Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

The Excavator - Cartoons for children - Construction Trucks Cartoon- Happy New Year

For more infomation >> The Excavator - Cartoons for children - Construction Trucks Cartoon- Happy New Year - Duration: 5:56.


Çinden Aldıgım Ucuz Ve Kaliteli Ürünler-Paket Açılımı - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Çinden Aldıgım Ucuz Ve Kaliteli Ürünler-Paket Açılımı - Duration: 2:25.


Episode 18 - Setting Up - Duration: 9:28.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey,

just a reminder that the tradie is coming by today for the bar's touch ups.

Oh, and the sign guy will be by do some measurements as well.

I'll drop by the bank during my lunch break to finish setting up the accounts.

Hopefully if all goes well we'll be officially trading by the end of the week, if not sooner!

I love you, and I hope you slept well this morning.



JASON: Hey babe, I slept pretty okay actually.

I hope I didn't bother you too much when I slithered back into bed with you in the middle

of the night.

You're too warm and nice to not cuddle, though.

The sign guy has come and gone, still waiting on the tradie, though.

Oh, and I have some ideas about opening night.

If we're going to start strong in our first year, I really think a killer launch will

make a huge difference, especially since we don't have alcohol to pull people in with.

I've been in touch with a few friends of friends who are in bands, and I realized that I know,

like, at least three people who are really experienced in circus arts too, and it might

be cool to have them come along and do something.

Still pondering details on a lot of stuff, obviously, but the wheels are definitely turning.

I think a big performance night will be the best way to go, honestly.

Melbourne loves its performing arts, and we sure as hell do not have a shortage of talent,

even in our own social circles let alone people we don't know yet.

Oh, sounds like the tradie's here, gotta go.

Love you.




Okay so, tradie's come and gone - he said that there's not actually much stuff that

needs work, and a lot of what needs to be done is mostly cosmetic and fairly easy.

He gave us a quote, and I've forwarded the email to you so you can check it out.

Nice guy, incidentally.

Anyway, so, yeah, opening night!

I figure we can't go wrong with live music, especially later in the night, but we might

want to start on something a little easier to socialize around.

That's why I thought of the circus stuff - you can easily talk and watch a juggler or ribbon

acrobat at the same time, you know?

Uh, not that I'm sure we could have any aerial stuff - damn, should have had the tradie check

the structural stuff for that while he was here.

Damn it.

Oh well, I'll ask him about it when he comes back to start work.

I'm going to go shopping for bar stools today, which I should probably get onto doing, like,

soon, since the day is wearing on.

Love you, talk to you later!



KANE: Hey, I checked the email with the quote and it's pretty good, so I've called the tradie

and confirmed everything with him.

He'll start work tomorrow.

Which, sadly, probably means a few early mornings for you

if there's going to be construction noise.

Hopefully it won't be too bad, though.

Your launch ideas are really good...

I'm so glad you're here for this, I'd be so out of my depth trying to organize a big fun

thing like an opening night event, oh my god.

I'm so glad you can handle all that and I don't need to worry!

I hope you're enjoying furniture shopping!

I'll see you tonight.

Love you.



JASON: Shopping is all done!

I got really cute stools, they're blue!

I wanted to kind of avoid the dingy bar sort of look so I figure we'll go for some bright

colours in the decor.

Might help it feel a little bigger than it is, too, especially if we match them with

some lighter neutrals.

Should be able to sand back and stain up the timber in here to a nice light pine colour I think.

That'd be really nice.

Furniture shopping is very tiring, though.

I am so very tired and so very sore.

It is a very hard life, this startup party business stuff.

I am definitely going to need some kind of full body massage tonight.

You know, to ease the pains brought on by messing around with furniture all day.

Just because of that, I mean... no ulterior motive.

[Laughs] Okay I can't even keep that up, I do have an ulterior motive.

What can I say?

I'll take any excuse I can get for more touching.



KANE: Oh no!

Well, furniture shopping is very strenuous.

I will make sure to give you my full, therapeutic attention the moment I get home.



JASON: So, I just woke up a few minutes ago, and at first I was really pleased because

I actually went to sleep at the same time as you...

until I realized that it's four o'clock in the morning and not like, some reasonable hour to be awake.

It was still nice to fall asleep with you, though.

That doesn't happen much.

I mean... it's not like, essential to our relationship or anything, I'm normally quite

happy to tuck you in and then just come back and crawl in next to you later, but there

is something very nice about actually going to sleep together every now and then.

Well, I'm going to do some quiet unpacking and cleaning and stuff for a while, and hopefully

I'll get back to sleep in a little while.

Love you.



KANE: Ugh, work fucking sucks today.

Everyone's in a bad mood and all I can think about is how I can't wait to be rid of this place.

I swear to god, even if we make no money at all and live on two minute noodles while running

the bar, it is still going to be more fun than this

god damn phone monkey wage slavery bullshit.

[Sighs] Not long to go.

Only a couple more weeks till I leave.

I can totally hang on a couple more weeks.

Hey, when you get up, leave me a nice voicemail?

I could definitely use a pick me up as the day drags on, and waking up to the one you

left me last night was really nice.



JASON: Hey, I'm sorry you're having a shitty day.

Hopefully it will get better soon, or at the very least not get any worse.

I'm really sorry you have to keep going for a couple more weeks.


I get it, our budget is tight as it is, so working till opening night makes sense, but...

damn, I hate to see you feeling crappy, you know?

Oh, I have some good news, though!

That band we were talking about last night, Lalić?

I booked them for opening night.

It's gonna be so good!

I'm still waiting on confirmation from a couple of other performers, but even if they all

flake, I've got some other back ups in mind that are all really cool too.

And I mean, I know a lot of these people, or we have mutual friends, so I trust that

they're pretty decent folks all around.

Regardless of who can or can't do it, the list is long enough that I'm feeling very

confident that our lineup is going to be really great.

I love you, and yes, there's only a couple more weeks of call center hell to go.

Soon it will be fancy drinks, happy queers, and supporting the arts every day.

I love you a lot.

See you when you get home.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions.

Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne.

Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan.

Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin.

Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

Lalić is a real band in Melbourne, and you can check them out on bandcamp -


For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website,

You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at


[Music fades out]

For more infomation >> Episode 18 - Setting Up - Duration: 9:28.


Lucifer 3x12 Promo "All About Her" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Lucifer 3x12 Promo "All About Her" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


[MV] OOHYO (우효) _ Honey Tea (꿀차) - Duration: 4:06.

One day, I was trying to drink tea

I put the kettle on to boil water

And then, I thought about you for a while

I closed my eyes for a while

When I inhaled

the honey like scent

on my cheeks

a couple of tears fell down

I didn't know why

I felt this way

Although it was weird

Although it was a little sad

I somehow cried

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

One day, I just took a train

I leaned my head on the window and fell asleep

Actually, I thought about you a lot

until your clear face

became blurred

Ah –

On my cheeks

a couple of tears fell down

I didn't know why

I felt this way

Although it was weird

Although it was a little sad

I somehow cried

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

Because it was sweet

For more infomation >> [MV] OOHYO (우효) _ Honey Tea (꿀차) - Duration: 4:06.


Taking a leaf out of our ANCIENT HERITAGE - Duration: 4:33.

Whenever I hear about

a farmer committing suicide,

That day

I am not able to eat


then I end up sitting before

Lord Shiva for few hours

(And communicate to him) that

our Ancient Heritage

of Shiv Yog Sanatan

Can help

in fulfilling the needs of all farmers

So what is stopping me

to spread

this knowledge?


you have already given me power

You have given me knowledge

But now help me to reach to every farmer


this is true

Our Indian tradition has the

knowledge that can

help the world

Yoga that started

from India

is now

worldly accepted

What we got from outside

had few limitations

The Green Revolution that

was accepted by the

Agricultural Scientists & Colleges

Which consisted of extensive

use of chemical Urea

& DAP,

which were considered as manure

Then when the crops got infected,

the farmers

were suggested to spray

the pesticides

Which further

resulted in

barren land

The earthworms

that are good for the humidity

of soil we killed them

All the small

insects like butterflies,

beetles, bugs, etc.

that help in pollination were all killed.


resulted in increase of expenditure for the farmer.


Now the framers have to

buy hybrid seeds,

which are very expensive.

Not only that

They have to buy expensive

fertilizers and pesticides

Farmers cannot afford such expensive products,

so they are offered loans

But Science could not understand this

Though they all wanted to do good,

they all had good intentions

Be it Government

or Agricultural institutes

What they were taught, they had put it forward

For more infomation >> Taking a leaf out of our ANCIENT HERITAGE - Duration: 4:33.


IF YOU LAUGH RESTART THE VIDEO! 😂😆 - Duration: 10:13.
















For more infomation >> IF YOU LAUGH RESTART THE VIDEO! 😂😆 - Duration: 10:13.


354# Rose Food-best organic fertilizer ( जैविक कल्चर खाद )for Rose plants during in winter - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 354# Rose Food-best organic fertilizer ( जैविक कल्चर खाद )for Rose plants during in winter - Duration: 6:28.


This is the Reason I Still In Cinema: Nayantara - I Didn't Expect: Sivakarthikeyan | kalakkalcinema - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> This is the Reason I Still In Cinema: Nayantara - I Didn't Expect: Sivakarthikeyan | kalakkalcinema - Duration: 4:04.



For more infomation >> SATRIYA-ne JAMAN - BUNGA FEBRINA [GXS DGS] - Duration: 0:56.


Single Use Cameras - Duration: 3:51.

We just finished the year,

Happy New Year, by the way!

And we are sure that

We have all celebrated it and we went partying,

And well, you could go partying with your compact camera,

but there's always a friend who's going to throw the drinks over you,

so that's why I've directly opted to use

single use cameras.

Single use cameras are very simple,

Surely, when we were little,

we have all taken many pictures with them

And they just have:

roll film negative,

shot, and automatic flash.

They really do not have anything else.

Well, in some cases the flash is automatic,

and in others it can be configured if we want flash or not.

Why do we use them?


They are very easy to use.


Any friend can take it and

take pictures with it.

Nobody has that fear of: "No, it's that I'm going to break it"

"I do not know how to use it..."

because there is not much to do with them:

just: point what you liked,

and shoot it.

On the other hand: its quality / price ratio.

They are very cheap cameras,

(no more than 15 euros),

With 27-34 photos, and the quality it isn't too bad,

they are really quite good,

what is really important is the film roll that they have.

It's true that, there are some with bad film rolls,

but then there are the Ilford,

that is a HP5, so,

the quality is optimal.

on the other hand: it has flash,

so we can shoot

in almost any light condition.

We can spend the day with friends on a trip,

go party, or be at home

shooting the Christmas dinner.

In fact, we can use it in

almost any situation.

On the other hand, we can choose the type of .

film negative we want to use.

color, b&w...

and b&w with C41 developed.

If we don't have near a trusted laboratory

that we rely on its development process in b&w,

we have this option.

We will get black and white photos, but the development is

like "automatic".

we also have another advantage

and it is nonchalance.

So we haven't to think about

"I have to put the negative in the correct way..."

"it's ok...",

or "I don't know if I've rewound it completely..." no way!

simply: you buy the camera,

you shoot (it already comes with the battery)

and when you finish it, You take it to your laboratory

(the laboratory takes care of everything)

You bring it to us, and that's it!

We return it to you with the developed film roll,

digitized and with the copies.

So, we suggest you buy some for Christmas

because children will love it.

ther are going to shoot

But they are not going to see them on the screen!

And maybe they forget about them,

four days later, when you come back with the roll developed,

and the copies,

that magic of remembering returns:

"Oh, when they gave me the bike!"

or something,

And you can create an album,

that it is also the essence of the analog,

to have the tangible photographs.

so, for XMas present: Single Use Camera!!

For more infomation >> Single Use Cameras - Duration: 3:51.


Lui ti lascia? Ecco 5 mete sicure per viaggiare da sola - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Lui ti lascia? Ecco 5 mete sicure per viaggiare da sola - Duration: 8:59.


Top 5 Websites to download Paid Softwares for FREE - Duration: 2:26.

Download Paid Software For Free

For more infomation >> Top 5 Websites to download Paid Softwares for FREE - Duration: 2:26.


5 trucos para tus videos - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 5 trucos para tus videos - Duration: 2:55.


Kısaca - "-ki" Eki (Sıfat) (A1) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Kısaca - "-ki" Eki (Sıfat) (A1) - Duration: 4:13.


悪夢再び!?ヴィレヴァンの(ゴミ)福袋をポジティブに開封 Japanese (Un)Lucky Bag: The Nightmare Continues... - Duration: 4:26.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan



Today I'm going to be opening the 3500yen Village Vanguard lucky...

Do we really have to do this?

Do it!

What do you work for Village Vanguard or something?

Let's see what we get first


How fitting for this bag of crap

a poop emoji



Have you already forgotten you new years resolution??

My new years resolution?

Be more positive

but how can I be

Wow look at this poop emoji

Such high quality

Let's compare it to this

Mimei got this from some weird Chinese site

Which do you think resembles the poop emoji more?

It's gotta be this one right?

Pft No

Yeah...I guess not


even if it doesn't look like it much

there's lots of things you can use this for




Dude, it's 2018 not 2012

Let's see what else is in...

What the hell is this?

A lovely blue thing

what else do we have

Look at this

wow this is amazing

Look at this

With this you too can make your bath look like a bath from a cheap love hotel

Evangelion nano blocks

That's not bad

Do you want it?

I can't be stuffed to make that

A lucha face mask

Lucha lucha lucha

Poop shades

They're so fashionable

Aren't you going to try them on?

Of course! silly me

How do I look?



Oh...of course...

This is the last thing in here

wow it's in a big box

A fragrance jar set


Look one bowl

two bowls

and we have


and the thing you've all been waiting for

The fragrance jar

It smells

It smells like roses

It smells so good

that I think I'm going to lose my mind!



Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe! I really want to get to a million subs!!!

I hope you guys are having a nice new years

If you're planning on getting a lucky bag

you should definitely

steer clear of the Village Vanguard ones

Also check out my last video ^^


For more infomation >> 悪夢再び!?ヴィレヴァンの(ゴミ)福袋をポジティブに開封 Japanese (Un)Lucky Bag: The Nightmare Continues... - Duration: 4:26.


NRC Assam Result Check Online - Duration: 5:28.

NRC Assam Result Check Online

Link avilable in the video Discreption

If you want to Check(Assam NRC Result Online: Check Draft NRC) OFFLINE!!

* Firstly you have to find your nearest NRC Seva Kendra * Now need to find your name in printed copies * It will be available until 31st January 2018 between 10 A.M to 4 P.M CHECK ONLINE (Assam NRC Result Online: Check Draft NRC) Link:

YOU CAN ALSO CHECK NRC RESULT FROM SMS Get the information by sending an SMS to 9765556555 after also the expiry of midnight of December 31, 2017 Type ARN space ARN number & send it to 9765556555 (For example ARN 101856721980000087961 & send it to 9765556555) After that, you will get all the information through SMS Toll-Free Number It is common & simple way to know the full information Assam NRC Result Online: Check Draft NRC @ Dial Toll-Free number 15107 (from Assam) & 18003453762 (from outside Assam) This service is open to 24*7 Applicants of Guwahati City will need to refer to the Ward numbers as per the earlier demarcation of 60 wards. People who have activated the do not disturb (DND) service; they will not get the SMS even they tried. So, first of all, deactivated the service & then try it NOW.

About: Technical Hoque is a YouTube Channel,Where You Will Find Mobile/Computer Tips and Tricks,search engine optimization,Social Media/Online Marketing,Technology,google,seo,Tutorials,best tech,New Technological Videos in Hindi. Again Thanks For Watching and See You Soon. Technical Hoque YouTube Channel Provides best tech Hindi Technical Videos,Technical Analysis,Technical Difficulties,Technical Interview,Technical Support,Technical Skills,Tech Tips.! 👍 LIKE ➡ SHARE ➡ SUBSCRIBE I hope you enjoy Learning;)NRC Assam Result Check Online Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel. Thanks!

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