Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos Free YouTube Audio Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube Free YouTube Audio Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: Tobu

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Tobu - Calling

For more infomation >> [No Copyright Music] Tobu - Calling [Progressive House] - Duration: 3:39.


My Thoughts On YouTube Monetization/Partner Policy Change - Duration: 6:47.


Cocco mighty will J kill your horror i got local hoe but I certa

out of the country though ain't no giving look we already know how I give

it up sitting at a coffee cup my president let your face or I could even

do have you with me like a boat and let's start seeing ghosts I'm off the

porch I'll skip the quitting strip some balut checks in the sport okay brother

yo what's going on YouTube it's your boy the furious I just wanted to quickly

address this at the beginning of the video now I know I've heard that they've

changed the prerequisites for joining networks on YouTube and a lot of people

will disgruntled about that now I'm a bit surprised but I'm not really shocked

YouTube has been heading towards this direction for a couple of months since

the ad pocalypse situation back in 2017 I when it took me a couple of weeks

after reaching my 10,000 views total goal on my channel for its lifetime I

knew we were gonna have some problems and yeah I'm not really I'm not really

shocked I'm just gonna continue to grind like I've always done like I mean

honestly I forgot like 3400 hours I think a little lesson maybe thirty

thirty two hundred hours to go I mean it's gonna be I mean it's gonna be a

fuck ton of a grind like like just to be honest it's gonna be a grind but I mean

just to remind everybody it's a privilege to be able to get on in a

platform and say whatever you want to and be able to get paid to do so I just

want to let people I just want to remind people of that

not that I'm taking anything away from the people that put it at that time in

those hours to be a constant creator and they want to make something out of this

I understand that I understand both sides of the argument but I just keep in

mind it's a privilege guys you know YouTube money has spread thin right now

because of the reduction in ads that have been given like in the restrictions

man you just you got to change with the times and if you're gonna survive on

this platform you gotta be tough but you know

without being said man um if you guys enjoy this video some gameplay playing

hardcore with the homies and uh if you do make sure to leave a like on the

video go ahead and turn on those pro certifications if you're already

subscribe if you're not subscribe to the channel already man make sure to hit

that sub button be greatly appreciated but with that said I'm out peace Tony



there's a dime a hurry up and get this done what's the team team bro come on


one fucking kill stop if we lose this bro we bout to lose that's a L

Wow objectives bad fucked up garbage Oh let me talk to you to the team

niggas got me over here about the karate chop my fucking desk in half because

they cannot figure out where the spawn oh goodness

so fucking stupid

so fucking stupid

For more infomation >> My Thoughts On YouTube Monetization/Partner Policy Change - Duration: 6:47.


Second Day Hair Routine! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 6:35.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel so for today's video I have my

second day hair routine so when I see second day hair routine sometimes it

could be like third or fourth day but obviously I still take a shower I just

don't wash my hair when I'm in the shower every single day like it's fun

look I have super long thick hair and there's a lot of it here okay and I

don't have time to freaking wash it every single night

that's like a lot of time cuz I have to get in the shower and then wash my body

like normal because I got a shower you know what I mean because I hope you do

too please and then I also have to like shampoo it and I have to condition and

then sometimes I have to condition it again and then I brush it in the shower

so it takes a long time and then I have to freaking dry and I have to do my hair

it's just second day hair routine it is so just a quick like not disclaimer but

just letting you guys know this is not my natural curly state I do have curly

hair but recently I curled my hair like two days ago or yesterday honestly can't

remember but I took a shower don't worry this is just uh this is just not what my

normal curls look like so usually my second day hair is in a ponytail because

I cannot have my hair down the entire day so I end up putting it up in a bun

wearing a ponytail like so and then the next morning I just take it out and it's

gonna look something like this

obviously this is not a cute look my hair is like so what I really like to do

and I usually don't do this too often but for the sake of this video I decide

to show you guys my scalp massage routine it's in my second - hair routine

so I just really like to massage my scalp you know healthy so the next step

in my second day hair routine I use dry shampoo it's supposed to make your oily

hair not oily because it's dry shampoo so it cleans your hair without obviously

getting it wet I don't know oily hair but like I use it because I don't know

first of all it smells really good so that's that's kind of the reason why

I use it cuz I don't want my hair to smell bad you know second day hair

anyway you're supposed to spray it in on your scalp and then like kind of massage

it in so you guys get to scalp massages in one routine okay so after the dry

shampoo I don't need that anymore we're gonna move on to figuring out a

hairstyle because now that my hair is technically clean because obviously we

shampooed it uhm shampooed I don't word after clean to my hair

we're gonna have to figure out a hairstyle so let's do that I just kind

of part it right here this is where I normally apartment here I bring it all

to one side and I try to part my hair into threes but because I hear is very

tangled and knotted right now that's might take a while so now that I

have my three sections all kind of I'm just gonna start braiding my hair and

hopefully it works

I call this the frozen look um Elsa really I just she's my inspiration and

yeah subscribe so I just like to pull up actually this looks terrible I'm just

gonna move on to the next hairstyle so that's also part of my hair care routine

not knowing what hairstyle to do and like going to like a billion hairstyle

so let's move on to the next one shall we

but next I usually go for a high ponytail just to keep it out of my face

and off of my neck that's uncomfortable especially the second day hair no thank

you so we're just gonna go for a high

ponytail all your hair back put it up high on your head Felicia whoo first of

all I look like I'm 5 years old like have like the sprout hair I used to have

that was it what it was a look then but I don't think it should be a look now

and just I don't click in 5 you know what when all else fails just throw your

hair in a messy bun because technically 2nd or 3rd or 4th day hair is messy

anyway right guys comment down below the color of your hair

mine's brunette but I'm just wondering what color your hair is

ok so this is a really good look up

okay not this kind of messy fun I'm talking about like an actual messy bun

so let's do that so it's not that messy but it's still like a messy bun cause

your hair's messy it's like dirty you know okay so a trick that I learned

actually when I was in Jamaica they were braiding my hair and to like put the

flyaways down because I have a lot of those like baby hairs are where it's at

I guess they used that saline to slick my hair down and it honestly it sounds

crazy because Vaseline like I used for chopstick or like I don't really know

what else it's used for but now I use it to sleep back my hair so I just take a

little bit deal with this and literally just slick my hair back and it's like a

hair gel and this one smells good too this smells like cocoa butter and it's

super good anyway guys thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video

please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you're not already if you

need my channel what's up I hope you enjoyed the video and if you're not new

with our channel I also hope you enjoyed the video I will see you guys in my next

video okay I'm definitely gonna need to

go wash my hair right now see ya

second day hair routine

hashtag zoe

For more infomation >> Second Day Hair Routine! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 6:35.


mi primer video reaccion - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> mi primer video reaccion - Duration: 4:41.


Let's Play some Rainbow Six Siege [ Funny Moments ] +18 - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Let's Play some Rainbow Six Siege [ Funny Moments ] +18 - Duration: 7:30.


The journey begins to LivinginPeace - Duration: 11:08.

Guess who's back

Just guess you guys

For this to be fun you really have to guess you know. It's me you guys. It's me. I'm back

Where did I go? Well I just had a baby?

And you can hear him in the background

That's why I went away for a little while and now I'm back. Don't you go anywhere. I'll be right back

Hello you guys and welcome to my channel my name is Lara Ddiji

If you're watching for the first time you're most specially welcome to this family

Don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you've been inspired from what you hear today well

Let's get to it

So sorry for the long break you guys

It's been a little over 9 months. You know I had a baby so here I am

I'm someone that loves writing a lot most you know mostly. They're about my life and because I have a full-time job

I find myself you know not focusing on that part of my life like I would really love to

So that's where

You know youtube came true for me

YouTube has actually always been a part of my life like I'm sure that's

How it's been for you guys um ever since I moved here from Nigeria and since I wasn't a big fan of American

music you know YouTube became my go-to search engine for my kind of music you know Nigerian music and

It's all I've known all my life anyway, and from what you might have heard about

Nigerian music with you know recently in the music industry, they're not doing bad

Actually, you know you see Davido you have

Tiwa savage all of them are doing pretty well internationally also

So I didn't make a bad choice sticking with my own people not that I don't listen to American music. I love Beyonce

Who else but you know? We just don't click like that so anyway. That's one part of what I use YouTube for. I

consider myself a conservative

Young woman and before I got married. I always kept my face very natural acne scars and all I

Wasn't into makeup?

Like that you know at all throughout high school and even throughout my college years

But my eyes were opened when I hired a makeup artist for my wedding

Can't do no acne scars for the wedding and I

Called 3d looks makeup artist you can check her out on her Facebook page

When she was done all right. I looked in the mirror and

After working her magic it was like wow makeup really does enhance what you already have

You know so that was my second time actually with a full face makeup

The first time that was the second time the first time was for my high school

Prom a white lady actually made me up and oh my goodness

I was so scared of myself when I looked in the mirror when she was done I

Thought I look like Casper all right. Casper the ghost

Yeah, you can imagine and that kind of set the mood for my prom. I was so Moody. It was horrible anyway

She made me up as if I was a white lady

I'm sure you would have guessed that or maybe I just thought so because I was so inexperienced in makeup

And I thought it looked bad. Oh, well that's done so anyway with makeup all you have to do really is

Define your eyebrows cover your scars. You know enhance your lashes with falses

Put some color on and you'll see that just a small amount of makeup can really bring out your

best face to the table

And then you feel like you can conquer the world I'm telling you when you have a nice face your self-esteem

is boosted it up trust me

I promise you I didn't even take off my first my first fake

Eyelashes for like two days after the wedding nothing I was biting them everywhere almost a batted them like a million times

Everywhere I went for those two days. I felt like a goddess

after the wedding

you know I

Was addicted I started searching for ways I could improve the health and look of my face

not that I wasn't happy with what it looked like in the first place first place

But because it needed a lot of work. I was conditioned to thinking beautifying. You know the physical and outward appearance


Not necessary, but later, I realized

It's very much needed especially for my self-esteem if you've seen my video

Makeup beginnings and journey you'll know what I mean by

self-esteem it really

Affected me. I think in high school college without it. You can check that out at the end of the video

YouTube became my lifesaver I searched how-to videos on makeup and

My makeup game has really changed. I mean I'm still working on it

It's still a work in progress. You can tell ever since I started learning from different people all around the world on YouTube I

Decided that I was going to you know do something like that for myself, and that's how I

Started my youtube channel. You know I was watching videos on how people started their YouTube channel, so

Why not the other reason I started a YouTube channel is actually because of my work. You know my work schedule

I don't know if I'm alone on this but sometimes when I need to talk about

something and

My husband was busy, or you know I can't reach him or maybe he's sleeping

I wouldn't want to disturb him and since I'm not the type of person that

Has a lot of girlfriends I

Felt I'll just talked to you guys here and not have to you know have that feeling

That the people I'm talking to don't really care


That's another reason. I started a YouTube channel I can be a perfectionist at times about certain projects and YouTube

I'll definitely be in that project for me

Just the set up enough

Gets me tired because it does take a lot of time from content developments of filming and planning to execution

Last year was actually supposed to be about my weight loss journey

But I later found out that I was pregnant so I just decided to postpone filming and all that so I postponed

Uploading more videos actually, I should have done

pregnancy videos for you guys but

next time after that after I had the baby so

That happened a couple of months ago.

What I've been doing behind the scenes is you know just getting more content and

Kind of figuring out a schedule on how I'm going to be

Uploading the videos so here are the four aspects of my channel that I will feature basically about living life. I'm

So looking forward to recording and shooting videos about you know about them LivinginPeace is one of them. It's a series

I've been working on for a long time

but I

lacked I didn't have a platform for showcasing my thoughts on certain topics that has you know stirred me

Inside in my day to day life so in the upcoming episodes

You'll get a glimpse of how I'm living a peaceful life. I'm always about a peaceful life

I'm not a troublesome person and you'll get

My points of view on so many topics and my hope is that I also inspire

You to think differently or look at certain situations in a new light in your day-to-day activities

SchoolofFraternalTwins will feature fun things about my first kids

They are fraternal

Boy-girl twins you know how they communicate their lives their mannerisms how they mess up my house all the time

And how I have to deal with them their growth

Preparing them for school we'll also have crafts and do some educational toy reviews

so if you'd like that sure join me it will also feature what they have learned from us as parents so far and

What we are learning from them as well, so these series is for

Everyone no one is no one is excluded, but most importantly for those who have kids or planning to have kids

Or if you are taking care of kids and you want a different

perspective on

Some topics you're welcome living in fast Express is the third

section and it's about living life basically

you know most especially how I balance my work life as a nurse and practitioner my home life with my husband and

Three kids now. I will also talk about my pregnancies. You know

How I survived them


Getting back to shape


side-project, and how I tried to organize myself and many more

This is for everyone so no one is left out you definitely learn something from this

The last one is DoItYourselfToday

It's kind of a motivational series for myself and for you guys because I've watched a lot of YouTube

videos mostly about


Hair if you like in my hair mm-hmm

You know cooking set design and many others so if you are procrastinator like I am

Who isn't? about doing

All I just mentioned then this series might be for you because I'll post videos of me attempting to do something myself

That you can replicate

You know not later, but right then and there so

That's all for now you guys if you new to this channel

Once again, my name is Laraddiji

Please ask questions if you have any

Hair, makeup

Game that I don't have

You can also leave a comment as well. Also you can like this video with a thumbs up

To get notified of newly posted videos. Why wait just click that red button click that red button click that red button

Subscribe now the next video will actually be about the relationships

We have with our mother-in-laws, and you know their nature

So if you're married or single or you just want to learn something new

This is definitely for you. Do check out my other suggested videos in the description box below

And I'm hoping to read from you you beautiful people very

So don't forget

Love your neighbor as yourself. I think that's the most peaceful thing I can tell you about and I'll remind you in every video

Remember to rest in peace we all need to be living in Peace

Stay Blessed

For more infomation >> The journey begins to LivinginPeace - Duration: 11:08.





In a firestorm of interviews and social media posts, members of Congress sound the alarm

about a Top Secret 4-page top-secret memo which characterizes just how deep the corruption

under the Barack Hussein Obama administration went.

This is what "Make America Great Again" is all about.

Sh#t is about to hit the fan, and it's starting to look like the left-wing Messiah that is

Former President Barack Hussein Obama will be exposed for the anti-American garbage he

was all along.

Congressman Matt Gaetz later told Sean Hannity in an interview that his feeling is people

will go to jail over the blatant misuse of power and corruption which ran rapidly during

the Obama Administration.


"Worse than Watergate': Republicans demand FISA memo amid surveillance abuse claims

Some Republicans are demanding the release of a FISA memo after Fox News host Sean Hannity

described allegations of government surveillance abuse as "worse than Watergate."

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said on Twitter they've

seen a classified report written by the House Intelligence Committee about alleged Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses related to the FBI and accusations that President

Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russian officials.

"What I saw is absolutely shocking," Meadows tweeted late Thursday night.

"This report needs to be released–now.

Americans deserve the truth."

"The sickening reality has set in," King wrote.

"I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public

has seen.

I have long said it is worse than Watergate."

Hours earlier, Hannity opened his Fox News Channel show with a call for Special Counsel

Robert Mueller to end his "witch hunt."

He claimed the four-page memo included text messages from FBI agent Peter Strzok, who

was part of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private server, that

suggest the so-called "Steele dossier" was the pretext for FISA warrants.

"Our sources are telling us that the abuse of power is far bigger than Watergate,"

Hannity said on his TV show Thursday.

"Remember, Watergate was a third-rate break-in.

What we're talking about tonight is the systematic abuse of power, the weaponizing

of those powerful tools of intelligence and the shredding of our Fourth Amendment constitutional


The Hill reports Hannity and other Trump supporters have repeatedly accused President Barack Obama's

administration of using FISA warrants to spy on the Trump transition team and the Trump

campaign in support of Clinton, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Former members of the Obama administration have vehemently denied the allegations.

"This is far worse than Watergate," the "Hannity" host argued.

"This is an abuse of surveillance and intelligence to win an election.

It is a massive abuse of power, and it was all done by just a few people who think and

thought they knew better than you about who should be the president of the United States…

It is the biggest national scandal by far in our lifetime."

"The special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his band of Democratic witch hunters never

should have been appointed and they need to be disbanded immediately."

According to CBS, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) has called the memo misleading and inaccurate.

He said the House Intelligence Committee voted Thursday along party lines "to grant House

Members access to a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican

staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation."

CBS reports the Senate voted 65-34 on Thursday to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Act, sending the bill to President Trump's desk.

And he later confirmed that he expects the memo to be released soon."

Although we don't know as of yet what is contained in the actual memo we can safely

surmise that it has something to do with the way the CIA and DOJ spied on American Citizens

and then Republican candidate Donald Trump on our own soil.

And from the chatter we've been hearing, we can also say it has something to do with

the now fully discredited Trump Dossier and the method in which it was acquired.

Along with who were the people responsible for it to begin with.

But at this point, it's all speculation since no congressman can give us much more

than just a hint about its contents without getting into trouble for releasing top secret


This is what happens when the American people are conned into electing a person with a highly

questionable past.

A man who has gone by different names, and who has had his entire college transcripts

and even his birth certificate sealed should have never become president of the United

States of America.

We don't know and probably will never know for sure who he was or where he was from.

All we see is the corruption his presidency brought to our proud nation.

Please share if you want to see the FISA document released

to the public.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! They Are RELEASING IT ALL… SH!T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN!!! - Duration: 27:45.


Unboxing Toys for kids | Dino Charge Toys | Power Ranger Red Megazord and T-Rex Zord | Funny video - Duration: 3:17.

Unboxing Toys for kids | Dino Charge Toys | Power Ranger Red Megazord and T-Rex Zord

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