Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

yes they take it off a car yeah yeah that's what everybody did the military

people did the same thing they would go to junkyards and even do that - but have

you ever thought that they could go to the junkyard and get apart they just

clean it up and brush it up really good and sell it as a or put pass it off as a

new part when it's used is not see when you think about businesses you gotta

think okay if I get away with this today yeah they catch me mm-hmm will that put

me out of business mm-hmm but is there serial numbers or

things on parties that they catalog and that they trap I'm just asking I'm just

saying it ain't worth it no everything did you do just because you can't do it

and you do some fucked up shit it ain't worth it oh because all of a sudden when

you move do business you gotta do good business or else people are not gonna

keep coming back to you if people think you're crooked

they're not coming to you and the worst thing you can do is end up in a bad name

and with business and that's why a lot of people you know when people do some

fucked up shit and they just fuckin a Pam and shit and just to get it over

with they don't want to deal with that shit

yeah you don't want your bad name out in the business because some few penis that

you say would end up bankrupting you in a bigger way

yeah this look at his eyes oh yeah that's pretty

bad yeah

do we have spots

oh there's people they got they got oh they got well close it over their

windows to keep the heat in they were hanging coats and things over their

windows probably single pane windows I bet in some of these newer houses those

people don't have another dude ain't never had it fuckin yeah you figure out

how to do a lot of things there's a person with a suitcase on park bench I

did that when when Amanda and Justin were babies and we had no heat and that

oh gosh what was that Christmas Eve after Justin was born in 1983 the

something similar happened and we had no heat so I shut off a room I started just

taking hammers in that old farmhouse it was a and hammering blankets up in the

one room that had carpet because it was cold it was really really cold

and I put it on the women's before I got them double dates and four dogs yeah we

didn't have any money to be able to and besides that was an old crappy old

farmhouse it's since been torn down right it wasn't ours so right

For more infomation >> Can I get Away with it? - Duration: 4:06.


PSYCHONAUTS in the RHOMBUS OF RUIN • PLAYTHROUGH • No Commentary - Duration: 1:07:57.

in my last week's video I played the first hour of gameplay of the Xbox

classic Psychonauts. Today's video features a full playthrough of Psychonauts

in the rhombus of ruin for PlayStation 4, a PlayStation VR exclusive title

released in early 2017 and currently available at the PlayStation Store for

about 20 euros. The game is kind of a bridge between a Psychonauts 1 and 2,

which is by the way announced for 2019, and the story starts right where part 1

left off. Rhombos of ruin is not a jump & run but more less a point-and-click

adventure that adapts the genre perfectly to virtual reality both gameplay-wise

and conceptually. I have to say it's one of the best VR games I've

played so far and despite the relatively short playing time I can fully recommend

it. As a Psychonauts fan it's a total must play. If you have the possibility to

play Rhombus of ruin, stop watching the video, gets the game and play it. And all

the others will now get a full playthrough in which I have removed all

lengths and shortened the video to around one hour. By the way the

playthrough is uncommented but with face cam because watching VR games

is much more fun when you see the player, even when he keeps his mouth shut.

So have fun watching my full playthrough of Psychonauts in the Rhombus of ruin on

PlayStation VR!

For more infomation >> PSYCHONAUTS in the RHOMBUS OF RUIN • PLAYTHROUGH • No Commentary - Duration: 1:07:57.


Georgia's Got Talent Genadi Tkachenko blind commentary - Duration: 14:38.

what's going on everybody my name is Billy and it's time for another video I

hope you guys are doing well it's been a while I've been away

I went to New Zealand for a while it was very interesting I'm gonna say I love

seeing new countries and new places like it's amazing the world we live in

there's so many good things oh I might sound a little bit off today I am a bit

sick I've been dealing with the cold and I don't understand it's summer why do I

have the cold I don't get it anyway in today's video I'm gonna be

watching something a little bit different this isn't a video that you

guys have requested to me I wanted to see this myself because it looked really

interesting it is a performance but it's a very different type of performance it

seems that this guy is going to be speaking like mother nature or something

I don't know but he's gonna be like giving us a insight of Mother Nature

herself so I you know I don't know her video is called Georgia's Got Talent GN

I can't really pronounce I'm very sorry but I have it on the

screen so you guys can see the title but um yeah this is I'm a Got Talent I'm

sort of sorry I love shows like this because they bring

more light into the world like people with talent and so many amazing things I

I love that stuff I'm really passionate about it so yeah I don't know what to

expect for this I only saw like a little bit of it um watch the actual

performance but I saw the start of it but I was just kind of interested this

video has been popping up at my recommended for a while now and it's

just it's caught my attention and I just wanted to make a video on

this so yeah with nothing to do let's get into it all right people this

video is not in English it has subtitles so I just want to let

you guys know that so um let's get into this in three two one play

okay that music

oh that's loud

oh oh I love that music

I dreamed of -I didn't read it

so it's like a place of peace for him


the sad thing is I don't want to leave it's a bliss is that is at peace with

the world Oh it's lovely

oh my gosh please turn it down it's a bit loud

I'm sorry guys I hope it was not too loud for you because is was for me

{reading} I will like us all to create the atmosphere of the space

oh okay this should be interesting

mother nature Oh mother earth


is he making these sounds oh my gosh

this it's amazing

I got chills I am cold right now

what is this this oh my god

this is beautiful

what on this earth

oh my gosh

that surprise I can't speak I got tears in my eyes geez

Oh the power like what?

I'm sorry I can't speak Wow

it's like an angel

dear lord

is this guy from Planet Earth

what was that????

oh my gosh

oh wow

gold goldenness


that was that was? I can't even

I can't process

like what?

oh my god I need to talk about this

this was amazing get that man in movies

his so good

that was just oh I will so taken he took me

it impressed me and made me believe you are a

interesting actor and a good artist

I'm sorry people I have to listen to what they say

it's unbelievable like the sounds that man was making was out of this world

I can't not Oh Oh my speechless I don't know I don't know anymore

I literally don't know that was incredible I mean my gosh I was really taken by his

sound and and his voice it was so Oh guys I'm sorry

I'm trying to process myself I'm trying to get myself together that actually

made me shed a tear I mean seriously that that touched my

heart and it was really beautiful I really loved with mother mother earth

like it was like listening to an angel like get this man in movies like he can

be the sounds man he can make the sounds for the scenes that are like Avatar like

with the forest you can just make their sounds it'll be perfect like my gosh I

I wow I fell in love with the performance I did I'm sorry I'm sorry about my voice I

sound terrible at the moment because I'm sick but yeah I was really blown away by

that performance like well done well done that guy needs to like become the

next big thing in sound because wow I'm having trouble like finding words to

describe I don't know how you guys feel but I feel amazed and just really

baffled to how that can be possible like his vocals and range was just

innocent and I love it a lot it was just all people people I'm sorry

I I don't know what to say I enjoyed that a lot and I heard that guy goes far

this was quite a older video so maybe he has reached some great success success

I can't speak success with his way of using his vocals because I

think like that touched my heart and it touched the judges hearts as well like I

saw it I saw the emotion in that lady's eyes she was in tears I was in tears

people my goodness I I wasn't ready for that

it was certainly something different and out of the ordinary like I haven't seen

anything like that before and it kind of just blew me away in a way like I've

seen so many performances and that was by far the most like unique and very

like different like I love how different it was I like things that are very

peculiar in a way I it it just it's really it's really Wow

I don't know how do you explain or like find the words but to me I really liked

that it was something entirely different and I really did enjoy that a lot

anyway I think I'm gonna leave it here before I repeat myself because you know

I have a habit of doing that but um yeah guys I hope you guys all enjoyed this

video and I really hurt this guy goes far and I wish him all the best for the

future this video is fairly old so maybe he has

like achieved quite a bit in time but um yeah I just wish him luck anyway and

yeah guys I will be doing more videos again soon I am still a bit sick so I'm

just getting over that some of you guys have requested lots of

videos for me to watch so thank you I really like the support you guys been

giving me for the comments in that there's a lot of nice things in the

comments and I really like that a lot it kind that makes me want to continue

this YouTube thing because to be honest with you guys I wasn't sure if I was

gonna keep YouTube going through this year like me

I love commentating and I love to talk about like subjects and just give my

opinions on stuff so this is like a passion of mine I wasn't sure if I

wanted to continue going through to 2018 but my channel seems to be growing

bigger people seem to like me so you know Here I am if you guys like cringy

content then you come to the right place because i am the king off the cringe

okay and i want you guys to know that I appreciate you guys and welcome to my

channel if you are new I heard you will have a wonderful fantastic day and my

name is Billy and Billy is now out take care guys bye

For more infomation >> Georgia's Got Talent Genadi Tkachenko blind commentary - Duration: 14:38.


Trump to High Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists The Free Ride - Duration: 4:44.

Trump to High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists: The Free Ride Is Over

Immigration authorities have detained in recent weeks two prominent activists who are themselves

illegal immigrants, demonstrating the Trump administration�s commitment to expand the

pool of deportable aliens.

The arrested men have openly lived in the U.S. for years and have until recently enjoyed

a de facto immunity from deportation, thanks to their status as high-profile immigrants�

rights activists.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have denied the arrests are politically motivated,

but they clearly show that immigration agents are now emboldened to arrest even the most

connected of illegal immigrants.

Both men are leaders of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City, a network of religious

and social organizations that works to prevent the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants.

ICE officers first detained Jean Montrevil, a Haitian national who had lived in the U.S.

since 1986 despite having served a prison term for drug possession that resulted in

a deportation order.

Montrevil, who co-founded the New Sanctuary coalition, was taken into custody in early

January near his home in Queens, touching off a firestorm of protest.

Activists accused ICE of breaking an �understanding� that Montrevil would not be arrested while

he appealed his order of removal.

Despite the public outcry, ICE deported Montrevil to Haiti on Tuesday.

The week before Montrevil�s removal, ICE arrested Ravidath Ragbir during his check-in

with officials at the ICE office in New York.

The executive director of New Sanctuary and the public face of immigration activism in

New York City, Ragbir came to the U.S. in 1991 as a legal permanent resident, but he

was ordered deportation in 2006 following a wire fraud conviction for which he served

a two-and-a-half year prison sentence.

In 2011, the New York field office of ICE granted Ragbir a stay of removal.

Then, last April, the Trump administration granted an extension of that stay, but only

until Jan. 19, according to The New York Times.

Ragbir�s fellow immigration activists have painted his arrest as an �arbitrary and

cruel� detention.

Alina Das, Ragbir�s attorney, says he would not have been targeted under the Obama administration,

which prioritized deportation of illegal immigrants who were public safety threats or who had

committed �serious� crimes.

The severity of Ragbir�s offense is debatable, but his conviction for wire fraud in a $400,000

mortgage embezzlement scheme was upheld in in 2002 by 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals Judge

Maryanne Trump Barry, President Donald Trump�s sister.

Since that ruling, Ragbir has used his prominence in the activist community to successfully

obtain several stays of removal.

But the Trump administration�s more expansive immigration enforcement priorities appear

to have closed the door for good.

Ragbir�s wife Amy Gottlieb, an immigration lawyer, has accused the Trump administration

of singling out her husband because of his outspoken activism.

�Like Jean (Montrevil) and thousands of other immigrants caught in ICE raids, Ravi

threatens no one,� she wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Thursday.

�On the contrary, he and other immigrant leaders have lead their communities with dignity

and courage during a brutal time.

That�s why they were snatched � and why ICE wants to deport them�

Still, ICE appears to be set on deporting Ragbir to his native Trinidad, saying last

week in a statement that he had �exhausted his petitions and appeals through the immigration

courts, the Board of Immigration appeals, and the U.S. District Court.�

On Thursday, ICE transferred Ragbir from a detention facility in Miami to New York while

he fights the order of removal.

For more infomation >> Trump to High Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists The Free Ride - Duration: 4:44.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 不要笑挑戰#? - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 不要笑挑戰#? - Duration: 13:02.


Chris Tucker Movies List - Duration: 0:55.

Chris Tucker Movies List

For more infomation >> Chris Tucker Movies List - Duration: 0:55.


Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends - Duration: 11:13.

Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends

Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends

Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends

Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends

Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends

For more infomation >> Challenger Lux vs. Bronze Ahri | League of Legends - Duration: 11:13.


Ternak Lovebird Sistem Babuan, Alternatif Untuk Yang Enggak Mau Repot - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Ternak Lovebird Sistem Babuan, Alternatif Untuk Yang Enggak Mau Repot - Duration: 5:10.





Xem Đi Xem Lại Cả 1000 Lần Mà Vẫn Không Thể Nhịn Được Cười - Phần 38 | Phim Hài 2018 - Duration: 10:45.

Hey. This's my son. This's my son.

Mine. Mine.Mine.Mine.Mine

No, It's mine. You argue me? I hit your wife

Ah Do it! And I hit your girlfriend.

You hit my girlfriend? I hit your wife.

Ah ah you hit my wife , I hit your girlfriend

Call the police to help me

OK OK I'll do it

My uncle! Can you go to help my mom

where? Where? Ok, we go now

my son . Mine

So, who is your dad

you don't know?

I said it's my son. my son. ok, please

I ask you two. You and you, who is his father?

if we knew, we wouldn't have to hit each other


so I ask you, two people in there, who is his father

me .me.I also don't know

this is just in film, in real life, it looks like this

this is my wife

this is my son. my son . my son . my son my son

My son

ah ah you hit my wife, I hit your girlfriend

you hit my girl friend? I hit your wife

ah ah you hit my wife again? I also hit your girlfriend

oh my god, hey Huy, go and call the police to help me

yes, yes. I'll go now, I'll go

hey my uncle, can you help my mom?

what? Where's your mom?

ok, let's go

my son .my son

you are...please. hey hey, you two

oh honey..oh honey


why don't you appear earlier?

You know each other? So moving

Let me and my son be lonely finding his father

Let everyone hit me like this

honey, you must revenge to me, these guys hit me

my husband is a police, run or die

oh oh, damn it!

but please let me know,

Who is the boy's father?

this is actually your son

hey honey

Shhh, don't move , if not, I can't go inside

honey, today we turn on the light

we turned it off every time when we do it

I want look your excited face

No, I can't. if you turn on, I feel ashamed I can't do anything

but today I absolutely have to see it

What's the hell?

You've turned out to trick me for 10 years, you are….

oh my god, I can't accept, get out of here

I'll explain

But you should explain to me why we have Ken?


Honey. yes. What is going on?

Oh honey, I have a dream. Dream what?

I have nightmare. How's it?

I have nightmares about falling into an abyss

So do you die? I will to gamble tomorrow

But luckily I grap a branch and swing me on it

But can you knock off root now?

Honey, I'm hurt

Oh my god, so how are you? Let me see

I'm lucky because the root doesn't break, if not, I would die

Oh honey, love you

Where are my wife and my son

Where are you? Come here

My son, Where are you?

Oh my god, I don't see you but I can smell the wine

You're always going out all day.

Just your friend call to set out now, everyday you're always going home and totally getting drunk

You are dipsomaniac, good – for- nothing

Shut up!

Shut the fuck up! I've sustained you for a long time

Sit down here, sit down here

Oh my god,

I've sustained you for a long time,

and now I can't stand anymore

So where is the son

He's doing homewwork

Call him to come here

Ken. What are you doing?

Sit down here, I'll tell you

I was to stand ashamed a long time

now I can't stand anymore. my son, in the future, don't be like me

if you have a wife, you must teach right from the start, don't stand ashamed.

I must let your mother see, I'm really quite something

That's right! You're really quite something


What? Take your foot down, Take your foot down,

Put up the bowl

Put up the bowl. Me?

Of course! Put up the bowl, too

Let's drink

Zoooo hey you, drink it

So spicy. It's really spicy

Do you feel happy to drink wine?

Nothing, what's happy?

And you? Do you feel happy? It's Really spicy

Spicy, Right? Yes, that's what I want to talk to you

I was suffer patiently, but your mom don't understand me

Your mom told me that I'm dipsomaniac

Just know drinking wine and don't know doing anything

Do You see it ignominious me?

Today I will let your mom see I'm stand ashamed in this familly

Do you see?

Giang! Wake up?

Today you go to carouse, are your friend give you eat tiger meat?

You should open your eyes and look at me, who talks to you?


Go away

You should look your father, you should try to follow.

It really crazy

I also feel crazy

Once he go to carouse, he will abuses noisy

And he makes things difficult for us

No, I mean , the wine really bitterness and spicy

May be, in the future. Each time dad go to carouse

I will suffer patienty with him

You are crazy! Go inside and do the homework, now. Stop talking

You'll be the same to your father

Both are good-for-nothing

Ay za… at last everyone comes home now, I've waited for this wedding night for a long time


It's just 6 o'clock. Why do you wake up early?

I'm absorbed last night, I'm tired, let me sleep more


? I think the wedding night, is it should have new?


The wedding night should have something special ?

You are so strong, you can absorbed overnight

I mean, if I and my classmate did it last night

he would do it overnight. And he did it better than you.

What? You are termagant.

For more infomation >> Xem Đi Xem Lại Cả 1000 Lần Mà Vẫn Không Thể Nhịn Được Cười - Phần 38 | Phim Hài 2018 - Duration: 10:45.


Sẽ Hơn Bao Giờ Hết _Bích Trâm|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Sẽ Hơn Bao Giờ Hết _Bích Trâm|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 3:40.



For more infomation >> DÜNYADAKİ EN İLGİNÇ KONULAR !! - Duration: 0:52.


YouTube Just Moved to Crush the Little People, Will Only Monetiz - Duration: 4:42.

YouTube Just Moved to Crush the Little People, Will Only Monetize Large Accounts

YouTube alienated a large portion of its audience this week by demonetizing all of their smaller

content creators.

In an email sent out to millions of independent artists, musicians, and journalists, YouTube

informed them that they were no longer eligible for advertising revenue on the site because

their channels were simply not big enough.

The site now requires a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of viewed content, automatically

disqualifying a large chunk of their creators from monetization.

Below is an email that the company sent out to up-and-coming YouTubers:

These higher standards will also help us prevent potentially inappropriate videos from monetizing

which can hurt revenue for everyone.

Though these changes will affect a significant number of channels, 99% of those affected

were making less than $100 per year in the last year, with 90% earning less than $2.50

in the last month.

Any of the channels who no longer meet this threshold will be paid what they�ve already

earned based on our AdSense policies.

After thoughtful consideration, we believe these are necessary compromises to protect

our community.

The company also said that the change in policy was intended to �prevent bad actors from

harming the inspiring and original creators around the world who make their living on


However, having a small channel does not make someone a �bad actor;� in fact, some of

the worst and most inappropriate content has come from the whales of YouTube, not the little


It is also important to mention that with this new policy, if a smaller channel has

a video go viral overnight, and suddenly reaches the threshold, they may not be able to monetize

this potentially once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This certainly ends up helping YouTube and hurting independent media.

But this should be expected.

As The Free Thought Project reported last year, a group of whistleblowers from YouTube

claimed that the company has allowed at least 100,000 predatory accounts to leave inappropriate

comments on videos with no repercussions as �YouTube�s system for reporting sexualized

comments left on children�s videos has not been functioning correctly for more than a


The moderators, who are referred to as YouTube�s �Trusted Flaggers,� are charged with flagging

inappropriate content and reporting the users who are violating the platform�s policies.

However, they claim that in many cases, the accounts they report face no consequences.

These accounts have millions of subscribers and these videos have hundreds of millions

of views, and many of them would be unaffected by this change.

Many smaller YouTubers are placing the blame on the likes of Logan Paul or PewDiePie who

have made headlines with insensitive and racist material.

Although, whales like PewDiePie have no problems with the new rules, as it wipes out some of

their competition.

This is a devastating situation for may content creators, but luckily there is a solution

on the Blockchain.

Many of the YouTubers who have become disenfranchised with the site are moving their content to

DTube, which is a decentralized video hosting platform where users are paid in cryptocurrency

for �likes� and comments.

As the big dogs shoot themselves in the foot, a revolution in social media is happening

on platforms like DTube and Steemit.

The dinosaur social media platforms are losing their relevance as we expose their censorship

and subservience to special interests like the advertisers who have access to all your

personal data.

If you truly want to be a part of the next step, we invite you to join Steemit today.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including

the Free Your Mind Conference.

He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both

fiction and non-fiction writers.

You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page.

John is currently battling cancer, and will be working to help others through his experience

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