Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Unseen Moments Of Alia Bhatt's Bestie Kripa Mehta's Wedding

For more infomation >> Unseen Moments Of Alia Bhatt's Bestie Kripa Mehta's Wedding - Duration: 5:56.


Star Wars: V-Wing (Legends Sources) - Spacedock - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: V-Wing (Legends Sources) - Spacedock - Duration: 3:05.


Gamers! Tập 11 - Rủ nhau đi bão :3 - Duration: 23:49.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Gamers! Tập 11 - Rủ nhau đi bão :3 - Duration: 23:49.


YouTube VS Small Creators - Duration: 1:35.

Will you take the green or the yellow pill?

For more infomation >> YouTube VS Small Creators - Duration: 1:35.


JOALIN LOUKAMAA (NOW UNITED) - VLOG 2 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> JOALIN LOUKAMAA (NOW UNITED) - VLOG 2 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 5:16.


s05e01 - Social TnT : Truth and Trolls [+ sub en/fr] - Duration: 19:05.

Hello everyone, I'm justumen, how are you doing today ? And welcome in the subject called

"social revolution".

In this subject, we are going to discuss about the influence of modern technology in our


The good, the bad and I guess... the ugly.

We will talk about what we should avoid, and maybe what we can do to make it better.

In this section I'm NOT going to talk about the dangers of specific and targetted manipulation.

So if it is what you are interested in, you need to check the "BRAIN HACKING" subject.

Here, I'm instead going to talk about some of our digital environments and their dangers.

Human beings are emotional creatures, and because of that, we are very vulnerable to

emotion-based computer systems.

The biggest "success" story of this type is "social media".

Social media's effects are for most people meaningless, but for SOME it will have lifechanging


And even if the percentage of this happening to a specific individual is very LOW, social

media are, as of 2018, used by more than one third of the world's population.

Which makes even A SMALL percentage into a non-negligeable number.

Monkey warning : This is my humble personal OPINION on social media, and shouldn't be

considered as fact.

Just like Ethanol in alcoholic beverages or nicotine in cigarettes, social media are using

emotions to create a brand new type of addiction.

Addiction is their main goal, because they make most of their income from their addicted


And to achieve that, they use a wide array of emotional triggers.

Positive : like pride, joy or contempt.

But also Negative : like fear, anger or disgust.

And like all addictions, in SOME situations, they can have unwanted consequences.

A lot of people are revolted about all of this manipulation, and i could talk more about


But personnaly, for adults, I don't really care.

Like I said, for me, it's like alcool or cigarettes, if you know about the risks and you do it


Whatever, I don't mind.

So I'm not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.

So if you like it, use it.

As long as you are aware of what they are trying to do.

There are so many people using social media just like if was it was tabacco.

Like.. oh i need to check something and just start scrolling.

Just like that in the middle of a sentence.

Exactly like it was a cigarette.

But in this video, it is not what i want to talk about.

Now, I want to talk about something much more dangerous The spread of online propaganda.

Today, we no longer assimillate informations directly by talking to another human being,

or by reading books and newspapers.

Since the arrival of social media, information has a brand new means of transportation.

Most of the time it's great, but sometimes it's not.

We live today in a very strange world, we are surrounded and drowned in data.

By itself data isn't dangerous, but when it reaches a human, it can mutate into a dangerous


Today, if you don't know about something, you can check it online and have your answer

in seconds.

Like "what is the first song of Michael Jackson" or stuff like that.

So it is very easy for us to think that we control information, but it is too often the

other way around.

And it's incredibly dangerous, when you don't see it happening to you.

Social media are free to use because their income is based on advertising.

Advertising has done a lot of good things online, but it also have a dark side.

For social media, and their business model, the quality of the content is irrelevant,

only the number of people they are able to reach matters.

I'm not talking about selfies of course, but it can sometimes be problematic, for example

if you are using social media as a source for news.

You need to understand that they are using computer programs that are DESIGNED to give

you what you want, NOT what you need.

Also, just like search engines, they are NEVER responsible for the actual content.

So not only bad content will NOT hurt their income, but it will increase it instead.

Yes ! They can exploit their user's happiness but also their misery.

The computer code is also able to learn a lot about you.

For example today, on social media, your opinion has a price.

But in a democracy, this idea is very troubling.

Most of the time it is very discrete... but it can be also be official, like buying ads

so I can make you think what I want you to think.

Since the arrival of the internet, it is the first time we can have targetted propaganda.

People can be targetted because they are young, old, poor, troubled or fit with a specific


So because of this, social media is probably the worst possible platform for anyone to

form an OPINION about anything.

But unfortunately some people are still doing it.

Depending of the subject, the content is sometimes full of lies with shaddy sources, like hoaxes,

but even when they are not, they will often be very HEAVILY biased in your favor.

They will always give you the feeling that you are in the right, and won't confront you

with different ideas.

Because it might "displease" you.

But by making the computer code optimized this way, they are also dividing people and

encouraging conflicts as one of their side effects.

Sometimes it isn't a real problem, like in the very common political left/right rivalry

: For them it will just make people post more pamphlets about how BAD the other side is.

But the same computer code in another environment can turn to political instability, violence

and even sometimes war and death.

A lot of people are amazed about the evolution of technology, especially computers and the


But in this section we will talk about the facts and try to objectively imagine how the

future generations are going to remember us.

Are we currently living in an age of progress ? like we think we are.

Or are we instead living in a period that will be refered as "the dark ages of computer

science" ? in this subject we will also discuss about all the social changes that the INTERNET

and the WEB are responsible for.

For example, online anonymity is a blessing MOST of the time, but it can also have its


Online hatred is one of them.

It's obviously easier to practice hatred, screen to screen, rather than face to face.

We will have several social experiments to see how the same people would react to the

same type of events, depending if it is online or offline.

On a serious note, we will try to understand what happened to the basic human decency online.

And on a lighter note, we will make fun of some keyboard warriors.

But now, let's talk a little about a very specific example of online behavior : "trolling"

For those who don't know what an online troll is, let me give you an example.

Imagine a scenario where an athlete wins a gold medal in the olympics and post something

about it on social media.

Let's say that this event was record breaking and captured a lot of attention.

So you will have countless comments of congratulations and so on.

A troll will see this popularity as an opportunity, and will post a message as offensive as possible.

Using insults of course, but very often a touch of racism, sexism or very heavy bigotry.

These trolls might not be racist or sexist at all, but they will fake it, just to attract


They just want their message to stand out from the rest.

If they say "congratulation", their message might not even be read.

Rendering them, from their point of view, unsignificant.

It isn't about the content of the message, it is only about them and the mayhem they

want to create.

Online it is a necessity for everyone to be able to identify these trolls, and the best

thing to do is to ignore them.

Trying to argue or even reply to their comments is called "feeding the trolls".

That is exactly what the trolls want, and that's exactly what you don't want to do.

So there is another "lighter" version of trolling that you can define as : "messing with" or

"make fun of".

This one, if done well, can sometimes be pretty funny.

When you are browsing online, the MOST important thing you need to have is : skeptisism.

Due to the unfiltered nature of the internet, when you use it, you need to have doubts about

absolutely everything you see or read.

But some people aren't educated about this, and they read online content the same way

they are reading the newspaper.

It is a big mistake and trolling can sometimes expose their credulity in a funny way.

As a general rule : Don't trust everything you read or hear online.

Even if the source is highly respectable, you need to stay vigilant.

Gathering new information is a little like eating, you should always chew.

If there is a ROCK in your food, you want to find it before dying.

Good trolling is not about lying, even if is technicaly a lie.

The goal of good trolling is to trigger awareness.

If you have been trolled in the past, you should tell yourself : "Okay I got trolled.

But I won't get fooled twice.".

Some people enjoy trolling, especially teenagers.

But if you want to troll for fun, make the lie big enough.

Otherwise it is NOT trolling, it is called LYING.

Lying is bad...

Oh no...

Lies are bad, and they aren't funny.

But they are also spreading online for the exact same reason : people's credulity.

It can be clickbait : like a video called "Alien space ship fly over belgium".

It can be made up numbers : like bogus statistics.

It can be just plain misinformation : like hoaxes. sometimes related to real events,

but sometimes totally made up.

The lies, by definition, can be about anything.

We will talk about them in details and I really hope that one day, all internet users will

be able to recognize them at first sight.

And then, they might cease to exist.

Apparently now, english speaking people want to use the term "fake news" for some of these

fabricated stories.

But it isn't a new thing at all, it has been around for a long time already.

The oldest and most memorable memory I have about it, date back to 2004, when I heard

on french national TV that 147 high school students from Japan killed themselves by swallowing

pockets of silicone to protest against the delay of the release of a video Dead Or Alive.

Disinformation is common online, but this piece on TV was supposed to be a very serious

and dramatic documentary about suicide in japan.

It is also a very serious news channel.

If you don't know the game Dead Or Alive, well.... how to put it... the women in the

game have large breasts.

So it all started as an online joke, but SOMEHOW, it made its way on many very serious news

outlets, paper and tv.

On TV, they even somehow linked all video game fanatics in japan with suicide, by quoting

some "doctors", because gamer's lives doesn't have any meaning or something like that.

I'm not sure if I can show you the footage here, so i will give you a link if you are


And can understand french.

I think they later apologized for what they said, both for talking about this link between

video games and suicide that... just doesn't exist and for the fake mass suicide story.

So even today there are still people who believe everything they read or hear.

But some people understand this WAY too well, and are pushing the skepticism a little too


They don't trust the main stream media, they don't trust their government and, they don't

trust history books.

I'm of course talking about the believers of conspiracy theories.

Basically they can't trust anything anymore.

They had... an epiphany and for them, well... almost everything is a lie.

I'm not really interested about what these conspiracies are saying.

Together, we won't try to debunk them but we will talk about their effects on people's


And we will try to speculate about what type of events can trigger that kind of behaviour.

We also try to see what we can do to protect the public, especially children but also unexperienced

computer users.

Lastly we will try to see if it is possible for these people to be normal again.

Or if their minds are lost forever, into the abyss of their own paranoia.

Of course, social media are today a very important tool for the spread of both lies and conspiracy


So to summarize, we can wonder if people are today just numbers in a predictable computer


With this widespread manipulation, for greed or polical reasons, are we witnessing the

end of democracy as we know it ? And more importantly, will we make it better, or will

we make it worse ? So stay skeptical, but... stay normal.

See you.

For more infomation >> s05e01 - Social TnT : Truth and Trolls [+ sub en/fr] - Duration: 19:05.


Ben Shapiro's government shutdown winners and losers - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Ben Shapiro's government shutdown winners and losers - Duration: 5:32.


Lost Sphear – A New Moon Rises Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:39.

Why…? Oh, moon, please tell me…

Why did it have to turn out like this!?

The Fate of The Future...

I'm really scared… Is it gonna stay like this forever?

…Lies in the Past

Shape the Fate of Battle


And Wield the Power of Memory…

…To Restore a Fading World.

I believe in Kanata and that's why I'm pushing him to do his best!

I can't shake this feeling we're…on the wrong side of this fight.

We call this land Elgarthe. May it stand forever for all our descendants.


For more infomation >> Lost Sphear – A New Moon Rises Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:39.


Better Late Than Never - There's More Than One Way Out (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Better Late Than Never - There's More Than One Way Out (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:32.


Como fazer visualização - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Como fazer visualização - Duration: 3:48.


"Инспектор Купер - 2". 3 серия - Duration: 45:56.

For more infomation >> "Инспектор Купер - 2". 3 серия - Duration: 45:56.


My Spiritual Awakening Story. My Enlightenment Story. - Duration: 6:10.

My awakening story. I know a lot of people asked for me to share my

awakening story or enlightenment story; and today I thought I would share this.

Let me start by giving a little background history. I grew up in a very

normal know...parents...little sister. Life was, I think, pretty average.

Very know...northern Minnesota area; and

what's kind of rare - I would think - would be the fact that I wasn't exposed to any

religion...wasn't brought up in any particular faith. In northern Minnesota, I

found, it was rather a private thing, so you know...wasn't really talked about that

often. But I was always deeply curious about the world. What is. What is really

going on. And so I studied whatever seemed to be of interest. And even my

high school papers were about paranormal subjects like psychics, ghosts, UFOs...

whatever. And it wasn't until my late teens when I when I finally got exposed

to some spirituality...through a friend of mine. He lent me an 'Autobiography of a

Yogi'. Certain...that started a 13 know...sponge of sucking in anything of

interest. I had studied chakras, various healing modalities, name

it I probably studied it at some point. But curiously enough, I hadn't studied or

read anything about nonduality or enlightenment/awakening. I mean even

prior to my own awakening...if you asked me what is nonduality...

not a clue. If you asked me what is awakening...not a clue. I heard mixed

stories about what awakening was...I couldn't connect with it. It didn't make

sense to me. It wasn't my experience. But after 13 years of study, it seemed like

every new book that I read was something I had already read before and through...

I guess...just being tired of the search and now not finding anything new...I gave

up. I quit reading books...videos...quit practicing...quit meditating...didn't do

anything for probably a year or so. Then I kept bumping into the name Eckhart

Tolle. Now I've been avoiding the 'Power of Now' because I didn't like the title,

but I kept bumping into the...into the name suddenly. And I had learned

know...synchronicities in life should kind of be paid attention to. If you

keep bumping into something over and over again...should probably delve into it

a bit more. And so, I went to the library. Tried to see what they had available. I

thought maybe a video...something I could just watch and be done with. And so, there

was a copy of the 'Flowering of Human Consciousness'. Now, as I was watching the

video, it seemed to be more stuff that I had heard before. You know, he's talking

about being present...something I thought I knew and I thought I was being present,

but that is the problem of course. I thought I was being present, which means

I wasn't being present...I was thinking. Anyways, something that occurred to me

later. But during the video there was an exercise of inhabiting the body, feeling

the body, basically becoming 100% devoted to the experience of now; and I became

so present...for the first time in my life. I'd never been really present. And I was

so present that thought ceased. There was no thought. There was just the experience

of now. And when that occurred, it was like a veil was lifted. Things fell into

place. Illusions of the mind were seen through. Ignorance was dispelled. I

realized that...well, I saw through the "me"... in terms of I couldn't identify with the

"me" anymore. This body/mind/ was there, but it wasn't me...kind of thing.

I saw through kind of the world game. I recognized the origins

of suffering. That we kind of do it to ourselves. And was

an event where ignorance is dispelled. Now when you really have ignorance doesn't come back. You're not fooled later. Once you

see through the game...the game doesn't fool you anymore. And so after

this event, I found that thought - by and large - is gone. If I need thought, I can

think. By and large, never came back.

Except for some deeply, deeply programmed conditioning...which is like stored in the

body almost. Actually it's not almost... actually it is kind of stored in the body.

And the Indians would call this samskaras; and they'll say even after know...some of this deeply conditioned stuff still sits. And it's

just a habit...they'll call it...and that replays, but I find if I know...

when a conditioned response comes up, I'm just curious about it still...and

so I look at it. And when I look at it and I understand where it comes from and

I question the origin...because a lot of times, once you see where it came from

you're like - that's dumb! We tear out the root, so to speak. That

conditioning goes away too. And so that's kind of...been my spiritual

awakening a nutshell. If you have any questions though, feel free to

post below and I'll see what I can do. Thank you.

For more infomation >> My Spiritual Awakening Story. My Enlightenment Story. - Duration: 6:10.


Easy to Grow lettuce in Pot /Grow Own Vegetable/Healthy Salad /Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 2:00.

After few week

For more infomation >> Easy to Grow lettuce in Pot /Grow Own Vegetable/Healthy Salad /Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 2:00.


Police Officer Turned Air Rescue Specialist | AARP - Duration: 3:14.

All my life, I've wanted to be a hero.

It's not that I want the title,

but I want to do what a hero does.

I want to be the difference between someone's life and death.

My name is Dick Sine.

I hang underneath this helicopter

and do mountain rescue with Two Bear Air.

We cover basically all of Montana,

all of Idaho and portions of eastern Washington.

This is a map of the western United States.

Two Bear Air is located up here in Kalispell, Mont.

These red pushpins show the actual location

of rescues we've done.

You can see how far south and west

and east we have gone.

When you have to have a helicopter

come pick you up off the top of a mountain,

you are not having a good day.

We rescued a young boy, a 16-year-old boy,

and he had a dog with him.

And, obviously, you're not going to pick a 16-year-old boy up

and leave his dog in the woods to die.

So I got that dog in my arms,

and we came up on the hook with that dog squirming.

To know that you're doing that for somebody

and giving them a very real second chance at being alive,

that's pretty rewarding.

Most of our missions

when we're actually on site are under 12 minutes

from the time we get on site

to the time we're leaving with the person,

and that's pretty darn fast for a mountain rescue.

This is what we look like when we're mission ready.

We have our helmet on.

We've checked our visors to make sure they're functional.

We've checked our communications system,

double-checked our harnesses to make sure

that all the contact points are tight,

and then we're lifted off with the carabiner.

My career started in law enforcement.

I ended up becoming a deputy sheriff in Mansfield, Ohio.

And what was unique about that

is I was the first police officer in the state ever

under the age of 21.

I didn't have the goatee then,

so things have changed.

When I retired from that career,

I came to Montana here

and transitioned to a medical career.

The things that I've been able to apply

from the first career is situational awareness,

because I have that cop sense in the back of my head.

I wish I had gotten into emergency medicine much sooner.

The other thing that I wish I had done very early on

is pursue a higher education in what I did.

When I went back to college, I was 50.

And I would highly encourage anyone that's retired

to take advantage of the fact that you have that time,

because you'd be surprised what you can do.

Being a hero is something that I think I strive for every day.

I don't think I will ever reach that goal.

I think the challenge is in reaching for it,

not achieving it.

For more infomation >> Police Officer Turned Air Rescue Specialist | AARP - Duration: 3:14.


【拆解 都市傳說】14 Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv (廣東話、中文字幕) - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 【拆解 都市傳說】14 Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv (廣東話、中文字幕) - Duration: 3:15.


Official Translation Guide to Geek Talk in Words You GET. - Duration: 2:41.

Today, we're talking about computer specifications. That secret language you

see when you're buying a new computer.

I'm Charlie with Tech Nav, where we empower people to live their best life with

technology. On Tech Tips, we make tech advice videos just like this one, so if

you're new here, consider subscribing! Most of us have seen computer

specifications, whenever we're buying something new. The three big ones are

memory, storage, and CPU. We'll take a look at these three categories and see

what they mean. I did some research trying to find some good analogies to

compare a real-life example to computers. So it can relate back what these specs

really are. So, our analogy starts at a library.

Imagine you're sitting in a very large table in the center of the library.

You're surrounded by bookshelves. As you're doing your research you open a

book and you have it to a certain page. The table allows you to have multiple books

open. There's also a librarian there, who's helping you find books. So, she's

gonna be walking back and forth to bring stuff. So keep this setting in mind as we

move forward and we'll come back to it. First off, we'll take a look at storage

This is the size of your hard drive or solid-state drive in your computer.

Storage determines how much stuff you can store on your computer. Stuff like

your personal files. You know, like music, videos, that type of thing. Also, it

determines how many programs can be stored on there. So, stuff like your

Microsoft Office or your Spotify or video games or anything like that. So in

the library, your computer storage is kind of like the shelves all around you.

The more shelves there are in the library, the more books that can be

stored there. Next, we'll look at RAM or memory, as its referred to when you're

looking at computer specifications. In modern computers, memory is generally

represented in gigabytes or GB. So most stuff you see out there today will be

between 2 and 16 gigabytes of RAM or memory. This number could be higher or

lower but that's the standard range you're gonna see. Some people think that

this is going to be how fast your computer is, but really it's going to

control how much stuff can be going on in the background

of your computer. In our library setting, think of memory like the size of

the table in front of you, the bigger that table is the more books you could

have in front of you while you're doing your research. Finally, there's the

processor (or CPU) this determines how fast your computer can accomplish tasks.

In our library setting, you'll think of this as the actual librarian. The faster

the librarian is for going to get you stuff, the quicker you'll have it in front

of you to do your research. Thanks for checking back in with Tech Tips, if you'd

like to see more tech advice videos, be sure to check back with us every Tuesday

and Thursday for more Tech Tips.

For more infomation >> Official Translation Guide to Geek Talk in Words You GET. - Duration: 2:41.



Dad, can I go to the club tommorow?


Pretty please!

There are so many boys there!

What if I'm always being single?

Do you want to take responsibility?

(Ed Sheeran - Shape of You)

But dad...

(Echosmith - Cool Kids)

What's the point of being a cool kids anyway?

And what do you want now?


(Glenn Fredly - Terserah)

Come on dad, please! Because tomorrow is...

(Rebecca Black - Friday)

Okay dad?


Please, please, please, please...

(Random Death Metal Song)

(tfw you still want to live your life but you already dead inside)


Hey guys! Thankyou for watching this video, big shout out to Michelle for being a good daughter!

Don't forget to like, comment, and share to all your friends!

You can also watch our other videos by clicking here

And here

And don't forget to always support us by clicking the subscribe button below

And as always

Stay Joyful!!!

For more infomation >> MUSIC BATTLE: FATHER VS DAUGHTER - JMP - Duration: 2:13.


Cheapest Food on Railway Stations | Jan Aahar Yojna HD - Duration: 1:19.

This is Guwahati Railway Station Assam

its 12.30pm

Planning to have Cheap Lunch

They are self-service and operate 24×7.

They provide janta meals, economy meals, and other popular regional cuisines. Most items are priced below Rs. 20.

Seating will be limited to 8–12 chairs; most of the area is earmarked to facilitate eating while standing.

They are air-conditioned and located in the "ticketed" area of railway platforms

They will also sell approved packaged items, ice-creams, and approved hot and cold beverages through vending machines

This Thali cost me Rs 40

Includes Egg, Dall, Potato and cabbage Curry, Pickle and Rice.

You can have unlimited Food for Rs 70.

It have been set up with the objective of making available "economy meals and popular regional cuisines on platform at various stations all over the country

For more infomation >> Cheapest Food on Railway Stations | Jan Aahar Yojna HD - Duration: 1:19.


THE INVESTIGATION by David Bell | 7 Sentence Stories - Duration: 1:50.

Hi, I'm David Bell and I'm the author of Somebody's Daughter

Thank you.

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