Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Greetings earthlings! Welcome to the Madqueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 lore video for you, and today we're going to talk about

the smaller Boostergangs of Night City

Although some gangs made themselves a name outside the borders of Night City

they're not the only ones that populate the metropolis in 2077

And they are by no means the only ones that you will find listed in your dataterm

The gangs listed here go from the ridiculous to the downright deadly, they are small, but

noticeable, and they're always ready to play

Red Chrome Legion

The Red Chrome Legion is a militant skinhead

gang that spends most of their time terrorizing those different to themselves

The Gilligans

The Gilligans are a militant queer posergang,

also based on an old vid show

Members include Skippers, that are the leaders, Professors, that are techs, Maryanns & Gingers

that are the transgenders, who have a prominent role in this gang

and Gilligans, that are the initiates

Warrior Heart

They are a bad news combat gang in the Zone

In this dangerous world

where competence strives to destroy

what you treasure the most

there is an ally you can rely on

the number one agency with the highest class operatives

and the largest and more reliable catalog of arms and equipment

Militech First line of defense

The Warriors spend all their time fighting other gangs as they are in a

long-term scuffle with the Blood Razors, to honor their combat skills


Piranhas are a party gang that runs its activities

out of an old convenience store in the Zone

The Piranhas live to party and love to have fun

admittedly, no one is quite sure what constitutes fun in the Piranhas' book, though

If you don't bug them, they usually leave you alone


This gang is unique in all of Night City

Not only do they believe that cybernetics are "EVIL", so they only use training

and biotech, but they also have a war going on with every other gang in the city

Everyone hates these guys, from the Slaughterhouse to the Givers of Pain

There is a standing reward of 25 thousand eurobucks to whoever brings the Inquisitor's leader to the leader of the

Blood Razors, and no one claimed the reward so far


This group of young woman is as deadly as you can imagine

and they are often hired as assassins by the corps

The Willow Sisterhood is by definition a posergang

with its members sculpted to resemble famous beauties from past and present

In addition to the sculpting, all members undergo extensive training in the deadly arts

Many of the Sisters are kept as mistresses and bodyguards by powerful men


The Second Comming was a powerful millennium cult

but after the turn of the century came and went, they turned their ambition to other things

They now believe that the Second Coming will arrive during the final episode of Combat Cabb


Another combat gang in the Zone

Blood and Tears members must have at least three years

in combat experience before they become full members

The gang is one of the nastiest in the area

Their trademark is the removal of eyes, both natural and cyber, from their victims


Other than Bay Area Rapid Terror, Death in

the Afternoon is Night City's only true Nihilist group in action

Once there was a third group, but they made the mistake of attacking an Arasaka facility

As they nursery rhythm says, and then there were two

Death PM operates out of a series of condemned buildings in the Combat Zone

and does most of its damage in areas outside the city


This posergang patterns itself on famous inventors

They prefer the ingenious and sadistic

Second only to the Brainiac's for ingenuity, they

excel in the construction of deathtraps and the like


This group of psychotic patterns itself after famous crimefighters of fiction

They like to think of themselves as a guardian gang, but in truth, will terrorize anyone they can

get their hands on


This is a poser gang dedicated to the pursuit and seduction of the most attractive women in Night City

Experts in seduction, the more unattainable a woman is, the more they try to get into her pants

The only danger the Valentinos pose is to men whose wives or girlfriends are incredibly attractive

They will pursue these women until they bed them or are scared off


One of the strangest poser gangs in the City

When someone joins the Personalities, the person he will be biosculped into is picked randomly

If you get Lana Turner, you're Lana

If you get Abraham Lincoln, be ready to wear stovepipe hats

Your rank in the gang depending on how well you adjust to your role

These people are the ultimate posers, once dropped into their roles, they live the life

All members can be recognized by the fine steel neckband they wear

So, you know, small doesn't mean harmless

and that's not only for the Mr. Studd

Well, folks, thanks for watching, don't forget to take a look at our Cyberpunk 2077

lore playlist to know more about the life in Night City

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Small Boostergangs - Cyberpunk 2077 lore - Duration: 8:15.


Experimento escolar do Matteo: será que deu certo? Vídeo em italiano, com legenda - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Experimento escolar do Matteo: será que deu certo? Vídeo em italiano, com legenda - Duration: 6:09.


Teilnehmer über die Newspirit Ausbildung mit Bahar & Jeffrey - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Teilnehmer über die Newspirit Ausbildung mit Bahar & Jeffrey - Duration: 5:24.


7 tips you need to know before flying Drones (Newbie) - Duration: 5:43.

hey everybody so you got a new drone but you really don't know what you got to do

to fly safely well I'm here to tell you these 7 tips that you need to know

to fly safely with your new drone now this is really only for drones that are

.55 kg or higher so these little toy drones they don't

really apply these things you can hit things and they will hurt a little bit

but I wouldn't fly these outside too much in a very windy environment because

well they'll blow away they're too light my name is Brad and I do drone videos

every single weekend if that's something that interests you go ahead and click

that subscribe button don't forget to hit the bell for notifications let's get

into this now these tips are mostly for a novice if you really don't know what

you're doing you really need to follow these tips and you'll be flying your

drone and you'll be very happy and you won't lose it because the number one tip

is to don't lose sight of your drone now there was a guy who did that and he was

a brand-new pilot he lost sight he flew a couple of miles away and he hit a

military helicopter you may have heard about that on the news if you keep your

drone in sight you will not hit things most likely and number two

speaking of helicopters if you are near a heliport you need to give helicopters

the right of way even if you're not near a heliport you need to give that other

aircraft the right of way so if you hear or see a helicopter coming you need to

drop down or get out of the way they have the right away you do not and

number three it seems obvious to people who've been flying for a while but it it

isn't always obvious stay at least five miles away from any major airport

smaller airports you can probably just call the air traffic control and say hey

I'd like to fly my drone I'm so far away from you in this direction is it ok and

they they basically they just want to know what you're doing they don't want a

rogue drone up there and fly a plane in that direction they'll try to they'll

let you know if you're gonna be in the middle of air traffic or not but of

course at a major airport you probably won't get permission good luck even

getting a hold of air traffic control and number 4 you want to keep it under

400 feet number one it's the law and number two you get better footage quite

honestly under 400 feet I've made a video on how to get awesome footage and

a lot of it's under a hundred feet or at least under 150 feet you can click over

here and check it out I hope I'm pointing in the right

direction this time we'll find out and the reason for 400 feet is because other

aircraft if they're not right next to an airport they have to stay above 500 feet

so they want to give that 100 foot buffer just in case something stupid

happens so keep it under 400 feet and number five is very important especially

if you live in a city or you want to fly around in a busy area you do not fly

over people now the chances of something going wrong are pretty slim but if

something goes wrong and this falls on somebody you're in trouble

I mean it's gonna hurt them you're gonna have to pay bills now the odds of them

getting seriously hurt depends on the size of your drone if you've got a

larger drone they're gonna get seriously hurt if you got a smaller drone they're

gonna probably go to the hospital with some cuts and bruises but besides that

you don't want to risk anything because something Freak could happen you just

don't want to risk it don't fly over people and number six don't fly into the

neighbor's yard nobody likes the nosy neighbors don't be that guy number seven

know your local rules some places are more strict some places don't care but

if you know the rules it's far better that you know them and that you follow

them and then you will pretty much not have any problems and you'll be able to

fly the last thing you want is to have the authorities bothering you whether or

not you're in the right or not it's just better if they've if they're not around

and they don't bug in you can just fly in and have fun enjoying your hobby and

now we have a bonus tip tip number eight is be aware of TFRs TFR is a temporary

flight restriction there may be times where you're not allowed to fly in a

space that you are normally allowed to fly but how do you find these out well

you've got all these apps you got before you fly which is the FAA app you got air

map and you also have hover air map I feel is is my favorite because that one

really does a good job of explaining things and I like that app before you

fly is pretty good too but it seems a little clunky to use but it is accurate

because that's the app that is supported by the FAA I also made a video about the

apps you can use and you can click that or right here again I hope I'm pointing

in the right direction and you can click on that and check that video out

for other apps you can use and to fly your drone flying safe and respecting

other people's property it's just the right thing to do

think about it how would you feel if you were in the other person's shoes would

you want someone flying up in your face I don't think so

especially if you don't know the pilot or if they have any good control or if

they're any good so just respect other people in their

property flying irresponsibly gives all drone pilots a bad name that gives the

Hobby a bad name it gives the commercial pilots a bad name and we have a lot of

bad press don't be that guy we read about in the news ignorance is not an

excuse although I try to cover everything I am not perfect if you have

something else you'd like to add go ahead and leave it in the comments below

if you want to get some cool merch stuff I've got some stuff up here in the links

don't forget if you do like this type of video go ahead and click Subscribe and

watch for more we also do live streams every single Wednesday thanks for

watching my video I really do appreciate it I hope you got a lot out of it and

until next time fly safe and bye


For more infomation >> 7 tips you need to know before flying Drones (Newbie) - Duration: 5:43.


Should You Buy Stellar ($XLM) or Ripple ($XRP)? - Duration: 9:15.

Should you buy Stellar or Ripple?

For more infomation >> Should You Buy Stellar ($XLM) or Ripple ($XRP)? - Duration: 9:15.


Como ser um cozinheiro autêntico? - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Como ser um cozinheiro autêntico? - Duration: 1:10.


Trash Compactor Repair Meridian ID 208-573-0196 Trash Compactor Repair Meridian ID - Duration: 1:31.

Trash Compactor Repair Meridian ID, Major Appliance Repair Service is a family owned and operated local Boise appliance Repair

Company that has been servicing the Treasure Valley for over 15 years.

We repair most major appliances including Ovens, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dryers, Washers,

Disposals, Dishwashers, Freezers, Ice Makers, Microwaves and Trash Compactors.

Our fully stocked service vehicles carry factory recommended parts to ensure that your appliance

is repaired as quickly as possible.

At Major Appliance Repair Service your satisfaction is our utmost concern!

With us you have a one year labor warranty and a 90 day warranty on all parts.

It doesn't matter what type of appliance problem you have, we have the experience to get the

job done right the first time.

Major Appliance Repair Service is dedicated to providing "Out of this world service

at down to Earth prices".

We currently offer same-day/next-day service appointments Monday thru Friday.

Call Major Appliance Repair Service today at 208-573-0196 or visit us online At

For more infomation >> Trash Compactor Repair Meridian ID 208-573-0196 Trash Compactor Repair Meridian ID - Duration: 1:31.


Second Day Hair Routine! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 6:35.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel so for today's video I have my

second day hair routine so when I see second day hair routine sometimes it

could be like third or fourth day but obviously I still take a shower I just

don't wash my hair when I'm in the shower every single day like it's fun

look I have super long thick hair and there's a lot of it here okay and I

don't have time to freaking wash it every single night

that's like a lot of time cuz I have to get in the shower and then wash my body

like normal because I got a shower you know what I mean because I hope you do

too please and then I also have to like shampoo it and I have to condition and

then sometimes I have to condition it again and then I brush it in the shower

so it takes a long time and then I have to freaking dry and I have to do my hair

it's just second day hair routine it is so just a quick like not disclaimer but

just letting you guys know this is not my natural curly state I do have curly

hair but recently I curled my hair like two days ago or yesterday honestly can't

remember but I took a shower don't worry this is just uh this is just not what my

normal curls look like so usually my second day hair is in a ponytail because

I cannot have my hair down the entire day so I end up putting it up in a bun

wearing a ponytail like so and then the next morning I just take it out and it's

gonna look something like this

obviously this is not a cute look my hair is like so what I really like to do

and I usually don't do this too often but for the sake of this video I decide

to show you guys my scalp massage routine it's in my second - hair routine

so I just really like to massage my scalp you know healthy so the next step

in my second day hair routine I use dry shampoo it's supposed to make your oily

hair not oily because it's dry shampoo so it cleans your hair without obviously

getting it wet I don't know oily hair but like I use it because I don't know

first of all it smells really good so that's that's kind of the reason why

I use it cuz I don't want my hair to smell bad you know second day hair

anyway you're supposed to spray it in on your scalp and then like kind of massage

it in so you guys get to scalp massages in one routine okay so after the dry

shampoo I don't need that anymore we're gonna move on to figuring out a

hairstyle because now that my hair is technically clean because obviously we

shampooed it uhm shampooed I don't word after clean to my hair

we're gonna have to figure out a hairstyle so let's do that I just kind

of part it right here this is where I normally apartment here I bring it all

to one side and I try to part my hair into threes but because I hear is very

tangled and knotted right now that's might take a while so now that I

have my three sections all kind of I'm just gonna start braiding my hair and

hopefully it works

I call this the frozen look um Elsa really I just she's my inspiration and

yeah subscribe so I just like to pull up actually this looks terrible I'm just

gonna move on to the next hairstyle so that's also part of my hair care routine

not knowing what hairstyle to do and like going to like a billion hairstyle

so let's move on to the next one shall we

but next I usually go for a high ponytail just to keep it out of my face

and off of my neck that's uncomfortable especially the second day hair no thank

you so we're just gonna go for a high

ponytail all your hair back put it up high on your head Felicia whoo first of

all I look like I'm 5 years old like have like the sprout hair I used to have

that was it what it was a look then but I don't think it should be a look now

and just I don't click in 5 you know what when all else fails just throw your

hair in a messy bun because technically 2nd or 3rd or 4th day hair is messy

anyway right guys comment down below the color of your hair

mine's brunette but I'm just wondering what color your hair is

ok so this is a really good look up

okay not this kind of messy fun I'm talking about like an actual messy bun

so let's do that so it's not that messy but it's still like a messy bun cause

your hair's messy it's like dirty you know okay so a trick that I learned

actually when I was in Jamaica they were braiding my hair and to like put the

flyaways down because I have a lot of those like baby hairs are where it's at

I guess they used that saline to slick my hair down and it honestly it sounds

crazy because Vaseline like I used for chopstick or like I don't really know

what else it's used for but now I use it to sleep back my hair so I just take a

little bit deal with this and literally just slick my hair back and it's like a

hair gel and this one smells good too this smells like cocoa butter and it's

super good anyway guys thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video

please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you're not already if you

need my channel what's up I hope you enjoyed the video and if you're not new

with our channel I also hope you enjoyed the video I will see you guys in my next

video okay I'm definitely gonna need to

go wash my hair right now see ya

second day hair routine

hashtag zoe

For more infomation >> Second Day Hair Routine! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 6:35.


Top 10 Scary Facts About Earth - Duration: 8:17.

Earth is great, its our home - a big bluey green dot in the scary vastness of space.

Its chill.

Unfortunately, even Earth has some pretty scary aspects to it.

Unfortunately Unless youre watching this video hundreds of years in the future, Earth is

still only place we can go.

So were just gonna have to face these fears Im afraid - my name is Danny Burke and this

is Top 10 Scary Facts About Earth.

Coming in at number 10 we have The Overdue Asteroid.

65 million years ago, a 15km wide asteroid slammed into modern day Mexico, starting a

chain of events that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

An asteroid of this size hitting Earth is an extremely rare occurrence - Scientists

estimate it happens every 50 - 60 million years.

If youll remember though, the last one which wiped out the dinosaurs, was 65 million years


Some people say that means we are at least 5 million years overdue for another huge asteroid.

Lets just hope in doesnt arrive in the next few years because theres almost nothing we

could do to stop it …

At the number 9 spot now Earth Is Orbiting A Black Hole.

Yes, its true.

Not just Earth though.

The Sun.

All of our solar system.

In fact, everything solar system in the milky way galaxy is thought to be orbiting a giant

black hole.

Its about 4.3 million times the mass of the sun.

Sometimes, astronomers see it flare up - possibly after devouring an asteroid that got too close.

Thats esentially what were orbiting round on a very big scale.

The good news is that its over 25,000 light years away - meaning the light we see from

it now left there when humans were still hunting wooly mammoths and didnt know how to grow


So its pretty far away.

Staying with space now for our number 8 with How Near Space Is.

It doesnt really matter where youre watching this video, it applies to pretty much everyone

the same.

Space is 100km or 62 miles - that way.

If you think about it - thats no very far.

Theres 62 miles of atmosphere that slowly gets thinner and thinner until it reaches

space and then its space, forever.

In every direction.

Just icey darkness, lethal radiation and no air.

If you ever want to truly appreciate just how thin our bubble of atmosphere is, NASA

has a lot of cool but slightly unsettling pictures …

Coming back down to Earth for a moment now with our number 7 - Global Warming.

I know, that you know that we all know Global Warming is possibly the biggest threat to

life on Earth at the moment.

Human activity has led to 0.8 degree increase in the average global temperature.

16 of the 17 warmest years ever recorded have happened since 2001.

Weve seen an increase in extreme weather events and polar ice is melting at an alarming rate.

Flooding and heat waves are ruining agriculture in some parts of the world.

No fod could destabilize international peace and cause instability.

Theres no denying Earth is changing, its about what we can do to soften the blow.

Next up at number 6 we have The Ticking Clock.

Earth is 4.5 billion years old - thats pretty old.

Every billion years, the suns brightness increases by about 10% as it burns through its hydrogen.

If another 10% increase were to happen, Earth would no longer be in the habitable zone that

has allowed life to flourish.

Oceans would evaporate, creating a greenhouse gas that would trap heat and speed up the

process even more.

As far as we can tell - thats going to happen within a billion years.

Obviously, thats a long way away, humans may be long extinct or out there in space but

still - its disconcerting to think that the definite end is slowly approaching our planet

Moving on to number 5 now we have The Supervolcanoes.

There have been a number of Supervolcanos throughout Earths history - cataclysmic events

that have brought all life on the planet to its knees, sometimes ended it altogether.

The most likely candidate for the next supervolcano is Yellowstone USA.

The whole national park is sitting on top of one massive reservoir of magma.

Scientists say it erupts every 600,000 years without fail.

Something must be up because its been 640,000 years since the last eruption.

That doesnt mean its gone dormant.

The ground at Yellowstone is 74cm higher than it was in 1923, indicating a massive swelling

of magma.

The effects of an eruption this size would need a whole video to explain - but trust

me - it wouldnt be pretty.

Moving on to number 4 we have Earths Speed.

If you stand at the equator, you will be spinning with the Earth at over 1,000 miles per hour.

At the same time, the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at about 67,000 miles per hour.

Thats right, as you watch this video, you are moving round the sun about 87 times the

speed of sound.

The reason you don't go flying off is because, well, everything on Earth is moving together

at this constant rate.

Its like when youre in a car, nothing seems like its moving inside because its all moving

at the same rate.

If the car stops suddenly though - your drink would go flying.

Its the same with the Earth - if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning, we would all go


Lets hope it doesnt.

Next up at number 3 we have Extinction.

There have been 5 major mass extinction events in Earths history - where more than 75% of

species disappeared.

Scientists think we are currently living in the 6th - its called the Holocene extinction.

It started at the end of the last ice age with the disappearance of large land animals

like the mammoth.

It continues today with speciest dying out over 100 times the normally expected rate

- in fact, its thought we lose 150 species of plants, insects, birds and mammals every

single day.

Of course, species dying out is natural but scientists think that humans are a major contributor

to this.

Meat consumption, overfishing and overpopulation are just some of the possible causes …

At number 2 now we have Moving On.

If humans were to die out - Earth wouldnt care.

If we disappeared today, there would be almost no record that we ever existed in just a few

hundred million years.

The Earth would look completely natural.

A handful of human fossils may remain but every city, every bridge, every piece of art,

everything youve ever seen or used will have been broken down in time.

Aliens visiting Earth may only know we were here at all because of what we left on the

moon - those objects will still be there because there is no natural erosion on the moon.

Its a pretty intense though.

Does anything even matter?

Dam …

And finally at number 1 we have 8 Minutes.

Earth is 8 light minutes from the Sun.

That means light from it takes 8 minutes to reach us - when you look at the sun, which

you shouldnt, youre actually seeing how it was 8 minutes ago.

Thats cool but theres another disturbing thought.

If the Sun exploded or disappeared, we wouldnt know anything had happened for another 8 minutes

- even if we looked up at the sky, it would still appear to be fine because the light

wouldnt have reached us yet.

The effects of an explosion would then hit us soon after.

Its a scary thought to think that as youve been watching this video, the Sun could have

imploded and everything seems fine right now … maybe you should go and check.

Well I like to think that video was a healthy mix of scary and interesting.

Like I said at the start of the video though, I think theres a lot more good things than

scary things about Earth - its hard to get too scared of your own home but I hope you

did a little bit - my name is Danny Burke, thanks as always for watching and Ill see

you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Facts About Earth - Duration: 8:17.



For more infomation >> ROBLOX JAILBREAK ROBBERY! - Duration: 23:22.


Garbage Disposal Repair Nampa ID 208-573-0196 Garbage Disposal Repair Nampa ID - Duration: 1:30.

Garbage Disposal Repair Nampa ID, Major Appliance Repair Service is a family owned and operated local Boise appliance Repair

Company that has been servicing the Treasure Valley for over 15 years.

We repair most major appliances including Ovens, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dryers, Washers,

Disposals, Dishwashers, Freezers, Ice Makers, Microwaves and Trash Compactors.

Our fully stocked service vehicles carry factory recommended parts to ensure that your appliance

is repaired as quickly as possible.

At Major Appliance Repair Service your satisfaction is our utmost concern!

With us you have a one year labor warranty and a 90 day warranty on all parts.

It doesn't matter what type of appliance problem you have, we have the experience to get the

job done right the first time.

Major Appliance Repair Service is dedicated to providing "Out of this world service

at down to Earth prices".

We currently offer same-day/next-day service appointments Monday thru Friday.

Call Major Appliance Repair Service today at 208-573-0196 or visit us online At

For more infomation >> Garbage Disposal Repair Nampa ID 208-573-0196 Garbage Disposal Repair Nampa ID - Duration: 1:30.


God of War (PS4) - Trailer da História - Legendado em Português do Brasil - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> God of War (PS4) - Trailer da História - Legendado em Português do Brasil - Duration: 3:14.


mi primer video reaccion - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> mi primer video reaccion - Duration: 4:41.


Banana and peanut butter ICE CREAM 🍨 • Healthy treats #5 - Duration: 0:58.

Banana and peanut butter ICE CREAM 🍨 • Healthy ice cream recipe •

In a food processor let's add:

4 frozen overripe bananas (chopped before they were frozen)

1 cup of coconut cream

and 1/2 cup of peanut butter.

Mix until everything is well combined.

You'll get a super smooth and creamy mixture in the end.

Now, pour the mixture in an ice cream container and let it set in the freezer for 1 hour. ⏰



For more infomation >> Banana and peanut butter ICE CREAM 🍨 • Healthy treats #5 - Duration: 0:58.


Odense Live Prisen 2018 - kort trailer - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Odense Live Prisen 2018 - kort trailer - Duration: 1:14.


Chiropractor helps Westfield Firefighter with "lightning bolt" leg pain - Duration: 2:21.

- All right, we're here with Matthew.

We're gonna get him set up on lumbar decompression today.

And he's all set up and ready to go.

Matthew, why don't you just share with us a little bit

about some of your symptoms that you're experiencing and

just some of your progress since you've started care,

chiropractic and decompression with us.

- Okay, well, the main reason why I came in is because

I was having some pretty significant low back pain.

The pain was actually, it felt like

it was lightning shooting down my right leg.

And it was stiff basically all the time,

but especially in the morning,

when coming out of bed it took me quite a while

just to be able to get going again.

But that pain shooting down my leg was constantly there.

- It was down the side of your leg, right Matthew?

- Yeah, yeah, right down the side of it, hurt pretty bad.

So I came in here a couple months ago

and you came up with the

prescription for this and it's been awesome, man.

I've been, that shooting pain has been gone

for probably about a month now.

I'm a firefighter up at Westfield, so I'm pretty active,

so I needed to basically take an Advil,

I was taking 8 to 12 Advil a day just to

be able to get through the day without the pain, but now--

- How many are you taking now, Matthew?

- I'm taking zero now, so it's pretty awesome.

- Yeah, so from 12 Advil a day to zero,

and from lightning pain shooting down

the right leg to, any pain now?

- No pain at all.

- Okay, very good.

And how does this decompression feel?

So what we did, I set up Matthew on the table.

We have basically like a corset wrapped

right under his ribcage and then along his waist.

And what this is gonna do, it's gonna

pull weight, it's gonna traction out.

We started out at about 120 pounds

and we've increased to 140 pounds

of pressure over a 17-minute cycle.

So that's helped Matthew significantly,

combined with his chiropractic adjustments to take pressure

off of the nerves that are compressed in that low back,

shooting down into his right leg.

And he's doing a lot better.

Back to his active lifestyle.

You work out a little bit, don't you?

- Yep, yep, try to get it every day.

- Thanks for sharing your story with us.

- Hey, thank you.

- All right.

For more infomation >> Chiropractor helps Westfield Firefighter with "lightning bolt" leg pain - Duration: 2:21.


These Are Hands Down The Best Pizza Places In America - Duration: 6:14.


There are so many different types and flavors, from thin crust to deep dish, pizza should

be its own food group.

No matter your preference, the pizzerias on this list are known for making some of the

best pizza in the country.

Be prepared to drool!

Frank Pepe came to America from Italy in 1909

when he was just 16 years old.

He opened a bakery in 1925 in New Haven, Connecticut, and 12 years later, expanded it to a pizzeria.

Today, his grandson Gary Bimonte runs Frank Pepe, widely known as the best pizza joint

in New Haven, and, according to The Daily Meal, the best pizza place in the country.

The family has expanded their pizzeria to eight locations, all in the Northeast.

They still use the same pizza dough recipe after over 90 years, and their sausage recipe

is 45 years old.

But they're best known for their clam pie, made from fresh littleneck clams, garlic,

olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.

"We shuck our clams daily and uh, you know like I said we use only top quality ingredients"

When asked why people still line up to get pizza there, owner Bimonte told Eater:

"...we offer the best product, the best-quality product we can — because that's the way

my grandfather did it.

We don't cut any corners."

To get to Di Fara Pizza, you have to travel

deep into Brooklyn, changing trains at least twice, and then wait, possibly for hours,

while owner Dom DeMarco painstakingly makes each pizza himself.

But it's well worth the wait, and the high price tag of $5 for a plain slice of cheese

and around $30 a pie.

DeMarco opened Di Fara in 1965, and has been making each pie by hand ever since.

He uses only the freshest ingredients, including tomatoes, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese

shipped in from Italy.

DeMarco told The New York Times: "Nobody taught me to make the pizza.

You gotta pick it up for yourself.

All of these 40 years, I keep experimenting."

Chris Bianco moved from New York to Phoenix

and opened his pizzeria in 1987, to the delight of locals.

Bianco won the regional James Beard Award in 2003 for his Italian inspired pies topped

with smoked cheese and other delectable ingredients.

By 2006, you had to wait over an hour to get a taste of Bianco's legendary pizza.

Bianco has since opened several other locations, all worth visiting and better than pretty

much any other pie you can get your hands on.

Especially in Arizona.

"I'm in love.

I'm having a relationship with my pizza."

In 2006, former pastry chef Nancy Silverton

planned to open a restaurant in LA, and the space she found happened to have a pizzeria

attached to it.

Within months, Pizzeria Mozza had become wildly popular.

Silverton is known for her incredible dough, which is denser than typical Italian pizza


She lets it sit for 36 hours before baking it in an Italian oven at 700 degrees for four


The result is an airy, chewy, and bubbly pizza crust.

"Who ordered the double cheese and sausage?"

Lou Malnati opened his now famous Chicago

pizzeria in Lincolnwood in 1971.

To this day, extra care is taken in picking the perfect ingredients that make this pizza

an award-winning standout.

The hugely popular pizza has a thick, deep crust and you can order it in a number of

varieties, including gluten-free and the much loved butter crust.

The pizza is topped with a mixture of mozzarella, Romano, and cheddar cheese, covered with toppings,

and then finished off with Malnati's chunky, sweet tomato sauce.

There are now over 30 locations throughout the Chicago area, and you can even get a Lou

Malnati pizza delivered to you anywhere in the U.S.

"Pizza time!"

Al Forno is the birthplace of grilled pizza and was opened by Johanne Killeen and her

late husband George Germon, in 1980.

Germon reportedly got the idea to make grilled pizza after hearing someone rave about the

grilled pizza they'd eaten in Florence.

The idea of grilled pizza stuck with Germon (even though the storyteller had actually

meant to say "wood-fired pizza"), and when he and Killeen experimented with putting pizza

on the grill, they loved the results.

The pair won James Beard awards in 1993 for best chefs in the Northeast for their grilled


The best part about the pizza?

Germon told Eater in 2014: "When the crust explodes and the inside is

pully and chewy.

There's a real magic."

Mark Iacono opened Lucali in Brooklyn in 2006.

At the time, he'd never made a pizza.

At Lucali, the pizza comes by the pie only.

Iacono makes the pies by hand, spreads tomato sauce on top, and then rhythmically adds two

types of mozzarella — low moisture and buffalo mozzarella.

After sliding the pie out of the oven, he tops it with a liberal serving of basil.

Unlike most pizza restaurants, Lucali offers upscale ambiance.

So upscale, in fact, Jay Z and Beyonce skipped the Grammys to go here in 2012.

Pizza that good should be a crime.

"You make this pizza?"

At Roberta's, you won't find cloth napkins

or comfortable seating.

What you will find is an incredible pizza.

Over the years, it's grown from a mere warehouse that served amazing pizza to an entire block

compound, complete with its own garden and bakery.

The Bee Sting is their most famous pizza.

Its slightly charred Italian-style crust is topped with tomato, mozzarella, sopressata,

chili, and honey.

Pull up a chair next to the hipsters and order one for yourself.

Detroit style pizza is kind of like New York

Style Sicilian — square with a thick crust, but smaller.

Order a couple more so you have more corner pieces to enjoy!

One of the best places to grab a slice is Buddy's Pizza.

The original Buddy's opened as a speakeasy in the 1930s.

They added pizza to their menu in 1946 and have been serving delicious Detroit style

pies ever since.

The toppings are mainly meat, but you can also go healthy with a gluten-free crust and

toppings like kale and artichoke.

Unlike a lot of trendy pizzerias, the pizza here is cheap at just $10 for a small cheese,

and the atmosphere exudes Midwestern warmth.

In the same space in Birmingham where postal

workers once sold stamps, you can now gobble down a delicious Italian style pie.

Post Office Pies was opened by John Hall, an Alabama native who spent time in New York

and was inspired to open a New York style pizzeria in his home state.

They keep their menu simple so they can focus on what they do best — make pizza.

Hall told Pizza Today: "We have a small menu and there's no smoke

and mirrors.

All of the hard work we put into the pizza, we want to showcase that."

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> These Are Hands Down The Best Pizza Places In America - Duration: 6:14.





Lock Her Up Judicial Watch Finds "Smoking Gun in Latest Batch of - Duration: 4:32.

Lock Her Up Judicial Watch Finds �Smoking Gun in Latest Batch of Hillary Emails

The latest batch of Hillary Clinton�s emails was just released, and it proves she knew

exactly what she was doing when she sent classified information over a private email server.

Those 78 pages of emails were released by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch

on Friday.

And there was plenty of proof that Clinton had been �extremely careless� with national

secrets, as former FBI Director James Comey described it (in the watered-down version

approved by a Clinton supporter in the FBI).

According to Judicial Watch, for instance, on Aug. 24, 2010, Clinton emailed an aide,

Justin Cooper, asking him to print classified information, though Cooper had no security

clearance to do so.

Cooper had asked State Department IT aide Bryan Pagliano to set up Clinton�s private

email server.

In a June 6, 2011, email, Cooper even warned about security issues with the emails and

Clinton�s personal cellular devices, according to Fox News.

�We also have some new security features and policies [sic] that I would like to add

to any new berry you have �the most noticeable difference will require a more complex password,�

Cooper wrote.

�It is a constant fight to keep up with the security measures and unfortunately we

keep seeing reminders of why we need to.�

So, even Clinton�s own aides were reminding her of the security issues at stake and she

remained oblivious � or utterly uncaring.

Obviously, security was not a high priority for the then-secretary of state.

In other emails, they discussed backup emails, how to set up Clinton�s Blackberrys and

iPads and other internal information

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the newest batch of information proves what Hillary

supporters refuse to accept � and what earlier investigations did not get to the bottom of:

The proverbial smoking gun.

�The fact that Hillary Clinton and her agents tried to destroy or hide emails shows how

she flagrantly and knowingly violated the laws that protect classified information and

government records,� Fitton wrote in a Judical Watch news release.

�And these new emails refute Hillary Clinton�s repeated claims of having little or no knowledge

about her email system.

She clearly was fully in charge of setting up her outlaw email system and overseeing

its use.�

You�ll remember, on July 2, 2016, Clinton was interviewed by the FBI about her use of

those private email servers.

Clinton told the agents she �could not recall� any briefing or training about the retention

of records or handling classified information, according to CNN.

Is there anyone in America � even Hillary Clinton supporters � who thinks that�s


Additionally, according to The Associated Press, in a separate, sworn court filing,

Clinton said 21 times that she �did not recall� ever sending classified information

over that private server.

The emails Judicial Watch released on Friday prove that she did.

As special counsel Robert Mueller�s investigation has reminded the country, lying to the FBI

is a crime � at least when it�s done by Donald Trump Associates.

The last time we checked, lying under oath is perjury.

In a federal case, it carries sentence is up to five years in jail � at least when

it�s done by someone who�s not named �Clinton.�

It was clear two years ago and it�s clear now: Hillary Clinton has done more than enough

to belong behind bars.

Share this story on Facebook and Twitter if you think Hillary Clinton should go to prison.

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