Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 3 2018


For more infomation >> xxxtentacion - #PROUDCATOWNER #IHATERAPPERS #IEATPUSSY Prod. RONNY J - Duration: 1:39.


ARD: Systematische Irreführung über den Krieg gegen Jemen | 03.01.2018 | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> ARD: Systematische Irreführung über den Krieg gegen Jemen | 03.01.2018 | - Duration: 1:12.





2018 - Duration: 6:10.


What's good, guys

I hope you made some nice new years resolutions for this year

and stay on track with them

work hard

eat healthier again

and do more things you love

I also made some new years resolutions

many nice and good resolutions

doing more of this or that

and then

I watched a video of

one of my favorite youtubers

Jackson Foster-Plantriotic

and he made a video about new years resolutions, where he

that he doesn't have some specific goals for 2018

rather, he tries to

to live this year more mindfully

He basically says that

one should live mindfully, everyday

and that reminded me of myself last year

I was always thinking:" damn time goes by so fast"

"damn it's already october again"

"It feels like january was two weeks ago"

and that's how it is

the older you get, the faster time goes by

and that is why I made a conscious decision

which is also my only new years resolution

for 2018

to see everyday as a miniature life time

to do one thing at a time, everyday

for instance, waking up...



what do I do now...

I put on my clothes

nothing else

nothing in the past nothing in the future


some expressions are way cooler in English than in German

that is my new year's resolution for 2018

of course, I've got a bunch of plans for this year

for instance, get back into youtube

reading more books

listening to more podcasts

but I didn't make up definite goals

because I feel like I put too much pressure on myself

when I don't accomplish these goals

which is not the best feeling

so I open to everything happening

simply doing what I love most

and most of the time, and doing it mindfully

the first three days so far were pretty nice

I'll keep you in touch

and that is why I changed my name


some German words sound so

boring, compared to the English ones

mindful sounds cool but


not my favorite word

another exciting thing

one of my biggest inspirations, Tim Shieff, as some of you might know

put out a podcast, where he talks about changing his name from

The vegan prince to tim the human

his arguments were

don't put yourself out there as "the Vegan"

rather being known for something else

and then happening to be vegan

Tim is saying about himself

Tim Shieff, the sick world champion free runner

overall very sporty

who happens to be vegan

or David Carter

sick quarterback (I think)

or defence???I don't know (It's not my favorite sport ;))

Vincent, my boss, there is a lot to learn for me

but he is also a sick football player

who happens to be vegan

and that's what I want for my channel

that people come to my channel, not necessarily for vegan stuff

and that see, "oh by the way, he's vegan"

he makes it look so easy and normal

and that's why I call myself mindfuldave from this day on

kind of a cool word, btw.

that's it

for the start of 2018

write down in the comments, if you made some resolutions

live more consciously, live slower

live for the moment

Don't give a fuck about people's opinions

do what you love

a little preview for the future

what you guys can await

I switched up my diet a bit

and do some detoxification at the moment

but more of that in the next videos

that's it

guys, I have to get back to make cool videos, haha

thank's for tuning in and stay tuned

and all that good stuff

see ya, it's gonna be a good year =)

For more infomation >> 2018 - Duration: 6:10.


Well Traveled Compression Packing Cubes - Duration: 5:34.

Hey cruisers it is a new year and we are stoked to be back here with you sharing

the travel supplies that make our travels easier and more organized and

just overall better and today we're really stoked because we have a

beautiful set of packing cubes to share with you and today we're going to talk

about why we bought them what we liked about them how to use them and where to

find them but hmm I do want to tell you the number

one reason that we bought them is because they are gorgeous I mean take a

look at these you guys they're so pretty my husband saw them on Amazon and we

both agreed that we absolutely just had to have them so number one reason for

making this purchase was definitely the aesthetic the company that makes them

well traveled which is headquartered out of Colorado was inspired by their

travels when they made them and it definitely shows through so you know

sometimes you have to buy things because they're pretty I'm not above that the

number two reason that we bought them won't surprise you at all you know how

we feel about packing cubes and you know how we feel about compression packing

well these packing cubes are compression

packing cubes so they combine our love for packing cubes to stay organized and

squishing things down in your suitcase to make more room so we're all about it

and that's definitely the main two reasons why we purchased this product so

would you like to hear a little bit more about why we like them number one basic

practical reason they are machine washable so you can throw these puppies

in the wash and then hang them to dry I think that's wonderful I also like that

they come in three sizes enter a reasonable price so this is the large

size right here front and back this is the medium size front and back and this

is the little small qt now another thing I like about these is that I can use

this little guy in my backpack possibly even this one so these don't

necessarily need to be just used in your luggage they can also be used for your

day pack and I really like that idea so why don't we jump in and show you how

they work what I have done is set some clothing aside over here and we're going

to use the medium packing cube today to do a little demonstration of how they work

so the first thing you need to know about these is that they have two sets

of zippers they have this upper zipper here that goes into the main cube and

then the second zipper on the item is what compresses it so we're gonna go

ahead and demonstrate that right now we're gonna fill one of these up so

first thing you do is open both sets of zippers on the cube so that you have it

all nice and ready to be filled so this is what it looks like with both sets

open you can see that it kind of makes more space it expands if you will all

right there we go so fully expanded looks a little bit like that and we are

going to go ahead and fill it the company that makes these offers a couple

of important tips for us when using these and the first tip is that you want

to roll your clothing instead of folding it so we have rolled a few items today

we have some t-shirts pants leggings swimsuit cover-ups things like that so

I'm just gonna go ahead and lightly put them in here so you want to roll them

and the second tip that well-travelled offers is that you do not want to over

stuff the bag so as you can see we have filled the bag but it's not terribly

full and it's not it's not bursting so to speak so you go ahead and shut it the

first zipper and use the handy little handle here to see that it's not really

overstuffed right there's even room in the top and then what you do is take the

compression zipper and you just move it all along the side of the product here

just like that and I'm trying to do this slowly and carefully so that I don't get

any of the fabric stuck while I'm sipping it shut so you kind of want to

take your time with this part of the process so that nothing gets stuck in

there and as you do that you can see the product kind of shrinking down the cube

kind of shrinking down this is what it's meant for so taking it slow making sure

all the fabric is nicely tucked away when we do that it's important part of

the process and we're almost all the way around so you can see that it compresses

down to this nice little size so it's probably about half as wide or thick

whatever you want to say as it was when it started very nice way to stay

organized I don't feel like my clothes are overly compressed either where

they're gonna wrinkle or anything like that it's just compressing them to a

nice packable level I think we will probably want to have a couple of sets

of these I think you could probably would need you know three or four per

adult so that is how these little guys work so

how do you get them of course we have put them in our Amazon shop and we will

link to them in the description box below so that you can get your hands on

a set of them they're very reasonably priced and the company has great

customer service after you order them they'll send you a little email a few

days after your package arrives to make sure that everything is going well with

the product and to check on you and I absolutely love it when suppliers do

that so go ahead and check that out below and make sure that you guys are

following us under the handle cruisetipstv on Instagram Pinterest

Twitter and Facebook we have a lot going on over there we did giveaways all the

time we bring you pictures from our travels vlogs all kinds of good stuff so

make sure that you check that out and again it's cruise tips TV and be sure to

subscribe to this channel if you'd like updates on gear all through the year

thank you so much for watching and until next time get in gear and get cruising

First Mate of the week

For more infomation >> Well Traveled Compression Packing Cubes - Duration: 5:34.



Hiya Q Squad! and Welcome back to another TOIGHT Adventure!

[Edith] Toight! [Q] It is snowing outside

It is a beautiful winter day. We are headed

to what we think might me another KPOP heaven?

[Q] in NY? [Edith] We have to check it out

there's not that much information about it

[Q] Yeah, we don't know anything about it. We have never been there.

[Edith] It's like a new heaven that we are uncovering right now.

[Q] Yeah and it's not in Manhattan. It's out in Flushing, in Queens.

[Edith] At the corner. The outer most corner of NYC!

[Q] Yeah.

This is like no man's land that we are going to. I'm kind of scared.

But let's do this!

Before we get started make sure you hit like on this video and let's go!

[Q] So since it is snowing outside and Flushing

is like another world away from Manhattan

You guys have no idea how far away Flushing is.

We decided to go find my mom in a cafe

right here and track her down

and take her car! So we are going to leave her stranded in this cafe!

sorry mom

This is what needs to be done.

[Q's Mom] Okey how long is it going to take?

[Q] However long it takes! you know!

We are going to Kpop - potentially Kpop Heaven

So however long it takes!

[Q] Give me the keys Mom!

[Q's Mom] Be careful! Be careful! Dont!

[Q] Bye mom!

[Q's Mom] It's snowing, be careful! [Q] Alright.

[Q] About that car life, baby!

[Edith] Until your mom takes it back! [Q] Until my mom takes it back!

Because she's waiting in the cafe!

No my dad is going to pick her up. Ya'll don't worry about my mom

She's going to be ok!

[Edith] You know what car rides are for? [Q] What?

Patiti, patiti pati pongo!

[Edith] Okey Story time! Going to Flushing. Not the greatest idea for us.

Last time we went... we came back...home...

with a little runt! [Q] It is totally unplanned

That was an unplanned baby! But we are going to stop by that store again

Edith is scared to death to check it out [Edith] We can't do that!

[Edith] Guys, We can't do that!

[Q] I want to see what cute puppies there are! I like cute puppies!

[Edith] You see this is not a good start!


[Q] So one thing about Flushing is that it is one large korea town and china town

all mashed together!

Take a look at these store fronts!

There's a Korean store there, there's Chinese

There's just a lot, it is just sort of all mashed together!


We are here

[Edith] are we? [Q] Does this look like Kpop heaven?

Is it?

[Both] I don't know! [Q] But I see KPOP CD

and I see some ladies here! I'm ready!

[Edith] You don't recognize your boys? You just skipped over your boys!

[Q] Who? [Edith] HOW DARE YOU!

[Q] Who are these guys? I don't know who these guys are!

[Edith] Look *unintelligible fangirling noise* SMILE! V is always so cute!

[Q] He is like " welcome to kpop heaven"

[Q] Alright, Lets check it out!

[Edith] this is not the same...

[Q] wait what did you just say?

*Edith sketchy AF*

[Edith] *whispering* this is not the place we were looking for...

[Q] We walked into the wrong place. Let's get out of here!

This don't look like KPOP heaven to me...

[Edith] I don't know what this is but I'm kinda into it!

[Q] I see Holiday!

[Both] ha ha holiday!

[Edith] yo how old is this?

That doesn't even look like RM

[Q] That's not RM.. OHMYGAWD THAT IS RM!

[Edith] That's insane!

[Q] They closed down like half the store

like if you look next door. It's all shut down

So this is the place

Not Jeorro!

[Edith] That's pretty cool! [Q] yeah this is serious! It's got some real weight to it.

[Q] Got this "to cool for school'! aye!

and they got the Love Yourself! Is this the one that we have?

[Edith] Yeah. [Q] So they are up to date!

[Store Clerk] yeah we moved!

[Q] was there more KPOP stuff before? [Store Clerk] No.

[Q] GOT7 that case is just fabulous.

Fabulous! GOT7 you guys are doing it right!

[Edith] I'm going to go so broke!

I'm going to loose all my money. look at this! What group is this?

[Q] waiting Q. That sounds amazing!

Alright, that was not Jeorro!

[Edith] Not Jeorro! [Q] That was really not jeorro!

[Edith] I mean at least it got stuff! Some places don't have anything at all.

[Q] Yeah, this is probably. Even though there's barely any Kpop stuff in there

maybe number 2 in NY

NY really gotta step it up!

But we do have that first KPOP heaven!

They got a lot of stuff!

I guess our go to place is still our go to place!

But you know what time it is right?



We are going to go right there! But we need to set some ground rules first!

[Q] What ground rules?

[Edith] We cannot leave with a dog!


[Q] Yeah sure

[Edith] No [Q] That's not going to happen!

[Edith] Noo we can't, we can't!

No picking dogs up!

Just looking at them okey? [Q] yeah just looking at them

[Edith] Well that's not were we got knubby We might not be in such a risk, you know?

[Q] Yeah, We went to a place called Q Puppies!

That's where we got Knubby. So that was destiny!

Alright, Where the cute puppies at! Where the cute puppies at!

[Edith] Look at this guy! He's already looking!

For more infomation >> DID WE FIND THE BEST KPOP IN NYC!?!! - KPOP IN PUBLIC - Duration: 13:01.


Devin And Jen Swap Clothes For A Day • Ladylike - Duration: 11:05.

- Hey, guys.

Uh, hey.

Cool, yeah, I'm here.


A few weeks ago Chantel and Freddie swapped styles

and morning routines for a day,

and it was very silly, and very cute.

- I cannot.


- And I think they both learned

a little something along the way.

- So we thought, what the hell?

We'll do it with Jen and I.

- We are gonna swap styles and morning routines,

and see how the results turned out.

- My mornings are comprehensive.

I wake up early, I'm a morning person.

I like to work out in the morning.

I have two cats I have to take care of in the mornings,

they sing to me, they scream at me.

- I get up in the morning, obviously,

I go to the bathroom,

I brush my teeth,

and then I just wash my face with water.

I use face wash in my showers at night,

and then I go back into my room,

and I have a little vanity.

So once I put my eye cream on,

then I put primer on,

and then I do my eye makeup,

and then once my moisturizer is on and applied,

I put a layer of sunscreen on,

and then after my sunscreen,

that's when I put my foundation on.

- I have a very extensive Korean skin care beauty routine

that I follow.

I meditate in the morning.

I listen to NPR in the morning,

and then after I'm done with all of

that I wake up my boyfriend,

and then I go to work,

and I think I'm gonna have Jen call Pat

at some point in the morning to wake him up.

- Once my makeup and face is done,

I just put gel in my hands,

I slap 'em together,

I run my hair this way,

that takes like two minutes.

I think because my hair routine in so simple,

and my getting dressed is so simple,

that people think I just wake up,

and I just fuckin' slap myself,

and hit my own ass, and then I'm good.

No, there's actually a process.

- We have very different morning routines.

What we do have similar is our style.

- I feel like I'm not

the most fashion conscious person necessarily.

I think I'm put together a little bit.

I love just like graphic tees and t-shirts.

- I like to be comfortable.

I like to wear things where I can drop

into a split at a moment's notice,

and I would be fine.

My biggest thing right now is my favorite thing

to wear are high waisted pants

that have a tapered leg,

and then a crop top,

and then I love choker necklaces.

When it comes to my style,

it would be a choker necklace.

I think Jen has a very easy going style.

I think it's going to feel like weekend wear Devin.

- Her style's kind of similar to mine sometimes.

- I wanna give Jen something that she's comfortable in,

so I'm not gonna give her crop tops,

I'm not gonna give her a dress or a skirt.

I'm gonna give her things that I think she

would turn around and wear again.

I want her to be excited when she sees what I have for her.

- Devin's very chill outwardly,

but then she cares very hard

about the things she cares about.

- This was Monday night at 8:14 p.m.

I go,

She texts back four minutes later.

Jen, I asked you what size shoe you wear.

I go,

She goes,

and doesn't answer back for five minutes,

and then she answers,

and that's just Jen in a nutshell.

Let's just do it.

Come on, Jen,

let's dress each other.

All right, it's time to hit Jen with my morning routine.

- Yeah, I can do this,

this is great.

I am a professional adult,

and I am able to accomplish ever task I set my mind to.

So you know what,

I'm not even worried.

I hate showering in the morning too,

and I also don't like exercising,

and I don't have a pet,

but it's cool.

It's one day.

If I can't do this for one day, it's sad.

7:56 to 8:00, I go to the bathroom,

brush your teeth, wash your face with water,

eat a turkey sandwich,

have some gay thoughts,

leave your house by like 8:45

to try and arrive to work by 9:00, 9:15.

- You eat a turkey sandwich in the morning?

- Not every morning,

but I did this morning,

so here you go.

- Turkey sandwich and gay thoughts in the morning.

All right, got it.

- Devin apparently gets up at 6:45 every morning,

and it's exercising within 15ish minutes of waking up.

It kinda sounds like a prank.

- Good morning.

It is 7:45.

Of course there's some modifications,

because I've got some beasts

that I need to feed.

So Jen's routine was really chill.

I got some extra sleep,

which was nice.

- Your routine was fun.

It wasn't that hard for me to implement beyond

the fact that it was just like getting up a little earlier

and adding exercise.

Devin told me to jog.

I'm going on a jog,

which is fine, but it's not fun.

The thing is, exercising will never be my bag,

but I do understand why you do it,

because the endorphins smack you in the face.

You do feel ready,

and as soon as you get out of

the shower after having exercise,

and you're about to get dressed,

you feel very powerful,

and ready to face on the world.

I don't like showering in the morning

because I don't like being cold in the morning,

but I'm really hot because I just was fuckin' running,

so I guess this is the trade off.

- I feel like I'm following a recipe to make a Jen.

You know, I've never done the thing

where you put on your eye makeup first,

and then you put on the rest of your face stuff.

Typically I do moisturizer,

and then it's like makeup time,

but I kinda like it.

Washing my face with just water was nice.

I think I'm gonna implement that a little bit more.

- My face gets dry, too.

- Right.

- So that's partially why I only use water in the morning,

and then I use cleanser,

but if I used cleanser twice a day,

I would kinda look like the mummy, so.

I don't have Devin's exact products,

but skin care routine is what comes after the shower.

I already have a kind of similar skin care routine to you,

so that was sort of normal for me.

- I don't put any product really in my hair,

except some hair oil, because I'm blonde,

and you gotta keep it healthy.

Actually my makeup looks great.

Jen, I'm gonna copy your way of doing things.

- I did call Pat.

He didn't answer, which we found out was

- He was in the bathroom.

- Yeah, he was in the bathroom.

- Yeah.

- What can ya do?

I'm glad he didn't answer.

I think it would have been weirder for both of us.

Good morning, Pat.

I hope you are awake and getting ready for your day at work.

This is Jen with your wake up call.

Devin instructed me to do this,

so please take care of yourself,

have a good breakfast,

and yeah, enjoy the day.

- Couldn't have done it better myself, Jen.

I think that if you every wanted

to open a wake up call system

where you could just prerecord a bunch

of wake up call messages,

and then have people call in,

and set an alarm, you could make a lot of money.

- Yeah, I mean,

if this doesn't work out, that's what I'm doing.

- So I was running a little bit late,

so I packed my turkey sandwich,

and as I eat this for breakfast I

have to think gay thoughts,

so here I go.

Starting my day off with a turkey sandwich.

- [Jen] That's right.

- Just gave me a robust feeling in the morning.

I just felt like I could tackle anything.

I got a little gassy towards the afternoon.

- It happens.

- The morning I felt strong.

- Yeah, cold cuts really go through your system really fast,

but they wake ya up.

- [Chantel] Ooh!

- The pants fit perfectly,

the shirt fits great.

I really can't complain.

Even the boots, which were a size bigger than my shoe size,

still fit really well.

- It's like a Hawaiian shirt that a dad wears,

but also it is cool.

I think the black is what makes it really cool.

- The black makes it pop.

It's very poppy.

- I love this shirt,

I love these pants,

and I love these boots.

You know I love a good boot.

- Yeah.

- The thing is, I feel like I've never seen Jen wear

an ensemble like this.

- Yeah, I feel like she worked

out her stylish part of herself.

- Yeah.

- And I also love how she mixed black,

we're talking about you.

- Okay.


- Jen is really good at styling other people.

- She really is.

- She actually really enjoys it too.

- This shirt was great.

The pants are fun, they're different.

Devin really picked some stuff that was like kind of new,

but also familiar.

We all know black slacks are just always gonna be in.

They're high waisted,

which I'd never really worn before,

but I like them because they keep you warmer.

It's kind of like long johns.

Wearin' my outfit.

Yeah, I fit in, right?

No one thought I was over dressed for the restaurant.

- Yeah, you look great.

- I think once we changed into our stuff,

we had a pretty normal day at the office.

They did really seem that put off,

or they didn't really notice that much difference.

Like occasionally someone would me like,

oh, you look fancy,

or people really loved this shirt,

I love the shirt too.

The choker is like interesting

because it's new for me, it's different,

and I thought I was really gonna feel restricted by it,

but you really don't notice it after awhile.

- This is a very cute outfit.

- [Devin] Right?

- It's not that far from what you would wear.

- I have a Hawaiian shirt that I wear sometimes.

- [Freddie] Yeah.

- But not as structured as this.

This one's very structured.

- This is very cute.

- [Devin] She said she has

a couple shirts from this company.

- Ah. This is a good shirt.

- Yeah, I like this shirt a lot.

I had so many compliments for this outfit.

- It's so bright and colorful,

and it's a little out of character for you,

but I actually like it.

- I am getting so many compliments on this shirt.

Right now I'm just leaving a parking lot of a McDonald's,

and this woman drove by,

and was just like "I like your shirt."

Like damn, Jen should dress me all the time.

- Is that a Devin necklace I see?

- [Jen] Yeah, it is a Devin necklace.

Do I look like Devin?

- It's a statement that Jen does not usually make.

I like it.

- [Jen] I do feel more fancy,

which I appreciate.

- Yeah.

- I feel really happy about this, actually.

You made an effort to push me out of my comfort zone,

but you also were very committed

to making sure it was still within boundaries and comfort,

and I thought that was really sweet,

and very considerate, honestly.

- People are pretty excited about the tomboy look on me.

They're like, oh my God,

this is so different for you,

which to be honest,

I thought I did have a little tomboy in my style,

but now that I'm wearing this outfit,

I'm realizing I probably don't.

I'm probably just wearing pants,

but yeah, this is cool.

Everyone's like happy Jenning.

I feel closer to you, Jen.

- Me too.

Yeah, I feel like we did have a good understanding

of what the other person would feel comfortable wearing,

and then how it would look,

which I thought was really cool.

- I don't wanna compare,

but this was a pretty successful style swap.

- Just swapping styles is weirdly intimate,

it is pretty intimate,

so it can backfire.

You gotta be careful, and you know,

you really have to keep everybody's comfort in mind,

but ultimately, yeah,

this didn't backfire at all.

This went pretty smoothly.

- We've done Freddie and Chantel,

and then Jen and I,

and the only person who's left now is Kristin.

- Tell us who you want Kristin to style swap with.

- And it doesn't have to be one of us.

It can be someone from BuzzFeed in general.

It could be Ryan Bergara.

- Well she would just not shave

and wear a lot of big t-shirts.

- And he would wear a dress.

- Yeah.

- Which would actually be a great video.

- Yeah, that's the thing,

because Kristin doesn't wear pants.

Kristin is a dress or skirt person.

- Style swap.

- Jen and Devin edition.

- Lady tested.

- Lady Freaky Fridayed.

- Yeah, I'm Lindsay Lohan.

- And I'm Jamie Lee Curtis.


- [Chantel And Freddie] We've got merch.

- Click here to buy it.

- Spoons!

- Spoons.

- Spoons.

- [All] Spoons.

For more infomation >> Devin And Jen Swap Clothes For A Day • Ladylike - Duration: 11:05.


بالحرف الواحد | نظرية الكوانتم ميكانيكا الكم - الحلقة (4) - Duration: 18:23.

For more infomation >> بالحرف الواحد | نظرية الكوانتم ميكانيكا الكم - الحلقة (4) - Duration: 18:23.


Women Try Tracee Ellis Ross's Size-Inclusive Clothing Line - Duration: 5:43.

- I'm sick as (beep), and I was happy in these clothes

and dancing around.

(upbeat music)

- Today we're gonna try some pieces

from Tracee Ellis Ross's line collab with JCPenney.

- Oh, we're so excited.

- I love Tracee because she is not afraid to try new colors,

new styles.

- She did not forget about any body type or size or height.

She really kind of designed for everyone.

- Tracee Ellis Ross, she's a friend.

She is a mom figure.

She is an icon.

- She's always dressed really, really well.

I love how she can go for like casual like cool mom

to like business woman, and she does it

like very seamlessly.

- This clothing line is a powerful example for black women

of like what they can do for themselves.

There's something that you want to see out in the world

like you can create it.

- When I was a little girl I'm thinking of clothing lines,

I couldn't name you one that was like a woman of color

or that extended to like all the sizes.

And now that there are little girls that can refer

to Tracee Ellis Ross and like in a main store

that's all across America too is insane to me.

- I'm really excited to try these clothes on.

I can't wait.

- Yeah, let's go get these looks.

- Yes.

- I love this outfit personally.

This is chill.

As a plus size woman, they're like don't make things

look baggy on you, and this is like so overly baggy

that it's like a look.

I would be avant-garde as fuck with my makeup.

Put on a barret and live my life.

- I decided to go with the sequence top because I thought

that it would like fit me better.

And I feel like this is a very

like Tracee Ellis Ross outfit.

- I agree.

It's like you're here to party,

but I can get business on you.

- Yes, I can talk about mergers and acquisitions.

Yes, I can.

- Comfy.

- How cute.

- Yes.

- I feel so adult right now

like matching head-to-toe, same print.

Like oh yes, I am glamorous.

I go to sleep with my life put together.

Who cares if I had cereal for dinner?

- The first thing that caught my eye were these sparkles.

- Is this giving me disco vibes?

Like a feel like a disco ball.

- Yes, I think it's really cool how we have two different

kind of vibes going on.

Like I have my little TER, Tracee Ellis Ross, pumps on.

I have on the dress, and then you have like more

of a cas-like hipster look.

- I like it.

It's super fun.

I wouldn't typically wear this.

I feel like it's very form fitting.

I feel like my butt is a little smooshed,

and I'm not wearing --

- I think you're tripping.

I think your ass looks great.

- Thank you.

- I think I do like it.

I think my ass, duh, looks great.

I really love how long it is.

I've never had a body kind of dress that does that.

It's a little like obviously we need to get over

that it's tight to our bodies, whatever.

If it's there, you're meant to see it so I'm feeling it.

- It's so long, but I love that you're taller, and you get

like a little bit of lag.

- But see to me, yours is like a fashionable long.

Like 'cause usually dresses would like stop

a little bit higher if they're long on you,

or they go extremely long on you.

Like it's just enough of your shoe.

- What a fun design.

- I love the color so I think I would wear this ensemble.

I would belt it with a white belt,

and I'd wear some really nice heels.

- This is like such a great like power, work dress.

It's very put together.

It's a fun design, but also like great with sandals

on vacation, going out to dinner.

It's so versatile which I think is fantastic.

- And fluid.

- Yeah.

Switch up the shoe.

You got it.

Like I should be wearing this on Easter to church

with the fam.

Like this is like perfect dress all around.

- I feel like the most stylish person on Capitol Hill.

- I am really into the fact that you can wear the blazer

without a tank top underneath.

I feel like that's awesome.

I feel very in control of my sex and my sexuality.

I also would say I'm pleasantly surprised

by the shoulder pads.

I do a lot of thrifting, and I see a lot of shoulder pads

from the 80s.

And they're very like usually like they take

over the entire outfit.

- It's like --


- Yeah, it's like look at me.

I'm power business.

Don't (beep) with me in this boardroom.

But this is more tailored to my waist so I feel

like I'm still giving off don't (beep) with me

in the boardroom.

Don't interrupt me in the boardroom, but I also look sexy.

- We did it.

- Yeah, we did, and it was such a blast.

- Yes, I am thoroughly pleased with both of the outfits

that we tried on.

I think my favorite was the gold dress.

- My favorite was actually the one I was most scared

of which is this suit.

I just love the way the pants fit, and I never wear pants.

But I'm like I think I need to run out and get some pants.

- Yeah, they're an excellent wide leg.

- I feel great.

Everything was so good.

Everything like fit exactly how I wanted it to,

and I felt super like powerful in it.

- I felt very fashionable, yet I feel like I could,

I could go out and like have drinks with people.

But I could like go to the office.

Like I felt like it was a versatile.

- I actually am someone who usually shies away from prints

and patterns, but like I really love these patterns.

I don't know.

You can't help but like smile when you see them.

- I know when Tracee's gonna do something,

she's gonna do it right.

And her personality and what she represents is

that of inclusiveness.

So I just knew that this was going

to be a perfect fit for everybody.

(light jazz music)

For more infomation >> Women Try Tracee Ellis Ross's Size-Inclusive Clothing Line - Duration: 5:43.


Japanese-Jewish Restaurant Blends Cuisines || Eat Seeker - Duration: 6:14.

- We went to Japan and ate a lot of food together,

and I think that kind of clicked in his head

that he wants to do something with me.

We came back and then he was like,

"I wanna open a restaurant with you,"

and I was like, "Really?" (laughter)


We didn't want it to be just Jewish or just Japanese,

so we kind of decided just put it together.

- Make it a collaboration.

- Yeah.

(upbeat music)

(customers mumbling)

I grew up eating Japanese food,

so my flavor probably comes with all the Japanese food

that my mom used to make for me.

- Having grown up in New York in a Jewish family,

I ate a lot of Jewish food.

A lot of corned beef, pastrami, lox, rye bread.

We were dating, and we were just cooking for each other.

- And we kind of started to realize

there's a lot of ingredients that crosses

and flavors also were kinda...

This works.

(jazzy music)

- I probably knew more about Japanese food

than Sawa knew about Jewish food, but when we first opened,

there were some key ideas that we had

that we thought would fit well.

Japanese people love cured salmon and so do Jewish people,

and so we sorta did our take on chirashi,

raw fish over rice, cured it more like a Jewish-style lox,

and then garnished it with some things that are Japanese

and then some things that are more Jewish, like capers.

It adds a little texture;

it's not something you would see in Japanese food.

(instrumental folk music)

And then also challah is a traditional Jewish bread and then--

- Yeah, I've seen it somewhere

and then like, oh, why can't we just add

this sake kasu into the challah dough

and bake it.

It's a sake lees, you know, leftover, when you strain sake.

It has such a good sake aroma to it,

and it makes the bread smells like nice and sweet

when it's baked.

(instrumental hip-hop music)

I grew up in Hiroshima,

so Hiroshima okonomiyaki is the Japanese pancake.

And there's so many styles that you could get,

but all version is cabbage, bean sprouts, onion,

and mix it in the batter.

And we top it with the sauce, okonomi sauce,

that we make own and it could be mayo or sauerkraut

and pastrami and our nori and bonito flakes.

- [Aaron] I don't think anybody would top it with pastrami

and sauerkraut in Japan. - Probably not.

- Because it literally means how you like it,

we're like, well this is how we would do it.

(upbeat music)

- [Sawa] Before I met Aaron,

I think I had matzo balls maybe twice,

but he served me one, and it was delicious.

- I always really liked, when I was a kid,

to have as much noodle, in my mom's matzo ball soup,

as possible.

So, we started thinking, well,

what kind of noodle would be good for the soup?

It's more or less like my mom's recipe,

but we've adapted it a little bit.

Like my mom would never put a giant piece of kombu

in her chicken soup, but we do here.

I think a lot of people grew up with their own stories

that they wanna tell through their food

and through their restaurants.

It could be that one parent was from this country,

another parent was from that country,

or they were born somewhere and then moved to New York

and lived in a neighborhood that was full of some people

who were from some other completely different culture

and that influences them, but I think that people,

when they start telling their own story,

it's not so clean-cut.

- And you are what you eat, right?

I mean, you put food in your body and that's your...

Like makes you, so.

- We pulled an old guidebook from New York from 1983,

and it listed that their was a restaurant

called Shalom Japan.

It's kosher and they serve sushi and matzo ball soup,

and then someone gets up on stage

and tells campy Jewish-Japanese jokes.

And then we laughed and we were like, "Ah,

if we ever open a restaurant,

we should call it Shalom Japan."

- Yeah, I think [the] name stuck.

- [Aaron] There's sort of an homage to the old place.

We thought, also, like it was a representative

of sort of who we were.

I think a lot of people come in with skepticism.

I mean, we are in Williamsburg,

so I think people think that there's an irony to what we do,

but we try to be pretty genuine.

- Food has to be good, you know, that's the bottom line.

And we want to eat it pretty much every day, you know?

We want to make sure everybody enjoys the food.

And when we hear the people were like, we weren't sure,

but we came and then it was really good,

that's like the answer we love to hear.

- Yeah.

(instrumental music)

For more infomation >> Japanese-Jewish Restaurant Blends Cuisines || Eat Seeker - Duration: 6:14.


Overwatch League Preseason Highlights - Choose your style | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 15:34.

Hello guys and welcome to the Dojo!

Oh no!

Another voice!

Yes, guys, it is me!


And today we are going to recap all the matches that happened during the Overwatch Leauge's


Through the feedback we got from the survey's you guys filled out, it seems esports is something

you want us to dive into.

So I have taken the liberty, and got the green light from Alien, into making this Highlight

Sample Vid.

What that means is that I will cover each day of the Pre-Season differently so you guys

can tell us which one you would prefer to see, we are eager to hear your feedback.

I'll explain each category later but for now, sit back and relax, because we are going to

cover a lot of juicy games.

Day 1 of the Pre-season started out with the Florida Mayhem facing off against the San

Francisco Shock.

It was an easy series for Shock as they were able to defeat Mayhem 3-1

The second match-up was the Los Angeles Valiant against the San Francisco Shock.

San Fran was back to the stage again but Los Angeles was able to take Shock to a 5th game

and win the series 3-2.

The final match of Day 1 was Seoul Dynasty versus the Shanghai Dragons.

Seoul was able to slay the Dragons in a clean 4-0 Sweep.

Day 2 started off with the Los Angeles Gladiators fighting the London Spitfire.

The Gladiators are able to win in Junkertown but then fall to the Spitfire at Horizon Lunar

Colony and Illios.

However Los Angeles rally and defeat London at Numbani to take it to a 5th game.

at Lijiang the Los Angeles Gladiators will defeat the London Spitfire 3-2

The next fight was Dallas Fuel in a shootout with the Houston Outlaws.

Houston is quick to the draw and wins at Dorado.

This lose gets Dallas fired up and they conquer Anubus and Oasis.

But the Outlaws are not finished yet and tie up the series at Eichenwald forcing a game


Dallas Fuel burns through the Houston Outlaws at Lijiang to win the series 3-2.

The final match-up for Day 2 was New York Excelsior and Boston Uprising.

New York handly takes over Dorado and Anubis from Boston.

But the Uprising beat Excelsior at Oasis to get a fighting chance.

However, that will not be enough as the New York Excelsior finish the Boston Uprising

at Eichenwalde to win the series 3-1.

Day 3 brought San Francisco Shock and London Spitfire as the first match.

Shock took to Attack first on Dorado and was able to make it just down the hill from the

last point.

Spitfire was able to make it through San Fran's defenses to win the first map taking the lead

in the series 1-0.

At Anubis London is on the Defense and lose both points to Shock in overtime.

Spitfire responds by skillfully taking both points from San Francisco and leaving time

on the clock.

On London's second attempt they are able to get the first tick on point one to win the

map taking the series 2-0.

The teams travel to Oasis where Spitfire is able to shut-out Shock and take the series

to 3-0.

The final map is at Eichenwalde where San Fran is able to push the cart deep into the

castle but London's resolve was strong, holding Shock to just two checkpoints.

London Spitfire was able to once again best San Francisco Shock and win the series 4-0.

The second fight of the day was Seoul Dynasty fighting the Houston Outlaws.

Seoul starts off on Attack in Junkertown and were able to roll the payload all the way

to the end.

Houston does their best to make it to the end but Dynasty stops them on the trial and

took the lead in the series 1-0.

Houston stands their ground at Horizon Lunar Colony and prevents Seoul from taking the

second point.

The Outlaws wrestle the first point away from Dynasty in overtime and then with renewed

vigor, Houston takes the second point, tieing up the series 1-1.

Seoul takes over Illios sweeping the map and taking the lead in the series 2-1.

Numbani turns into a good old showdown.

Both teams are able to push the payload to all three checkpoints but the Outlaws have

some time saved up from their run and get a chance to tie up the series.

Unfortunately for Houston, Dynasty was ready for them and prevented Houston from getting

one tick on the payload.

Drawing the game, Seoul Dynasty wins the series over the Houston Outlaws 2-1.

The final fight for Day 3 was the Shanghai Dragons against the Boston Uprising.

The series begins in Junkertown where Shanghai pushes the payload past the second checkpoint

but fail to reach the third.

Boston rises up and pushes the payload to all three points gaining them the lead in

the series 1-0.

The Dragons swiftly retaliate by taking both points on Horizon Lunar Colony and fiercely

defend the first point from Uprising tieing the series 1-1.

At Illios Boston tried to fight back to gain the lead but Shanghai beat them out, taking

the lead 2-1.

Uprising was not down for long, when the teams set foot on Numbani Boston prevented the Dragons

from getting one tick on the point.

Boston went on to capture the point and tie up the series 2-2 forcing a game 5.

When the fires were put out at Lijiang, the Boston Uprising was seen walking away from

the slain Shanghai Dragons winning the series 3-2.

Day 4 began with the Los Angeles Valiant fighting their in-town rival the Los Angeles Gladiators.

This was the match-up of two clutch powerhouse teams.

With their big win over the San Francisco Shock, Valiant is ready to win another game

to round out their Pre-Season Resume.

The Gladiators came into this series with an upset win over the London Spitfire, now

they are ready to get some bragging rights over their in-town rivals.

The series starts at Dorado with the Gladiators defending against the Valiant.

The Gladiators put up a solid defense but they were wiped by Valiant losing the first

point in the final seconds.

Soon flanks the Gladiators and Pulse Bombs Hydration to start the snowball that takes

out the Gladiators, getting Valiant the second point.

The Gladiators were able to regroup and make a solid defense preventing the Valiant from

getting to the third point.

On the Gladiators push they are prevented from even making it to the first point.

The Valiant win the map taking the lead 1-0.

The teams travel to Anubis where the Valiant started on Attack hungry for another win.

Silkthread is able to get a couple of kills to help his team win the first point, gaining

momentum for the team.

The Gladiators hold to the best of their abilities but it is not enough as the Valiant will take

the second point with an aggressive push.

The Gladiators get ready for battle and after a long fight on the first point, they are

once again denied capturing the point due to the Valiants steadfast defense, increasing

their lead in the series 2-0.

The next location in the series was Oasis where the Gladiators looked to start their

redemption at Universtiy.

The Valiant fight fiercely but the Gladiators are the ones who claim the point first.

The teams flip the point back and forth forcing a 99-99 Overtime, where the Gladiators are

able to wipe Valient and claim the first point of the map.

Next, the teams travel to Gardens where Valiant looks to tie up the map.

Valient was able to handly claim the point first pushing the Gladiators off the point.

The Gladiators are able to flip the point to get them some nice percentage but the Valient

are not done yet and flip the point again making another 99-99 Overtime situation.

The Gladiators are able to win the map thanks to Surefour and Asher's efforts, getting them

a point on the board for the series 2-1.

The next map the series is Eichenwalde where the Gladiators look to tie up the series taking

it to a 5th game.

Valiant is on the Attack looking to end the series with another win.

The Gladiators hold the point well but are overwhelmed by the dive effort of the Valiant

resulting in the capture of the payload.

Pushing the cart in Overtime the Valiant are able to take out the Gladiators gaining the

first point.

The Gladiators force another Overtime push and are able to stop the Valiant just inside

the door of the castle.

The Valiant set up for defense on the capture point.

After a tactful dive lead by BigGoose, the Gladiators are able to claim the capture point

with ease.

The Valiant make some character changes and are able to take the wind out of the Gladiator's

sails preventing them from getting to the bridge.

The Los Angeles Valiant win the series over the Los Angeles Gladiators 3-1.

The second match was the Florida Mayhem against the Dallas Fuel.

Mayhem is entering this series with a loss to Shock and look to redeem themselves here.

Fuel comes in with shootout victory over their in-state rivals, Houston, and look to keep

the flame burning hot.

The series starts at Junkertown with Florida on Attack ready to roll the Dallas Defense.

Mayhem is able to spread the Fuel defense thin to reach the first point.

Florida continues the smooth movement of the payload and easily take the second point on

the trial.

Dallas does their best to stall the payload but they can not stop the mayhem created by

Florida and fail to prevent them from capping the third point.

Dallas' push is skillfully shut down by Flordia preventing them from capturing the first point

and Mayhem takes the lead 1-0.

At Horizon Lunar Colony, Dallas sets up their defense but with a TVIQ EMP, the point is

quickly taken by Florida.

The second point is not so easily gained as Effect is able to hold of Mayhem from capturing

the point.

Fuel is able to Dive onto the first point and wipe out Mayhem to claim it for themselves.

Point two comes down to an intense battle where Seagul is able to get enough damage

out to help his team secure the point tieing up the series 1-1.

The teams go to Illios where they start off at Lighthouse.

Dallas is able to capture the point first and prevents Florida from getting anything

from the point.

At Well Mayhem is able to shut out Fuel from the point and take it first.

Dallas is able to flip the point as Florida gets the percentage up to 99 but Mayhem does

come back to flip the point in their favor to tie up the map.

In the Ruins Fuel is able to capture the point first but Mayhem is able to quickly flip the

point back into their possession.

After a brutal team fight, Dallas is able to take back the point but only for a bit

as Florida comes back to the point.

The game of hot potato continues as Fuel takes the point back for the last time winning the

map, taking the lead in the series 2-1.

In Numbani Florida prepares to Attack the defenses of Dallas to try and tie the series.

Unfortunately even with all of their Mayhemic might Florida was not able to break the Fuel

defense, not even able to get a single tick.

After several prolonged fights, Dallas is able to get the one tick they needed to win

the series 3-1.

The final match of the Pre-season was Seoul Dynasty fighting against the New York Excelsior.

Seoul started their dynasty for the Pre-Season with series wins over Shanghai and Houston,

they look to continue the streak here in this series.

New York, comes in with a win over Boston and are ready to dethrone the Dynasty.

The match starts at Junker Town with New York out on Defense readying for whatever Seoul

will throw at them.

Dynasty surprises Excelsior with Ryujehong's Mei which helps Seoul capture the first point.

Dynasty continues to roll through Excelsior to gain the second point.

New York regroups and are able to hold of Seoul from getting the third point.

Excelsior's Attack was successful to push all the way to the first point and New York

easily roll along and claim the second point.

The battle for the third point is fierce, Seoul throwing everything they can but fail

to prevent New York from winning the map and taking the lead in the series 1-0.

On Lunar Colony Seoul is able to quickly cap both points before New York could blink.

On New York's attack phase, they conquer the first point with ease.

The second point doesn't come as easily, as Dynasty puts up an aggressive defense and

is able to hold off the Excelsior to tie up the series 1-1.

The third map of this series was Illios starting on Ruins.

Seoul gets the first cap and Fleta is able to keep New York off of the point to win the

first round of Illios.

The second location is Well and Excelsior skillfully caps the point first.

After a hard team fight Dynasty is able to flip the point to get some percentage on the


New York responds and flips the point back into their favor.

After fighting off Seoul in an Overtime situation Excelsior is able to tie the match.

The final location is Lighthouse and Dynasty takes over the point first.

After a couple of intense team fights New York gets the point to put up some numbers


Seoul dives in and uses their Ult Cash to claim the final point.

Winning the match pulling ahead in the series 2-1.

The fourth map was Numbani, Dynasty starting on Attack and New York on Defense.

Seoul quickly captures the cart and are able to speedily push the payload to the end.

Fleta again is able to hold the point with an Overtime Attack Visor and wins the final

map for Seoul Dynasty 3-1.

Well, that was a lot of stuff to cover!

The Pre-season did give us a good look at what the Inaugural season will have to offer


So let me define what the four types of highlights you saw but before I do that I am sure you

guys want to know my credentials.

Let's see, I got them here somewhere......ah here they are.

I got a degree here in Digital Media Productions with a concentration in Live and Studio Production.

A couple of Universty Athletic pay stubs for shooting highlights in Track and Field, Golf,

Wrestling, Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer/Football, American Football, Baseball, and Softball.

Also got another pay stub here for some work at a Sports Production house doing a couple

of ESPN College Football games.

Bottom line is that I know sports and have worked in it for several years.

I can't play the game but I can cover it fairly well.

Now that I gave you my credentials, let's talk about the choices of Highlights.

I can literally just tell you guys the score, like on Day 1, as kind of quick video.

I can make those in a matter of minutes and get them up shortly after the matches.

Day 2 gives you a bit more info about maps and who wins there.

These take a bit longer but can still be done in less than an hour.

Day 3 gives more detail and will take ruffly an hour or two to make for each series.

Day 4 is a lot of information, a very vague play-by-play type of vid.

I had to either write it as I was watching or re-watch what was done and the editing

will take 4-5 hours per series.

So there are the types, a survey is available for you guys to fill and tell us which one

would suit your needs better or if we should do them all.

As always, if you like what we are doing, please like, subscribe and share this video

with others who might be interested and we will see you guys in the next one.

For more infomation >> Overwatch League Preseason Highlights - Choose your style | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 15:34.


The Sun Is Going to Die, This Is What Happens Next - Duration: 1:51.

The Sun is the most important star in our galaxy, and at some point, it's going to


When that happens, it'll turn into a red giant, getting so big it'll swallow Mars,

Mercury, and quite possibly vaporize our own planet.

Don't panic yet, we've got a billion years to prepare before the big red comes.

Stars have a life cycle just like us: they are born, they live, and then they die.During

their lives, stars need to have a strong core, one that can fuse hydrogen into helium to

make nuclear fusion.

Stars will work their cores for billions of years.

But eventually, they'll run out of hydrogen for their fusion process.

When that happens, the star can't hold up against gravity and its core will start to


The core will get smaller and denser, while its outer shell expands and cools, giving

a distinctive red hue.

The combination of "cooling" and "expanding" is where the name red giant comes from.

Red giants are YUGE, reaching sizes of 100 million to 1 billion kilometers in diameter,

or 62 million to 621 million miles.

That's nearly 1,000 times the size of the sun.

So when our sun turns into a red giant, life as we know it will cease to exist.

But there is an upside to this.

When stars morph into red giants, they change their habitable zone.

The habitable zone is a region with the right conditions for life.

So as the Sun gets larger and redder, it's warmth will extend to the outer reaches of

our solar system.

Making it possible for life to begin on a whole new planet.

For more infomation >> The Sun Is Going to Die, This Is What Happens Next - Duration: 1:51.


Learn Colors With Many Balls Bootle Colours For Kids 3D Balls - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Many Balls Bootle Colours For Kids 3D Balls - Duration: 11:40.


Tiffany Talks: For 2018, learn how to use the number 8 to be GREAT! - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Tiffany Talks: For 2018, learn how to use the number 8 to be GREAT! - Duration: 4:23.


Vildan explains their return - Elif Episode 638 | Season 4 Episode 78 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.

I'm listening, Vildan.

Why did you take Elif away from her relatives?

I had to.


Because I found out that they weren't taking good care of her, as I thought.



Oh, she's not here.

Is she in her room?

I'll just go there and check.

Reyhan will be shocked when she sees me!

I thought Elif was alright there.

In fact, I've been calling everyday.


things were different.

How is that?

Lately they have been having money troubles.

OK, they weren't wealthy people.

I knew that.

But... they were able to deal with everything.

I don't know what happened,

but their business got worse.

They couldn't take care of Elif, do you mean that?


They couldn't even serve a dinner.

There were days she went to bed hungry.

What are you saying, Vildan?

I'm sorry about this too, Mrs. Macide.

I couldn't take that anymore. I couldn't stand it.

I grabbed Elif and brought right her here.

That's horrible...

May God help them, too.

Making a living is hard.


And if there's a kid.

Mrs. Macide,

I didn't ask you first, but...

I just brought Elif here.

What else could I do?

My heart wouldn't rest otherwise.

I couldn't just leave her there.

But if you don't want-

I haven't heard this, Vildan. What does "not want" mean in this case?

I told you.

I really love Elif, since the first day I've seen her.

I know, Mrs. Macide.

Destiny hasn't been friendly with her.

She's away from her mom and dad.

You took care of her, thank God.

Supporting you is our duty now.

Thank you so much, Mrs. Macide.

We all love Elif.

She's always welcome at this mansion.

She loves you, too.

She told me how she missed you all the way here!

Glad to hear that.

For more infomation >> Vildan explains their return - Elif Episode 638 | Season 4 Episode 78 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.


How To Use Aloe Vera For Wrinkles - Treat Wrinkles at Home - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> How To Use Aloe Vera For Wrinkles - Treat Wrinkles at Home - Duration: 3:04.


CAMILA CABELLO - REAL FRIENDS - Cover by Robert Michael - Duration: 4:18.

No, I think I'll stay in tonight Skip the conversations and the "oh, I'm fine"s

No, I'm no stranger to surprise This paper town has let me down too many times

Why do I even try?

Give me a reason why I thought that I could trust you, never mind

Why all the switching sides?

Where do I draw the line?

I guess I'm too naive to read the signs

I'm just lookin' for some real friends All they ever do is let me down

Every time I let somebody in Then I find out what they're all about

I'm just lookin' for some real friends Wonder where they're all hidin' out

I'm just lookin' for some real friends Gotta get up out of this town

I stay up, talkin' to the moon Been feelin' so alone in every crowded room

Can't help but feel like something's wrong, yeah

'Cause the place I'm livin' in just doesn't feel like home

I'm just lookin' for some real friends All they ever do is let me down

Every time I let somebody in Then I find out what they're all about

I'm just lookin' for some real friends Wonder where they're all hidin' out

I'm just lookin' for some real friends Gotta get up out of this town

(Lookin' for some real friends)

I just wanna talk about nothin' With somebody that means something

Spell the names of all our dreams and demons For the times that I don't understand

Tell me what's the point of a moon like this When I'm alone again

Can I run away to somewhere beautiful Where nobody knows my name?

I'm just lookin' for some real friends All they ever do is let me down

Every time I let somebody in But I find out what they're all about

I'm just lookin' for some real friends All they ever do is let me down

I'm just lookin' for some real friends Gotta get up out of this town, yeah

For more infomation >> CAMILA CABELLO - REAL FRIENDS - Cover by Robert Michael - Duration: 4:18.


How to Make Money With Bitcoin in 2018-How to Make Money With Bitcoin 2018 | Bitcoin - Duration: 11:10.

hey how's it going Jeff here from Bitcoin millionaire and if

you are looking for the best way to make money with bitcoin in 2018 then stay

tuned alright so I'm over here at the computer and today what I want to talk

about is two ways that you can make money with bitcoin in 2018 and I'm gonna

show you what I'm doing but also in the description of this video I'll put a

couple of links that you can use - number one follow the journey that I'm

on and that is a link to my blog so if you go to

that'll be my blog but I also have a free training course that I

put together for you it's a four step training course that walks you step by

step by step through every part of what I'm doing. So I have this specific

strategy that I'm using and it is helping me to multiply my bitcoin and

get a one hundred forty percent return okay so if you want to know what that

strategy is you can check in the description of this video and get access

to my free course right now okay so what I want to talk about today is the first

strategy that you will see most people using okay so it's really not that hard

to do all you have to do is go to a Bitcoin or crypto currency exchange and

buy some bitcoins right so as you can see we're looking at a one-hour graph

but look let's look at a one-year graph okay so as you can see this time a year

ago Bitcoin was under $1,000 all right now it is currently trading for almost

fifteen thousand dollars okay so that's fifteen hundred percent more than what

it was trading for a year ago and as you can see Bitcoin has a habit of kind of

going up then going back down little than going up and going back down so it

has these little price Corrections along the way

and right now it's down because it was up at almost $20,000 per Bitcoin okay so

the first strategy that you can do and it has the most liquidity so it's going

to be the most beneficial to you is to buy Bitcoin and hold it until it goes up

okay now if you keep your Bitcoin like in your coin base wallet or somewhere

like that where you can easily sell it and turn it back into cash then you'll

have the most liquidity for your Bitcoin okay so like if I wanted to sell some

Bitcoin I have I can tell it I want to sell it from Bitcoin and deposit it into

my bank account for instance okay and then I can turn that Bitcoin that I

have back into cash all right so that is the first strategy that you can use is

just simply buy as much Bitcoin as you can afford to invest with and then just

hold it and until the price goes up and then sell it okay but that's that

strategy is kind of boring and it's not what most people are doing who are

becoming Bitcoin millionaires so let me show you what I'm actually doing okay so

as you can see I have almost $2,100 in Bitcoin right now and what I'll be doing

is buying Bitcoin packages with with my Bitcoin okay so there's this company

called USI Tech and again it's mentioned in my free course I'll show you exactly

what I'm doing with this strategy but let me give you an an idea of how this

kind of works is what happens is you buy these packages and they're about $60 a

piece in Bitcoin okay and then the package is run for a hundred and forty

day so you get an one hundred forty percent return on capital with a daily

payout okay so every single day your one percent return is deposited into your

wallet now this is not an exact 1% but it's an average okay so you get an

average of 1% so sometimes it can be lower sometimes it could be higher but

it's right around 1% okay but you get a total

140 percent return within a hundred and forty working days okay so it's super

super cool and so what I'm doing is I am buying these packages and then getting

the one percent return on them and like I said if you want to see the specific

strategy that I'm using then you can get my free course in the description of

this video all right but yeah for every package I'm getting a about a one

percent daily return and I'll just kind of show you that here for a second let's

see here if I go back to my dashboard and view so I've been waiting for this

Bitcoin to get into my account so I can buy more packages with it so now that

it's in there I'm going to be buying some more packages right after this

video but here's one that I've let run for 12 days and you can see I've got a

nine point seven percent return on these four packages here okay then I've got

this package and these twos I've let run for five days and I've gotten almost a

five percent return okay so this is how this is broken down if you look at the

daily payout so you can see that there are some days that it don't run so these

are 140 business days and it could be just a little longer depending on the

average daily return you get but you will get a total of 140 percent so it

could be 150 days could be 160 but the important thing here is that you are

getting a return on the Bitcoin okay so you can see here that my return is

coming in the form of Bitcoin which means that as the price of Bitcoin

increases so does my return okay the value of my return because I'm gonna get

this return on the Bitcoin that I'm buying these packages with so if I if I

bought packages with point zero one two five a Bitcoin then I'm going to get my

return based on that amount and not the dollar amount that it was valued at

whenever I bought the packages okay so hopefully that's clear and

understandable because like right now today this point zero zero

whatever Bitcoin let's see how much it's worth

okay it is worth a dollar 34 okay so let's say that Bitcoin goes up in value

let's say it goes up to 40 or $50,000 by the end of 2018 which is what I'm doing

I'm doing this long term I'm not day trading this Bitcoin or anything like

that I'm just buying packages with it and

letting those packages run okay I have a specific strategy that's earning me way

more on my on my Bitcoin investment as well so like I said this dollar 34 could

be worth $5 or $10 or whatever you know as the price of Bitcoin goes up so

that's what I'm doing is I'm stacking up these bitcoins and then when the price

raises then I'll have more more money than I have today okay so I'm trying to

get as much as possible and by getting a 140 percent return on my Bitcoin then

I'm able to stack those bitcoins and keep stacking them over and over and

over and like I said once you see my specific strategy that I'm using then

you'll be able to do the same thing if that's what you choose to do but this is

my Bitcoin millionaires Ernie so I'm sharing it with you guys I hope that

it's helpful to somebody I hope that it helps you to start your own Bitcoin

millionaire journey and really start becoming a Bitcoin millionaire because

this is the best opportunity that I've seen and I've been doing stuff you know

in the online marketing space for the past ten years so I'm not a Bitcoin

expert I'm learning more and more every single day I definitely don't know all

there is to know but I am always interested in learning more so if you

have a specific topic or video that you'd like me to do please feel free to

leave a comment let me know what that is because like I said I'm constantly

learning more every single day and maybe you'll suggest something that don't

already know about it'll give me a chance to learn and be

able to relay the information to you in the way that I understand it okay so

like I said if you want to join me on my Bitcoin millionaires Ernie and you want

to see the same exact strategy that I'm using go to the description this video

right now click on the link it'll take you over to my free bitcoin training

that's a four step training course I have laid out for you and you'll be able

to follow along step by step by step as I show you not only how to buy your

first Bitcoin but how to do everything else that you need to do to set yourself

up to start getting a one hundred forty percent return on your Bitcoin today

okay so that's all I have for this video if you want to really make money with

bitcoin in 2018 I highly suggest that you start putting your Bitcoin to work

for you start getting a one hundred forty percent return on the Bitcoin that

you are buying and that way you know when the price raises you'll have way

more Bitcoin and it'll be worth way more money okay so that is my strategy for

2018 if you want to make money with bitcoin in 2018 use the same exact

strategy that I'm using because there's no way that you can fail doing that

alright so that is it for this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe to

my channel so that you can follow along with my Bitcoin billionaire journey and

so that you can learn along with me and let's do this together okay let's learn

together let's build each other up let's become Bitcoin millionaires together

alright so hit that subscribe button turn your notifications on so you'll be

notified every time that I make a new video and I will see you in the next one

thank you so much

For more infomation >> How to Make Money With Bitcoin in 2018-How to Make Money With Bitcoin 2018 | Bitcoin - Duration: 11:10.


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For more infomation >> زهير فضال المغرب ضد عيسى ماندي الجزائر (اسف على الصوت بسبب الحقوق) مترجم لاعبي ريال بيتيس 1/2018 - Duration: 3:04.


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