Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say something and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Did you get it?


Let's try that again but this time with a hint.

Are you ready?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Alright, did you get it?

Alright, let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

Are you ready?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Did you get it?

Alright, the answer is "Could you take a look at it?"

Could you take a look at it?

Alright, this is an expression that you use when you bring something

that is not working correctly

or that is broken into a shop to get it fixed.

For example, my watch is broken and I bring it and I say to the person behind the counter,

"Could you take a look at it?

It's not working well."


Alright, so let's practice this expression together.

First slowly, then a little bit faster after that.

Are you ready?

Could you take a look at it?


Now a little bit faster after that.

Could you take a look at it?


Now, even faster.

Could you take a look at it?


Now let's try that three times quickly, so please repeat after me.

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?

Could you take a look at it?


So now, when you have a problem with anything in your house, you can say,

"Could you take a look at it?"

Alright, my name is Richard and remember to click like, share, and subscribe

and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(63) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:41.


Who's Trump Calling? - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Who's Trump Calling? - Duration: 1:22.


Pepa Dino Finger Family Lyrics - Nursery Rhymes Episode 370 - Duration: 3:29.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Pepa Dino Finger Family Lyrics - Nursery Rhymes Episode 370 - Duration: 3:29.


Bank of Japan keeps monetary policy unchanged - Duration: 0:33.

Japan's central bank is keeping its monetary policy steady.

At the end of its two-day meeting, the Bank of Japan announced it would keep short-term

policy rate unchanged at negative Point-one percent and the 10-year yield target around

zero percent.

That followed an eight-to-one majority vote.

In its quarterly outlook, the BOJ said it would continue with quantitative and qualitative

monetary easing policy until achieving its two percent inflation target.

The bank said it expected core consumer prices to rise this year by one-point-four percent.

For more infomation >> Bank of Japan keeps monetary policy unchanged - Duration: 0:33.


EV3 to the line. Two medium motor and two EV3 color sensor EV3. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> EV3 to the line. Two medium motor and two EV3 color sensor EV3. - Duration: 1:04.


SAY -Anh Xỉn hát bài Say thế là tất cả điều say thiệt rồi|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> SAY -Anh Xỉn hát bài Say thế là tất cả điều say thiệt rồi|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 4:17.


Code Template from Scratch:Header Banner with HTML and CSS - Duration: 10:41.

From this part we are going to start coding our template.

So stay tuned.

Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.

From this part of this series of tutorial we are going to start coding

our template.

Make sure that you are connected to this page, you are connected

to this channel.

So we are going to build up this whole template but first of all as we

can see this is the header part where we have a certain header area and then we have this

banner element with a background image and there are some texts on to it.

So all we are going to do we are going to start coding

our template and we are going to start from the header part, from the head part of this

particular template.

So let's proceed.

Now in the final stage that we will be achieving over here is this one.

Now as we can see we have created the index.html in our previous

tutorial as we have observed and we have created another custom_stylesheet.CSS and

we had linked this index.html with bootstrap.min.css and custom_stylesheet.CSS.

As we have connected this page with this bootstrap.min.css, that is why before this

closing body tag we have connected this page to bootstrap.min.js in order that every feature

of bootstrap is accessible.

So these are the requirements we had done and this is the

final output so far that we have observed up

to our previous tutorial.

Now in this stage we are creating something which is equivalent

to this one.

This is this means we are going to create this header part over here.

Now in the first case we are going to create the containing element.

Now you can use here 'container' class if you want a 1200px container

every of your content to be confined within a 1200px container and if you wish

that your contents become full page, then all

you need to do you need to consider this one.

'Container- fluid'.

Now this is the thing in the first case; we are going to make sure

that this div is closed; another thing, whenever you are creating something like this

always make sure that the divs are closed.

That means whenever you are opening a div your approach should be something like this;

you are opening this Div, that means you have to close this div first.

Anything that comes inside you should go on further, like


So we are consuming up all those 12 grids over here and if you do wish that your

content to be fixed within a mobile device properly then all you need to do you need

to make sure that col-sm-12 is on.

And inside this col-sm-12, the first thing that we are

going to see is 'For related information call us at' this one.

So this is the thing that we need to ensure here.

So that is why we are creating H3 tag.

So up to this part we have created this thing; so this is the result, this will be the

output so far that we have created and we can see that the bootstrap features are been

reflected over here.

If we press F12 and we click on it and we can see that these are the

properties which is been observed here.

You can see that this font family font size, font-weight, or line- height, margin-top,

margin-bottom every of this short of things those are being reflected into your web page

and this is due to the linkage with the bootstrap.min.css.

That means so far is styling Properties are being attributed by the

Bootstrap framework.

In this particular case we can see that this is practically the

output of the header part.

So naturally we need to modify our framework such that it

executes this kind of properties as we can see here.

So let's get back to our project and here we are using another class along

with col-sm-12 and it is head banner.

So we are getting back to our custom style sheet and

here we are providing all these properties.

Now we will be needing to provide a background image.

Which will be a linear gradient.

So why linear gradient?

We can see that this is practically executing a linear gradient

nature over here.

So we need to pick up these two or three or more or whatever it is,

these color properties from here.

So that is why we are now getting back to our GIMP

software where we have already opened these things and here first of all let's select

this topmost color property; there it goes.

If we now click we can see that this is the color property.

So copy and here we need to paste it.

This is the first color stop, and in order to achieve the second one, we need

to select the last color stop here, we need to see what kind of color code is been imposed

over here; we have picked it up and now click here, this is the color code.

We need to copy it and we need to paste it here.

Now we will be pasting it 4 more Times...

Providing on with this hack codes here.

Now pressing Control + s and getting back to our

project and reloading and we can see that this is the thing which is been created so

far and as we can see that here are two gaps at

the two ends, so this is the thing that we need to rectify.

If we use this class name along with this col-sm-12 property then there

will be an inbuilt padding of 15px from both the ends - from the left and from the right.

But instead of using it over here if we just cut it and then paste it here, and now if

we reload we can see that all these paddings are gone.

Now instead of using this 'container-fluid' if we use here 'container'

only, reload and now you can see that this is a 1200px container that has been created

Over here.

So instead of using 'container-fluid' if we use 'conatiner' then

the contents will be confined within a 1200px container element and instead of using

'container' if we now use here 'container-fluid' then your contents will

be coming full page.

Then your contents will be appearing full page.

So this is the first thing that we have created up to this one.

Now we have to make this alignment to the extreme right position

as we can see here and we have to change this particular font family and then we need

to change this color element; so that is why we are getting back to our index.html and

from here, we need to modify this head-banner h3.

Let's get back to customstylesheet.CSS and here...

Another thing.

We need to change this font family into this one, so, what was the font


The font family here in this case used was 'josefin slab'.

So that is why we need to get back to Google and here we will

be searching for google fonts.

And after opening this Google fonts, we will be searching

for 'josefine slab'.

So all we need to do first, we need to copy this one, we need

to get back to index.html and below this custom style sheet, we are going to paste

this one.

Inside this custom style sheet.css, all we are going to do now we are going to

copy this thing and we are going to paste it


We have specified the font family and now we have to specify the font size; just as

we can see that the font size is now changed and the font family is getting changed here.

We need to change the color and the text alignment and the line-height.

So all those things are now changed.

So let's get back to our project and reload and we can see that

already this thing, these attributes are changed; we can see that this is the for

related information; press control + shift + m and this is the exact thing that is going

to be observed at this particular case under 320 by 480px, this is the exact thing that

we are going to observe at the device width of 320px.

Now if we get back to our template then we can see that the number is written in a

different font color.

So this is what in the next case we need to rectify.

Get back here and here...

Come back and reload and we can see that the mobile number is now changed.

It is not getting a different color then the previous one.

So this is the part that we have created...

For more infomation >> Code Template from Scratch:Header Banner with HTML and CSS - Duration: 10:41.


Lavado de Cabeza al Paciente Encamado - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Lavado de Cabeza al Paciente Encamado - Duration: 7:46.


International Classic with Mauro Forghieri - Chapter 2 - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> International Classic with Mauro Forghieri - Chapter 2 - Duration: 9:01.


Gimp: High Pass Sharpening - Duration: 2:44.

In this video we will apply High Pass Sharpening with the standard options in Gimp,

so there are no plugins required.

When we have opened Gimp, we go to file, open,

and here we search for our image and open it.

Click on the zoom icon in the top right of the window to maximize our image.

Go to image in the menu bar and click on image properties.

Here we can see the resolution of our image, this one has a high resolution as we can see.

Now click on close.

Go ahead and make two duplicates of the layer,

by clicking twice on the duplicate button at the bottom of the layers panel.

Go to colors in the menu bar and click on invert.

Now we go to the layer mode, and here we click on grain merge.

Then we go back to the menu bar and click on filters, blur and gaussian blur.

Go ahead and make the blur radius 40.

When we use an image with a lower resolution than our example image,

we can make the blur radius 5 or 10.

Click okay.

In the next step we right click on the top layer and hit merge down.

Again to the layer mode and now we change it to overlay.

Click the top layer off and on, to see the effect.

To make the effect stronger, we can make a duplicate of this layer

by clicking on the duplicate button.

Press and hold the shift key and when we click on the eye of the bottom layer,

we can see the difference.

We could add another duplicate to make the effect even stronger.

And that is it, an easy and effective way to apply

High Pass Sharpening without installing plugins.

I hope this helps.

Please like the video, leave a nice comment and subscribe,

if you have not done already, to support my channel.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Gimp: High Pass Sharpening - Duration: 2:44.




For more infomation >> GIVE ATTENTION TO EVERYTHING WITH TECH - Duration: 2:12.


Oil & Gas Processing - Duration: 2:30.

- In the fast-paced world of upstream oil and gas production,

decisions need to be made quickly and accurately.

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and improve overall recovery?

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with Honeywell integrated field solutions.

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they make commissioning, control, and monitoring

wellhead production easier, more efficient,

and safer in any condition.

It allows the right information to get to the right people

while reducing or eliminating trips to the wellhead.

If you need to integrate existing monitoring facilities,

we can do that too.

Adding new wellheads to a system takes minutes, not hours.

And built-in exception-based monitoring

allows operators to check the well just as quickly.

In addition, business enterprise software solutions

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Real-time data visualization,

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Always the leader, Honeywell has taken

oil and gas onshore production to a new level

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our real-time process SCADA,

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