probably turned off.

Select an object using the Select and Move tool. Open the Views menu. Click on Show Transform Gizmo.

You should see the axis tripod icon and the transform gizmo. If you only see the axis tripod icon, go to step 4.

Press the X key. Now you should see the transform gizmo

superimposed over the axis tripod icon. Hope, this information is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy.

Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> RS _ как исправить Transform Gizmo отсутствует 3ds max - Duration: 1:20.


シボレー・カマロ6.2ℓV8 2017年型に試乗 古典的マッスルカーの性格は健在 - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> シボレー・カマロ6.2ℓV8 2017年型に試乗 古典的マッスルカーの性格は健在 - Duration: 10:58.


Jeep Wrangler Rigid Industries Dual D-Series A-Pillar Mount Kit (2007-2018 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 3:20.

This Rigid Industries dual D-Series A-pillar light mount kit is for those of you that have

a 2007 and up JK, that are looking to mount a set of D-Series Rigid Industries lights

on the A-pillar, but not just one set.

You want to have two sets, two lights per side.

These are designed to work specifically with those D-Series lights, so if you have a different

brand light, you don't have those Rigid lights, there's a chance that this isn't going to

work for you.

So, this is specifically for those D-Series lights.

This is a bracket that's going to install very easily onto your Jeep, definitely a one-out-of-three

wrench install, less than half an hour to get these brackets installed.

Simply remove some factory bolts and replace them again, but we'll talk a little bit more

about that in just a second.

Now, Rigid is known for making a very high-quality part, and these are no different.

These are going be stainless steel, as opposed to the mild steel of some of the others.

The finish on it is very nice.

It has some good style to it, if that's what you're after in your light mount bracket,

however, these are also going to be a lot more expensive than a lot of the other options

out there.

There are going to be brackets that are a very similar design that are close to $80

less expensive than this, and some even more inexpensive.

So, these are definitely going to have a little bit of a higher price tag than some of the


If you have the Rigid lights, you're probably okay spending a little bit more for a premium

product, so you're probably going to be okay spending a little bit more on these brackets,

however, if you are looking for a less expensive option and you don't have those D-Series lights,

there are going to be some other choices for you.

These brackets are made of 3/16-inch thick stainless steel that is covered in a matte

powder coat finish, and again, these are designed to bolt directly onto your Jeep and to hold

two of those D-Series lights.

Now, one thing to note about these brackets is that they allow for vertical adjustments,

so for up-down adjustment, however, they don't allow for a horizontal adjustment.

Whether you're installing one light on the A-pillar or two, I really like the options

for a bracket that allow for both vertical and horizontal adjustment.

I like the ability to turn either the upper or the lower set of lights out and have them

be more of a gutter light, where the other light is forward facing, but if you're okay

with having everything facing the same direction, facing forward, and just having that vertical

adjustment, these are going to work just fine.

So, like I said, this is definitely a one-out-of-three wrench installation, probably only a half

an hour or so to get these bolted up.

All you have to do is remove the factory torque bolts from your windshield hinges, attach

the brackets with the new, longer bolts that are included, and there is a little bit of

a gasket that goes between the bracket itself and the painted surface of your Jeep.

That way, you don't have any sort of chafing or any type of paint damage if you were to

ever remove these.

That's all there is for the installation of these.

Of course, then you'll go ahead and bolt your lights up, and do all of your wiring.

A pair of these brackets is going to come in at right around $120, and like I said,

you can find some that are half the price or even less.

They may not be stainless steel.

They may just be mild steel, and they may not have quite the fit and finish that you're

used to from Rigid, but do know that if you purchase these from Rigid, you are going to

pay a little bit of a premium for the quality and for the name.

So, if you're looking for a bracket to attach two sets of D-Series Rigid lights onto the

A-pillar of your JK, I definitely recommend taking a look at these brackets, and you can

find them right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Rigid Industries Dual D-Series A-Pillar Mount Kit (2007-2018 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 3:20.


HaaS-Steuernachrichten 1/2018 - Das Wichtigste zusammengefasst - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> HaaS-Steuernachrichten 1/2018 - Das Wichtigste zusammengefasst - Duration: 3:14.


母親 アルバム 感動話!母親の手作りのアルバムを友達に見られ恥ずかしくてビリビリに破いてしまった!その結果.. - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 母親 アルバム 感動話!母親の手作りのアルバムを友達に見られ恥ずかしくてビリビリに破いてしまった!その結果.. - Duration: 6:30.


Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:02.

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

For more infomation >> Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:02.


7 ключевых шагов рабочей коучинговой сессии. Школа коучинга. - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> 7 ключевых шагов рабочей коучинговой сессии. Школа коучинга. - Duration: 7:17.


DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed! - Duration: 2:11.

DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed!

DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed!

Watch This Complete Video to Know More!!

Watch This Complete Video to Know More!!

Today Means: ON DEC 31st

Today Means: ON DEC 31st

This Show Aired Instead of DBS 122!!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 122 Will be Release on Jan 7th

Dragon Ball Super Episode 122 Will be Release on Jan 7th

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