Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018



For more infomation >> Junior Street Dancer 2018. - Duration: 1:34.


♡ Weeaboo | meme - collab w/ Iesha Loves The Gr8 Papyrus ♡ - Duration: 0:47.

OOooooHH It's a Wee Weeb pee pee me me

sum blacc and white white colours




thas gAY






Then sum gay furries dancen


ah Fucc I couldn't fit the others in :'))))))))))))))




For more infomation >> ♡ Weeaboo | meme - collab w/ Iesha Loves The Gr8 Papyrus ♡ - Duration: 0:47.


Snow Day in Tokyo - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Snow Day in Tokyo - Duration: 4:59.


TATIANA'S DAY. Very beautiful greetings. Video card - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> TATIANA'S DAY. Very beautiful greetings. Video card - Duration: 1:38.


Cars for Kids - Pacman and Police Car - Puzzle - Cartoons about Cars - Duration: 1:24.

Cars for Kids

Pacman and Police Car


Cartoons for Kids about Cars

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids - Pacman and Police Car - Puzzle - Cartoons about Cars - Duration: 1:24.


Actors Who Were Born With A Ton Of Money - Duration: 4:18.

We've all heard about struggling actors trying to make it in Hollywood, barely scraping by

while living in tiny apartments — but that's not every actor's story.

Let's find out which celebs had tons of money from the moment they were born.

Darren Criss

A true triple threat, Darren Criss' breakout role on Glee was the perfect part for him.

From an early age, Criss learned to play musical instruments and took an interest in theater,

all of which was supported by his parents.

"I'm very thankful and blessed to say I didn't have a rough childhood I wasn't born on the

streets of Agrabah."

Criss' father was a wealthy banker who started and ran his own bank in Hawaii, but he also

served as a director of the San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Performances, the Stern

Grove Festival, and the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra.

It's pretty clear this had an influence on Criss, who not only went on to star in the

hit musical TV series, but also landed the lead role of the Broadway smash Hedwig and

the Angry Inch, and wrote an Emmy-nominated original song for Glee.

Jennifer Aniston

Everyone knows Jennifer Aniston was writing her own checks long before she and the rest

of the cast of Friends started making $1 million dollars per episode in 2002.

Her father, John Aniston, has been a working actor since the '50s, most notably as Victor

on the soap opera Days of Our Lives.

"I'm her father."



Jennifer had a bit of a rough time early on.

Her folks split when she was 9, according to Rolling Stone, at which point she went

to live with her mother and had little contact with her dad for years.

But when her mother penned her 1996 memoir, From Mother and Daughter to Friends, Jennifer

perceived this as "a betrayal."

The actress reconciled with both parents in later years, although her mother reportedly

cut Jennifer out of her will prior to her passing in 2016.

Something tells us Jennifer won't miss that money.

Olivia Wilde

Actress Olivia Wilde's parents are Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, the famed journalist

duo whose Vanity Fair article was turned into the first Dreamworks film, The Peacemaker.

Wilde describes her childhood home as being, quote, "surrounded by artists, journalists,


She recalls famous guests — like Mick Jagger — gracing her family's dinner table.

The family even spent summers in Ireland when they weren't doing community service projects,

such as going to Fiji and living in a mountain village to build schools.

Even before she became a famous actress in her own right, Wilde basically lived the definition

of a rich bohemian existence, which she summed up by saying she…

"...can't wait to be an old woman because at the rate I'm going I'll have lived a pretty

full life."

Ariana Grande

Actress and singer Ariana Grande has been earning her own sizable paychecks since she

got her big break at just 17-years-old on the Nickelodeon series Victorious, but her

interest in the performing arts was fostered by the support of her very successful parents.

Her mother is the CEO of a successful telephone and alarm system company, and her father owns

his own design firm in Boca Raton, Florida.

Ariana lived in her father's Florida home until she was 13, when she moved to New York

City to live with her mother and pursue roles on Broadway.

When that led to her star-making Nickelodeon gig, her mom packed up and moved to Los Angeles

to support her daughter's burgeoning entertainment career.

That kind of parental flexibility not only takes a tremendous leap of faith, but also

requires a nice cushion of expendable cash to make it all happen.

Emily and Zooey Deschanel

Actresses Emily and Zooey and Deschanel are

the daughters of a Hollywood cinematographer and a Hollywood actress.

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, their father said his two girls traveled with him

on location as much as possible during their formative years, but by the time they were...

"...12 or 13, [they] would get up in front of 2,000 people and not feel nervous."

Despite the stars in their daughters' eyes, mom and dad Deschanel made an effort to keep

their kids grounded.

In an interview with Vulture, Zooey revealed that she had a strict allowance and couldn't

drive to the mall until she was 17.

Kate Upton

Before supermodel and actress Kate Upton rose

to fame in the entertainment ranks, another set of Uptons made a name for themselves:

her great-grandfather, Frederick Upton, and his brother, Lou Upton.

"My great-grandfather and his brother are credited for inventing the modern washing


She admitted that her grandfather made life a lot easier for her — and everyone who

owns a washing machine — but the actress laughed off the idea that she's some kind

of "billionaire heiress," telling Vanity Fair, "I wish!

It's amazing, and it's definitely a part of our family, but my family doesn't have anything

to do with the company anymore."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Actors Who Were Born With A Ton Of Money - Duration: 4:18.


Babblarna - Bobbo färgning för barn Titta på tecknad film. - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Babblarna - Bobbo färgning för barn Titta på tecknad film. - Duration: 4:15.


9 Reasons Why ENFP and INFJ Fall In Love - Duration: 4:05.

9 Reasons Why ENFP and INFJ Fall In Love

No one knows exactly what makes people fall in love.

However, when we talk about personality, there is something interesting that we can draw

from different personalities and how they are related to one another.

Today, we will discuss 9 reasons why ENFP and INFJ fall in love for each other.

There are several reasons why ENFP and INFJ will instantly have a connection, and this

connection will most likely last for quite a long time.

And, it's not only about love, it will be work whether in friendship, business, or even


Generally, these two personalities intrinsically understand each other and balance each other


For every personality in Myers Briggs, there's a counterpart that makes an almost perfect


The key is in the functions.

Usually, a relationship will struggle if they don't have similar functions, or at least

dominate functions that can guide them.

In the case of ENFP and INFJ, they are both highly intuitive people, so they will more

likely to struggle with someone who is more dominated by sensing.

These two thrive on metaphors, abstractions, and the creative.

For now, let's see some of the reasons why ENFP and INFJ fall in love for each other.

#1 - Shared intuition

The first thing that you should note is that both have good intuition.

Both are idealists and they can plan something remarkable by sharing their ideas.

#2 - Completing differences

Even though sometimes shared values are important in a relationship, differences also play important

role in a relationship.

Sometimes differences in certain belief can destroy a relationship.

Fortunately, ENFP and INFJs have compatible differences that complete each other.

#3 - INFJs are great listeners

ENFP, as expected, like too talk so much that many others may feel annoyed.

INFJs, however, are ready for swallowing all information from the ENFP since they naturally

are great listener.

#4 - Deep emotional connection

INFJs are nice to other people.

However, they keep the portion of the love to someone who can share their values.

That is usually the ENFPs since they can read and understand INFJs.

#5 - Fantasy lives

Both ENFP and INFJ are idealist type, and they both have wandering minds to ideal world.

No one feels neglected when the other is spacing out.

#6 - Complementing

INFJ and ENFP basically have contradictory personality.

Indeed, their cognitive perspective is similar.

However, their attitudes are not.

Another opposing is that INFJs likes orderly matter, while ENFP likes variety.

#7 - Communication

Both can adjust to the shifting mood, condition, and feeling.

This enables them to last longer in relationship.

#8 - Ambiverted

Both do not take the extreme edge of extroverted and introverted characters.

In fact, they both almost in the middle of spectrum, allowing them to be flexible couple.

#9 - It is just magical

The other reason why they are perfect couple is because their characters just match each


All in all, that's the 9 Reasons Why ENFP and INFJ Fall In Love.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons Why ENFP and INFJ Fall In Love - Duration: 4:05.


7 Tips to Effectively Teach Yourself How to Communicate - Duration: 8:30.

7 Tips to Effectively Teach Yourself How to Communicate With Spirits

We received plenty of emails from many of you, asking us to share advice on how to communicate

with spirits. Connecting with spirits is like a muscle.

The more you exercise it, the better you get.

As children, we could effortlessly commune with spirits on our side. But back then, we

held a firm belief in ourselves and knew we�re capable of doing it. As we grew up, we were

conditioned to believe that such things don�t exist.

And now it�s a struggle to realize how to invite spirits to communicate with you.

Normally, the communication with spirits flows into two ways.

One part of you will see spirits as a clear sky. For others, they will only see them in

the third eye.

Everyone has their third eye open to some degree.

If you�re a deeply intuitive person, you�re questioning things, see the deeper aspect

of things then you won�t need to do anything else. But if you�re interested, we wrote

a post on that.

When the communication occurs through your third eye, you don�t come to see visually

with it but more with your mind, your memory.

How to Communicate With Spirits Effectively?

We want to share with you these 7 tips to make your connection with spirits easier and

more natural.

1. Study the Chakras.

Your body is a tool that helps you communicate with spirits, with your higher self, and with

your soul.

Spirit Commune The seven chakras.

When you pronounce given words your vibration will match that of some of your chakras. And

this will enable you to articulate your feeling. You�ll be able to pick up information the

spirits send you.

When you say for example: �I know�, you�re essentially tapping into your crown chakra.

You can find out not just the colors of the chakras but the emotions that resonate with

each of them. Thus, the way each chakra raises your vibration and how does that chakra affect

you when you�re connecting with spirits.

2. Strive to Eat As Healthy As Possible.

You have to take care of your body. As we said, this is your tool and it�s your job

to preserve it so it can serve you well on your journey.

When your body is out of balance, when you�re not doing your best to maintain it, your connection

with it will get molded.

If you want to receive & send accurate information from spirits, you need to eat healthily and

be in a good shape.

Your body will pay you off for your efforts.

3. You Need to Be in Balance With Yourself.

The cornerstone of every esoteric practice a person wishes to undertake.

When you�re not ready internally, it�s out of question how talented, educated or

bright you might be.

Possessing a hidden spiritual gift can turn its back on you and cause disastrous consequences

in your life.

How to Connect With Spirits Never let yourself fall off balance.

Realize that preparation and keeping balance with yourself is key in making your first

steps in being taught how to communicate with the spirit world.

Without balance, your ego might take advantage of you, exposing you to the risk of giving

unfriendly force the control over you.

So, how do you balance the forces of creation and destruction in your life?

4. Keep Your Focus on the Present Moment to Free the Mind.

Meditation is a great way to facilitate your knowledge of how to connect with spirits.

Meditation forces you to let go of the past and the future. It leaves you with the present

moment and nothing else.

As you do it, you start to realize that the way this expresses through you will become

more and more natural.

Meditation puts you in the present moment. It is the key to achieving balance.

Connecting With Spirits Whenever your mind wanders, bring it back

to the present moment.

It enables you to sense the different sources of emotion. The ones coming from your ego

and which are detached from reality and those that are intuitive, instinctual, coming from

your true self.

One of the greatest accomplishments man can achieve is when you start to grasp the difference

between the chattering mind, influenced by the ego and the soft words and instinctual

impressions that your true self gives you.

How does meditation facilitate the communication with the spirit world?

Meditation teaches you the ability to spot the difference between the way you process

information in your mind and that which is coming from a foreign intelligence.

It would take some time to develop that ability but it�s a necessity for successfully connecting

with spirits.

In essence, meditation shut downs your analytical mind. It gives place for intuition to come

in and flow from your right brain and without stuttering your communication with spirits.

5. There are Many Different Types of Spirits Out There.

Some spirits are going to be aligned with your objectives towards a spiritual climax,

while others won�t.

Spirits can assist you or not depending on if they are in tune with nature, thus your

readiness to be able to deal with them.

Wander. When you know yourself, nothing can harm you.

As a novice, you begin slowly and climb yourself up the ladder of spirits you communicate with.

You can�t jump in and start talking to a high-ranking spirit immediately. You take

your time and let yourself gain enough experience before you reach that point.

The relations with spirit are not much different than those with people. A rule of thumb is

that you must be respectful of them because they have a wealth of experience than you

and are presumably older.

And whenever you�re offered their help, you should express gratitude and on certain

occasions make them an offering. You can also do something that is special for you and it

will be of honor to them.

6. Leave All Expectations Behind.

Expectations are a characteristic of the ego.

When communicating with spirits, you need to drop off all expectations.

Because being out of balance and being ignorant of your own self, you open a room for your

lower self to create expectations.

Expectations are illusions. When you hold expectations in your mind of the way things

should be, you deceive yourself of experiencing real happiness.

The ego is just quietly waiting for that possibility to unfold. And when it does, it will vigorously

seize it and plant an illusion in your mind, creating as many details as possible. But

is any of it real? No, because it creates a false reality to comfort yourself.

Universe carpet. Go on a journey like a little child.

And that is not a genuine commune with spirits.

We have to begin to understand our thought processes. And how do we do that? By simply

contemplating what it is that we�re doing, why we�re doing it, what motivates us?

In our last post about the higher self, we touch the topic of the lower nature creating


7. Connecting With Spirits Predominantly Happens in the Third Eye.

In actual communion with spirits, it�s normal to have long periods of silence and being

absorbed into your own imagination.

Earlier, we made a little explanation on how do spirits communicate with us.

On some occasions, there might be visual or auditory experiences, however, communication

mostly happens in the third eye.

What are the key takeaways from today�s post?

To facilitate your ability to connect with spirits you need to:

Skipping those, you risk failing to establish a meaningful and beneficial communication

with the spirit world.

Hope you learned something new today.

For more infomation >> 7 Tips to Effectively Teach Yourself How to Communicate - Duration: 8:30.


Costume Gift Kill Playing Challenge (League Of Legends) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Costume Gift Kill Playing Challenge (League Of Legends) - Duration: 3:30.


CANSADAS DE OUVIR SOBRE MATERNIDADE 🤷 ft Cátia Damasceno, Hel Mother e Luci Gonçalves | #FalaMiga - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> CANSADAS DE OUVIR SOBRE MATERNIDADE 🤷 ft Cátia Damasceno, Hel Mother e Luci Gonçalves | #FalaMiga - Duration: 3:34.


💝CARTA para alguien ESPECIAL/ SIN SOBRE/ LETTER for someone SPECIAL / WITHOUT ENVELOPE - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> 💝CARTA para alguien ESPECIAL/ SIN SOBRE/ LETTER for someone SPECIAL / WITHOUT ENVELOPE - Duration: 10:47.


What Really Happened To Chris Elliott? - Duration: 4:58.

After a chance encounter with a young David Letterman, Chris Elliott went from being a

mild-mannered NBC gofer to a writer and performer on Letterman's groundbreaking talk show.

From 1982 to 1989, Elliott honed his craft, helping the program to earn multiple Emmys

for Outstanding Writing in a Variety Series.

Those early years helped to pave the way for the quirky actor, best known for his scene-stealing

roles in films such as Groundhog Day, There's Something About Mary, and Scary Movie.

"I'm Hanson, I'm the caretaker."

But since the early 2000s, Elliott has kept a fairly low profile.

Here's what he's been up to.

Weird from the start

First, a bit of backstory: Chris Elliott's father, Bob Elliott, was a popular comedian

and radio personality in the 1950s, most notable for his legendary work with comedy partner

Ray Goulding.

David Letterman's love for Bob's work helped Chris get his career-changing opportunity

at Late Night.

In 1990, Elliott teamed with two guys who used to work on Late Night cast members to

bring the short-lived sitcom Get a Life to Fox.

Featuring writers like Mr. Show's Bob Odenkirk and Adaptation's Charlie Kaufman, it's safe

to say the program was different from anything on TV.

"Don't you see, Sharon?

He's teaching us about love!"

It was all too weird for Fox, and the network pulled the plug after just two seasons, but

it's considered a cult classic today.

Two years later, Elliott co-wrote and starred in another genuinely strange piece of entertainment:

the Tim Burton-produced flop Cabin Boy, which also enjoys cult status today.

Elliott starred as snobby aristocrat-turned sea captain Nathaniel Mayweather in what is

certainly the weirdest movie of his career, which also featured a cameo from his old pal

David Letterman ...

"I realize that you are most likely the product of lower-class inbreeding, but perhaps you

could help me."

"Oh gosh, I certainly hope so."

Steady guest star

His first film as a leading man was critical and financial disaster, but Elliott soon found

his footing.

After a string of small roles in high-profile flicks in the late '90s and early-2000s, Elliott

has continued working steadily, primarily in supporting and guest-starring stints on

a number of popular TV sitcoms and dramas.

Alongside small roles in more than a dozen shows like Law & Order: SVU, Difficult People,

and The Good Wife, he appeared in ten episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond as Amy's comic

book-loving older brother Peter.

He was also played Lily's father, Mickey, in multiple seasons of How I Met Your Mother.

In October 2017, Elliott made his guest-starring debut on Fox's apocalypse-themed comedy The

Last Man on Earth, playing a castaway named Glenn.

Failed family sitcom

In 2006, Elliott had plans to bring his family to television with the sitcom You've Reached

the Elliotts.

The CBS series was going to follow Elliott, a husband and father of two struggling with

the balance of raising a family in Connecticut as he pursued a B-list acting career in Hollywood.

Splitsider described the concept as Get a Life crossed with Everybody Loves Raymond,

except the series would've taken a meta look at Elliott's real life through a cringe-inducing

comedic lens.

While this sounds like a winning formula, with meta-comedy hits like Curb Your Enthusiasm

changing the small-screen landscape, the project was ultimately passed on by the network.

Late Night reunion

Elliott returned sporadically to Late Night with David Letterman during the 2007/2008

season, more than two decades since his Emmy-winning work on the CBS staple.

He appeared in multiple sketches throughout the year as recurring characters, including

Skink, a bounty hunter with some unorthodox methods ...

"What we do is, we basically cheese the guy until he's down there in that hot box, y'know,

wearing the ol' flop suit."


Back to his roots

When Adult Swim's Eagleheart came calling in 2011, things came full circle for Elliott,

with a starring role on a TV show suited for his oddball sensibilities.

Eagleheart's creator, Jason Woliner, was a big fan of Elliott's work in Get a Life and

Cabin Boy, and while the show wasn't written with him in mind, it was reworked to suit

his comedic stylings.

In 2015, Elliott joined the cast of a Canadian sitcom with a ridiculous name we can't say


The Christopher Guest-style comedy reunites Catherine O'Hara with Eugene Levy as formerly

wealthy magnates forced to move to a small town.

The hilarity is capped off by Chris Elliott's performance as Roland, the white trash, mullet-wearing,

beer-guzzling mayor of the Roses' new home.

Since hitting Netflix, it's found a new audience, and was renewed for a fourth season in March


Comedy legacy

Elliott passed the comedy torch to his two daughters Abby and Bridey.

Bridey has worked a lot in the world of stand-up comedy, and has also acted in the TBS series

Search Party, HBO's Silicon Valley, and the Emma Stone/Steve Carell movie Battle of the


Like her father before her, Abby appeared as a cast member on Saturday Night Live from

2008 to 2012, making her the first ever second-generation performer on the long-running sketch series.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Really Happened To Chris Elliott? - Duration: 4:58.


The Inpatient - Launch Trailer [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> The Inpatient - Launch Trailer [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 1:18.


পীর কিভাবে সুফি হল || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> পীর কিভাবে সুফি হল || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 2:21.


How To Get Unlimited Friend Request Or Follower On Facebook - Duration: 3:32.

Tech Show

For more infomation >> How To Get Unlimited Friend Request Or Follower On Facebook - Duration: 3:32.


KARL MARX/ WHAT is ALIENATION...? - Duration: 4:16.

Hey guys, It`s Nikki.

In my previous videos about Marx I mentioned Alienation a few times here and there and

you might start to wonder why I use it in a so different contexts or not.

Anyway I will still explain why so if you are interested stay to find out.

The raison is cause Marx has a broad understanding about Alienation:

But let`s first discuss that moment, when you do something writing an essay, building

a house of cards or maybe creating an app even a kid drawing a picture when you put

your hole being in a project and you feel completely satisfied from the result because

you left a part from you in it, that`s what Marx called The species essence.

For him that is what gives meaning of a humans life or it`s purpose.

You might`ve noticed that it`s about work or how to express yourself through your work.

When you are prevented in some way from fulfilling your Species essence those are different forms

of Alienation.

First one is the alienation from the product if we get back to Tom our worker, he`s making

t-shirts all day long but if he doesn`t have enough money he would not be able to wear

them: not everyone can afford to wear Guicci for example.

The second one is the alienation from the production process, remember the difference

between our Tom the Fourth and his Grand-grand- father Tom the first

The long haired and bearded Tom had all the say about the process and the product- how

to be done and how to look unlike our Tom who is just executing one meaningless part

of the process over and over and over again all day long which makes his days endless


I`m sure you are familiar with that because that`s most people`s state when they hate

their jobs and just can`t wait for the weekend-all this photos thank God is Friday- right on


The result from all this damned long working hour is the alienation from oneself: this

should be easy just look around you all the desperate people without hope for the future

and empty inside.

Yupe, it`s exactly that and when you are alienated from yourself it`s no wonder why the last

type of alienation is from each other, according to Marx this type of alienation is rotting

(mostly) the society because people are pushed to the wall to focused alone on their survival.

As a result they act like beasty animals fighting each other for the better job, and screwing

each other over for pennies.

Ok guys, we're almost there.

The last topic from these series is about the First Accumulaton of the Capital or how

this all started? so if you`re interested click on to the nerdy bird to subscribe and

if you liked this video thumbs up and leave me a comment to tell me what you think.

You can also get the audio of this video and listen to it next time you`re heading to your

lectures here or check some of my other videos you might like them, all links will be also

in the description, bye.

For more infomation >> KARL MARX/ WHAT is ALIENATION...? - Duration: 4:16.


Why Cities Exist - Duration: 13:04.

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The richest country in the world is Qatar which looks like this.

The second richest country is Luxembourg which looks like this.

The third richest is Singapore which looks like this.

The commonality between these three is that each of them has more than 90% of their population

living in cities.

The three poorest countries—the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic

of the Congo, and Burundi—each have urbanization levels below 50%.

Comparing the wealth of African countries and the urbanization levels of African countries,

the maps are nearly identical.

This is not to say that cities automatically create wealth or wealth automatically creates

cities, but there is a direct correlation between the two.

Although, it seems strange that humans would choose to live in cities—living costs are

higher, air quality is worse, surroundings are more crowded, crime is more prevalent,

and disease is more easily spread.

If the population of the world spread itself out evenly, every single person would have

5 acres to live on, but we don't.

We live in a world where half the population lives on just 1% of the land.

54% of the world population now lives in cities, and that's significant.

55 years ago, only half that lived a city life.

The urbanization of the world is changing the world, but why do cities even exist?

Humans were originally hunter-gatherers.

They scavenged for food and often didn't live in a set place—similar to how many

animals live—but then in about 10,000 BC we learned to farm.

The domestication of plants allowed humans to finally settle down in one singular place

and establish a long-term home, but farming was nothing like it is today.

The humans of the era lacked technology and expertise.

The first archeological evidence of plowed fields—a process that greatly improves crop

yields—doesn't appear until about 3000 BC.

It took thousands more years for farmers to successfully domesticate animals like the

ox to pull a plow.

When humans first began farming, nearly every individual had to farm in order to make enough

food to live.

One person's work essentially produced one person's food, but through time as technological

advancements occurred, progressively each individual was able to make more and more


Thanks to that, farmers today each feed 155 people.

The process has also become so efficient that only one acre of land is now needed to feed

one person, but back in the early days of farming, once technology had advanced to the

point where one person made more than one person's food, for the first time ever,

there were some people who didn't need to farm, and that fact changed humanity.

If that had never happened, we would all still be living in ancient history.

The surplus of food and the development of cities really went hand-in-hand.

It had never before been possible for humans to live in dense urban conglomerations because

they needed land to farm, but these extra people freed from farming were able to work

jobs other than farming which led to languages, literature, science, and really all the technological

advancements that made our modern world.

The spatial patterns of humans really happen quite naturally.

Enough people are each making their decision on where to live that, in aggregate, humans

are going to live in the best places to live.

There's a sort of process of natural selection that happens as billions of humans each pick

their optimal place to live.

Nothing is manufactured about where people live and numbers back this up.

You see, cities tend to stay at the same rank throughout history.

In 1800 the largest city in Europe was London.

Today, the largest city in Europe is still London.

In 1800 the second largest city in Europe was Paris and it too remains second today.

Cities grow, but those that were large in the past tend to stay large, at least without

external influence.

Cities don't just change ranking on their own, they change rank if something else changes.

Hong Kong, for example, changed rank when a change in sovereignty to Britain drew people

in while with San Francisco the discovery of natural resources, particularly gold, increased

growth rates while with Washington DC, the coming of a new industry, the US Government,

changed the rank.

If you were to just put a pause on all activity but humans moving, rankings would hypothetically

stay exactly the same, but that's not even the best evidence for how natural the existence

of cities is.

According to US Census Bureau, the largest city in the US is New York with 8.5 million

urban residents then the second is Los Angeles with 4 million—roughly half as many as New

York—then third is Chicago with 2.7 million—roughly a third—then Houston at 2.3—roughly a

fourth—then Phoenix at 1.6—roughly a fifth.

Each city's size is almost exactly determined by the largest city's size divided by it's


It is uncanny how closely city sizes in countries follow this distribution.

It's not just with the US.

Germany's largest city, Berlin, has 3.5 million residents, then Hamburg has 1.8 million,

almost exactly half, then Munich has slightly more than a third at 1.4 million, then Cologne

has just a bit more than a forth at 1 million, then Frankfurt has almost exactly a fifth

at 700,000.

Now, there are anomalies—mostly countries with recent rapid population growth—but

in a large number of countries, the ranking of cities can be determined by this law, but

what's significant is what else can be determined with this law.

If you take a book and rank the frequency of words it follows this distribution.

If you take a stadium of people and rank them by income, it follows this distribution.

If you take the sounds a dolphin makes and rank them by frequency, it too follows this


This link between a distribution found in nature and the size of cities helps prove

something—cities are natural.

Humans will, given time and technological advancement, always form into cities.

The existence of cities can really only happen when the plusses outweighs the minuses.

Back before the food surplus there were few advantages to urbanized living and a huge

disadvantage—a commute to farming land during a time when walking was for most the only

transportation method.

Today, the plusses have increased and keep increasing to the point where day by day more

and more people live in cities.

A major advantage for the existence of cities is the ability for different businesses to

locate near each other.

Part of the reason this is advantageous is that people come to cities to find jobs because

all these businesses are there and so, if businesses want to hire the best people to

be the best, they have to be in cities.

It's a bit of a chicken and the egg problem, but nowadays, different cities tend to play

host to different clusters of businesses.

For example, LA is a hub for the entertainment industry, Boston is a hub for medical research,

Dusseldorf is a hub for the telecommunications industry, and Singapore is a hub for the finance


In addition to the ability to tap into a common labor pool, businesses cluster because they

want easy access to other businesses.

Telecommunications companies like Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, and AT&T all exist as direct

competitors in Dusseldorf, but the reason they are there is because other companies

exist there are well that they can work with.

Also in Dusseldorf are companies like Nokia, Google, and LG which each make phones that

the mobile service providers might stock in their stores.

By all being in the same place, they can more easily collaborate and therefore they can

run their businesses more efficiently.

There's a sort of economies of scale effect when all sorts of companies are all packed

together in one place.

Now, not every business is in a city because there are plenty of cases where the minuses

outweighs the plusses.

You just won't see a car manufacturing plant in downtown Manhattan because it doesn't

make sense.

While there would be advantages such as access to a higher skilled labor pool, proximity

to other businesses, and reduced transport costs by being closer to the final market,

there are significant disadvantages.

Land costs about $38 per square foot in New York so if Tesla, for example, wanted to move

their factory to the city it would cost over $200 million in land alone.

The benefits would never outweigh the costs and, in fact, it was this very problem that

led to the decline of Detroit.

The city was a major center of automobile manufacturing, but eventually manufacturers

figured out that they could greatly reduce cost by moving the plants out of the city.

Without a major industry to employ individuals, many moved away and the population has steadily

declined for the last few decades.

Cities exist because they are efficient.

Nobody's forcing individuals to move to cities, but billions have.

Just imagine there were only ten people in existence and one product that each of them

wanted to buy.

If they were all equally spread out across this plane, the logical location for a distribution

hub would be right in the center.

Some individuals would happen to be close to the hub by chance, but overall the product

would have to be shipped a large distance to get to every consumer.

Now lets say that eight of those ten individuals lived together in a mini-city.

The logical location for the distribution hub would then be right by the city.

Shipping for the rural individuals would be slow and expensive but overall the total shipping

distance and cost to individuals would be lower.

You can see this concept with where Amazon puts their warehouses in the UK.

They could have one enormous warehouse at the geographic center of the country and save

some money through economies of scale, but they don't.

They position each of their warehouses near major population centers to reduce the total

shipping distance.

In our modern context this concept is most easily demonstrated through shipping, but

historically individuals had to purchase nearly all their goods at physical marketplaces.

Even just 200 years ago walking was the primary means of transportation.

In an hour nowadays we can drive 70 miles while in an hour 200 years ago individuals

could walk only three miles so the push to live closer to marketplaces was even higher.

This is why suburbanization is a new concept, but still more individuals than ever choose

to live in cities.

Division and specialization of labor was crucial to the development of our world.

Imagine you made everything you used.

You grew your food, you gathered and filtered your water, you built you own car.

Just imagine how long it would take you to build a car from scratch—at least a decade—and

yet the average individual in the US can buy a brand new car with the money they earn in

about six months.

That's because there are people better at making cars than you.

There are some people who focus solely on mining iron then some individuals who focus

solely on making glass and so there are thousands of people producing all the different inputs

that go into making your car in the most efficient way possible.

Let's say that you, for example, individually can make a pencil in 60 minutes and paper

in 30 while another individual can make a pencil in 30 minutes and paper in 60.

In a closed off world it would take each of you 90 minutes to make a pencil and paper,

but let's say you make two pieces of paper, which would take you an hour, and the other

person would make two pencils, which would take them an hour, and then you each trade.

Neither of you have given up anything, you get exactly what you would have gotten by

working independently, but you have each gained time.

This is exactly why trade is beneficial.

Certain people are better at making certain things, so by everyone specializing in what

they are good at the entire world gets more without giving more.

This is how efficiency happens.

Cities make this trade easier which leads to more of it happening and therefore cities

are efficient.

Humans naturally want to find the path of least resistance and, with our spacial patterns,

the path of least resistance is to all live together.

Of course rural life will always exist and needs to exist, but if you were to have a

hand to pick up and organize every human into the most efficient pattern possible, this

is what it would look like.

Cities don't create wealth and wealth doesn't create cities, but rather cities make wealth


Cities are efficient and efficiency creates wealth, and so people create cities.

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