Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018































For more infomation >> Renkli Toplar Ve Oyuncak Arabalarla Renkleri Öğreniyoruz - Türkçe Renkleri Öğreniyorum - Duration: 14:57.


🎁 PREMİUM ÇEKİLİŞİ !! 🎁 - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> 🎁 PREMİUM ÇEKİLİŞİ !! 🎁 - Duration: 17:29.


소원 자물쇠를 달았는데 열쇠는 어떡하지? 과연 토깽이네는 열쇠를 어디에 숨겼을까요? (착시현상 트릭아트 박물관)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> 소원 자물쇠를 달았는데 열쇠는 어떡하지? 과연 토깽이네는 열쇠를 어디에 숨겼을까요? (착시현상 트릭아트 박물관)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:38.


Каждый Знак Зодиака Скрывает ДВА ЛИЦА - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Каждый Знак Зодиака Скрывает ДВА ЛИЦА - Duration: 5:03.


Skin Whitening Beetroot Glowing Serum| DIY Serum For Fair, Glowing & Spotless Skin By Rani G in Urdu - Duration: 5:14.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Skin Whitening Beetroot Glowing Serum| DIY Serum For Fair, Glowing & Spotless Skin By Rani G in Urdu - Duration: 5:14.


Одесский юмор! Еврейские анекдоты про мужа и жену! (23.01.2018) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Одесский юмор! Еврейские анекдоты про мужа и жену! (23.01.2018) - Duration: 0:34.


North Korea planning military parade on eve of PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 1:52.

The two Koreas are cooperating on the Olympic effort, but in other areas things go on as


It's been confirmed that North Korea is planning a huge military parade to commemorate the

founding of its armed forces.

February 8th, the day before the Olympic Games begin,... will see thousands of troops marching

down the streets of Pyongyang alongside artillery and other equipment... plus a speech from

Kim Jong-un.

Our Park Hee-jun reports.

North Korea has designated February 8th as the official founding day of its military


The North's state-run news agency KCNA reported Tuesday that the regime will celebrate the

70th anniversary of its military through various political events, including a massive military


The anniversary was originally celebrated on February 8th, but in 1978 Kim Il-sung moved

the military's founding day to April 25th -- the day anti-Japanese forces were established.

Satellite images last week showed North Korea preparing around 12-thousand troops, military

vehicles, and artillery equipment at the Mirim Parade Training Ground -- a spot typically

active only ahead of national parades.

Invitations were also sent to diplomats,... suggesting that the North was planning a major

military parade.

The parade would be a way for leader Kim Jong-un to make a statement to the international community

that despite its diplomatic peace gestures,... the North's military and nuclear capabilities

remain strong.

If the celebrations do take place on February 8th, they would fall on the eve of the 2018

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

North Korea's appearance at the Olympics appeared to be a sign of improving relations.

The two Koreas agreed to form a combined women's ice hockey team for the games, and march under

a united flag in the opening ceremony.

Although the anniversary celebrations could dent that current thaw in inter-Korean ties,...

it is likely that Kim Jong-un will push forward with the parade.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea planning military parade on eve of PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 1:52.


How to draw a T-rex for kids - Dinosaur Fairy Tales - Duration: 8:51.

hey guys I'm going to show you how to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex so bring a

paper pencil eraser whatever we're gonna have fun.

so I am going to open up my procreate app on my iPad. have you seen my my stories yeah I do all my drawings

using this app and using an iPad and my Apple pencil works really well

and I'm gonna just paste an image of a t-rex here we go there doesn't that look

good I found him on the Internet I know there's so many dinosaurs on the

internet but you can also find them in books yeah I always find it helpful to

look at something when I'm drawing so I could get the shapes and I'll show you

what I mean because I'm just gonna draw over this t-rex here's a nice red good

so that's should stand out and okay looking at his head that's like a good

trapezoid shape you know trapezoids they're like one side is bigger like his

mouth part is longer it's straight lines and then his neck here and there are two

straight lines like another rectangle the body is like a half circle I

don't know like egg shape I don't know what that is. but you see it tails yeah it's

a triangle his legs here there's a lot of kind of

trapezoids like shapes on his legs you see that. like one two three, there's his

toes its back legs you're just and then his other

more like a triangle toes at the end and his tiny little arms I love their arms

so small that is like yeah two little shapes and

just little little claws at the end okay and then his mouth is like a big

triangle right? there we go. you see that? the eyes are here. alright let's

turn off the image and let's see what we got. okay that's that's a good shape this

we can work with this. I mean this is just more like a sketch

but well lower the opacity and draw on top of this okay okay so this I'm gonna try to

simplify things here a bit like this body let's combine it with the neck you

know make it a little bit bigger so it runs into a neck

and yeah let's just keep drawing through it so that we'll have things overlap I

will erase them bigger and the head I think let's make it bigger yeah like

he's really roaring right in and so then he needs a bigger mouth on

this draw a bigger triangle yeah like that's a proper T-Rex good okay his arms

let's make little little let's make it into one simplify it into like one like half

banana shape with these claws at the end these killer claws yeah tail okay let's

just extend the bottom keep it and then kind of so the lines are more kind of

smooth body just kind of runs into the moves onto the tail see that and for his

legs and just do the same thing I did with the arms just kind of these

simplify it into just one little giant half banana shape yeah

with killer toes. another a half banana shape but he's walking

here so let's make the toes go down yeah he's moving he's on the move

okay looking good all right now let's move the eyes here and

give him some eyebrows yeah should make him look angry yeah yeah I know maybe more

angry yeah because t-rexes are they're just

always angry right they're looking for food and they need teeth big teeth

because they like eating meat yeah good all right it looks good I'm just

gonna erase some lines that we don't need like we don't need this one good

and we don't need this one either so let's erase that where else does it

overlap there yeah I like to just draw through and have things overlap and then

erase afterwards that way the lines kind of like move you know like visually it's

just moving even though yeah okay let's turn off the back layer and there we go

that's nice t-rex I like this giving some nostrils we can sniff out his food

good okay we'll have another layer below the line layer now this would be our

coloring layer where we color everything in what color should be red I want to be

red red red red red red oh okay sure why not

red it is the t-rex has spoken so yeah I like to just listen to my drawings when

I draw mmm I like coloring in with big brushes just just fill it all in.

color color color color color you know I'm not worried about going over

the lines because a pretty good eraser so let's just colored that all in color color the

tail - there we go and then let me get an eraser and I'll just erase all this

lines clean it up okay erase erase race okay yeah clean that

up I want to see those teeth see those big white teeth oh forgot the arms oops

yep color that part in okay did I miss anything?

Oh and we need to see some white eyes yeah there we go make his eyes pop I'm just

let's give him a little shade I'm just locking the color layer that means

you know I could only draw where I've already drawn so I'm not gonna it's also

called an alpha lock. let's just shade him in with some darker colors here just

just to give him more of a 3d look yeah just just along the edges in the bottom

his arms, his legs. nice but how about some highlights some give him some little

lighter areas okay. sun is shining on his his head and his back maybe his tail yeah

alright here's our red Tyrannosaurus Rex looks pretty good I think. Roar.

I hope that was fun and helpful for you I know it was fun for me be sure to

subscribe so you can get more stories and drawing stuff like this from me

I am EB Adams children's author and illustrator on YouTube thanks for


For more infomation >> How to draw a T-rex for kids - Dinosaur Fairy Tales - Duration: 8:51.


AWS Serverless Architecture - Duration: 10:57.


Welcome to the section on AWS Serverless Architecture.

In this section, we'll look at the AWS serverless architecture and I'll also give you a quick

rundown on different web services that are part of the AWS serverless platform.

As part of the serverless architecture, Amazon provides a set of web services that you can

use to build and run your serverless applications.

All of these services are fully managed, meaning, you can focus on your core application logic

and AWS does the rest for you.

Now, there are three core services or prominently used services that you can find in almost

every serverless application and these are AWS Lambda, Amazon API gateway and AWS DynamoDB.

And, there are additional web services that you can use in your serverless applications

depending on your use case.

And these could be Amazon S3, SNS, SQS, AWS Step Functions, Kinesis, Athena and so on.

And I know, if you're new to AWS, all this can sound a little intimidating.

But worry not, I'm going to cover each of these services in little more detail in this


When it comes to serverless applications, AWS Lambda is the most important service that

you will need in your applications.

AWS Lambda lets you run your code without having to create or manage any servers.

You simply upload your code to Lambda and Lambda does the rest for you and ensures that

your code runs on highly scalable and highly available infrastructure.

Each piece of code that you upload to Lambda is called as a Lambda Function and it runs

as a self-contained independent Microservice.

Now later in this course we will look at what microservices are.

As discussed earlier, with Lambda you pay only for the time your code runs and there

is no charge when your code is not running.

Now, we'll explore Lambda in little more detail later in this course when we do our hands-on


Now let's look at Amazon API Gateway.

API Gateway, as the name indicates, helps you create and publish APIs and it tightly

integrates with AWS Lambda to let you create completely serverless APIs.

Again, this is a fully managed service and you can use it to build RESTful APIs.

RESTful API are the APIs that follow a client-server model, where client is stateful and server

is completely stateless.

These APIs can then be consumed by your web or mobile applications, allowing you to interact

with different AWS services through your code running on AWS Lambda.

Again, API Gateway is a fully managed service and can handle thousands of concurrent API


It also gives you full control to create your APIs with fine-grained access control and

version management capabilities.

Later in this course, we'll use API Gateway to build our first microservice when we do

our hands-on exercise.

Now let's look at Amazon DynamoDB.

DynamoDB is highly-scalable high-performance NoSQL database that you can use in your serverless


DynamoDB can scale on-demand to support virtually unlimited concurrent read/write operations

with response times in single-digit milliseconds.

And then, you have DynamoDB DAX or DynamoDB Accelerator, which further brings down the

response times from milliseconds to microseconds.

It's a caching service that is provided by Amazon on top of the Amazon DynamoDB.

Now we'll look at DynamoDB in little more detail later in this course when we do our

hands-on exercise.

Now AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB are the three most commonly used services in serverless


Now, depending on your use cases, you might need other web services as well.

Amazon Simple Storage Service or S3 is a very simple and intuitive web service that you

can use to store and access your data from anywhere on the web and with fine-grained

access control.

S3 also lets you build static websites that can interact with your Lambda code.

So you can really use S3 as a front end of your serverless applications.

Interprocess messaging.

Now, with serverless applications, since there are no servers, you need a reliable way for

different web services or different software components to talk to each other or communicate

with each other.

AWS provides two services that you can use here for interprocess messaging.

First is SNS or Simple Notification Service.

SNS is a fully-managed notification service that allows you to publish notifications and

any services all software components that subscribe to these notifications will receive

these messages.

Then you have SQS or Simple Queue Service which is very simple and intuitive service

that you can use to send and receive messages at virtually any volume.

Now let's look at Orchestration.

AWS Step Functions is a service that helps you with orchestration.

It takes your Lambda functions to the next level.

Now, often, your serverless applications might need several many Lambda functions.

And you might want to run these functions in a specific order or based on certain conditions

that might be known only at the runtime.

And this is where a AWS Step Functions help you.

AWS Step Functions let you build visual workflows to coordinate different Lambda functions to

work together and form a larger serverless application.

Coming to Analytics, Amazon provides two web services Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena.

Amazon Kinesis is a platform for streaming data applications.

So, if your application requires you to work with or analyze streaming data in real time,

you may want to use Amazon Kinesis.

And Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that you can use to query your data

stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.

Now let's look at some developer tools.

AWS provides several developer tools that you can use to build your serverless applications

and this includes frameworks like AWS SAM or Serverless Application Model, which is

nothing but a set of guidelines or rules that you can use to design your serverless applications.

Then you also have CI/CD tools or Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment tools

like Amazon CodeBuild, Amazon CodePipeline or Amazon CodeStar.

You also have debugging tools like AWS X-Ray, and debugging & logging tools like AWS CloudWatch.

When we do our hands-on exercise, we'll look at how to use CloudWatch to monitor your Lambda


AWS also provides you with fully functional SDKs that you can use to build your serverless


AWS Lambda currently supports four programming languages.

And these are Node.js or JavaScript, Python, Java and C# or .NET Core.

This brings us to the end of this section.

In this section, we discussed the AWS Serverless Architecture and also quickly went over different

web services that make up the Amazon's serverless platform.

We looked at AWS Lambda, that lets you create microservices.

We also looked at Amazon API Gateway, that helps you build RESTful APIs.

Then we looked at Amazon DynamoDB, which is a high-performance NoSQL database that you

can use in your serverless applications.

We also looked at other web services like S3, which helps you with serverless storage.

SNS and SQS, that provide you with interprocess messaging services.

AWS Step Functions, which help you create visual workflows using your Lambda functions.

Then for Analytics services, we looked at Kinesis and Athena.

And finally, we looked at some of the developer tools that you can use to build your serverless


In the next section, we'll look at a couple of use cases where you can employ your serverless


So, thank you so much for joining me here.

See you in the next section!

For more infomation >> AWS Serverless Architecture - Duration: 10:57.


Самые БОГАТЫЕ ЛЮДИ 2018. Топ рейтинг богатых людей. Миллиардеры и их состояния! - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Самые БОГАТЫЕ ЛЮДИ 2018. Топ рейтинг богатых людей. Миллиардеры и их состояния! - Duration: 2:51.


「ボクも家に入れて!」と窓越しにお願いしてきた子猫。子猫との奇跡の出会いに涙する【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 「ボクも家に入れて!」と窓越しにお願いしてきた子猫。子猫との奇跡の出会いに涙する【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:35.


Moon administration's regulatory reform and possible effects - Duration: 13:18.

For an expert's take on the regulatory reforms, we're joined by Dr. Yang Jun-sok, Professor

of Economics at the Catholic University of Korea.

Thank you Dr. Yang for coming in today.

Q1 Before we start dissecting the government's

new guidelines on deregulation, let's start off by talking a little bit about the current

state of Korea's government regulation.

Are there simply just too many regulations?

Why the need to ease them now?

Q2 Could you tell us where Korea stands in comparison

to other countries when it comes to the level of government regulation?

I understand that our nation has one of

the highest levels of regulation among OECD members?

Q3 Let's get down to Monday's meeting on

regulatory reform presided over by President Moon Jae-in.

'Comprehensive negative' and 'Regulatory sandbox' were among the key words mentioned.

These terms may not be familiar to quite a lot of people.

Could you explain for us what they are?

Q4 Looking at the specific fields,... drones,

self-driving cars, smart cities and financial technology, or 'fintech'... were some

of the fields that took center stage.

Will the businesses related to the 4th industrial revolution benefit the most from the new guidelines?

Q5 What about other fields?


the new guidelines have an adverse effect on businesses not so closely related to

the 4th industrial revolution?

Q6 Do you expect any side effects from the government's

push for regulatory reform?

Especially on the 'launch-first and regulate-after' policy on new products?

Q7 Korea's past governments were not so successful

in their attempts to implement deregulation.

The first attempt dates all the way back to 1998.

Why is it so hard to overhaul regulations after all

these years?

Q8 Some experts believe that the high popularity

of the Moon administration could serve as an important factor in propelling regulatory


Do you think the government can achieve regulatory reform on the back of the strong public support?

Q9 What kind of efforts do you think are needed

to make it a success this time?

Q10 Before you go Dr. Yang, I want to ask you

about President Moon's planned meeting on youth employment set for this Thursday.



of measures can

we expect from the meeting?

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