Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Welcome to the show. This week Seven Days published its annual Wellness Issue and

it is filled with wonderful stories about ways to improve your physical and

mental well-being, so I thought we'd spend this episode talking about a few

of those because let's face it, we could all use a bit more wellness in our lives

right now. Right? So I've invited two very different guests onto the show today we

have our backwoods correspondent Mr. Ricky McGinney and our resident wellness

expert Divinity Chakra. Thank you both very much for being on the show. It's

great to be back here, Bryan. Warmth. So the first thing I want to talk about

is CBD, which is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis, but it's

totally legal and it's found its way into food, beer, lotion, you name it. In this

issue there is a story about CBD-supported guided meditation classes. Well

one time I smoked a blunt I didn't move for three days, so I'd say this works Bryan.

Okay first of all Rickey I'm pretty sure that's not meditating and second of all

CBD is different than THC. It is non psychoactive. It will not get you high. Yep

whatever it was I was enlightened. No no no when we are meditating we're not

shutting down the mind, but focusing it on a single object. Such as the breath.

Such as the breath. Yeah well I was pretty damn focused on the fishing

channel for about 72 hours, so. People use CBD to treat a range of issues such as

pain. Such as depression. Such as anxiety. Okay? All of which can deter effective

meditation, so one must presume that CBD can support meditation. Yeah it can

support meditation. Thank you Divinity, and Ricky

there's also story in this issue about the safest ways to consume marijuana, the

kind that does get you high, and I'm sorry to say smoking a blunt probably is

not the best way to go about it. Yes the combustion of blunt paper adds even more

toxins to the smoke and if you hold in that smoke

your lungs are absorbing more toxins. Okay? Absorbing more toxins. What? I'm not

supposed to hold in the smoke either? I might as well just eat it. Well eating a

blunt is probably pretty awful, but in general ingesting marijuana is a safer

alternative. But it can be very difficult to predict how strong the dose may be

and some edibles, like the candy or the cookies, can be very appealing to to

children. Yeah and I for one am sick and tired of my little nephew stealing my

pot. A safer alternative might be to vaporize marijuana, or to ingest a

tincture. Okay? A tincture. Yeah well I can't exactly grow tincture in my closet

can I? Okay so next I want to talk a little bit about Shirodhara. This is

basically like a massage for your mind and it involves having a steady stream

of warm oil poured gently onto your forehead.

Yeah Bryan, anyone who's ever changed an oil filter on a 1989 Toyota Tercel is

already very familiar with this procedure. It sucks.

No no no no. Shirohara is part of an ancient health practice

originating in India called Ayurveda and it is very soothing for the nervous

system. Mr. McKinney is not ready to receive Shirodhara.

Ready? (arguing)

Okay okay let's let's move on. Alright so there's a place

in Montpelier it's called the Everything Place and it's calling itself the first

studio in Vermont dedicated to the education of somatic practices as an

integral part of social and environmental justice work. Oh great just

what we need some more social justice warriors trying to make me care about

other people. Look at me. I only care about myself and I'm awesome.

Somatics are a field of movement study and therapy based on our inner

perceptions of our bodies. By listening to what our bodies are telling us

and making slow deliberate movements we can become more connected.

Well I feel pretty damn connected to locking her up. (arguing) Sounds like someone needs to

realign their chi. Yes Bryan, you could surely benefit from some simple

breathing exercises. Yeah man get it together

it's the Wellness Issue. Ricky, shouldn't you be off hunting coyotes somewhere?

Shouldn't you be off listening to Fleet Foxes and knitting your own scarves?

Gentlemen please. Shouldn't you be busy writing a 400 word

Instagram post right now? Yeah shouldn't you be busy naming your cat after a

flavor of incense? Isn't this show supposed to be funny

Bryan? Okay you know I think the lesson I'm learning here is that wellness

doesn't happen overnight. Right? It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort but

the good news is you're totally worth it and there are plenty of people in this

great state of ours who want to help.

So until next time be well my friends. Take care of one another

For more infomation >> Seriously: Well, Well, Well - Duration: 5:47.


Video of the Day Recap January 7-19 - RenovatedMars - Duration: 9:00.

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And here's why.

In the future, I don't think I'll have time to make one of these videos every single


Because of this, my videos might not be suggested to you when I finally do release a new one.

If you would like to support me making more creative content as well as videos like these,

please subscribe so you can always be aware when my latest project is released.

Your subscription also helps incentive me to make more videos as it makes me aware of

how many people I will let down if I fail to upload.

With that shameless self-promotion out of the way, here are the videos I found the most

interesting over the last two weeks.

All of the videos I mention in this video are linked down in the description as well

as a playlist containing the best videos I find that is updated daily.

On January 7th, I added Half as Interesting's "The 64 Day Longest Flight in History"

to this playlist.

This video contains a cool bit of trivia about, you guessed it, the longest flight in history.

The video tells a pretty cool story about two people who flew for 64 days, and if that

sounds interesting to you, you will definitely enjoy the video.

Most of the other videos that I watched that Sunday were videos I had already seen, and

I don't think any of them are worth mentioning here.

On January 8th, CaptainDisillusion's "Gateway to Sedona DEBUNK" was added to the playlist.

Captain Disillusion's channel is phenomenal and his channel is easily bingeable if you

want to lose track of time.

If you've never heard of him before, think of him as the h3h3 of debunking internet special


His latest release that I put in the playlist was extremely high-quality, and you could

tell just how much time was put into it.

On this day, I also went back and binge-watched some of Crowbcat's videos.

His videos never seem to lose their quality no matter how many times I watch them.

I'll leave a link to his channel in the description, but be warned: once you see one

of his videos you won't stop watching them until you've seen everything on his channel.

The next day, I put Cody Ko's "QUIT YOUR JOB AND TRAVEL FOREVER" in the playlist.

During some parts of this video, I couldn't stop laughing as Cody Ko keeps making hilarious

call-backs to his earlier jokes.

His video also points out a genre of content on YouTube and Instagram that I've always

found really dumb, which makes the video even more entertaining.

A few other videos I found funny that that day were Pyrocynical's "Logan Paul

Has Done It Again...," EXCEPT's "The Emoji Movie EXCEPT there's no emojis,"

and videogamedunkey's "Dunkey's Best of 2017."

Pyrocynical's video was mildly funny and it did a nice job of explaining Logan and

Jake Paul's recent shenanigans.

The Emoji Movie EXCEPT there's no emoji's wasn't very funny, but the ending is made

10x better by this comment here.

I recommend watching the end of the video with this comment in mind.

Lastly, Dunkey's video where he talks about his favorite video games that he played in

2017 was really well put together and was made even better by what game he awarded "Game

of the Year."

The next video I added to the playlist was Gus Johnson's "How To Be A Professor."

Despite not having gone to college, this video was way too relatable to teachers I've had

in the past.

If you've been in a classroom within the last decade, this video is bound to make you


Another video I watched that day that was entertaining was The Game Theorists "How


Although I did like part two of this video better, this video was still very informative.

In the video, MatPat decides to take a different direction when talking about loot boxes in

games, and instead of heavily criticizing them, he decides to instead inform the audience

of how loot boxes can be addictive.

On Thursday, January 11, I added Vox's "The real reason Amelia Earhart is so famous"

to the playlist.

I actually didn't know much about Amelia Earhart before watching this video, so if

you'd like to know more about this historic figure and her rise to fame, I would definitely give this

video a watch.

That day, I also watched Internet Historian's "9gag's Meme Rock | #SmashTheStone."

This video was very interesting, however the video was a little short and the ending was

very anticlimactic, which is why it wasn't added to the playlist.

The video I added to the playlist on Friday, January 12 was Jake Paul's "YouTube

Stars Diss Track (Official Music Video)."

Now I actually don't like this video at all, however it's kind of an inside joke

amongst my friends.

We were actually playing PUBG that day and somehow we ended up singing this song.

The song is really bad and the title is even misleading, however my friends and I found it when it

came out so we bring it up from time to time.

This was also one of the only videos I watched that day.

On January 13, I didn't find many worthwhile videos, however I did end up putting Science

Elf's "Make a Windows XP Bootable Flash Drive" in the playlist.

Although I have no intention of putting Windows XP on any of my flash drives, I still found

it really cool how it is actually possible.

Science Elf shows a method he has came up with for putting Windows XP on a flash drive

which involves going through two virtual machines.

There were two other videos that I watched that day that competed for the playlist spot:

TechAltar's "Why are Apple and Google so different?" and Adam Koralik's "FigureItOutcast

- December 2017!" TechAltar's video was a good watch, however I didn't really learn

much from it as most of the stuff he said was pretty well-known if you follow Apple

and Google.

Adam Koralik's podcast for December was pretty solid, and I had been meaning to watch

it for a few weeks before I did.

My only annoyance with his podcast is it's only on YouTube, I wish he would put his podcast

episodes on iTunes or Spotify after they become available to non-patrons.

On January 14, I put grandayy's "I always feel like SOMEBODY TOUCHA MY SPAGHET" in

the playlist.

Grandayy's take on the now dead meme fits pretty well, and I recommend watching it if

you like or once liked the somebody toucha my spaghet meme. *laughter*

There were two other videos I watched that day that I feel are worth mentioning and those

both happened to be part two videos to videos I had seen earlier that week.

Those two videos are Marques Brownlee's "Dope Tech of CES 2018 [Part 2]" and The

Game Theorists' "Game Theory: WARNING!

Loot Boxes are Watching You RIGHT NOW!"

Marques' exploration of CES was much better his second time around as he covered stuff

I found much more interesting than part one.

In the video he showcases some of the best technology from CES including new TVs,

new computers, and even a new bot that can play ping pong.

If you somehow still haven't heard about anything from CES, you need to watch this


I mentioned part one of The Game Theorists' loot box video earlier in this video, and

I feel part two is slightly better than part one.

MatPat once again goes over how addictive loot boxes can be as well as the ethics of

loot boxes.

The next video I added to the playlist, on January 15, was 2kliksphillip's "After

the Credits."

I found this video really unique as Phillip plays a strategy game long after anyone else

would and talks about the history of his version of Japan.

Another video I watched of his that I didn't put in the playlist was "PLACE."

I really liked this video as it reminded me about r/place, something I hadn't thought

about in quite a while.

However, this video was pretty short and I wished he would've talked more about the

intricacies of r/place.

One other video I watched that day that I found funny was CBS' "Star Trek - Kirk

vs. Gorn."

This video is much funnier when you couple it with this title found on r/videos.

On this past Tuesday, January 16, I had to make a tough decision.

Both bill wurtz as well as h3h3productions uploaded videos that day, two creators that

I love that hadn't posted in a long time.

Ultimately, I decided to put bill wurtz's "La de da de da de da de day oh" in the

playlist over h3h3's "The Logan Paul Odyssey."

Bill Wurtz's new song was quite catchy, and although h3h3 was very funny in his video,

he did also repeat a lot of things that Pyrocynical said just a week earlier.

One other thing I found interesting that I found out on this day was the fact that Durv,

the fourteen-year-old kid who made those "join my free gift card giveaway" videos, apparently

still exists.

I thought this kid had gotten his channel removed, but it turns out he got a second channel and

he's been doing work on there.

On Wednesday, I put Nintendo's "First Look at Nintendo Labo" in the playlist.

I added this video because I thought the concept of Nintendo Labo is so weird.

Basically, you build some stuff out of cardboard, then put the Nintendo Switch JoyCon in it

to use as a sensor.

Also, it comes out on 4/20.

Some other videos that I watched that day include CHM Tech's "Fun Google Secrets

- Part 3" and Extra Credits' "So You Want To Be in QA - The Test Chamber."

Although I knew a lot of the "secrets" shown in CHM Tech's video, I still found

a couple of things that I hadn't ever found before.

I've been subbed to Extra Credits for quite a while now, and their videos are always

so good.

Extra Credits' channel is also one that is easily bingeable, so I highly recommend

checking them out.

On Thursday, I added another Cody Ko video.

This video was called "Weird Instagram Comments: Country Girls Edition."

Once again, Cody Ko made another video that I couldn't stop laughing throughout.

In this video, Cody Ko makes fun of people who are for some reason commenting on pictures

of girls holding guns.

I watched a few tech videos that day too, however I don't think any of them are good

enough to mention here.

Lastly, on Friday, January 19, I added WoolieVersus' "PSA: A Message to Unofficial Fan Game Creators."

This video was a pretty great watch as an irrelevant YouTuber talks about why if you

are making a fan game, you shouldn't talk about it.

It's funny and informative, so I definitely recommend giving it a watch.

I didn't watch any other videos on this day.

Like I stated at the start of the video, there's a good chance I won't be uploading

one of these videos next week due to a lack of time.

If you would like to know when I do upload, and help this channel succeed, please subscribe

to my channel.

And until my next upload, I'll see you guys later.


For more infomation >> Video of the Day Recap January 7-19 - RenovatedMars - Duration: 9:00.


TUTORIAL DE MINECRAFT!!!! - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> TUTORIAL DE MINECRAFT!!!! - Duration: 9:48.


Cars toy videos for Children | Magic Ball with Truck, Excavator, Truck Loader | Kids Videos for Kids - Duration: 5:17.

Cars toy videos for Children | Magic Ball with Truck, Excavator, Truck Loader | Kids Videos for Kids

For more infomation >> Cars toy videos for Children | Magic Ball with Truck, Excavator, Truck Loader | Kids Videos for Kids - Duration: 5:17.


Rep. Jim Jordan Hints Missing Strzok Texts Is Next MAJOR Scandal To Rock FBI – My Gut Tells Me This… - Duration: 3:01.

Rep. Jim Jordan Hints Missing Strzok Texts Is Next MAJOR Scandal To Rock FBI – "My

Gut Tells Me This is Probably Bigger"

Additional text messages sent and received by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok have been

handed over to Congress, reports the Associated Press.

In yet another twist to the Peter Strzok saga, the FBI failed to hand over a block of the

agent's text messages because they have gone missing.

AP reports:

But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent

to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incomplete because the FBI, for technical reasons, had

been unable to preserve and retrieve about five months' worth of communications.

New text messages highlighted in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray by Sen. Ron

Johnson, the Republican chairman of the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Committee, are from the spring and summer of 2016 and involve discussion of the investigation

into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

They reference Attorney General Loretta Lynch's decision to accept the FBI's conclusion

in that case and a draft statement that former FBI Director James Comey had prepared in anticipation

of closing out the Clinton investigation without criminal charges.

Following reports of the FBI's mystery "glitch," Rep. Jordan Jordan (R-OH) renewed his call

for a second special counsel to investigate the former Mueller team member.

"First the IRS destroyed emails pivotal to our investigation of their political targeting.

Now the FBI "failed to preserve" texts between Peter Strzok & Lisa Page following

the '16 election.

The time for a second special counsel is now," tweeted the Ohio lawmaker.

In a statement to the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross, the Ohio lawmaker hinted the missing

Strzok-Page text messages might be the next major scandal to rock the FBI.

The Daily Caller reports:

The revelation that the FBI "failed to preserve" five months worth of anti-Trump agents'

text messages is evoking memories of Lois Lerner, the IRS official whose emails mysteriously

disappeared during congressional investigations into her targeting of conservative non-profit


"The [Lois] Lerner thing was huge," Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan told The Daily Caller.

"My gut tells me this is probably bigger."

In September of last year, the Department of Justice has announced it would not charge

former IRS official Lois Lerner in the highly controversial IRS scandal, which saw numerous

Conservative groups allegedly targeted by the Department.

Recently, former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner asked that her testimony in an upcoming

class-action case to remain sealed.

The former Obama official is accused of targeting hundreds of groups due to their conservative


What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Rep. Jim Jordan Hints Missing Strzok Texts Is Next MAJOR Scandal To Rock FBI – My Gut Tells Me This… - Duration: 3:01.


Seven Signs That You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath (Not Just a Normal One) - Duration: 5:48.

7 Signs That You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath (Not Just a Normal One)

As an empath or intuitive person, you might be highly sensitive to the feelings of others

and the energy around you as the ether that binds the fabric of reality, it is literally

being constructed around us at all times.

It's exquisitely mind-boggling to ponder.

The truth is that ALL of us have the power to manifest our desires, but it's the people

that cultivate a level of discernment with the energy they experience first-hand that

determines what flows with ease, and what is hindered by metaphysical resistance.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 7 signs that you are a highly intuitive empath,

and not just a normal one.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!



You might get a bad feeling in your gut or a feeling of optimism that something will

work out for the best for you.

Either way, you "know" within your heart that an outcome will happen before you hear

the news.

Just one thing, not all "knowings" have to be bad news.

Have you ever had a feeling that someone was pregnant?

Or have you thought of an old friend and then they contact you out of the blue?

Your body often feels energetic responses as a way to discern events that are in the

process of unfolding.

You might feel a pang in your stomach, an itchy hand, hairs standing up on your neck,

butterflies etc.

It's a personal process to identify.



People that are highly sensitive to energy are often easily stimulated by sensory experiences

such as loud noises, food and crowded places.

Anywhere that has been heavily populated by human beings will make an empath's senses

go into overdrive.

So, this is the advice, Always choose love over fear.

As your "super-powers" grow you need to train yourself to find the blessing in all

situations rather than allowing fear of feeling the various energetic fields keep you out.



More than likely you're an expert at reading body language, the words people choose to

use and the energetic patterns you can identify in others.

It's beyond judgement, it's in a space where you see the truth and the reason why

someone is presenting a less-than-harmonious vibration to the world.

So, If you "know" something about someone please keep it to yourself.

Friendships or relationships could be damaged.

Just because you have a super-dooper bullsheeto detector does not mean you will always be


The detector works on hunches and if used effectively chooses to send love to the energy

of deception, wrongdoings and negativity because another

human being is suffering and deserves love.

The reason you have the detector is to do some deep spiritual work on yourself.



The intuitive can see things with precise clarity in their mind's eye.

They can see what they would love to manifest, they see the details and are super-skilled

at translating vibration into a visual format that helps them to identify the messages from

the Universe they are being given.

A little tips, write all of your visions or metal flashes down.



More than likely the people you are close with in your life you feel like you have known

for lifetimes.

Perhaps you are part of a twin flame union or a soul mate?

People with very high levels of intuition are excellent at attracting the right people

in their life to support their gifts and to understand and support their experiences.



A highly intuitive person and someone who is sensitive to energy needs to retreat into

solitude in order to recharge their soul battery.

It's an imperative part of the process of honing your gift and using it wisely.

Whether it's spending time in nature or binge watching Orange Is The New Black on

Netflix, it's ALONE TIME to recalibrate your soul and it's super important to do




Being a conscious creator is so important, because when you're actively taking charge

of your reality you can master your fate.

Anything can happen to you and you have all of the tools you need in your spiritual toolbox

to be okay no matter what the Universe brings to you.

Well, that's the the 7 signs that you are a highly intuitive empath.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Seven Signs That You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath (Not Just a Normal One) - Duration: 5:48.


Modern Outfits | Men's Fashion & Style 2018 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Modern Outfits | Men's Fashion & Style 2018 - Duration: 4:03.


OTON! TAKE THE OSAKA DIALECT QUIZ and become a Japanese language dialect champion today. - Duration: 3:27.

Ready Go...


Ready go...

MAIDO!!! ... you're not saying it girl...

You didn't say anything at all!

Sorry.... gosh that was fun.

Ok give me a sec. Here we go...

MAIDO this is Cathy Cat and also...

I am Hayappe dudes!

He is our Osaka dialect champion.

We already did the Osaka Dialect Lesson but...

I heard today we are doing a special class. - True girl.

Today we will do a Quiz with you Cathy.

I want you to guess what this word might mean.

So everyone please guess together with me!

Word number one.


When you go to the bath in Japan, you have a big plastic bowl there usually.

People use that when they wash themselves.

Yes we do!

If you drop that plastic thing, it will probably make that sound.



If you drop this, this is the sound you get.


That's the sound. - Totally wrong.


It's totally not that one.

I will tell you the word then. - Alright.

I have one more idea.

Oton is the same as Otousan (dad).

That's right.

How did you get it?

I don't even know.

I thought Oton sounded like Otousan.

I never thought a foreign girl would guess that right.

He he. You can cut that scene out.

Oton means Otousan.

In Tokyo everyone says Otousan.

But in Osaka we all say Oton Oton.

Like "Listen my dad was snoring so loudly last night"

What do you think mother means then?

O.... KAN?

You are right. That's mother.

I am only used to saying that word.

I can't say the Tokyo way of saying it.

So when you wanna call your mother you say...


Imagine she was standing over there... - OKAN!

Watch me!

Okan and Akan seems similar.


That sounds cute.

Did you guess what that was? Did you get it right? If so leave us comments down below

if you got that right. Maybe if you have a famous slang or...

how do you actually call your parents?

Would be interesting to find out. Leave us comments down below

If you have any slangwords or fun words...

how you would call parents...

Looking forward to finding out about that one. We've done more videos.

We've done more videos, be sure to check them out as well.

There will be a link at the end of the video.

So you can find that out, thank you for watching.

Catch you soon on Ask Japanese AND


For more infomation >> OTON! TAKE THE OSAKA DIALECT QUIZ and become a Japanese language dialect champion today. - Duration: 3:27.


Trump's Policies Are Putting The Screws To Israel - Duration: 4:28.

Trump�s Policies

Are Putting The Screws To Israel

The US policies in the Middle East have increasingly exacerbated the tensions in the region, turning

it into a cauldron of conflict.

Under first Bush and then Obama, the US�s interventionist policies dramatically increased

both the incidence of terrorism as well as funded wars that increasingly appear to be

without end.

And now, Trump appears to be following in the footsteps of his Presidential predecessors.

His recent declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, followed by his announcement

of savage cuts to UNRWA, which provides support to the Palestinian refugees, can only serve

to further endanger peace in the Middle East.

And while Trump publicly declares his love and support for Israel (and what American

President has not?), these two decisions pave the way for further conflict and also for

endangerment of Israel.

The Jerusalem announcement resulted in protesters clashing with Israeli defense forces.

More missiles were launched against the Southern Israeli city of Sderot and in retaliation,

IDF planes struck Hamas military targets.

Protests also ignited in numerous cities across the Muslim world as people took to the streets

in Jordan�s capital of Amman, as well as in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria,

Turkey, Iraq and Iran.

The second action by Trump, cutting US aid to UNRWA by over one half can only have devastating

consequences for the Palestinian refugee population and will very likely increase terror attacks

against Israel.

The UNRWA supports and administers 363 schools serving 311,071 pupils, 65 health facilities

with over 5.2 million patient visits last year.

According to the UNRWA, there are 2,158,277 Palestinian refugees.

Many of the refugees served by the agency are in Displaced Persons camps, which are

known to be hotbeds of terrorist activities.

Cut the funds and it is predicted that terrorism against Israel will

According to intelligence historian and former DOJ prosecutor John Loftus, the US�s support

of the state of Israel has been two-faced all along.

Writing in the introduction to his 1994 bestseller, The Secret War Against the Jews, Loftus baldly

states that

The major powers of the world have repeatedly planned covert operations to bring about the

partial or total destruction of Israel.

The US purports, consistently and rather loudly, to be a friend of the Jewish state, providing

military aid in the billions each year.

However, the US�s policies have generally resulted in outright sabotage to the security

of Israel and in intelligence aid to Israel�s enemies.

A couple recent examples include the Iran nuclear deal as well as the order from President

Obama to pull back on the tunnel destructions during 2014 Operation Protective Edge.

The tunnels were providing access into Israel from Gaza and inexplicably, Obama ordered

Netanyahu to stop destroying the tunnels.

Even more inexplicably, Netanyahu obeyed Obama�s order.

The recent actions by Trump again show the two faces of the US�s friendship with Israel,

actions which on the surface may appear to be supportive of the Jewish state while the

repercussions are clearly only increasing conflict and insecurity.

A recent HAARETZ article, entitled �Israeli Army Warns: Danger of Violence Escalating

into War Is Growing,� discussed the present threat assessment.

For more infomation >> Trump's Policies Are Putting The Screws To Israel - Duration: 4:28.


Star Connection vs Delta Connection - Difference between Star and Delta Connection - Duration: 2:22.

As we know that Star & Delta Connection only possible in 3 phase system, so in our domestic

system it is not possible, because generally all house hold electrical equipment are designed

with single phase supply.

In a three phase circuit, there are two types of connections.

One is known as Star Connection, and the other one is Delta Connection.

In this video I will go to show you Difference Between Star Connection and Delta Connection.

In STAR connection, the starting or finishing ends of three coils are connected together

to form the neutral point.

In DELTA connection, the opposite ends of three coils are connected together.

Star connection is used where we require Neutral terminal to obtain Phase voltage.

Delta connection is used where we not require neutral terminal to obtain phase voltage.

In Star connection, the line current is equal to the Phase current, (IL = IPH) .

In Delta Connection the line current is equal to root three times of the Phase Current .

In Star connection, line voltage is equal to root three times of the Phase Voltage.

In Delta Connection line voltage is equal to the Phase voltage .

In Star Connection, each winding receives 230 volts.

In Delta Connection, each winding receives 415 volts.

Both 3 phase 4 wire and 3 phase 3 wire system can be derived in the star connection,

In Delta Connection only 3 phase 4 wire system can be derived.

The Speed of the star connected motors is slow as they receive one root third of the


The Speed of the delta connected motors is high because each phase gets the total of

the line voltage.

The amount of Insulation required in Star Connection is low.

In Delta Connection high insulation level is required.

Star Connection system is general and typical to be used in Power Transmission line.

Delta Connection is general and typical to be used In Power Distribution line and industries.

Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box.

Don't forget to like and share.

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