Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018




True Fact Behind Pakistani Top Baaghi Drama | Story Of Qandeel Baloch - Duration: 10:31.

baaghi drama exposed

pakistani drama baaghi exposed

qandeel baloch

For more infomation >> True Fact Behind Pakistani Top Baaghi Drama | Story Of Qandeel Baloch - Duration: 10:31.


The Culture Project at OneLife LA 2018! - Duration: 1:09.

OneLife LA is a celebration of every human life.

We're here because our mission is embracing the human person

and knowing that they are made good and with dignity.

And to uphold that.

To really walk the walk.

And walk here in downtown LA.

And just get to be an example for people that they're worthy of love,

they're worthy of sacrifice.

I'm at OneLife LA!

OneLife LA is a march filled with people who are hopeful and

who believe in the dignity of every person, especially those who are unborn.

The Culture Project is here because we believe in the dignity of every single person.

We believe that every person deserves a chance at life.

We're surrounded by thousands of other people just like ourselves who believe in the right of life.

Who believe in the beauty and dignity of every single human person.

It's beautiful that people who are like-minded can come together

not just here in LA, but all over the country; all over the world, for one single purpose.

To be able to fight for the dignity of people.

For more infomation >> The Culture Project at OneLife LA 2018! - Duration: 1:09.


Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |45| - The Breaking Point {EN} - Duration: 12:54.

Welcome to another episode!

So, I took a look inside the walkthrough (or I deduced as much from the part of the walkthrough that I am highlighting on the screen),

and soon, there's going to be the hardest part of the game that most people couldn't get through.

And it is the part of the game due to which I refused to play this game for many years.

I'll tell you more during the fight.

Tvanai, were you successful in your river crab hunt?

Success, yes! Here be nice one crab warrior for you, Gooka!

I thank you very much!

Judge Gooka! Oracle begin soon Ritual of Blood!

Yay, bondage orgies!

Lustful amazons ... suffer, suffer! Suffer, suffer! SUFFER!! SUFFER!

Suffer the suffering! You shall experience which you have not experienced before, Chories!!!


Suffer suffer... suffer suffer...

Suffer suffer! Feel the vibrations of the totem!

Oh come on, we don't have the whole day to watch choppy cutscenes and hear weird interjections...

Judge, do you wish to ask a question?

Sure, yes... Please ask them who has lead the attack on my house in Parenti.

Suffer suffer! On hovel which chum of yours attack?!


It was a powerful man, tall. With a weird armour made out of metal, which looked like it adhered to his body perfectly.

That's weird... as if that reminded me of something, but no, that's nonsense...

Oracle, please ask them, how could they listen to him, when Chories hate men?

Suffer suffer! Why you listen to handsome hunk?

*More orgasm*

It was a very powerful man, maybe even a daemon, the Chories feared him so much that they didn't have the courage to resist him...

Thank you, oracle.

... oracle, one more question; how will I get into the fortress of Xarag without being noticed?

Suffer suffer! How to ninja a way to your apartment?

They are being orgasm tortured.

Supposedly there is a tunnel under the mountain, which leads from the beach to the fortress.

Seek the bearded face, and the correct word, which opens its mouth, is ... Xaregen! Yes! That is your entrance, Gooka!

Thank you, oracle. Now I know everything...

A powerful man in a metal armour, which leads the Chories, that cannot be true, it cannot be them...

So much torturing emotions, what is happening with me? My head is spinning, and my senses are leaving me...!

Cursionese translation by the courtesy of Google Translator. If you want to have a shitty translation, use it.

Welcome to the hardest part of the game.

With a Gooka with a darker shirt.

Finally, the goal of my journey... the fortress of Mogghul - Raa.

The death soundtrack is playing already... :D

Bullshit incoming.

Master, Gooka has arrived to the fortress' entrance!

Go and seal the fortress! Gooka mustn't get inside... at any cost.

Now go, and summon the Guardian of Skies to me!

I don't really remember it like this from the first game, but OK.

The Highest Guardian wishes to see you. Now!

The Guardian of Skies. Gooka is at the entrance to the fortress.

Kill him, or capture him, but don't let him inside under any circumstances!

Take the guards with you, go!

Yes, highest guard.

Oh my god, it's the same shitty interlacing effect as in the menu! OH MY GOOOOD!

I want to go back! I want to go home! Or to a better game!

I should have thought that the way back would be barred in a completely stupid manner.

With an invisible wall.

This is MAYBE the fortress what we have destroyed in the first game, but I'm not sure, because I didn't read the books.

*whispers* it looks like a spaceship, so it might... Also I do have my saves backed up, so I'm free to replace them.

I might as well back them up again. Why? Because I do not remember if I made the back up before taking down the lizard boss, or after.

Oh my god, 5 MB of space, what will I do?!? :D

And unfortunately here you can see a reason (one of the reasons) why this part sucks.

We are predefined in a shitty way, because this is a flashback.

Powerful weapon - Multiplies the weapon's statistics.

The second reason is, that's buggy as hell.

a Royal Avaral Sword

Acceleration - A skill that makes the character quicker for the entire duration of the fight.

There are several fights here, all of which we have to fight through.

The mighty Gooka has arrived to our fortress. But here is where your journey ends.

Prepare to die!

Rock music!

Let's see... this should be easy enough.

Can these cast spells? No? It's easy then.

I kinda like the music here. But is it appropriate? I guess it is, because we are in the science fiction part...

I need to note the weapons they are using. Why are they using simple blades? Why aren't they using guns, like they do in the first game, in which they simply one-hit-kill you?

Why did they trade guns for blades? They can create genetical godlike beings!

*doing math*

Let's try buffing up Oh, the effect causes a FPS drop. -_-

... and the music stops abruptly.

I don't think the game just did the math right with my strength. Damn.

Double strike causes "slight" exhaustion, but the game doesn't give me a number with which that does lower the strength, so I guess I'm not using it yet.

A friend of mine, which also made LPs, ProkoLokor, got stuck here and stopped making LPs thanks to this game.

These ones are easy. But soon we are going to get a combinated strength & magic fight...

And because the game fighting mechanics in this game are primitive, it's going to be hard.

Yay, we won.

"Gooka didn't get anything from this fight." :D

Because it's a flashback and we don't want to cause temporal paradoxes now, do we?

The location is called - Dream - Fortress.

ProkoLokor tried like 400 times (if I remember correctly what he said) to do this, but failed each time. I do have special tactics though...

I will probably timelapse all the failed attempts at this, but the first try will go uncut.

*Weee* *thud*


I think this is the hard part.

I didn't even get to first round and I'm already screwed.

*math and numbers*

One of the enemies in here has a bugged skill, that slowers you down. It doesn't have a cap, and it multiplies its effects, so if he casts it once, you get to take a turn once every three turns. He casts it twice,, once every 9 turns, he casts it thrice, and you are not winning...

I'm at seven health already.

Yay, he's down.


And now it took 40. Oh me!

Basically if there is a pause that is not timelapsed, then I'm saying something in the Czech version, and if it isn't transcribed, then it wasn't important.

I'm going to end the episode here and then make a timelapsed episode.

For more infomation >> Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |45| - The Breaking Point {EN} - Duration: 12:54.


💕5 Clever IKEA Table Makeover You Can Try 💕 - Duration: 2:36.

You can make your own cheap Kitchen Island with IKEA LACK Tables.

Basically, you just need to stack two IKEA LACK side tables and continue playing this video.

This is 5 Clever IKEA table makeover you can try By

1. DIY Rolling Kitchen Island or Bar (IKEA HACK!)

You can make your own rolling kitchen island or bar

by using Customized IKEA KALLAX 4 square unit.

You can remove the storage the storage part, so it will look like a table.

After you assemble each part, you just need to add caster on the bottom of each side.

2. IKEA HACK: DIY Chopping Board Side Table

You can customize your IKEA VIKTIGT Chopping board easily

and make it into beautiful side table.

You just need to drill the bottom side of chopping board

and add the universal plates using the screw.

After that, you can screw Sigrid pretty pegs to the hole that you have made.

3. DIY-Quickie: Nightstand

You can easily make you own nightstand by using stool from IKEA and small drawer.

Basically you just need to unite those things together.

You should remove the chair top from the stool.

After that, drill some hold on the bottom of the drawer

and screw the stool to the drawer.

4. DIY Light Table – IKEA Hack

To make you DIY light table,

you just need to use IKEA LATT children's table,

2 sets of IKEA DIODER LED light and OPTIX Acrylic sheets.

Assemble the table by changing the table tops with the acrylic sheets.

After that, you should add the light around the four sides underneath the acrylic sheet.

5. How To: Make a Kitchen Island with IKEA LACK Tables

You can make your own cheap Kitchen Island with IKEA LACK Tables.

Basically, you just need to stack two IKEA LACK side tables.

To attach the two tables, you can use extra strong,

double-sided foam adhesive squares.

On the top, you can put the maple butcher block with the same foam. That's it

Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.

Like this video, comment it, or better yet share it with everyone in your social circle.

Don't forget to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you.

See you again later and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 💕5 Clever IKEA Table Makeover You Can Try 💕 - Duration: 2:36.


Braun Strowman stands up for WWE Mixed Match Challenge partner Alexa Bliss - Duration: 1:12.


Did you see what Hawkins just did?

He blatantly interrupted me.

You need to do something about this. >> What are you saying, Alexa?

>> Braun, [NOISE] smash.



>> [SOUND] One, two, three.


>> You take this is a lesson to anyone

that crosses my Mixed Match Challenge partner.

You see that, everyone's getting these hands.


For more infomation >> Braun Strowman stands up for WWE Mixed Match Challenge partner Alexa Bliss - Duration: 1:12.


হুজুকের বাঙ্গালী | Comedy Video | ট্রেন্ডিং বাংলাদেশী | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> হুজুকের বাঙ্গালী | Comedy Video | ট্রেন্ডিং বাংলাদেশী | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 6:36.


10 Mistakes To Avoid When Launching an Online Course - Duration: 6:34.

- Trust me, launching is no easy feat.

I know from experience there are mistakes that I've made

that have really cost me some money.

So in today's video I wanna share with you

the mistakes you should avoid

when launching a product or a service or your course.

Hey, guys, my name is Trena,

and welcome to another episode of Just the Tips.

Here on my channel, I help lady business owners

figure out this crazy online world

so that they can have more time to do the things they love.

And by setting up some type of passive income,

whether it's a course or a product,

that gives you the time that you can spend with your kids

or cook dinner or go for a walk.

So let me share with you the mistakes I made launching

so that you can totally avoid them

and make some more money with your next launch.

You ready?

The first thing you need to do is build anticipation.

Start letting people know something is coming,

whether you're showing them behind the scenes

on Insta stories

or you're talking about it in your newsletter

or you're talking about it in your Facebook group.

Let people know something is coming.

You need to build this anticipation.

You need to get them excited

so that they're primed and ready to buy

when you announce this big thing.

The second mistake is to get over perfection.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect.

The course isn't gonna be set up perfect.

The launch isn't gonna be planned perfect.

Get over that perfection.

If you wait until everything is perfect,

you are never gonna launch anything

and you're never gonna make money on it.

Just launch it, and then whatever happens,

you can fix it in the next round.

But, like I said, if you just wait,

the mistake that's gonna happen

is it's never going to go live

and you're never going to make money from it.

The third mistake is not crafting a plan.

So if you need to know how to craft a plan

to launch something,

I did an entire video on that a couple weeks ago.

I'll link it in a card up above.

But you need to have a plan.

You can't just decide, oh, today I'm gonna launch.

It's not gonna work.

You're not gonna make any money at all.

You need to be posting things multiple times a day,

especially during launch or cart open.

You need to be posting to Facebook multiple times,

posting to Instagram, Twitter, emailing your newsletter,

even twice a day.

You really need to have this plan crafted out

so that you know what needs to be done each day

so you can ensure you make some money.

The fourth mistake is testing your links.

Always test your links.

Do a dry run-through before you announce your challenge

or before you announce your webinar.

Click the button.

Sign up for it.

Check the email that comes.

Is the PDF downloadable?

Is the link working?

Is the Bitly link right?

Test everything.

That dry run-through is gonna be so important

to make sure you don't lose any leads

which could result in losing some extra money.

The fifth mistake is having time.

You don't wanna launch something

when you know your kids are gonna be home

on summer vacation and you can't commit the time,

or you have an anniversary party that you're planning,

or you know you're going on vacation.

Don't launch during these times.

Look at your calendar.

When do you have some time

that you can fully commit to your launch?

You can't be distracted by other things

because launching takes up a lot of your time

and a lot of your head space,

so you really want to be focused during this time.

The sixth mistake is not scheduling things.

So, I've got multiple videos here

on the tools that I use to schedule things.

You need to get this done in advance

so that you're not worrying about it.

You're not day two of launch,

oh, crap, I need to come up with an Instagram post.

What's it gonna be?

Does it fit in with my Instagram theme?

What am I emailing my subscribers?

Have this all planned in advance and scheduled to go live.

Mistake number seven is not setting deadlines.

If you just say you're gonna launch this day

and you don't mark it down, you're never gonna do it.

You need to set deadlines.

So once you have that launch date,

then you need to set deadlines

for writing your email sequence

or doing your social media promo or creating your challenge.

These deadlines are essential

because it gives you something to look at

to know you need to get done to make it set in stone.

The next mistake is not setting launch goals.

This could be any type of goal.

Is it the amount of money

that you wanna make on this launch,

the amount of challenge sign ups,

the amount of new email subscribers,

or even the amount of products that you sell?

You need to have some kind of goal

so that you can reach that.

Not having these goals just kinda

lets your launch go aimlessly

and you're not sure what's successful, what's not.

So set some goals in place.

The ninth mistake is not getting support from your people.

So whether you have launch cheerleaders helping you

or your husband or your friends in your real life,

letting them know you have this big launch,

you need some extra support.

Maybe the husband needs to do dinner that night.

I know my husband picks up dinner duties.

Or maybe you get your business besties

to help you promote your course.

Have some kind of support system during that launch phase,

because it can be tough doing it alone.

And the 10th mistake is getting overwhelmed.

Don't get overwhelmed.

If you need to take a day,

go put on a face mask, and eat some ice cream,

or just take a minute to relax, watch a movie.

There's a lot of things that go on during a launch,

and you go through so many emotions of feeling excited,

feeling disappointed, feeling like a fraud, feeling happy.

There's so many emotions that run through your mind

when launching, I know from experience,

so don't let these feelings overwhelm you.

Take a minute for yourself.

Plan some time during your launch week,

whether it's for you to read a book or just take a walk.

You need that time

so that you don't burn out during launch week.

My question of the day for you is have you made any

of these mistakes during your launch?

I know I have, because I've learned from them

and now I'm sharing them with you.

So let me know what mistakes you have done

down in the comment section below.

If you like hearing more about my mistakes

and how I'm learning to do business better,

make sure you give this video a thumbs up,

you click that subscribe button,

and I will see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Launching an Online Course - Duration: 6:34.


Яичница с грибами и шпинатом. Необычный и очень вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Яичница с грибами и шпинатом. Необычный и очень вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 2:20.


ratham kolam for ratha saptami | rathasapthami rangoli designs | easy ratham muggulu with dots - Duration: 1:53.

easy ratham muggulu with dots

For more infomation >> ratham kolam for ratha saptami | rathasapthami rangoli designs | easy ratham muggulu with dots - Duration: 1:53.


10 Fascinating Plot Wrinkles of World War II - Duration: 14:22.

World War II was a tragedy filled mass conflict with numerous strategic mistakes, violations

of international law and general military weight-throwing.

But amongst the fighting were many bizarre military actions, seemingly outlandish but

well documented family connections and twists and turns that are sure to surprise the history



Hitler's Blood Nephew serves in the US Navy

Yes, it happened.

One Hitler led the Nazis but simultaneously, another Hitler family member, Adolf Hitler's

nephew William served in the World War Two on the side of the United States after immigrating

to the United States from Europe.

In a bizarre historical twist, Adolf Hitler's nephew William Patrick Hitler, later William

Patrick Stuart-Houston (who was Adolf Hitler's half-brother's son) successfully joined

the US Navy and assisted in the war effort against the Nazis.

Born in England, his mother was the English wife of Alois Hitler, Jr., who failed to return

after a time of separation resulting from the outbreak of WWI.

The young William saw his uncle at a rally and later met him in person, eventually meeting

with him and arranging to get work in Germany.

He later returned to England, but when he could not get work, traveled to the US and

attempted to get into the US Navy.

In the United States, he authored a six page long article titled "Why I hate my Uncle"

in which he described an abusive personality held by Adolf Hitler that scared him during

personal contact with his uncle.

He was finally admitted sometime after writing directly to President Franklin D. Roosevelt

and succeeded in being sworn into the Navy on March 6, 1944.

He served as a medic and after being wounded, he received the Purple Heart in recognition

of the sacrifice in battle and continued to serve after the end of WWII before his discharge.


King Edward the VIII

England stands out as a beacon of resistance to Nazi Germany, but some complexities existed

involving British Royalty that the Nazis sought to exploit.

Prior to WWII, the King of England, King Edward VIII abdicated after marrying an American

woman and was restyled as the Duke of Windsor.

Following a visit to Nazi Germany 1937, where the couple even had tea with Hitler and spent

time with Joseph Goebbels, the Duke, who had felt snubbed by the Royal family, was targeted

by a accusations of being a Nazi sympathizer.

Possibly stemming from his visit to Nazi Germany and the familiarity of Nazi officials with

the effectively exiled former royal and his wife, a plot was cooked up by the Nazi regime

and reflected in telegrams which Churchill wanted destroyed on the basis that they could

create an impression of disloyalty.

The captured Nazi telegram outlined plans to kidnap the Duke of Windsor in Portugal,

together with his wife following their escape from Paris, and install him as a puppet King

of England in the event of a Nazi conquest of the British Isles.

Fortunately, this event never took place, but the existence of the plan has cast a shadow

of suspicion and curiosity around the life and beliefs of King Edward VIII.

The fear that the telegrams would cause people to believe there was good reason for the Nazi

regime to look to the Duke as a puppet dictator candidate motivated Churchill to try hard

to suppress the telegram content and continue his efforts for many years after the war ended.


Japanese Balloons Strike the US Mainland

While an enemy aircraft invasion never caused fatalities on the mainland United States State

in WWII, around 9,000 incendiary bomb and anti-personnel bomb carrying balloons were

produced in Japan and released from the Japanese islands to float across the Pacific and drop

bombs on the mainland United States.

Measuring 33 feet wide and 70 feet tall, the terrifying and ghostly flying machines were

enormous in size for what they were and nearly miraculous in their ability to float across

the Pacific Ocean all the way from Japan.

The Fugu or "wind ship weapons" went as far across the US as Michigan and were the

world's first intercontinental weapon.

A 15 kilogram anti-personnel bomb, four separate 4.5 kilogram incendiary bombs, and a flash

bomb to annihilate any record of the balloon existing were incorporated into its design.

Despite their range, the actual amount of damage inflicted by these balloons was fortunately

far less than might have been predicted.

The balloons themselves were shrouded in secrecy due to their self-destructing design, frequent

loss to remote areas, and deliberate suppression of information about their existence to prevent

Japan receiving any encouragement through knowledge of any success in hitting the United


Sadly, that secrecy proved fatal and had to be ended after a pregnant Reverend's wife

and five church children were killed on a church picnic in Oregon on May 5, 1945.

Years after the end of World War II, a group of Japanese citizens who had participated

in making the balloons as schoolchildren later sent apology messages and paper cranes when

they learned of the tragedy the project had supported.


Denmark Saves the Majority of Jewish Citizens

During World War Two, it was not only deliberate acts constituting crimes against humanity

that contributed to the tragedy of the Holocaust, but a failure by many to oppose the persecution.

In contrast, Denmark showed a greater measure of bravery and foresight overall compared

to the situation in other countries such as the Netherlands and, of course, Germany.

In dealing with the German invasion, Danish citizens and officials resisted the German

massacre of Jewish citizens by regarding them as countrymen, part of Danish Society by existence,

marriage, and rights.

By seeing attacks against their Jewish population as an attack on Denmark itself, Danish opposition

to the Holocaust was strong.

World War II was not only a time defined by aggression, it was also a time of great complicity

and cowardice.

Denmark had a remarkably different view and found a variety of clever ways to forestall

Nazi attacks on the Jewish population.

Cooperating rather than collaborating with Germany, the King of Denmark declared that

any attempt to harm Jewish people would bring an end to assistance that the Germans wanted

and threatened to wear a yellow star himself if pushed.

The result of the resistance included a backing off by German forces and a fudged Nazi roundup

that was enacted only after the Jewish community was given a chance to escape.


Battle for Itter Castle

In World War II, the "Battle of Schloss Itter" was the only time German and American

troops fought as allies.

In May 1945, Bavarian borne German Wehrmacht Major Sepp Gangl, who had grown to dislike

the Nazis, joined the Austrian Anti-Nazi Resistance and dedicated his efforts to opposing Nazism

and needless loss of life.

On May 5, 1945, five days after the suicide of Hitler, Major Gangl and men following him

approached American troops of the 23rd Tank Battalion of the US 12th Armored Division

under Captain Jack Lee with a white flag, desperately seeking their help to hold off

a bid by the SS to execute high status prisoners who were held at Itter Castle (Schloss Itter)

in Austria like hostages to provide leverage in military bargaining.

VIP prisoners held in the castle, including two former French Presidents, were under siege

by SS troops who had decided to execute all the prisoners as the final moments of the

war unfolded.

In contrast, Gangl wanted to save the prisoners of Schloss Itter from Nazi forces who would

otherwise have killed them.

Gangl successfully secured American assistance required to hold off the SS attack, saving

the prisoners in the castle from execution.

In the midst of fighting the SS alongside the American battalion, Gangl himself lost

his life after his "defection" to the anti-Nazi position, fatally shot by an SS



Nobuo Fujita the Air Raid Apologizer

Despite fears of an aerial attack on the mainland United States that were brought to the forefront

of public thought by the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor, the event never materialized

in the form of a manned aircraft bombing run.

That is, except for the almost unbelievably daring yet cautiously completed missions carried

out by just one Japanese Navy aviator in 1942.

Japanese pilot Nobuo Fujita, who was the only enemy pilot in WWII to bomb the contiguous

United States, set out in a bid to start forest fires near Bookings, Oregon in a carefully

planned mission intended to serve as revenge for an American air raid on Tokyo.

The way the attack unfolded was admittedly creepy in its intent and methodology.

The brainchild of Fujita himself, the attack involved launching a Yokosuka E14Y "Glen"

floatplane from the deck of a submarine stationed offshore, carrying out the attack, and returning.

The aircraft would then be disassembled and placed back into the submarine.

A large submarine fitted with a waterproof hanger approached the Oregon coast on September

9, 1942 and launched Fujita's plane by catapult.

The attack was a success in that the bombs were dropped, but the wet weather of the Oregon

coast prevented the catastrophic forest fires that the raid was intended to trigger.

After the war's end, Fujita was invited to return by community leaders, and he returned

to apologize and offer a family heirloom samurai sword as a gift.

He had planned to commit Seppuku, a ritual suicide, if he was not received well by the


Despite initial controversy over his visit, he was largely welcomed with acceptance, and

he made multiple subsequent returns and planted a tree at the site of the bombing.


Joseph Goebbels Served as Chancellor for a Day

Adolf Hitler remains at the highest levels of notoriety for his orchestration of war

crimes as the Austrian immigrant turned German Chancellor who led the German nation throughout

the course of World War II.

However, it is a far lesser known yet very historically and technically important fact

that Joseph Goebbels served as Chancellor at the end of the Second World War.

Hitler's suicide left Germany without a Chancellor in the last moments of World War

2, as his death took place technically before the global conflict ended and prior to the

German surrender.

Upon Hitler's demise, the role of Chancellor had to be filled and the one to take it was

none other than the much-hated Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich Propaganda Minister.

His background in German philosophy, writing and literature studies, and fanatical dedication

to promoting Hitler caused him to be greatly favored by Hitler, who preferred and trusted

him compared to other Nazi leaders, many of whom had greatly displeased him in the end.

On April 30, one day after marrying his mistress, Eva Braun, Hitler committed suicide, leaving

Goebbels as Chancellor of the German Reich.

In his will, Hitler appointed Goebbels as Chancellor, also abolishing the position of


Goebbels carried out a single act as Chancellor, unsuccessfully trying to request a ceasefire

from Soviet forces in the Battle of Berlin.

Later that day, on May 1, 1945, Goebbels commited suicide in a bunker, along with his wife Magda,

after having their six children poisoned by a dentist from the SS.


Italy Fought on Both Sides in WWII

Fascist Italy is notorious in history as the birthplace of Mussolini's Fascism, viewed

by the less informed as the smaller ally of Nazi Germany in WWII and by the better informed

as part of the inspiration for the virulent philosophies and crimes of Hitler's Nazi


What is less known, and highly significant in the outcome of World War Two history is

the fact that Italy fought on both sides in the war, fighting firstly for the Axis as

one of the big three Axis players, namely Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial

Japan, then fighting for the Allies as the Italian Social Republic.

As the war progressed, Mussolini was receiving lower and lower levels of approval and was

ousted by a Grand Council of Fascism vote and subsequently arrested upon the orders

of King Victor Immanuel.

On the fateful day of October 13, 1943, one month after General Pietro Badoglio surrendered

the Kingdom of Italy to Allied interests, the Kingdom of Italy declared war on Nazi


The Nazi interests and Fascist leadership were less than keen to give up, leading to

the Italian Civil War between the Kingdom of Italy, the new Italian Co-belligerent army,

and Italian Resistance on one side, and the Fascist puppet-state Italian Social Republic,

which reinstated Mussolini after his capture by the Allies and subsequent extraction from

captivity by German operatives on September 12, 1943.


North America Failed to Protect Jewish Refugees

The United States and Canada have a well-earned modern reputation for taking in refugees and

making some very progressive immigration and refugee accommodation decisions.

However, it is not only the historic abuses of First Nations in North America that have

drawn the ire of historians and human rights advocates.

It is a little-known fact that Canada's WWII era wartime Prime Minister William Lyon

Mackenzie King brought a strange mix of perspectives to the war, discouraging involvement in the

conflict at first and later refusing to accept a ship with over 900 Jewish refugees fleeing

Nazi Germany that departed on May 13, 1939.

The SS St Louis had come to Canada under the command of a German captain named Gustav Schroeder,

who sought refuge for the refugees in Cuba, the United States, being turned away by both,

and apparently knew that Canada was not an option.

Prime Minister King debated the matter, but ultimately, upon the advice of his incredibly

strict immigration minister, Frederick Blair, the refuges were never invited into Canada.

Under Blair, racially biased immigration policies in effect led to a mere 5,000 Jewish refugees

being accepted into Canada, compared to 200,000 that were allowed into the United States.

Still, the American authorities refused to allow the ship of Jewish refugees into the

United States.

Finally, a deal was made where the refugees would be accepted in Great Britain, Belgium,

the Netherlands and France.

Many survived the war, but over 254 died in the Nazi invasion.

Captain Schroeder was demoted by the Nazi regime, but later received a post-humous medal

from the German government for his efforts.


The Holdout Soldiers of Imperial Japan

The end of World War II hostilities came cleanly and quickly once the Japanese surrender was

finalized on September 2, 1945.

Yet at the scale of the individual, some of the most remarkable, lonely, and in fact creepy

extensions of WWII hostilities occurred through rogue "stalwart" Japanese soldiers who

did not get that the war was over and continued hostile acts, living in a time warp as active

soldiers on patrol for years, even decades after the war's official end.

In the case of Hiroo Onoda (pictured above), who was cut off from his unit by an American

advance on February 28, 1945, he believed news of surrender was mere propaganda.

In an admittedly eerie turn of events, he proceeded to live on Lubang Island, Philippines

for the next 30 years.

Subsequently, he believed that villagers on the island were guerrilla fighters and actually

proceeded to kill several over the years in what to him were simply acts of warfare.

30 years later, he was discovered by the Japanese explorer Norio Suzuki, who introduced himself,

and then when Onoda refused to come home, returned and presented papers to officially

relieve him of his duties, allowing him to return to Japan.

There, Onodo authored his book No Surrender: My Thirty-Year War.

Despite the violence enacted during his solitary war in which he kept his rifle well maintained,

he was pardoned by the Philippine President and peacefully received after laying down

his arms.

For more infomation >> 10 Fascinating Plot Wrinkles of World War II - Duration: 14:22.


পীর মুরিদি শরু হল কত হিজরিতে || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> পীর মুরিদি শরু হল কত হিজরিতে || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 2:29.


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For more infomation >> Gli animali della fattoria - i suoni degli animali per i bambini - BuBu Bambini - Duration: 3:19.


New audition and first studio recording ! - Duration: 0:53.

I will be a part of a singing contest called "La première Voix".

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For more infomation >> New audition and first studio recording ! - Duration: 0:53.


Establishment of a testing center for the Unified State Exam - Duration: 7:08.

You probably know that now all the pupils of the 11th grade at the end of the academic year take the Unified State Exam (USE). The results of this exam are taken into account when entering the university. So, it is possible during the school year to conduct a test exam, so to speak, training. That each student was able to assess their capabilities, to feel the situation morally, and on the results of the exam - "lean" on the subject, if necessary, and already pass the real exam fully armed. The approximate scheme of the work is as follows: 1) First, you need to call the school and agree with the director about the testing on the school grounds. I think that such centers already exist, and competitors in this matter will be unequivocal. But if you propose a price more profitable and paint all the delights of your center, then I think you can agree! The price should be small 100 - 150 rubles from the student. Also, we can say that the testing will be carried out by specialists with university education or even teachers - in general, professionals! It is also convenient for you to conduct a test exam on the school grounds, both for you and the school, because children do not need to go anywhere - in their native school and in their native collective it is still calmer, well, you, accordingly, do not need to pay a rent! 2) When the exact date and conditions of testing are discussed with the director, you need to go directly to the parent meetings in the 11th grades (or, at the very least, hang up ads in the school) and negotiate directly with the parents. Bring the same arguments for the experiment as the director. Already knowing the exact date - to announce that a week before this will need a list of participants, i.e. all those who want to participate in the testing will have to pay for participation in a week - and you will need to know how many copies of the examination sheets are prepared. 3) Where to get the USE version? There are two options: the first, and the easiest - on the Internet. There are many options in different subjects. The second is in the Department of Education of your district, where you can also take the methods of evaluation. So, we take, say, the Internet version of the Unified State Examination 2004 on the Internet and print out the required number of copies. 4) Testing itself is better for assigning for the weekend, because for each exam is given a certain time, on average 3 hours. And it will be more convenient for a child to take an exam not after a school day, but on a fresh head. Suppose, for 3 tests a day, for a weekend, you can test in all subjects (which you can choose) in one school. Conducting the testing is not difficult: the curator sits and looks, so that no one writes off, does not answer questions. This curator may be you, or you can offer to conduct a test to one of the teachers - among them there are many who want to earn money. 5) Checking the results. Again - if you have a method from the Department of Education, then we check as a school teacher, manually, and put the scores in accordance with the rules. And if via the Internet, then we put the data of each test in the form, and we get the result automatically - we print it out, and give it to each student in the envelope. The only problem is that he will not be able to see exactly where he made a mistake, but many examinations pass this way. The date for obtaining results is arbitrary - let's say a week, or depending on the volume. The work process is over, we count the money. In each school an average of 50 graduates (2 classes of 25-30 people). 150x50 = 7500 rubles. for one test. If, say, one week - one school (ie tests in all subjects on the weekend), then in a month we earn 7500х4 weeks = 30,000 rubles. Of course, money will be spent on materials, but it's how anyone will manage it. Paper and a printer are not that expensive. You can think about the form of ownership. To conduct specific testing - you do not need a license for educational activities. You can do only emergency. With the license for educational activity, the situation is as follows: according to the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2002 "On approval of the provision on licensing of educational activities", paragraph 2: Not subject to licensing: a) educational activities in the form of one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training, not accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications; b) individual labor pedagogical activity, including in the field of vocational training. A child after passing such a test will be given only the result of this test (not a certificate, not a certificate, and not a diploma). With whom you can not go to college, and do not pass on this basis entrance examinations. This result will be, say, his personal bar! An indicator of his knowledge at the moment and an indication of what you need to pull yourself into, well, and if there is not anything, it's wonderful! Training, testing of moral stability and level of knowledge. And then, at the end of the year, they will take the real USE, the results of which can be used at admission. Only it is necessary that the pupils, and preferably their parents

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