Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

The top five marketing trends of 2018 Marketing is about two things.

Psychology and economics.

And while at its core the human psychology never changes, the factors affecting it do.

And so do the economics.

Today, we're counting down the top five marketing trends of 2018.

These trends are also our prediction for how the seemingly chaotic and bizarre world of

marketing and advertising will act in 2018.

Let's get started.

Trend number five: Media will continue to get even more expensive.

That's right folks.

While we wish we had good news for you, the truth of the matter is that competition is

heating up on almost every advertising platform, especially online.

Whoever you're targeting and trying to reach, there will more and more advertisers willing

to pay the top-dollar to reach them, and to show them their messages.

More advertisers not only drive up prices for media inventory, but also drive the market

to saturation.

Which means your audience will continue to get less and less impressed, and interested,

in what you have to say.

In other words, if you don't change anything in your marketing mix of market, message and

media… your cost of acquiring a new lead and a new customer will go up by as much as

forty percent by the end of 2018.

Trend number four: Giants will continue to get bigger…

2016 and 2017 have been years of big ticket acquisitions and mergers.

From Whatsapp and Instagram being acquired by Facebook, to Whole Foods being swallowed

whole by Amazon, there has been plenty of consolidation and aggregation across industries.

And that trend will continue in 2018.

The big retailers and e-commerce giants will continue their unhinged expansion plans…

and that's scary news for any small business owner.

They have the economies of scale that you, the entrepreneur can never have… and they

have low-interest capital ranging in Billions in pure cash.

Which you most likely do not have.

So if you are a small or medium enterprise owner, the competition is going to get even

more stiff than it has been.

And since customer loyalty does not exist for commodities and most products, there's

someone else out there with a deeper pocket… who's completely happy to undercut you by

another 10%.

In other words… the race to the bottom will accelerate.

While it's great from a consumer's point of view, it's utterly devastating from a

small or medium business owner's point of view.

Trend number three: Commoditization of everything from products to advertising media itself

With the rise of programattic advertising platforms, even ad space or inventory has

become a commodity.

Of all the products in the world, attention is one of the most expensive commodities there

is to buy or attract… and it will continue to get even more expensive regardless of who

your audience is.

Of course, all the mass-manufactured products are already following a race to the bottom.

But this is as much good news as it is bad…

If you are a small or medium business owner or leader… if you are an entrepreneur, then

buying adspace has never been easier.

No longer do you have to sign month long contracts with four, five, or even six figure minimum


No longer do you have to deal with pesky middlemen.

No longer do you need to worry about wasting your money on a failed marketing message or


Today, you can test an ad for as little as five dollars.

And you can stop running any ad with the click of a button.

You don't deal with middlemen, and no one's driving up prices artificially.

In fact, on SiteScout alone… which is a buyer-side remnant inventory aggregator, you

can buy billions of impressions for your ads each day.

In multiple formats and sizes.

And you can test your ads for as low as one dollar, if that's what you want.

Your only competition is other advertisers.

And it's a purely capitalistic and holistic competition.

If your ad can outperform an industry leader's, or a giant's ads by 1x… then you can reasonably

expect to pay fifty percent less money for your traffic than them.

Regardless of how their total budget stacks up against yours.

The playing field is as level as it can be.

Trend number two: Rise of the small indie brands is here

While customer loyalty based on supply economics alone is dead… given that there are dozens

if not hundreds of suppliers for just about everything they can buy… customer loyalty

is not only well and alive when it comes to brands, but also on the rise for independent


You don't have to be a giant industrialist anymore to be able to create a brand.

In the modern world, the backbone of your brand can quite as well be a niche website

with a consistent and regular content production schedule.

In fact, the phrase "Youtube money" comes to mind.

A six year old kid who unboxes little gizmos and toys on video everyday just made north

of six million dollars due to his enormous fan following.

And that followership is neither a fluke, nor an accident.

Influencers and brands have cropped up in all kinds of industries and niches.

New industry leaders have not only emerged using modern content publishing platforms

like Youtube and Wordpress… but have also created brands around their passion and work.

And there are only two things that are common across the board with these influencers and

"smart brands".

First, their consistency when it comes to publishing new content.

No matter what media and platform combination they choose, they start publishing regularly

and they keep at it consistently.

And second, they don't do "metoo" campaign.

Their products are unique, and their offers are unique.

Not something that you can pick up on Amazon for a fifth of the price.

And they do get takers.

They attract the highest quality buyers.

People who are the least price-conscious, and most loyal to their brands.

If you are a small or medium business owner or leader, this is your shot at redeeming

and elevating your business beyond not just your local or immediate competitors, but also

at insulting yourself and your brand from the race-to-the-bottom economics.

Trend number one: Small business acquisitions will rise exponentially over the next decade

Large businesses getting acquired by other large businesses or merging together into

one entity is nothing new.

It has happened for ages, and will continue to happen.

What is new is how many small businesses… established and profitable, but small businesses

are available for sale.

And how cheap they really are.

The P/E ratio… or the price to earnings ratio for an average company on the stock

market varies between eighteen and thirty, if not much more.

Which means that a stock that you buy for $1000 produces thirty-three to fifty-five

dollars a year in appreciation and dividend combined.

That's roughly 3% to 6& return annualized, considering only the purely profit-generation

metrics for any given company.

But, the same proportions just don't hold true when the scale is much smaller.

A small business producing less than one million dollars a year can be had for a P/E (or price

to earnings ratio) of 2.25 to 2.5.

In other words, you can acquire a small corporation producing a million dollars a year in profits

can be had for as little as 2.25 million dollars.

The reason for this disparity is because the small business scene is a buyers' market.

There are far too many small businesses for sale on the market, but there are very few


Industrial buyers, private equity firms and big companies have no interest in buying businesses

that tiny.

From their perspective, it just doesn't make sense, since the numbers are so small.

And then there are the demographics.

Baby boomers are now retiring.

There are roughly sixty-five million of them…

passing down their business assets to only 44 million people in the following generation.

And given that the current business trends in America are leading younger people to abandon

capitalism as a core-philosophy, it's no surprise that only one in thirteen small businesses

that gets listed for sale ends up getting acquired within two years.

Which means… this is an excellent time for you to grow your business through acquisitions.

It has never been easier or cheaper to acquire a small business along with all their assets…

including customers and client contracts apart from equipment, real estate, furniture and


So, if you have a competitor who's been killing you in the marketplace for a while…

talk to them and see if they are open to selling their organization altogether.

Chances are, their answer will surprise you.

By the way, if you are interested in growing your business through acquisitions, click

on the link in the description below, and get in contact with us.

We specialize in small business mergers and acquisitions, and whether you are just open

to considering this idea… or you're at the valuation stage and need help with that….

Or you need us to put together an entire deal for you, get in touch with us and let us know.

We can help with individual stages ranging from prospecting, identification, communication,

valuation, financial modeling, agreements and legal, financing and closing… as well

as management and integration of processes post-closing.

We can also help with the entire process.

So those are our top five predictions for the upcoming months.

Do you agree with our list?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you liked this video, hit like.

If you didn't, let us know why.

If you have a comment, question or suggestion, leave a comment below.

And as always, thanks for watching.

My name is Lakshay Behl, and on behalf of our entire team here at Westernston, I wish

you and yours a very productive and prosperous 2018.

Happy new year.

For more infomation >> The top five marketing trends for small businesses in 2018 - Duration: 11:15.


Pepa fixed my polar blonde pixie cut! Fanny_rst - Duration: 7:33.

Hi there!!!!!

Here we go with my very first YouTube video ;-)

It's been six months that I planned to get on YouTube...

Now it's there... I decided to prepare a Christmas gift

I could have done a contest on Instagram, but I could also do what I should have done a long time ago...

I had an appointment at Cavaleri Coiffure, my favorite salon in Neuchâtel

Pepa was going to give me a much-needed makeover

I'll admit my hair looked ugly

Pepa couldn't believe how bad my hair looked!

My dark roots were really showing after a few months without a salon visit!

My hair was so greasy, even though I washed it every day

But I thought I would be interesting to share it all with you!

... just so I can show the miracles that Pepa does with my hair ;-)

we filmed the entire process

She gave me basically the same pixie cut as last summer

well clippered

I hope you will like this video

because I've really put my heart into it

I found it bizarre to talk to a camera ;-)

1000 thank yous to Cavaleri Coiffure

And of course, thank you Pepa!!

Thank you for the amazing video, Océane

I really tested her patience, I'm afraid ;-)

by asking her to stand on the left ... or on the right, or just somewhere else ;-)

So there you go, a new beginning right at the end of 2017

I will be very happy to hear what you think of my video!!

Bloopers at the end!!

... I've found Océane back - It's really snowing now

I think I'm not a real Swiss girl at heart - it's cold!!!!

i've put on some great shoes

I'm not sliding at all

Hey, Pepita!!!

I came on foot, it was too hard to drive ;-)

For more infomation >> Pepa fixed my polar blonde pixie cut! Fanny_rst - Duration: 7:33.


Nạp 5 Triệu Quay Skin New | Trang Phục Mới Ngộ Không Hỏa Nhản Kim Tinh Có Nên Mua ? - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> Nạp 5 Triệu Quay Skin New | Trang Phục Mới Ngộ Không Hỏa Nhản Kim Tinh Có Nên Mua ? - Duration: 14:47.


فيلم أنمي قصير روعة - أجمل فيلم قصير نشرته السنة السابقة على قناتي - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> فيلم أنمي قصير روعة - أجمل فيلم قصير نشرته السنة السابقة على قناتي - Duration: 7:49.


4 faits incroyables sur BALI, en INDONÉSIE! - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 4 faits incroyables sur BALI, en INDONÉSIE! - Duration: 2:21.


Korea's working population shrinking fast - Duration: 2:04.

South Korea's estimated fertility rate was among the lowest in the world.

2-hundred-and-19th among 2-hundred-24 countries according to CIA's World Fact Book.

Meaning sharp decline in the working age population and the country's demographic structure reshaped.

Kim Hyesung breaks down the disturbing digits for us.

South Korea's working age population is shrinking fast.

According to the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs on Tuesday, the number

of working people in the country, those aged between 15 and 64, will plunge by nearly 19

percent between 2017 and 2037.

This is far higher than the OECD average, whose working age population is estimated

to edge down by just zero-point-one percent over the next two decades.

In South Korea, the population under the age of 50 will fall by double digits, while people

aged between 60 and 64 will go up by more than 23 percent, and those above 65 will soar

by 118 percent.

(Korean ed: steve) "Other advanced countries are also seeing

an aging population, but it's been happening gradually over the last seven decades, whereas

in Korea, demographics have started to change recently, since the turn of the century.

The pace that the population is aging in Korea is alarming."

In the OECD, the number of people aged between 40 and 60 will still increase, which could

absorb the shock of the shrinking population under 40.

But in South Korea, the working age population has started to drop since reaching its peak

of over 37 million people in 2016... due to the country's ultra-low fertility rate of


The working age population, which accounted for about 73 percent in 2017 will drop below

60 percent by 2037, meaning more financial burden on the working population as welfare

costs are set to soar.

With this demographic time bomb ticking, experts say specially-tailored policies are essential

to ensure there's enough work for the growing senior citizen labor force.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's working population shrinking fast - Duration: 2:04.


What is he saying?(60) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:27.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm gonna say something and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

Could you catch that?


Let's try that again but this time with a little hint.

You ready?

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

Did you catch it?


Let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

Did you catch it?


The answer is "It's getting cold."

Alright so the "I" in "It" is said softly and the "g" at the end of "getting" is also said softly,

and the "d" as well.

So it sounds like "It's getting cold."

It's getting cold.


So let's practice that together.

So please repeat after me.

First slowly, then a little bit faster after that.

Are you ready?

It's getting cold.


Now let's try that a little bit faster.

It's getting cold.


Now even faster than that.

It's getting cold.


Now let's try that three times quickly.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.

It's getting cold.


So now you know what to say when the temperature gets cold or you are feeling cold.

You can always say "It's getting cold."


So my name is Richard.

Thank you for watching today's video.

Remember to please click like, share and subscribe.

And I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(60) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:27.



For more infomation >> GARV Full Movie HD-SALMAN KHAN,SHILPA SHETTY-ENGLISH/ARABIC/INDONESIAN Subtitles - Duration: 2:37:40.


2018 Rasi Phalalu Telugu - 2018Gantala Panchangam - Astrology In Telugu - Bavishya Jyoti - Horoscope - Duration: 5:32.

please subscribe

For more infomation >> 2018 Rasi Phalalu Telugu - 2018Gantala Panchangam - Astrology In Telugu - Bavishya Jyoti - Horoscope - Duration: 5:32.


Kotoura-san Tập 2 - Khi Main Nữ Vào CLB Và Được Thanh Niên Tỏ Tình - Duration: 23:41.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Kotoura-san Tập 2 - Khi Main Nữ Vào CLB Và Được Thanh Niên Tỏ Tình - Duration: 23:41.


#4 Creating Activity from Scratch – Android Studio Tutorials For Beginner - Duration: 16:33.

Hello and welcome back to myself Amardeep.

In the last video we learned about how to create android virtual device.

If you have not watched my last video then watch it link in the description I inside

suggested videos.

So without wasting more time lets get started.

Today we will be taking look at how we can create our own activity from scratch.

Now I am going to create new project so click on start a new Android Studio project.

name the application as my first activity then company domain then change the path if

you wanted hit next button select API level and now here select add no Activity then click

on finish button now the project has been created.

Click on this project panel here.

now go to app > Java and this is our package name.

To create Activity first we need to create an activity class for that right click on

your package name go to new then Java class name the java class as MyFirstActivity hit


Right now this is not a activity class to make this class an activity class we can extend

AppCompactActivity Now this class becomes activity class.

Now listen very carefully whenever our activity is launched the first method which get called

in oncreate method so I am gonna override oncreate method here.

You can see there are lots of methods available to Override which are from this appcompatactivity

parent so when I press control or O can see the list of methods provided by AppCompactActivity.

So I want onCreate method.

So search for oncreate method.

Here is oncreate method.

Now to override this method click ok this is the first method gets called when our activity

launches so I will add the comment here fine what we have done here with created class

then with extended that class with appcompatactivity then we overrided on create method but we

did not given any layout for this activity.

So remember in the last video I told you method which is responsible to set layout of our

activity what was that method it was set content view now inside the set content view we can

pass resource ID of our layout or view so now I will create a TextView to textView new

TextView this textview component is used to show text on the screen ok so pass context

in this case context is this.

textView dot setText, this method is used to set the text of textView.

Now I want to set the text of text you as hello there this is my first activity now

I will pass this textView as a layout of this activity.

As you can see error gone.

Now I want to run this activity and see the results click on this Run button this is showing

error because we did not defined any launcher activity inside our manifest ok so I want

to make this activity as a launcher activity go to manifest remove the backward slash and

create the tag of application now inside the application tag Open square braces activity

then you can see Android studio helping us to detect the activity inside the suggestion

you can see there is my first activity name or you can write name directly like my first

activity but you have to write the exact name close square braces.

Now we want to make this activity as a launcher activity for that we have to define intent

filter which will make this activity as launcher activity so Open square bracket Then intent

filter close the square bracket inside the intent filter choose category then hit space

there is a property with Android name select Android name type there launcher and you can

see inside autocomplete there is our category for intent filter hit enter then forward slash

which will complete the tag now open square bracket and choose action tag then again name

property hit enter inside double quote type main forward slash which will close the action


Now we are ready to go before running the application let's see what we have done the

very first step to create activity is to create a class after that to make that class as activity

class we have to extend with appcompatactivity or only the activity like this I will tell

you the difference between activity and appcompatactivity right now just focus on how we can create

the activity ok you can use one of them appcompatactivity or only the activity now I have overidden

method oncreate method second step I have overridden method oncreate method now when

you will launch this activity then first method which gets called is oncreate method inside

this method we have written textview to textview new textview.

This Syntax will create new textView.

Ok then set text of the text View as hello there this is my first activity and finally

after setting up our text we can set content view to the textView ok so let's run this

program now as you can see here inside the application there is our textView with text

as hello there this is my first activity now this is not the general with to set layout

for an activity now I will show you how you can create your custom layout.

These view object creation and our functionality code due to both this program will get very

large then you are not able to find anything quickly so it will become Complex so that's

why we can create layouts in XML in Android so I will show you how you can create the

layout via XML remove this textView remove the set content View go to resources folder

now there is no layout folder inside this res folder we can create the layout folder

inside res just right click on the res folder create a new directory name name the directory

exactly as layout so you have to put exact same name as a layout and hit ok button.

Right click on this layout folder go to new layout resource file this option and now we

are creating layout for my first activity so to identify this layout is of my first

activity we have to put some relation between activity name and layout name ok so I will

write the layout name as activity all in small letters no capital letters are allowed here

if I trying to add a capital letter it will tell you cannot use the capital letters ok

so activity my first so now we can identify this is the layout for my first activity so

second option is root element this is the parent of our activity so what we have to

choose the root element now just choose the linearlayout we will talk about this root

element in a letter video so hit ok button now this is the drag and drop editor you can

see this is the palet window inside this you can see there are many components you can

add inside this activity layout by just dragging and dropping so now if I want a button inside

my activity then I will just write it and drop inside layout here you can see my button

after dragging and dropping this button when I will select the button this attribute window

will come from the left hand side inside this attribute window you can set width height

almost every parameter of the button you can set it here and I usually did not work in

this drag and drop editor so if you want to write in text format you can see there are

two tabs here design and then text so select text tab now our window has been toggled to

text mode inside this we can and put our different different components if you did not have this

little preview then you have to click on this preview button in the left so you can see

the preview now this is the parent for our activity so this is our parent and if you

want to write button outside that parent it will give error because for any Android layout

only one root tag has to be there so here linearlayout and then button root tag it does

not fulfilling the conditions that's why it is giving the error multiple root tag so just

copy this and past it below I will remove the button here and I will put our textView

so open square bracket textview match parent and wrap content then forward slash close

square bracket because we did not want to add more elements inside textView.

we have to set text of this textView to do this write text and autocomplete suggestions

will appear now here you can see there are lots of lots of properties available here

so you can use any of these properties to see what happens inside this window ok so

now I will just go with text attribute and inside the double quote write the text I want

to write hello there i have created custom layout for my first activity ok now this is

clear and you can see inside this preview there is a textView to set this layout as

layout of this activity we have to write inside oncreate method set content view then we have

to pass a reference of our layout which is R.layout R is nothing but res folder and layout

is nothing but layout folder so R.layout. and after writing layout dot inside autocomplete

you can see activity my first layout click on this autocomplete and done.

now this will set activity activity my first as layout of this activity let's see again

what we have done to set this layout as layout of our activity so first create a layout inside

the layout folder then add the components inside that layout.

Come back to activity inside oncreate method write set content view then pass location

of a layout which nothing but R.layout.activity_my_first R means Res folder then layout layout folder

and activity my first now we will see output of this program hit run on the top as you

can see on the screen there is a application running inside the application this is the

exact message inside that textView ok let's see again what we have done to create this

activity ok so we first created a class which is called as MyFirstActivity.

Then to make this class as activity Class we extended it with appcompatactivity then

we have overridden oncreate method from this appCompactActivity parent this oncreate method

gets called as soon as our my first activity is launched so inside the oncreate method

we have called setcontentview and inside setcontentview we have passed location of our layout so now

this topic is clear to you so after setting up this oncreate method I have defined It

Inside manifest.

That's all guys for this video in this video we learned how we can create activity from


Now in the next video will be learning activity lifecycle are in this to tell I said that

oncreate method is the first method which gets called as soon as the activity is launched

this is nothing but part of activity lifecycle so in the next video will be taking look at

this activity lifecycle in brief if you find this video helpful then like it share it and

don't forget to subscribe my channel if you want to learn more about Android then you

can visit my website link is right there inside the description and last

but not the least if you have any doubt related to this topic or any other topic then ask

in the comment section below I will be happy to help you.

that's all thank you have a nice day

For more infomation >> #4 Creating Activity from Scratch – Android Studio Tutorials For Beginner - Duration: 16:33.


Luộc Ghẹ Trong Trái Dừa Xiêm .Xem Là Ghiền Luôn .Nấu Ăn Trong Rừng .MUDCRAB Catch N Cook - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> Luộc Ghẹ Trong Trái Dừa Xiêm .Xem Là Ghiền Luôn .Nấu Ăn Trong Rừng .MUDCRAB Catch N Cook - Duration: 11:42.


Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors for Children with Cute Baby Mouse Colorful - Duration: 3:06.

Five little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,

And the doctor said

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Four little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Three little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Two little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

"Put those Baby right to bed!"

For more infomation >> Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors for Children with Cute Baby Mouse Colorful - Duration: 3:06.


Leaked Video! Sonam Kapoor Caught Red-Handed While Romance With Boyfriend Anand Ahuja At Paris - Duration: 4:01.

Leaked Video! Sonam Kapoor Caught Red-Handed While Romance With Boyfriend Anand Ahuja At Paris

For more infomation >> Leaked Video! Sonam Kapoor Caught Red-Handed While Romance With Boyfriend Anand Ahuja At Paris - Duration: 4:01.


Metro in the snow arrives at Spijkenisse Centrum - Duration: 0:40.

Metrostation Spijkenisse Centrum

For more infomation >> Metro in the snow arrives at Spijkenisse Centrum - Duration: 0:40.


WHY I WENT VEGAN - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> WHY I WENT VEGAN - Duration: 14:30.


NURTW Boss "Mc Oluomo" Claims Allah's Appeared Inside A Water In His House Today|NVS News - Duration: 2:07.

NURTW Boss "Mc Oluomo" Claims Allah's Appeared Inside A Water In His House Today

NURTW boss MC Oluomo, in an IG post a few hours back claims he saw the name of God in the water meant for mopping the floor in his house.

In his words;.

 ALLAHU akbar, Wonders shall never end , The name of Allah appear on water to use to mob the floor dis morning.

This happen in my house this morning 1st of January 2018.

Isa Al-Masih said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me".

Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu.


Guys, What Do You Think About This?.

Share your thoughts below.

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