Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

- As teachers, but as anyone in any sort of job

that requires you to devote yourself to it,

you need to be well balanced.

And that's something that I think

often falls by the wayside.

And so if we don't take the time to renew ourselves,

we're not going to continue to be able

to put energy into those careers.

(upbeat music)

A camel has several different features

that makes it able to survive better in the desert.

Their fury ears are gonna help protect against the sand.

This is pretty steep up this way, it kinda curves.

Curves in a little bit more like that.


Yes you do.

The bodies there on the outside,

the perimeter is the very outside of the circle.

Okay, for the day six and day eight embryos,

you are looking for these things.

Okay, so eyes up here real quick for me please.

I want to make sure you get this.

Questions? If you have em' later let me know.

There're your microscopes, the embryos are there on the far side.

Go grab those things, here we go.

A friend of mine and I, you know,

we were about to turn 30, we knew we

were kinda entering into a period

where there were going to be some life changes happen.

And so, we wanted to do something that was

going to kinda cap off this young adult experience.

But at the same time be something

we could look back on 30 years from now.

(upbeat music)

550-ish miles, 80 percent is dirt.

Mostly single track.

And the average elevation is over ten thousand feet.

(upbeat music)

While I didn't walk away from it with

a whole new unit of lesson plans,

I did walk away with

another part of my life

that's very important to me being renewed.

Oh yeah, I still get nervous before most of my classes.

The anxiety has gotten less since I've taught more but,

I think some of my initial fears were

oh no ones going to listen to me.

And they're going to stand on desks,

and they're going to like throw things around.

And then I'm going to get fired.

And then you realize that you can't plan everything.

Because you have to be ready to respond to stuff.

(light music)

This is okay, That's going to hurt it's going to be bad.

You're only here the times you come here.

Oh my gosh.


The Colorado Trail, for me, is figuring out

what I really want to do, and how do I get there.

I think that's something that a lot

of our students need to start doing more for themselves.

I had so many different role models

that had been guides for me, teachers,

members of the church that I went to,

I want to at least try to be that kind

of a role model for someone else.

(upbeat music)

Did it hatch?

[Students]- It did!

- There ya go, this will be the last day.

- What?

- No, no, sorry we're going look at it again on Friday.

The last day that you're going to have to draw anything.

- Oh that's a plus.

- We're going to keep observing them and that's okay.

You guys have a great day. (bells chiming)

For more infomation >> Science Teacher Bikes Colorado Trail - Duration: 3:59.


KV-2 German Live Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz Deutsch - Duration: 4:01.

Welcome to a new video.

Before i go into the battle i wanna show you something.

Alright first this one. 2385 Dmg with 2 kills. Did this a few minutes ago.

On the map: Dessert Sands.

That's how much damage my team did.

Great isn't it?

Inactivity, inactivity, inactivity

The enemies had such a bad tactic but it worked...


The only great thing was that i oneshotted their VK.

That was great.

This one was in the T69.

I had this battle a few minutes ago. Winter Malinovka. We literally sidescraped the sht out of the map.

I just did a bit of spash damage. Sadly they won. The enemy M4 came from behind and got me.

I won this battle but it was boring.

I just was on one position the whole time defending.

Until our meds, td's and lights decided to flank.

Boths teams have 4 heavies.

We have 2 lights and 1 med.

They have 2 lights and 1 td.

We're driving to the right side?


Looks good.

What i forgot to mention is a viewer wished that i could make a german live commentary in the KV-2.

Fun fact: My first german live commentary was in a KV-2.

Yeah KV-2. Stronk tenk. Stronk tenk.

Don't forget that.

Hmm B...

This must be the VK. Or the Crusader.

Yep the VK.

Welp we gotta fight the heavies now.

There they are.


Haha that was bitter.

So bitter.

Of course! 20 HP left.

The T-150 is not bad.

Oh a Churchill GC. I'm not sure if i can onehit him through the front... but i think yes.

Wait, wait.

No, but i can make a lot of spash damage.


There missed me.

The T-150 can take him out now.

Or the Kuro Mori Mine. That works also.

What do they have left?

T-150 and the Crusader.

Pew (lol)

The T-150 is so nice. He'll get a like.

He did a good job.

Just 1530 damage.

He helped me destroy the enemy team.

Effective player.

Beautiful. The Kuro did a good job too.

Good team.

If you liked the video hit that like button.

See you next time!


For more infomation >> KV-2 German Live Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz Deutsch - Duration: 4:01.


Introducing Official Artist Channels - Duration: 0:42.

When you want to follow an artist on YouTube,

sometimes you'll find they have multiple channels.

So, which one should you subscribe to?

To make subscriptions simpler, we worked with artists to combine their music, albums,

and videos into a single Official Artist Channel.

When you're subscribed to an artist that's upgrading to this type of channel,

you'll get an email and a notification letting you know

that your artist subscriptions will move to the Official Artist channel.

Now you'll see this icon to help you find the Official Artist Channel

and official videos from the artist.

This icon will be making its way across all of YouTube,

including search results and the watch page.

If you have any additional questions, check out the link in the description below.

For more infomation >> Introducing Official Artist Channels - Duration: 0:42.


Big News: Justin Bieber Still Not Playing George Michael in Biopic - Duration: 2:57.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Justin Bieber still not playing George Michael and biopic

although multiple outlets claimed in

2017 that Justin Beiber wanted to play George Michael in a biopic it's still not happening

Gossip, cop is taking a look back at busts from last year to see how they've held up overtime and just as we said reports

About Bieber wanting to star as Michael and a movie were wrong

Last January Life & Style was the first to spread the untrue claim just weeks after

Michael's death and a nod to one of the music icons hit songs the tabloid alleged Bieber had faith

He was the ideal person to portray Michael on a big screen a supposed source contended

He was pushing his team to make it happen the gossip magazine further

Asserted that his camp had already reached out to Hollywood execs to float the idea that Justin could star in the inevitable biopic

There was no merit to the allegations. However as Bieber's manager

Exclusively told gossip cop. It was false that they were pursuing such a project

But roughly ten days later The Daily Star put its own spin on the erroneous

Contentions the British outlet claimed the singer already shot his own video versions of two of George's classic hits

Faithlyn Careless Whisper to convince studio bosses he is right for the role

This article featured a so-called source purporting

Several studio bosses have already shown interest and a couple Tavor mark that as well as nailing the voice

Justin could actually pass for a young george with minimal make-up and styling but the UK paper was both late and wrong

Merely rewriting the life and style assertions didn't suddenly make them true, and they're still not true today in Jan

mm 18

What's more is that even with O fever into lead role no such movie has ever been announced a

documentary called George Michael freedom aired on Showtime last October

But there's been no move towards a film biopic weber

Also hasn't taken any steps to enter the movie business despite another inaccurate report from last year that mistakenly alleged

He was seeking at the advice from famous pals like Adam Sandler

But even though it's a new year The Daily Star is still peddling misinformation about Bieber's career

Just two weeks ago

We busted their publication for wrongly claiming Bieber refused to do a song for the Fifty Shades freed

soundtrack and

Life & Style has continued to pen falsehoods as well such as a story earlier this month that alleged Bieber and Selena Gomez

Were secretly engaged

With this track record both outlets will continue to be under close surveillance

For more infomation >> Big News: Justin Bieber Still Not Playing George Michael in Biopic - Duration: 2:57.


youtube smi/vebvtt - Duration: 1:01.

against our Lord and savior he's enough this morning.

♫ [Music] Time and place where I felt his saving grace And ♫

♫ I felt this world of sin down on my knees Jesus ♫

♫ caught my falling soul now its better felt than told I ♫

♫ claim Jesus first and that's enough for me I claim Jesus ♫

♫ first of all He will answer when I call I know that I'm ♫

♫ a soul the Son set free Well underneath his loving wings ♫

For more infomation >> youtube smi/vebvtt - Duration: 1:01.


Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January 31st, 2018 - Duration: 7:01.

Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January 31st, 2018 � Higher State Of Consciousness

by Tanaaz

January 31st, 2018 brings us an extremely potent Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse in the

sign of Leo.

Let�s first break down the meaning of the name of this Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse:

Super: A Super Moon happens when the Full Moon is closest to Earth.

This Lunar Eclipse is going to be nice and close to Earth, which means visibility will

be high and its energetic effects will be strong.

Blood: A Blood Moon is just another name for a Total Lunar Eclipse.

This is because a Total Eclipse gives the Moon a reddish glow.

Blood Moon�s are quite rare, and we haven�t had one since 2014.

Blue: A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon of the month.

Whenever there are two Full Moon�s in a month, the second is referred to as a Blue


This is also an extremely rare occurrence and makes this Eclipse particularly significant.


Just to put it into context, the last time we experienced a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse

was 150 years ago.

Whenever we have a rare celestial event such as this, we feel the energy strongly and it

has the potential to cause huge ripples and waves in our lives.

Eclipses always come in cycles, and this Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse is linked to the Eclipses

back in February and August of 2017.

This means that whatever lessons or themes were brewing for you around that time are

now coming to an end, and you will be able to bring closure and resolution to those energies.

Think back to what was stirring for you especially during the Total Solar Eclipse that happened

on August 21st, 2017.

It is likely that whatever the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse brought into your life

is now being wrapped up, resolved and put to rest.

When thinking back to what was stirring for you, pay attention to what was unfolding on

a spiritual and emotional level, not just on a physical or external one.

2017 was a transformative year for a lot people, and perhaps the months since the August Total

Solar Eclipse have allowed things to move in a new direction for you.

The January Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse is not only going to help bring resolution

and closure to the last half of 2017, it is also going to open and activate a new energy

that we are all going to be working with until the next round of Eclipses in July and August


Eclipses often bring turning points in our lives.

They are often an instigator for change and illuminate areas of our lives that need attention.

The Moon represents our emotions and how we feel safe and secure as we move through the


During an Eclipse, our sense of security and comfort is often shaken in some way, and we

are given the opportunity to really look within and discover our fears, hopes, dreams and

the truth.

Seeing as this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse falls in the fire sign of Leo, it is really going

to be guiding us to take charge of our lives and to step into that role of being the King

or Queen of our own jungle.

As this is Full Moon energy, most of the action we are going to have to take will include

clearing things out, doing away with the past and letting things go.

Even though the fiery Leo energy will want us to act, there is also a need to retreat

and to clear things from within first.

In fact, hidden truths and buried emotions are likely to stir around Eclipse time, and

you may need to let things rise up before you know the best course of action.

Eclipses are always emotionally supercharged, and this is even more so.

This Eclipse is likely to increase your sensitivity and bring up heated emotions.

Old wounds from the past may resurface, and you may find yourself digging through some

muck in order to make sense of the things around you.

If things get intense, or your sense of security is shaken up under the presence of this Eclipse,

remember that this is just so you can make some positive changes in your life.

You always have an inner power and inner strength, and tuning into lion or lioness energy and

finding your pride is really going to help you.

When you feel safe and secure from within it gives you the confidence to express your

truth, be who you are and to go after your dreams.

This Eclipse is going to be helping you find your way through this, and to find your inner

strength so you can feel confident in who you are and what you are here to do.

If you allow the energy of this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse to filter into your life and

you embrace the changes and inspirations that it brings, you will really be given a huge

push to create a new state of being for yourself.

A state of being where you can feel confident, loved and supported by yourself and by the

world around you.

A state of being where you have the confidence to be yourself and live your truth.

To achieve this state of being, you have to connect with your heart center and tune into

that intuitive voice of wisdom.

This Total Lunar Eclipse carries a strong feminine energy and will really help you to

connect to that intuitive, softer heart-centered place we all have inside.

In fact, the strong feminine energy around this Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring about

global changes for women as well.

Under the presence of this Eclipse, we may experience a rise up of feminine power and

a focus on equal rights for women.

The Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse is definitely a special celestial event that will really

shape the direction and energy of the year ahead.

The best thing to do is sit back, surrender and join the Universal flow.

This is an intense Eclipse and it is likely that you will be feeling its effects for a

few weeks until the energy settles.

Just be gentle with yourself and observe any themes, issues or patterns that emerge.

If something starts slipping away from your life, or if something is abruptly ended around

Eclipse time, trust that it is meant to be, and allow things to take their natural course.

The January 31st Eclipse is a potent one, and there is no doubt that it will put you

where you need to be and beckon you to a higher state of consciousness.

For more infomation >> Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January 31st, 2018 - Duration: 7:01.


youtube scc\srt - Duration: 0:16.

God has got some things He needs to correct in all of

us, God has some things He needs to change in all of

us, even the Sanhedrin up in the cheap seats,

God has a little bit of something He needs to change

For more infomation >> youtube scc\srt - Duration: 0:16.


youtube webvtt\scc 708 channel - Duration: 0:16.

That's why I'm quitting with Nicorette.

Only Nicorette Mini has a

patented fast dissolving formula.

It starts to relieve sudden

cravings fast.

Every great why

needs a great how.

My hygienist told me to try...

...a mouthwash. So I tried Crest.

It does so much more than give me fresh breath.

Crest Pro-Health mouthwash provides all...

For more infomation >> youtube webvtt\scc 708 channel - Duration: 0:16.


Vlog | one day in Russia | Stavropol - with russian subtitles - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Vlog | one day in Russia | Stavropol - with russian subtitles - Duration: 6:01.


GOODREADS TAG - Duration: 6:52.

Hi everybody I hope you all are doing well, today we are going to be doing the

Goodreads tag. I don't know who created this tag but I saw it done on Chelsea's

channel from ChelseaDolling reads. I love Chelsea's videos, she does this [gesture] all

the time and I watch her videos religiously so you need to go and check

her out. I'll leave a link to her video of this tag of any cards definitely go

and subscribe to her Channel she is amazing. So question number one is 'What

was the last book you marked as read?' And the last book I marked as read is some where

on the shelf. That was Everything Everything Nicola Yoon which I give

this two stars. Was not a huge fan of it for many different reasons I will get

into and my January wrap-up, but this book had the potential to be so great

and so wonderful and so amazing but the author handled the main concept very

irresponsibly and then the romance, the very unnecessary romance, took up the

entire story and took away from anything that was remotely interesting about what

the story was trying to do so yes I will complain about this more in my next

wrap-up. Question number two is 'What are you currently reading?' And right now I'm

35 percent of the way through Far From the Tree by Robin Benway. I'm enjoying

this book quite a lot, it's the story of three siblings who are all given up for

adoption at birth and then they are reconnecting in their late teens and

it's a wonderfully emotional story that's really dealing with some very

hard and difficult, but necessary topics. I love it it's definitely going to be a

4 or 5 star book for me. Question number three is 'What was the last book you

marked as to be read?' And that would be Kalyana by Rajni Khelawan. This is set in

Fiji and it's following an Indian-Fijian girl and the fact that she's Indian

takes off like 150 boxes for me already. I downloaded a sample of this one Kindle

and, oh my God, the writing in here is gorgeous and I want to read this book

now. I don't know if it's YA or if it's adult, but it follows a younger

protagonist obviously, so I think it might be YA?

Either way, I want to read this so bad but the price is so high on Kindle and

it's also very high for the physical book and I don't know if I could get it

at the library so I think it would be very much worth the wait whenever I do

get around it because I anticipate that this is going to be one of my new

favorites when I read it, whenever that will be. Hopefully soon, we'll see what

happens. Question number four is 'What do you plan to

read next?' And the book that I plan to read next is also right here and it is

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman. This is a YA contemporary about a

girl named Kiko.I believe she is an artist and she's also from a very unfortunate

family situation. That's pretty much everything I know and that's everything

I really need to know. I think I'm really going to like this book hopefully I do,

the cover is amazing and I just can't stop laughing at the fact that it's

called Starfish and it has a jellyfish on the cover.

Question number five is 'Do you use the 5 star rating system?' Yes I do, it's

definitely more subjective for me, though, because I just go with how I feel.

There's no criteria for what a three-star book or a four-star book or five-

star book is for me, I just- if I feel like this is three stars I will give it

three stars. Sometimes I might give a book four stars when it's objectively

not as good as a book that I gave three stars, but it really has to do with my

personal experience with a book because that's ultimately what a reading is

about to me and I don't even think I would use the five star rating system

had it not been for the fact that I review books online, because the only

reason why I use it is because I feel like if I say this is three stars, no

matter how differently you rate your books, we still kind of understand what I

mean by three stars so it's like a universal way of just like concisely

expressing your overall thoughts on the book so that's the only reason why I use

it. 'Are you doing a 2018 Reading Challenge?' Let's talk about Miss

Goodreads first before we answer this question because listen. I marked off

three books as 'read' for the year already. Three books. And Goodreads is

syaing that I read four books but they're only showing two of the books. Now I'm

not good at math and I don't know what Goodreads is, like, trying to do, like, what

kind of quadratic equations they're, like, trying to solve, but I think that they're

not really getting the right answers. Personally I do feel like Goodreads is

going through a midlife crisis. Every time I go on Goodreads, I feel as though

as if I'm in the 1970s on one of those, like, dinosaur computers so something

needs to be done. They need to update that entire website because I don't

think Goodreads is aware of how important they are to the reader

community, so they need to they need to do something. As per the question I set

my challenge at 30 books this year, which is manageable for me. I usually

read around 20 something to 30 something books for the year and I think if

I do continue at the pace that I'm reading now, I might definitely surpass

that and 2018 could become the best reading year for me. But I didn't want to

get to in over my head so I just set it at 30 books and hopefully I'm able to

make that goal. Question number seven is 'Do you have a wish list?' Yes and no? I

have a wish list on Amazon, I don't know if this is a Goodreads related question

but I do have I wish that's on Amazon and I only use it just that I could keep

track of the price of books and I think everything on there is private and

I don't think I would really feel comfortable if people that I don't know buy books

for me, that's just my personal feeling there's nothing wrong if you feel

differently about that. Question number eight is 'What do you plan to buy next?'

And I technically already buy this book, I pre-ordered it but I don't think they

charge you until the book actually is delivered out and the book that I'm

talking about is A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena or Bethana, I can't

really remember her name properly. And this book is set in Saudi Arabia and it

seems like it's going to be not so much of a mystery book but a suspenseful kind

of how did it happen kind of, like- like, 'mindfuck' kind of story and I'm really

looking forward to it and I think its #ownvoices Muslim fiction which I am

just always here for and I will always, like, you know, reach for. So I'm

definitely looking forward to this book. Question number nine is 'Do you have any

favorite quotes? Would you like to share any?' I have a really nice quote from Homegoing

by Yaa Gyasi which I always liked. Again, I don't know if this is a Goodreads

related question, is there, like, a thing on Goodreads for quotes I don't

know? "Weakness is treating someone as though they belong to you,

strength is knowing that everybody belongs to themselves." *loves book* I love this book

so much. Question number 10 'Who are your favorite authors?' This is a very

difficult question for me but if I had to pick three off the top of my head

right now I really love Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, I love Ruth Ozeki- Ruth Ozeki

is like my- she's like my soul auntie, she's just like the best thing ever. And

A new favorite of mine would obviously have to be Randa Abdel-Fattah, who I

mean, I loved her book The Lines We Cross and I want to read everything else that

she writes because she is amazing. Question eleven 'Have you joined any groups?'

I'm a part of top 5 Wednesday and I just go on just to see what the topics are,

but other than that I'm not really a part of an other group, I think. Question number twelve is

'Are there any questions you'd like to add?' No, they're not so we'll end the

video right here I'm not going to tag anybody because this is such an old tag

and I feel like everybody did it. I wasn't sure if I was ever tagged by anybody,

perhaps maybe Julia or somebody in the past might have tagged me to do this. I

think Shaha might have tagged me to do this so I'll go through and I'll see if

anybody tagged me and I'll just link them down below. But anyways if you read any

of the books that I talked about in this video, definitely leave your thoughts on

them in the comments down below. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you have a

lovely day, and until next time Insha Allah, keep reading.

For more infomation >> GOODREADS TAG - Duration: 6:52.


Co moje wegańskie dziecko je w ciągu dnia #21 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Co moje wegańskie dziecko je w ciągu dnia #21 - Duration: 3:59.


� How to Add an Avatar for the Webinar (Pruffme) - Duration: 3:48.

Hello, friends!

With you is Larisa Levinskaya again.

And the theme of today's lesson

I was asked the question of one of the participants

webinar, online webinar.

Perhaps when you take part in webinars

You noticed that the majority of participants

don`t have an avatar.

How important is it for you or not?

I can`t say one hundred percent,

but if you promote your personal brand

on the Internet, little things can not be!

Even such trifles as the lack of an avatar,

At you as at the participant of a webinar.

Here's a good example.

You see, most participants do not have an avatar.

I`ll speak specifically about the Pruffme platform.

The most popular, the most popular

to date the platform

for carrying out of webinars.

How to add an avatar

this is elementary. Everything you need

register on Pruffme.

So, I downloaded the platform

On the right above there is the inscription "Enter".

But for registration I choose the student badge,

I click on it.

And then I select "Registration".

I enter my name and surname,

I fill out all the fields in this form.

The fields are filled, now I choose the consent

with the rules for the provision of services.

I put a tick in the checkbox.

I choose "Registration".

You need to verify your account.

I have a phone number ... choose a country

In this case, I choose the country "Moldova".

I chose the country "Moldova".

I wrote down my mobile phone number.

I choose "Get code".

So, came the sms with the code.

I choose "Confirm".

Now I go ... click on my name and surname

top right.

I select "My settings".

I choose on the right ... if there is

need, you can fill

missing fields.

Tell me about yourself as much as possible.

Give links to the site, to contact e-mail

and all the rest,

ссылки на социальные сети.

Но в данном случае меня интересует

загрузить новый аватар.

Справа вверху выбираем

"Загрузить изображение".

Обратите внимание, что баннер должен быть размером

not more than 400x400 pixels.

I chose this avatar.

Now I'll put it with ...

I grab the corner, move it.

So that the whole picture fits me.

I choose "Save" on the bottom right.

So, I added the avatar.

Now I go down and choose "Save".

That, in fact, and all that needed to be done

на платформе pruffme.

In order for the following webinars

at you, as at participants of webinars,

the avatar was automatically uploaded

when writing messages in a chat

in this case.

Please note, this is completely free

You don`t need to study any tariff plans.

You don`t need to pay any fees.

So, let's check how it works.

I find in the email a link with an invitation

on the webinar, copy this link,

I switch to my Chrome browser.

I paste the link into the command line of the browser.

Enter, select "Login to the Webinar".

As you can see, here are all the participants

в процентном отношении 98% - 99%

all avatars do not have

with a rare exception.

Let us also greet the participants,

at the same time we check, it turned out for me

To install an avatar for participation in the webinar.

"Всем добрый вечер" я набрала и нажала Enter.

As you can see, everything turned out!

Avatar is.

That, in fact, that's all!

I hope that today's video will be useful to you.

Be happy, subscribe to the channel!

With you was Larisa Levinskaya.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> � How to Add an Avatar for the Webinar (Pruffme) - Duration: 3:48.


kentsel şehir tavuk kümes gezisi / Urban city chicken coop tour - Duration: 7:09.

kentsel şehir tavuk kümes gezisi / Urban city chicken coop tour

all neighbors around here like to keep chickens for eggs and

sometimes you see them walking around then it them go because the chickens

always come back to the house and back to their coop yes

reason why they go back cuz cuz they get fed all right so that's here that did

some more up there there's a lot of chickens around here chicken coop right

here this lady here actually lit some out the videos of the chickens that you

have seen me film these are the chickens from the scoop and she lets them out and

they just walk around the neighborhood and then see and see if she's got the

door I can already see you can see the rooster in there and they walk around

and then at night they go back yeah so they're almost right free-range I guess

they are free-range cuz they go they can do what they want

so I've counted four chicken coops yes one behind me this lady behind me she

lets them out they walk around the place and I counted three up there and there's

another one up there which I haven't seen yet I'm not going to do an

investigation a that's gonna have a look

we'll go ahead and don't believe it another chicken coop it's five now

that's bish everyone loves their chickens here something get a bit closer

I guarantee there will be some more up there as well

Chuck proud

this is English if it had been an atom a little bit but then another little

Turkish I when they were very loose a mesh of

outer outer wrinkling which is horosho

sample the name yeah okay

a shtick no Kiwi yeah the chickens are more active at

nighttime because I guess that's when it's feeding time

yes everyone goes home for feeding time so thank you very much for watching

Touche killer belem Adam Darren Burch that's my name and if you like our

channel please subscribe us and thank you very much for being here I'm in

jangan Koo ýstanbul and Turkey and thank you what a lovely day of them opens up

the zone


kentsel şehir tavuk kümes gezisi / Urban city chicken coop tour

For more infomation >> kentsel şehir tavuk kümes gezisi / Urban city chicken coop tour - Duration: 7:09.


youtube scc\txt_timestamp 608 - Duration: 0:16.

God has got some things He needs to correct in all of

us, God has some things He needs to change in all of

us, even the Sanhedrin up in the cheap seats,

God has a little bit of something He needs to change

For more infomation >> youtube scc\txt_timestamp 608 - Duration: 0:16.


[ENG] Umji Yerin sing Pororo, Nick Sowon, Judy Eunha, Wise yuju & Sweet Sinb - Duration: 3:55.

*Zootopia Reference* Nick Sowon: Pose recommendation~

Sowon: Pls create poses for us~

Buddy: Salute~

Buddy: Heol~ Pretty~ Pretty~

Sowon: The angle might be weird~

Buddy: Yewonnie is doing well~

Sowon: Ain't you too cute~ Look like Pororo captain~

Umji: Pororo captain 🤣🤣 *Super cute alert! Umji singing to Pororo theme song*

Umji: I like to play all day~ [Lyrics]

*Meme/Judging Sinb* Sowon: Oh-momomom Cute~

Yerin: I like to play all day~ [Lyrics] Sowon: We will be choosing 3 person for selfie~

Ddin: Like~

Yerin, Umji: Friends gather around~ [Lyrics]

So-mum: Eunha have mix (the lucky draw) well~ *Ye-sisters still singing* Keep quiet!

Yerin: Poro poro poro pororo~ *wink (copying pororo character's wink)

Umji still singing~ (Watch it from Healing Potion's full video in the description below)

Fan give her the poem book just now. Yuju: What did we need before we meet?

Yerin: Determination~

Yuju: Preparation? Similar~

Yuju: Before we meet, we always need WAITING right~

Yuju: We wait for buddy, buddy wait for us~

Yuju: So this quote/sentence about WAITING caught my attention~

Yuju: So I wanted to read this to buddy~

Yuju: It is quite short~

Yuju: Waiting is longer than the wave from one end to the other end of Earth

Buddy: Wah~ Yuju: This sentence caught my attention Sweet Sinb *Clap Clap~

*The 2 superior flashy ships, Nick and Judy Wonha and Biting Sinrin*

Yuju: Buddies, you have work hard today~ Be careful on your way home~ Fighting~

Sinb: Wahhh, everyone, 2 days more to fanmeeting~

Sinb: which means 2 days left to start using our lightsticks~ *Gfriend lightsticks are first sold during their first fan meeting, Dear Buddy*

Sinb: Ain't you excited/nervous about it?

Sinb: I'm also excited/nervous~

Sowon: What should you be thinking before you sleep?

Buddy: Gfriend~ Yerin: Nope, it should fanmeeting~

Sowon: No~ The answer is Gfriend~

Sowon: Think about Gfriend as you fall asleep!

Buddy: Gfriend, I love you~ Sowon: I love you too~

Sowon: We are Gfriend: Gfriend~ Thank you~

*Indeed Gfriend's-Weirdest-Person is trying to put that pile of gifts on her head as she walk out 🤣🤣*

Buddy: Jung yerin fighting~ Sophrodite fighting~

Buddy: Yuju-noona bye~

*Indeed Gfriend's-Weirdest-Person is trying to put that pile of gifts on her head as she walk out 🤣🤣*


*Nice Sinb🤣*

*Thanks for watching, remember to comment and like!* *Unnie line🙈🙈*

For more infomation >> [ENG] Umji Yerin sing Pororo, Nick Sowon, Judy Eunha, Wise yuju & Sweet Sinb - Duration: 3:55.


Neymar's Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★ Income ★ Education ★ Biography ★ Girl-friend 2018 - Duration: 4:03.

Neymar's Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★ Income ★ Education ★ Biography ★ Boyfriend-2018

For more infomation >> Neymar's Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ House ★ Cars ★ Income ★ Education ★ Biography ★ Girl-friend 2018 - Duration: 4:03.


youtube smi/webvtt - Duration: 0:16.

help me tonight.

God has got some things He needs to correct in all of

us, God has some things He needs to change in all of

us, even the Sanhedrin up in the cheap seats,

God has a little bit of something He needs to change

For more infomation >> youtube smi/webvtt - Duration: 0:16.


youtube srt\scc 608 - Duration: 0:16.

help me tonight.

God has got some things He needs to correct in all of

us, God has some things He needs to change in all of

us, even the Sanhedrin up in the cheap seats,

God has a little bit of something He needs to change

For more infomation >> youtube srt\scc 608 - Duration: 0:16.


Dragon Ball FighterZ - 5 BIG Details You Need to Know - Duration: 7:50.

Dragon Ball Fighter Z looks to be carrying the series's legacy by basically making

the anime playable while still retaining that classic Arc System Works fighting game style.

Fighting games have recently come under fire, especially the likes of Street Fighter V for

not including enough content at launch, so let's hope this game is more like an Injustice

2 than a Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.

Hey Folks, Jake here, and let's have a look at five big details you need to know about

Dragon Ball Fighter Z.

At number five we have recent update on the game that doesn't exactly bode well for

the future, and that is the issues Dragon Fighter Z is having with its servers during

its beta.

At the time of making this video, some players reported long wait times to get into multiplayer

matches, if they can get into a match at all, and just general frustration with the game

as a whole.

A lot of games have these issues at launch, with the servers not being able to keep up

with the huge influx of players, most recently Call of Duty WWII saw that same problem erupt

at for the launch of that game, and there's no doubt Dragon Ball Fighter Z is having the

same problems.

Bandai Namco commented on the issue and said that there is no possible way for them to

fix the issue, but they are considering pushing the beta's end date to a later time.

The whole point of a beta is to make sure the game runs right, besides seeing if people

like it, and neither one of those things are happening.

Whatever happens, enough players are probably going to leave the game behind and those stubborn

enough to stick around will probably get into some matches.

Which is not the ideal way to approach a new game, but who wants to invest in enough servers

to ensure a game functions correctly at its launch when a bunch of people are playing

at once?

Not Bandai Namco, apparently.

I feel kind of bad to bag on them for doing something the rest of the industry continues

to do because they don't want to pay for servers when player counts always tend to

drop off.

I don't know, it's just one of those things that will probably not go away any time soon.

Hitting number four on this list, and this is a bit depressing, but it bears mentioning.

But, number four is that this will be the last vocal performance in a game from Bulma's

long time voice actor, Hiromi Tsuru, because she passed away last November at the age of


If you are a Dragon Ball purist and prefer to watch or play Dragon Ball in the traditional

Japanese, this will be the last time Tsuru's vocal talents will be lent to the character

and the series.

Tsuru has lent her voice to a tone of other projects, including Metal Gear Solid, Tekken,

and even the recent sleeper hit Yakuza 0.

Tsuru did the voice of Bulma for thirty years and fans will be missing her attitude and

general strong woman-ness in the role.

One of my favorite things Tsuru said about Bulma was that, quote, she liked playing her

because she was very down to earth.

Like I said, this is the last Dragon Ball game she participated in before her untimely

death and she will be missed.

And for number three on the list is the fighting system present in Dragon Ball Fighter Z.

Compared to other games made by Arc System Works, Dragon Ball Fighter Z seems to be a

natural evolution game-wise and also looks to be their most accessible game to date,

having numerous fighting techniques specifically geared for players new to the genre, like

the medium and light auto-combos and the Super Dash, which allows the player to jet right

through projectiles and get in close to their opponents.

According to the developers the auto-combos and Super Dash were made to be used by newbies,

but also serve as a foundation for more advanced players to build upon.

The super meter is also in need of mentioning, which is being talked about as the biggest

in Arc System works history.

Attacking and defending will boost your super meter on its own, but in order to max it out

you'll have to call on the old tried and true Ki Charge, a staple in nearly every Dragon

Ball game to date.

Basically, you get that meter high enough and you can fire off more powerful attacks--

if you've ever played a Dragon Ball game, or fighting game really, you know how this


There's also the return of Arc System's assist system, which, in Dragon Ball Fighter

Z, allows for 3-on-3 fights that create a dynamic familiar to Marvel vs. Capcom fans.

Fighters in reserve recover health until they're tagged back in, either through calling for

an assist or comboing supers, so there's always a reason to be switching in and out

of characters.

Assists really come in handy when performing the aforementioned Ki-charge because since

you are left wide-open, you need some kind of defense.

All in all, the system looks pretty solid, which it should be because Arc System Works

knows what they are doing at this point.

And for number two on this list we have the character roster.

The game looks just like the anime, but with controllable fighters, so fans of the series

are definitely going to be interested to see who is playable.

Up to now, the roster is sitting at a comfortable 22 characters.

Obviously your series staples are going to be present here.

Your Gokus, your Gohans, all those fighters are in place.

You're also going to have characters from each saga make an appearance, like Nappa from

the saiyan saga, you have your Frieza and Captain Ginyu from the Frieza saga, Cell,

Androids 16, 17, and 18, and then you have some surprise appearances from characters

who appear only in Dragon Ball Super, the non Dragon Ball GT continuation of the Dragon

Ball story.

Beerus is making an appearance, Hit, the assassin with Time altering abilities is here, the

evil Goku Black will be playable, and if you pre-order, you'll get Super Saiyan Blue

Goku and Vegeta to have at your disposal.

I mentioned GT a second ago, and, as far as anyone knows, no characters from that show

will be making an appearance in Dragon Ball Fighter Z, which is expected since they seem

to want everyone to forget about that series.

But, there will likely be other characters offered through DLC if some of your favorites

aren't present, like the odd exclusion of Radditz so far, don't know why we have Nappa

and not him.

Also, I hope Whis is playable eventually.

Be sure to let me know of any other characters you want to see make an appearance in the

final game down in the comments.

But, it does look like this game is leaning heavily into the Dragon Ball Super series,

which brings me to the number one entry on this list.

And for the number one entry on the list of five big details you need to know about Dragon

Ball Fighter Z the plot or where this game takes place on the Dragon Ball timeline.

The game looks like it takes place some time after the Future Trunks Saga and before the

Resurrection F movie/saga due to some of the characters' appearances, but after that

details are very sparse.

The entire story revolves around a brand new Android, Android 21, who controls a new group

of Androids that look like other characters, which gives the player a reason to fight characters

like Piccolo in the game.

Android 16 is involved with the whole thing, too, but Android 21 looks like the main villain.

Essentially, these android-characters act as clones giving the game a convenient plot-device

to cause friendly characters to fight one another, similar to how the Xenoverse game

did with the timeline altering stuff.

But, apparently, there are three story arc in this game: the Super Warrior Arc, the Super

Villain Arc, and the Android Arc.

And each of these arcs follow the perspectives of Goku, Frieza, and Android 18.

It has been disputed by differing websites that Goku will not be present for each chapter,

so… don't hold me to the assertion that you will follow different characters through

each arc.

The story seems interesting enough for a fighting game, which, in the past, seem to revolve

around reasons for giving characters reasons to fight each other, and this one definitely

has that.

Series creator, Akira Toriyama, was involved with the game to a limited degree, which is

sort of the norm when it comes to the games, but he personally designed Android 21, which

is something to be applauded.

Because he is involved, I do hope the game holds up to the series's well-known action

and wacky humor when it releases at the end of the month on January the 26th.

And that is the list.

If you know of anything else I missed, be sure to let me know in the comments.

I will be doing another video talking about some of the smaller details about the game

tomorrow, so anything I missed might show up in that on.

As always, like comment, and subscribe for more videos like this one.

Thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next one.

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