Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

tell me what can fuck this up I see some

of you going getting in my head you're I

get in your head you're what dad but

when you get in your head what does that

really mean it means you're believing

the most limiting thoughts and you have

to remember we all have a

two-million-year-old brain and it's not

designed to make you happy it's designed

to make you survive so it's always

looking for what's wrong then we played

the game look for brown and you also saw

beige it and called it brown just to

feel successful

I said look for red you saw Burgundy you

called it red so you could get more

scores whatever you're looking for seek

and ye shall what fine says that in a

very good book called a good book and

you don't have to be religious to

understand this that this is a fact of

life so if you and I are gonna really

take things to a different level we got

to see what could mess it up so the mind

could mess it up but what aspect of the

mind what makes us start to believe

those thoughts what's the emotion that

messes up what is it

it's absolutely fear but there's more

than this every day of our lives we live

in a world that is incredibly complex it

is no more stressful than world war two

when none of us in this room probably

remember that time but it looked like

democracy was disappearing in the

Germans we're gonna win at one stage

that's stressful being in a foxhole is


you're not making as much money as you

want or being a little overweight or

someone calling you names online that

shit is not stressful we're making it


we've lost perspective who's with me on

this AI so what's really useful I think

today is for us to figure out what

messes us up and one of the biggest

thing that messes up is expectation

right when we say the other day trade

your expectations for appreciation and

your whole life changes because when

you're expecting things and it doesn't

happen you get upset so that first day

also is all about what if you lived your

life and you made a decision and the

decision was life is too short to suffer

it's too short to be stressed pissed off

for worried who's with me on this AI but

our minds our survival software is

always looking for it's wrong our job is

to create the happiness and the only way

you do that if you draw a line in the

sand and say I'm not gonna suffer I'm

gonna be honest I start to feel that

stress I'm gonna breathe and I'm gonna

realize we're the only creatures on the

planet that can think of thought and

become angry drink a thought and become

playful think of thought and be worried

think of thought and feel loved that's

we can change that's why we can change

how fast but you have to take control

and train this brain if you don't train

this brain it'll use you instead of you

using it you have to identify with your

heart or your soul or your spirit and

spit at the brain as I said in China the

heart is the Emperor it is the highest

energy it's the thing that is worshipped

because when you were born there was no

brain your heart started beating and it

wasn't a brain in you as a fetus it has

its own intelligence it produces

hormones that strengthen your bones it

is the strongest force in your immune

system this is the ticket this is what

we get caught up in we want to use the

head and heart together and then we have

the power of both of them so to do that

though we got to give up the expectation

that people are going to behave the way

we want them to because what are the

chances if you have if your happiness is

dependent upon everyone around you your

mother behaving the way you think she

should your father your brother your

sister your co-workers your employees

what are the chances everybody living

the way you think they should on a zero

to 100% scale what are the chances so

why would we allow this to be because

it's just a bad habit and it's like my

buddy Mike here with his daughter

instead of trying to control her he

decides I'm gonna learn from her I'm

gonna love her I'm a grown me and that

pulls her closer instead of pushing her

further away instead of working on them

we're gonna work on us if I want to

change you the fastest way I can change

you has changed me because we're in a

cybernetic loop if I respond if Dad

responds totally different than she can

predict she doesn't know how to deal

with that anymore now you left me up

now your love can penetrate her instead

of the story in each other's minds when

he was talking to me in that first day

about her he was in his head how many

saw that and then he left his head and

gotten his heart and that's when he

penetrated and look at mom of you're

smiling from the ear Dirigo nodding

heads on yeah that's cool and look at

Mike's big smile on his face cuz he can

feel the difference so today we wanted

to do our best to catch ourselves in

there had to get back in our heart and

then here's the biggest thing you need

you don't want to make the assumption

that says now I've done three days and

I'm done this is the beginning not the

end who's with me on this side now it

doesn't have to be the beginning with me

if you want to do more than eat I'm the

master university or you gonna do with

someone else but you got to keep growing

if you don't keep growing none of this

will matter and you can have tremendous

few months or half a year a year but why

would you settle for six months because

we went to the program I remember one

time I had a friend years ago really

good friend of mine it came to this

seminar and he loved it he was on fire

and he went back and he lost 32 pounds

and change his business got closer to

his wife and then he ran into some

challenges and one of us doesn't have to

this is one of his businesses and then

their kid had some challenges and he and

his wife got stressed about it and they

started being stressed with each other

the reaction to the environment and

slowly you know I was like six seven

eight months in and I never and saying

hey tell it I love that seminar but dude

it didn't last it was great for six

months I said asshole

I said who made you think you could do

some for three days and would even last

six months I said do you think I just

like did three days and I've been this

way for the last forty no I said forty

years ago I started a journey that has

never ended and so we need a daily

practice right who's up for hearsay I

and so I want to show you how I do this

for me and I want you to create your own

system based on it so if you're not

gonna get lasting results you got to do

some things regularly the first thing I

call this immersion coaching the first

thing that I do still myself is I

schedule myself at least twice a year

sometimes three times a year to go to an

event of some sort where I can make

myself better psychological

emotionally relationship finances

something I call it an event blast-off

because most people learn a language in

high school and college who learned the

language of high school in college to

make sure your show hands how many of

you don't speak a fucking word of it now

let me see your hands

what happened you spent years but you

did it like one hour a day five days a


immersion is the way to learn when

you're breathing like we're doing here

all night all day it's not comfortable

but it's unbelievably fulfilling how

many experiencing it right now say ah

you got to get over or your mind going I

can't do this it's too hard and all that

shit you got to push yourself through

when you feel exhausted and say there's

a second win of me I'm gonna find it but

if you go for immersion you will master

things ten times faster than you will do

in a little hour a day or once a week or

something like that I mean think about


this seminar is 50 hours of the course

of the week if weekend for days it's a

lot hours I can make this so much easier

let's do an hour a week for a year I'll

get two weeks off it'll be easy would we

get the same result yes or no no way so

I'll give an example my wife and I and

we have an extended family member of

mine and they marry an area the three of

us travel together marries my right arm

and so I drag marry where the Stukas

he's part of our family we just recently

finished a date with destiny which is my

most powerful seminar six days and

nights and it's an experience of cousin

some grads are they very cool but it's

one of my favorite things to do on earth

but it's not an easy thing on my body as

you might imagine and it's incredibly

fulfilling but at the end of it my body

is complete toast as you can imagine and

we were in Australia and the Gold Coast

and I scheduled around ISA mozzies here

however nice to see you guys and I I

scheduled because my life is so full

there was only like one week I could do

this and so I scheduled to go this place

in Sedona Arizona with this man for 39

years has been a neurological expert

about how to wire your brain for alpha

States Delta States if you're familiar

with those but alphas the expertise and

I want it as graves my life is I want to

take another level so I have more to

give for my family for my friends for

you for myself so we go for seven days


this is what it was like you got up

first thing in morning 6:30 and you

spend an hour and a half getting your

brain wired with this glue shit and they

put like 180 these electrodes on your

head my wife looks so attractive and so

did I it was amazing and then after

wiring you up with this goop which by

the way it takes forever to get out


oh there's why we don't see the good you

see just our hair afterwards but the

bottom line is we go in then you go in

individual rooms like I want to be with

my family right I want to be with my

wife I'm with my family and I got to go

in this dark little room that has no

light and all that and it's freezing


it must be my Karma for the shit I did

you people on a regular basis right and

and sure enough I'm there for 14 hours

in this room you get one break sometimes

to run the restroom and the entire time

you are learning to think and how you

think these electrodes create sounds and

you learn how to put yourself in the

zone of alpha but it's a batch it's

horrible I wouldn't recommend it to

anybody that wants easy experiences but

I recommend to anybody that wants to

grow immensely and by the the first

thing I'm like who do I gotta shoot to

get out of this thing oh it's me I'm the

one that did this shit but by the end of

the week all three of us were able to go

into this state of alpha and if you're

familiar with alpha the best way I can

describe alpha is there's no problem

that can't be solved in alpha because

every problem that we have was created

by us destruction of the environment to

the pissed off myths that you may have

and since we create the problems any

problem of human creates we can solve

but you can't do with the same level

thinking to got you there so the science

of it and you can't cheat this thing

measures you and then you take this

freaking test with 300 questions three

times a day the same effing test and

takes forever and while you're answering

it these electrodes are seeing what

you're doing and then the guy sits down

with you it's called Sigma's and he goes

well this is 2 Sigma this is even this

is 10 Sigma's and the more Sigma sees

how far you are off from what you wrote

from what was really going on in your

nervous system so I was like you know

like you know said something to me like

that I was demanding I'm like what the

fuck I'm not

what are you talking about right but I

guess I guess I was right and you

learned then how to let go those old

patterns create new ones so my point is

I'm doing okay in my life I'm not

exactly hurting I'm having the most

beautiful life I could possibly have a

beautiful mission a beautiful family

beautiful children grandchildren

beautiful experience to living life and

yet I'm not willing to settle for that

because I'm here to deliver more for

everyone I love including myself and so

what I do is I schedule it because

listen to me when you talk about shit

it's a dream when you envision it it's

exciting when you plan it it's possible

when you schedule it it's real when this

event became real as when you enrolled

yourself before that it was an idea and

there's lots of people intended to be

here intended but they never locked it


so I lock it in advance because if I

unlocked it in after date with destiny

there's no way I got a plane flown all

the way there and then put myself in a

room for seven days and nights but I'm

grateful I did and I only did it because

I already locked in place so I encourage

you to number one figure out at least

twice a year what are you gonna go to

it's gonna make you grow and expand how

would you feel like these last couple

days have been some of the most goals

you've had in a couple of days here say

hi then why settle for this one time

again I'm happy to do it with you I have

other programs if you want to come but

you're not limited to me I don't care

where you go but before you leave here

you should schedule what's next you know

why because how many were looking

forward to this for a long time and very

excited about this I'm curious how many

were quite scared about this shit by the

way I'm curious but here's what's

interesting after you achieve a goal

have you ever done this work your ass

off achieve the goal and you feel good

and then there's kind of a drop because

we need something compelling to be going

after so we keep growing so I always

write before I achieve a goal I

immediately set what the next thing is

and I lock it in my schedule because

otherwise there's that drop and if I

help the next thing it's like you're

going from peak to peak as opposed to

peak to drop to peak to drop

how many fall I'm talking about here say

hi and the other guys learned that

taught this to all my children that one

time my daughter was talking to me just

like dad you know you're so brilliant

and I said you're absolutely right

and I said honey you know I am a smart

human being I've worked hard to be a

smart human being but probably my

greatest gift is I do not let

opportunity escape my grasp if there's

an opportunity and it scares me if it's

not pretending that all the time

if there's an opportunity all the money

and the early days in my life then all

three of them I did have time the money

and I was fearful I make myself do it

because I know that if I don't get

myself to do that I'm not gonna keep


my teacher Jim Rohn used to teach me

this he said Tony

if you really want have an amazing life

you gotta learn to stretch yourself I

said well I did stretch myself he goes

but let me give you my philosophy of

stretching he said stretching means if

you find yourself saying I can't do

something then you must say I must do it

immediately and do it with no hesitancy

because if you hesitate it's like the

firewalk if you went up to the firewalk

most you got up there made your move and

rock somebody get up there like shit oh

what am I doing here and the longer you

wait the what it is harder this he just

train yourself to just do it

instinctively push yourself so if I say

I can't than I must now he first told me

this I said well I can't I must as I

can't jump off a cliff that I must be

said no be intelligent but he said if

you find yourself saying I can't do

something I don't want to do something

but you know if you made yourself do it

you're gonna be a better human being

then you must do it don't hesitate do it

immediately and so some people say well

that's not a very safe life that's not a

very secure life if you want security go

to prison if you want freedom this is

how you live right so once you've got

events where you're gonna make huge

growth the next thing you want to do

throw up the number twos you really want

to get yourself a coach or a mentor why

do you want to coach your mentor you're

smart well I got a series of mentors

I've got three men in my life who are

the smartest humans I know some of most

successful people in the world in

business spiritually emotionally

well-developed they're eighteen to

twenty years my senior and guess what I

come to them all the time for

accountability and feedback because as

much as I notified myself

you don't do brain surgery on yourself

even if you're grain brain surgeon does

it make sense

you need some feedback from the outside

because you're still in it and so

getting a coach is critical and I get

paid a million dollars a year to coach

someone and I only take on seven clients

and I got now a five year waiting list

so I'm not looking for any coaching

clients but I've trained all of my

coaches to do the same things I do and

they don't show up two million those

year not even gloves so you can use our

coaches that you want or someone else

but what you don't want to do is have a

friend be your coach why I'll give an

example a few years back I was on this

talk show that's in the morning a

moments in the name but that's a bunch

of ladies what's the name of the view

that's right I won't mention it and I

was on the view and was some Barbara

Walters was still on and I was a

brilliant amazing lady and they had me

on in January and I was doing a piece on

new year new life how to transform your

energy in your body and when I was done

talking this little seven-minute

segments all four or five women I guess

it was five woman followed me into the

green room literally during the break

and they said listen before the TV comes

back on we want to do this you know tell

us more how do we do this and we want to

do this together and when they said they

wanted to do it together I was like hold

it I said can can I be direct with you

on this I said Barbara you know how much

I respect you and all of you but can I

be direct they said well yeah I said

well I respect you you're some of the

best in the world we do as journalists I

said you have an incredible show nobody

to show you've been in years Barbara

your role model for anyone who wants to

be successful man a woman but there's an

area of your life none of you have

mastered your body I'm not being harsh I

have to tell the truth because the truth

is how you get to the things to change

and you should have seen him look around

and be like oh god I just said what

I didn't say they're fat I said you

haven't mastered this area your life and

I said here's the problem if you guys

get together now and none of you've

mastered this area and you're all

friends you'll do this for two or three

days but about the third or fourth day

in when he's going to go go to Starbucks

you never mocha smoke or something some

fuck whatever that shit's gone right and

some of us can say no we got to work on

the go but like can't we just stop for a

few minutes and then someone else will

say well we can stop for a few minutes

and then you're fucked cuz you'll break

the pattern I said have you ever done

this before and he started shaking hands

they said is that multi so I said don't

do this together I know you love each

other that's why you shouldn't do it

together get a professional when you're

gone want a mocha smoke little fucked up

and you need someone who's not gonna

listen to your bullshit and it's gonna

push you until you develop the

discipline to develop the skill and even

then they're gonna know the little

things the two millimeter things you

don't know that could save you a decade

how many fathers say I so don't get a

good coach get an outstanding one and

the problem is I created the coaching

industry before I came along no one

called myself a coach in this industry

there wasn't this industry you had to be

a therapist and you gotta prove by

insurance and I came along and said

these therapists are sitting down with

people for 7fn years and I can wipe out

that phobia in twenty minutes or an hour

and so I went around and I said I gotta

figure Who I am I'm not a motivator I

never was you know I'm not a guru what

am i I thought was an athlete who

influenced me the most of my coaches and

many of them were not as good as I was

but I'm in the game I'm in the forest

they're outside of it they could see

things give me cues and they cared about

me so I said that's what that forget

athletics I'm a coach I love people I'm

not better than they are but I'm gonna

see things they can't see because this

is my focus all right and so I did that

and for many years they call myself a

coach no one did I remember I was on

Larry King Live and I just started

coaching President Clinton because what

is this coaching thing you're not a

coach you don't coach athletes I said

well actually I do

but I said no here's what I mean by

coach and is about to give it up and

like well in the next six months

everybody was a coach therapists are

calling self coaches financial planner

Starcom self coaches became a term of

art now I hate it

you know I there's no standard by

anybody say they're calling self a coach

and we go out there into it they go to

some class some idiot teaches and three

skills they've never produced the

fucking result in their life and their

coach so I feel like they created a

bastard industry and so like any

industry there's good and bad you gotta

find some of these outstanding don't

settle for somebody's good and don't

sell some because you like them cuz

white game is a nice thing you need

somebody who has the skill to get you

them who's living on this AI and why do

we want to coach so you measure at least

twice a month some of you three times a

month because if you don't measure you

can't manage what you don't measure does

that make sense

and you gotta measure it and it's easy

with your children with your life with

your businesses you're gonna get caught

up you need somebody helping you to stay

on target for what you want for your

life how many follow say ah and it's

cheap most coaching is inexpensive and

the people that overcharge don't go to

them but get somebody's really great and

then finally thirdly and this is what I

want to show you this morning

you need a daily practice and a daily

practice that's gonna put you in the

best state possible regularly and so

there's two parts of the nearly practice

what is you want to feed your mind every

day for at least 30 minutes and when I

say feed your mind my teacher Jim Rohn

used to say miss a meal but don't miss

reading for 30 minutes and I don't mean

reading the web or your social media

bullshit or Twitter I mean reading a

real book that you've selected because

it's gonna make you grow spiritually

mentally emotionally financially

something that makes you feel something

that gives you a strategy not some cute

little blog posts that you can read in

five minutes I mean something that's

gonna make you not be nymphal candy some

that's gonna produce a different result

because our lives that the result of the

input input a bunch of garbage you get

garbage out so I I would like never miss

reading and then I started listening to

audios when I was really young and the

great thing about audios is you can do

what I call net time no extra time so

the biggest challenge we have is what am

I gonna read what am I gonna do this

women do all these things the answer is

it doesn't take any extra time if you

use net time you do it while you're

cleaning the house while you're working

out going for a walk when you're driving

in your car should be you need

versity where you're feeding your mother

because if you don't feed your mind

weeds grow automatically you have to

work on growing weeds they're gonna be

there if you don't do something to

replace it so every day 30 minutes of

either audio or a book something that's

gonna make you grow it'll feed your mind

it'll keep the momentum going so this

won't be just the one burst this will be

the one that got you going and then you

keep the momentum by doing this and then

finally and most importantly many people

the most silly question I'm asked in the

media all the time for 40 years is don't

you have bad days don't you get upset

don't these things happen of course but

I said I don't stay there I've trained

myself like an athlete trains their

muscles I train my emotional muscles

which by the way I think your emotional

spiritual muscles are the most important

ones it courage unused does it grow or

shrink which one safe unemployed unused

does it grow or diminishe diminishes

passion unexpressed does it expand or

shrink so the most important muscles

that change your life are those mental

emotional spiritual muscles if we

develop them more we're going to

experience more so the way I do that is

to a process I call priming and this is

the part that I really want you to get

because it's really simple most of us

have you ever thought seen someone do

something I thought to yourself what the

f is wrong with this idiot who's ever

have those thought how many of you ever

done something yourself and thought what

the f am i doing okay many times we

think we're thinking our own thoughts

when we're not we've been trying by the

environment to think a certain way and

we don't even realize it now sometimes

that's done consciously by marketers or

advertisers that's a simplistic example

but a more powerful example is what

happens in your daily life so let me

give you a couple examples so you become

aware of the power of priming and then I

want to show you oh you can consciously

prime your own mind and body and emotion

so you naturally go where you want to go

as opposed to hoping you go there so

some of the studies I'm priming

shown that what you think of your

thoughts actually got there because

something in the environment that you're

no longer noticing so an example this

would be they did a study and they took

two actors and they both approached a

hundred people each and the actors were

designed to do the exact same thing they

walk up to people they have the same

facial expression and they say well your

singers kiss me could you hold this for

me for one second when I grab my phone

and they hand you this cup of coffee and

then they reach in their pocket to get

their phone for two seconds they put it

back real fast they go thank you so much

and they take it back and every time

they did it exactly the same way with

all the people two hundred people one

hundred each each person did a hundred

people but fifty of those people they

gave hot coffee tip fifty the people

they gave iced coffee tip now listen to

this this is mind boggling

after 35 to 45 minutes roughly a person

walks by outdoors or at the mall

wherever they did this they have a check

for a clipboard and they go scuse me um

we'll give you twenty dollars if you'll

give us three minutes of your time to

read these three paragraphs and answer

two questions ninety-five seven people

do it 20 bucks three minutes all good

and they read these three paragraphs

which is this story about this main

protagonist and then the two questions

are tell us what's the first emotion

that you link to the main character and

what's the second one those the two

questions when they do this with people

they had a hot coffee to 80% of the

people eighty-one percent to be exact

roughly 80 81 say that the person they

read the story about is generous and

warm sometimes they had the word loving

but generous and warm is always there

the people have the exact same

presentation 34 40 minutes earlier for a

given iced coffee 80% is a 1% difference

which is statistically irrelevant eighty

percent of them say the person is cold

and uncaring and the only different is

thirty five or four minutes earlier

somebody handed you a hot or cold cup of


that's wild isn't it I'll give you

another example you know in America many

of the other 72 countries here but in

America a lot of people see individuals

that come from Asia as being superior in

science and math and there's a different

mindset in those countries about science

and math and when those people come here

they work incredibly hard and incredibly

focused they believe and the belief

structure is they do really well if

you're Asian now in our culture in the

past many times people have been focused

on the fact that if you are a man you do

well with math and science but if you're

a woman it's just not your cup of tea

you're not quite as strong in it and

there's no basis for that whatsoever but

it's a cultural anchor that people have

begun to believe in so here's what's

interesting they took the math part of

the SAT test and they took a group of

women at Harvard and all they did to

change the test has changed the first

question of the test on half the test

they said what's your gender on the

other half the tests they said what is

your nationality right what's your

ethnicity well interesting when they're

asked what their sex was and they're all

women they performed 11% lower and if

they are asked what is your ethnicity

and they said Asian they were 11% higher

a 22% difference between the two and the

only difference was the first question

was asked because it primed you either

for your higher level of skill based on

your conditioning or a lower level of

skill based on social conditioning how

many phone right there's a million

studies like this another interesting

one that's really simple is they did an

ad where they show the IBM logo and the

Apple logo and they also did this with

the commercial I don't know if you

remember the commercial think

differently than Apple made years ago so

had people watch the commercials in both

cases afterwards they were given a

creativity test the people that watched

the 30-second Apple commercial versus

IBM score twenty percent higher

consistently across the board and all

they saw was 30 seconds about thinking

different that is the power

priming so my point is really simple if

you're gonna get the results that you

deserve and that you want you want to

prime yourself for success prime

yourself for love prime yourself for


rather than hope that you show up that

way based on the triggers of your

environment does this make sense

and so I prime myself every single day

for a minimum of 10 minutes it's the

first thing I do in the morning and I'd

like to show you how you do it and have

you do it so you can have a daily

discipline and if you do this every day

if you keep once or twice a year get

yourself to an immersion experience it

makes you grow you get yourself a coach

where twice a month 30 minutes even

you're just staying on target of

measuring and you read 30 minutes a day

you hear an audio 30 minutes a day and

you start with priming then this won't

be a three six twelve month thing this

will be a lifetime thing does that make


so you're not gonna get a lifetime

results unless you're lucky by one

experience but you can certainly happen

to use this as the blast-off and then

you have a daily discipline to keep the

momentum going so how are we gonna prime

well let me give you a story first a

simple example first was one of my boys

my second youngest son's name is Josh

love him deaf amazing kid and Josh came

to live with me when his five years old

never I told you I was 24 and instantly

I got married to him

I've been married twice before with kids

from two different husbands and she

wasn't living with her kids and so I met

her fell in love with her brought her

into my life and then saw how sad she

was without her kids so I brought her

kids away from both the other husbands

they were happy to give them to us and I

adopted them as ours and so I'm 24 and I

got a 17 year old son because she was 13

years my senior an 11 year old daughter

of five year old and one on the way

well Josh was the five year old and josh

is just such a sweet really incredibly

great kid but one of the challenges for

Josh was he was afraid to even walk down

the driveway to get to the bus I'm mr.

fear and the power rip shit open and my

son can't walk down to the bottom of the

strength and so I had to kind of try to

figure out how to deal with this how to

figure it all out and figure what I was

going to do to try and make

than happen to make a change and so one

of the things that happened was I

started to realize that I needed to

train his nervous system to have courage

instead of hoping it showed up I got a

really trained it and I started doing

these things with him and I watched him

before my eyes change it become more

confident be more strong and all I was

doing was getting to program his own

mind prime himself just really simple

little things to do and then one day

Josh came home and he was laughing

uncontrollably and like over nothing and

then I came in the room and there was a

new friend with him and this kid you

know you know anybody that's not really

funny but they think they are

I don't know so like this somebody who

cracks himself up you know I mean and

this kid was cracking himself up he

wasn't funny but he laughed so hard I

found myself laughing at his silly jokes

right and Josh laughing so much so when

he left I said to Josh that kid he's

your friend

I said make him your friend for life he

goes why dad I said because if you hang

out with him who you spend time with us

who you become and you're around him

there's so much more playful you just

have so much more joy you so much you

have so much laughter and that young boy

my son is 36 9 3 grandkids with him and

his best friend is still that young boy

is now also 36 years old and Josh is

and to this day Josh is funny as shit

when he was a little kid like he's 7 or

8 years old he stole this dirty jokes

book and memorized every frickin joke in

the damn thing and he got so much reward

for it and his body was like that the to

this day if I want to laugh you know

josh is my partner a couple of my

companies and he's not my partner I have

four kids none of my others are partners

with me I love them all equally but he

shows up differently and part of it is

things that stress other people out he

breaks the pattern with his own laughter

has beautifully around great huh any

problem so I'll give you another example

of priming when I first started on my

date with destiny seminar decades ago I

I did the seminar in my own house at a

place called the Del Mar castle and

there were about I don't know 38 39

people to seminar a little different now

as you can see and I was delivering like

my heart and soul into this particular

program and gradually I started looking

around and going man I can't keep doing

this my house there's not enough room

when we got to 100 people I had to move

it but I wanted to keep it and you know

I lived in Del Mar California on the

beach and I said well there's a hotel on

the beach and well it's a really nice

hotel called lubbers liberation we'll go

down the birds will do it there and they

have a room that'll hold 150 people

which is a giant seminar for me at those

days and when they didn't count on I

thought this is great people work on

their beliefs and their goals and values

and they go outside and they can sit on

the beach during the breaks breathe the

fresh air but what I didn't think about

is right there in Del Mar on the beach

there's a train station and so somehow

my little brain didn't figure this out

till it's too late I'm in the middle of

a seminar and someone is sharing this

emotional experience as one was raped

and she's going through it all and I'm

stepping in to help her and also her and

II knew this freaking brain of train

whistles and they do it like five times

so nobody misses the train and so

everytime sirtaki interrupts again and

people are getting pissed off and it was

happening so often cuz there's so many

trains that at one point I realized I

know the scheduled whenever able to be

pissed off 8:30 a.m.


thirty twelve ten they're gonna be

pissed because the trains gonna come so

I turn to the audience and I said we

gotta have a schedule for being pissed

off right now and I'd like us to train

ourselves to feel differently how many

of you have something in your life or

someone who can trigger you at times

annoy you

it could be a family member you love but

they have this little thing they do it

could be a husband or wife it could be

your kids it could be a Cobra how many

got one of these say I said what if we

trained ourselves so the same stimulus

that was making us angry we trained our

nervous system just using basic science

neuroscience trained our nervous systems

so the same stimulus makes us feel great

and people look to me like this is

bullshit what are you talking about I

said here's what I want to do since the

trains gonna come a dozen times a day

and we have three more days together

perhaps we should enjoy the train how

many of you when you're a kid when you

heard a train you wanted to see the

Train maybe count the number of cars or

run down to be close to it how many how

many were excited when you saw a train

raise your hand say hi now you're on the

way to work or a meeting and a train

comes in your way freaking train I'll

give you a clue the train didn't change

so the question is I said what if every

time the train comes we train ourselves

to celebrate to feel good to enjoy I

said so here someone asked you to do

every title your train I don't care from

the middle the most important

conversation of your life I don't care

for her we're doing something but you

think it's okay if you're tired I don't

give all the books on your chair I want

you to instantly just drop everything

and I want you to jump and start to

celebrate like a little kid like it's

the greatest gift of your life and then

we're gonna end with a low clap and then

we're gonna laugh hysterically into our

chair if you can't laugh I want you to

fake laugh into your chair because most

of you know if you fake laugh what

starts to happen real laughter comes

right and then you water yourself to

last more easily just like with Josh I

wanted people wouldn't be nice to laugh

easier you didn't have to have

everything me perfectly funny for you to

have a good time because most of you

doesn't have to be perfectly bad for you


oh so train it so I got it would agree

and we did it so every time the train

came and some people are gonna freaking

train that won't work you gotta go it's

a trap you got to be like a little kid

and pretty soon people look forward to

the Train and by the way would this be

useful to train yourself around a person

in your life or a situation yes or no so

I don't have a train nearby but I

haven't reported a special train whistle

and I'm gonna ask you for the rest of

today no matter how tired we are I'm a

hard-working no matter what we're in the

middle of if we're that train with so

we're gonna jump up and we're gonna

celebrate like little kids make noise

have fun well clap we'll do the well

clap and then we're going to have fists

eraklyon our Chairman appointed somebody

else and laugh at them while we're doing

it to train our nervous system who's

willing to go for it yes if that feels

good say yes say yes say yes

so that's priming can we pry myself to

feel good yes or no what if you knew you

would never have a really important

conversation with your kid or your

spouse or your loved one and you're

starting to feel a little tension

because you don't want to deal with this

because you love them you don't deal the

bullshit potato you got to in this state

of being primed about it how's it gonna

go but if you primed yourself a laughter

or joy or playfulness and now you're

gonna be with them and somebody goes no

no you that'll fuck with him real quick

love it they don't to deal with you

enjoying yourself so we are in charge

here's the point life changes the moment

you make the decision that you're a

hundred percent responsible for your

experience of life not responsible like

a heavy response able if you're

responsible you're able to respond

you're gonna even spawn and be able to

do that if you own yourself and if you

know people can do anything but still

you're the authority of what it means to

you you're the

authority of your own emotions use

authority of your own actions who's with

me on this AI and blaming other people

which the human mind is always looking

to do will never make you happy never

make you fulfilled never bring you

closer to people never make you grown so

when you're willing to take that level

responsibility where you're like making

judgments and you go on that person is

such a bullshit such a liar

one of these I always do is I do a

reversal mad and go you're such a

bullshitter you're so sorry no I'm not

where are you a bullshitter well it did

bullshit about that once who's ever said

something and after you said it thumped

yourself what I just said was total

bullshit how many better fought this how

we heard someone else say something

about yourself well they just said is

fucking bullshit see if you can see it

in someone else they can see it you

better to just own it let go cuz that's

what the mind does if we let the mind

run us we're gonna have a tough time

this mind serves me I don't negotiate

with the remember I told you I don't say

well I'll do this well maybe we can do

it maybe we'll jump in the water now

it's like it knows I'm not hearing

negotiate when I say it we do it that's

what we want to train ourselves to do

that who's up for that say I so the

first step to that would be priming so

let me show you exactly what I do for 10

myths by the way my son he people around

him enough he laughs so much he is a

priming to other people when he shows up

in the room cuz around Josh enough and

they know at any moment Josh get cracked

them up and there's an unconscious

anticipation of it does that make sense

so either some stressful they're almost

done their ads are josh is gonna do

something of this nature it's an

incredible skill it's an incredible gift

so here's how I pride myself I do three

things first before I do the three

things whenever you want to make a

change or improve something the first

place you want to prove it is in your

mental emotional state if you do

something from the pissed off state from

an exhausted state from a frustrated

state from a weak state you won't matter

what you do the thoughts are weak when

you're in a weak place the actions are

weak so the first thing we're going to

do is I'm going to show you a simple

breathing pattern and the breathing

pattern if you're familiar with yoga is

like Breath of Fire similar

breath the fire and it's a movement his

what it's going to look like is this

you're gonna sit up in your chair with

energy I'll show you what we'll do and

then we'll do it we're gonna raise your

hands up as we take the air in and then

you're gonna blow it up only gonna blow

it out your notes now to do that if

there's anything in there it may show up

coming out of your body so if it does

just wipe it on your neighbor it's not a

problem whatsoever so if you do have

some Kleenex you might want to grab your

Kleenex if you've got some just in case

something happens cuz you're gonna be

blowing out that nose strong in fact if

you have some tissue or a sleeve or


now's the time to use it so here's we're

gonna do you're gonna take the breath in

your hands are gonna go where up and

then as your hands go up like this and

we're gonna do that over and over again

for 30 breaths all cannonbolt you 3 sets

of 10 you're gonna do this with your

eyes closed then you're gonna drop your

hands down palms up on your weight on

your legs and you're just gonna feel

whatever you feel you might notice some

tingling you might notice a sense of


you might just feel relaxed and then

we'll do another 3 sets of 10 another 30

will relax and then another so there are

three sets of 30 3 sets of 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 - 10 with a break between when

you're done with that you're ready to

prime because it put you in stake

priming is three options it's done in 10

minutes you can do more than 10 and many

of you will enjoy it so much you'll go

longer but the reason I do 10 minutes of

priming is I wanted to come up with a

daily discipline there was no excuse not

to do if you don't have 10 fucking

minutes for your life you don't have a

life who's with me on this day I and by

the way when you get on the airplane

what's the first thing they teach you

when they get on the airplane they say

okay you're set up on your seat belt as

if you don't know and then they say in

the result of loss of oxygen what's

gonna happen these masks gonna drop down

they have oxygen and the first thing to

do is grab it and put it on your child

it's the first thing you got to do now

if they tell you what do they tell you

put on yourself you selfish bastard what

are you talking about

why do they tell you to do that because

if you don't take care of you you can't

take care of them

and what a good metaphor for our lives

yes give it up for that piece as well

so we're priming ting care of ourselves

so we can take everybody else - is it

make sense so what we're gonna do is

we're gonna do our three sets of ten

three sets of ten three sets of ten then

with our eyes closed the first three in

1/3 minutes of the ten minutes is we're

gonna focus on three experiences in our

life that we can feel deeply grateful

for three of them and we're not going to

think in like oh this this this we're

taking one at a time spend about a

minute each and step into that moment in

your life that you could feel grateful

for it could be a little thing or a big

thing it doesn't matter what matters is

that you go there you know if I ask you

what's it like to be on a roller coaster

and you remember time you're in a roller

coaster and you picture yourself in a

roller coaster over there you're going

to give me a very different feedback

than if I get you to imagine the moment

you were going over the edge and you're

in the front seat then you're gonna show

me a different result you want your

gratitude to be in the front seat not an

intellectual gratitude out there so I

take three minutes a minute each I come

up with something different every time

I think of a moment that I could feel so

grateful for a blessed moment a

beautiful moment a loving moment a

sacred moment and I step in and feel it

and flood myself with a gratitude now if

you remember why we use gratitude sounds

corny right but why from a scientific

perspective remember what I showed you

the other day when someone's frustrated

when they're angry we can measure your

EKG in your ECG we can see where your

heart and your brain are both doing and

they are all over the place they don't

match they're jagged you remember the

image but when you breathe in your heart

and you put focus in your heart where

focus goes energy and so what happens is

you get unified and all of a sudden the

brain and the heart become one tracing

energy it's crazy that's the flow state

so when you're grateful gratitude is the

antidote to the two emotions that mess

up most people's lives

what are they anger and what fear those

are two Biggie's you cannot be grateful

and angry simultaneously that's the

beauty of it it's the antidote to anger

you can't be fearful

and grateful simultaneously so the more

you cultivate and prime yourself for

gratitude the more you can push through

anger and fear very quickly does that

make sense

so again its scientific this is not like

positive thinking bullshit it's about

what actually changes biochemistry and

what will get you to wire and fire a new

set of patterns in a more elegant more

rewarding more impactful than the ones

that society will condition you to do if

you let it okay so three minutes a

minute each and by the way when I do it

I usually pick two strong ones and then

I pick something really simple and I

make myself really feel the gratitude

like the wind on my face or the smell of

the ocean if I'm doing it outside by my

house or the look on one of my

children's faces and I'll just fill that

up and the reason is if all you do is

get grateful about big things you're

gonna miss most of life you know the

guys that the astronauts that went to

the moon think about that journey think

about as a child these guys dreamed of

being an astronaut they competed with

hundreds of thousands of people and then

a few of these guys get on that rocket

and go to the moon imagine you walk on

the moon you look back and you see that

picture we've all seen of the blue-green

earth it's so beautiful and it's not a

photograph they were the ones they're

seeing it talked about an experience and

then they face their fears and come in

they land successfully in the ocean and

they're rescued and then there's a

ticker tape parade in New York they

shake the president's hand and now what

do you do you're 32 years old and you

walked on the fucking moon what do you

do now for adventure and if you study

the astronauts Buzz Aldrin all these

guys had a chance to hit up you most is

not all but three of them almost all of

them wrote about describe what happened

to them they no longer had a compelling

future I don't have an invention I've

walked on the moon everything else is

small by nature and as a result they got

depressed most of them abused alcohol

and drugs why because they're looking

for adventure on a moon run and they

missed the adventure in a smile so I

train myself daily pry myself to find

those little things that are soaked

beautiful and feel them because the my

field and the more I can give that to

someone else the more I can move that

direction the more I can enjoy as well

it's putting the mask on me first

who's with me on this say ah okay so

that's after we do our breathing step

one of the three steps first the

breathing then the three steps one

gratitude three minutes roughly a minute

each three different moments you can

feel grateful for and feel it enjoy it

savor it live in it next three in the

third minutes second piece are going to

do is you're gonna feel the energy in

you and do a prayer or a blessing now I

know many of you are not religious I'm

not suggesting you need to be but almost

all of us know there's a power in love

you know if God was love and we didn't

come up with all the other names for God

you wouldn't have much argument between

people so I imagine that what you're

gonna do is imagine that energy of God

the universe whatever you want imagine

coming down empty like a white light and

breathing it down the end through your

body down your legs into the earth and

then coming back up and have it against

us and it comes back up and you have to

do this with your hands but I'm trying

to show you what the feeling is and

while you're doing this what are you

gonna do during those three minutes is

you're gonna give thanks it's like a

prayer saying heal my body my mind my

emotions strengthen me make me the best

I can be strengthen my love my passion

my courage whatever it is that you value

in yourself and you feel that happening

of the three minutes I do that for about

a minute and a half and the other man in

half I then take that energy through me

and I send it in a circle around to my

children to my family to my friends to

my co-workers to my associates to my

partners to the people I meet on the

street to my clients and so it's taking

the energy now you might sound like

Lewis stuff but the idea of allowing

your nervous system to heal and

strengthen just the focus of that alone

for you is strong and sending to others

as well so you can think it's all

bullshit but try it and decide based on

the experience if you do in a while I

think you're gonna find

it'll look deep in that sense of

gratitude because it becomes not only

gratitude but healing

strengthening and a gift to those you

love the last three minutes I call three

to thrive you're gonna think of three

things that you really want to

accomplish or achieve but instead of

like hoping it happens or thinking about

it happening you're gonna step in your

mind and experience it as if it's done

you're gonna see it or feel it breathe

it celebrate it like you've already

achieved the goal what you're doing is

training your reticular activating

system and we talked about this the

other day the part of your brain that

notices things when you did you know

before you bought that car outfit you

never noticed them now you buy that car

outfit those cars and outfits are

everywhere how come because your Ras now

that you own one says this is important

I need to pay attention to this well

when you get clear what you want and you

see this done and feel it and create it

in your mind and your heart and you'll

celebrate it there's a sense of

certainty than there's your body and

your reticular activating system starts

to go to work on making it happen so you

spend a minute each one of those so

basically three minutes each three or

three minutes each and we're done all

right how many one child

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: REPROGRAM YOUR MIND (Motivational Video for 2018) - Duration: 50:34.


Why I Do This - Duration: 3:15.

Hello Communication Coach community and welcome back. I wanted to use this New

Year's video as an opportunity to say thank you and also tell you why I do

this, why I have a youtube channel in the first place. So thank you. We just crossed

the 2,000 subscriber mark. This time last year we had 200 subscribers. So I am

thrilled about the growth. And it's all because of people like you tuning in,

sharing the videos, contributing to those discussions below the videos. I really do

appreciate the back and forth. So why do I do this? I have two main reasons why I

have a Youtube channel and make videos for you every week. The first reason is

that I want to help you transform the atmosphere wherever you are

professionally wherever your organization is. I really believe in

those front line leaders like team leaders, managers, supervisors. I say that

in almost every single video and here's why. These are the people that changed my

life. I don't know where I would be without those awesome leaders I had when

I first started working when I was younger. They changed everything for me

because I knew that if I went to work for boss number one, the good boss, I saw

that I was scheduled with that good boss that I wanted to work for, I knew that I

was going to work hard and that was going to be an awesome day for everybody.

If I saw myself scheduled boss number two in the same organization, that hard

boss, the one that no one really wants to work for. Even if I worked really hard, you

can kind of predict how the day is gonna go. It's just not going to have that same

energy that same atmosphere so I want to help you become boss number one. I want

to help you transform the atmosphere through any kind of professional

development videos that I can offer you. And the second reason I do this is that

I want to help you bring out the best in all of the people around you to you

individually. In other words, I'm not talking about the organization's success

and effectiveness. I'm talking about you as a leader. I believe that you have a

God-given purpose to bring out the best and be a positive force in the

individual people's [lives] that you lead. I don't know all the details of how that plays

out in your life but I do know that you are positioned to be a force for good

and to show them the kind of leader that they might become someday. Why is it that

we love those great coaches that we had, those great teachers, those great bosses?

Because they showed us what we might become someday. They gave us a role model

that we could emulate and learn from. And that's what I want to help you do. I want

you to bring out all of the best in the people around you and to show them what

they're capable of. And the best way to do that is being an excellent leader

yourself. And I really believe in that. So those are the two reasons that I'm doing

this channel in the first place. (1) I want to help you transform the

atmosphere where you are professionally. (2) And I want you to help show the

individuals around you all that they could potentially become someday through

your example. So thank you. I'm looking forward to another great year ahead. God

bless and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Why I Do This - Duration: 3:15.


سوينا اغنية رهيبة مع يوتيوبرز! 🔥😂 اتعلمنا بيت بوكس 🎤 | Jana vlogs - Duration: 13:49.

What's up?

What's up?

Hey Jana's Friends

What's new with you?

I hope you're all well

Today I'm heading to the YouTube offices

To give a talk to the creators of Next Up

Next Up is something that YouTube organises

To help people who want to become YouTubers

To help them with their videos and ideas and stuff

I have to speak in front of them in Arabic

And I've never done that live, in Arabic

So I'm a bit scared

If you want to succeed at something, you have to practice until it becomes easy

So at the moment, for me...

Speaking in Arabic in front of people is difficult

But hopefully as I practice, it will get easier

It's currently 6 degrees

YouTube offices are in an area called King's Cross

So we have to get on a train now

So we're walking to the underground station

I put on a coat and a jumper too

Because it's really cold

And I really don't want to be freezing

There aren't any clouds today so hopefully it doesn't rain

I'm a bit hungry so I might stop and get something to eat

Today I had a boiled egg and cornflakes for breakfast

Because I'm trying to eat healthy

We're going on a diet, okay?

Now, when I have time I'm going to go to the gym more

Yesterday I was watching an old video on my channel

I think it was my second vlog

And the difference, in terms of how skinny I was in that video...

I was sad, I really got so upset

I've come into Itsu

I'm getting some food from here because it's healthy

Okay, we're waiting for the train, it'll pull up here

It'll arrive in about 5 minutes

This is the food I bought from Itsu

It's a Japanese restaurant

It's ready, so you can take it away

At the moment I'm not eating meat or chicken

Just vegetables

First, I've got some broccoli with some sauce

Healthy vegetables

And then, this is gyoza

It's like 'mantu' but Japanese

It's a vegetable filling with soya sauce

Okay, we've arrived at King's Cross

Now we just have to walk a couple of minutes to get to the offices

Is there anyone famous here we can take a selfie with?

Downstairs, we'll find them downstairs

Okay, what about the piano? Will we find it too?

Downstairs, we'll find it downstairs

Our video is about harassment

Hey sis, hows it going?

Hey, today we're with...


Tell them your channel so they can follow you

My channel is Wejdan Z

I'm Laila Mourad from the channel, Laila Mourad

They definitely know who you are

Hopefully. If you don't, I'm Laila Mourad

Jana's going to speak in front of everyone

I'm really scared

It's fine, we're all team here

Yeah every time I get something wrong, just clap for me okay?

Jana's advice

I wanted to give you some motivational advice

Don't ever stop following your dreams

You have to always believe in yourself

If there's something you're afraid to do, you have to do it

In English: Always do what you're afraid to do

When I first started uploading videos

I was 16 years old

It was 8 years ago

In 2009 I discovered YouTube and decided I wanted to upload videos

It's like when you hear your favourite song

And picture youself performing it in front of a crowd

That's what it was like for me

It was like a dream, I didn't think I'd actually do it

I was afraid to fail, to try something and fail at it

Everyone's scared of trying something new

But my channel changed me life

And I can't imagine my life before I started making videos

As Jad mentioned, I work for a company called Jungle Creations

It's a social media company, producing videos on Facebook

In 4 months at that company I was promoted to Head of Social

This year, I travelled the world with the company and my YouTube channel

I was invited by VidCon to LA and Amsterdam

If the fear I initially had

If I let the fear control me

It would have been impossible to do any of that

When I first started uploading videos, they weren't great

I couldn't even show you them now

I was still learning about YouTube and how to edit and how to film myself

And now every year I'm developing and doing new things on my channel

Which lead to more opportunities in my life

Every time I don't feel like uploading or filming anything

I think if I had just stopped a day before... for example

A day before I started my Arabic channel

I wouldn't have reached this point now a year later

So if you find yourself getting tired of it

and you feel like you're putting in a lot of work and not seeing results

Think about the day you applied for YouTube next up

If the day before that, you gave up and said I don't want to do it anymore

You wouldn't be sat here with us today

the beatboxer

I've been doing it for 6 years

I learned all the different types of music

I learned hip hop on its own

You can hear the differences between them

For example hip hop is like...

Trap music is like

For example, drum and bass is like



Okay so, do you want to learn?

Learning to beatbox

the rain, the rain

It's like pronouncing a letter

But with no sound

it becomes

And then say your name

Together guys, we're not doing it together

I've taught a lot of people, but you guys picked it up really really quickly

Okay, all of these people have graduated from YouTube Next Up

What's your channel?

Fatima Yahya

The bookstore

Where are we going?

We're going to get some books

We're going to a bookstore, it's supposed to be the biggest in London

I've lived here 20 years and I've never been do it

Fatima: I'm here to teach her

She's collecting books for her son

pop-up books

There are so many books! Look how many!

We have to try to choose some now

Look at this book

It's incredible

Every page is a house

Look at how they've done the stairs

This is all handmade right?

It's impossible for a machine to make this

Let me show you what books I got

Every day I take the train to work and back

So I have a book with me to pass the time

So I bought two books

The first one is called 'How to Stop Time'

The second one is called 'Men Without Women'

Sorry I'm filming on my iPhone

My memory card got full

So I have to use my phone, at least it's an iPhone 7

Fatima bought the whole place

Hi, I've finally returned home

It's so late now, it's like 1am

I really enjoyed meeting the YouTubers today

Like I said, Next Up is a YouTube event

To help people who want to become YouTubers

It's like a 3 day workshop, and then they're split up

Into groups, and each group makes a video

And edit it, and then show it to us

So today I went, which was their last day

And they showed us their videos, they were awesome

After they showed their videos, I said a few words

And gave them some YouTube and general life advice

And answered some questions

Then we had an amazing beatboxing lesson

We really had so much fun

They got a Syrian guy, who's job it is to give lessons

To teach people how to beatbox

And it was really incredible

And then they did a little graduation party at the end

Like they've graduated from Next Up

So they surprised them with an oud player

She was so talented

I have work really early tomorrow

I'm so tired, I don't know how I'm going to make it

If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to like

and I'll see you soon

bye, goodnight

For more infomation >> سوينا اغنية رهيبة مع يوتيوبرز! 🔥😂 اتعلمنا بيت بوكس 🎤 | Jana vlogs - Duration: 13:49.


ਮਰਣੁ ਮੁਣਸਾਂ ਸੂਰਿਆ ਹਕੁ ਹੈ | Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa | akhand Kirtan - Duration: 6:27.

ਮਰਣੁ ਮੁਣਸਾ ਸੂਰਿਆ ਹਕੁ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਹੋਇ ਮਰਨਿ ਪਰਵਾਣੋ ॥ The death of brave heroes is blessed, if it is approved by God. ਸਫਲ ਹੈ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਪੁਰਸ਼ਾਂ ਦਾ ਮਰਣਾ, ਜਿਹੜੇ ਮਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਕਬੂਲ ਪੈ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ (ਕਿਸੇ ਆਦਰਸ਼ ਲਈ ਮਰਦੇ ਹਨ)।ਸੂਰੇ ਸੇਈ ਆਗੈ ਆਖੀਅਹਿ ਦਰਗਹ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਸਾਚੀ ਮਾਣੋ ॥ They alone are acclaimed as brave warriors in the world hereafter, who receive true honor in the Court of the Lord. ਅੱਗੇ ਕੇਵਲ ਓਹੀ ਸੂਰਮੇ ਆਖੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜੋ ਸਾਈਂ ਦੇ ਦਰਬਾਰ ਅੰਦਰ ਸਹੀ ਸਤਿਕਾਰ ਪਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ। ਦਰਗਹ ਮਾਣੁ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਪਤਿ ਸਿਉ ਜਾਵਹਿ ਆਗੈ ਦੂਖੁ ਨ ਲਾਗੈ ॥ They are honored in the Court of the Lord; they depart with honor, and they do not suffer pain in the world hereafter. ਉਹ ਇੱਜ਼ਤ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਸਾਈਂ ਦੇ ਦਰਬਾਰ ਅੰਦਰ ਪ੍ਰਭਤਾ ਪਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ ਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਲੋਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੁੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਉਠਾਉਂਦੇ। ਕਰਿ ਏਕੁ ਧਿਆਵਹਿ ਤਾਂ ਫਲੁ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਜਿਤੁ ਸੇਵਿਐ ਭਉ ਭਾਗੈ ॥ They meditate on the One Lord, and obtain the fruits of their rewards. Serving the Lord, their fear is dispelled. ਸੁਆਮੀ ਨੂੰ ਕੇਵਲ ਇਕ ਜਾਣ ਕੇ ਉਹ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਯਾਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਅਤੇ ਤਦ ਨਾਮ ਰੂਪੀ ਇਨਾਮ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਐਸਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਸ ਦੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਕਰਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਡਰ ਭੱਜ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਊਚਾ ਨਹੀ ਕਹਣਾ ਮਨ ਮਹਿ ਰਹਣਾ ਆਪੇ ਜਾਣੈ ਜਾਣੋ ॥ Do not indulge in egotism, and dwell within your own mind; the Knower Himself knows everything. ਤੂੰ ਹੰਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਕਰ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਅੰਦਰ ਰਹੁ। ਜਾਨਣਹਾਰ ਸਾਰਾ ਕੁਛ ਆਪ ਹੀ ਜਾਣਦਾ ਹੈ। ਮਰਣੁ ਮੁਣਸਾਂ ਸੂਰਿਆ ਹਕੁ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਹੋਇ ਮਰਹਿ ਪਰਵਾਣੋ ॥੩॥ The death of brave heroes is blessed, if it is approved by God. ||3|| ਲਾਭਦਾਇਕ ਹੈ ਮੌਤ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਪੁਰਸ਼ਾਂ ਦੀ, ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਮੌਤ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਤਮਾ ਦੀ ਦਰਗਾਹ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਬੂਲ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ (ਕਿਸੇ ਆਦਰਸ਼ ਲਈ ਮਰਦੇ ਹਨ)।

For more infomation >> ਮਰਣੁ ਮੁਣਸਾਂ ਸੂਰਿਆ ਹਕੁ ਹੈ | Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa | akhand Kirtan - Duration: 6:27.


3 Bathroom Upgrades Under $500 - HGTV - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 3 Bathroom Upgrades Under $500 - HGTV - Duration: 1:48.


Nicholas Roberts - Quite Like You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:51.

Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribes ~

For more infomation >> Nicholas Roberts - Quite Like You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:51.


Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:43.

Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends

Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends

Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends

Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends

Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends

For more infomation >> Kha'zix Montage #3- Best Kha'zix Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:43.


Gründungszuschuss - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Gründungszuschuss - Duration: 6:21.


女生是不是都喜歡壯漢? | Q&A新周期第五周 (可開字幕) - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 女生是不是都喜歡壯漢? | Q&A新周期第五周 (可開字幕) - Duration: 7:50.


Planos para 2018, novidades para vocês, dia especial - áudio em italiano, com legenda em português - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Planos para 2018, novidades para vocês, dia especial - áudio em italiano, com legenda em português - Duration: 7:50.


휴라나 - Warning! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 휴라나 - Warning! - Duration: 4:04.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E21 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:36.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the eighty first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the twenty first episode of Season 2, titled "Zedd's Monster Mash".

Before we get into it, the most shocking part of this episode is that it actually aired

on October 28, 1994!

At the Youth Center, there's a community Halloween program happening, where parents

are dropping off their kids for chaperons to take them trick-or-treating.

Then we see Billy and Kim.

Billy is dressed as some sort of mad scientist while Kimberly is some sort of jester.

They then start talking about the upcoming Peace Conference coming up, and they talk

about how cool it would be to be picked for that, and Billy brings up a good point, what

would happen to the Ranger team?

Good thing, we'll never have to know!

A mom drops off her daughter saying she's happy to know her children are safe in the

hands of these random teenagers because clearly, momma's gonna go home and guzzle a bottle

of hooch before they have to come back.

Tommy then comes in dressed as an authentic butt pirate, talking about how Jason is off

screen, picking up Trini and Zack.

Clearly from the unemployment line.

Ernie makes a cameo as a mob boss before we see that Zedd is really into Halloween.

Goldar says that they should send down monsters to infiltrate the Angel Grove party, and Zedd

says "no, we're throwing our own party", and he plans to target Tommy because OF COURSE.

At the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull come in dressed as Roman soldiers, and they start

saying that whole "trick or treat, smell my feet" thing, but Tommy freaks out like

they're about to shove their private candy down a child's throat.

Bulk eats red hots and freaks out, dunking his head in the apple bobbing tank, coming

up with an apple in his mouth.

Zedd disguises putties as children to lure away the White Ranger, which sounds pedophilic

as hell.

"Go my child monsters, show some leg to reel in that long haired boy!"

They show up, dressed as the Power Rangers who had just come from a horrible fire that

melted their faces off.

Tommy is their chaperon and leaves with them, but then Bulk and Skull realize that the Power

Rangers may be able to shrink, so they should see if any of these children are the real



Zedd is getting a metal boner about the Dark Dimension bash before we see that the kids

are trick or treating at a solid 11am.

Bulk and Skull show up, ripping a little girl's helmet off, who uses silly string to fend

off the two before a woman beats them with a broom.

Bulk and Skull sit on the curb, eating random candy they find.

They yell "help" for no reason to see if some children dressed as Rangers will help

them, but nope.

Zedd then reiterates his plan for like the ninth time.

Tommy and his troupe of children are attacked by Goldar, and the children turn into putties,

attacking him.

Thank God Jason David Frank is an amazing martial artist or else Tommy would have absolutely

nothing going for him.

Then, Goldar transports them all away, for us to see… a key monster?

He uses a master key to lock the Dark Dimension?

Now, Tommy is in a spooky graveyard before he's attacked by a tombstone monster, stealing

his morpher before Robogoat and Pumpkin Rapper show up, too.

Rough day to be Tommy.

Kim and Billy ask Ernie if he's seen Jason, Zack, and Trini, who are apparently at the

elementary school.

Billy says all the children are accounted for, and Kim asks who the kids with Tommy

is then, and they try to contact Tommy, to no avail.

They then teleport to the Command Center, where Zordon says "yeah, he's definitely

been kidnapped", and Billy asks why he hasn't morphed, and Kim just says "his morpher

is missing".

Way to assume, Kim.

Tommy keeps fighting the monsters, showing that he doesn't need a morpher most of the

time when Billy and Kim nail down where Tommy is, so they'll go help Tommy because Jason,

Trini, and Zack are busy with the other children.

They morph to the scene.

The tombstone monster says that there are some party crashers when Kim just flies through

the air before Billy gets the morpher back, yelling "here, catch!", and just throws

it onto the ground?

Hahaha, oh my god.

Tommy morphs.

Now, it's time to go through the monster suit racks at Saban's offices.

First up is Primator.

Then, Rhinoblaster.

Next is the Invenusible Flytrap.

Then Snizzard.

At the Command Center, Alpha says they're outnumbered, and they need the other Rangers

which is some BS, so Zordon tells Alpha to go take care of the children so that Jason,

Zack, and Trini can help the others.

They teleport in before Zedd makes Pumpkin Rapper grow, which causing the five Rangers

to call out their Thunderzords, forming the Thunder Megazord before Tommy calls out the

White Tigerzord, converting it immediately to Warrior Mode.

In a spliced together fight, the two Megazords fight against the Pumpkin Rapper before Pumpkin

Rapper just tosses random pumpkins at them, knocking down the Thunder Megazord.

They then call out the Thunder Saber, carving this pumpkin into nothingness.

At the Youth Center, Tommy, Billy, and Kim talk about how successful their chaperoning

was before Bulk and Skull come in with upset stomach aches, and candy makes them turn green,

and the three laugh.

The end.

Wow, this episode is rough, but it's almost comically rough.

Jason, Zack, and Trini don't appear in this episode at all, and they're not even handwaved

at the end for their absence.

I have to applaud the writers for basically filling an entire 20 minute episode with almost

nothing while still being a bit entertaining, and seeing Tommy fight unmorphed was kind

of cool.

Other than that, it's clear that there was turmoil behind the scenes during this episode,

and it makes me sad, but it is what it is.

Will next time get any better?

Until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E21 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:36.


2018 Trends in Scholarly Publishing - Duration: 3:05.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about the trends in scholarly publishing for 2018.

The academic publishing world continues to be buffeted by change.

Whether this is positive or negative is in the eye of the beholder.

Here is a random list of the key topics presenting opportunities and threats to the world of


First, open access will evolve further.

The players will continue to change as the commercialization of OA affects how it is


Services connected to open access will expand.

Key players may merge, be bought, or change their model.

Second, preprints will continue to change the landscape of publishing.

The more preprints are accepted in scholarly publishing and in academia, the more the subscription

and OA models will be changed in regard to their perceived value.

Third, will be an ongoing concern about the economy and its effect on scholarly publishing.

Whether it is a market correction in 2018, change in government funding in the US and

the trickle-down affect (or assault) on library budgets, or continue Mergers and Acquisitions

activity; business and financial issues will stay on the front of people's minds.

Fourth, voice search will make inroads into scholarly publishing specifically with intelligent

personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, and a growing list.

Publishers will need to be vigilant in their preparation of their content and SEO procedures

for the future in the world of voice search.

Fifth, Sci-Hub will remain in the news and cause disruption.

Woe to those publishers that are not thinking through authentication as well as how to deal

with these types of services.

Sixth, delivering content in video and audio form will grow with customer demand.

Many publishers are using innovative ways to deliver journal abstracts, news articles,

continuing education to mobile customers and readers as the usage numbers are skyrocketing.

Seventh, machine learning will increase in the impact on scholarly content.

Publishers will find opportunities with machine learning and artificial intelligence to partner

with research institutions and others to create innovative non-book or journal products.

And there many more I could discuss.

How will the net-neutrality fight affect publishers?

Also, topics such as workflows, accessibility for content, increased services provided by

publishers will all present opportunities for publishing.

How will it all turn out?

Stay tuned over the next 12 months.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more of my videos.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> 2018 Trends in Scholarly Publishing - Duration: 3:05.


Walking Dead # 1 - With spoiler - Duration: 23:48.

Hello YouTube people here is your friend Powermafia today I will be starting

a new series of the Walking Dead game.

I'll be playing this on PS Vita TV. and I'll be doing something different than

The other channels do.

Because the channel of Powermafia Sometimes has an innovation, I will be playing and narrating / commenting

the game.

So if you do not want to be seeing spoilers, you better turn it off now

Okay a hug.

Here we play Walking Dead with the comments of powermafia you can see Walking Dead

has already been recorded on YouTube but will be more cool if I narrate for you.

This is the first episode we'll see how much time has time-size if possible

I will bring the episode by chapter.

I'll tell you who does not like spoiler to hang up now because I'm a guy

Cheeky and cute.

Walking Dead inspired by the comics and the movies and series.

This is the game which is inspired. I am this guy there who is in Bad.

They're taking me to jail.

I do not want to talk no.

That's not it I know you're going to die soon then I will not get attached. Oops.

I do not even know what he asked.

he knows what I did (I do not)

I do not know.

Using the right side control I can look at the sides. I can look in the rearview mirror and look

for the face of the guard.


There are a lot of police walking to the other side, the bug is catching.

I've been going to jail for six months, I think that was a fight, that's it.

I do not think I'll even respond. The guy will die soon and be curious ..

And he keeps asking. She's going to fuck herself.

Look, there's a helicopter coming and everything is going to the other side.

This guy here, this one, has to be smart.

He is talking about a guy who got kicked the bank the macho and then

She was crying for Mom.

Lost by Mom.

What did he do?

He killed the woman looks lonely, bloody and all more.

And then she was crying.

That's it we're there, look at the zombie is going to kill the zombie.

I am impressed people.

The guy ran over an innocent zombie.

The zombie was going through good, the zombie was going through good and the guy was there

and ran over him.

I'm here.

I'm more at Bad yet.

More on bad

thirsty, screwed.

Let's see if there's anything here.

Looking out the window.

The way out the window is to kick the window.

I have one injured leg but I use the good, the good leg has to kick even.

Let's go people

Look out there broke the guard rail killed the zombie already.

The guy is screwed.

I'm going to go around here.

The guard is in the front.

See this weapon here.

best to load if I cut

Now I already have an ammo

catch the weapon

But I did not get the ammunition?

Walking Dead is to take fright even then I go there in the guard

Look the key is there

The guy does not respond.

So come on, get the key and open it.

The key has fallen.

See if you do it right now, see.

That boy, now.

That's right now

Just look at the guard.

Now I have to get out of here.

Now hein

You have to get the ammunition.

It is a messy face saw.

Throw fire

Oh boy, did he have no head.


I will have to tell it was a blow for me too

I have someone there.

The Flesh Is rotten and smelling like crap.

There is someone looking there.

He left.

The best I know life.

What do we do.

There are people coming here.

I better send it to me

You are hurt more.

I have to run away from here.

How many zombies here.

Better get out of here,

put it there, it got good quickly.

What? That zombie bunch chasing after.

You're crazy. The zombies are all on the prowl.

The Zombies must have heard the shots.

They're leaving,

My luck

If not already seen it is not.

I want to search Who was there

There was someone looking at me.

And then I can take a look

In the house and all.

There is no one home.

You can enter.

And so is it, let's see, your, let's what that has.

The house is all dark, in the greatest depression.

I'll take a look at the book to see if there is any good recipe.

Not of interest.

Is there anything here to eat, let's see.

It's fake.

Let's see something playing here.

Let me go there.

Pick up the messages.

The woman is traveling,

and asked to be caring

It's a babysitting message.

They are late and could not return.

And the zombie apocalypse began.

And she asked them to leave the city.

To leave the child safely.

And then she called a third time.

And now she's asking for a girl to call to the Police because the bug caught.

They are already in Bad anyway.

He looks at the picture of the girl there girl is alone here with the nanny.

Do not think anything here, is there food here?

stay quiet


They are trying to get me.

What's your name?


How old are you?

I'm 37 and I'm a nigga and such.

Where are your parents girl and nanny , I see where she is a smart girl.

I think I found the babysitter, wait carefully to help.

Baba assassina grab a handle grab a handle grab sai sai get out of here I have to run run run

run, run, run, run, run, run, run. defend myself there.

Help me here girl this killer nanny.

Here I help, but a little boy lends me - girl lends me that hammer here.

Lend me that girl there let's go there that one more and one more to see if it is

well dead, see and there you are well attended this. This is the sound of the personal crispness

good I'm even tired Saw boot poxa vida saw.

Awesome saw it. The Girl must be shocked.

Did not you see no girl ?, Of course I killed hahahaha.

These murderous zombies are saw fire.

She is thinking that parents are still going back home.

They will not come back no opa sorry.

I have to take care of her now, let's see know what it is.

Let's hope to stay at night and enjoy the ballad is not.

Search for other people and everything.

It will be difficult to climb the tree house.

Good people we will see the neighborhood now.

So in the next video you will know the neighborhood Clementame a hug from the Powermafia

And be all with God.

For more infomation >> Walking Dead # 1 - With spoiler - Duration: 23:48.


Hamlet Trương Radio Đêm 9: Mong Manh Tình Về - Hamlet Trương - Duration: 44:22.

For more infomation >> Hamlet Trương Radio Đêm 9: Mong Manh Tình Về - Hamlet Trương - Duration: 44:22.


Things Not To Say To Someone With OCD - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Things Not To Say To Someone With OCD - Duration: 5:55.


Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi - Duration: 10:55.

I'm a professional troublemaker.


As my job is to critique the world,

the shoddy systems and the people who refuse to do better,

as a writer, as a speaker, as a shady Nigerian --


I feel like my purpose is to be this cat.


I am the person who is looking at other people,

like, "I need you to fix it."

That is me.

I want us to leave this world better than we found it.

And how I choose to effect change

is by speaking up,

by being the first and by being the domino.

For a line of dominoes to fall,

one has to fall first,

which then leaves the other choiceless to do the same.

And that domino that falls,

we're hoping that, OK,

the next person that sees this is inspired to be a domino.

Being the domino, for me, looks like speaking up

and doing the things that are really difficult,

especially when they are needed,

with the hope that others will follow suit.

And here's the thing: I'm the person who says

what you might be thinking but dared not to say.

A lot of times people think that we're fearless,

the people who do this, we're fearless.

We're not fearless.

We're not unafraid of the consequences

or the sacrifices that we have to make

by speaking truth to power.

What happens is, we feel like we have to,

because there are too few people in the world

willing to be the domino,

too few people willing to take that fall.

We're not doing it without fear.

Now, let's talk about fear.

I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I was like, "I'm going to be a doctor!"

Doctor Luvvie was the dream.

I was Doc McStuffins before it was a thing.


And I remember when I went to college,

my freshman year, I had to take Chemistry 101

for my premed major.

I got the first and last D of my academic career.


So I went to my advisor, and I was like,

"OK, let's drop the premed,

because this doctor thing is not going to work,

because I don't even like hospitals.

So ..."


"Let's just consider that done for."

And that same semester, I started blogging.

That was 2003.

So as that one dream was ending, another was beginning.

And then what was a cute hobby became my full-time job

when I lost my marketing job in 2010.

But it still took me two more years to say, "I'm a writer."

Nine years after I had started writing, before I said, "I'm a writer,"

because I was afraid of what happens

without 401ks,

without, "How am I going to keep up my shoe habit?

That's important to me."


So it took me that long to own this thing

that was what my purpose was.

And then I realized,

fear has a very concrete power

of keeping us from doing and saying the things that are our purpose.

And I was like, "You know what?

I'm not going to let fear rule my life.

I'm not going to let fear dictate what I do."

And then all of these awesome things started happening,

and dominoes started to fall.

So when I realized that, I was like, "OK, 2015,

I turned 30,

it's going to be my year of 'Do it anyway.'

Anything that scares me, I'm going to actively pursue it."

So, I'm a Capricorn.

I like my feel solidly on the ground.

I decided to take my first-ever solo vacation,

and it was out of the country to the Dominican Republic.

So on my birthday, what did I do?

I went ziplining through the forests of Punta Cana.

And for some odd reason, I had on business casual.

Don't ask why.


And I had an incredible time.

Also, I don't like being submerged in water.

I like to be, again, on solid ground.

So I went to Mexico and swam with dolphins underwater.

And then the cool thing that I did also that year

that was my mountain

was I wrote my book,

"I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Manual,"

And I had to own --


that whole writing thing now, right?


But the very anti-me thing that I did that year

that scared the crap out of me --

I went skydiving.

We're about to fall out of the plane.

I was like, "I've done some stupid things in life. This is one of them."


And then we come falling down to Earth,

and I literally lose my breath as I see Earth, and I was like,

"I just fell out of a perfectly good plane on purpose."


"What is wrong with me?!"

But then I looked down at the beauty,

and I was like, "This is the best thing I could have done.

This was an amazing decision."

And I think about the times when I have to speak truth.

It feels like I am falling out of that plane.

It feels like that moment when I'm at the edge of the plane,

and I'm like, "You shouldn't do this,"

but then I do it anyway, because I realize I have to.

Sitting at the edge of that plane

and kind of staying on that plane is comfort to me.

And I feel like every day that I'm speaking truth

against institutions and people who are bigger than me

and just forces that are more powerful than me,

I feel like I'm falling out of that plane.

But I realize comfort is overrated.

Because being quiet is comfortable.

Keeping things the way they've been is comfortable.

And all comfort has done is maintain the status quo.

So we've got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

by speaking these hard truths when they're necessary.

And I --


And for me, though, I realize that I have to speak these truths,

because honesty is so important to me.

My integrity is something I hold dear.

Justice -- I don't think justice should be an option.

We should always have justice.

Also, I believe in shea butter as a core value, and --


and I think the world would be better if we were more moisturized.

But besides that, with these as my core values,

I have to speak the truth.

I have no other choice in the matter.

But people like me, the professional troublemakers,

should not be the only ones who are committed to being these dominoes

who are always falling out of planes

or being the first one to take this hit.

People are so afraid of these acute consequences,

not realizing that there are many times when we walk in rooms

and we are some of the most powerful people in those rooms --

we might be the second-most powerful, third-most powerful.

And I firmly believe that our job in those times

is to disrupt what is happening.

And then if we're not the most powerful,

if two more of us band together,

it makes us powerful.

It's like cosigning the woman in the meeting,

you know, the woman who can't seem to get her word out,

or just making sure that other person who can't make a point

is being heard.

Our job is to make sure they have room for that.

Everyone's well-being is community business.

If we made that a point, we're understand that,

for the times when we need help,

we wouldn't have to look around so hard

if we made sure we were somebody else's help.

And there are times when I feel like

I have taken very public tumbles and falls,

like the time when I was asked to speak at a conference,

and they wanted me to pay my way there.

And then I did some research

and found out the white men who spoke there got compensated

and got their travel paid for.

The white women who spoke there got their travel paid for.

The black women who spoke there were expected to actually pay to speak there.

And I was like, "What do I do?"

And I knew that if I spoke up about this publicly,

I could face financial loss.

But then I also understood that my silence serves no one.

So I fearfully spoke up about it publicly,

and other women started coming out to talk about,

"I, too, have faced this type of pay inequality."

And it started a conversation about discriminatory pay practices

that this conference was participating in.

I felt like I was the domino

the time I read a disturbing memoir by a public figure

and wrote a piece about it.

I knew this person was more powerful than me and could impact my career,

but I was like, "I've got to do this.

I've got to sit at the edge of this plane, maybe for two hours."

And I did. And I pressed "Publish," and I ran away.


And I came back to a viral post

and people being like, "Oh my God, I'm so glad somebody finally said this."

And it started a conversation

about mental health and self-care,

and I was like, "OK. Alright.

This thing that I'm doing, I guess, alright, it's doing something."

And then so many people have been the domino

when they talk about how they've been assaulted by powerful men.

And it's made millions of women join in and say, "Me Too."

So, a shout-out to Tarana Burke for igniting that movement.


People and systems count on our silence to keep us exactly where we are.

Now, being the domino sometimes comes down to being exactly who you are.

So, I've been a shady somebody since I was three.


This is me on my third birthday.

But I've been this girl all my life,

and I feel like even that's been the domino,

because in a world that wants us to walk around

as representatives of ourselves,

being yourself can be a revolutionary act.

And in a world that wants us to whisper,

I choose to yell.


When it's time to say these hard things,

I ask myself three things.

One: Did you mean it?

Two: Can you defend it?

Three: Did you say it with love?

If the answer is yes to all three,

I say it and let the chips fall.

That's important.

That checkpoint with myself

always tells me, "Yes, you're supposed to do this."

Telling the truth -- telling thoughtful truths --

should not be a revolutionary act.

Speaking truths to power should not be sacrificial, but they are.

But I think if more of us chose to do this for the greater good,

we'd be in better spaces than we are right now.

Speaking of the greater good,

I think we commit ourselves to telling truths to build bridges

to common ground,

and bridges that aren't based on truth will collapse.

So it is our job,

it is our obligation, it is our duty

to speak truth to power, to be the domino,

not just when it's difficult --

especially when it's difficult.

Thank you.


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