Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Come here, Mackan!

Schh, chill down!

Okey, Alex is out there and scooping his holes now.

And we saw a sick prank on Jon.B's channel

And for those of you who haven't checked him out, do it. Jon B @ YouTube

He's fishing in the U.S

He pranked his friend.

With an icefishing rod by slipping a can down the hole


And we have a tent aswell, slip the can underneath the tent and then up

We are basically going to prank him that he has a fish on.

We have a drilled hole inside the tent, were we will put a "rigged" rod

we will slip an unopened can underneath the hole inside, to the hole on the outside

We will grab the can there so one of us can pull the line so that Mr.Alexander thinks it's a fish.

Here is the can. Haha yes, let's go!

Here is the hole!

And the rod there, we will slip the can from there to here!

Aaahh, it's freaking cold

Now Linus will take this can, go over there, and act like a fish!

Do we have a bell or something that we can put on the rod? So that he really reacts on the "strike"

We want him to hear that it's a fish on.

* Swedish nonsense *

This will work! Yes, now all we have to do is trick the "dane" to come over here

Yea, i will fish some


Holy shit, is it nice?


Instant, just put the bait down

Damn, smooth


Wrong way!

"Trying to get Alex to the fake-rigged rod"

*A mix of danish and swedish, no one understands..*

We waited and waited...

He finally entered the tent..

"The fish"

"He asked me if i was inside the tent?"

"Waaait, uuugh!" "IT'S A FISH"

"Holy shit"


*mumbles something in danish/swedish* Keep an eye on the rod outside!


Shit, the reel is frozen...

Nooo.. YES, he's still there!

Wait a second...... the reel is broken! (It's not)

Whaat? hahaha. "The reel is frozen"

You hooked up? Again on this rod..

But the fucking reel is frozen!

Can't you reel? OH holy shit it's peeling line.

"Everyone is trying to play along and act as good as they can"

This fucking reel is totally It's just peeling line

It's not possible to crank.. What is happening?

"Holy macaronies"


Damn, it feels heavy.

It does? Yep


You know, it's my mojo today!


It's not a stupid thing to have a rod inside here like this, this is the second bite!


"Uuuuuh" Damn that's nice, damn that's nice!

Did you see it?


The brake is pretty tight you know..

What the hell, i thought it was you making that noise while pumping, so it's still going?

I'm to scared to do something, i'm just letting him..

This is a pike, and damn it feels heavy..

I've never been this afraid to lose a fish!

"Unfortunately, Marcus GoPro died just before the "fish" was landed"


- It came of? - No! it did noo.......?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

*alot of giggles* - Are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


Okay Alex, now you've calmed down from the prank


-What do you think? -Hilarious.

Very funny.

- I think it was a succesful prank - I agree

What do you guys think?

You know, i'm satisfied! Look at him, just look at him!

I'm really happy, finally the damn danish guy got it!

He's standing over there and feeling bad, feels so good!

No, but this was fun!

Yes it was, hahaha

For more infomation >> HUGE Pike Fishing Prank!? - Duration: 6:32.


KV-2 German Live Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz Deutsch - Duration: 4:01.

Welcome to a new video.

Before i go into the battle i wanna show you something.

Alright first this one. 2385 Dmg with 2 kills. Did this a few minutes ago.

On the map: Dessert Sands.

That's how much damage my team did.

Great isn't it?

Inactivity, inactivity, inactivity

The enemies had such a bad tactic but it worked...


The only great thing was that i oneshotted their VK.

That was great.

This one was in the T69.

I had this battle a few minutes ago. Winter Malinovka. We literally sidescraped the sht out of the map.

I just did a bit of spash damage. Sadly they won. The enemy M4 came from behind and got me.

I won this battle but it was boring.

I just was on one position the whole time defending.

Until our meds, td's and lights decided to flank.

Boths teams have 4 heavies.

We have 2 lights and 1 med.

They have 2 lights and 1 td.

We're driving to the right side?


Looks good.

What i forgot to mention is a viewer wished that i could make a german live commentary in the KV-2.

Fun fact: My first german live commentary was in a KV-2.

Yeah KV-2. Stronk tenk. Stronk tenk.

Don't forget that.

Hmm B...

This must be the VK. Or the Crusader.

Yep the VK.

Welp we gotta fight the heavies now.

There they are.


Haha that was bitter.

So bitter.

Of course! 20 HP left.

The T-150 is not bad.

Oh a Churchill GC. I'm not sure if i can onehit him through the front... but i think yes.

Wait, wait.

No, but i can make a lot of spash damage.


There missed me.

The T-150 can take him out now.

Or the Kuro Mori Mine. That works also.

What do they have left?

T-150 and the Crusader.

Pew (lol)

The T-150 is so nice. He'll get a like.

He did a good job.

Just 1530 damage.

He helped me destroy the enemy team.

Effective player.

Beautiful. The Kuro did a good job too.

Good team.

If you liked the video hit that like button.

See you next time!


For more infomation >> KV-2 German Live Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz Deutsch - Duration: 4:01.


The Flash | Inside: The Elongated Knight Rises | The CW - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> The Flash | Inside: The Elongated Knight Rises | The CW - Duration: 1:03.


New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation Jan 2018 | Part 23 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation Jan 2018 | Part 23 - Duration: 10:05.


Did You Get My Email? - Duration: 3:30.

(keyboard typing)

(electronic notification)

- Hey Raika. (laughing)

Raika! (laughing)

Raika. (laughing)

- Yeah, what's up?

- I just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email.

It's pretty long and I don't want you to miss it.

- Yup, I'm just going to finish this sketch

I'm working on and then I'll read it.

- Raika?

- Oh my God, Jesus.

Okay, what--

is it?

- I'm sorry, I'm just following up with that email.

- Uh huh, I got it.

- Okay, and you're aware that it's a very long email?

- Yeah, you told me that already.

- Wonderful.

- Raff?

Hi, I'd like you to help me get Raika to

check the email I sent her.

- What? Why?

(electronic notification)

- Yes, I just sent you an invitation to a reminder

to check in with Raika.

Did you get it?

- Yeah, I got it, but--


- Um, if you could accept that invite,

I'd really appreciate it.

- Katie, I don't need Raff to remind me to read your email.

- Yeah. Exactly. I'm not involved in this.

- Okay, just accept the invite.

- No. I'm not going to.

- Do it. (laughing)

Just do it.

- What?

(electronic notification)

- You texted me to check in with Raff to

check in with Raika to see if she got your email.

- Oh great, you got it.

- Katie, we all have a lot of work to do, okay?

I'm sure Raika's going to read that email when she has time.

- Yeah and if it's urgent, just mark it urgent

and I'll read it right away.

(electronic notification)

Katie, you just resent me the same email

and changed the subject line to urgent.

(phone ringing)


- Hi Raika, it's Katie from college humor.

- Yeah, I know.

- Raika, so good to hear from you.

I'm just circling back about that long email I sent you.

Um, did you happen to check on that yet?

- No, because I have a deadline coming up.

- Okay, well, I just wanted to let you know that

the email is in fact, urgent.

My apologies for not conveying that sooner.

- Did you just send me a Facebook invite to

an event called, check on Raika to

make sure she reads email?

- Yes, I thought, perhaps, you were more of a Facebook

user than an email user.

- I don't care about this email.

I'm not about to--

- Another text.

Katie, you have to stop checking up on us.

(multiple devices ringing and notifying)

- [Together] Hello?

- Hi, it's Katie Marovich from College Humor.

Um, I set up a conference call for us to

touch base about that email I sent Raika.

- Katie, we don't have time for this.

- (phone beeping) What?

How did you send me a voice message just now?

- Fine Katie, I'll read your stupid urgent email.

Will that get you to leave us alone?

(electronic notification)

You just sent me a text that said, yes, read the email.

Are you fuckin--

- Just read it!

- Fine!

Friends are like angels watching over you

from here on Earth. (mystical sparkly music)

Katie, what the fuck is this?

- Oh, I thought it was cute.

It seemed very Katie and Raika.

- Katie, don't waste my time on this kind of shi--

- Just following up-- - Oh my God!

- Hi, it's Katie Marovich from College Humor.

If you want to subscribe, click over here

and for more fun stuff, click over here.

And if you want access to College Humor's

secret site, make sure you send your

social security number, your credit card information,

and your mother's maiden name in a private message to me.

For more infomation >> Did You Get My Email? - Duration: 3:30.


How Donald Trump Can Save Your Marriage - Duration: 5:43.

This is going to be a the most TREMENDOUS video you've ever seen in your life!

The complete opposite of a TOTAL DISASTER, folks!

Donald Trump certainly isn't short on superlatives and exaggerations… and regardless of what

you think of him, you have to give him credit…the guy is a TOTAL sound bite machine.

It seems like almost everything he says is worthy of attention… whether good or bad.

And there's another thing about him that's indisputable: Donald Trump angers the HELL

out of a lot of people… and there's a good reason why beyond simple politics and

disagreements over policy.

It's the way he uses his language.

And today, in this YouTube video, I'm going to explain how you can use this information

to help you with YOUR marriage and relationships.

How's it going, YouTubers?

Brad Browning here with a marriage saving video today!

Before I get into the meat and potatoes, I first have to tell you about this amazing

quiz tool that I've created on… and it's a quiz tool designed to determine

your chances of salvaging your marriage.

The quiz only takes around 5 minutes to complete…and it's completely free.

Again, the address for that quiz is!

So head on over there after you watch this YouTube video and get on that!

Okay… so now let's get into the goods.

So like I said, some valuable lessons can be learned from Donald Trump on what NOT to

do when speaking to your spouse.

See, when emotions are running high, sometimes we shift the way we use our language… and

often in a very BAD way.

We say things like…

"You never clean after yourself!" or "You always are late to my sister's dinner!"

or "You're the absolute worst when it comes to remembering my birthday!"

Recognize statements like these?

This is what I like to call "Imprecise Language"… and it's Donald Trump's specialty! Trump

clearly uses this kind of exaggerated and 'over the top' language to gain publicity

and provoke a strong reaction.

Regardless of what you think about the commander and chief, this sort of language is extremely


And if you notice from the examples above, this kind of "Imprecise Language" often

comes out when we are angry at our spouses… once emotions rise, we start using superlatives

and we exaggerate reality… and this is reflected in what we say to our spouse.

Now think about it from your spouse's perspective, for a minute… let's say for example that

you accused your spouse of "never cleaning after themselves."

Yes, often times, you might be right.

Maybe he or she IS really bad at cleaning after themselves… but to say he or she never

cleans after themselves is most likely an inaccurate statement.

All your spouse would have to do is come up with one example of him or her cleaning up

after themselves to prove you wrong.

From your spouse's perspective, what you said is blatantly hyperbolic and clearly not

a true reflection of reality… and as a result, your spouse will think that you're being

untruthful and condescending.

So how do we solve this issue?

How do we make it so that you can express your grievances to your spouse without angering

him or her?

How can we cut down on our "Imprecise Language" and make sure that we DON'T escalate our

confrontations into earth shattering arguments?

Well, you need to start using "PRECISE Language."

That's right – little shifts in what you say can have a massive impact on how your

spouse perceives you and I'll explain how right now...

Let's use the above three examples to say how we can turn IMPRECISE language into PRECISE

language… that is, language that is IMPOSSIBLE to misinterpret.

In the first example… which was, "You NEVER clean after yourself!" – you know,

we could change that to something like…

"Could you do me a favour and make sure you pick up your socks after showering?

That would be awesome."

Notice the difference in language?

Notice how the second statement is MUCH more specific and positive?

And finally, notice how we've substituted the word "YOU" for "I"?

This change in language might seem subtle and ineffective at first, but believe me when

I say your spouse will notice the difference.

Let's jump right into the second example now… which was, "You are ALWAYS late to

my sister's dinner!"

In this example, we can apply the same rules we learned in the first example.

So instead, you can now say something like…

"I'd love it if we were on time to my sister's dinner tomorrow night."

Finally, let's try and fix the last example that we used earlier… which was, "You're

the absolute WORST when it comes to remembering my birthday!"

Using the lessons that we've learned so far, we can change this statement to…

"I'd appreciate it if you could make an effort to remember my birthday."

Again, these changes seem subtle, but they are proven techniques that you can use to

help reduce the likelihood of any future argument.

And if you want to learn MORE subtle tips and tricks like this, I highly encourage you

to learn about my DISPUTE DEFUSING system that's in this free video presentation I

created…you can watch this video on… that's… and you can head

on over there at any point to learn more about how you can use subtle tactics to help save

your marriage.

But if you're in a bind and you think you need real, personal marriage advice right

now and you DON'T want to shovel out hundreds or even thousands of dollars on counselling,

you can hire ME to be your marriage coach.

For more information on my marriage coaching program, just head on over to…that's and you can read about how you can register for that program


Alright, folks… so that's all for this video today.

Hopefully these Donald Trump-inspired tips will help you make some small improvements

in your marriage today… looking forward to hearing about your success in the comments

section below.

Take care!

For more infomation >> How Donald Trump Can Save Your Marriage - Duration: 5:43.


Elif Episode 652 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 92 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.

Aunt Melek!

They came back, finally, they returned!

She's looking for us, for certain!

Aunt Melek?

Aunt Melek?

Aunt Melek!

Now where did she go? She was just right here!

She should be going to the store!

Yes, I should look there right away!

It's all dusty again. I clean up in the morning,

it's the same again by the day ends.

All because of the wool balls, dear. These cotton grains.

Aunt Tülay, aunt Tülay!

Ehm... İnci?

What's going on, honey? You scared me!

- Aunt Tülay, I've seen them! - Honey, hold on, calm down a second!

What happened, what did you see?

Aunt Tülay, I've just seen aunt Melek!

Sister Elif's are here!

Wh-what? Your aunt Melek's?


How is that?

Where did you see her, İnci?

The upper street of the convenience store!

I've just seen her in front of me!

I shouted, chased after her.

A second after that, she's gone.

She just vanished.

I thought she could be on her way to the store,

then I ran all the way down here.

I'm so happy! So happy!

They came back at last!

They're here to see us!

My İnci...

my dear,

It can't be only aunt Melek, right? Sister Elif should be here, too!

İnci, honey, look...

I don't care, I missed them!

I wish them to be here as soon as possible!

Did you ever talk to them?

Did they call to say that they're here?

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 652 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 92 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.


Khalid im 1LIVE Fragenhagel | 1LIVE - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Khalid im 1LIVE Fragenhagel | 1LIVE - Duration: 2:18.


How to| Mixing Oils for Retaining Moisture and Length - Duration: 8:51.

Hello guys welcome back to my channel, I hope you guys had a great week. So today

I'm going to show you how I prepare my oil mix for my hair so stay tuned.

So these are all the stuff you're going to need. I forgot to pick up my tea tree

oil but these are all the stuff you need. So you need your glass bowl your

your applicator

bottle and all the oils for this mixture. So to start I'm going to take my glass

bowl and pour some hot water in there because I want to

start to melt down my coconut oil because at this time of the year it's solid

so you want to melt down the coconut oil before you use it in this mixture. So that's what I'm doing

here and pour my hot water into the bowl and I'm going to dish out my

coconut oil into a bowl sitting on top.

So before we start if you've not subscribed to my channel please kindly

click on the subscribe button right down below and please click on the bell also

so that you don't miss any videos that I upload from now onward thank you.

So now I'm going to set it aside while I start on mixing the rest of my oils.

In my applicator bottle I'm going to put in 4 ounces but later on I bring five

ounces of grape seed oil.

The next oil that I'm going to put in my applicator bottle is my

extra virgin olive oil. I chose the cold extracted olive oil because it's the

best that you can get out there. it has the most nutrients in it so if you're buying

oils try as much as possible to get the cold pressed oils

afterwards I'm going to go ahead and add in my my coconut oil that I already

started melting and just ignore the solid one that is in there I'm going to

break it up and add it to the oil mix is going to melt over time so yeah and I

find that when I do this my oils stays liquidy it doesn't turn

back and revert back into solid so I really like melting down the coconut

oil first before adding it to the oil mix. I'm going to top it up with the grape seed oil like I said from before because I wanted to reach the 8 ounces mark

so I have the maximum oil inside the bottle. I love the grapeseed oil because it is nongreasy and

doesn't make my hair feel greasy

Now moving on to my essential oils. I'm starting off with the lavender oil

I will then move on to add my YlangYlang oil. This smells amazing.

Research says that it lifts mood and i find that it does lift my mood.

Up next is my Orange oil and here are all the benefits of using orange oil.

Next up is my Lemongrass oil

next is my peppermint

i use this for every thing (in my conditioner mix because it is very beneficial)

This is followed by my Ecalyptus oil. I'm really new to this oil and I love the smell of it.

now last but not least my Tea tree oil and Tea tree is extremely beneficial if you have

dry scalp like flaky dry scalp mix this with your conditioner, your shampoo, your oil mix

and it can help lift off those dry skin and keep your skin soothed. Now I'm going to shake shake my bottle

tada my oil mix. Now this oil mix changes a lot but this is the oil mix that I

have right now as a medical school student in the country where you can't get

a lot of products this oil really works best for me here.

Thanks so much for watching my video. Don't forget to subscribe and like

For more infomation >> How to| Mixing Oils for Retaining Moisture and Length - Duration: 8:51.


Dirty Bomb: Ask The Devs - January 23rd - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Ask The Devs - January 23rd - Duration: 5:21.


Big News: Justin Bieber Still Not Playing George Michael in Biopic - Duration: 2:57.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Justin Bieber still not playing George Michael and biopic

although multiple outlets claimed in

2017 that Justin Beiber wanted to play George Michael in a biopic it's still not happening

Gossip, cop is taking a look back at busts from last year to see how they've held up overtime and just as we said reports

About Bieber wanting to star as Michael and a movie were wrong

Last January Life & Style was the first to spread the untrue claim just weeks after

Michael's death and a nod to one of the music icons hit songs the tabloid alleged Bieber had faith

He was the ideal person to portray Michael on a big screen a supposed source contended

He was pushing his team to make it happen the gossip magazine further

Asserted that his camp had already reached out to Hollywood execs to float the idea that Justin could star in the inevitable biopic

There was no merit to the allegations. However as Bieber's manager

Exclusively told gossip cop. It was false that they were pursuing such a project

But roughly ten days later The Daily Star put its own spin on the erroneous

Contentions the British outlet claimed the singer already shot his own video versions of two of George's classic hits

Faithlyn Careless Whisper to convince studio bosses he is right for the role

This article featured a so-called source purporting

Several studio bosses have already shown interest and a couple Tavor mark that as well as nailing the voice

Justin could actually pass for a young george with minimal make-up and styling but the UK paper was both late and wrong

Merely rewriting the life and style assertions didn't suddenly make them true, and they're still not true today in Jan

mm 18

What's more is that even with O fever into lead role no such movie has ever been announced a

documentary called George Michael freedom aired on Showtime last October

But there's been no move towards a film biopic weber

Also hasn't taken any steps to enter the movie business despite another inaccurate report from last year that mistakenly alleged

He was seeking at the advice from famous pals like Adam Sandler

But even though it's a new year The Daily Star is still peddling misinformation about Bieber's career

Just two weeks ago

We busted their publication for wrongly claiming Bieber refused to do a song for the Fifty Shades freed

soundtrack and

Life & Style has continued to pen falsehoods as well such as a story earlier this month that alleged Bieber and Selena Gomez

Were secretly engaged

With this track record both outlets will continue to be under close surveillance

For more infomation >> Big News: Justin Bieber Still Not Playing George Michael in Biopic - Duration: 2:57.


INTERVIEW | Gianandrea Noseda. TURANDOT Puccini - Teatro Regio Torino - Duration: 9:29.

I find it somehow odd that, in the first decades of the 20th century,

quite a few composers used

Carlo Gozzi's 18th century fairy tales as elements of inspiration.

I think about Busoni's Turandot and Puccini with the same opera,

Casella's The Serpent Woman,

Prokofiev's The Love of Three Oranges and Henze's The Stag King.

Why this idea… or this need, actually. As it seems almost a necessity.

This happens in symphonic music too. Stravinskij himself took this direction

with Pulcinella and his ballet, revisited from a 20th century outlook.

The reason might be a lack of solid ground.

It was a difficult time, especially during the years

following the First World War… years of bewilderment.

Such social and economic uncertainty affected the composers too;

most likely, Puccini is looking back to find a way of expressing

the new and the modern without disconnecting from the past,

a sort of self-given imprimatur.

By looking back, one is able to create something new.

Composers always feel such need… one has to be able to write a fugue

in the style of Bach, in order to write a twelve-tone fugue.

Most likely, Puccini experienced the same need.

He probably felt it was his responsibility

to show a new direction for opera,

and how can I do this without disowning his Italian spirit,

but taking a new path for Opera in 20th century.

Looking back in the direction of Gozzi can thus be reassuring.

Turandot shows admirable research on timbre, on orchestration.

Sometimes it reminds me of Debussy, and it certainly resembles

the atmospheres created by Strawinskij.

Puccini was one of the first artists to appreciate and defend the Sacre

after 1913, so it can be said that he is not the archetypal

melodramatic Italian composer, who shows no particular interest

in the twists and turns of the instrumental ballet music.

I have in mind the ethereal atmosphere of the prayer to the moon,

as it really is connected to the French atmospheres

of the beginning of the 20th century.

In the chorus, further influences can be noticed.

Even if they aren't directly related to the Russian school,

I think to Rimsky Korsakow's last works,

like The legend of the invisible city of Kitezh,

and even if I cannot find the

quintessential Russian folkloristic spirit,

anyway I do identify the need to compose and enact great choral scenes.

This is most likely Puccini's greatest tribute to the Russian tradition;

he does not try to revisit its folklore, but reinforces the concept that

in a fairy tale the choir, the people plays a vital role.

The Girl of the West marks a major turn in Puccini's style,

which is then embellished and further developed in the Triptych.

After the Triptych came Turandot, that turned out to be his last work.

When Puccini started to write Turandot, he didn't know it would be his last work

and therefore the opera development is quite organic,

and as a matter of choice follows the Triptych rather The Girl of the West.

The act is fully assimilated in the 20th Century,

and Turandot is integrated in this context to an even greater extent.

The display of dissonant elements in the musical representation

of an exotic milieu – China – is not only a technical or pictorial device

but also a musical technical device to use dissonance and timbric disregard

as means that are functional to an entirely Italian way of singing.

The conclusion of Turandot is an issue that has occupied Puccini

for the last three years and a half of his life.

It needed a solution; either a dramaturgical,

and therefore musical solution, or the enactment of a very cynical woman,

like a praying mantis that kills whoever tries to approach her

but then, following Liu's sacrifice and Calaf's kiss,

turns quickly into the most fervent lover.

It is probably this aspect that didn't convince Puccini,

as he always knew how to explore the depth of the human soul,

transposing real feelings into music.

How is this transformation possible?

In my opinion, the only convincing end to this opera

would be a conclusion written by Puccini himself.

And here the great enigma arouses; is it better to present a concluded opera

even if not completed by the author, or rather leave it unfinished?

This incompleteness says a lot anyway.

I was never convinced by the two conclusions proposed by Alfano

the most extensive one and the one that underwent

some rather substantial cuts by Toscanini

and neither was I fully persuaded by Berio's end as, although truly valid,

one can feel a stylistic gap and a dramaturgical non-resolution,

or at least a conclusion that's likely to be different

from the one envisioned by Puccini.

I could never understand the triumphalism in Alfano's version,

or the fade out in Berio's version.

They are all absolutely respectable efforts, made with great efficiency

and also of great quality,

but I think that to finish with this threnody of mourning after Liu's death,

which is in fact the only character who truly has human feelings

throughout the work

while the others are somewhat archetypal of heroism, cynicism, vengeance

is a very poignant thing and allows the viewer to think

that a death by sacrifice could cause a great change.

This way I don't provide any answer but allow the imagination to fly

and everyone can conclude Turandot as one thinks it's better.

But let's say that to conclude with this truly magical moment,

perhaps one of the highest moments that Puccini has reached and,

among other things, in an unusual tonality E-flat minor: is a technical thing,

nevertheless for the viewers it can be useful to know

that it is used very little because it doesn't sound good

when played by strings and wind instruments

that cannot be tuned accordingly

I think this sad, tragic tonality... not gloomy, but almost resigned,

can better serve Puccini.

It's my opinion, but it was also embraced by Stefano Poda and thus

we try to bring the show in this direction.

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