Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018


For more infomation >> Видео х4 - Duration: 0:46.


Mahnendes Beispiel: Niedergang einer Ski-Hochburg - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Mahnendes Beispiel: Niedergang einer Ski-Hochburg - Duration: 1:32.


এত ধর্ম আসলো কোথায় থেকে || Bangla Waz New 2018 || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> এত ধর্ম আসলো কোথায় থেকে || Bangla Waz New 2018 || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 6:41.


[English subtitles] Making MINIATURE CAKES using EASY BAKE OVEN - Duration: 7:06.

Hi guys, it's Mini!

Today I have this!

It's a cooking toy

With which you can actually bake cookies like a real oven!

I will be having fun with it today!

It's my first time using it, so I will have to test around

But let's get started!


The main unit and a spatula

And this metal plate-ish thingy!

What's it called? *A tray*


A baking mix

It's a lot lighter than I thought

This supposedly is capable of making legit stuff

But since it's my first time

I'll be cooking with the baking mix that came with it

So let's see

*Reading the manual*

It's a cake mix

Place the cake on here....

Set the tray right over here...

And push in with the spatula

Do I see it?

No I can't

After that

Yes, I got it!

I see I see!

So that's how it's done!


I first need to turn it on and preheat for 20 minutes

Very simple, it only has an on/off switch

Flip it and it turns on

Now I wait 20 minutes

While we wait for it to heat up

Let's make the cake!

I'm going to wash the tray

Alright, the tray is clean

I also prepared everything I need!

Let's start mixing!

Use some cooking spray or butter

So the food doesn't stick

Spread it thinly

Put that aside for now

Now I'm going to pour out the mix into a bowl

Add a teaspoon of water

One teaspoon...

Is that all I really need?

That was very little... *In fact it wasn't enough*

Let's start mixing!

Using chopsticks, so Japanese

Was that really enough water?


Oops, I made a mistake

That was a really basic mistake

I used the wrong spoon

Let's add more water

I'm surprised at myself for such an easy mistake

It's starting to look like cake dough!

I'm going to knead the dough with my hands

But before that

It says I should add some cake flour

Just add a tiny bit on my hands

And start rolling

Separate them into halves

They're like balls of chocolate

Now break these into sixths

One sixth...

First one...

Flattening them with my fingers

I made them!

Let's put them through!

This goes...

Push it all the way to the line

And wait 12 minutes!

It smells so good! *12 minutes later*

Very good smell!

It smells like brownies!

Now that the 12 minutes are over, next...

I only pushed in half way last time

Now I'm going to push all the way to here

Let's push it through

The oven has two layers

This end of the layer is for cooling the cake

I'm going to let it cool for 5 minutes

I think it's close to 5 minutes now

Taking it out


Not too hot...

No, it's a little hot...

They're done!

Let's move them onto a plate

Will they come off?

They do!

It said "cake" on the mix

These are cookies... lol

Here they are! So now...

I'm going to make the second half!

First make two halves...

*Same steps as before*


Once again, these will go into the oven!

Let's wait another 12 minutes!

Now I'm moving them to the cooling area

And wait for 5 minutes!

They've been baked!

This one feels more like a cake

It's softer than the first batch

I'm done baking!

Now I'm going to make the frosting!

My brother and I used to use this bowl a long time ago

Adding some water

Not going to make the same mistake!

A ziploc bag

Cut the end off

I'm going to decorate the first one normally

Take this...

And sprinkle it on

It's cute!

The color is very cute

It's finished!

Here's my first one!

I'm going to continue decorating

They're all done!

Can you try it? *To my mom*

Mom: Cocoa-flavored cookies!

The manual said these are cakes...


They are cakes that are effectively cookies lol

Thank you for watching!

This can bake different foods

I'm thinking about making pizza next!

I'll see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> [English subtitles] Making MINIATURE CAKES using EASY BAKE OVEN - Duration: 7:06.


Technische Physik | Vorstellung des Studiengangs | THD - Duration: 1:44.

Engineering Physics combines two areas:

on the one hand, there's engineering

and on the other there's natural sciences.

What I like most about the course are the lab practices.

They take place every semester,

in different subjects, such as measuring technology and physics.

We work in groups of 2 or 3 people,

We work in groups of 2 or 3 people,

which is particularly nice

as it enables students to apply theoretical knowledge

from lectures in practice.

There's a very family-like atmosphere in this course.

So, supervision - especially in the practical subjects -

is outstanding!

So the material can be studied easily

and it's much more fun.

The labs are very modern

with new equipment

that is used in the practical courses.

In the cellar beneath our faculty building,

there's the laser tunnel, which is about 100m long.

There, lasers and there properties can be measured

There, lasers and there properties can be measured

As a result of the wide spectrum of the course,

many career branches are possible.

many career branches are possible.

E.g. electrical engineering, optics,

sensor technology and many other


For more infomation >> Technische Physik | Vorstellung des Studiengangs | THD - Duration: 1:44.


What is Serverless Computing - Duration: 5:57.


Welcome to this section on serverless computing paradigm.

In this section, we'll look at what serverless computing is, how is it different from traditional

"server-based" computing.

And, we'll also look at the four main benefits of serverless computing.

Before we look at Serverless Computing, let's first understand how the traditional "server-based"

computing works.

Server-based Computing typically follows a 3-tier architecture.

In 3-tier architecture, we have a database layer, an application layer, and a presentation


The database layer is where the database server is.

Application layer is where your application code runs.

And, presentation layer is where the UI is provided to the end user.

End users can interact with your application or your website in variety of ways.

They can use their web browser, or a mobile smartphone, or even an IoT device depending

on how you've designed your application.

Now, even before you start writing your server-based application, you have to make sure that a

couple of things are in place.

You've to create and setup your server, you've to install operating systems, install necessary

software, and, on ongoing basis, you also have to manage the server, manage the operating

systems, take care of the hardware upgrades, software updates, and so on.

You also have to make sure that your application is highly-available and fault-tolerant.

You might also need to have load-balancers in your applications.

And all this comes with added resources, added infrastructure, added costs.

Serverless Computing changes this paradigm altogether.

All the steps that we discussed just now, apart from writing your application code,

are no longer needed with serverless applications.

Serverless applications allow you to focus on your application logic without having to

worry about any servers.

There are no servers to maintain, no operating systems to take care of, no software to manage,

no hardware to upgrade.

And, your applications have built-in high-availability and fault-tolerance.

This simply means faster time to market.

You can really focus your energies on your core application logic and build your applications

with high-availability virtually at any scale, without having to worry about any servers

or operating systems.

Now let's look at the four main benefits of serverless computing.

First, as we discussed, there are no servers or operating systems to maintain.

You don't have to manage any servers or even have to install any operating systems or supporting


Second, easy and efficient scaling.

Serverless applications can be scaled automatically or at the most with a few clicks to choose

your desired capacity.

There is no need to create any specialized scalable architecture or designs.

Third, high availability.

Serverless applications have built-in availability and fault tolerance.

So you don't need to have any specialized infrastructure to make your applications highly

available or fault tolerant.

All this is available to you by default.

Fourth, and this is a big one.

No idle capacity.

You pay only for what you use and no more.

For example, with traditional architecture, say you created a server with 100 GB of memory

and you're using only 10 GB of it.

But still, you'll have to pay for the 90 GB that you're not using.

But with serverless architecture, you pay only for what you use.

So if you're using 10 GB, you only pay for 10 GB.

Also, with AWS lambda which is the core component of Amazon's serverless platform, you pay only

for the time your code runs.

So there is no charge if your code is not running.

So if your code runs for say 100 milliseconds you are charged only for that 100 milliseconds

and no more.

That's really a very fine grained control and results in a substantial cost savings

for your business!

This brings us to the end of this section.

In this section, we looked at what serverless computing is, how is it different from the

traditional "server-based" computing and we also looked at the four main benefits of serverless


In the next section, we'll look at AWS serverless architecture and I'll also give you a quick

rundown on different web services that are part of Amazon's serverless platform.

So see you in the next section.

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> What is Serverless Computing - Duration: 5:57.


¡Quieren matar a mi abuela! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:26.

For more infomation >> ¡Quieren matar a mi abuela! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:26.


Preso en casa | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:11.

For more infomation >> Preso en casa | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:11.


[OPV] VMIN - Don't Wanna Cry (울고 싶지 않아)❤ - Duration: 3:22.

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

Because I love you, because saying I love you

Isn't enough, no matter what word I say

leaveing me , who cherished only you , where did you go?

Did you go far away because you did't like me anymore?

Don't play around , I know you're there

I feel like you 'll appear . so I wait aimlessly

I need to go find you, go find you

If I cry now , I might not be able to see you so

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

Although I have a lot of tears

I don't wanna cry

This road that doesn't seem unfamiliar , feel unfamiliar

Asking me once again if that is a road I know of

Could that person be looking for me

l'm looking for you right now

Don't play around , I know you're there

I feel like you 'll appear . so I wait aimlessly

I need to go find you, go find you

Tears are buliding up and start to blur my vision

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

Although I have a lot of tears

I don't wanna cry

l'm okay (l'm not okay)

l don't want to see you (l really want to see you)

l have to say , say these , because my heart won't listen to these world as l thought

Lies that don't even come for my heart

Come back , come back , come back

When half of me is gone , hoe can l live as one

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

Although I have a lot of tears

I don't wanna cry

I don't wanna cry

When we see each other again

I don't wanna cry

For more infomation >> [OPV] VMIN - Don't Wanna Cry (울고 싶지 않아)❤ - Duration: 3:22.


পীরতন্ত্রের উৎস কুরআন সুন্নাহ নয় || Bangla waz new 2018 || motiur rahman madani - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> পীরতন্ত্রের উৎস কুরআন সুন্নাহ নয় || Bangla waz new 2018 || motiur rahman madani - Duration: 2:17.


Musical instruments in English - Lingokids - Duration: 0:51.

Let´s go to the Ocean! Today It´s a sunny day.

A Piano... oh, oh... She wants a guitar.

yey! You did it! She is looking for the Piano,

Very good! a Piano.

How is the flute sounds? Very good!

oh, oh... That´s not what she asks for...

Perfect! Drums... She would like to play... Violin!

Yey! you did it! You got a new instrument!

For more infomation >> Musical instruments in English - Lingokids - Duration: 0:51.


Learn Colors for Children with Colored Toy | Full Box of Toys - Learning Colors for Children - Duration: 5:48.





















For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with Colored Toy | Full Box of Toys - Learning Colors for Children - Duration: 5:48.


Today's Libra Horoscope thursday,January25, 2018 - Duration: 3:10.


Libra January 2018 Monthly Astrology Horoscope

Libra Horoscope | January 2018

For more infomation >> Today's Libra Horoscope thursday,January25, 2018 - Duration: 3:10.


Kas nutiks, jei paimsiu paskola, o mano verslui vis tiek nepasiseks? - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Kas nutiks, jei paimsiu paskola, o mano verslui vis tiek nepasiseks? - Duration: 0:51.


Есть метод мощнее расстановок по Хеллингеру ➔ Преимущества потоковых расстановок - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Есть метод мощнее расстановок по Хеллингеру ➔ Преимущества потоковых расстановок - Duration: 4:08.


٣- موانع سد نمودن فهم صحیح دلایل - Duration: 1:08:37.

For more infomation >> ٣- موانع سد نمودن فهم صحیح دلایل - Duration: 1:08:37.


Grand Méchant Book #31 - La tortue qui respirait par les fesses - Brooke Barker - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Grand Méchant Book #31 - La tortue qui respirait par les fesses - Brooke Barker - Duration: 2:12.


Two good reasons why stands matter - Duration: 1:21.

Here's two reasons why stands matter.

Number one, whenever the cone

moves in one direction

it makes the cabinet go in the opposite way.

Action means equal and opposite reaction.

Just as Newton said.

That movement creates vibrations that distort and colour sound

when transferred into other stuff just like this table.

That's where stands just like this one come into play.

They provide a firm foundation and decoupling

preventing those vibrations from going

into the floor, a table like this one, or whatever.

That means your speakers will

always perform their very best.

Number two, stands like this one

lift your speakers up and that's really important.

At the right height it aligns the tweeter

with your ears for the best possible sound balance.

So while we might call these ones

for bookshelves don't put them there.

If you're actively looking for new stands

to your speakers you might be happy

to know that we've just released two new ones.

We've released the smaller Stand 10

for our smaller bookshelves like the Xeo 4.

And the larger Stand 20 for larger bookshelves just like the Confidence C1.

You can find them on our website.

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