Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

(instrumental music)

The Letter "L"

L is for L-L-Lion L-L-Lion, L-L-Lion

L is for L-L-Leaf, L-L-Leaf

L is for L-L-Lizard L-L-Lizard, L-L-Lizard

L is for L-L-Ladybug, L-L-Ladybug

L is for L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop

L is for L-L-Lamb, L-L-Lamb

L is for L-L-Ladder L-L-Ladder, L-L-Ladder

L is for L-L-L L-L-L

Good job!

(instrumental music)

Now you know it

Let's repeat it and sing it again

L is for L-L-Lion L-L-Lion, L-L-Lion

L is for L-L-Leaf, L-L-Leaf

L is for L-L-Lizard L-L-Lizard, L-L-Lizard

L is for L-L-Ladybug, L-L-Ladybug

L is for L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop, L-L-Lollipop

L is for L-L-Lamb, L-L-Lamb

L is for L-L-Ladder L-L-Ladder, L-L-Ladder

L is for L-L-L L-L-L

Good job!

Now you practice and do it on your own

(instrumental reggae music continues)

For more infomation >> Phonics | The Letter L | Signing for Babies ASL | Letter Sounds I | Patty Shukla - Duration: 4:01.


- Dainashi - I look at the camera 【ダイナ四】こっちみんな!セレクション!【激しく叩いてみた!】 - Duration: 11:43.

Dainashi - I look at camera

For more infomation >> - Dainashi - I look at the camera 【ダイナ四】こっちみんな!セレクション!【激しく叩いてみた!】 - Duration: 11:43.


CZ _ Jak zobrazit nebo odstranit historii vyhledávání na YouTube. - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

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Keep in mind that any searches you make while logged in to your account will appear in your account's search history across devices.

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history. Access your search history by selecting History

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Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CZ _ Jak zobrazit nebo odstranit historii vyhledávání na YouTube. - Duration: 2:14.


Нужны деньги срочно 100 дней безпроцентного кредита - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Нужны деньги срочно 100 дней безпроцентного кредита - Duration: 0:21.


Report: Clinton backer paid $500G to fund Trump accusers - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Report: Clinton backer paid $500G to fund Trump accusers - Duration: 5:43.


GALATASARAY | Spor Ajansı | 2 Ocak 2018 | Taner Karaman & Ersen Martin | Youtube - Duration: 21:00.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Spor Ajansı | 2 Ocak 2018 | Taner Karaman & Ersen Martin | Youtube - Duration: 21:00.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Keep Your Inspiration and Excitement High for Life - Duration: 5:50.

whenever we hear great personalities we get inspired

but that inspiration goes off very fast how to keep that inspiration permanently

now if you're just getting influenced by somebody's talk it's not good enough you

have to take some concrete steps so I'm not here to just inspire you I think

everything that I am saying is little depreciate you've of many things that

shit doing not very inspiring isn't it I am telling you if you are interested in

your life if you are interested are you is your life the most precious life in

your life it is they you have to pay a little more attention to this life is

not accessories when I when most people say life they are talking about their

work their career their wife their husband their children their home their

car now these are accessories of life in all these accessories you missed out

what is life what is life is what's happening here within this isn't it yes

or no paying attention to life life per se not the things around you what kind

of arrangements you make is your choice somebody wants you to live in a small

hut on the mountain somebody wants to live in a palace it's their choice I am

NOT I don't want to interfere with the arrangements of your life you make

whatever kind of arrangements seem sensible to you don't try to make

arrangements that somebody else is making make the kind of arrangements

which make sense to you it's fine but this life needs more attention how this

works what is the basis of this where did this

come from where does this go what is the nature of my existence

only if you grasp this you can conduct your life consciously otherwise only by

accident isn't it when you conduct your life by accident then once in a way when

somebody speaks you will go up and when they leave they will go down this is

exactly what I am talking this is exactly what I am saying

many times even bullshit gets you to the top but it doesn't let you stay there

alright whatever anybody speaks doesn't matter what they speak whatever anybody

speaks till it becomes a living reality for you it's just a lot of bull isn't it

so I am talking about not a philosophy not an ideology not even a teaching I am

talking about simple methods simple technologies that you can employ you try

and see if it works let's do it if it doesn't work throw it away we'll try

some other two simple methods to fix this the way you want it so don't get

inspired by me do not get inspired by me inspiration is what not

the intention of this what the intention of this is to tell you that as there is

a science and technology for external well-being there is a whole science and

technology for inner well-being it is just that anything beyond survival will

not enter your life unless you strive for it see for example you know when you

were 3 4 years of weight that damn a what a complicated mess it was and there

were two versions you had to right hundred times to get it yes or no today

you can close your eyes and write it see but those who did not strive for it even

today they cannot write isn't it so something as simple as that has taken a

lot of striving isn't it so similarly anything which is beyond your survival

what is survival will come to you naturally what is beyond survival some

striving is needed it's not happened because there is no striving striving

has not happened because there is not enough infrastructure both human and

otherwise see for example you know in in India also the attempt is happening a

big way I was just looking at this aspect in in eighteen hundred and

seventy 93 percent of the American population was illiterate

93 today 100% not literacy education everybody can read and write how does

this happen schoolrooms enough infrastructure has

been built enough teachers have been produced and that's why it's happening

there was a time in this land there is enough infrastructure for inner

well-being of the human being tell me where is it now we are building

cinema theaters we're building hospitals we're building schools have we built

anything for the inner well-being of the human being have you done anything about

this have there are the parents doing anything about it

teachers doing anything about it no only now small because well you know like

economic success is bringing pain to people now they're looking at it when I

say now they're looking at it do you do not do it doesn't matter in your life if

you do not do what you cannot do that's not an issue but if you do not do what

you can do you're a tragic life


For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Keep Your Inspiration and Excitement High for Life - Duration: 5:50.


Dieser ROBOTER spielt Clash Royale! 🔋 (und gewinnt) - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Dieser ROBOTER spielt Clash Royale! 🔋 (und gewinnt) - Duration: 7:31.


母親 アルバム 感動話!母親の手作りのアルバムを友達に見られ恥ずかしくてビリビリに破いてしまった!その結果.. - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 母親 アルバム 感動話!母親の手作りのアルバムを友達に見られ恥ずかしくてビリビリに破いてしまった!その結果.. - Duration: 6:30.


Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:02.

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends

For more infomation >> Kalista Montage #3- Best Kalista Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:02.


DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed! - Duration: 2:11.

DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed!

DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed!

Watch This Complete Video to Know More!!

Watch This Complete Video to Know More!!

Today Means: ON DEC 31st

Today Means: ON DEC 31st

This Show Aired Instead of DBS 122!!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 122 Will be Release on Jan 7th

Dragon Ball Super Episode 122 Will be Release on Jan 7th

For more infomation >> DBS Episode 122 Release Date!! Confirmed! - Duration: 2:11.


Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |42| - a Work of Art {EN} - Duration: 9:56.


So many gems! Wealth that would last for a lifetime.

But that sure isn't their purpose here. I'll take a few and see what they are used for...

This reminded me of one of the "Relic of Gods"

[in Czech, in other versions it was called Armour of God, and in America the series was called Operation Condor]

movies with Jackie Chan, where in one scene he was a top of a tribe's holy statue,

then he noticed a crowd of tribesmen under the statue and he is like .... (with his hands and stuff) "can I take the gems on the statue?"

and they were like: "Yeah, that's fine with us". "Can I take some more?" "Yeah, take them all, we don't care."

"Also, i'm going to take a sip out of this water, I'm thirsty." The tribesmen: "HE DRANK THE HOLY WATER!!!"

An interesting picture. It's dominated by a gem-like symbol in the top center.

Gems - Shiny gems, I've never seen gems in colours like these!

I had to cut the recording because I don't seem to have the right for privacy, especially when recording.

It's either a gem, or somebody sketched a <censored> on the wall. :D

Also it's laggy here as hell. Probably due to the lighting effects.

I don't think I need more.

But I do!! :D

It's either Topaz or Citrine, and Amethysts. Probably.

Beasts. Can I kill them?

Such a small, stumpy lizard... almost clumsy, one would say, but appearances are deceptive. I have to be careful.

No, I don't. What will they do, eat me slowly to death?

Small kroati

Nono! Under any circumstances I won't come closer to that lizard, because he would attack me!

You can burn him to a crisp Gooka, so why is that a problem?

Gooka is scared shitless.

...and now I have to more farther away, before I'll piss him off!

I can't move. Oh, he's slowly moving, that's why.

I would rather be actually be fighting that this.

Hopefully that will delay him a bit.

Here you go, good boy... and now I have to quickly go away.

WHAT? I've skipped the animation and I've died. :D

Let'S try this again, and not skip the death.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the light the blue crystal emits causes major framerate drops...

Am I doing this puzzle, or are they figuring the puzzle of eating me? :D

Also because (probably) the game was translated from Polish to English and then to Czech, the location name is called the Lair of Kroati

(a singular in czech, whereas in English - Kroati could be both), which is in error, because as we can see, there are more than one Kroati here...

Also a form of bad design - the game could have given me the chance to win that fight as an additional option.

I have something more important to do - I'm going to try selling the gems. :D

It probably won't work, but I'm going to try anyway.

It's either going to cost very little, or nothing at all.

Good day, warrior! *skipped the other dialogue*

Not be angry, judge, but this not useful for us. Have something else?

Well, at least I've got an additional dialogue line out of it.

By using Esc button you can skip the entire portion of the dialogue instead of a single line (which you skip by clicking a mouse button).

I know what to do.

Either it is self-locking, or some arsehole locked it. :D

For more infomation >> Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |42| - a Work of Art {EN} - Duration: 9:56.



dan juga, aku ada...

aku minta maaf

tapi, aku kembali

dan 2018 bakal jadi keren


sekarang, aku bakal mulai makeup

aku lupa primer pelembap aku

sekarang sangat kering

aku butuh makeup yang tahan lama

jadi aku butuh..

jadi bakal tahan lama

aku gapunya waktu buat retouch

kalian bisa lihat, ini merah

aku ga tau...

aku bukan ahli di skin care

yang lain

yang lebih gelap dari kulit aku

aku butuh ini

kalian butuh ini

Karena... kalian gamau muka kalian dirusak sama sinar matahari

kalian akan baik-baik saja


2018 mohon


trend-trend alis yang bodoh

akan rambut

Karena, alis kalian

bakal jadi bagus banget


membentuk lagi alis kalian

aku sentuh pake jari kayak gini

ambit digit aja

ngeblend adalah kunci kesempurnaan

bagus banget

biarin aku jelasin

buat kalian ngerti

palette ini

cuma tetap di satu tempat

ini holo

cantik banget

kayak palette ini, ini iridescent

kalo kalian bertanya..

ini Karena

pasar jama sekarang, mereka jual


didalamnya bukan holographic

semuanya iridescent gaada yang holographic

gapaham lagi,

ini bikin aku stress

aku holosexual

benerin "holo" kamu

aku ga bakal bikin terlalu banyak di bibir

Karena copyright, aku bakal post versi dipercepat dari pesta tahun baru aku

aku balik hotel setengah jam abis tengah malem karena capek, dan nonton Tame Impala sudah cukup

Selamat Tahun Baru

dan semoga resolusi kalian bukan cuma bohongan

aku cuma datang buat nonton Tame Impala

dan seru banget

dan semoga kalian bersenang-senang

dengan orang yang kalian sayangi

di tempat yang kalian suka

selamat malam

tidur nyenyak


subtitle bukan diterjemahkan oleh

For more infomation >> NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY MAKEUP | TAME IMPALA DI BALI VLOG #2 - Duration: 13:05.


The music that helped me through 2017 //Music Recommendations // MothsFollow - Duration: 14:57.

hello people of the Internet! hi! welcome, welcome to this recommendation video!

I am sorry. I am sorry I know, my voice is shit ok? ok. it's ok? it's ok.

Because I don't know. It's just ok. I'm sorry about the sounds you may hear in

this video I'm quite sorry about that too, but my mom is on a cleanning spree and she is not

going to stop soon. She ain't stopping buddies. Anybody....(lemon is stupid) I mean anyways...

Anyways everybody, that's what I wanted to say, welcome to this recommendation

video umm I will be doing those because I like those. I like recommending you

guys things that I think that you may not know and I like giving credit to

people that I think that are worth a awesome recommendation (sorry i stutter : p ) yea...

So in this list I will be recommending you guys some of the music that helped

me go through the year that has been 2017, which actually wasn't that bad. I

mean it was bad but it wasn't that bad, it was like one of the best years that

I had and almost all my years have been quite bad okayyyy *decides to start video* So the first one that I will be

recommending is of course a song by Halsey. Angel on Fire. This one I actually found out

recently that I was really into it. I had like downloaded all the Halsey album

but this one in specific I didn't actually had in my favourites so

I never actually listened to it in a very good manner

in order to like it so I did that at some point this month

and I actually loved it and I have been listening to it non-stop

since then. Second one is Dynasty by Miia this song is so underrated and it is so

good it's like heaven coming throught your ears. It is excellent

This video is all about this. I'm promoting the song. I'm promoting this song.

it is like the best. The best .

The third one that I will be recommending

it's Legends never die which I think it's kind of obvious why I picked it.

League of Legends. Awesome. Against the current, again more awesome. So yeah

Legends Never die. Chrissy Costanza rocks this. She rocks the sound. So,

fourth one, what do we know now by Katelyn Trarver, Tarver, Tarver? (awkward pause) Katelyn!

by Katelyn. She has an amazing voice and you know she doesn't have many songs put

out on her Channel. Ahhh, such a great work (x2) her voice does

wonders and she is awesome.

Fifth one is cringe by Matt Maeson, maybe you know

this one I don't know, my friend said that it's a soundtrack in a movie but

I don't actually know. I found it out by myself tbh... Cringe is the song of 2017 for me.

I have been listening to it like from the very beginning to the very end and

I have not a lot to say about this song just like it puts you in situation when you are

searching for yourself. That's what I like doing, so yea

So sixth one

bridges by Broods. Also a favorite one also a very good one yeah I love that one

the broods are awesome actually okay so uh -

well the next one of course you have heard.

but I cannot not put it in this video. It is Him and I by G-Easy and Halsey.

Now some of my friends will be "like oh yeah I knew she would put the in the

video" but come on it's Halsey and Him and I it is like the best song ever.

I love it and G-Easy raps greatly in this one.

The next one it's a kind of a sad

one. Actually very sad one. It makes you cry a lot if you're a 2ne1 fun

because it's goodbye by 2ne1 like it's like it's a song that makes you go

through all the emotions. How you actually like them and then just like oh

my god they did not but, the good thing is that and they actually put new

music out.

Next one! next one is One bad Night by Hayley Kiyoko yeah, yeah....

Hayley! Hayley Kiyoko, you my girl! I love her okay?

so next

one I lost count. (facepalm) So the next one, sorry, it's bad news

by Bastille. It's a great one and it's actually one of their old ones

so yeah. It is a great one and it actually applies to a very big reality of 2017

because 17 oh you were bad news. Now the next one that I will be

recommending is Honey Whiskey by nothing but thieves. This one is just a

great low-key song that I have been playing in my playlist, well that has been

playing actually on shuffle and I actually really liked it. I

never actually got glued to it but it's one of those songs that you know that you

can't live without because you've heard it so many times. It's good. It's a good

song, it's a slow one but oh so good... (i say that a lot #realizations)

the next one is of course Youth by Daughter. if

you don't know it then what have you been doing with your life? it's one of the

greatest songs of the century that's all I'm gonna say.

okay next one

Scribbling by Yong Yong this one I don't know if it has many views, like it

was out on 1andtheK but I feel like nobody's talking about it. It's a pretty

great dance song and a great song in general. It's more like a beat it was

but come on (listen to itttttt)

ok next one is gashina which

actually means behind. This is a great breakup song and the dance oh my god so

badass so badass love it!

Then we have Little talks by of Monsters and Men

this sentence confuses me because I have to say by and then I'll say Of

and it's weird, so weird. okay. so little talks is actually a very very very very

very old one of their songs but ever since I heard it for the first time on

the radio like so many years ago, I haven't been able to forget

that song and once I found it out on a sample playlist on youtube and oh my

god it brought back so many memories and actually makes me feel so good. I don't

know why but this song specifically is about the past for me, so I really

like it, I really love it. I actually recommend you guys to listen

to it because it was a big hit back in the day.

Anyways Messiah. Messiah is the

next song by Alison Wonderland and I don't think she has

that many followers so um she is great she has a very nice voice and she

does a really good mix with her songs.

okay um then we have believe by the

score another great song and it actually is one of those low key ones that I

actually just discovered that I am in love with. Yes, yes and did I tell you yes?

so next one is nightmares by all time low ah the best one

it's one of greatest. I mean obviously atl has been one of the bands that I've

been following ever since I was little and they helped me go through so many

things. And they are out with a new album and oh my god

it's just so good. it's like their sound has changed of course. They

have involved but it's so so mature and so so easygoing

it sounds so good.

Now the next one it's you by kang seung-yoon

he's from winner okay? I don't know anything okay?

well but this song actually found out because I was watching a kdrama

series which was amazing I will be putting a link to a playlist

that I made you down in the description if you want to

watch it it's a15-minute episodes but it's oh my god great!

the next one is I

wait by day6. Great one, great, great, great one that's I'm gonna say. The

sounds are awesome.

And then that's it, you will say, but I will say I have two

more suggestions for you guys but I didn't actually I discovered them in my

need of music I just discovered them meaning I love them so I've decided to put

them in without

having a list. so I'll I would highly recommend, I highly recommend

to you guys listen to bring me the horizon in the Royal Albert Hall version

they did a live there and was just amazing they combined this rock

feeling of bringing the horizon with this classical music and oh my gosh

I live for these things. I live for these things!

this this can be like easily one of the greatest soundtracks and the greatest

songs that I've listened created so yeah that's one of the two suggestions that I

will be suggesting. That's weird saying that.

The other one is, you should check out,

the song that I have put there because I don't remember the number, it's a cover

from logic they are so good in this cover that I actually like it

better than the original and for the number is for the

international you know (loses shit) it is it's an international number for

the suicide and depression and everything and everyone that need any help.

so I

think that is quite good cause and actually really admire them.

Tthey made a music video and everything about that so yeah please

check out that cover and actually the original song too if

you want but I actually like the cover so yeah that's it.

I'm sorry that I

cannot bring out excitement you know but um

I am sick and I cannot talk like that I cannot talk excited I just

do this voice. I cannot, I cannot do anything so I'm sorry about that um

I guess I hope I see you guys in the next video and yeah I hope I'm better in

the next video.

and Happy New Year!!!!!!! Happy New Year to

everybody! now we have 15 subscribers keep them coming

anyways happy New Year to you 15 people that I actually love thank you!

for being here again and yeah bye

: p

For more infomation >> The music that helped me through 2017 //Music Recommendations // MothsFollow - Duration: 14:57.


Pojďme Hrát GOOKA 2: Záhada Janatris |42| - Umělecké Dílo {CZ} - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Hrát GOOKA 2: Záhada Janatris |42| - Umělecké Dílo {CZ} - Duration: 9:56.


Что такое сквирт? Практические советы, мнение экспертов. - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Что такое сквирт? Практические советы, мнение экспертов. - Duration: 4:22.


Arada Movie - የኔ ፍቅር Romance Ethiopian movie 2018 | Latest Arada Ethiopian Movies - Duration: 1:47:58.

(TRENDING ARADA MOVIES)የቅርብ ጊዜው የአራዳ ፊልሞች, የሚመለከቷቸው ምርጥ ቦታዎች, ኮሜዲ ተወዳጅ, ፊልሞች. እባክዎ ይመዝገቡ, ያጋሩ, አስተያየት እና ሰዓት .... ENJOY !!!

ha remember talk to her a little hula trip there was actually a time very

summer commander with later

gee conversion is to inaudible good smell are you okay - no - religious so

you'll sense a speciality

directly I'm on the top

esata monography are the entertainment





honey honey after Marsh metallurgical money

extraction Ibaka honey Watson are chabela visitors even

touch his mother's under


by Gorillaz and ether we'll each other brainless man Sandesh

little original command is nutrition don't angle Cochrane bloody Charlie

Jimmy thought out a good cutter on Oscar Oscar food Gorky son does someone ERG

throws the proton mentality buying a guitar is alone gaunt are only differ

with the combat abandon Jaguar monotonetim attack gorgeous yammering

German German German German envision lemon for Luciano to do starting the

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tomorrow chilean serum is sanam sanam attach it on a phenomenon I brought you

yesterday but you can see Adam Berlin

and do I know instead of asking us to deport 99 an additional remedy and and

another 100 that check our limit there's a wonderful quote in a Swedish that I

teach technology the memory swallow our condition Domino then not the beginning

never in a can opener shadowkhan the mozzarella to the reservation tubby and

they're definitely be charged as I saw the motor to be the way out

oh the Carlos

give the nanogenes or the manage that it a severe muttered as if it elicits guns

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the milk good car Anantha managed yes finish Nagari after my news on defend

the girl the girl him avoid with the competition secure friend not cut that

the truth to the fiercest little daily from the children calculate from the

Negev I still haven't acknowledged this in the delicate area

an attacker poem ago ancient channel Santa combination Cosmo j-rock official

oh oh yes to introduced every salon

cotton twill economic engine and that mean a lesser value than persona clean

up okay

English its muchas knows what does the only rational Schmo back in the ocean

one chicken one circle not a shame about the ship until America totally good

engine a massage for geotechnical what I'm chin now second source natural de

venise antiquarian Oh wonderful Arthur Macrina Bergman and Fellini and there's

dr. Newsome and Atlanta gets worse premier chosen demonstration Tillich

naturally I a shine to improve down to the moon able to come on under under

NASA tilde column under magician Marathi language money

names in the luncheon is a realization citta tiny believers yet

koco's Ariana Garza revolution

Thank You Willa daddy meseta Tomac rehearsal oh that's too tall so I didn't

so girl Luna kabali oh no - nandi my self-esteem is low

visita I'm so much fun at Ellucian semi Chico must have it so Kineton am blessed

to be a better shot the new raucous petition and used in the bush at night

about intellectually master Raj Chauhan super squishy bed

masae let us you know the best condom can deciding I'm saying a lomonosov's

right Kaffee Star Mothers kaboom better sculpture Idris

no one misses re challahwood haters enough hey Annie nothing but a log is

offical Akuma come at castle routine about my girls

time just a second timber you who let him dare to trust him

a tender with some apartments assume the smooth cotton bags and and careless

editor candy cat or watching a sling Lima touch kind of just in a person

meter discounters kinda native yes it went over learn a new technically a

bucket ladder King Ellis owe you a buck among copernica teeny an inguinal tiny

encompassing the Kurama stamina double kicker on getting young Coubertin

business school to trot it's cute arrows my opinion quite

nagaru change in the sub structure by on another fictitious we know today when

she can make it shoot way super thing is my little thing at image so near me milk

trip atomic infirmary the second defender kind at solar

pushing a little cologne today which means in episode one

Colombians bionis has to be worth quoting it in yellamma - cheerio Kurata

you know shivakashi one most fatal charm toppika it's cuz I'm done nagging and

apparently that really lineage a near-miss a jumper but I will be

returned Hanuman sorry about that

well Dana engineering yesterday but gotcha

yeah that cunt Salim developer year the stuffs are on an Abilene agreeing in a

birth Madame Sarason dualist international set of us have your

militant enough yeah we did bending University but with ang

soon squatting vanishing Buffett bills-sama Kronecker ante McHale Kangin

hootenanny Volta Dunkley TGIF eternal busan ahora el cabañal sativa tagging

de la Miranda Solana under con carne team attach a rule in silicon be chilly

so Alex new hood miss menorah - or the Erica mr. Doniger Connie Eric here it

was a solemn supernova Jeter everything I own is endemic upper in Malacca Yanam

bands of what I want marijuana in America means Bogart is in the seal

croissant Otis machinist

money machine watch play with Netaji cabassa pushkin delish

you miss Venegas cut images and they get stolen

a handful news- just like the venom

chemical new video director funny Holly with the fabric Foley's died

night sheet with a toddler know each other on Daisy

present you focusing on Laguna wonderful Mizuki carbonate dressed a bit

it was addition to be tomatoes for tadhana Karuna has a visual and a but mi

fossa resolve oh gosh introversion to be 100 my soul of any mercury

a new large yeah ared messianism at Ellucian Allen work hey Allen but sub

sub sub sub develop tab began wah yeah owned me option in Moffatt at but

I'm just below not a yoga mix qu jealous car commas cameras were on stage a

degenerate as temperature gauge Agua Fria direction my team iris angle Tammy

Kabul Guerra friendly axschat unit are awash though can be stationary

metaschema Svenja mercy a cell as the Argentina not as urgent as fortunate

Selita Caracas despina brother a father agency in addition to demolish every 13

and branch Avari otto and that are stack road at MU feliz with Dino Yamuna in the

shadow home because Romina missed a metal ion opinion metal Anquan


charcoal Carmen morality are the rubber create desert their superior method

Terrell a yes and F natural a huge much in my resin would shadow much change

hello honey are it i watch the national lemon did no solution artificial unicorn

java amethyst get arrested on a burner Bible but I'm not Kushina are enough

cartoon or enormous asafoetida to yet affected with a mechanical chakras

Melbourne is aankhen demo Honda sells Abbas

I need a solar Ling lemon Dodger loading bait helicopter but at Salonika shuuran

against a cackler why can I get additional Gannon ganancia hospitalized

a wheelie much chose the shadow mode photo today November in agriculture bill

Kouga shame them to let cook C felony toto so Sean McCartney bitching a betta

basket be bizarre better memory unum Quechua be two seven nine monotony

amidst a canoe begin G mm mm oh no darling nation tomorrow

well zverkov Aconcagua Namita harvested a developer cut off a flicker tap a lot

affordable a loom when you know what they need me anymore daddy just farted

anymore you know bein quanta government fella called zombie yourself the judge

didn't begin to govern with Fevicol

gave a bad yeah give the shadow American foreign I'm on Islamic aversion therapy

mustache purposely miss Leviathan achievement carried them deep inner

demon apparent ng ng masquerade virtually identical event tawdry another

effort to consummate us in this are gonna go inside and get him the me

regatta him that's a Fijian macadamia the labor but if you took adored oh my

lesser quantity minimal that are about murdered anybody

I wanna grab any anything good motor t epidemic are so then he might redeem us

are doing highly much impune and emergent bath Reza Miranda Pedrito is a

me LaMotta William the Minamata through the nervous energy

yet in you are mr. Rajiv our ulema skrah culture limited the American Legion what

a sad occasion

they're always gonna say the devil ELISA text another carrier but I can you maybe

noodles nigga

no Nina good

nany anaconda after Marie

maybe to ship that she fell against Brendan a much better gun will not

develop but Columbus wrote the other quarter only people don't learn assignee

goes out chorus I don't know how it in later


Kersh about cinema - I'm sorry estate agent external fish Connecticut diorama

for number on tissue nothing and does nothing

which is really nice as well so original

daddy mother so she no no no no the Koala what image you got that they're

building India would then tell me Miller cat I was living the only Hydra monotony

nematic a new service wasn't much / - knew each other

I also heard the me as failure beyond him at all but in Nagar with Adam Adam

but on the ceiling same homicide yanti drama nameless Lenny

attack me how Mr Graham a teriyaki 11 teriyaki and terminal Mississippi food

editor he was a good enemy Nico Gregor bayanihan original trial attorney mallet

even an Tolliver watt each additional gravitons so Radnich arrogant lejana

Kanaka Petrova diamond man minima regular johanna guru hana girl

Oh Veronica

fictional slow clerical mood the soccer program while in Econ typically

injection does anyone else get thousands

the meager Misawa Rita Saranda terrible yeah but I think the Christos amano-san

enemy deserves gender Germann phasma Maren dogs our economy

nah man they do not displease are getting is newcomer to put it I don't

like nobody nothin much at that enough cash you need a Winchester

well I wasn't getting any country Korean kasama she agrees on of yada how how

until it's over with me down every politician UK luncheon you guys not Nani

knowledge in the surprise large snow oh one second

thank you ma'am Idol star on a girl

there are same is that how badly the shunt is actually not that I'm so good

oh my god situation

yo : una thematic second blood in game a special maddest

he's our room business cosmic our burner on ceremony / - miss Bell jingles a mu

nu but ignore such America VD Atlanta you have Sarah lately India she the

nimac a flunk V and X are on the you cooter Kelvin indeed Hadees add a little

touch a miracle but from Misrata meet Rose Rocco and delicacy like a sadly mr.

cristela with the first area rich they give it a nice touch agree at the logic

of Massaro such a marriage Adam when gentlemen counted from account at

another machine and and Egan's of accountants Tabari saw contain battered

Wendy's D'Amato limited Mother Russia unicorn or noranti reality

rezian cuca South Korea will complain a girl credit digg a little cool

my beluga wrath of Allah Arabic isn't bad T sin T bar element amid no Cardinal

cool Tamara Alan did belt was in America water is a realistic result llama only

Simon told us younger Kamuela babuloopa Emir to be thin metal fantasies -

individual Torah Unnithan Nelson permanent Imran is Ruby

the methyls every single that assertive because animals are very much it's a

technology or he's interracial about Jewish she's

q so she got I can ship it Aram is Bo buddies how can I reverse havoc on over

anyone could have a local min denominator sure I do

Nina mean designate nollie lavatory now really

in in the nuts to stool are by Anila conditions such attacks in and the

moment now but still my energy like a traditionalist attack

no no Sulawesi nagging shallow and she's a movie research aioli Shahdara Sunnis

at the emulation data not gireesham nanny but cazuli dogs in English I want

to be just judge fine and jeffing hmm I know intestinal lumen - Becca but not it

is she and anyways Villa Tina who led to him

hunga latinum good dekenia Scottie are Callaway's pucara the kind surprise

sometimes la Li la cañada silk al-khasaka

Oh Angela elemetary



I wanted to come back negative Emily Alex Guerrero Solomon know what a

redheaded arbors go baby my gosh aunt what is what Patara living at father's

anger never up and it costed I'm not a chronology Laura see additional CG

restore ago mr. Tackett al Mustafa O Muhammad al-amin opinion Oh daddy knows

20 silk ask azad some how much violet Oh

mr. Lee man has to condemn external an equation

is equal to 13 but a rumor but of the ability Conover on the mood of the

business in Canaveral is opposite the opposition Oh marina smelling in the


chief our efficiently mother absentee you good man Katie McCoy

so much Josh I'll coalitional Yoshino my evolution via schism Messiah

brother be careful now my Cape only got any maybe shallow sh-she

a social can either die by California message because I can even American

curry Lorenz Kazoku 750 per which is how mental FIBA level merciless and none

that you wish Leicester to know from coming over we do brother Edward Lodge

culture folk genre lucha Kabhi but we're in a good a tundish kentucky better a

ship you're sharing with each salmon Korean language Alice tribulation

conifers aluminum goes whoosh what are you doin that

we submitted for division yes it was all my data point here is a total eloquence

tadhana so total discord and in taking in guchi


one solution is our imitation damodaram come on time for leaky nematode learn

production until dr. Persinger cuttable that we can surprise larvae will you let

me know no more judgmental when you have the T

remember Calderon unlike a dull moment eh never Shekhar take McCovey better

Albert another Sheba carbon Naughton away the

chain on your salami wrapper on your nose you met your father's gun Amish


oh no you have it to be as me

Morgana's ringing it cuz we got a community

I don't because her garden tell you you are me shelling that my guru kun again

you see that song it over Thomas so we can determine an afternoon they give you

like a pelham sorry

- oh there you go reflect up LM sorry subscribe it's not

consecration you know what resurrection of the communitarian someone not

gorgeous engine

aren't you knows me I should've known better

on 10th and Kenny McDonough Damansara commit a puppet tsunami left or Uno's

list away gotta reach out on the assumption we can you are you know

fuckin even funny

MSP snow check it out ah piecemeal shut up



as hostage ehem tomato has in the mismatch a car with a great long putter

on Okinawa

aren't you gonna move one measurement much and on the huge on the kitchen and

a wishy-washy fish a fish same you didn't artisan embargo wasn't

what is much

well children Julian

the government I wish the mutation tamari she work optimization I'm dr.

Josh jealous can duration that dish

I'm totally ruined in a turbulent millimeter and it would say she Salah

Sam's person to mean cancel Oh lemon tacks are loose women can Xena

Erin you got my damn enemy battle st Medina sighing and greater by them as I

visited a year either as good Letran G Tamil k-town in nantes absence era

yotaka strategy Bertrand a child never the very first

element or joe manchin even they give us beautiful

Gabby Montana perishing with you lemon in your millage a button

in again and I mean Africa you didn't imagine which today without lip Genji

in this event in your little fantasy I'll tell a billion dick award what but

this readout and then Davey Hamilton contact America trip you know they know

aunt Elizabeth Allen indeed an incorruptible given on the berm Saturday

your best friend Vanessa Rossiter want to sabotage hell no no Gerta he'll

either allegedly labs who suggests fuko-chan cannibal on average we're

sorry we're there's no cause for a mess around you better answer

what is it

yeah a little smarter a rogue original leadership much as some colleges



Murakami and that's let's elizallen but under something

mr. Rotella New Zealand

I do started mátalo

honey who's commercial mr. rush era mommy Yellow Rose no giovanni verga

carousel our commercial is Italy you're not gonna sell finished under the

telepath where's my satchel satchel future I named mine a fine by jana

Thatcher by an appropriate time to me the truth

from Damon what does t-midi matter without Yugi

yeah well on Enoch that I work worker

come on my daddy sir Alchemist come in and I see 40 odd odd mommy Lavinia

ashtrays and and Agatha well chocolate chip at welna doctor and

he can finish chopper working on the server Joker 50 solid an unforgettable

you can we get on with Mama to Leela jogger bus a super fun

le leçon Santa Mikado

hamantaschen well dad take me to live in a forest I ever come

out that's our project all alone oh I reckon you know I'm a filmmaker I think

that the jenkin sin asahi Bob McGurk of Allah

you're marketable are shooting - nigger man you wanta going to achieve it and

elevation was it you I don't know what arguments Tamar no not in Jerusalem it

could mean a few semi cartel suggests that something I can't character by

Herman well did you just have to deliberate upon oh yeah kinda in the

jingle business laughs laughs onion

puree different no 100k mother today mother on earth what done


not just Iike whooshing where are Samsung Tiger America obligation to me

as you get you know - yes I am the ways Jerian for aggression

I'm not an unguarded thank you yeah

jrx so far it's every Monday Manu Sydney he was looked at alone with

sriracha stress wrath elastomer and not for the towing and work series are in

touch girl and lean lunch master line and didn't ask of Alex Cora Cora way but

she coverage in the Rajesh nothing beats about surest OSHA Natasha

Luca relegate a bitch non the philosophy material operand is innovative early

dang women's collectively the restriction colonists Irish Messiah

nominate someone as a means easy reverser Kimsey eternity no more letting

a McGovern damage nominal ang Lamas economic Darla fellow just not empty

let's robbing an illusion

dominar give no back Shira should know mu cos remember light and you can Tasha

becau nothing - a condom are you sure there are three casts over

taguchi's hula time alpha Nakata but we'll get a

limiting and he's a nigger Qayamat - world's cherish the requisite Rogers

rabbit impressive read me our alumni know anaconda defender should be

saddened that Sheriff I'm the time you start dealing Oh

second touchdown of me yeah Nagar canal

no we're selling pasta in terrible to the doctors


hey Ali Thank You Monica so the dilation

no girl

don't know Martin of kinda magic number min oh the neodymium Turk wants a

gardenia G Tamil continent again envy you know cuz the water cannot think

Regina jerk America very demotivating Gary's mission turns

each column has Cal Coverley but there is Matamata enough a Kenny :

embattled akela the Monte villa ombak edition daddy beside a legend sad for

girl Elizabeth said to Kapoor I'm locket with Litella you can't get a

tuneup brother padam locks it cal-mag wat phnom that was a touch myself it

calm ago at merely unit radlo until mega we know each other and in nineteen as

Mallett sub supernova to management regime ago birth until another is the

monomer Olga button I need my own jet the Submariner niganda Nagar gone legit

name is Damon Rho VDA you attend Anthony shattered when you thought it just

quoted daddy uncle Abdul Kalam innovated cover yeah grandma's loss politically me

Salah saw Sarah chicken away daebak so that's another myself must I smell funny

daddy the taco budgeted for gorilla cam la

Creuset Ottomans of laulima karbala nabber bullshit for girl Naraku - gah

Booya sceptic Abu Sitta kapa haka kwhitaker but children can traverse

another bullshit elf of Karachi Luka cop Antony satatam Lachman this wanders too

honey sheriff cha-cha languages are locked on drag reduction certain

monogamist at each other until we talking leaning the balcony she's number

true Lois I am Laguna

they were nestled on you hylian given abominable problem so he's a dork but

they all I miss room Lozano

honey please my saying crazy one I was a category

because if what I was doing is the ceiling no no your mother was only good

does no wonderful honey oh my gosh

I'm shy

botulinum scary stuff not burned we're angry

once you mad at a fashion designer Coco shit for gorilla to be gone model to

Garberville Mustafa could see commercial dental color technical under quarantine

as a pseudo notion of observing 22 another agreement repetition as they

returned daddy loves awesome special ballerina from God

normally an insular asked us to push off of a mushy

Leonardo when economy the resin in an opposition

confined child up in college Morocco at one condition

no matter look at the corner Berlin was no yeah lagina and a music as Omar I'm

Danis Amazon strategy Alec yeah do we give a stammer acoustic Aston Martin mr.

Goodell Aly Michalka chicken with everything

Tommy Tommy Tommy Tom gets here because my get them on tominaga our kilometer a

I guess I guess ur in your side party there's fear in Chara and money nah

daddy our fact Avenue I love that and you know awesome welcome I'm tall tall

tall one get it together my girl nothing pink everywhere away ah ha ha ha ha

Valene amitabha's ah ha ha ha ha ha DJ might be a Papa ha ha ha I'm a dad a

ricotta ha ha ha ha ha paternity salata ha ha ha ha ha here

Nicole Richie ah ha ha ha ha ha - beauty Sonata ha ha ha ha ha

technicality ha ha ha ha ha hee - cigar bilasa ha ha ha ha ha when I get the -

oh ha ha ha ha ha



- chuckling nervously talk on the subject remember beside Osaka down it's

a good day when we say my name is a crappy tabi tabi tabi that cusp go -

Nabu usually a I don't know original mono something so erotic love Tommy a

hospital bed welcome by the medium broken energy just between in December

at the garage mentality yeah a protein ERISA doesn't matter cuz that is

American situated today

my own ethnicity

so they're centers

we are eating burro is in Ashton Barrois went imitating excitable huh

cultivate open amnesia work

never look a so jelly wood can eat avocado girl caricaturing emissary in

the talocan diminutive Kazuma garage American 11 and in nantes ever so coos

no no sorry not for Sony added density back

Marisa toka burn Canada Becca minam after wall team in America watch


Yanni's Vitale hula with me ganging up on the garment

Mooji because I saw a family

the tomorrow

really inside a traditional Islamic tradition is that people

one days ago

even in the most about you

women Americans I only eleven understand what if it's a man or an animal you will

think it in resonance my name's on the Savoy

collision attached in german uber fascinated turin solution and them

confetti Natalie attract ominous hottelet really a taiga watch ambassador


the root Omega rechamber masa would have it made

United States good mentally

hello my love it


behave at minimum Tara my partner gorilla

wallahi mallet adhara simulator near the general defeat words - Matt format

Romans official at Seoul Chetan Sharma Lama Norbu thalam the research intensive

in half telomerase and wrote Alan good novel Chechen Morris at the Penguins a

bitch-ass Aaron but Siddhartha would Ana's was their chonies rewarded Karenia

would add a measure great job

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