Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Unseen Moments Of Alia Bhatt's Bestie Kripa Mehta's Wedding

For more infomation >> Unseen Moments Of Alia Bhatt's Bestie Kripa Mehta's Wedding - Duration: 5:56.


Gamers! Tập 11 - Rủ nhau đi bão :3 - Duration: 23:49.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Gamers! Tập 11 - Rủ nhau đi bão :3 - Duration: 23:49.


YouTube VS Small Creators - Duration: 1:35.

Will you take the green or the yellow pill?

For more infomation >> YouTube VS Small Creators - Duration: 1:35.


JOALIN LOUKAMAA (NOW UNITED) - VLOG 2 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> JOALIN LOUKAMAA (NOW UNITED) - VLOG 2 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 5:16.


"Инспектор Купер - 2". 3 серия - Duration: 45:56.

For more infomation >> "Инспектор Купер - 2". 3 серия - Duration: 45:56.


Demi Moore Movies List - Duration: 2:02.

Demi Moore Movies List

For more infomation >> Demi Moore Movies List - Duration: 2:02.


Easy to Grow lettuce in Pot /Grow Own Vegetable/Healthy Salad /Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 2:00.

After few week

For more infomation >> Easy to Grow lettuce in Pot /Grow Own Vegetable/Healthy Salad /Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 2:00.


25 - Купидон - элемент на пилоне - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 25 - Купидон - элемент на пилоне - Duration: 3:38.





Relaxing music - piano - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Relaxing music - piano - Duration: 4:05.


Coffee Lovers Tag! Gabriel Likes His Lattes Hot! - Duration: 9:48.

Hi everybody it is Tuesday

We don't typically post on Tuesday

but we were tagged in the coffee lovers tag by the Durand burger family and

Week Sarah isn't gonna. Take part in this tag with us because she prefers

Creamer to coffee which by that I mean she prefers just to drink all on a creamer with just a little bit of coffee, so


prefers milk

But videos that include Gabriel

Are always a big hint so he's gonna do this with me

Yeah, so

Being the resident coffee drinker. I will answer

the 13 questions number one

Which do you prefer light medium or dark roast dark roast?

Always, I'll drink any of them to be Berkeley honest. I prefer dark

So coffee beans or ground coffee that question doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I guess that they're asking

If when I go to the store if I buy coffee beans like the whole bean

Or if I buy ground coffee if that's the case ground coffee?

Because I don't like to have to work for my coffee. Whether it's in the morning

or in the afternoon

Or other just be ready to go so ground coffee. I know it's not as fresh

But we don't care espresso or the drip I

Like both


Know this is gonna be the greatest time because I drink all kinds of coffee, but I like espresso

Drip is

what I tend to get

normally and every now

And then I'll do a little espresso and add it or add espresso to a chai latte or something like that so

Number four how do you take your coffee?

black light cream sugar etc

We take very tiny amount of sugar

turbinado sugar


And I'm in that I can tell the difference I've started using that and now when I use white sugar

I can tell that it's white sugar to me it has more of a chemically taste

And a little bit of creamer

That's it to still like it dark still liked it better Sarah like I said, I don't even think we joke

That she'll just she just tips the creamer, and it doesn't even really look what's going on

She she wants it to look kind of like milk was done

So creamer milk hey, it's a good question just now we I

Like creamer

Just plain old sweet scenes. I do occasionally like this the seasonal things a

Little pumpkin spice creamer sometimes it's kind of fun

snickerdoodle creamer

They used to have a gingerbread creamer gingerbread latte kind of creamer, but they discontinued it

I like that but creamers do take milk if that's the only thing that

Gabriel likes milk Gabriel says I like milk in my coffee

How many cups or mugs of coffee do you drink in a day?

This would probably get me in trouble Wow

If we're counting decaf also

It could be close to five

I know everybody collectively gasped. I drink probably two in the morning when I get things started and

then one mid-afternoon some around two three o'clock and


After that it's all decaf just because I like the taste so

We need a couple of decafs maybe one decaf and the evening with the dessert or something like that

if it's the weekend, and I'm feeling crazy I

Might throw in another regular in the afternoon latte or cappuccino

It's another tough one because I like them both it depends on what mood I'm in

I tend to gravitate a little bit lattes

But I won't shy away from the cappuccino on occasion Oh Gabriel is a latte man, Sarah likes vanilla lattes

Next question iced rahat Gabriel what we both like it, hot we like hot he likes his milk warm

He likes his milk warm. I like my coffee. Hot. I don't really like cold coffee

and I used to drink prepa chinos back in the day, but

Now I've I just can't do it. It's I just want hot coffee

Hot or cold outside didn't matter what hot coffee nice question Starbucks or Dunkin

We don't have a Dunkin

If we do. I haven't found it


Starbucks discount it by default has Starbucks everywhere. I've gone

So I like I like my Starbucks

What's your favorite coffee flavor, I don't know like coffee flavored coffee


Is like

Cigarette ashes is that a flavor coffee?

Okay, I joke and say I want to be bitter and tastes kinda like cigarette. I don't smoke and never have

But I just like that bitter that bitter taste now I do like the Starbucks holiday blend

So that's a that's a pretty good what I like that one, but its target as far Sara likes the community coffee

Mardi Gras coffee

But as far as like flavored coffees. Go we just stick to like breakfast blender

Stuff like that okay a

regular decaf both

Regular in the mornings

decaf in the evenings

Seems like kind of a dumb question why would you want decaf coffee in the mornings? I don't know I know some people my mom

Half-and-half it and I do have an half on occasion if I if I feel like it's an another day

I need a little bit more. I'm not gonna overdo it this kids all over the place today

French press are percolator

Gabriel what do you think?

He says

We're all pretentious. We like French press

But I will say that again, I like my coffee like now

I don't want to have to get up if I get up on Saturday morning and

Do the French press thing I mean you got to wait

You got to let it steep and all that it takes time and you got out you go

And then you can only make you know dad

Just give me the coffee. I don't have time on time for all this sit around waiting stuff

The curator coffeemaker we are curing people

We have one

That has worked great for us for years. We have the little refillable k-cup things and we buy the bags of coffee

Are you done all right well wrapping up the video, Oh, so we're k-cup people are curing people, I'm sorry

We used to have a coffee maker, but there's only two of us and

Sarah doesn't drink a lot of coffee and at the time when we had that I didn't drink enough to

Justify it. I did I did used to have one in my office

But if I made a pot of coffee I drank a pot of coffee and nobody should drink a pot of coffee by themselves so

We got rid of that, so we're curing people now

Anything to add hey

Says, I like lattes just foamy milk. That's what I want

Alright, so thank y'all for watching this little extra video

Hope you enjoyed Gabriel's thoughts on coffees

I'm going to tag

Hendricks family vlogs actually, they're not got any more there Hendricks Hendricks home, I think

Link to their account is in the description


I'm going to tag Brad in the boho because

They just commented on something and it popped up in my computer

And I saw it so congratulations you guys you get to do the Tagg?

thank y'all for watching if you liked this video be sure to give it a thumbs up if

You liked gabriel

Be sure to check out our other videos because there's lots of cute Gabriel footage and all of them almost all to me

Be sure to subscribe to our channel because now

YouTube requires us to have a lot of subscriptions, so thank you all for watching and

We'll see you guys tomorrow when we post a regular video crazy kid you're all over the place

For more infomation >> Coffee Lovers Tag! Gabriel Likes His Lattes Hot! - Duration: 9:48.


25 - The Cupid Pole Move - Duration: 4:10.

Hello my friends!

Today we are going to talk about the Cupid - the trick which you'll be able to use for

lots of combos and entries into other elements.

Let's start with a preparatory exercise - the Cupid on the floor.

Stand close to the pole a side to it and, holding the pole with both your hands, set

the foot of your outside leg against the base of the pole.

Then, lift your inside leg and hook it so that your thigh is paralleled with the floor.

Remember that, first, you press your straight leg to the pole in the area under your knee

and only then bend it.

Next, push your hips forward as far as it is possible and tighten your gluteus, leg

and oblique muscles.

If you are sure in your knee grip and in your balance, release your hands and spread your

arms out to the sides.

You did the Cupid on the floor!

Repeat this exercise on the other side.

Now let's go on to the trick on the pole.

Do the Side Climb, using one of your forearms.

Then, holding the pole with one hand, your arm is straight, and pushing the pole away

with your forearm, hook your inside leg, so that your knee is positioned slightly lower

than your hips.

Place the pointed foot of your straight outside leg on the pole and push your hips forward

as far as you can, still holding the pole with your hands.

Tighten your hips and glutes, as if you want to squeeze your legs together, and start to

slide down along the pole with your bottom foot very carefully, until your knee and hips

are on the same level.

Also, your hips can be a little bit higher than your knee.

Under no circumstances your hips are allowed to move lower.

The thigh of your inside leg should be paralleled with the floor and your hips should be pushed


These are main points which are necessary for the Cupid.

Of course, the performance of this trick is also depends on the grip of your bottom foot,

whether it feels slippery or not.

However, the first thing, which determines the success, is the right technique, that

is your ability to tighten your outside and inside leg muscles, as if you want to lift

your hips and bring your legs together.

If your hips go down, it will be the no hands Angel, but we need the Cupid.

It happens that, at the beginning, you don't have enough power to hold the trick.

In this case, pay special attention to your bottom foot, you can use some magnesia to

make your grip better.

Then continue to try to enter the trick the same way as before, practicing to lower your

hips, so that the thigh of your inside leg is paralleled with the floor.

Holding the pole with your hands, stay in the final position.

It will be useful, even though you use your hands, as, soon or later your body will get

used to this posture and you will be able to do the Cupid.

So, when you start to feel confidence about your knee and bottom foot grips and are able

to hold the Cupid, not with your hands, but with your legs muscles, try to spread your

arms out to the sides and stay in this position using only your legs.

At first, you can support your body with your inside hand as well, not really releasing

it or leaving it by the pole just in case and you also don't need to hold the trick

for too long, at least a second.

After some time your will be able to increase the time spending in this element.

And, certainly, you can play with your arms: spread them out to the sides, put them on

your hips, cross them over your chest or whatever you want, depending on your personal style

or combo.

However, first time, it is better not to experiment and not linger in the trick for too long.

You should exit the trick when you still have power for it, not when your start to slide

down or to feel tired.

To come out, just take the pole with your hands, bend your outside leg and place the

ankle behind the pole returning to the Side Climb position.

So, today we have learnt the Cupid.

If this trick comes to you, share your results and achievements using the hashtag #poledream_online

. Wish you the best of the best.

And see you soon!

Bye !

For more infomation >> 25 - The Cupid Pole Move - Duration: 4:10.


Grilling some omaha steaks on my homemade grill - Duration: 6:27.

see them stupid plastic oil drains on these engines they all come with them

now they brittle they break they leak and that is exactly why I take them out

and I replace them with these these don't leak and they'll last a lifetime

you get that out of there I'll show you how it's a mess all right Villas backup

of oil and about midsummer I'll change it again cuz I have no idea how it's

been maintained and if there's crud inside the engine

you drive her good headline

what does it been now - three years since I made this for those that haven't

been with me long I made this grill Oh a couple three years ago this is one of

the couple that I made and I called it Franken grill

we're cooking them fit that meat bones I

prefer the the finer cuts of meat myself you know like your hamburger and your

your chuck roast but we'll have to make do with a Phillip MIG nones today oh and

I do have some finder some of the finer cuts of meat here too nothing going on

here today's a nice lazy Sunday I wish the

Sun was out can't have everything least it's not snowing for the law of

God yep that was a shock let me tell you funny story

Oh eight or nine years ago we had about an inch of snow and snowed overnight and

then oh by nine o'clock it was all gone well I had to go do something at the

motor vehicle department so I drove down there to the motor vehicle department

and on their door was a sign that said closed due to weather and I thought now

this person is not thinking this through these people are gonna come up and read

that sign on the door and realize that they had left their house come to where

they work put a sign on the door saying they weren't gonna be able to open

because they couldn't get to work yeah motor vehicle department had themselves

a weather day it was sunshine in and about 50 that was funny well the other

day this air wrench failed me and don't a lot of done a little reading on it and

it's only like 300 pounds of torque and

this is okay and that you know it doesn't have a hammer and power that I

need so we went in about me some new stuff got a three-eighths with a half

inch adapter a quarter inch drive I think that's cobalt yeah

on this cobalt and they got good warranties on them and I've ordered a

really nice wrench and it has 550 foot-pounds of torque anyway I've got

these on Craigslist I'm asking 25 for all three I probably had these 10-15

years and I didn't have my Craigslist but about 30 minutes and I've got

somebody coming over to buy them there's that chain saw that one's fixed and

ready to be sold I still got this here for sale and I've dropped the price down

to 65 I think I'm asking 65 for this oh

my wife used a lawnmower yesterday she likes it and what oh yeah

that grill I'll put a link below this video and I'll put both of the videos

with me a link to both the videos of me building that grill and another grill

that I built and the other one looks as a new is it it still looks brand new

because it's up underneath the porch and doesn't see any weather this sees a lot

of whether it's on the flip all right now for the finer cuts of meat

all of them are medium and these are the way I like it a little bit of blood

dripping out of them YUM

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